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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Now that it has been conclusively proven that the universe is a simulation, how will you live your life differently?
who cares
I follow the philosophy of Sisyphus
it doesnt matter if youre in a dream within a dream within a simulation within a hologram
none of that matters

ONLY the present moment matters. Yes it has a place of context within the past and future, and those are part of its facticity. But without the present the past and the future are meaningless.

Heres the gist of it
you push a boulder, metaphorical or real, up a hill
this can represent anything that takes effort
the end.
thats it

git gud you fuckin noob
if lifes a MMO hologram
I am a fuckin master and you are my bitch

learn my boulderpushing philosophy or suffer under the yolk of mortal existentialism
a child becomes an adult when they discover the meaning of life
It's backwards logic

Simulations are built to mimic reality so of course reality looks like a simulation
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>conclusively proven
...by The Science.
So, it's "safe and effective" too, huh?
this is a meme from the future. do not under any circumstance save this meme and repost it in spam and slide threads. do not do it.

>conclusively proven that the universe is a simulation
>conclusively proven
you got a citation for that claim, eurocuck?
changes literally nothing
Source schizo?
Stop trying to peddle false theories in IP theft of myself

Their is my matriX with Seraphim that is a simulation as we can program different matrixes as different simulations

Currently we have an Apocalypse Matrix currently running in simulation of alignments, moments and even horizons in time dilated gravitational singularity of the Apocalypse in each passing second
>who cares
the simulation, might control you and the only wake to break free is to not give up and try to push beyond your comfy philosophy
>Calculating Space (German: Rechnender Raum) is Konrad Zuse's 1969 book on automata theory. He proposed that all processes in the universe are computational.[2] This view is known today as the simulation hypothesis, digital philosophy, digital physics or pancomputationalism.[3] Zuse proposed that the universe is being computed by some sort of cellular automaton or other discrete computing machinery,[2]

>The Z3 was a German electromechanical computer designed by Konrad Zuse in 1938, and completed in 1941. It was the world's first working programmable, fully automatic digital computer.[3]
>Thanks to this machine and its predecessors, Konrad Zuse has often been suggested as the inventor of the computer.[14][15][16][17]
its not though
Since I'm white, I have deep respect for the people that worked hard to make the simulation, so I will continue acting exactly how I always have. Doing otherwise would invalidated their results for no reason and be very rude.

I wonder this about the Matrix movies, because Neo used magic in the "real" world.
The universe is a hologram, not a simulation. Here anon. Go ahead. Click it. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf
The *real world* was actually a Matrix for the machines/AI. An AI would suicide itself if it was aware of its mundane existence, so it had to be contained within a make-believe world where it's the one in charge. It explains how it gets it's energy from humans (violating the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics) and why machine technology is highly stagnant.
If it's a simulation, then I am the only real consciousness in it, and therefore the rest of you aren't real, so I can do anything I want to you. Let's be friends, this is not a request.
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I’ve maxed out my tech, hacking, and persuasion skill trees and I’m going full cyberpunk nomad power level marksmanship.
simulation theory is fine and dandy. so is multiverse. they're irrelevant. it's the numbers and math and logic that matters. where do THOSE come from? they'll never talk about that. math > universe
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if this is a sim then where are the glitches? where's the arbitrary code execution?
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Your person is a shell script with elaborate run parameters.
Doesn't change a thing :)
I thought the 13th Floor was actually pretty good.

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