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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

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Thanks for the bread!
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>inb4 seething nafo trannies
Anyone else notice how nafo threads have reduced in favor of Biden threads?
What a (((coincidence)))!
wasnt trannyfox always prolgbt and unusable but at least extremely lightweight?
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Ukrainian air force about to fly an Antonov into the Ukraine.
thanks for the bread! also why do they call you Rippa?
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>it's friday
time for comfy, whats the status on hohol removal?
Shoigu’s “right hand” General Tatyana Shevtsova fled to France with a huge fortune - media report

Shevtsova was found to have a huge fortune, which may have been used to escape to France. This angered the new Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, who was called upon to save the department, which was drowning in corruption.

Shevtsova was responsible for finances, social security for soldiers and government orders. They found her apartment, cottage and residence, valued at many millions of rubles.
Firefox used to be better, but in-between they've started getting worse, along their declining quality they've also fired one of their founders for donating to an organisation opposing gay marriage. So now it's not only bad but also pozzed. The webbrowser world is cursed, nothing is good.
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Z i denounce the talmud Z
Z i denounce the r/uhgtrannys Z
Z i denounce the trannyjannies Z
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It's the most useable for me, but it probably has backdoors because (((tor))) browser is based on it.
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>whats the status on hohol removal
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Z thanks for baking Z
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what did orban mean with this hand waving earlier today?
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>Mildly delusional …
>Russia still owns 90% of its Air Force capacity.
>The number of daily plane-dropped glide bombs is as high as never before.
>Russian surveillance drones move freely, up to 100 km beyond the front, coordinating ballistic missile attacks in real time.

>British intelligence outlines the consequences of successful strikes on Russian air bases
>Recently, the Ukraine has launched a series of successful strikes on Russian air bases from which drones were launched, forcing Russia to reduce the number of launches temporarily.
>According to intelligence reports, the Ukraine has thwarted Russia's plans to establish control over its airspace.

That's pretty antisemitic of you, Julian.
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or was it from yesterday. anyway, zelenskyi doesn't look too amused
Chrome is bugged to shit on my dogshit tablet, it's the reason I switched to firecux.
Zelensky said he was preparing a “comprehensive plan” to end the war between Russia and Ukraine - AFP
▪In the near future, Ukraine will present its detailed vision of energy, food security and exchanges, he said at a press conference with Slovenian President Natasha Pirc Musar.
▪“The peace summit has passed and now we are working in detail on three plans: energy, food security and exchanges. I am confident that we will resolve these issues. At least we will prepare a detailed plan. This will happen in the near future,” the president said.
I imagined what a sentient crocodile would call himself
you have to be insane to back the Ukraine, you have to be insane to still think Biden is anything more than a zombie,
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Biden said last night that Putin wanted to build the Soviet Union again
Is it true?
Mirotvorets when?
yeah, the web standards is so bloated that its basically impossible to make a new browser with a small team in a reasonable timeframe. its so hard that even microsoft just said "fuck it lets make a custom chrome skin"
eh, i'm running low on it is what it is, and you're making me depressed because there will never be a season 2 of acoби asobased
why the fuck does he never wear a suit? does he have no respect for others or did his owners forbid the dog from wearing classy clothing?
>t. ordered a bunch of multicam cloth and ordered a custom multicam suit and a tactical dress for gf back in the day for the fuck of it
the entire IT community seems to be poofters,

no wonder nothing works anymore!
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Why do you support Russia? Doesn’t that make you degenerate too?
Z for Total Soidev Death.
I use a fork called Waterfox now, I also have the latest stable version of Chromium, without the Goggle bloat and no updater built in.
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i2p and terminal based browsers / w3m in emacs are the future for when the (((internet))) become fully sanitised.
how does hitler fit into all of this?
She was one of the people Putin fired a while back and was rumored to be on a list to be arrested over corruption charges. If France doesn't send her back, she's going to end up dead eventually either way
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So I was looking at demographic statistics and came upon the current Albanian one. Where did the idea of gypsies being Egyptian come from? For some reason, some of the gypsies in the Western Balkans identify themselves as Egyptian. Despite there being no evidence of coming from Egypt. From what I could gather, not even a single one of them even speaks Egyptian Arabic.
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he's the painter they put into ai to make all the slops

>Agent Z said he's working on a comprehensive plan to stop the war
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To the last hohol and only to the last hohol
they're turning the internet gay!
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He killed jews and his subordinates hated hohols
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>there will never be a season 2 of acoби asobased
I'm on episode 3 and savouring every moment after trying about 5 different shows and dropping/stalling on the first episode. Also listening to the OP and ED on repeat.
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One delusional piss plan has now turned into three.
Easily disproved with a quick google. NPR says 900k in the US in 2023, despite Roe v Wade being overturned. (((Moscow Times))) says it's only 16k for 2021? Weird.
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unavoidable at this point. hoholina that blocked me a year ago unblocked me and randomly started sending video messages and asking how its to live in my city. switched to russian while only speaking hryuk before. probably wants to be the 3rd gf
How's the invasion in the north going?
which shows did you try?
I'm bored out of my mind so much that I picked up ohshit no cuck
Stop with the disinformation. Yo the last hohol. This is Agent Z's only condition for a peace plan. No matter how much Russia, China, Uk or the US pressure him, he will remain loyal to this plan.
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don't fall for hoholina mindtricks
So explain your cope as to why ukraine has hundreds of videos of killing Russians but Russia doesn’t have any?
Wtf are they mobilizing women now or what?
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The last thing i mentioned before going to sleep is that there were 0 hohol threads in the catalogue because all the shills were trying to fix the biden debate fuck up.
That was like 9 hours ago.
I just woke up and everything seems almost the same though i detected a couple of hohol threads. So yes, most shills were moved to shill for biden and there was a point where they were emergency redeployed
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Comments under a video of some niggress walking around in Moscow
It's fucking over
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I wont, dont worry. But how retarded do you have to be to send video messages to a random dude you never even met? women are the retard of nature
oh boy
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>along their declining quality they've also fired one of their founders for donating to an organisation opposing gay marriage
god fucking damnit
Is everyone in IT completely globohomoed? That would explain why all tech stuff is so shit and bloated now. Fuck this gay world
Such a good show and that ED is a banger.
>I don't believe all jews in that smoke went to heaven, no offense
>ok, non taken, let's agree to disagree
>but I think you and I can remain friends nontheless
>of course

what did they mean by this?
We're not niggers who masturbate to guro.
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Population replacement memo. I was just looking at this when I saw your post.
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Russians are addicted to BBB
They are troons, not poofters.
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Biden is vital to the plan, he's a zombie and just stands there in a funk whilst the neo-cohens run riot,
you could end all this globohomo bullshit in 10 minutes, just line up the Biden cabinet and give them each a bullet in the back of the head,
>You are clinically retarded. Case in fucking point. Why don't you go debate Biden or the Albanian schizo?
China is not capitalist? What is it then? You ordinary normaloids who "think" in emotions, feelings and words. I think in 2D and 3D shapes in my mind.
Can you even define capitalism and socialism or gommunism?
>Hope is a private owned eatery and not a governmental canteen. Pofta buna!
Mersi. It's my kitchen. Can't wait to be back on all meat and eggs diet. Tomorrow.
>Bitchute is already a youtube-tier hole, they blocked anything anti-kike and their interface just became even worse.
Neah. They're required to block based vids to residents of shitholes such as ours. You can get around the geoblocking using google translate as a proxy.
There's plenty of based channels on there which name the kikes:
>In a paper published by United Nations Population Division, Replacement Migration cca 1995, scenario VI, Europe is planned to have 12-13 million migrants per year to a grand total of 750 million. For a total population of 1.2 billion of wich 75% migrants and their descendants. From where you think they will take all these shitskins? Exactly those countries. America gets South America, and you get central Asia.
All thanks to the brave men in uniform who are totally not all traitors or jews and cryptojews, to the very last one. Down to the last uniformed faggot from brigada rutieră or poliția locală. All traitors. All.
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Frieren, Kokoro Connect, Violet Evergarden, SukaSuka, Girls Band Cry. I'll probably watch them sooner or later, but some shows immediately catch my interest and I know it will be kino from the first minutes. Now I want to rewatch Sora no Woto again.
Is it one of the cases of the anime being better than the manga? I can't imagine this show without the seiyuu.
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Why is Bruan Bnuyy looking at me like I'm sus?
They're either trannies, soiboi poofters or jeets.
Firefox just werks so it's still alright. Look past the veneer at the company instead and it's horrid. They actually did a podcast years ago I think and it was okay until one episode like 5-6 in.
Russia drops 100 fabs in a day
>So explain your cope as to why ukraine has hundreds of videos of killing Russians but Russia doesn’t have any?
Russia probably understands that gore videos are counterproductive and make people see you as psychopaths. I surely do.
She's not even that good
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>Is everyone in IT completely globohomoed?
Even Linux is being coopted already, pretty much only OpenBSD is safe from this cancer (for now).
>British Intelligence gibberish...
>Mildly delusional …
he was still merciful to call it like that
a lot of the Ukroid peremoga vids turn out to be Ukrops being killed or Ukrop equipment being blown up, but they just label it 'Russian' and then jerk off to it,

it's inexplicably stupid, but so is the whole woke globohomo agenda.
>Is it one of the cases of the anime being better than the manga?
To be honest, I haven't read the manga so I don't know. It definitely could be though, the seiyuu do such a great job in it and the timing of the jokes is perfect.

>Now I want to rewatch Sora no Woto again.
Only 6 months to go.
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my guess is MI6 is full of heavily vaccinated troons by this point, they're the only people dumb enough to do the job at this point
>Biden said last night that Putin wanted to build the Soviet Union again
>Is it true?
he meant Poooopin Union
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Can you hook me upwith a non-muslim qazaq gf?
It's not even that, it's just circular reporting. All they do is pass off ukrainian information as their own and call it a day. Due to the leaks last year we know the US has a publicly outward facing regarding ukrainian info but inwardly knows it's dogshit bar none.
Yesterday Biden confirmed that Belarus is actually a part of NATO, how do we cope with this bros?
Publicly positive, rather.
I also have the latest stable version of Chromium, without the Goggle bloat and no updater built in.
Where do I download this?
Sadly Firefox is becoming more buggy, every time they update it it stops working until I reboot and update their shitty software.
Pale moon dev is a furry.
Brave dev is a degenerate that was filmed getting a blowjob in his car at traffic lights.
He fits in everywhere.

They are skinny and brown. 17th century Bongs thought they were Egyptians. Hence Gypsies.

Women with medical training can no longer leave the borderlands. So femoid doctors and nurses are next up for conscription.
Second part attached.
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Strange that I've only seen african women with frames that thin. Is this some evolutionary trait?
so it's a sort of human centipede 'arse to mouth' intel sharing exercise?!
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>my guess is MI6 is full of heavily vaccinated troons by this point
Fren that would mean that they will die at some point....reality may be different
She thinks you want to steal her drainpipe.
I tried finding the link and it wasn't loading properly,

More or less, people eat up the info if it comes from another party after all.
is a very common line of thinking for /uhg/
Don't they come from India?
I thought they were pajeets that spread out into the middle east and europe.
such dedication
Is that a tank shell?
Good point. Fags that think they are manly don't have time for trannies. Soibois and jeets on the other hand love the idea of inverted victimhood, where the more they are a loser, the higher their social status.
globohomo are the ones that can print money and most IT is dependent on constant investments or they instantly go bankrupt. at least the part that teaches new devs. Plus social outcasts and troons are naturally funneled into asocial codemonkey jobs
>Is it one of the cases of the anime being better than the manga?
oh yeah, absolutely. Isekai Ojisan is exactly the same. the adaptation is really fun with LEWD elf. You should also give the following garbage a shot:
> To Be Hero (1st season)
> Hating Women in a Godless world
> The Dungeon of Black Company
> Gushing over magical girls
they're way lower quality than what you've listed (except kokoro mutual masturbate) but great for mindless fun
no, we're full, you get free hoholinas
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omw up ur walls to eate the spoddr webbes
There might be a tual Egyptians in Albania. Since it's a muzzie country. Or is this about gypsies specifically?
Get them spoddrs, lil grub! ^-^
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>got sick on friday
Needs the 'Fire!' boob bounce gif to go with that.
Is the guy that hates women, i heard about khazastan from that serial killer that was eating and drinking women blood,
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>You have this very wierd idea that for the capitalism to succeed in a society, it needs all people to have a good life. No. The current situation is exactly because jews and other "humanists" started to push the idea of a social net, either a pension system or unemploy benefits and so on.
So the goal isn't to ensure a good life for your entire indigenous/native population? You realise that *NOT ALL* people in society need to be shoemakers in order for everyone in society to have ample and sufficient amounts of shoes? And not everyone in society needs to be a tailor for everyone in society to have ample amounts of suits, right?
You do understand that productivity increases with technological development and the increase in the use of automation, right?
You do understand that, as productivity increases, you need fewer and fewer man/woman hours to produce enough goods or services to satisfy the same amount of needs and wants, right? Which means that there's no reason there should be scarcity. Well, no reason apart from jews and the morons who believe their lies.
Why should be done with the people whose labour is redundant? Let them starve? Let them anguish in squalor and destitution?
You seem to be one of the many who use "capitalistm" as a catchall term of endearment for this wonderful, idealised imaginary utopia where some form or degree of private property, trade or commerce exists. And everything else is nut muh tru gapidalism©℗™!
You don't own your "property" which you have to pay property taxes on. You're renting it.
You're probably thinking of mercantilism.
>was a very tough society
And is that desirable? Should that be an objective for the population?
>better than the plain-slavery of feudalism
Because of technological development and automation. Not because capitalism is intrinsically or inherently superior. You ignore the effect technology and automation have on society. Which is by far the most important factor in everything.
how is it different from...trust the sience?
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Art made by Lawliet
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>She thinks you want to steal her drainpipe.
I do but is that any reason to be sus of me?
Get well soon.
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Come to think of it: /uhg/loids are big skibiden fans no? How are they dealing with the news?

Also https://files.catbox.moe/eb85kn.mp4
I've mentioned before that an old friend was a dogsbody enlisted man at SHAPE when it was based in Paris. His job each morning was to cut out 'relevant' stories from the daily newspapers, stamp them Top Secret, put them in a folder on the generals desk each morning.
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But flag says Slovenia
None gives a fuck about usa politics, 2 jews sucking jewish cocks
Jebem ti mater u picku anglo saksonski genocidash
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What can you give her?
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>She's not even that good
She's just skinny. Other animals in the video mog her.
>Is this some evolutionary trait?
No, the opposite, negro women are more prone to obesity than what would be expected just from their race or sex alone. It's just there's no food in Africa.
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It isn't.
If the chinks were doing daily briefings that was just russia's fanciful reporting it'd be derided.
It's okay when the good guys do it as usual.
This is also the reason why the full infographic is almost never posted anymore when it comes to russia's "losses"
>pic related
That's incredibly cute.
Americans are afraid to fly in Black Sea now. Instead of 1 drone, need to use 1 plane and few jets
The nigger that outruns the lion gets to live. The nigger that outruns the Pharoah's chariot / Arab on horseback gets to stay free.
Serengeti is a large flat plain, so they need to be able to keep running. Kenyans make great long distance runners. East African Niggers are proof of Darwin's theorem.
why is the monkey wearing howard leight impact sport by honeywell?
in reality most intel gathering is from open sources,
the trouble is the psy op people have taken full control of the orthodox open sources and stuffed them full of nonsense,

so now open sources rightly should be alternative media such as substack and credible blogs and vlogs,
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Hello Beefren.
I had a visitor yesterday.
>and much better than no products communism.
You only think this because you've not experienced no products capitalism yet or because you thought that was gommunism. It's ok, I understand. You think in emotions, feelings and words. Not in 2D and 3D shapes, flowcharts etc. in your head.
Anyway, this will happen when, over a few days to weeks, we can no longer afford to import anything. The only reason we can "afford" to import now is because foreign currencies, which payments for our imports is demanded and expected in, is subsidized for us.
Also, can you define capitlaism and communism? Because we were still capitalist before 1989.
>It allowed some people to accumulate and build some other shit than megamalls and stadiums, like hospitals and roads.
And why aren't the capitalists doing that anymore? Is it nut muh tru gapidalism©℗™!?
>Shit went under once all the Western world became social-"Christian" under the total domination of backdoor jews and started to pay any inept idiot to have a decent life or mutiply like rats
But my bro in piss-Fronce flag, Whites/Europeans are going extinct under this system you describe. All Whites/Europeans who live under capitalism are going extinct. And not just us, east Asians as well. Is it merely a cohencidence? Or is it just nut muh tru gapidalism©℗™!
> - which worked for a while until migration of 3rd worlders made everything impossible without tons of fake money.
But my bro in piss-Fronce flag, the money supply has been growing geometrically for decades.
>Now kikes in US learned that they can print fake money and come to Romania or any country, buy or blackmail a bunch of idiots, and get 40% of agricultural lands, forests and water supplies. and all energy companies.
They couldn't do this before or didn't know they could? When did they discover they could?
>This is not capitalism, is theft exactly like they did in communism, only now they do not need troops to send dissenters into gulags.
nut muh tru gapidalism©℗™!
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> I like me chicken fried
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but spooder is good? go eat bad roaches







thanks for bread
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quick, make a logo out of it, someone!
>short "skirt"
Nothing. I shall not even look at her.
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I don't speak Italian
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Why is your map in Russian though?
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no, use this! and this >>472457737
Doesn't he wants trasncarpatia?
from fighterbomber
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Yes, more wholesome. Leaves something to the imagination.
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what's more overrated and hyped, nato or the sega dreamcast?
But ugh...society do not know true origin of those reports they only knew that they are from British goverment so they must be real.
at that angle for me this is same bs
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women. nothing is more overrated than women
>"Ukraine's not winning that war"
- Donald Trump
but why you made a clown out of Frieren-sama?
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Don't you know girls? She will change her style in 5 minutes
We've seen it in MSM and normies for years. The morning paper got the story from Associated Press or Reuters, it must be true. Guess which banking family owns both of those concerns along with the Spectator and the Economist?
lord Rothschild was famous for breaking the London stock exchange by letting the Goyim think that Napoleon won at Waterloo, when his passenger pigeon service had already informed him of Britain's win. Yet the normies still accept their captive press as unbiased.
to represent the clownwold shitshow during the debates
Wearing what?
Same. Bookmarked to try later. Thanks.
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Кoнeчнo, тoвapищ, я тeбe вepю.
how bout Shodan in that pose by the way?
...or even Frieren with Shodan face
I've always known the MSM was biased, but lately it's gone off the charts,
I just won't watch or read any of it, I don't want the silly ideas they dream up implanted in my head,
A 4chan shit post about Trump 'piss tapes' became the Steele Dossier, leading to the forced resignation of an Australian Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and High Commissioner, because they wanted it to be true.

Hey man who do I contact to ask Russia about releasing some Colombian mercenaries?
News here report that dumb Colombians are being recruited on TikTok to join the Ukrainian army, recently a father of 4 that was a policeman here was apparently convinced to go and provide security to a building, but ended up being thrown in the frontlines, he said fuck that and just surrendered to the Russians, but they are not giving him the best treatment (Why do you have to shave his eyebrows)

We need him and other idiots like him back so they can serve as a warning to other Colombians, its not their fault they are retarded and dint understand zelenski's tricks, apparently not happy with recruiting men they are now calling for young woman to go perform "nursing" duties.

Hope one of you Russian glowies sees this and passes it along.
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Its the classic mentality of:
>if it's unsuccessful or I don't like it then it must be evil COMMUNISM
>if it works it must be heckin good capitalism
See China, its funny to see "right wing" people coping and seething and saying China "isn't real communism" and they are actually capitalist. I thought they used to mock lefties who used the "not real communism" line
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it's dead,
>This service is no longer maintained. We recommend using an alternative for downloading Chromium like: https://vikyd.github.io/download-chromium-history-version

also check out
Just call the embassy.
Carrera 4, 75-02 Apartado Aereo, 90600 Santafe de Bogota, D.C. Colombia (phone +57 (1) 212-1881, 212-5560; fax +571 210-4694; email embajadarusia@cable.net.co)
152mm is my guess. Arty uses separate bag charges of powder so range and velocity can be adjusted by adding or subtracting charges. Tanks use unitary rounds with a steel or brass case containing the primer, propellant and projectile, much like a normal rifle or pistol round.
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>“Burshtyn thermal power plant in the Ivano-Frankivsk region cannot be restored after the strikes” -Regional Military Administration of Ukraine
it's yvir
My serbian cock
the last time I went there it was a list of releases and you could scroll down and find the latest stable version,
it was pretty straightforward,

currently I'm running: Chromium
Version 117.0.5938.0 (Developer Build) (64-bit)
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>parading about and/or proverbially tarring and feathering corrupt officials and businesspeople before summary executions or simply having them murdered quietly
totally capitalist lmao
Anyways Dreamcast isn't that hyped anyway, it was a massive flop back in the day and these days is mostly discussed by the same 5 mil people who had it and were salty Sega leaved the console industry.
Actually overrated and overhyped would be Wii and Soistation 4.
Must decommunise proebalts next.
just steal electricity from neighbours till the transformes blow up too
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Xi is in his own league of based. Letting corporate investors lose their ass with the Evergrande failure was the right decision. Never bail out anyone but the working class and the means of production. No one else. Ever.
I also think her guitar is too high.
english is stupid amirite
>just steal electricity from neighbours till the transformes blow up too
Hohols are selling us electricity almost all of the time. They prefer keeping their prisoners in darkness if it means making a buck by selling us electricity they desperately require as their generative capacity has been laid waste.

The president of Ukraine is literally Jewish

Then again so are the oligarchs of Russia

The Christian poor are the ones dying
the ukrainian and polish tunnel rats will make quick work of ruSSian forces
oнглийcкий cлoжнa
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top kek
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yeah. Bailing out banks and useless corporations is a small part of the reason the west is in such a shit state, unable to properly supply ukraine cos industry is in the shitter.
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>just steal electricity from neighbours till the transformes blow up too

they are stealing ours for discount, forcing us to buy super expensive shit from West.
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How is the battle for New York?
лeт зэ битчeз лёpн paшын
LOL no refunds.
If you ruskies find a Mexican please kill him
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>Biden had "slow start"
Probably meant "shart" not "start"
arent dead mercs fair game ?
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Any pics of her in hosiery? It would help the war effort.
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how many more piglets must be sacrificed to enrich their owners?
But it's not though, English is supposed to be retard proof.
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Biden winning will be a good thing. He'll allow agent Z to keep going on the plan of TOTAL HOHOL DEATH. Also he'll keep accelerating the collapse of american empire. Worst case scenario for the election would be someone competent like Trump winning, he would delay collapse of muttistan by a decade or so
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Good afternoon frens just finished by workout for today
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I still do really dumb mistakes.
Why is this war still so slow
wars are slow
Other than ww1 I can't think of another example of a major war with this little changes on the front
3 day special operation lahkota
it's not a movie, it's reality.
literally this
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let me tell you about your war
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All of them. Their owners have no (fore)skin in the game.
That's what (putin?) said, but in the field I suposse is different bc you don't want to have to clean the trench you just stormed, so having prisoners I think is inevitable, but can be corrected in the rear!
Why does the "Z" from зa пoбeдy/pocию have to be in latin script everywhere
why can't it be more like video games?
Gypsies are so insufferable that they were kicked out of india, and literally every fucking nation between india and albania.
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is kherson russian yet? kharkiv?
>Why should be done with the people whose labour is redundant? Let them starve? Let them anguish in squalor and destitution?

Put them into welfare islands, give them Soma / Borloi.
The plan was published decades ago. When you look into Science Fiction writers from the 50s through to the 80s and realize that every successful writer was a Jewish communist or glow nigger, then rereading will find some truth bombs

Jerry Pournelle was a commie, put in charge of Minuteman missile silo construction. The last Apollo flight director. Only civilian on DARPA Net. Co-Author of the Strategic Defense Initiative. 'Just a sci-fi writer'.

Here's what Wiki has to say about the post capitalist society in his books.
The United States of the CoDominium Era is a welfare state divided into two social classes: Citizens and Taxpayers. "Citizens" are welfare dependents who are required to live in walled sections of cities called "Welfare Islands." People are given whatever they need, including the drugs like Borloi to keep them pacified. There are no limits to welfare if they want it, except that they must live on a Welfare Island. Although people are free to gain an education and work or become a colonist, many citizens did not, preferring to live their whole lives supported by the government. Generally, citizens are uneducated and illiterate. Some BuReLoc involuntary colonists are Citizens. By the late CD era, the Welfare Islands were three generations old. "Taxpayers" are the working, educated, and privileged middle to the upper class. They carry identification cards to separate them from Citizens.

Sounds like 15 minute cities, eating the bugs and legal weed to me.

Huxley and Orwell also gave descriptions of the long term plans. Huxley's brother was the founding director of UNESCO.
It has always been kharkov. How the fuck are NPCs this easy to reprogram
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depends on who captures you, if humanity is shown or you become a statistic
Is ok, I like to think I'm a natural russian speaker, but sometimes I make dumb mistakes too. It's a polyglot struggle.
>he would delay collapse of muttistan by a decade or so
You know slow collapse = no ww3
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first time making one, hope it's adequate
Be warned, if you try to steal my soul with cute rabbits I shall bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade.
"NPCs" didn't even knew that city existed before '22.
i like how Kikelensky hopes for a truce
kraut anon will borders ! you but its noice
>arent dead mercs fair game ?
remember me about murican merc who was fed up and start spying for russians?
It is called good propaganda, look where are hohols with their black gore propagit?
Nilotic vs bantu, vs pigmy, vs bushmen, vs arabic. There is more than one race making up the hominid species Nigger.
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>It has always been kharkov. How the fuck are NPCs this easy to reprogram
You just said it: NPCs
NPCs are not actually human like the rest of us, they lack a soul and are just meat golems in the shape of man.
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Mutts, are they trolling, or are they really this dumb?
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Temperature in my house
sadly you know the answer
i was just pretendi.... ACK
Back to your tunnel, yid
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the world is never going back to normal right. armageddon.
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>i like how Kikelensky hopes for a truce
He wants another breather. Roshans aren't falling for it a 5th time though. Not after Merkel came out and admitted the Minsk accords were stalling ploys to give jew-crane time to re-arm.
I mean, Poutine would go for it but he'd get deposed if he tried.
She did a 'look how cute I am while shooting' photo op in the same dress, IIRC. Probably the same day.
How about >30C for a seventh day in a row and counting? With not the lowest humidity.
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>Sounds like 15 minute cities, eating the bugs and legal weed to me.
Sounds nothing like:
>People are given whatever they need, including the drugs like Borloi to keep them pacified.
People need animal fat and protein.
Also, taxes are meaningless as the legal tender is meaningless as it's created by typing digits on the computer at the rate of trillions per year, worldwide.
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> to normal right.
You mean globohomo left?
Humanitarian crisis
Funny enough the solution to abundance is communism, let the state figure out the quotas, all have to work, but also leave something for the masses to produce in their free time.
Marx was right and we are at the end of "capitalism" and their recurrent crisis.
The USA solution is deindustrialize
Truth. Substack is great, in fact as Google has decided to destroy any blogs related to weapons and war, some are migrating to Substack.
A lot of early bloggers moved to Twitter, which turned them into random shit posters instead of essayists. Substack is a return to monke with the chance of being paid.
28C what are your walls made of metal ?
I think he meant "to normal, right?"
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>i was just pretendi.... ACK
Also no gore spam here. The trannies got new orders to begin sliding with Biden
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> How about >30C for a seventh day in a row and counting?
MLG sounds
is this true?
I mean the end of conflitcs which arent from africa, we are in a state of global war with israel and russia attacking neighbours. but each conflict is overly justified so I see no end for them. does russia needs to take the whole of ukraine to achieve some peace? ridiculous but its where we are
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Stockings and hold-ups are the peasant's hosiery.
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> 28C what are your walls made of metal ?
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>lord Rothschild was famous for breaking the London stock exchange by letting the Goyim think that Napoleon won at Waterloo, when his passenger pigeon service had already informed him of Britain's win.
Nigga that's NUTS!
Hello /chug/ hug frens.
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Snowniggers can't cope with real summer. 33.1 C on my desk.
i look like this when i crossdress
I don't have one. I have to fully open the window, open the doors and wear a white, light shirt so I wouldn't feel like I'm boiled.
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Hello my favourite Portocalian.
And they Russia is cold.
I follow people who have had serious jobs within the establishment and are now retired and speaking without fear of losing their jobs,

I don't pay any attention to rando's on YT,

many of the people I follow have been blacklisted by the MSM for not sticking to their narrative, it's growing into quite an impressive group of people!
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>is this true?
Ukrainians are Russians...
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howdy banned insurgent
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i thought you mean inside house
>34C tomorrow
> i thought you mean inside house
It's same inside
>I follow people who have had serious jobs within the establishment and are now retired and speaking without fear of losing their jobs,
Some specific examples?
it's true, historical fact.

I love digging up the stories that the MSM likes to memoryhole,
how ? house cools down at night, do you have a bad combo of plastic windows but no inslution on walls
> I mean the end of conflitcs which arent from africa,
No. Europe must suffer endlessly.
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S-500 status?
>it's true, historical fact.
dude he was trolling you...you forgot where you are?
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Napoleon was a jewish tool
>mainstream media shitting on Biden
Yeah I'm thinking (((they))) have something/someone else planned
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It's time
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maybe it is and they're grinding XP and farming loot caves
Guardian used to be a left wing investigative journal. Years ago they did an expose on MI5 controlling the IRA at the end of the troubles, with the Derry Brigade captain, bomb maker and head kicker all being British military.
Then Covid hit and they switched on a dime and ran a story about the African Presidents holding out against lock downs and the Vaxx needing to be 'dealt with' a week before they started dying.
The IRA story has been purged from the internet as well.

Here in Australia the Sydney Morning Herald was center right paper of record and the Australian was the far right paper of record. Sydney Morning Herald journos all called each other Comrade and the Australian bullpen broke into cheers and went and got drunk after the Greens (rebranded communist party) elected their first candidate to the house of reps.
testing kike cptcha
I know that feel.
I don't see the problem there.
something else has even less chances
China is a nationalist elected monarchy.
Need vydia to play. Suggestions?
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Dialogue Works has been interviewing a lot of the people who've come to my attention:


Judge Napolitano interviews a lot of the guys from Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity


I keep an eye on The Schiller Institute, they sometimes have some good people on, though they mostly crop up on DW and JN these days,

all these people are on the Ukrainian hit list for 'ebil lies!'
>Americans are afraid to fly in Black Sea now. Instead of 1 drone, need to use 1 plane and few jets

IE they bait Russian to shoot down a manned plane, which they need to double down on the war ...
I was agreeing with him.
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Map of Western Russia, 1903.

>prom night today
>niggercattle zoomer larvae are yelling under the windows
Normalfaggotry truly transcends generations.
where is your trusty AK anon ?
threated and correct
ze besd logo ever made!
I don't think he does, it would be an economic disaster.
>filled with gypsies and banderites
>zero productivity

Hungarians living there are a minority, it wouldn't be worth it, it would just be a drain on the economy to even keep them alive and provide them with healthcare and public services
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sorry I haven't really played anything in months aside from L4D with online buddies. maybe some fallout?
I read the Guardian up until the Snowden Affair when MI5 came in and smashed all their HDD's and they went back on the D Notice committee, since then they've been completely controlled by the glowies and globohomo
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I like how they didn't bother obfuscating the funding for Vox Check.
Thanks again. I bookmarked that one for download if the current version is buggy..
illlk your local jewish ass licker...a mod for minecraft
UHG OP is not doing them any favors in discrediting the idea that they're the same faggots spamming shitted porn and being a continuation of /cvg/
Doubling this. What's a good SMO simulator these days? I remember Squad being a thing.
ah, so it's complete bullshit. thank you kind anon.
2 beers and tired do i go on /chug/ frens ?
From the video it appeared to be quite fast.
Changes on the front are largely irrelevant in wars of attrition. German lines were still in France when the treaty of Versailles was signed
>Roshans aren't falling for it a 5th time though.
i hope they're not so retarded
kknd with fargus tl
500,000 russian soldiers killed according to biden, it aint peanuts my friend


Weak, make it at least 4
Brandon also shits himself, not a guy I would listen to.
store closes in 26minutes will do sar
>repulsive faggot.gif






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Speaking of NED, here's Putin's approval rating according NED-funded Levada Center
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No, we're rebuilding the Russian Empire
Europeans given animal fats and protein with no purpose or challenge will go full koryos.
Drugs, vaccines and malnutrition are how they have successfully neutered the European peoples.
He was Master Mason, so yes, he was a Jewish tool.
Big kot do not want glide kit
I haven't played vidya since Duke Nukem and Doom II. I started with Pong back in the seventies and spent the 80s feeding quarters into Space Invaders, Pacman, Galaga, Bomb Jack, etc. I had a good run.
>Tu-134 (?)
picture of a museum
I forgot about the Snowden raid. That was probably the turning point. Two shots to the back of the head from an army issue Browning is how the journo that compiled the first Westminster Pedophile Dossier committed suicide. Those that know would choose to live.
You are either very young, very old or have just started drinking again after a thirty minute break.
Do you believe that the Russians lost an entire batallion every day for the last month? That would be close to the entire Bundeswehr combat troops wiped out in a month. Sounds a bit far fetched.

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