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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This is political as fuck, jannies fuck off. How do we get a right wing, redpilled woman in today's day and age??
I denounce the Torah and the talmud also TKD
In the grave nigger
Fuck you chang
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Eat shit you homosexual
Love me a hex receiver
Funny coming from you
Dubz bump
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You are his gay bf
I mean yeah it's ok but come on lady why not a nice M48 or a Spanish .308 or even some Turkshit or Ethiopian Mauser. Leaving easy kino points on the table here.

Extra credit if she rocks an Israeli one.
Why are you even in this thread? Don't you have potatoes to peel?

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How about a stg?
As long as it was out of a school district then it’s never fired only dropped once
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>buy her only fans
Gay simp die of AIDS
Acceptable as long as it's not a 22...
WDYM? I think they got a bunch of German captures and ground of the swastika, It's like fighting with a ground mum. It's definitely going to have some history.
Hits a Israeli in the dome with a rock?
You're a gay nigger, but hey you already knew that
I was making a joke about how Israelis are only good at killing unarmed civilians and children
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Sorry I'm slow I guess. Also jej.

Now if I had to use Mosin I'd go with picrel. Most handy and well-cared for of all the carbine variants.
Just get a old euro sks
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Finland bamp
She doesn't have an onlyfans, that's what brainrot does to you kikel
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These skanks can fuck right off, they aren't Japanese.
I need a blonde panzerwaifu named Erika!
>communist kike
Ehh Jap waifus are for plapping, Panzerwaifus are for securing the future of the white race
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Shut up Kalergi kike.
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Wtf are you talking about fag? Eglin already up and fagging shit up?
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And the only organic thread just dies like this, let's post more doom and gloom 1pbtid kikes
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Fucking niggers
made for big troon cock
Fuck off Chang
Is she really based though or is this all part of an elaborate ruse to get simp bucks?
I'd go for the latter. I like what some anons on this site say: just get the most normal, least blue-pilled girl you can find and red pill her. Most women are followers anyway and will conform to your belief system as long as she sees you as a good leader. Women who are already red pilled are rare.
She's probably doing this for simpbucks I only posted her pics for attention

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