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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>anti Farage psyop in 2016: the literal murder of an MP
>anti Farage psyop in 2024: "omg some literal who said the word paki" (got exposed as being a setup the morning after)
Even psyops are falling victim to the competency crisis. Sloppier than ever.

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are they the UK's leading thinkers?
Reckon they've done an undercover look at Labour campaigners in Muslim areas?
That would be racist.
Guy on the left looks like a waxwork model of Louis Theroux.
why do the brintellectually impaired think im josh?
More like leading stinkers
Do not join the military. They will fucking murder you.
Could probably start with Didsbury Mosque
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morning lads
hi josh
Afternoon, spastic.
Going to my mate's mental health reveal party later. Not sure weather to take drinks or not though?
No, that would be Sargon.
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Glad Nigel is calling out the psyop/false flag for what it is.
Thought everyone knew that if you're dead set on joining the military, that the Air Force is the way to go.
Better working conditions, better food, better accommodation, least likely to be blown up by an IED or drone.
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Might get a cardboard cut out of rNige and put it in the window.
>(got exposed as being a setup the morning after)
Source? I've only half followed this case.
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So much reform required to become a nation state
WTF is a mental health reveal party?
Does he show you all a brain scan and say "surprise, it's a depression!"?
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Is it true I need a photo ID to vote now?
put a cardboard Smith & Wesson Model 29 revolver chambered for 44 Magnum dirty harry gun in his hand, ward off the darkies.
He's been in therapy and that so he wants to tell us how his mental health has been and how we can help him etc.
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>Hey look, it's that Paki
>I'm not a Paki you little bitch (squats to show he is not a Paki)
>I don't think that's the true Paki PM, Paki's don't squat says a young kid holding his nose. Well at least I think they don't, maybe they do
tell him to khs
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Maybe rishi is mad because he's gonna lose his seat and a sikh is gonna get loads of votes
What ever happened to not letting your problems define you?
>No, that would be Sargon
Sargon used to be intelligent but now he's trying way too hard to be funny. Constantly making pointless quips in conversations. Hopefully he sells Lotus Eaters to somebody competent.
Bait, but turn up absolutely leathered already.
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Ahh ok, that's a bit more wholesome than I was imagining.
Just be there and be supportive I guess.
Blokes are expected to just "man up" about shit, then everyone is surprised when they off themselves. Good to be open about things with people you trust.
What child would recognise him enough to care?
lads, im a bit concerned Reform is losing steam heading into July 4th...
Absolute fucking joke what benefits do we get out of ‘the commonwealth’ half of them don’t even have the king as head of state? Do we get special rights in their country then?
>mental health reveal party
Will he be playing this?
ive been filtered from voting
Hello saar
I hear you have a problem with your parliament
Hello saar
Have you tried restarting your goberment?
Hello saar
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Hello saar
I am here to solve your problem

Zewo seats
Zewo seats
Should I get gyno removal surgery?
that sounds incredibly gay
Yeah so am I, this recent incident I really hope it doesn’t ruin everything.
Sounds American and gay.
Nice animu, nonce.
Go if it's your mate but I am firmly of the opinion that only Americans and Jews get "therapy". You should have been his therapy already if you're his friend
The RAF website nearly crashes my laptop
>Greens the highest for Pimm's
Imagine my shock.
Read this, spackers
>a citizen of the Commonwealth
Does that mean native Australians and Canadians can come straight in and run for office? Can they vote in our elections?
>got exposed as being a setup the morning after
No it didn't you lying freak lmao. The guy genuinely called Rishi a "Paki" as an insult.

Why are you so desperate to suck Farage's cock?
>photo ID
mfw i have no face
Yeah lol. Absolutely crazy.
It hasn't been exposed as a setup. Because it wasn't. The guy was a genuine Reform supporter who genuinely described Rishi Sunak as a "paki".
Hi spaino.
too late to apply for voter authority certificate
You fucking spastic
By voting Reform, we're explicitly endorsing the position that this is acceptable
I’m going to vote for them now I wasn’t previously. Reckon this won’t go down well though lol. It was all going so well for them with 6 days to go.

Konstantin "I'm black" kisin

But seriously they aren't dreadful however I would put them more as the public communicators of ideas and not the actual thinkers
Michael Long, a C*nadian citizen, was Lord Mayor of Belfast recently
a scarecoon
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>Who's the fuck "ethnic Brit"? A Saxon or a Viking?
This is a fucking Ukrainian saying this.
She'd probably go fucking ballistic if you asked her what an "ethnic Ukrainian" is (no doubt she believes there is such a thing) and then asked if she meant a Russian.

Seeing subversive shit like this from cunts like her just cements my belief that we should never help refugees by letting them in our country, even if they are genuince, because they'll never really be grateful for it.
women on the internet took care of that real quick. mental illness became a unique character trait to embrace and not something to work on and be ashamed of.
and then those women raised sons
Isn't Ukraine like 40 years old or something?
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I'll just get my mother to do it then. I've been a cheapskate on IDs my entire life. Even lost the free one that I think only becomes invalid next year
Ukrainians are zogged beyond belief
Piss off Spaino you moronic bender.
Why the fuck are you sperging about some ukie cunt? There's enough of this rhetoric coming from British natives.
>Essex Police say they're "urgently assessing" racist and homophobic comments made by Reform UK campaigners in a Channel 4 broadcast "to establish if there are any criminal offences".
The absolute state of the fucking country.
>He's been in therapy and that so he wants to tell us how his mental health has been and how we can help him etc.
Thought you were joking
Canadians been making fun of the British
in your sad degenerate general recently? Good for them.
Would be funny if the actor thing is legit and he is just some Hope not Hate-type agitator, but he still ends up getting dragged through the courts for a hate crime
Good, send them all home.
Painfully obvious jeet
>Sargon used to be intelligent
Hi Sargon!
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the tories really are fucking retards
Reform are toast. Ffs.
They're the least of our worries (although them also all filling up with wogs means that's not necessarily true), look more to Nigeria, India and Pakistan
>No rum
Bunch of wet wipes
>Why the fuck are you sperging about some ukie cunt?
Why shouldn't I?

>There's enough of this rhetoric coming from British natives.
You think I don't know that? It's pretty fucking galling when it comes from some cunt that we let in because the Russian have invaded their country.
Not being funny lad, but are there all that many potential Reform voters who'd be put off by someone saying, "paki?"
nobody gives a shit
You're the one that's sucking off men, in this case ones who lie to you and take advantage of you
based, racism alone moves the wheels of history
Nobody cares about being considered racist any more, and the few that do never would have voted for them anyway. Honestly, I can see support increasing slightly.
Reminder, if you voted for Brexit, this is your fault.
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>When my two daughters have to see and hear Reform people who campaign for Nigel Farage calling me an effing [P-word], it hurts and it makes me angry, and I think he has some questions to answer.

>And I don’t repeat those words lightly. I do so deliberately, because this is too important not to call out clearly for what it is.

>Asked if it was frustrating for Sunak to know that some former Tory supporters were backing a party whose activists behave like this, Sunak said:

>When you see Reform candidates and campaigners seemingly using racist and misogynistic language and opinions, seemingly without challenge, I think it tells you something about the culture within the Reform party.

>Andrew Tate isn’t an important voice for men. He is a vile misogynist, and our politics and country is better than that.

>And as prime minister, but more importantly as a father of two young girls, it’s my duty to call out this corrosive and divisive behaviour.
It will work. Racist is still the bad word that works most effectively. Don't underestimate how many of your fellow white men are still terrified to the point of lashing out at others in rage if they think someone might suggest they are racist. They can and will call other people racist first, to assert their own position as a moral anti-racist.
It's been the most effective tool against us.
>I will, I have no idea about Senegalese ethnic groups. I guess it's a nationality, not ethnicity
Reeeeee, nationality relates to nation, it itself is a reference to ethnos and ethnicity! Fucking hate it when the word is incorrectly used.
>Arrivals in 2019
Now stretch it back to 1997.
Why doesn't he just turn the telly off???
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Now what mate?
How old are his daughters? Did he just go up to his 8 year old and say "so random man called you a paki, now feel bad"
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You just know he's shouted "fucking paki" at other browns.
How come you can say brit but not paki? Is being pakistani bad or something?
I don't know anon, I would have agreed with you as little as 3 years ago but the mood has considerably shifted recently
I think anyone thinking of voting for reform is more than willing to tolerate or tacitly support racist attitudes
the problem as well is that everything is very muddled because none of this is discussed properly. Do people see the reform candidate's comments and think "well it's a bit uncouth, but he's just expressing a lot of the same frustrations I have...."?
Anyone that thinks that farage is adolf putler is already not voting for him anyway so who cares
>sherry and wine
That's probably why he's hurt and angry
Indians hate being compared to Pakis
Permanent mud diaspora have been saying this shit for decades now, along with the constant raping and killing. Just a weird outlet for you to be channeling this sentiment.
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afternoon lads
Yeah I guess you’re right always good to remain positive I mean far worse was said in the EU referendum. I mean reform seemed to be doing well and then farage said the stuff about Ukraine and there numbers dropped seems sketchy.
It's like how you can't call a jew a jew.
likely annoyed because ukie (and hong kangers) were sold as temporary, grateful and based.
Huh, so it's just the tories then, everyone who voted for them should be killed.
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Shit number because it's taking away all the whites moving to the Continent/America/Antipodes
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Even if that were true (it isn't), it won't be a factor in the privacy of a voting booth.
>loudly muttering "paki" as you make your mark
Its not 2021 anymore mate.
The mental gymnastics you cocksuckers will do to avoid the fact the tories have imported over a million niggers and pakis in 2 years makes me sick.
If you write 'paki' in the box instead of putting a cross, does it count as a vote cast or a spoiled ballot?
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Truly bro tier
Lurpak isn't posh butter
>Just a weird outlet for you to be channeling this sentiment.
Nothing weird about it.
I don't like forrins
I don't like forrins in my country
I don't like forrins in my country being subversive cunts
No, it's those who voted Tories who are to blame.
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>When I saw the footage last night, I thought no one speaks like that. You know, ‘We’re going to turn mosques into Wetherspoon’s’. It all seemed a bit over the top.

>So someone told us he was an actor. You rang him this morning, the Daily Telegraph rang him this morning. He denied point blank he was an actor. It turns out he is an actor. We found his website. He’s a well-spoken actor who does something called “rough speaking”.

>I was at the office when he arrived last Saturday. He was doing rough-speaking. It was an act right from the very start.

>I was working and he came in and come up to me and said hello, and then he went out canvassing where the undercovering filming took place.

>And he was rough speaking. He was not being himself from day one. I have to tell you, this whole thing is a complete and total setup. Of that I have no doubt whatsoever.

highly doubt it is a set-up and it makes sense strategically for farage to turn this into a conspiracy theory but lmao can you imagine if C4 actually did pay-off an actor to say something racist on camera
So what?
>here's your le based sikhs bro
fun and extremely depressing fact- canada has the highest number of sikhs as a % of total population than anywhere in the world, including india
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>mfw i learn that americans call starfish "sea stars"
It's not 'mental gymnastics', it's not being a fucking mong and acting like it's a recent problem rather than one that's been getting rapidly fucking worse for the last 3 decades. Like it was alright when the nonwhite population went from 5% in 1991 to 13% in 2011, but it's only now becoming a really serious fucking problem because of Brexit, or the small boats, or whatever brainlet shite your Twitter friends are talking about this week
I'm from the norf and loads of people still call cornershops paki shops, and will say paki
I find it fascinating how /pol/ barely mentions the shit being pumped into rivers and beaches, the crumbling schools, the destruction of healthcare (so Tories can privatize it).
The tories are ended they're bankrupting themselves atm
>the destruction of healthcare (so Tories can privatize it)
They don't want to privatise it. If it's private, they can't use it to hand out dodgy contracts to their friends.
Farage is a Neo-liberal Zionist.
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None it really affects me laa
They wouldn't even do an overcover look at Galloway...
>he's an actor, he was paid to do this
I'm not sure who this will convince other than those asking for a reason to believe it's fine.
Normal people are autistic when it comes to racism. They believe only the people in the news who are called racist, are racist, and should be kicked out of every job possible.
>Repub. Ire: Leaves Commonwealth
>still gets Commonwealth benefits and is defended by Britain's army

>Britain: Leaves EU
>loses everything and imports millions of Asians
We really are cuckolded by our leadership.
You do realise this is going to galvanise people into supporting Rishi...
>who'd be put off by someone saying, "paki?"
He isn't. That's why he's using it. The term isn't even being spoken or put into print.
Reform is now a "Racist and Misogynist" party.
For me it's their attempted revision that Sikhs have been vital to the development of Canada, even though they numbered a little over 500 in the early 20th century. And the growing explicit calls that Europeans are not entitled to the New World and that it should be up for demographic grabs globally (also pls let us into Europe as well)
>The tories actions in the past 14 yeas is Labour's fault.
It's never okay to say that word.
Flag off
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At least women are going to suffer as more niggers and browns come over, that's the sole redeeming factor of all this.
Nah they threw the same thing at UKIp>>472459474
>You do realise this is going to galvanise people into supporting Rishi
I don't believe that at all
Checked. It's unironically over.

Back at my old job in 2016, loads of my co-workers were all "there's to many muslims and indians coming over, that's why I'm voting to leave the EU".
It didn't occur to them that India and the middle east are not in Europe, but here we are.
It feels a lot more racialist saying paki than nigger, but I listen to rap so I'm desensitised to hearing nigger every other word
Who's denying that?
>in the past 14 yeas
1997-2010 was 14 years ago?
The country is run by absolute retards and that goes way beyond government ministers and the government of the day. We spend more per capita on education and health care than petty much every country in the G20 and we get some of the worst returns ever. The problem goes way beyond just money. As for the pollution I’d be putting the CEO in prison and other company officials and re nationalising water and energy. I don’t want to renationalise rail.
They are a simple people.
>Egg plant
many such cases
None of these words are okay to say. I think it's messed up people can just say this stuff with no consequences.
Yeah, I strongly doubt this would do any damage. The guy was some volunteer, not an MP candidate. Mainstream media is grasping as straws.
That's the spirit.
This just makes me want to vote for Reform twice now.
A lot of smug Karens and Adrians are going to get filled in by dirty brown bastards, lots of cars ran into by uninsured drivers, a lot of houses burgled, a lot of daughters groped on the bus and sons phones stolen.
What are you on about
They're saying that racists support reform, so if you support reform then you must be racist.
Trying to claim it's not that bad because of net and then strawmanning to when Labour was in power? Hello?
False equivalence mate, Tories supposed to be the party to stop this shit, not increase it.
I pity americans.
What could possibly be worse than being a mere american?
Indians are unironically so annoying that they are going to get anti-immigration parties elected all over Europe and North America
>Trying to claim it's not that bad because of net and then strawmanning to when Labour was in power? Hello?
Who's doing that??
>False equivalence mate
I think you're a bit fucking retarded, mate
>I find it fascinating how /pol/ barely mentions the shit being pumped into rivers and beaches, the crumbling schools, the destruction of healthcare
All massively worsened by immigration.
You have an EU flag so you're probably some pro-immigration faggot anyway
You shouldn't be allowed to just say racist things. People who should have to educated at their own expense and then do tests to make sure they are taking steps to be anti racist.
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There's always the modern alternative to the 'Madagascar Plan'.
>(so Tories can privatize it).
You're not British. Can you guess why?
Silver linings.
So? Reform voters won’t care.
Reform is cool and worth voting for but I kind of feel like that won't mean shit when labour get stuck in finishing this country off
Think I'm going to have a few drinks tonight
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Corbyn would have either improved shit or fast tracked the death, either is infinitely preferable to this. Where's the 350 million a week to the NHS?
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There's nothing wrong with being racist.
If niggers, juden and pakis don't like it they can always set fire to themselves in protest.
I'm pretty sure we'll see the error of our ways after the first 500million perish... perhaps.
>You shouldn't be allowed to just say racist things
Why vote reform? they will never get enough seats to do anything
Well it's better to be finished as an country than be racist.
Not sure why you thought this troll would be interesting
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Getting tired of seeing this phrase
Hello toryboy
Look, I'm going to level with you, I'm not much of a political boffin, so I'll keep this relatively simple. In terms of policy, yes, I do think we should lower taxes, but ultimately there is a defining issue which will be the difference between staying in this country and paying tax or leaving, and it basically comes down to the fact I keep seeing niggers and I really don't like it. I'll vote for whoever gets rid of them
Makes me like them more now I know their interests align with mine.
Is there a legal way I can vote for them twice?
(asking for a non-nigger fren)
>Where's the 350 million a week to the NHS?
Pretty sure they actually delivered that and it didn't make a difference because, you know, bottomless money pit
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My mum voted for reform, I have to say that she was always bang on the mark about our cousin-marrying friends, and various other modern genres of humanity, even in the face of my strident leftyness as a kid.

I've seen her watching Tommy Robinson on Youtube when I've been round haha.
Wtf guys, this is just fucked up. What if your mum knew what you were saying?? They just have a different skin colour than youz that's literally the only difference. Your so fucked up man.
Yeah, queers roof topped, clits removed and genocide of everything English is so much better than saying the p word
It's a humiliation ritual.
That's your excuse for being racist. You think I'm not being serious?? Is this ho racist tory britian has become????
>As for the pollution I’d be putting the CEO in prison and other company officials and re nationalising water and energy. I don’t want to renationalise rail.
As for the pollution I'd be putting councillors, MPs and PMs, including those who have since left office, in gaol for creating the environment for it and continued permission by their negligence.
Then I would slowly move onto criminalising failure to follow mandates, failure to protect citizens from gypsies, failure to close down illegal rubbish tips, and a general repayment scheme for misspent funds, such that any ludicrous expense that failed to go through is now the personal debt of the person who was in office.
And any leniency for these penalties would amount to something like renouncing all future citizenship changes. Such that if you, as a politician, later changed nationality or spent more than 3 years abroad in every decade lived, would face a life sentence.
I worry there’s going to be shenanigans with postal voting in reform predicted constituencies like in the US the Royal Mail might to just ‘loose them’. Lefty vote counters tearing them up
I dont like tories or any party.
Corbyn as PM and Brexit would have been the golden combo.

Imagine, lads...
Actually labour will be very good its just that if it were a choice between the country and racism. Obviously I would choose not to be a racist.
Paki coon brownoid nigger jeet shitskin darkie wog
Retirees shouldn't be allowed to vote.
>What if your mum knew what you were saying??
I'll have a seance at the weekend and ask her about the pakis.
There was an article posted the other day of the royal mail delivering Christmas cards to some dude a week or so ago. Predictive programming.
This but NEETS and students
I would choose to send the buggers back (shitskins+faggots)(gays are spiritually nonwhite)
They don't vote, statistically, think it's on the cusp of 50/50
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Which one of you lads is this then
>after the first 500million perish... perhaps.
Oh, I'm sorry. I must have been looking the wrong way. Can you do it again?
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Okay which one of you was this
Ermm I'm as white as they come. That's why it's so important for me to be anti racist. Especially after slavery.
That's so messed up to say that about your mum. Wtf m8!?
nigger kike faggot jiggaboo
>What if your mum knew what you were saying??
Last time I was round her place, she had one of those Tory party letters with a message from Rishi Sunak, and I told her it was odd because normally Paki scammers target old people over the phone rather than by post.
You should only be able to vote if you paid some level of income tax/national insurance in 3 out of 5 of the years of the last parliament.
No neets, no spackers, few pensioners and students.
Voting is for people who contribute, not spongers.
post the phone number then
Nominative determinism?
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I've been communing with ancient Egyptian priests from the ether. They are furious that people are saying that they were black now.
It's true, though. Don't switch off.
Are you seriously a white nationalist? Or are you joking, because thats pretty messed up either way.
Pretty sure your generals across the site are well known to bots. You're pathetic and predictable. Also, mostly brown by now.
This is bait but is the average voter's opinion.
It is considered being responsible for your actions, taking a penalty, and making amends.
People are so brainwashed and angry in everyday life, they'd be willing to sell out their own family at the slightest reason.
>climate change
>the new normal
>humiliation ritual
I can't remember half the meme words and phrases everyone's said over the years.
she'd out racist me
You're literally Indian
Glowies are managing to be even more fucking stupid and fucked daily. Lucky really.
I fucking hate shitskins, ugly mopey faces. They usually stink and the black ones are extra evil
The fact you're all retards with useless degrees doing useless jobs that contribute nothing annoys me desu.
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Shipping costs are too expensive.
>one tanker vessel could carry them all out for release into the deep Atlantic ocean if they were pumped
That flag, calling us brown... The irony is not lost
Guys wff why would you say this when surely you know better. I'm assuming your both adults here like you must know its wrong to be like that.
Going to throw a party and reveal the mental elfs that live at the bottom of my garden.
The leaf is triggered by 1 random post lmao
Speak for yourself. I don't have a useless degree or a useless job.
Because you decide what’s right and wrong and what’s funny or not.
Looking forward to some battered Adrians
how the heck were egyptians white
Something is telling me are Nige is going to pull something off, even if it's just a more legitimate-feeling protest vote outcome. If they can get a decent chunk of the votes this time, they might build momentum in future.
shouldn't be allowed to breathe
I think we should send them back and if they don't want to then send them to a death camp for destruction
lip flappin' moon cricket
So Nigel going to con people for money then distance himself when the shit somehow happens again?
Safe and effective was a common one
Subcontracted the pyramid construction.
Who are we to be bad towards the blacks after the empire and ww2?
You need education in your country.
It's just a difference in skin colour. How can you be so hateful
Joe "slow n steady" Biden
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Well, you guys will never guess who I saw in my quiet local town today.

Only Owen fucking Jones himself.

Didn't clock him at first until I walked by and heard his voice and saw the microphone and his blue haired mate standing there with the camera.

Wish I had the balls to have got him in a headlock and give him the WAHEY Chris Whitty treatment.. but I didn't fancy going viral and doxxing myself like that.

Will probably see my grinning face as I walk y him though when he uploads his video later.
Would be very on the money for him, although if he manages to win the seat (and Clacton seems prime ground for him) then he's stuck
Yeah I’m remaining positive. We all know Nigel is kosher controlled opposition pressure release value etc. however I feel it’s a major opportunity to attempt to shift the overtone window right and those on the dissident right should take it.
Nobody will come
Joe "that's a fib" Biden
Why are you deliberately being evil???
Ermm, what?
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You're too easy kid. I just pointed at your chest and then flicked you on the nose when you looked down.

>He doesn't even know that Egyptians were WHITE.
Joe "one more time" Biden
Think you've already doxxed yourself with that last statement lad.
Should've asked him if he was still a cuckold.
Joe "c'mon jack" Biden
Joe "you look just like my daughter - I am your daughter" Biden
You can tell how good a person is just by the colour of their skin, darker means more evil
The woke are more correct than the normies, Britain was founded on racism (but that's a good thing!)
Ridin with biden (to the hospice)
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Stickers with the reform logo for £1.50. If I put them all around town will I get arrested and jailed like the top lad in Leeds who got caged for innocent stickers?

Dirtiest link ever put to electon
I'm doing it for you, either you're baiting and I'm feeding you or you really believe these things and it makes you feel more moral than me, you're welcome cunt
What about Obama. He was a good person and a black, as well as Nelson Mandella
I hope so, we can have you both on the oathway by the end of the day
>as well as Nelson Mandella
Criminal, innit
I'm trying to stop you from being a racist. Okay?
Obama is the son of a Malaysian whore who worked for spooks he's objectively evil
Joe "medicare, I beat that" Biden
Hey the beeb is non-biased media company, because they said so okay
He was put in prison for being black.
That's why you should always have a handy balaclava in your pocket.
Should have bummed him
Then how come he won the Nobel peace prize?
One more buddy, I'm feeling generous and I really should go to the shop but I'm being lazy, nigger faggot slant gook chink
Why did he play the video for them
Give him a tenner and tell him to buy a whore
Jewish corruption
I thought he was put in prison for bombing a load of government buildings?
>he pulls out a gun and holds it to his head
>music reaches a dramatic swell
>pulls the trigger
>a little flag comes out that says "Relax!"
>got him in a headlock and give him the WAHEY Chris Whitty treatment.. but I didn't fancy going viral and doxxing myself like that.

You wouldn't do shit you're a fucking pussy ass lmao
Total Jack Russell Death
He's a jeet not a paki tho? Do they not care about the difference either?
Doxxed yourself with that link lad.
you wouldn't vote for reform would you? Think of Rishi's children
So they understand the evil of the white devil.
It's a legit link, just that Ebay still exists in the last century.

Would be a fun thing. To visit 5-6 different cities and put Reform stickers around the train station, town hall, public park, shopping area, place where the teens hang out on saturday, etc. etc.

A lot of eyes would see them as long as they are in places that are more difficult to scratch off.
Just had McDonald's. Might have some beer desu
Alright mate.
No-one with that kind of dog has any idea how to handle it.
On Monday it will be considered Hate Speech to criticise the holocaust in Sweden.
They just need rats to kill and they're happy
He fell on the remote
Total Russell Crowe Life
After putting a condom on it?
Hate speech to criticise it? Based
Surely it's like£1.50 for a sheet and not a single sticker right?
Nah you'll be good. They're a registered political party. Diplomatic immunity and all that
Get it all out of your system now, then
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>Would be a fun thing.

Why do stupid people in faraway towns always vote for the WORSE candidates every time without fail in the history of democracy

>Verification not required.
Literally who?
Based. Hitler did nothing wrong.
>Who are we to be bad towards the blacks after the empire and ww2?
Haven't heard of this one before.
>the Evil Empire ruled over everything and brought all the wealth to Britain in a cruelly efficient way
Huh, so, maybe we should be evil again?
>n- no, we should share our money with everyone
And be poor? Have failing medicine? Dull minds?
>y- yes, it's a- anti-racist
Perhaps even be conquered by a different evil empire? Like how you say America is bad and imperialistic, did you notice how much of our media is American and how many Americans are in our bureaucracy? How our PMs regularly get green cards? How close some of them are to Le Orange Man Bad? Perhaps we should side against America...
>n- no, not like that!
Joe "less malarkey, more smarty" Biden
Yeah it's £1.50 for the sheet which ain't too bad these days.
Bro you're Japanese why do you care about are elections, just chill and eat some tentacles or something
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Go and fuck your mother you conceited arsehole. How about that?
The police are already investigating the reform campaigners now, you can rob someone's house and they won't show up for a week but if you say a bad word they're there in a second
Admin face reveal
Clean your links you stupid faggot
Do it and you'll be fine, lad.
Ww2 was a colonialist war, we're British soldiers killed many black people. Hitler was bad but ay least he wasn't killing people from vulnerable communities.
Anarcho tyranny innit, the ole 2 tier policing
>If I put them all around town will I get arrested
Fly posting is a crime, it just depends on if the police wish to enforce it.
CCTV signs are... I'm not sure if they're required by law if gov "owned" cameras are about. There are very hard to spot signs in my town that are usually just below the camera, so hard that ironically you should look for the camera to find the sign, but I've noticed half of them... don't have signs.
>Ebay still exists in the last century.
It feels like it still has British people buying and selling on it. Unlike Amazon.
Dont let the Jonny get you to his level lad.
Killing blacks isn't a crime it's a sport
4channer or reddit mod?
I think you need to go away from your computer and have a think about what you just said. And then apologize to black people.
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Im not Japanese my wife is
Looks like that film about the whale whose daughter is mixed race or something. The actor and his director could hardly hold it together in telly interviews advertising the film, pretending that giving representation to fat people is a serious issue for our time.
I do sincerely wish this kind of rhetoric was placed front and centre on the BBC or one of the debates.
It would show how fractured our society is that we've let in so many people who think Britain is evil.
Boomers genuinely won't believe you if you point out the "Reverse colonisin'" poem is or was on the London underground. Or that the one stop is written in foreign squiggles.
If you show them statistics about London's population dramatically changing in just 50 years or put the new Trans-Ally Gay Black Doctor Who on the telly, they'll shield their eyes in disbelief and disassociate from reality.
I'm sorry that black people are black if they were white they'd be alright
Farage has set back the *true* right wing at least three decades
But he triggers da libtards and eludes to various issues such as mass migraition (but never talks about the (((cause))) of it) so he's fuckin' baaaaaaased
>I do sincerely wish this kind of rhetoric was placed front and centre on the BBC or one of the debates.
>It would show how fractured our society is that we've let in so many people who think Britain is evil.
>Boomers genuinely won't believe you if you point out the "Reverse colonisin'" poem is or was on the London underground. Or that the one stop is written in foreign squiggles.
>If you show them statistics about London's population dramatically changing in just 50 years or put the new Trans-Ally Gay Black Doctor Who on the telly, they'll shield their eyes in disbelief and disassociate from reality.
That's a lot of words when really you won't face up to the fact that your "hero" churchill was far worse than hitler.
Ermm autocorrect knows spelling better than you.
Stay in Japan josh
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Are you saying you know how to spell more than the apple iPhone because that's a ridiculous claim.
The dudes an actor apparently and was literally meming. He said they should turn mosques into weatherspoons
You trans bro?
I mean at least Hitler didn't go after the blacks like Churchill did. Makes him a much better man imo.
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Gotta post it so here it is.
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eddie was right about farage
rabbit was wrong once again
Am I trains? Sorry I don't understand.
Are you trans bro?
Nigel "poke the bear get the 'mare" farage
That's because the fuckers are all over here
>Starves billions of innocent Muslims in an artificial famine, the first of its kind in Indian history

>Ensures Muslims can serve in the SS alongside their white brothers in the struggle for freedom
They all came here lmao
I'm not a train. I am a human beaning
that twat is an english teacher
This is wrong, and conveniently forgets that Churchill was trans and half bipoc
Surprisingly progressive for the olden days
Inside out cock dudegirl? Wrist penis ladylad?
>sick as fuck flag, a 2-headed dragon bird bright RED
>Mass exodus of demographic(?)
>Better weather for sure since it's all the way down there
>Probably cheap beer and nice girls

You know, I was wondering. It was apparently Serbia that was mostly Christian, yet they look arabic or something. But yet, it was Albania who were pale and white-ish looking DESPITE being a Muslim majority country. I always thought that was a strange thing to see. Now I see that it was bullshit.
Computers are smarter than people. The iPhone is a computer you know?
I've never heard of it
what's the craic abdul
I'm from souf and we call our shops paki shops still. We even call our local paki jacks and he doesn't mind
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Yes. I wish this was front and centre.
Oh how I wish this was front and centre.
I want BBC and Channel 4 presenters, and the audiences they bring onto the debates, to express their opinions. Oh so how badly I wish they'd express their opinions live on telly for 67m people to see.

I want Rishi Sunak and Kier Starmer to tell us what they think. To talk to us about the finer details of Islam. The Empire. "Stealing money from India". The IRA. Everything.
>The Aliens Act 1905 was an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The act introduced immigration controls and registration for the first time, and gave the Home Secretary overall responsibility for matters concerning immigration and nationality.

>Future Prime Minister Winston Churchill opposed the bill. He stated that the bill would "appeal to insular prejudice against foreigners, to racial prejudice against Jews, and to labour prejudice against competition"
He was so le based
Jack Russell puppies in a blender
>all lives can't matter until black lives matter

What the fuck does that even mean
Well let them have that skin colour in their own shit holes. Fuck em. We're not here to care for everyone. I don't care about some brown goyim. Send them all home in body bags
>Starves billions of innocent Muslims in an artificial famine, the first of its kind in Indian history
lmao didn't happen
Considering it got apologise wrong, I don't think so.
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Yes it did, I saw a YouTube video about it
Black lives need to matter for anyone's life to matter is what they're saying.
More importantly
>Babylon Ah Fraud
I dunno if you could cover that in an hour besides question time is for questions.
We need to care for them, because who else will?????
That's because your a racist.
Indian detected
IPhone uses are full of shit, only fitting their phones are too.
I was browsing 4chan on britpol at the jobcentre and a paki was sat right next to me and he didn't say shit
He couldn't read English
*You're. Nice iphone you got there fag.
He was busy browsing /biz/
It's about house, im not saying your white houses don't matter , but the Blacks is currently on fire and needs to be saved by us strong white men. If you don't understand this you don't own property
Piss poor trolling attempt lad.
Apple is the best technology. Android is for financially challenged individuals.
Got me 5 (You)s, didn't it?
I installed arch on my phone, can you say the same IToddler?
>no other bakers
Brit/pol/ is so close to dying, maybe it should die.

Anyway, new thread

Where's the new thread
give niggers your house
Its tru
Idk wat that is? It sounds like a virus
Yeah like I said idk what that means

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