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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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When they told you openly they were coming for your children they meant by deadly force.
How do you prepare yourself?
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no one on /pol/ will do shit
unironically, /lgbt/ has more people willing to go out with their guns and do something

I've never seen one of them doing anything that is not posing with guns.
You are antigun, and thus not a true Libertarian. Delete yourself.
I shot up an NAACP building beat of freemason kids coordinated 2 bombings and then shot calls
troons were incels before they became troons, why they don't just do the shooting before transitioning, why the extra step
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i protest loudly on facebook/reddit/4chan and declare my suburb a safespace
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>You will never be a real girl

I wouldn't be too worried.
>when the red hats takeover
At least this troon understands this point.
Lmao Americans are fucked, the only country in the world where trannies can easily kill straight men
>but muh tyranny
you never done shit
>How you guys preparing for when the red hats take over and the culture war finally starts?
>culture war
Fucking retard
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Just don't fuck with us. You're a yuro noguns so I don't expect you to understand the right to self defense. Just leave us alone.
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3 jidf memeflag agents in this thread instantly, we hit a nerve there then
Cant you not even buy a fucking handgun in canada anymore???
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>When shower time in the barracks has a 41 percent casualty rate
Kek, you ever been to berlin?
50 % is mudslime sibhumans
And 20% are LGBTQMAPISS+
Theres almost no germans left there, kek
Kek thats what i told them too
Nuke Berlin.
It's the only way to be sure.
I will gleefully watch the jew loving conservatives and faggot lefties kill each other to make way for something sane to replace them after they take each other out. If you are in either of these camps please film your atrocities because I like gore
It's going to be a good moment when screen-ruined troons get hit by actual bullets and notice that those things will take you down in an instant.
The fuck is a M15?
>How do you prepare yourself?
I'm not worried. Apparently they already at 42% casualty rate and the great troon war hasn't even started yet.
Idk wither, jewgle showed me this
A M16 with cut off balls and barrel
I inform them that their tendency to resort to violence outs them as a male, thus they do not pass, and let them kill themselves.
I'm sure somewhere during the gear up part they'll just kill themselves instead.
There've been like 5 mass shootings by trannies, and 0 mass-shootings OF trannies.

How do these retards convince themselves they're being "genocided" when they mostly kill themselves? Do you want to know what the leading cause of tranny suicide is? Getting genital reassignment surgery. They get a pus hole or a meat log, realize they mutilated themselves, and 404 with a shotgun.
Kek one of theirs said so too.
They are mentally ill.
Its easy to get that type gaslit.
These people are insane. But that's what happens when you exist terminally within an online bubble.
>when will they realize
Not as long as the jew is brainwashing them into thinking they are women in zhe first place.
>who can make you believe lies can make you commit atrocities.
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Nothing behind those eyes.
Just empty
Damn, can't even wisecrack because it just turns out to be real
Well they are 100% brainwashed, I have no doubt about that. They think every snicker behind their back is part of some vast conspiracy, instead of them just being grotesque and obnoxious.

Yeah, you with the pink hair, the bald spot, the stubble, the baritone voice that's reading this: You are not a woman and you are not considered a woman because you don't look or act like a woman. Getting on the internet and threatening violence is probably the most hypermasculine thing you can do, too.
With knives that are quiet you retarded loud Troon. I can hear you coming from the next neighborhood over and I'll go over there and kill you there.
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Good luck, even our AIs know what you are and how to put you troons down
I hope they fuck around and find out how easy it is to take their guns from them.
thanks for the free guns, faggots.
All transsexuals harbor a deep hatred for themselves. It's why they changed their appearance in the first place. After they've changed and nothing has really changed (except for having been severely mutilated), they still hate themselves and usually go on a huge amount of drugs to cope with this. When this also doesn't help, they take out this anger on their surroundings.

The solution of course is them fixing themselves and try to fix whatever it is that's broken in them. However, that means that they have to overcome their pride, which is their main weakness.
More guns in troon hands is good. They're mostly white dudes so it means they'll kill themselves sooner than later
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The only thing trannies kill is themselves
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Wish a motherfucker would

Troons are outnumbered by an absurd amount and will be easy to visually identify in combat
It's easy to spot a mentally ill tranny. They wouldn't be able to identify their enemies. I could dress like a normal person or even wear a pride pin on my shirt behind enemy lines, then blow your head off when you look the other way.
The privilege of being a straight white male gives me the ability to larp as many faction I please. And this is after 41% kills themselves
Who is that?
Fuck, if this is img is AI generated I finally accept it as a artist. So simple, yet so powerfull.
Truly a masterwork!
>declare my suburb a safespace
that could actually work if coordinated with neighbors

in fact that was the whole point of the KKK which is why it made the kikes and niggers seethe
Milspec dilator with in 25 inch/30 watt range
It’s basically a handgun shaped shuriken with 2d4 damage
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>nooooo you can't just protect yourself, let me kill you or I'll call you names!!!
You were gonna do that anyways, might as well protect myself and deter people like you looking for an easy target
Some guy posted links to his videos here before. Obviously him advertising for whatever topic . Can't remember the name.
How do i link threads?
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Why are the edgiest and most badass guys on the internet afraid of some women who used to be men? They're less than 0.1% of the population and have no real power whatsoever. You've probably never even met one.
millions of conservatives have armed themselves already and don't do shit. what makes you think these lgbt faggots will? or if they do, they'll only prove they're statistically more likely to commit crimes.

Good post, very sensible.
You need to cut your balls off, or not use them for a decade
It’s a wizard thang
I hope they do something, they'll manage to create such problems within their operational territory for their own team it will be like it's own super weapon.

Just imagine if Jews could convince White nationalists to install niggers in their units to create division and incompetence
>women who used to be men?
No such thing. Ywnbaw faggot.
You're a very easy target. That's why you're a protected class like niggers. All this "pride" is fake. The veil of law and order won't last forever.
>afraid of some women
>afraid of some women
>afraid of some women
transphobia is not real. i´m not scared of mentally deranged people. some have my condolence, most get my disdain.
>How do you prepare yourself?
Do I need to?
41% is not enough. with an online campaign we could make it over 80% and then they'd do it themselves while we sit at home
you confuse fear with disgust.
I'm not even writing this to hurt you, but there were studies that 2 men kissing or a not passing tranny causes as much stress to men who watch them like looking at maggots eating a dead body.
It's scoientifically proven that homosexuals and trannies are pure stress on the disgust scale for normal men.
Is this screenshot from /k/ lamo??
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you fags are tricked into a rabbit hole instead of people giving you the ancedotes to cope with being whatever you want to be rather than "I AM ALWAYS WAS" that's why half of you kill yourselves. if you can never accept that you have been mentally tricked to repulse genuine care, it's the ying-and-yang of right types just simply wanting to crush your brain. It's the opposite end of that level neglect. it is. just be a fag that wants tits and to "become" a girl, not "I AM". you will save yourself so much fucking anguish.
Appreciated. This is just common knowledge when you deduce tranny-ism. Every psychologist treating 'transgenders' ought to take this take as their base take and start treating the underlying mechanism instead of going along with the depersonalization that trannies go through. But this ofcourse isn't a proper business model since a patient cured is a customer lost.
Ok balls are off, now what?
Are you a draft officer?
What the flying fuck is an M15.
This retard is a LARP.
>transphobia is not real
>posts transphobic comment

are you rich, or just hoping zelensky's army doesn't find you?
No, but I can help them get to one.
That should not be our goal hough, our goal is to point them to the eternal love and immeasureable grace of our god so that they can repent and become normal again.
Why do I have the feeling that this was posted on /k/?
Ylure responding to a JIDF memeflag, kek
>trans victim or trans warrior
As much as I support everyone's God given right to bear whatever arms they fancy, they'll always be victims.
Buying an AR won't un-molest them.
>equating insults with fear
>of some women who used to be men?
i support you troons. go and make womens lifes miserable. don't stop until there are no women left in womens sports. you guys are carrying the sword of consequences to women, maybe for the first time in history
No from lgbtqmapiss
Try to think for 5 seconds regarding how someone can have Internet access without draft dodging.
>let me show you a glimpse into my mind
keep it for yourself twisted shill
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>completely deranged and unstable dudes dare think they have mental fortitude to withstand the reality of combat
and let's not even get started on the usual conditions of their bodies
which is basically the same as a tranny
Kek, true
The troon is a blind golem.
The jew its master.
Unhinged mentally defective incels more prone to violence. Fascinating.
>just be a fag that wants tits
That's close to how I identify and present irl anyways (well, minus the booba I take hormones that prevent booba)

I take hormones to maintain my feminine appearance as a femboy, I don't think I'm a woman.

But /pol/ types see us all as trannies anyways and trannies' rights to take HRT are the same as my rights, so I support their right to stay strapped to protect themselves from transphobic attacks and do the same.
Im gonna post it to /k/ kek
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>tee hee I'm a femboy because i weigh 120lbs
What is an M15?
Hormones prevent baldness if you take them before the onset of hair loss. You are re-enforcing to me why taking HRT is a good idea
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Mods on /k/ full blown tranny. They've killed that board. You'll have to ban evade to come back.
Their favourite omegle tag
Is this a femboyo to you?
Wow this is the coolest reply I've gotten in years, thanks for real. Hope you can see between the obligatory hostile terminology kek. as an American I can devil's advocate on the path of equal understanding, but I think the issue really lies in what got many of your types here. it's pretty damn fucking complicated but there's a lot of cause to be mad at the people that essentially promote the life because many of them are architects of the types of traumas and insanities that essentially imprint the code onto others. So many of those like you are NOT conjoined by these things which confuses this even further, but the path of predatorial debauchery has a heavy hand in all of this, and I think you all should be as mad as those that cultishly drag you into it as much as you should be mad at people that essentially want to kill you all. not really conducive to this world at all, but it's something to think about. "Red and Blue" will not survive this century. This is America, make an American color, every other color is false. Fuck bandwagoning idealogue, craft your own. It's why the Yellow Vests were crushed, Communists and Skinheads working hand-in-hand. It's why 20 years ago occupy wall street got replaced with ALL these identity politics. We're all used. THAT. We should all grit our teeth at THAT.
he is more 99% more likely to shoot himself than ever shoot one of those darn "red hats"
>this is america
idk why i got to that part i forgot im replying to a leaf lmao.. you get what im saying, it's prevelant in your country's DNA too. good luck on your end mofo o7
>will cry like a bitch when drafting officers will arrive at his/hers/it's house
>bat shit crazy people are more likely to shoot others.
fuck man, are you einstein? have you won any awards? you should.
Being trans is like a suicide prevention net. It's like one level above suicide.
so just like all the american larpers on pol
>0.001% that cut their penises off
Somehow nobody is scared. For real.
>never "offend" troons
>never "offend" chuds
>no one tries to kill you
is life really that easy?
Kek, how do i link threads?
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That's a joke, those are actually sick troons on a ranch, they didn't go to any war aside from with kiwi farms
Doesn't matter. /K/ is a lost cause. It's nothing but lefties and nafo troons.
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>How do you prepare yourself?

I'm stocking up on mirrors.
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Cause they are hateful demons that want to kill people. We aren't.
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>american trans

Wont. Do. Shit.
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challenge accepted
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>declare my suburb a safespace
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Hahahaha topkek, honestly
it's more likely they'll use the guns on themselves once the dysphoria kicks in. Own more guns trannors.
So much for American gun control, with democrats screeching about muh mental screenings for decades, but selling AR15's to troons is totally a-okay.
Fuck this clown world.
based Ashley Adamson poster
I like how when trannies get mad, they revert to how their real gender acts when upset.
They're literally unable to keep up the act when angry.
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>5 faggots with pistols
>Small town

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Troons owning guns will only pump those numbers up.
Seems like something a mentally ill MAN would do.
>/k/ janny finally look away from his goon sesh
all five of them? lol
/k/ is a sad state. Jannies and the nafo troons invaders just spam Russian and zigger for everything with endless gore videos as "weapons related" an autistic board that was a masterpiece thst could discuss historical differences and evolution between weapons designs is long gone. Even the generals with tripcodes and namefags are slow as shit. They've all fled. The buy-sell-trade thread currently has a troon having a mental breakdown for being called a jeet and is filling the /bst/ up with encyclopedia dramatics worthy ramblings.
If you get a gun, you'll never be able to control your suicidal impulses.
It goes both ways.
I dont get it
Btw i got blocked for my k thread, for 12 min, kek
I know troons have a death wish but dayamn.
>trans warrior
kek, what a bunch of clowns
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No, that's bisexuals you're thinking of.
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>he thinks these faggots wont kill themselves before doing violence to others
95% of the thread were just nafo troons screeching about Russians and Putin. /k/ is that gone and abandoned. It's the safe spot for troons. Too many fucking autists welcomed the troons in at start of summer of love to just demonstrate how much they knew about weapons and armor. The troons quickly invaded and started shitting up the entire board as their insufferable personalities drove everybody away.
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>How do you prepare yourself?
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Mirrors and high-res video cameras that display them on giant screens. JAMIE, PULL UP THAT POST WHERE TROONS SAY BEING FORCED TO SEE THEMSELVES ON ZOOM CALLS IS BIGOTED.

>My anti gun state that keeps trying to disarm and enslave it's populace has 2 major criminal actor demographics that use ARs in crimes for the past 50 years...
>Dirty cops working as organized crime and LGBT pedos
>These are the same groups that loudly support every attempt to ban ARs
I'm going to beat up a trans person today for your comment. Maybe desecrate a few tranny gravesites too.
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Find their male names and put them on the gravesite LOLOL
Are we turning them back onto men?
see link below

Can we stop this gunfight so I can dilate for 40 minutes?
It's kinda pretty important actually
Kill all niggers. All niggers are gay rapists and narcissists.
Insane faggots with guns have a 95% chance of shooting themselves in the head.
Time to finally go outside and get some action.
A lot of me hopes that is satire.
>3 jidf memeflag agents in this thread instantly, we hit a nerve there then
God bless you anon...
you are delusional lmao
I'll defend my house with mirrors.
They hardly go outside. I live in the most LGBTQ city and Ive rarely seen a troon outside.
>you are delusional lmao
fake+gay=trans after all
so trans supporters are pro delusion
>pump yourself full of female hormones to satisfy your fetish
>99% of men can now physically overpower you
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>I'll defend my house with mirrors.
This isn't new or unique. A guy I know has a son who trooned out and owns more firearms than anyone I've ever heard of. The dad seems more concerned about that and getting into legal trouble than the kid trooning.
It takes more than just guns to fight a fucking war. None of that gear matters if you aren't physically and mentally fit and a fucking tranny freak is none of those things
Easy, just hold a mirror in front of you and the tranny will shoot itself.
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that troon is more likely to shoot itself with that gun than anyone else
Call it cope if you want, but I believe that if/when "the lights go out" it's going to be a troon/nog/etc. slaughter. The leash will finally be off.
>how will you prepare yourself for /k/ shitposting

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I detect a bit of fear the right openly talks about us killing troons or they killing them self's but the instant they say "ok ill shoot back" it's suddenly a problem
Top kek.
Cardposting. A retarded commie who reviews memes or something.
Retarded Jew
lol trannies will just commit suicide in most cases
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I dare em.
We would literally win without ever needing to see them.
All of them would be incapacitated if they stopped receiving their hormones
Something you need to understand in war is that greater numbers almost always win. Trannies and niggers will always be outnumbered here. And women won’t be able to protect them.
KEK, these dirty dickless faggots are going to get steam rolled. They're better off fading in obscurity and hiding they asses in their own closets.

I pray these tranny faggots even try anything. The response will be pure annihilation.
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/pol/ doesn't make videos like that, retard.
meanwhile there are videos of people on the right actually shooting with SMGs
50% chance they'll shoot themselves instead. This is the most hilarious militia I've had the pleasure of experiencing.
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I want to fight. So go to Hell.
>troon pretends to be a woman
>soon as shit goes south they go martial like a real man would
lmao, they will literally never be a woman.
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To Hell
I took my son to a park not knowing there was a fucking huge pride thing going on. Before leaving to go to a new spot I saw so many troons and green haired they/them dykes and just so much ugliness and creepiness. I thought “imaging that you are here and feel a sense of belonging and you look around and THESE are your people.”

Feels like that pic.
Kek it’s true
Remember when they carried out a terror attack against a Christian school killing several people because it was anti LGBT and "patriarchal".

It even posted a manifesto and the US authorities fully memoryholed it?

I remember.
Shooting up a school full of kids doesn't make you a "warrior" and law enforcement killed them to save innocent lives.
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Will they even be able to resist the urge to kill themselves once they have a gun in their hands?
Okay, I'll happily take a warbride (male)
>b-but that's gay
Kek, they know.
/k/ is dead
I can't even tell if the post on the left is sarcastic or not.
>When they told you openly they were coming for your children they meant by deadly force.
Yeah we already learned that with the Nashville school shooting troon they wouldn't release the trannifesto for.
Kikes are going to use those troon death squads as barrier troops and recrooters - pretty much same duties for which they use AZOG on ukraine. If you see armed trooners in tactical gear knocking on your door remember to grab and preapre some firearm or at least a bayonet before opening - you most likely gonna need it.
Their nigger and spic "allies" will kill them or they'll kill themselves way before they have a shot at any "Christian Nationalists MAGAs"
Troons here carry razors in their bags just in case they get harrassed. They are quick runners too.
where can I get an M15 ?? do you have to be a troon to buy one?
the never goon AI pics make me lol every time
>troon death squads
Dear diary, today a slavoid made me chuckle
>mounting red dot on handguard
>inb4 it wont move
fuck off
I know the person on the left. Person was military recruiter so I no sympathy. That's for sending American kids to their deaths you fuckers.
Howdy, middle aged straight white oldfag here. I get the picture. Here we all are on 4chan, we're all edgelords, let's go beat up some trannies, ha ha ha.

What I'm waiting for, is for one of you to let slip this sort of hate irl. Just say it aloud at the bar, or on your social media feed, or some other way where you think is anonymous, that I can trace back to you.

Because I have literally nothing better to do with my life right now, other than to go after those who fantasize about attacking the weak. I take no greater pleasure in my life than hunting bullies -- either by beating them physically, or by using my significant pile of money to sue their asses off, or both.

Seriously, to see a bully of trans or homosexual people, snivelling and begging for mercy... Well that just properly makes me feel like I have a purpose in life. Like my life has been well spent.

So y'all, just keep on posting and keep on threatening trans people. Keep on with your interstate transmission of threatening messages.

Just do me one favor. Make one mistake. Leak an IP somewhere, or drop a picture with metadata in it, or leave something where I can find you and come to you.

I'll be waiting.
>reads title
Nah, they'll just kill themselves instead Hans.
Kek, you’re a gay niggerkike who won’t do shit.
Kill yourself like your troon sisters do to themsrlves every day, faggot.
The only guns >>>/lgbt/ has are hi points and Sub 2ks.
That barrel looks a little short. Hope it has a tax stamp.
Would need a hazmat decontamination team on that vehicle.
You ever see a troon shoot? They can't aim for shit, can't maintain a good grip, and act like they're scared of loud noises.
Why do they have their own version of 4chan? Why can't they just fuck off?
Those aren't even plate carriers.
>omg look how many Likes I ge-ACK
>does my makeup look alri-ACK
you faggots don't stand a chance,as Nature intended.
Fucking christ, i came to this thread believing this is a nothingburger but the troons can't even fucking train properly. Fuckin amateur hour
>were gearing up to ki-ACK!!
Thats a fucking SIG 556 you retarded donair munching kraut
I only ever remember webms where they take their lifes
Trans larping with guns just to make a point just proves they are all men.
kek, imagine having such pathetic image of self
Whoever is "training" them must be a chair force dropout because this shit is fucking embarrassing.
This is just cover for their inevitable suicides
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/k/anuck /k/ommando here
I hereby announce TOTAL TRANNY DEATH
Also krautanon is ebin and doing God's work.

I'll post the webm of the troon in my next post.
You can legally buy a select fire M16 for about 30,000-40,000 USD and a year long ATF background check
Plus the 200 dollar NFA tax stamp and transfer fee from whatever FFL dealer you get it from
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I would murder both of these men right now if they were in front of me
yeah im very worried about how popular psychotic crossdressers with guns are with the general public and how effective they will be at taking over the largest military and armed civilian population in the world
>How do you prepare yourself?

By not changing my routine at all. I carry a 1911 (and extra mag), practice Judo and boxing 3 times a week. I also do burpees for fun, and I deadlift twice a week.
>Howdy, middle aged straight white oldfag here
Sure thing chaim - your hooknosed rat tribe already took everything it could from average middle aged men. If you want to come after us or send some of your minions then know this - many of us have nothing to loose and we'll make sure to score at least one additional bodybag before going down, just like Solzhenitsyn taught us. You and your zogbots will have to fear for your lives each time you are going for another raid to terrorize or kidnap innocent people.
The face of leftism
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>the face of leftism

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