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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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prev >>472425276
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kek I know this guy Pritesh, and Sahar.
Post Narrow boats
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he used to smash puss like mad at uni
>Reform UK doesn’t represent British values. A party that promotes division stands in stark contrast to the principles of fairness and respect that define Britain. Racism isn't just unpatriotic; it's a betrayal of the very essence of what it means to be British
Is being British anti British?

Comfy widebeam
Oh look anon you posting your own face. You are a collosal homosexual
Remember when we met in Dover? You said it I vote for you you'd have my back.
See I'm just like you in a way, don't like migrants either, they come to our country and bleed her, what we really needs a leader.
I can relate to what you're saying in your speeches, when I've have a shitty day i put em on, cause i ain't really got shit else so that shit helps when I'm depressed, I even got a tattoo saying "Brexit" on my chest.
Sometimes I like to milkshake myself too the chill is like such a sudden rush for me, my girlfriend says your profile a shil and won't trust you for a moment, but she don't know you like I do Nige, no one does, they don't know what it was like for lads like us in the pub.
You gotta call me Nige, I'll be the biggest voter you'll ever lose.
Ps. We should be together too.
It won't be much longer before the claim "you can't be white and british" becomes a thing.
no one sane would post their own face here
God I hate anglo-saxons politics.
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Berg witz Baum STIEN every single fucking time
are indians/pakis just incapable of descerning age?
>be me
>about 2 weeks ago i was ID'd for a packet of cigarettes
>be today
>sending off parcel at the post office
>woman asks me if i would be interested in life insurance and that one of their representatives can contact me
>choose not to make a big deal out of it and say i am not interested
>she says you never know when your time is up and they have very good deal and that you could leave alot behind for your loved ones.
>thats its important to do if you care about your family.

now i am freaking out if i look like death.
No one said you were sane
That was a threat
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Trump won
She was threatening you.
Orange retard was just lying throughout the whole debate
They tried so hard for Biden to appear normal and for it to work in his favour, they still can't make him seem normal.
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>5 years of Kemi Badenoch doing surly arms crossed interviews with Janice Turner calling the HoC a boys club and saying Labour is too white before she takes the party to 25 seats in 2029
>"Janice I'm not going to mince my words ok, I know what a woman is and I've got the Nigerian work ethic kier will never understand"
How many pints?
Death is always right behind you anon, one slip up and he'll have you

Heed this warning.
She wants to bump you off mate and not in the good way.
Guys I'm still undecided on who to vote for. I'm thinking of voting UKIP?
Girls look jewish
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A vote for [party] is a vote for labour
Biden shat himself and had to be helped off stage
My girlfriend's pregnant too, if I have a son, his what I'ma call him? Ima name him Nigel.
UKIP are still relevant m8
Looks nice, didnt realise they are that expensive lol
>brit/pol/ regular
>didn't watch sunak debate
>did watch presidential debate
can british politics be saved?
Love hitchens. Hate his views on Zionism and Jews though.
Hitchens should check this place out someday
she was actaully very helpful. normally i get quite annoyed with cashiers generally. they are very slow. she even taught me something about how the till system works.
honestly if i stayed there for another 5 minuites she would have said that. thats how much of a hard sell she was doing. i noticed she didnt ask anyone else
New ones are pricey.
You can pick up 90's builds for £35k.
It's the same thing.
>Waaah you said you'd do this
>We'll I'd be better than you
>>woman asks me if i would be interested in life insurance and that one of their representatives can contact me
>>choose not to make a big deal out of it and say i am not interested
>>she says you never know when your time is up and they have very good deal and that you could leave alot behind for your loved ones.
this is just NPC indian service worker stuff
they read off a sales script whatever they do
ever get a coffee in a starbucks/costa staffed by indians and they will ask you every question under the sun about any pastries, want a bigger one, do you have a costa card etc
it's annoying if you are in a hurry, bring back the disinterested eastern euros and balkans imo
still cant believe biden shit his pants last night lads
He should probably khs
>I am British. My grandfather fled to Britain from Nazi Germany. I was born here. But what some Reform supporters don’t understand is being British isn’t simply about where you’re born. It’s about freedom, tolerance and personal & social responsibility.
Another paper Brit kek
i did think it was that but she just kept pushing and pushing.
Netanyahu's puppets.
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Looks like sniffin joe might be on his way out after last night zombie performance. Shame hunter didnt slip him sme meth to keep him focussed.
The absolute state of Western leaders. Are these politicians seriously the best we have?
I love r Bella because she’s all “everyone can be British :) :)” and then she sees a Gaza protest and immediately, literally on the same day as a hippy nonsense tweet, writes “there’s too many of them here, deport all those who are anti semites” and recently she’s left the Tory party but is shilling anti Reform which means I guess vote Labour?
Nige is the wild card
Holy shit is that real?
Why would he hate his own people?
I can.
Trump just says he did the best, the greatest thing, never seen before etc. He lies straight through his teeth and Trumpanzees lap it up. You can just imagine rednecks agreeing with everything he says with joy
>Heck yeah those damn mental patients and prisoners crossing le border
It's all lies
Surly but vaguely competent Balkanites are way better than the hordes of pajeets that are seemingly employed everywhere now (but they’re still not great)
Now I've got my 3 bed council house I suddenly don't care about the plight of others in my situation
Was mental when he licked his finger and said it tasted like puddin
Can you imagine any other countries or peoples saying its about "values".

>aye ah got some face tats and love the haka. Im just as maori as rototrui aorotea over there
>be me
>canal next to backgarden for 30 years
>will never ever ever buy a canal boat

I shit you not, in summer I have seen dragonflys that look like they came out of jurassic park, fuck that, may as well move to australia
Yeah, he died but got better
They should sub out Biden for Hillary, teehee
Because you're a selfish jew.
Something he is denying others
Something he isn't preaching
>personal & social responsibility.
Useless fucking newfag.
That would be an amazing rematch
yes but the british /pol/itics my anon
we should be discussing collapsing schools or something
i dont even know who the candidates for my local MP are
why is brit/pol/ allowed to persist in such a listless state
British values don't really exist. It's a cultural thing many 3rd gen immigrants have just accepted as normal. Problem comes when you have 6 figures from what was considered medically retarded 50 years flooding into your country every year. Integration isn't possible with those numbers (and with subhumans)
Them Unreal Tournament ragdoll physics
>Trump wins again but with even less of the popular vote
But no freedom for young girls in Rotherham. No respect for the natives ethnically cleansed from London or Birmingham or Bradford. No tolerance for the British electorate who have continually voted against immigration and been continually betrayed.

Why do freedom, tolerance, and respect get given to foreigners but not Brits?
Why do peoples who historically rejected the British Empire get more access to British values than British people?
Why do people who have haven't even had their families here for 100 years get to define British values...?
But people who have had their families here for 1000 years get accused of being un-British?
Hilly wins by eating a baby live on stage
Brit/pol/ sucks so much.
Shabbos goy politician man tells lies, oh no.
>tfw ethnically cleansed legally
This is gonna sound retarded and beta bitch behavior, but how would you react if you were made fun of by a white woman for being "too white"
I'd do a Roman salute, ironically of course.
I don't have people in my life who would say such nonsense. If it was a stranger, why would I care?
>>Reform UK doesn’t represent British values
Why should we care about 'British values' if that just boils down to troons, queers and infinity Bomalians?
Seethe about it on the internet
laugh it off. maybe biting the right side my lip. maybe a little bit of sweat.
i am gonna copy this now
if those are british values, guess i'm not british
>but how would you react if you were made fun of by a white woman for being "too white"
Tell her it isn't possible to be "too white".
Nige on Loose Women lads
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
>lock him up!
>no lock her up!
>lock him up!
>lock her up!
For two hours.
saw this on Twitter and it’s a good take:
>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals.
>Just take that in.
>In order to afford a bog-standard, 3-bed semi with a pebble dash front on the *shittest* estate in Maidenhead..
>You have to be in the top 5% of earners in the United Kingdom now.
>Or if you want it really rammed home:
>To achieve the same living standards as a single mother on an average income was able to attain in 1994, you basically have to be a neuroscientist or a stock broker or some shit.
The whole thread is wild but broadly accurate to the napkin maths I've done in the past, the housing market is wild (and wogs need to be thrown into the sea)
He's so anti establishment. No bigger glowies than him and tommeh
fuck off dago
>He was the worst President of all time!
>No he was the worst President of all time!
>Noo hee was the worst President of all time!
>I'd mogg him at golf.
Trump did more for black families than Biden.
>*distant cry from the audience* I bet he’s got a bigger willy!
>foreigner tells Brits what it means to be British
gr8 b8 m8
>british values
Is that red haired munter with the big teeth still on
Sounds like an episode of SmackDown
Mt favourite part of the debate last night was when Biden walked out waving and pointing at an imaginary crowd. I was laughing for 10 mins.
>op is a yankoid
>I would fight for my slavemaster because I live in his villa
>Beating up a troon and feeling myself become 15% less British
Hes saying values dont define a people. If "british values" disappear would it mean you are no longer british?
Why we discussing American polotics
What would he be if that dictator changed the name of Britain? Would he still be British? If the country was conquered by France and renamed to France, would he be French?
If he believes he would still be British, then he acknowledges that no non-white can ever call themselves British.

A translation like this, makes you understand the feeling at the time - Thanks leaf anon.
Sorry, what was the racist term used by reform uk campaigners to describe sunak?
Because a thing happened last night
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I bet many of his own campaigners wish they weren't lead by a paki
We're an american satellite state
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He has a point..
Yes ofc. Did the spanish stop being spanish cos the moors conquered them?
>two old zionists trying not to shit themselves during a debate for the obvious rigged election as orchestrated by the NWO
Apparently they hired an actor to pretend to be from Reform for that channel 4 hit job.
No he doesn't
Listen you stupid newfag fat mutt, we put news links in the OP so the jannies dont start taking these threads down. Its an extremely simple concept even for a mutt like you
>Panic on the streets of Humberside
Whoa that's like election interference and shit.
He literally pissed his trousers as a kid when stop and searched.
Canadian guys are getting cucked by Indian men. How's the situation in England?
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grim, I get this is important publicity but how can anyone stand this dumb spinster daytime TV shite
>effin paki
Thats terrible, completely unacceptable. Hes an effin jeet. Reform need to step it up.
English men are predominantly brown, only Scotland and Wales have white men
Scroll to top of thread. Pajeets are cucking us hard
>"it's about values"
>okay, so are islamists with british citizenship not british?
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Umm well in that case I guess we're all German because saxons were immigrants.
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the tonight's debate. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Biden to have a second tern and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well among black people???? This is so fucked
You cant generalise based on your rent boy experiences
Takes one to know one Rasheed
How many people in labour are millionaires?
Keep shilling rabbi you know it’s true
Channel 4 bros...

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It's so over
Ok Jamal
Shes definitely got no vested interest.
Thanks for selling it to me
When did they change it to white English, i always thought it was white British and white English
I’m Frankish

At least learn to spell my name
God emperor Nigel.
what's always funny to me is that houses that were built in order to house the poorest in the country in the pre-war era is now premium property (family council housing in the south)
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I live in a SNP/Labour marginal. Will still be voting REFORM.
Why is rabbit always served as a stew?
Tough, stringy, nasty meat.
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Ok Jammy
Why are you incapable of using an asterisk correctly?
It's very questionable, i mean anyone here could get some to record them with a labour or tory badge on and then say something racist or whatever, anyway as far as i understand no party vets it's members vetting is only done when you're up to be a candidate because it's unnecessary to vet 1 million people in a party
He’s brown
You could, but all the major media channels would rush to expose you as a fraud.
They have an agenda to protect.
>Why is rabbit always served as a stew?
There's not much meat, you can't have steaks or decent fillets.
Stop spreading Russian disinfo
>muh vested interest
Channel 4 have a vested interest in destroying Reform because they're cunts, so it's a moot point
In know right! People working very 21st century jobs who imagine themselves as cultured and a striver middle class literally basedfacing over terraced slop that was knocked up in a week for 19th century ditch diggers so they didn’t chimp.
Total Southern DEATH
We’ve always had a few thick cunts here but recently we’ve been infested with them.
Might be some generational education shift.
Fuck knows.
It's a net loss in terms of nutrition without other foods to go with it. You don't get "Rabbit" munchy boxes or kebabs for a reason.
give it to us raw and wriggling.
cor wouldn't mind living in a villa though
counterpoint: the north is going to be full of southern mongs stealing all of our jobs and we'll all be forced to live without tents under the m60 because suella braverman banned them

> we create the problems then we solve them - aren't you satisfied goyim?!?!
Hardly anything pays more than £15 an hour up here. Doubt office poofs will be interested in manual labouring, engineering and manufacturing.
Saxons weren't Germans, and we're not the same as the Saxons either.
Come down to Church Hougham m8 I'll chef you up
You keep nasty chips
>360 mile trip
Nah fuck off southern faggot
Where we all from them lads?
>Black English
You have no Anglo-Saxon ancestors

Channel 4 did the exact same thing in the 2019 election, but richard tice stayed with reform / brexit party, it's the classic left wing strategy really
Nice try, Southern faggot.
Jammy and Shammy phwoarrrrrrrrrr imagine the smell

I'm brown
Didn't think so you northern monkey. You're on sight in shepway now. Beg you come ashford blud you won't.
If everybody can be British based on race, then nobody is British, therfore brits can be against mass immigration since the British empire wasn't specifically British it was just people.
Me? Bournemouth myself.
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>First division, second divions or premier league: Brexit means brexit simple as.
>Orange retard was just lying throughout the whole debate
About what?
I've got a job so why would I waste my weekend driving to the place where the kikes drop off their nigger pets?
Shakey Wakey m8
Little India
People in the empire where never British citizens they where subjects of the crown, maybe it's American influence since everything there is black or Asian american but in Europe you've always been foreign or an African whatever
I've got ride or dies in maidstone, swale, medway brev. Tunbridge wells. You step foot in kent m8 it's over for you.
Bradford is such a city of English culture, definitely lots of English culture there
got my masturbation machine thing from temu today, gave it a try
pretty interesting
Ok nigger
Laughed manically at the mental health leasion team when they suggested anti depressants, I'm not depressed. Why so they try to shove these pills on everyone so easily. Was only hallucinating after being awake 3 days straight, fine after I slept. Mongs.
Authentic 1943 pattern?
Nasty southern faggot
kent is the garden of england but it could easily become your grave. unless you fancy a new job in pushing daisies stay out.
kek, the suction levels do get pretty rough (10 levels of suction and 10 levels of vibration) but you charge it with usb so it's probably different to the ones that claimed 6 million souls
Shut up you northern moron.
Every Northerner I've ever met had been thick as pig shit.
How long is turnout going to be on Friday
what an absolutely nothing thread
Wow reform uk actually got the pm to say paki on camera pretty based
the pills can help, or make you ill in very specific ways after very specific amounts of time. Its a shotgun approach to diagnosis when they are being too lazy & too quick to do proper diagnosis for whatever reason.
Learned this after a long hour chat with the chief clinical psychiatrist for my city (was at a dinner evening)
>using the haunted fleslight which killed 6 million (not been washed)
There’s a short story in that
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>chink cock manipulator

Hope you like being a eunuch
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Every southern I've met has been a shallow, self absorbed materialistic bellend.
They can't really think anyone who matters gives a shit about a few campaigners saying paki
literally every electronic in your house is made in china
do you stick your cock into every electronic item in your house?
Met some lads in a pub from Swindon a couple of months ago. Real eye opener into the lives of southern faggots.
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>chink onaholes are tested rigourously and CE stamped
this nigga has a machine with 10 levels of suction
wtf is wrong with you
How do they differ from northern faggots?
How are these polls accurate at all, the sample sizes are way to small 1300 people projected onto the 50 million or so who are eligible to vote
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*Met some lads from Swindon in a pub
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>umm actually anything made in china is bad because i saw some webms and le hecking winnie the pooh
this nigga sleeping on an EV battery or what?
didn't say that tho did I?
I may be self absorbed sir, but I am certainly not materialistic or shallow.
'ri chang
suppose you probably can fit your cock in the dvd slot to be fair
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What a fucking joke military pay is, especially navy
>duuuhhhr no went to pay means u save monies but hehe, no creature comforts or freedom while out a sea too hehe
All for 1k less than a mcdonalds job. No wonder they have to mothball ships
I hate kikes
Fatcha was right
The absolute state of the Glasto crowd

>masked obese Pajeeta
> creepy K-pop stans dressed like 5 year olds
>whatever the fuck that creature is on the left
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>are you using electricity? you must be chinese
Well they’re not people, how else are they supposed to recharge?
you put your dick in the plug socket I take it?
>rum sodomy and the lash

Sounds perfect for you
Be nice, that’s Cauldy’s gf
pints of whiskey maybe
so is glastonbury just for boomers and assorted mongrels
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>that electron has slant eyes
Poor bugger.
>I hate kikes
You're a product of them. We all are
You the same cunt who gets autistic about how long the tories have been in power?
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>this nigga sleeping on an EV battery or what?

infrared heating cell with safety block malfunctioning.. shit went off as soon one wired was smoked through..
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>You travel free. It's just all part of the job ;)
Yeah I'm sure going to a few bars now and then that ripoff sailor mongs like yourself is well worth being paid less than a mcdonalds worker
Don't forget you might be called upon to drown in a watery icy grave because your bame peers do t know how to swim and wouldn't let go of you while the ship was sinking
>Rating day one
Yeah, McDonald’s have a really good promotion and progression system that shits all over the navy’s, don’t they.
You thick cunt.
The cheapest tickets are 350 quid so only Boomers and posho Oxbridge students can afford it, it's this very weird upper-middle class bubble
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>i saw lightning, the chinese must be invading, no thanks to the tories
>eight years to get 41k
Who has a better retention rate though. Mcdonalds or the navy? I don't see mcdonalds mothballed it's resteraunts you dumb crayon eating zogbot nigger
Why are you on here anyway? Stuck munching on painkillers everyday due to your zogbot work related injury? Good job dickhead
Just came out on sky news that the campaigner channel 4 caught is actually an actor, pretty sus that
you could pick a specific role and get more, cryptologic technician is 37k within 2.5 years
i was on 42k on a year of being at my graduate job. i also wfh and do fuck all. can't imagine having to salute fags and actually do 40hrs of work
Can't barrage the farage.
Fucking grim. You can become a manager at mcdonalds in less than a year and earn 30k
Wonder if it'll be on question time, probably depends on when they filmed it
?Parker tells the PA news agency: “Of course I regret what I said. Christ, I’m not a racist. I’ve had Muslim girlfriends. It was typical chaps-down-the-pub talk.”
as a graduate you should be looking at officer salaries and you would also be getting saluted
McDonald’s in the UK has a massive employment turn over.
I doubt many see it as a career you absolute fucking mong.
>a year of hard graft to earn less
whoa, what an offer
Wonder if the 1st sea lord still gets free gym membership
>thinks the whole world revolves around him
these are neet hours, get to work wagie
>yes I gave up all of my freedom in exchange for being paid less than a mcdonalds worker. How could you tell?
Not many obviously see the navy as a career either crayon eater
>watery icy grave
Them lads in the second world war had it worse being eaten alive by sharks I feel
Probably does.
Weird thing is any officer above 1 star rank doesn’t get a military pension.
It’s a bit corrupt.
No, I don't think I will.
The trick is, and what a lot of people are missing, is that you are meant to put away a load of this because your cost of living in the forces is minimal. You aren't paying for transport or accommodation, and I don't know what the current situation is on food, but basically you are not spending a load that you would as a civilian

Meanwhile if you are waging you're going to have to find at least a grand a month for food rent bills travel etc
Thank God the Royal Navy are guarding the channel and keeping us safe from invasion.
They deserve more than a mcdonalds wage.
exactly, dont pay rent, buy a student house, students pay mortgage, property management company does landlord detail, repeat until ready to retire
>brit/pol/ is discussing the benefits of joining the navy
Always knew you were a bunch of bumders
The food is shit. The accommodation is shit. The pay is shit, and the job is shit. Why trade your freedom and possibly your life for that when you can just do it in civilian life. Fuck that. Zogbots are slaves.
I want to be a rear admiral
>Pint of beer served in polyester cup nationalism
They let poofs in now.
You’d be alright.
77th post
i'm at work right now, i wfh
>18 years of service
>you live off gruel, you have no freedom, and you have to take various vaccines. BUT you don't have to pay 600 quid in rent
>Get in and be the best ;)
>polyester cup
Mandatory covid vaccines too probably
Are they still forcing the death vax
I am not saying you should do it, I'm just saying how you make it work. Any job which covers a major cost for you (ie, housing or transport) is worth more than one that doesn't at least reimburse you for that.

Gazza Crossbow works for a utility firm makes £50k a year digging the roads up and upsetting people on normiebook. Hugo Noncely works for a bank and makes £100k. Gazza doesn't have to pay for a car or equipment or work clothes or training or accreditation and doesn't have to live anywhere near London, nor does he have £600 a month coming out for a student loan Therefore, Gazza is better off than Hugo
I can see the appeal of a career in the service but not to this shitheap as it exists now
You don’t make it work, that’s why nobody signs up
Adventure, rum and gold (and sodomy)
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Join the royal marines if you're gonna be in the navy
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Show flag jewjeet
It used to be popular in places where the alternative was some trade unionist nightmare like a mine or factory. You could go to exotic places like Hong Kong and Belize and Belfast. You also might have to beat up some rioters or do a bit of ethnic cleansing supervision in the Balkans, but that's about it. Do a few years, get out, then go be a roofer or something like that

Now they let women in and discourage whitey from signing up and wonder why lads from council estates and pit villages don't want to join anymore
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Poo PM says he has to keep saying "Paki"
That's good money considering you don't have to pay for food or lodging + what you see all over the world.
Many people would do I for free.
Did a fucking ammo box drop on your head during your last deployment? You army mongs always leave out a huge factor when shilling these zogbot jobs and that is that there is a very real chance especially in today's climate that you could fucking get blown up
>yeah m8. Job hack. Ask the va for pain medication for your mangled up legs. No pain in la la land
>so get in ;)
Nosezol Bergstein
Weird how in all prior stories about racial abuse they always obfuscate the term used
Also if you're not deployed you have to pay rent and shit, penny pinching Jew cunts
>all msm declare Trump the winner of the debate and not a single one run defence for Biden
>CNN were fair and neutral during the debate
>Nobody called him racist
The regime/elites wants Trump back, he's their guy.
>you have to make the job work for you. That's why I wfh in recruitment with my 1 limb
>swediah flag
>in a brit general
>talking about trump and skibidy man
Fuck off
I couldn't imagine joining the military for any other reason than to fuck someone up but you're not allowed to say that
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The campaigner is an actor and a trade union member
I wasn't in the Army, but that was the draw. They have always paid badly but never had a problem with recruitment until they made it for women and BAMEs

>You could get HURT
Yeah you could. That shouldn't put people off, it's the whole point. You could get hurt roofing or rigging or working underground or whatever else
Yeah, many wogs would be mercenaries for free so they could get citizenship for them and their families, and we’ll increasingly see that going forward
>there is a very real chance especially in today's climate that you could fucking get blown up
Yeah, because Britain today is so much more dangerous than Iraq or Afghanistan.
All those roadside bombs on the way into Tidworth.
He has to say "Paki" because "p word" could be poo or Paki. I mean currynigger is more apt to not be racist. Sunak could be a Paki tho
That's what it should be about. I went to school with a lad who joined and he wanted to kill people. He got to kill some guy in Iraq and he was really pleased about it. Now he fits garage doors

It should be what it says on the tin.
It’s in the bag I reckon.
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Starting to think the actor guy was not a plant by channel 4, but by the tories.

Sunak knows damn well he's a plant by now yet he's rolling with it.

Actual psyop
I'm sorry but you're just being a weirdo. Nobody is going to get their legs and arms blown off working in mcdonalds or selling cars. Fucking around with cooking oil? Dangerous sure but I'd rather take my chances with that over being deployed in Poland or whatever at the moment. The pay is better too
yeh seems like a set up by Ch4, the timing as well
He hates it because he's indian and nothing sets off an indian more than suggesting he is the same race from the same region as pakistanis.
Better sell to tell them they’ll be able to slot wogs at home
In the age of the small drone even the smallest muzzie insurgents can get their hands on them.
What do you do, then?
Deep lore: he was an actor hired by REFORM! Farage hired him specifically to bait C4, so they could make it look like the establishment really is out to get him.
I've got my neet level set up to 11
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Kek. Nice meme.
4d chess by rNige.

classic mr. hitchens
rails on the tories for years, even wrote a book shitting on them
2024 election: vote conservative
I have a bad feeling this is going to creator their poll numbers lol. 6 days left to go and it was all going so well lol.
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That's based Swedeanon
He's a good lad.
Do they still give out free grog though?
>It was abolished in 1970
Fuck em then. Navy wankers.

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