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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How was this country able to achieve more in 250 years than Europe in 1000?
German scientists after the WW2, now they are all dead so it's just gay shit and niggers
It was full of high IQ White people, had a relatively benevolent government, and was shielded from most forms of political conflict that regularly ravaged Europe.

This all changed around the WW1-WW2 when the government became increasingly malevolent and started replacing the White population for various reasons.
>How was this country able to achieve more in 250 years than Europe in 1000?
What exactly have you achieved? Your country is all about serving niggers, jews, spics, faggots, trannies and the wealthy 1%. The American dream is completely dead these days.
The past 250 years has been about the time when technology and industrialization stated thriving. The progress was simultanious in Europe and America. Europe was fucked up many times in senseless wars, America not so much. If you think of a race where two equally good runners compete but the other one is constantly being tripped by jews and niggers, who do you think wins?
> Ethnic homogeneity
> Large population
> No nearby enemies

Basically, it was the dream setup. But those days are over (picrel).
A lot of it comes down to the exploitation of energy, namely oil. The US took off with mass production and the mass use of mechanization and cheap private transport all based on said oil, oil that spurted from the ground.
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Lol, lmao even, the seethe is real. Your country is a Orwellian shit hole Danefag, you have no room to speak

European adventurers arrived in a veritable Garden of Eden, teeming with wildlife, furs, timber, fish, minerals etc. Do the math. Also, if it was a factor, how does exhaustion of said largesse work in?
Two giants moats on either side.

Not having hostile nations surrounding it probably was quite freeing.
>Your country is a Orwellian shit hole Danefag
Name 3 things that you think are Orwellian about Denmark.
By pretending it had dine what Europe did.

Fake it 'till you make it.
White anglo saxons made america better.
I realize it's the summer vacation and most posters here are probably drunk 24/7 now. But, the Euro shit that came in to the US weren't high-IQ. They were the dumbest losers and criminals.
The whole world begged to be let into the US around the 19th century until the 1924 Immigration Act was passed blocking Euro migration.
It was until they started shipping in rural peasants from germany and ireland to assimilate into the gene pool.
Dumb bait thread and OP is most likely a teenage brownoid
>no taxes
>vast natural resources
>chad manifest destiny spirit
>staying out of international squabbles but to protect our immediate interwsts
>white european high testosterone founding stock
The more brown the country becomes, the more womens rights, the worse the country does.
Frontier theory
(((they))) want to hide this truth from you, by claiming it's old, outdated and false.
>women in power
>surrounded by other likeminded orwellian euros
See >>472458499
Wrong, they were high IQ and industrious. The problem was Europe was too crowded and violent to begin with, with too many people competing over too small a pool of resources.

Those peasants were high IQ which is why they so easily assimilated and succeeded in settling the wilderness creating what became a first world nation out of nothing.

It was only the later migrations, mainly of jews that brought crime and poverty.
Easy to do when Europe has done shit except die for Israel.
Alot of them were your people eventually. That's where the dumb Polish jokes came from.
>name 3 things
>3 things named
>yeah well then name 3 things
Are you retarded?
Americans literally don't give a shit about anyone other than themselves and their immediate family. Even that's debatable considering how common it is for parents to leave their children.

It costs like $1000 for an ambulance over there, if you can't afford it, you die. Nobody gives a fuck. The idea of paying slightly more in taxes to save someone from cancer or provide kids with free school meals is unthinkable. It's a shithole hostile to human life.
>Are you retarded?
Are you? You can't just say "Denmark is Orwellian" then I ask "oh yeah, why?" and you go "danes". Give me some example tangible examples of what's Orwellian about Denmark.
>mette frederikson (a woman running the country)
>border norway, sweden and germany, all gynocracies
>Hate speech in Denmark is outlawed by § 266b of the penal code, colloquially called the racism paragraph (racismeparagraffen), which outlaws threats, mockery and degradation against groups defined by race, skin colour, nationality, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.
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Because your welfare state and widespread welfare fraud or at least, the perception of it, has empowered your government to establish one of the most sophisticated and far-reaching “fraud” detection systems in the world.

The Danish Public Benefits has literally tripled the number of state databases that agency can access from three to nine, compiling information on people’s taxes, homes, cars, relationships, employers, travel, and citizenship, the list goes on.

Especially since Annika Jacobsen was brought in, your country has become de facto surveillance states.

The fact that DPB is literally using machine learning models to analyze that data to predict who may be cheating the system is fucking dystopian. But hey, what do I know? I’m just a dumbass Amerimutt. I’m sure your government will even dream of abusing that power.
That there is a bot spamming this in every thread really makes me think. It's a lie, by the way
It used to be freedom. since the 2000s they are speedrunning into Brazil 2.0 with a small pause from 2016 to a fraud.
Oops, redirect to >>472460754
>jew tries to blame women #1054654745734343
private property and rule of law
historically Christian culture -- we don't admit it now but we're still running on its fumes
abundant natural resources and very few powerful enemies on our borders during our formative and most vulnerable period
entire oceans as moats for most of that time
natively spoke the language of the empire which preceded our ascent
You simps are pathetic
Women aren't stupid. They can make their minds up just as well as men. It's the constant flooding of kike propaganda that confuses the dumber men and women. Hence why we have men cutting their cocks off and women cutting their arms off to make penises.
Operation paperclip, plus German and scandi immigration
>women arent stupid
>blurts out a bunch of dumb takes about how women in power isnt bad
You are retarded and female.
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europe did all the hard work for you faggots to copy and implement from. it's much like how china does the same thing, they made no contributions to the foundations of anything significant but copy what's already been achieved and then pat themselves on the back for it. So you could say the usa is are white gooks
I see you ran away after 3 tangible examples were provided kek
Well it was a British colony. It WAS Europeans who built it up in 250 years. The difference is the amount of slavery, coupled with manifest destiny triple that with all this new land that was theirs for the taking. Its not like Americans came out of nowhere. We're just now so muttified it's hard to believe we used to be European
>German scientists after the WW2,
>And Russian scientists after the Soviet Union collapsed
>now they are all dead or retired, so it's just gay shit and niggers
Basically this, US is a financial ponzi scheme now. 2 largest industries are financial / banking (mortgages, stocks, everything is on credit) and healthcare (a service!)
>> Ethnic homogeneity
>> Large population
>> No nearby enemies
This, also:
> Huge pull of natural resources on american continent.
The first 2 are complete non-answers. Stop being such bad faith. The last one is hardly ever enforced. I am allowed to say that all niggers should die, that the Holocaust was fake and that I hope muzzies get blown up.

>one of the most sophisticated and far-reaching “fraud” detection systems in the world

>Especially since Annika Jacobsen was brought in, your country has become de facto surveillance states.
Who the fuck is Annika Jacobsen?

>The fact that DPB is literally using machine learning models to analyze that data to predict who may be cheating the system is fucking dystopia
You literally have FBI, NSA, CIA, DOJ, DOD, CID, etc. etc. doing the exact same thing, but 100x worse in your country.

I didn't run away. I was busy doing something else instead of spamming F5 on the thread, if that's okay with you.
The gains of the 19th century. We can ride that shit for another 100 years at least.
Anal sex and transgenderism.

That's why America is the gayest country in human history
America is huge, just imagine all of Europe under one government.
>i wasnt spamming f5 thats okay with you
You dont even know that the thread watcher will indicate when you have yous? Talk about orewellian
>women in power isnt orwellian
It is by definition orwellian. Women are the chief proponents of doublespeak.
>germany sweden and norway arent orwellian and even if they were how does being surrounded by orwellian countries on all sides affect me personally
Someone said this 100 years ago
White people everywhere need to re-organize and reconsitute with fake finance and outside corruption in mind.
>implying usa is not 10x more a Orwellian nightmare than Danemark

Now that they systematically give their catastrophic opinions about other countries, I realize that it was less irritating when the Americans just didnt gave a fuck about other countries and repeated USA N01 over and over.
Electricity wasn’t invented in the 1800’s, they hd it for thousands of years, America was literally the first time people weren’t under “secret society rule”, which wasn’t so secret back then, hence the fake history. This is why it was a fucking politician who “invented” electricity, what kind of fucking politician is also a scientist? Problem is, at some point our govt was infiltrated and now we are run by the same tech theives.
You should stop posting. Take notes from >>472460754 who was actually able to provide arguments and speaking points, rather than you just repeatedly going "THE REASON IT IS ORWELLIAN IS BECAUSE IT IS".
Nope they just said what i said but if you werent a brainlet you would have figured that out. You have women who are biologically given to authoritarianism making your decisions, you have a cuckooad of bureaucrats surrounding you who enforce all manner of anti privacy anti independent personhood beliefs and laws down your throat, and you have your own laws which you cope are rarely enforced soxwho cares if they are burdensome violations of self expression.

If you cant put the pieces together to understand how thats orwellisn im not going to spoonfeed you. You never denied being a woman either.
Your country is literally controlled by jews. I'd take a harmless woman over nasty and disgusting jews who seek to destroy the very foundation of whiteness and western civilization. Enjoy your country that's literally worshipping niggers, jews, spics, fags, trannies, etc.
lol ...no
Europeans made America great. Now that none of you are European we are seeing the results.
Europeans free from the shackles of Abrahamics.
Untapped resources, killed or bought out their competition quickly so they had uncontested access to it. They could have accomplished far more with that kind of advantage if they hadn't allowed themselves to become kiked.
Purely geography.
More than 70% are and that’s not counting spics.
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Better than what, Canada?
Meet Trudy
opposite of this.
the diversity came after white man built a bunch of beautiful cities and built modern conveniences into them.
lololol your post
Nothing, it's was always just a grift, a scam. America and all its shitty ideas will be gone and forgotten soon, thankfully.
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>implying usa is not 10x more a Orwellian nightmare than Danemark
No, I didn’t say that Frenchfag. It’s clear that America faces the same issues regarding mass surveillance.

But I don’t think Denmark or really broader Europe, has the unspoken right to rebellion written in law. Or freedom of speech that isn’t hindered by hate speech laws or the right to be forgotten. Though, that last one is an essentially trading off more absolute free speech for a right to privacy, which I can at least understand; different sensibilities.

>Now that they systematically give their catastrophic opinions about other countries, I realize that it was less irritating when the Americans just didnt gave a fuck about other countries and repeated USA N01 over and over.
Okay nigger, all I’m hearing here is-
>N-N-No! Only we’re allowed to criticize America, how dare you do the same to Europe!
Fuck off frog >:P
equally important, what is it that's dragging America into the shitter?
Probably the fact that we’re hovering a little over 60% white. 70%-ish if we’re being generous and including casinos and hapas
I can name about half a dozen countries that have just as good geography, or at the very least, is resource rich.

While still being dirt poor, corrupt shitholes. With one or two of those being white majority too :P
The US is an off-shoot of Irish civilization, what do you mean how?
It peaked when the Irish were the majority and has been declining ever since.
corn syrup makes the american anus so sweet that outlanders cannot resist tonguing it daily.

poor mans honey suckle.
Like all other forms of real estate, location.
this guy eats ass in prison
Because all the white races of europe merged together forming a single ubermensch
2nd Amendment.
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I'd rather live in Denmark...
Unity, size, ideology, and geography. The US is roughly the size of Europe, but unlike Europe, it is under a single government which has serious advantages. Imagine if Europe’s entire economic production was dedicated to reinvesting in the continent equally. The Idealogy of the US republic started in Europe, but never had a chance to challenge the entrenched nobility there. It took a century of US and French wars to break the back of the nobility, and even then it might have never succeeded without a military genius like Napolean or the horrors of WW1. Geographically, the US has control of one of the largest river basins on earth. The Ohio/Mississippi represent the cheapest logistics network on earth, and the basin itself ranges in ideal staple crops and temperatures. Whoever controlled this river basin was going to be the richest country on earth.
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>How was this country able to achieve more in 250 years than Europe in 1000?
It literally hasn't though. The biggest impact of America on civilization is the mass dissemination of online pornography.

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