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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This guy seems really happy. Not hurting anyone here
No one likes being forced to play along with some male nut job who is badly role-playing being a girl.
Gay looking 20 something into gay looking teenage boy
Great if he’s happy but stay the fuck away from me and my life and don’t shit in my pond by making it all about you you annoying homo. shoo shoo go be niggertranny elsewhere
but whats the point?
he gonna get fucked in the ass all his life, grow old, and die, no children, no future, its like seeing a tree leaf breaking down and falling off, no flowers, nothing, it's just pointless
>t. tranny without hrt
Its very obviously a fetish but nobody wants to admit that. just go on this site called 'pawoo' and you will find most of them are openly pedophiles with sick fantasies. Its a scary rabbit hole. someone should collect screenshots of the posts from some users there.
They are out to destroy us you fool!
It's a moral threat and I refuse to suffer the mutant. Aberrations must be culled for the health of the whole.
i just wanna know how he got his skin so clear
there should be no way to escape being an incel but through hard work and mental maturation, troons are taking shortcuts, cutting out the worl, and their dicks, and mentally maturing backwards. abomination.
the incel to tranny pipeline is real
it's a fucking filter and HE wears makeup every day now, he has to.
The consequences of the Civil Rights Act is what is truly hated. Faggots could always find their little enclaves to do faggot shit together. That isn't enough though, they want political power to harm society at large.
Light chemical peels and later on accutane. Retinols help. Always moisturize. Thats it.
He probably says dumb shit and votes blue
That's good enough for me to hate him
they are mentally ill and prove it with every post they make on this board
if the govt would stop enabling them they'd disappear completely so its mainly about our illegitimate govts shoving them down normal peoples throats than actually giving a shit about them one way or another
I don't hate them, I pity them. They've been lied too constantly and think their mental illness is normal.
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so do they jack off in the coffee or what
We just need to start bullying people like we did in the 90s and early 2000s. The internet has turned people into pussies. Theres still enough chads and stacies in the world to bully the wierdos back into hiding.
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And we're not hurting him by denying that he is a woman or allowing him into the women's toilet, yet he seems to think we are, tries to get us fired, intimidate people and businesses for not enabling his delusions and he uses his vote in a democracy to vote for the far-left in general who want to let in fake refugees, destroy our once wholesome trad IQ 100 high trust communities of white folks and turn them into crime ridden ghettos, and no wonder, he is insane and easily manipulated.

You only think he isn't hurting anyone because you are myopic, you can't see the forest for the trees. The best criminals are the ones that get away with it, that smile in your face and hide their power level while doing it, these are the ones that take the most and drag you down the most, yet every once in a while they let the mask slip and give you the evil eye.
because its a perversion of the sacred which is your physical and mental health
plus its a sin so you had to burn in hell (not forever, but for a decent time)
and nobody wants that
most of us had girlfriends in college
we dont even need sex and partnership
only low lifes need a partner
most of us just work all day hard and working on something meaningful
your shits gonna end bad just tellin ya dimmwhits
you might be bragging now but wait till later
were gonna see for sure whats gonna happen to all these big mouth idiots cutting their dicks off
see you in hell idiots
your times gonna be over then
enjoy your new life then
1. shoulders
2. hands
3. neck
4. spacing between nose and mouth
5. distance between eyes
And those are just the reasons to find him repulsive.
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>its mainly about our illegitimate govts shoving them down normal peoples throats
>He probably says dumb shit and votes blue
and this
>Its very obviously a fetish
and this
The systematic destruction of tomboys is reason enough who you should be killed ten times over.
>trannies aren't hurting anybody
>btw you can't call them men or we'll cancel you.
>you can't say you wouldn't suck a woman's dick or we'll get you fired.
>you can't prevent a tranny to put on "her" swimsuit in the same changing room aa your daughter or we'll hunt you down lime a criminal.
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love them
He went from incel that wouldn't be allowed to so much as look at a girl to femboy that can have sex with whatever teengirl or man he wants
He's smart
Watch this and you'll understand.
Also voice, feet and walking style.
Bone structure makes it more comfortable for men to sit manspreading while women can cross legs and still feel comfy.

The male ones are the result of modern porn addiction. They become the hypersexualized male porn fantasy of a woman, and behave stereotypical. They force you to play along their sexual fantasies.

The female ones are tomboys, sometimes simply nerdy girls who get told that if they don't like pink and do like soccer, soulslikes or scifi they have to chop of their breasts to fit in.

Real dysmorphia exists but is miniscule.
You don't pass. You look like a low T twink. Because you are

Forgot: Lots of it is enabled and pushed by stay-at-home mums feeling worthless who want to feel special through social media points.
Indeed. Trying to be a woman is stupid, majority of women struggle to look hot past 30, possibly earlier. Why subject yourself to that short shelf life? Same thing with twinks, like what OPs pic is achieving.
I was against trannies but I delved deep into left hand path and ancient mysticism. In ancient times and to this day in India, hermaphrodites are accepted as an element of human nature and I do too.
I hate it when they post what they used to look like it’s such a turn off now i will remember they’re men and what they looked like whenever i see them
They wont shut the fuck up.
They push their views onto others.
They demand people to accept them.
They groom children.
Because faggots don't get to demand I indulge their larp.
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Exactly. Perhaps there’s an infinitesimal minority which aren’t doing it in a sexual nature, but all trannies shouldn’t be medically treated by indulging.
Fell in love really badly with a girl who looked like this. I know she's a biological woman cause I was friends with her ex online, that's how I met her. He turned out to be a fag. I finally got a girlfriend but 2 years later I still compare my feelings to how I felt for her. It was the strongest infatuation I felt for someone since I was a teenager. Didn't feel that for my gf. Just normal healthy attachment and love over time. The problem is it doesn't have that insane irrational love feeling that drives a man to lose his senses and actually get married, like I wanted to to her.
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>Not hurting anyone here
They require a surgery to transition, so doctors are making more money without fixing any illnesses in society
They require acids to dilate, that's another useless product on the market, that contributes absolutely nothing to the rest of humanity, but it just makes money to big pharma
Judging by what i said above, their existence is economically a net negative on the rest of us. These surgeries, chemicals, hormones, that they consume, are all covered for by the state, aka money out of our pockets. Which means we are paying so that people can have more mental illnesses
>why is it bad
This is a man who's whole life and ideals are built on a lie. On cutting his penis off, consuming hormones, putting on makeup, and DEMANDING that you acknowledge he is a woman, or else he'll shame, and persecute you to the fullest extent of the law. Not only that, but that man cannot conceive children, so he transmits his mental illnesses to the impressionable masses: your kids.
Would you really trust someone like that to tell your kids how to think?

This is true but those did not prohibit you from entering your booked flight or get you fired when you accidentally "misgendered" them.

It is weak males finally getting a chance to exercise power over women. This gives the monkey brain dopamine.
why would anyone who is mentally okay post a photo of themselves HERE on THIS board of all places? You have issues
They're a male who thinks they can be a woman
Of course they have issues
So yes, they are hurting me. They're taking money out of my pockets, and they are a threat to my children, and a disgusting plague that ought to be eradicated. I predict that soon there will be an uprising in Europe. It has happened once, it will happen again. Only i don't know if it will happen within our lifetimes.
Do trannies loose their body hair too when they take estrogen? I always wondered how that works, or is it all lasered away?
trannies are the vegans of gender
Gender isn't a thing. Male or female, faggot. Stop using pedo jew terminology
he's hurting my eyes my soul and god
This image removes any possibility that I could ever find a tranny attractive, even a passing one, even one that looks cute. Just knowing that they used to look like that or something worse is such a massive turn off it makes my stomach turn.
Yes, he's profoundly mentally ill.
we will find a cure
you just look like a long haired boy.
because that's what you are
the sooner you realise that, the sooner you can start to be genuinely happy
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i've just searched "map pride" on it kek
He has a mental disorder propagated by / and validated by schizophrenic Jewish doctors who used highly questionable sampling and data to validate their pedophilia

Chimpanzees cannot be gorillas and gorillas cannot be Chimpanzees

Males cannot become female and vice versa- bone structures, skeletal structure never going to be the same.

Trannies are walking talking mental ward patients freely walking in society.

This is fact
lmfao it's a filter you stupid fucking child raper
i fucking hate trannies so much its literally unreal
Look at all that dyed hair, holy shit. It's true.
>Not hurting anyone here
Himself, Satan.
No pass and you never will sorry you got molested but that is not my problem..

Btw you will eat another humans feces...because that is what you do

Which is not normal
If you keep going some of them have literal killing and raping fantasies towards you know... Its scary stuff. Im suprised that site is still up honestly. Collect screenshots while you can its great evidence against trannies lol.
Funny fascists did and do the same thing...

Im not a tranny you fucking moron. Everyone should practice skincare male or female you dumb leatherskin.
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You see this?
Every time you go to reddit, youtube, discord, facebook, twitter and try to have a discussion about anything, a janny tranny will ban you. They do it for free.

Trannies hurt society every day they censor free speech and hide the truth from the general population
I hate trannies because they are no different from an Uruk-hai working for Sauron
Fun fact: mtf trannies still hit on women and expect it to go well LMAO.
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guys, there's a site of MAPS xd
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Good, now we know that group you defend are fascists. Can we start bashing their skulls in and punch them since they are fascists?
was groomed
>some of them have literal killing and raping fantasies.. scary stuff. Im suprised that site is still up honestly.
that's exactly what I'd expect a pschotic pedo rapist to say
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he look like he's on his way to dinner with andre
it's sad if someone got groomed but that doesn't mean they have to ruin the rest of their life
its basically a cult. They exist in an echo chamber and all their 'friends' would disappear and turn on them if they stopped
Yes they are. Themselves, their families, their people, other vulnerable people - especially children, society at large.

Its grotesque mental illness mixed with abuse.
You’re looking for the hit classic “hazelnut latte”
I was a member of r/detrans for quite a while and for most of them, it's like they've just woken up from a spell. they remember how and where they got brainwashed, often on sites like tumblr, then they go through the whole obsession with passing and hating terfs etc, then the young girls get their boobs chopped off, then they suddenly realise they want kids and a normal life but they got abused and manipulated by the doctors and 'experts'. it's fucking sad. I've read so many stories which follow that same path.
They are fucking horrid people in real life. Just yesterday I was served by a tranny in a shop and they were just a dick completely unnecessarily. Every encounter I have with them they're just dicks.
If they were all passing (and that means voices too) then there'd be less disdain. But even the passing ones don't age like women, and are at higher risks for health issues. Fucking with hormones can have serious consequences.
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holy shit the amount of stupid fucking labels they have is atrocious
need a whole ass wiki to keep track of this insanity
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Right Wing trannies Unite With Right Wing Pagans and Atheists. United against the intolerant and oppressive christcucks and feminists! If you want to know how christucks destroyed Europe the last 2000 years, just watch some vids from Adam Green and LEARN something!
devil horns in bottom right
How many kids did he rape schlomo?
alleged tranny hate by the right is a psy-op by leftists to increase their power
trans girls that pass are hot and valid, it's the ones that don't that are somewhat of an abomination. In any case, leftists use this as a wedge issue - there is no 'trans hate', it's about shoving Pride flags everywhere, indoctrinating children, giving preferential scholarships to sodomites, and basically discriminating against everyone in favour of the LGBT religion, which is basically a cult where the initiation is getting sodomized in your teenage years
because they're a sin against nature. But in the end nature always wins. You can not violate natural laws and get away with it for long.
>does something to themselves that makes them look like a 14 year old girl
>ironically calls people on /pol/ the pedos instead of the people who want to fuck him
Like come on, use your brain here or just go back to /tttt/ and stay there
shut the fuck up faggot. Never come back to this website or I will find you.
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we don't hate tranners, ((((they)))) do
only people who follow ((((their)))) opinions are their own amerigolems
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memeflag faggot, christ is king. You'd have to me a massive retard with down syndrome if you can't see that the abandonment of christianity in America coincides with the increase of degeneration. Fucking idiot.
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>grow old,
Lol. Lmao
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Go back
>Satanic digits pushing troonism
All troons will be put into the Kampfs and gassed.
why do so many of them work at Starbucks?
this is you isnt it op
asylum nails
Transgenderism is a lie, it's obscene, it's self-loathing incremental suicide. Teaching children to hate who they are and try to "fix" themselves by destroying their bodies is evil. What's not to hate?

Men and women are distinct entities, not identities.
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yuck what a disgusting creature
must be an anglo amerigolem judging by the way the nose looks
I've noticed the ones here will threaten people's children when called out. These are not idle threats.
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Kys crimson chin
kindi teacher say your little jimmy... should you wear a dress.

At home no.

Parents aressted for child abuse.

Jimmy dick cut off + hormones + foster parents

yeah nah.
You don't even need to know how to use Photoshop anymore, modern phones and apps all come with premade filters.
This is why everyone has the same face now, it's just pasted over them.
having long hair doesn't turn you into a girl dude.
I know the estrogen makes you feel like a girl but at the moment,
you just look like all my old depressed punk mates in the 80s..
I have hooked up with a few
They're all insane
Every single one I had to block on all aspects because they're actually crazy and blowing up my phone skitz shit
>why do WE hate trannies again?

you're a tranny OP
I've never fucked a tranny before. Can you be my first? I'm tall, white and handsome.
why shouldnt i hate attention seeking behaviour. fuck people who believe they deserve or are owed anything. if this was completely for them they wouldnt be sharing it inside an echo chamber because their opinions would be irrelevant. fuck them, and fuck those who support it
Mentally ill faggot has nothing better to do than pretend to be a woman but anyone with a functioning brain sees its a man. I don't hate, just find retarded people hilarious and I laugh at them.
I seen how you live. Pathetic would be an understatement.
Made for bbc
Built for bbc
You should probably cut your caveman hands off in order to complete that transition
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let me tell you something, satan. /pol/ legitimately loves them far more than anyone else in their lives ever has
that is what you see here: a desperate attempt to save them using every means, trying to offset the evil 'love' their (((supporters))) fake
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He is mentally ill and the chances for suicide increase drastically. If he kills himself are you not going to feel sad for cheering him into it?
checked and oofed
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This you?
everyone says pass on /lgbt/ :)
Thats lgbt, they'll say you pass no matter what. Stop playing pretend.
He’s a faggot with AIDS and should be exterminated with all troons
>verification not required
My feet are only size 6..
so happy has to post pictures online for attention constantly
Anon stop posting omelet on /pol/ i don't think she would appreciate it desu
not to everyone
Kek, you are a retard.

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