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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious gene therapy (not saline) and there still aren't any refunds for the vax.
I don't need a religion to have basic common sense.
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I'm starting to like you're spamming this. Total Reddit Death.
vaxxies are HELLBOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok guys, we are all anonymous here - so lets admit - who here took the vax?
i admit i didnt.
i gave a 100$ bill to the doctor and he stamped the paper that i got vaxxed.
did they go door to door with the vax?
in Polska? no.
if you wanted to get the poison vax, you had to go to the vax tent or some hospital.
I never even wore a mask once through the entire imaginary covid plague, i chin-diapered that shit for 2 years.
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Why am I not surprised?
what a faggot

the elite are heroes for killing off scum like this
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Never jabbed.
Came within a hair of loosing my job, after the Supreme Court ruling thru backed off. Think I'm the only pureblood in my work. Incidentally, a coworker "suddenly died" of an aneurysm.
Although i am severely depressed alcoholic. It brings me great joy to know goy cattle suffer everyday
they (precisely the "elite" pedosatanic occult cabal) are not stopping there, you are on the chopping block too. The war is on humanity, but they have to respect that some of us are here on a mission and are specially prepared to be resistant to all or the extreme majority of their subeversive destructive plans. Such people require more work to deal with, but since many of them have a lot of opposite kind of spirituality, the elite will have to cut their losses at some point or deal with said force. The latter is more likely, and it will not go well for them by pure virtue of universal laws.
i, a racist pagan absolutist antisemite, didn't take it
my retarded liberal cuckstain kikeworshipping taylor swift worshipping le heckin minoritos loving whore mother did, twice, and 3 boosters, but somehow she hasn't clotted up yet, despite having a heart attack a year before covid, so either she got saline or the lowest mrna nanobot dosage batch, either way 5 years is coming up soon enough, so
there is more hair on his arm than on his head
fine. I just wnat to see billions die. The elite are GODS!!!
Didn't take it, and never will.
That was very hard here. You became a statistic faggot. You too will have to be cleansed to be sure in the future.
>Reddit buzzwords vs an actual article with genuine statistics
You're pastafarian 2
vaxxies are NPCs and must be removed.
I cucked too, if you could prove a previous infection you could get a proof of safety paper for $$$ for 3 months which I did
then you are HELLBOUND, DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shalom, tavistock
the elite are not wrong. 90% of people are normies, NPCs, useless eaters, who must be purged.
>Just a friendly reminder for vaxxed livestock, who surely browse /pol/ and will be here to see my message
Quit looking for high-fives from people who already agree with you, it's pathetic
true. they did us a favor
The consoomer, as soon as their income was threatened they caved, some even if they couldn’t go out to a bar they got it, to continue consooming.
For me, innawoods and stocking up.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari have saved the earth by exterminating the NPC scum
90% of people are also nonwhite
that too. The asians, chinese, indians, arabs, all had a 95% vax rate. The WEF are heroes
so literally, the elite are saving the world from the useless eaters and shitskins
and the vax rate of africa and south america are what?
south america is like 80 or 85 percent. Africa is around 35 or 40 percent.
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>muh science daddies told me you are LE BAD AND DUMB if you don't let them penetrate you with their mysterious science juices
the elite are like gods to us. They are killing the useless eaters
hmm, for all those numbers i have to wonder
how many are "vaccinated" as in the sink or the trash can is what actually got the juice
how many got saline batches
how many got the lowest dosage batches
i guess we shall see in due time
most took it. Most people especially non-whties are NPCs and blindly believed their government
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Lol if there was no vaxx everyone here would be crying the jews/elite was withholding it from us
It says in the Bible in the last days the nations would be deceived by wicked pharmacia.
the elite are gods, the useless eaters deserve to be genocided



...wait 2 months ago?!

you're late anon!
found vaxxed retard cattle. I hope you die soon
same. Vaxxies are HELLBOUND!!!!!!!!!!!
feel free to make a new one
>there still aren't any refunds
in some places you get funeral vouchers? doesnt this qualify as refund?
all vaxxed are going straight to HELL!!!!!!!
only non-whites are against the vaccine
and this is why the elite are correct about the useless eaters
they know exactly what they made, yes
it's not a good justification for killing them though
fuck that. 8 billion people. 90% of them are non-whites and useless NPCs.

The elite are saving the world.
voluntary castration in exchange for UBI would have been enough to wipe most of them out in two generations
but the so called elites get off on suffering and murder
the vax includes a free chemical lobotomy along with other awesome benefits.
>Long COVID brain fog
no one will volunteer for that. The elite is doing it right, by killing them with the vaccine
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they got injected with mystery juice for picrelated
so it seems, so it seems
very cruel
the NPCs deserve it, i have no pity for them at all
never stop posting this by the way
>cows deserve to be turned into hamburger
this is wrong, not because cows are awesome, but precisely because they demonstrably lack agency, so "deserving/undeserving" are categories which do not apply
fuck that. Animals are innocent. Humans are evil. The elite are correct to wipe out the NPCs
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NPCs are non-human
they failed the test of the gom jabbar
and the elite are right to exterminate them!
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that's where we disagree
I am against animal cruelty in all forms
>science daddies

Ask me how I know you're circumsized.
yes, animals are innocent and do not deserve to be killed. I am vegan btw.

But humans are evil scum and deserve to be genocided.
I took it. I got covid a year later(according to the test) and it wasn't anything serious. No side effects of any kind so i still don't see what all you schizos are seething about.
>inb4 2 more weeks til death
you keep looping into the same category errors
NPCs are not human
if you have a beef with humans, you will only find them among the UNjabbed
NPCs are scum to be wiped out. The elite are doing the right thing
Anyone who got the Trump vaccine deserves the death they will get. Fucking retards. I’m voting Biden because I would never trust a convicted felon injecting poison into my veins.
t. Uncut, not vaxxed, never been tested
anyone who got the vax deserves to go to HELL!!!!

gotten checked for cancer lately?
see you around
I like your energy but you've got the wrong target in your sights
who created NPCs in the first place?
fall of 2021, Portugal was the most vaccinated country against COVID-19 in the world.

And this year, Portugal broke the “record” for the number of excess deaths among all European countries.

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lol, even lmao
Portugal people are getting what they deserve!

God? Fuck God! God is the true and ultimate enemy!
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>my name is ADIS HOT IVANKOVIC. I'm a muslim balkan turkroach yugoslave rapebaby immigrant invader and I MUST rape german children bestial and sadistically to death and I NEVER got caught with it. I let my victims eat my poop on public streets and much worse. I rape my victims, the children, over years. I destroy lives of my victims family and I even would never think bad about it, if I would. It is the exact opposite, I feel very strong for that and I like it. I also like homosexuality, and incest, if the others are the ones who suffering their whole life until death. I do also like to torture pets alive (or dead) and torturing them with a passion to death.

>my criminal turkroach "father" was also in prison for many many years, but he is a good goy and dindu nuffin, just like me! I've learned sooo much from him, masallah! my "mother" knows what I'am doing and is also proud of me, of a multiple child rapist and murderer of german children. she supports me, loves me and my money from the germans.

>all of my turkroach yugoslave friends are criminals aswell of course, and we go further; we wont stop it! ("say, how could you tell?") I'am a criminal millionaire and proud muslim because of all that and it's my business!

>we dont like niggers, gypsys or jews in our countries because we are the good guys. we are not like "those" subhumans.

pic related.
What would /pol/, you, do, if this "object" did this to your children multiple times ?
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My captcha was JK2KKK, what does this mean?
the fuck does this have to do with vaccines?

means you are being gang-stalked
I did. I'm kind of worried now though, is it true that I only have 2 weeks left to live?
Zwarte pieeeeeeet!!
En Sinterklaas!!
all vaxxies are going to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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