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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Humour thread
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post Smuggies

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stop posting this shit on humour threads nigger
Report all humor threads that aren't humorous. These are glowie mind altering programs meant to instill the thought that death, destruction, torture ans violence are funny, fucking you up psychologically with the intention of getting you to start taking psych meds and voting democrat.
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Fuggin got me
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Ha, archiBALD
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cats can't swim
what a stupid video
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Omega kek.
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I present to you, the search for modern love.
extremely based business model
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WTF is this faggot shit?
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KEK. I was skeptical at first, but it got better as it progressed. Fucking lulz.
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>cats can't swim
they swim very well but hate it. well, except Van cats, who seem notto hate it quite so much as your average tabby.
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>meme flag
>bait webm name
whatcha doing rabbi?
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lmao look at this seething ass mutt, don't you have some "presidential debate" to watch where the jews decide which diaper wearing zog clown gets to be your king for the next 4 years?
Wow. AMAZING movie. This is quality work
gas in the ass hehe
Someone put this through ai animator
>Gifted athletes
>Postal workers
>Family Friends
>Enraged Driver
>Raging woman
>Adult Customer
>Teen Squatters
>Gang members
>Trouble makers
>Spring breakers
>Amazon worker
>Bus passengers
>Aspiring rappers
>Hide and seeker
>Subway dancers
>Street performer
>House inspector
>California Father
>Shadowy figures
>Irate Moviegoers
>Would-be thieves
>Repeat offenders
>Heartless thieves
>Lifelong criminals
>Funeral mourners
>Unhinged patients
>Restaurant patron
>Larger aggressors
>Unhinged stranger
>Gifted school boys
>Shirtless attackers
>Shirtless strangers
>Masked assailants
>Would-be muggers
>Lunchtime rowdies
>Cold-hearted teens
>Persons of interest
>Classroom rowdies
>Squatting Suspects
>Wendy’s customers
>Belligerent stranger
>Former NFL players
>McDonalds Whacko
>Black Friday crowds
>High school student
>Community activists
>Knife Wielding Sicko
>Troubled young men
>Urban demographics
>Niggas (Black people) <---
>Spring break partiers
>Scholarship recipient
>Casual cigarette killer
>Neighborhood bullies
>Misogynistic maniacs
>Knife Wielding Maniac
>Balaclava Clad Creeps
>Fringe Political Candidate
>Boy holding gardening tool
>Purple Shoe Wearing Bandit
>Gifted and Talented Students
>Youths from deprived suburbs
>Hitman, 16
>Man Who Pointed Gun at an Officer
>Military guys
>Ski mask-clad teens
I heard she got a check from CrimeStoppers
What a feminist faggot
i relaxed then pooped
Better than 100% of the shit Jewlywood put out in the past 10 years.
The Fast & Furious 12
What's sad and hilarious is I've seen about half of these in news stories posted here so know they're real. These times must be recorded in history, it's too clownish.
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He big af *drools*
Sir its a bot
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I know, I reply to robots so they cann see my superior humanity humiliating them
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JFC, we've seen these a million times. Get new material.
why do you have this on your HDD, Pierre? Also what do you think of Melenchon's chances in the upcoming elections?
Based and antitechnocracypilled
looks like Vin Diesel drinkin straight up DIESEL out the tap, nigger
nothin gay about it
it is oinda hot tho
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humor” threads. Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.
Because it's hilarious.
Mélenchon isn't a candidate.
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Who tf uses those anymore?

>thirdie flag
Oh, as I was.
>white racist hands typed this post
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>Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humor” threads. Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.
Its still used quite often, I guess you only use SSD.
they are inexpensive. You can shuck low-cost ones for extra storage space and combine them with SSDs for acceptable performance
>just pay unnecessary costs for wasted performance bro!
If you are this kind of Amerilard, you don't deserve to complain about inflation.
Jared Taylor says it would have been cheaper for the plantations to hire Irish seasonal workers instead of housing and feeding slaves all year.
I'd love to see the numbers on that properly crunched.
Thank you for your service, Canuck.
Holy shit that sure got me
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You're a fucking retarded Jew
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The equivalent to female cheating is a man leaving her with the children.
No wonder jap birthrates are through the floor
You're late, leaf
Lurk moar nufag
>bro what happened to you
>I was attacked by GREEN NIGGERS on the subway
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said the tuga, you know you guys are just arabs rebranded right?
got me.
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Impressive, very nice thread so far.
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He's out of prison???
>"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
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What do you call a cremated Indian? Curry Powder
Replace this with fat chicks for accuracy blud
He's married to all five. What's the problem?
The new Too Fast, too zesty movie looks good!
I can smell the pixels
what country are you from? yes I see your flag I just don't know what it is, because it doesn't actually matter. interesting how that works
Do Americans really?
>AI is dangerous bro, it will be the end of us
>meanwhile, AI in reality
It is really bad resolution, I just was too lazy to find a better one.
Everyone should strive for ONE lifetime partner
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That's my dad
There's a Spaniard and Portuguese guy in this picture guess who the brazilian lol
Is the start real or AI? Im so stoned it retarded me
I thought the insect stuff was just a meme
Why doesn't he look like he enjoys it?
Sar...today we redeem our feelings...for he....
if you follow the helpful chart on >>472452917 you'll see that we indeed have some mongrels like that to the north, however I am a southerner and would be happy if we just seceded from the rest of the country
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Because he knows Justin Timberlake is stealing his moves
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Me, because I want to hear when it makes unusual sounds, so I can check what's wrong instead of suddenly having issues I can't fix anymore.
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Never turn your back on a zombie nigga. Sheeeit.
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Wipipo don season dey nickelodeon slime
baby beef
Best short film of 2024
I relaxed
South brazil still has a lot of mestizos and Pardos there
that's part of being a pro
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Death, destruction, torture ans violence are hilarious.
t. sane anon.
Thank you God for not making me black
This is like old chan threads man
been a while since I've been got like that OP, nice job
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Le Based
Best movie I've seen in years.
sure, but culturally at least they are better than the ones in the north, they like to work, don't steal, have traditional families, vote right
I hate niggers so much it's unreal.
Those are all her 'friends' and if you refuse to fuck them they'll make false accusations to ruin your life.
The people pushing this meme have never actually been in a relationship with a white chick before. They are all about starting nuclear drama and then playing victim because their dipshit boomer dads rewarded them for it.
where do you find a white chick that forces you to fuck their friends?
tfw you'll never be brown and illegaly own a gun and yet can legally carry and shoot people because of your brown privillege.

I can't even listen to a hateful song without having the feds comming in, imagine acting like a brown privillege person.
That child's parents should be beaten
Her friends come onto you and if you turn them down they'll tell her you raped them or worse.
You guys are such incels holy fucking shit.
The real political question is why did lil kot jumpers overs ze rails.
I'm married actually, but my wife doesn't have any single friends and the ones she has are mid at best, sad day
wtf? how was this not in the news?
that obviously isnt america you oblivious faggot
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hi newfag
There is a reason I married a hispanic chick from outside the country: white women are completely out of control. The only women on earth more out of control are african american women.
Dating american women is speedballing until you overdose.
Every person on here saying american white men are the problem are bottom of the barrel orbiters, roasties that transplanted here from plebbit and kiwifarms, and q anon boomers frothing at the mouth because they don't have grandchildren and view male suitors for their daughter the same way they view young job applicants.
hes playing along you brown retard
>poorfag cope

Is the mudsharking very bad in the states
You missed out the best fuckin part.
You don't have a wife. My larp detector is indicating
Wow, they are smart. Makes it easier for the medias to make them look white.
Reverse would be a pic with just him or maybe one woman.
elites dont want you to know
You are a colossal newfag
Lurk moar
I can't order caesar salad because dating american women gave me chlamydia and the sauce reminds me of the discharge.
Now go play with scat or something deutschbag
Ever read the count of monte cristo? Where Mercedes says Fernon only wants her for the same reason he was jealous of a whistle when he got a pony for his birthday? That's white women in america. I one girl in a school has fucked a nigger 90% of them have.
feel ya bro. being white is a privilege and a curse
Because this is the dance they used to do in the South when the hung an uppity nigger from a tree. There’s no joy in it anymore
Jesus what do they see in them???
It's purely the fact that their friend did it so now they have to do it. They are out of control from a lack of discipline and excessive privilege.
Its a bot
Walkable City !!
niggeroo attacks a 50yo+ sedentary man and seconds later he's already dropped on the floor and probably screeching for the environmental police.
You are not married. Just know that I see through your lies.
Makes sense what you said cause I read somewhere couple of years ago where white guys in america are very wary of modern white chicks and always ask the question "have you been with a black guy"before taking the relationship further is true though?
ah, darwin...
fucking lmao
this AI gets wiped last
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Lmao I love it
This is a humor thread, but the only jokes here are the majority of posters.
Probably won't be able to sleep tonight OP, way to go.
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>That filename
Is this related to the alien psyops I keep hearing about?
>NIGGERS could be here
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Da fuck is this disturbing shit? Shall I assume some shithole like Kazakhstan, Romania, etc?
Post more like these
this is the modern white male lmao
Wtf this is a new one. What’s the backstory here? They look like the guy who tried stealing energized copper
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Uppity niggers trying to steal fuel from a gas station and everything blew up in their faces. Btw They are all dead lol
There is no point in asking.
American women will just lie.
For a period of ten years white women decided to wear rings on their ring fingers so you could only laid if you were fine with potentially fucking a married women and ruining someones childhood by breaking up their home.
They saw absolutely nothing wrong with this behavior.
Wow, so many words to censor. I'm sure Americlaps will manage it though.
Why is black food so fucking ugly? Their foods looks like it was scooped from an toilet/dumpster
Believe whatever you need to believe to protect your ego.
It doesn't change the fact that white girls and their parents are just at the beginning of getting their just deserts.
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You claim you married a Mexican? Ugh that's disgusting!
Typical monkeyshines then, thanks for clarifying
I want the first part with sound.
Just saying if someone put a gun to my temple and told me to call your post as truth or fiction and executed me if I answered falsely...
My intuition is very accurate.
writing is in english
My God your women are straight from hell and I thought South African women were evil skanks
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>looking at this thing talking about niggers vs spics and not knowing which one it is
Go find someone with a gun.
I'll post a timestamped pic of my family with the faces removed.
I have a mark on my hand that can be compared to the photo.
Make sure the guy with the gun uploads you dying like a retard so I can laugh at you.
Post hand.
already lost topkek
This isn't funny sorry, this is part of the agenda to have drug gangs take over America and turn it into Mexico. No more border, full Democrat victories in the future, not that the Republican party is real anymore.
>Go find someone with a gun.
What are the odds that the Kraut speaks Arabic?
Not buying it. Post fridge, it will be apparent wether you are a family man this way.
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You Post your foreskin first :^)
post falklands
No dice. You're a bitch made coward and everyone knows it now, turkroach.
Lol you got me.
Teshekur ederin (phontetic spelling) is "thank you" in arabic. That's all I know.
Seethe, wannabe white supremacists. You aren't german. Ywnb Aryan.
t. deutscher minority in refugees we'll cum land
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Post "I want to kill the sheriff Chitwood in Minecraft"
It should be safe since you amerifats have free speech right? :)
South Africa IIRC

Gas truck got stuck under a low bridge and began to leak. Packs of nogs were wandering nearby when it went kaboom.
This literally never happens though
Based VCPD
I love the way AI exaggerates emotion
Mum of the year award, imagine not paying attention while your kid taunts a bulldog. They're lucky the owner grabbed its collar.
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that actually scared me wtf
Damn nice thick cock yummy
Even better with sound
>You aren't german.
My mother's surname was Weiß and my father's surname is Zimmermann. I hold dual citizenship. I'd post a pic of my passport if I was home, Abdul.
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Wait a sec. Sheboon blew her head off as well?
boksburg south africa
if the dog kills her kid, she gets a pay day and doesnt have to deal with being a single mother anymore.
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> (((mann)))
>Let me show you why they call me Vin DIESEL!
I rent to nigs, and they literally can’t handle the kids. It’s 24/7 nonstop destruction. They do t have toys because they break them. 6 year old boys broke a wrench they found bashing it with rocks.
I didn't even know they could fly
fuck you got me
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what the fuck is that green sludge he pours onto the plate?
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For me it’s the ponytail chick
That guy fucked me in a rest area bathroom
Is this humour? Or wog stuff? Which is it, you may pick only one El Scabbies.
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I wish I was that goat.
The Chocolate Limes are the new X-Men?
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Ren'py VN at its finest
Oh thank god.
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no matter how bad it gets, it can always get worse.
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probably a really really strong anti-parasitic
The worst post. Not even a (arse) lick of truth to your globo-grovelling to jew putin the jewish WEF globo shart of the year.
>all we’ve got is saying “globohomo” as the globalist dictator ruins our lives as is traditional here.
>where faggotry is the only other popular passtime.
Kys memepoo
>The Quintessential Quintuplets.jpg
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Best anime ending ever.
God damn, if I was one of them I would just ask to be shot before the adrenaline wore off and I started feeling the pain
Old hat
Not even the performers like tap dancing.
Kino of the highest order
Ok bois they’re already green screened, someone edit them into something hilarious. Chop chop
Thats why you always carry a knoife
Shame that nigger survived
is this real ????
>said the tuga, you know you guys are just arabs rebranded right?
You know you're also descendant of North Africans, right? When your Iberian ancestors got there to take gold and shaven pussy you didn't exist, you are out children, we built your country, we named it, Brazil's golden years only occurred during our control. You are Iberian with black, native and maybe Italian.
Don't act racist when your country was built on the blood of 3 different races that within them were already influenced by a thousand more. Remember that blood ran from you and by you.
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Yes, and all of our signs are non-English too.
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I knew there was a joke in that webm, I just couldn't put it into words!
That's how I'll dance when the orange ape loses AGAIN
Calm down, nigger.
I love you too
oh, I know all that, my surname is portuguese and most of my ancestors came from there with some Italian and German mixed in recently, but I can't pass the oportunity to mess with a tuga
is that Vin Benzin?
Man out of everyone i though he would be most likely to survive shrapnel tearing his ass up
>plz no drone footage of him taking out shrapnel after sitting on grenade dropped
A girl took me on a date there once. She paid because I can't even afford a $1 sandwich.
>i'm ignorant, so you lose
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Niggers cant into smalahove
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Probably dropped it on his head and not up his asshole.
God only know what could have happened had he stumbles across a landmine
Shit was never funny (sometimes the reactions were) and now it's just overplayed.
Go back to your own country, Pablo.
>Don't like immigrants? Then, when are you going back white boi.
Nork military outfits are so based
WTF they're wearing the anonymous uniform wrong. They are too identifiable.
Based junkie
This is Brazilian democracy. Nice try though.
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bing bong
AI is the future
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Unfortunately that's Italy.
no those are just plain regular nigger assholes
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like how i used to wave to my dad as he drove away to work

one day he never came back
jewcels btfo
If it wasn't for the cars this could be straight out of Hunt: Showdown
lol.. yea.. I'm clean now though. Well I still smoke pot but that doesn't really count.
New fallout game has great graphics, i noticed.
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>unholstered my colt .45 out and mozambiqued that flying nigger mid-air
Wat hapen?
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that splash in his face is so satisfying
>I hold dual citizenship.
like all of you politicians lmao
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Best movie ever
The fucking look the dog gave it, genuine "the fuck you doing nigger" energy
When the shitbull starts blinking and malfunctioning, I kek'd hard. Kid's fucking lucky
>all of you politicians
US/DE, not Pissrael. Schweinehund.
Maybe stop being a poor shitskin and leave the Schengen Area once in a while.
check'd and KEK'd
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>more like Sinead McSwarthy, amirite?
You forgot "Irish lads"
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American Dad knew all along...


>Someone put this through ai animator
neck yourself pajeet
I didn't relax but I still didn't expect.
How was that even physically possible? - are magic negoes real?
ya got me lmao
>not Pissrael
you can lie to others, but you can't fool yourself, fool.
>leave the Schengen Area once in a while
i don't even leave the BRD GmbH physically, i only travel digitally.
I feel bad for this guy, bc you can tell that nothing ever goes his way, ever. The cosmic forces are never on his side.
>How was that even physically possible?
have you forgotten that future engineer jumping over the table at the judge?
it's joever
Sucks to be you, fatty.
Hail Hitler.
What was up with the whale?
Die fag.
fucking shoot his ass, holy shit.
at least i'm (not-ashkenazim) White
>Hail Hitler.
fuck Fashism
Sieg Heil
Dude remembered that it was 2 holding him
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man, that shit was better than most hollywood movies.
Very weird
Everyone in that video died horribly lmao
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inspired by a famous french band name, the green niggawomens.. from the time the n-word wasn't banned
yes, they dont deal well with consequences and responsibility
That's just how all women are. If you're good at sex then she'll want you to fuck her friends as well. At least that's been my experience.
I don't think the people in the video were stealing gas, they seem to be a block away from the truck.
We both know you aren't White, Abdul.
Keep seething and being a cocktail goblin though.
i thank God daily that i'm neither a nigger, a faggot, a kike, or in your case all of them
Your words & actions betray you.
I'll be in Düsseldorf late next month if you want to see how an actual White man acts. Until then you will just need to keep dilating.
Keine 10 Pferde bringen mich dazu dort hinzugehen.
you better come to Straßbourg this winter, loser. we're gonna take back Elsaß-Lothringen

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