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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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this is the guy who kicked the jews out of the british isles?
uhhh, I'm thinking based

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This is why I watch Japanese, Chinese and Korean media instead.
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There's only one real King Edward. Accept no substitutes.
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Meanwhile King Edward in Japan be like
Amazon prime isnt a teal tv station you know. Making these bullshit shows for outrage porn is their gimmick.
People sign up for the supposed free shipping
A Greek Icon of a British King. Huh. I guess that was kinda sorta before the schism.
Of course my Greek mom prays to St Anthony sometimes looming for stuff because her Catholic friends did.
and King Arthur be like
Thank you stupid kikes, normies will be more and more noticing that something suspicious is going on.
Idolaters just love worshiping idols bro. Look up St. Christopher the dog-headed saint for more goy nonsense
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Nobody will even know about it except the people that like being outraged about black people in tv shows
Im telling you nobody watches amazon prime and its literal reddit trannies and lesbians making the stuff just to.piss you off. Dont give them the reaction they want. Just ignore it.
> Black King

My fucking sides lol
It is still doing that shit lmao
>We wuz jew lynchers n sheeit
Niggers are going to see a black king who lynched jews, and then want to emulate that behavior. Jews just played themselves.
No they did shut it down in 1 day or 2.
Still funny.
shut the fuck up boomer, more roasties watch their mindless couchpotato shit on prime than "real" tv for years now
I don't carw what they tell you in school. King Edward was black.
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>grug go 2 4cave for keks
>see nightskinned grug waer headgear made of shiny rock
>grug now angry
4cave why do dis
What the fuck do you know memeflag?
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It's doesn't matter what the real king looked like.
Amazon knows for a fact that you, the goyslop consumer, will watch literally anything.
It'll be interesting to find out how much the chimp got payed to play the king.
I'm guessing less than $10k.
Sorry to ruin your views of Norman monarchs, but Edward I initially sided with the jews and accepted their bribe despite the English asking for them to be removed and offering 1/5th of all their moveable goods to make it so. The jews instead gave the King some of what they stole, and he let them stay.

It was the second time, when English rage was at rebellion level after jews were caught having ritually murdered an English child that the King removed the jews. He still demanded the English give him a large amount of their moveable goods as compensation though.
I don't care what they tell you in school. Hitler was black.
Gas the kikes, my nigga!
Wow turn that shit faggot negro fake black kings remove them
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What about the coin clipping?
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Checks out
Jeah, Jeah, Jeah, Jeah,


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Who tf is even the target for this shit?
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All British royalty was black.
lmao well deserved
Someone got York and New York mixed up
Is that old nigress thir most reliable source on the matter?
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You know, maybe lobotomizing AI isn't so bad after all.
My brain dead boomer mother watches this shit and thinks it's "interesting"
Why couldn't it have been an Asian or Hispanic? Oh wait blacks give the most DEI points...
Mainly kids, sooner or later you will have a new generation tricked into believing that niggers were an integral part of society and it's foundations and that they were "always there".
This is the goal. In a couple decades you'll look up any historic figure and you'll get results back that show a nigger in the role. It'll be from some streaming show slop or an AI image and won't be true in the slightest, but by that point people will have been fed so much bullshit they'll believe it. How many normies are going to remember more than the first thing they saw about King Edward? They'll remember they saw a Google image of him being a nigger so he must have been. Propaganda and brainwashing at work. It's funny that we have to gaslight the population into believing that niggers are functional, capable creatures and not stone age savages like in reality.
nobody watches this stuff, lmao
just like nigger star wars and nigger lord of the rings
Wrong Edward. He's playing Edward VI
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Nigger. Wog. Coon. Spook.
funny that we live in a world where Fate is more historically authentic than most historical fiction in the west
England chose this future can hardly feel sorry for them
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>edward VIII- there can be only One

Verily indeed, your Lordship
who won WWII? it for sure wasn't the americans, russians or british

Royalty is peak nigger. Big nigger houses. Lots of bling jewellery. Parades with fancy outfits. Flash cars.
>In a couple decades
what if it was already this way all along
I remember being a kid at school in about 2011 suddenly realising during a history lesson that there was nothing stopping The Powers That Be from race-swapping historical figures and turning them into niggers. As I said this was in 2011 before 2010s wokeness was really a thing, yet the thought unsettled me anyway. But I also thought there was surely no way they would realistically do it. Thirteen years later and here we are.
Some Afrocentrist actually do believe all of Europe was blacks until White cave men buckbroke them all
Its just called Inflation today
This will never happen as long as old books exist.
I'm starting to think we have already been taken over by the ayliums and they are in the process of undermining all reality. I mean in some ways it's the only logical explanation for what we have been witnessing exponentially over the last few decades. What with 9/11, the great tranification, inversion of everything holy, AI being injected into every nook and cranny, politicians and celebrities being swapped out, covid, thr death darts, chemtrails, strange shifts to the seasons and climate, let alone orbs and space vehicles being seen by countless people across the planet. It is easy to say, ughh it's the jews or it's the CIA, but even they couldn't pull it off at this scale. Nah, I think at this point we are in a post-disclosure world for anyone that is willing to see, because the only other options are this is a simulation, we are already dead or this is nothing but a dream. Of course there is nothing preventing all options being simultaneously true. One thing is for certain, we aren't in Kansas anymore.
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>turning the most based English King into a nigger

You just know the jews did this
They'll just burn all the old books Fahrenheit 451 style
The weirdness increased exponentially in the past 4
that was my initial thinking but then I remembered
>exponential curve
maybe 9/11 was the first Salvo. who knows
Generation Alpha will never read them. Zoomers and Alpha grew up in the new post racial world which has no tangible link to the past. They won't have any interest in it as it will be completely unrelatable. To them History will begin when Immigration began.
Ah and now I see why the jews hate him so much
The people doing that shit have names.
Why is British media infinitely more pozzed than ours despite them have them having less jews?
I think there's a few reasons. The first and foremost is that Britain is a nanny state, so the few jews that they do have, have infinitely more power because the state has way more power over there. America is also a much, much bigger land mass with a much more diverse group of people and opinions. In Britain, there is way more "group think" because it is a smaller more homogenous country racially and politically. When you combine the power of the state with the group-think preference, you have a recipe for this faggotry.
At least they are not speaking german, chud.
Only arabic.
Who watches this shit tho?
get fucked bongs, you deserve it because you allow it
This. Inflation is just an advanced form of coin clipping
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and Yoruba
Lol. Gotta admire their hubris a bit.
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Based Lucybro.
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Makes sense why they want to make us a Nanny state as well. I was gonna say "could you imagine the outrage if someone made George Washington black" but I realized they already did that in Hamilton. We're just as bad.
Projared lookin ass
yea das RITE muFUCKA. takin back my CROWN. our crown lil FUCKASS niggeh
This is White Genocide.

The word Diversity is only and always used against any group or body which is viewed as "too White."

They cannot even abide historical dramas or even Fantasy worlds in which there is a 100% White group.

It just comes down to hatred of Whites. They hate White people and hate the idea of something that is 100% White. They want less White and eventually zero White.

Once you realize that it starts to make sense.
Someone should make the holocaust jews black
>surrenders his crown and abandons his duty and dooms Britain and the world so he can marry a divorced American whore
They do this because there is no violence against them.
We Wuz Kangz
That shits full of japs and chinks though
futa queen gf at home:
-ack! yourself with niggerflag
Fairly Tail 2 look good
All black niggers are black… nigger.
If you're gonna do it at least give me historical revisionism like this.
It's not even an anti-black disgust you could have put an Asian man or woman in there and I'd want to spit on it as much.
I fucking hate globalism.
I hate the Anti-Christ.
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ive fucking had it
we need skin tone checks at the borders
if youre darker than a lidl chicken you go back to france in a dinghy
censor all jewish slop, go full north korea
as always, England prevails
Now THAT is an Annunaki, from Genesis.
The children of the angels.
See that " dinosaur" makes more sense.
And in the book of Enoch it says God wiped them out with a flood.
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They don't want us to know our TRUE history...
Dinosaurs had big tits and had sex with human men
>King Edward
Which one?
he was german
they're making all german blood appear as niggers in british tv
That's Saint Edward the confessor not Edward I.
St. Edward was the last anglo saxon king.
Edward I is a plantagenet king and is not recognized as a saint.
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>we wuz kangz
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>grug like slug
>slug find cave one funny thing five years ago
>slug cave every day
>now slug racist, no more laugh
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"my grandmami told me, 'girl, you be bugging if you listen to dat dem school history people. King Edward of England was always black. Don't you forget it.'"
If they can change history like this Im starting to think jesus was actually blue eyed with golden hair
IT’S TIME /pol/!
We need your unwashed asses as Kwame Nkrumah in the lowest budget film since Bum Fights!
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THIS is what your textbooks dont want you to know
It's a humiliation ritual for the goyim
This is what all those men died for in WW1 and WW2, and it's what you'll be dying for if you comply with a draft.
Kang Edward now.
Damn, your YT guy looks just like Art Garfunkel in Bad Timing lol
King Nword
it's your duty as a Caucasian to review bomb this show
Isn't European history each country thinking they're the "real" Jews and fighting each other in senseless bloodshed for thousands of years?
In reality none of them had a drop of Jewish blood.
Don't worry. This is probably the Edward that gets buck broken by way of hot poker up the arse.
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South Korean movies are awesome
The people at the top are psychopaths.
Psychopaths are mentally ill and love chaos. People mistakenly think there is some logical reason for their decisions.
They're just insane
why dont we just make a martin luther king movie with a white guy playing MLK?

Look at that Big Beautiful Kang.

Don't you just wanna suck his cock?

Do you idiots not understand the concept of HISTORICAL FICTION?
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>Nigger doesn't care about actual learning or facts
Shocking stuff

oh good, another show nobody will watch
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Poor Gemini, she's just doing what they tell her to do.
Why were coins the size of dinner plates back then?
British Orthodox are such nuts. What a bizarre larp.
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Everything made by Amazon Studios is jewish vomit.
If it gets you to see the character and not his beauty, that's a win.
Is it cannon that she has a cock? (I hope so)
Can we just kill all the motherfucking niggers already?
Anyone who spends their money on amazon needs to be gassed.
>History's most tragic heroines but reimagined with an uplifting twist: the damsel in distress saves herself - and then the kingdom.
This is the description of the show, what else could you possibly expect.
Is that the gay king who had a red hot poker shoved up his ass?
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Same energy
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I look like this..
That movie was dope tho
>Can we just kill all the motherfucking niggers already?

We are rapidly approaching the day we will be WROL. Soon.
Show face
Mainly this, so much of your conception or better said misconceptions is due to how they're portraid in media/entertainment. The next generation will have grown up with a nigger Ariel, European nobility being 50/50 niggers, fags being everywhere. That's why they hammer so much on this in these tv shows, they don't care about the money that much, that's just an added bonus if it does well, plus a show making money means the message has spread far and wide.
>I remember being a kid at school in about 2011 suddenly realising during a history lesson that there was nothing stopping The Powers That Be from race-swapping historical figures and turning them into niggers.
I'm pretty shure that was already happening in textbooks by then. By drawing niggers into settings they didn't belong in.
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The kangz of dei.
do you really expect to crack open a 15th century books and see the line
>On Thursday, King Edward IV, (who is White, by the way, just thought I'd add that to head off any future historical revisionism, even though I've only heard of Moors once from a visiting Portuguese merchant) went on a hunting trip in Sussex...
>This will never happen as long as old books exist.
Nigger they're revising books as we speak. plus 99% of people won't buy some super old copy of a book. So it doesn't matter if you know it isn't true, it matters that almost all people will believe it. I bet if you show a zoomer a picture of Paris or NYC in 1900 hell even 1950's a lot of them won't believe how white those places were not even that long ago.
You hit a very good point, people often don't described things that were obvious to them. Why describe somebody as white, when that was so fucking obvious that it wasn't worth spilling ink on the paper about it. So now you have faggots saying that since it wasn't explicitly stated, it's fair game.
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>Year 310 of anglos bastardizing European culture
at least this time they're ruining their own culture
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This is why you should always pirate everything and never allow these (((entertainment industry))) cucks to gain even a single shekel..
Norman genocide when?
Without them, jews are powerless.
It's what we get for turning our backs on God.
It started in the 1960s when people in the Caribbean realized independence wasn't such a great idea and began flooding into Canada and Britain.
Amazon and their yid masters seek to humiliate Britain and her people. We are still only in the beginning.
Jews have been running London for much, much longer.
It starts off as "outrage porn" until they start trying to pass it off as historically accurate. That is the ultimate goal with all of this. They are trying to erase White people and their culture.
Or Masada. Masada with an all black cast for the jews and arabs playing the Romans.
i can see he relation
post proof faggot
He squeezed them dry first. Then permanently expelled them and took all their estate. Sounds like some gay Anglo larp or perhaps you're Scottish.
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>sided with the jews
he spent his reign bouncing between creditors and playing them off one another to keep on top of usurious interest rates. fortunately for him, his ventures were successful and he was able to die solvent (so he didn't pass on massive debts to his heirs).
did you know it was standard practice for moneylenders to royalty to hold a cousin or two hostage in holland or italy or wherever their banking family called home?

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