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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472455277
Now this is some major ultra MAGA.
>Question: Trump, what's your plan for deporting the illegals
>Answer: Just one second. He said we killed three people. The people we killed are al-Baghdadi and Soleimani. He’s the one that killed people with the bad water. Nobody had been worse. I had the highest approval rating for veterans, taking care of the V.A. He has the worst.

So what's the cope for this question? No one cares about deportation?
>jury trials for administrative fines
>overruling Chevron
The federal administrative state cannot stop taking Ls and I love it. The federal government is being forced back to the post-war era. It's brilliant.
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chevron is kill
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I hate Trump and Biden. Wish we could have gotten DeSantis
lmao you ignored everybody last thread and tried to snipe the first post this thread
you failed
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ATF go boom.
>Trumpshits believe polls now
>Roberts notes that today's decision does "not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework. The holdings of those cases that specific agency actions are lawful--including the Clean Air Act holding of Chevron itself--are still subject to statutory stare decisis despite our change in interpretive methodology."
>yeah agencies can't just make shit up but you can't cry about anything they've done for the last 40 years
Roberts can't help but gay it up. What's the point of his ruling if he's claiming nothing changes?
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Wish we could've gotten jeb
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Open bolts are back on the menu boys.
of course Roberts cops out claiming that court decisions previously relying on Chevron 'aren't necessarily called into question', but I'm sure that it won't stop a flood of cases anyways
You guys are stupid as fuck. This will be used to strike down even more Trump actions. Nice job.
You are a nigger!
Actually yes.
that's not going to stop the onslaught of court cases, anon
It'll be fine, homie. He just does this shit to appeal to the normies. Dude is OBSESSED with public opinion for some reason but he basically always comes through in the end save for the stupid decision in the Obamacare case...though he was probably blackmailed into that.
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Imagine thinking you need a poll to tell you Americans hate the democrat uniparty establishment.
I ignored everyone crying and shitting their pants when i said Trump could've done better last night? why yes, why would i bother responding to them.
if you have a coherent point, i'm here to discuss it
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PSA MAC-11's for errybody!
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>>472459992 almost
Absolutely !!!
HAHAHHAHAHA cope cope cope
>b-b-b-but trump
>Trump actually drained the swamp via SCOTUS picks

I don't want to get too excited about any of this stuff. Democrats have spent months attacking SCOTUS and making no bones about their desire to put more judges in.
>Gen Eisenhower! Whats your plans for the Normandy invasion?!

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nah dead iranians :)
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Thank you very cool.
You mean pre-war?
>Trump could've done better last night
Biden couldn't have done any worse if he tried. I definitely couldn't tell Biden spent 7 days straight preparing for this debate while Trump just said fuck it, let's roll
expired cope. I'm sorry if some of us expect substance and policy on the most important issue facing the country
Qrd for why its important?
Fatbeard in shambles.
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Chevron's persuasiveness, the decision" to overrule the doctrine "is likely to produce large-scale disruption.
Remember this because you’ll be seething if he wins and faces even more obstacles.
>muh stare decises
why do liberals not accept stare decises when it comes to the proper interpretation of the 2nd amendment?
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Well, it relies on the APA which was post-war. That's what I specified post-war but in effect, yes. APA was in response to the excesses of the bureaucracy during the war.
this is why I don't take any anti-trump regret from the right seriously at all. this was only possible through Trump and his court picks. they may not land on every decision, but infinitely better than three+ Hilldawg picks.
I guess my question is what do you honestly believe could have been better? It's at the point where his opponent is literally about to rage quit the race, I don't think any debate has had such a big impact since Nixon vs Kennedy
Federal agencies can’t make up rules on the fly now.
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chevron was a ruling about the clean air act, and it decided that federal agencies can determine the scope of their power according to the most open-ended interpretation of law as written - this is how the EPA, ATF, and all sorts of other agencies would have authority in ridiculous ways
Put on the trip joe

Such as? My current understanding of it is that it strips authority from agencies like the EPA, FDA, ATF, and others.

As in, those faggots prior rulings could be nullified. This is too big to even talk about. You're talking about so many major issues. One of the first that comes to mind is climate related stuff, and emissions stuff.

Like, trucks having to put DEF in their fuel to try to make emissions better... or cars having to have catalytic converters... etc. Which is righteous. In a free society, you should not have the government being able to put such limits on people's lives.

I also notice the shills get SUPER upset when people float the idea of abolishing the department of education. This is likely where they derive much of their power.
Going out and talking to normies is probably unironically a better prep method than doing mock high school debate with Gavin Newsom.
25th amendment requires a 2/3rds vote of both the house and senate and doesn't affect the democratic nomination at all.

No refunds.
Right? I mean, we're all hypocrites about one thing or another but the commies are really, really, REALLY hypocritical when it comes to the 2A. Speaking of, ATF got WRECKED by Chevron going bye bye. Open bolt semis when?
Fuck you, bitch.
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WW3 has already started anon
Gunfags seem to think that it will magically herald total nigger death, and they won’t have to actually kill any niggers with their new guns.
Trump would have to defer even more to the courts now. This isn’t a win.
With today's Chevron ruling and yesterday's SEC vs. Jarkesy, the unelected bureaucratic state in DC is having a rough week.

What are the betting odds on a left wing nut job killing Trump?
>"Today, the Court places a tombstone on Chevron no one can miss. In doing so, the Court returns judges to interpretive rules that have guided federal courts since the Nation's founding."

Great, now end the fed!
anyone got a collection of clips of libtards melting down?
Don't tease me like this.
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Does that include the IRS?
Can the IRS get fucked now?
Congress makes the "tax code" but the IRS fucks people over with their own interpretation of it, there are Tax Courts because they don't want the Supreme Court to fuck with the definitions they apply willy nilly to get what they want.
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>Once again, with respect, I dissent.
lmao I thought she'd be used to it by now?
US v Miller next, right? maybe when I'm an old, old man...
They'd have done it already if it was easy or desirable. The blowback would likely be significant, like good luck keeping shit peaceful at the ballot box after that.
Gorsuch's concurrence in Chevron was 34 pages lol
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I like this Makiposter thing. When the government struggles to function I am happy
Please let them die this year.
Oh baby, no more arbitrary ATF rules, or EPA rules
just the written law that passes

fuck you ATF
Deport all the illegals, hang all of those who brought this, the traitors in all forms of government who abused their power, those who corrupted religion, the entertainment and media who pushed this must all hang. When you kick those illegals out, do it violently so they understand clearly. Then you shame those who stood by and did nothing for the rest of their lives and brand those who fought back against the corruption, against evil, as heroes.

Vote for Outlaw "Deport them all" Don! MAGA!
>Bannon: We will now will recieve a 58 seat majority in the Senate and a 238 seat majority in the House of Representatives.
>Bannon: President Trump did this debate for the nation, front and centre, no intermediary, to lay out the situation with the current 'Commander in Chief'. The question for the citizens of this country is simple... where would you like to be on January 20th 2025. In Taipei? Beijing? The people that hate the United States the most saw exactly what we saw last night. Who is running the White House?
Absolutely based broadcast. Niggercrats BTFO
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>This will be used to strike down even more Trump actions.
He's great on everything but MUH INJUNS but the nigger needs to watch A River Runs Through It and learn the importance of brevity.
lmfao she couldn't help but reference dobbs hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
how can mental health and family courts be legal when there is no jury. rule on that supreme bitch ass
gay marriage, like abortion, should be decided by the States
the next opinion has gotta be written by Roberts too, right? Sounds like presidential immunity and not good news.
Miller was kinda, sorta abrogated by Heller but yes, that would be nice. Are there 5 votes for that as of now? No, I doubt it. But who knows what the future holds?
Don't think it's really a 'melting down' sort of thing. More 'somber realization' than anything.
Thomas brought it up with his dissent in Rahimi, but we'll probably have to wait for a better defendant for that sort of thing to happen
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I think that they know that he can't realistically be replaced, but they want to make him look like a bit of an underdog in front of big bad Trump. Despite Biden being a corrupt career establishment politician that has been protected by the media for 4 years.
Super big if true.
presidential immunity was never going to be good news
>Because this opinion was from Roberts the next one will either be another from Roberts or per curiam
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Revenge is a dish best served cold, from gg to here. You get what you fucking deserve, the pendulum swings back and it's swinging back so hard it might fucking break off and I hope it does.
It'd be such a layup case.
>US v. Miller claimed that NFA items weren't necessary for militia duties because the Garand wasn't one
>this is a suppressed select fire SBR M4 with attached M203 40mm grenade launcher, the current standard US infantry weapon
>settled law
kek I'm pretty sure she would overturn Heller and McDonald and Bruen in a second given the chance
They'll save the immunity case as the final one for Monday- this weekend is all about Dementia Veggie Joe's death spiral
qrd on the Chevron thing?
Cope harder kike
I don’t understand the hype.

Why does this ruling mean anything in particular? Seems like more rightoid wishful thinking, as if there are scores of TOTALLY BASED judges waiting in the wings, ready to resegregate public schools and declare antiBDS law’s unconstitutional.

Where is the actual hype coming from?

> Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson were in dissent

women are the police state
I think Trump's recent political trials were only attempts to get him to give up, so that somebody else could replace Biden. Trump didn't give up, which is pretty commendable.
why does no-one ever point out that shitlibs throw their beloved stare decicis out the window when it comes to 2A?
Replacing him is basically throwing the election, it would become about saving down ballot races and preventing VA, MN, and maybe ME from going red and officially being swing states again.
I hope trump immunity doesn't come out today because it will distract from the shitshow that was the debate
Sir, nobody knows what you are talking about, and posting a picture of a red child wearing a hat clarifies nothing.
ah ok but just kinda keen to see a selection of them since i don't use xitter anymore
marriage legality has a lot of legal issues tied to it
someone's spouse has inheritance rights
someones fuck friend does not have those inheritance rights
a will is not an automatic legal authority document, it has to be approved by the probate court judge
A spouse on the other hand, inherits property by legal default

if two faggots get married in California and Mississippi does not recognize gay marriage, this could be a problem
Not the written rule. Judicial interpretation of the written rule.
fucking faggot barrett
Because the one thing Republicans have been good at in this millennium is stacking the courts with Heritage Foundation judges.

You retards aren't ever going to win your social battles in the courts but we can cripple the beast that is the executive branch via the courts. And we just massively did this week because of GOP SCOTUS appointments.
I think it's already about saving downballot races. I guess the question is whether the satanists believe they would fare better or worse with a replacement.
>Bannon: Who covered this up? Blinkin? The media, his vanguard? This was humiliating for this nation, and for Biden. Quite simply, they have put their own political benefits ahead of this country. Trump agreed to their rules, their time, their date, he agreed to all of it. He did this because he understood this nation must understand who is supposed to be in charge of it. Who is in charge, Whitmer, Obama, I don't care, explain to the American people who is in charge of it? His donors, the elites, the financiers, who is in charge, because we have a financial and national security crisis which is about to explode.
I think they expected a much warmer public reaction to the trials, seeing Trump's popularity increase afterwards has thrown the whole playbook out of whack. I imagine they're arguing back and forth in private over whether they should jail him or not.
I guess my question is why can't you understand the difference between absolute and relative performance. Yes, for the hundredth time: BIDEN SUCKED AND LOST AND TRUMP WON
That does not mean Trump was without flaw. that is literally all i'm saying
He could have defended himself so much better on
>the economy re: covid
>january 6th and charlottesville
He gave incomplete answers, or no answer at all, on
>child care
>climate change
and before anyone spergs about "DURR NO ONE CARES" let me just say it is possible to give a coherent answers and effectively communicate an idea in the 2 minutes that were given. All he said about climate change was
>The paris accord was bad because it cost us billions and not india, or china. I want clean water, the cleanest
so yeah, i agree, but that's pretty weak
whats Obergefell, and why must I completely destroy it, leaving it a smouldering unrecognizable ruin.
that or a per curiam opinion
some justices (Alito) indicated that machine gun ban/regs are lawful but maybe when directly confronted with the NFA/Hughes language he'd strike it down instead of things being argued on GAYTF rules
apparently Miller (or whoever was challenging the law) died before it reached the court and there was basically no argument from him/his defense? I forget how it actually goes but it was a real screwy case and not even 3 years later Thompson SMGs and machine guns were issued to troops fighting in Europe and Japan because of their obvious usefulness
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okay this one i need to read
Barrett is an odd cat. She has incongruent philosophies on law.
never in my wildest fucking dreams would i imagine jackson joining the majority
what the fuck
good, they should stay in their faggot safe spaces and stop shitting up our states
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cursed vote
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That's great, all namefags go into the filter. You should learn chaos theory retard
Blimpf isn't going to prison, and was never going to prison
You're a retarded gorilla nigger. Look at it in combination with Jarkesy from yesterday.
>agencies can no longer use "administrative courts" and have to give you a real trial
>said real trial judges no longer have to take agencies' own bullshit explanations of their positions as fact and can call out unconstitutional nonsense as needed
This means most of the unwritten interpretive regulatory bullshit just evaporated, like all of the SEC's attempts to shadow regulate crypto by suing people, or the ATF making shit up to classify new items as machine guns against the plain text of the NFA.
This might be the funniest thing I've seen today.
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What does Chevron mean for the SEC?
That's one way to seeth couldn't even muster the energy to post about Israel now?
How will Heritage Foundation Judges re-segregate public schools and make Anti-BDS laws illegal?
Fucking odd cast, this.
I'll have to get a proper read of the full text but I'm so fucking happy that Fischer got a favorable ruling. Justice for Jan 6 will happen and libtards can't do a thing about it
yeah what the fuck the negress agreed hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
You are a Jew.
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Supreme court nuked Jan 6 charge statutes.
The won't you fucking retard. No one in the country gives a shit about those things except muzzies and spics that pretend they're white neonazis on the Internet.
Well half of my prayers were answered today.
Gay marriage.
Get fucked kikes.
Hang them high.
Obviously they'd never re-segregate schools, they'd just rule that there was no disparate impact in sending all the black kids to "special education"
>Who is in charge right now? Kamala, is she in charge? Gretchen Whitmer, really? I expect they will both have a strong role in the campaign from now on. The White House could not even explain what role the infirm 'President', who is supposedly running the country, actually has in 'His' own White House? This should be the focus, this is the thing itself. This encapsulates the elites on the world stage, infirm, sick, scandalous, last night Scott Jennings, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, Scott was the only one who said STOP about this election, STOP about all this commentary, THIS is the crisis. We need an immediate answer, what is going on in this White House and this Regime. We are hurtling quit quickly into a constitutional crisis. What is the reality? Where is the pentagon?
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holy fuck i hate ACB so fucking much
>Because it simply cannot believe that Congress meant what it said. Section 1512(c)(2) is a very broad provision, and admittedly, events like January 6th were not its target. (Who could blame Congress for that failure of imagination?) But statutes often go further than the problem that inspired them, and under the rules of statutory interpretation, we stick to the text anyway. The Court, abandoning that approach, does textual backflips to find some way, any way—to narrow the reach of subsection (c)(2). I respectfully dissent.
You don’t need new guns to kill niggers and members of the national guard tho. You can just have bunch of guys with hunting rifles.
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Democrats stacking Ls today
Tired bitching and moaning.
Tell us genius, what are you expecting?
Jack booted storm troops dragging people out of homes?
The solution is probably a lot MORE subtle and less dramatic than what YOU want.
Life isn’t a movie. Sorry… not sorry.
Fag marriage. Once they won that one the entire sodomy-industrial complex moved on to pushing pronouns and titty skittles.
She's not great but not terrible. She could redeem herself by doing her job and issuing stays or injunctions in the Illinois AWB cases.
No white people would benefit from segregated public schools?
How many J6 people are still in jail/prison 3 1/2 years later, anyways...I've been out of the loop with this

There's a reason democrats have been dragging Alito and Thomas in the media for months. They may well try to expand the court.
Honestly feel like immunity could go either way. A defeat there wouldn't be the end of the world, with all the other recent wins. So happy Fischer and Chevron rulings went the way they did...
I smell lots of lawsuits
>last night was such a shitshow that there's 0 material for regulars to use as funpost b8 with the sock puppet Joe trip
It should be obvious on what the next op is going to be.
Nice rebuttal kike. You going to be seething here all day?
I don't believe an assassination is on the table, if it was they'd have done it like a year ago. Killing your opponent when he's clearly trouncing you is a bad look, it would be very hard for the uniparty to hold shit together after something like that, you'd see Republicans get too radical for easy corralling, probably violence at polling places that are expected to lean dem, etc etc.
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a lot
Catastrophic defeat for bideniggers, Glorious Victory for the J6'ers and Emperor Trump
230 maybe thought i heard that recently
>How many J6 people are still in jail/prison 3 1/2 years later, anyways...I've been out of the loop with this
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keep in mind this is the NEW YORK FUCKING TIMES saying this
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Things might actually be kinda ok for once.
all the ones that didn't fold.
ie- there's no glowniggers in jail rn.
Doesn't really matter desu. It accomplished its job which is to say it delayed the DC inquisition until after the election when, if Trump wins, it matters not and if he loses he's already fucked and lost nothing.
I just don’t see how this automatically helps white people.
Somebody w\ horrible tattoos like that should be barred from owning a weapon. They clearly have very poor decision making skills.
how? they simply don't have the numbers to do it
Whites don't go to nigger schools. They don't live in nigger neighborhoods. You're a braindead Muslim shitskin pretending you're a White racist on the internet.
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anyways monday is the last day of the term so the trump immunity case will be MONDAY FUNDAY
The real win would be axing disparate impact as a legal standard at all (Griggs v. Duke Power). Without that the Civil Rights Act is basically defanged. You can ask all interviewees to drink a big glass of milk to weed out nonwhites from a job.
So happy about Chevron. ATF utterly destroyed.
Feds lost their shadow legislature, all of their J6 charges, and all independents + republicans believe Joe scored a 0/10 on the debate. So I ask, where is Bidenshill? I'd like to hear his thoughts on this. Could he post a 2 month old poll with Linkin Park lyrics for me?
Trump is going to lose the election and Im going to laugh.
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It's penguin0
You’ll be seething all term when the newly empowered judiciary blocks Trump’s agenda, if he doesn’t go to jail of course.
I really don't understand the hold the DNC has on the darkies.
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friendly reminder freemason mormons in Utah support and voted on child genital mutilation and child hormone blockers. these are not Christians these are child abusers. put freemasons back into the concentration camps
Is it cat picture day yet?
you've been saying tomorrow like annie all week fag.
>all of their J6 charges
no, just one
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jailing him would be the biggest mistake they coudl possibly make. I did a whole article on this, "Why America is Rocky" along with some of my other blogposts in pasts like "making a martyr in a chrisitian country" and "making an outlaw in cowboy culture".

theyve already made a matyr out of him, and theyve made a outlaw out of him .... now to complete the trifecta, they must turn him into Rocky.

Rocky never loses in philadelphia man.

If the dems throw him in jail, even for a day, he will win the biggest landslide EVER in American political history.
Trump will win by 15 points
Starting to wonder now if they won't actually JFK Biden instead of Trump. Best way to get him out of the race and would make replacing him a much smoother process.
Any school with more than 10% nigger is a nigger school, buddy.
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Time to prosecute the kikes that put those retards in jail.
There has to be consequences.
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Feels like a good day to me
Makes me wonder how much of the tax (((code))) just became illegal.
I can’t wait until Trump wins so we can deal with radical anti-semites like this poster and their blood libel.
it truly is a scandal of epic proportions- there has been a total conspiracy of silence, an omerta, regarding biden's mental fitness by those that surround him
surprised if it's not actually criminal if you knew he was mentally not there and didn't tell anyone/do anything
it's a generational thing. Luckily the tide seems to really be turning among black men. Trump might unironically get 20+ percent of the black vote this election, which would be devastating for the dems

I think you're underestimating how deranged leftists are. These people have been gaslit for the last 8 years. They think Trump is LITERALLY hitler. And they've spent years claiming Trump AND his supporters are "threats to democracy".

Biden last night even stated he thought that Trump voters were "ANTI AMERICAN".

Civil war? False flags? IDK. I honestly would rather not be here. This shit is so gay.



Stay safe faggots.
No one gives a fuck you stupid shitskin.
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uh what?
anon it was obvious to everybody in the world that the immunity case would come on the last day of the term
The system does not want Biden right now. He has been horrible for Israel.
Reminder that the Fischer ruling guts a large portion of Smith's DC case against Trump.
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You've got your own issue to deal with. Deal with it.
They’re breaking free. I’ve seen plenty of YouTube videos of either “man on the street” interviews, “in studio panel” interviews or black YouTubers saying they’re voting Trump.
>It's a limited win for the terrorists.
i'm telling you this is why i am a single issue voter
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Notice the plantation's fencing sitting niggers. Disgusting.
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I wouldn't rule out biden dying of natural causes in the near future
Hopefully the Immunity case blows up the rest of the cases.
>Massive win for Jan 6 defendants
lol, lamao even
no Jan 6 defendants are getting released under a Biden Presidency
not until Trump gets back into office and he pardons them
The DOJ will stall and pause and defer as long as possible

All of these agencies need top to bottom wiping out
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>holy fuck do I hate that nigger-adoptin', nigger-lovin' ACB
You gonna come clean and admit you were calling her mommy when Blimpf nominated and confirmed her?
it cannot be overstated how wise it was to keep Garland off the High Court
Checked, she cute!
Based. Julie has been a true patriot. We still need to exercise caution and try to deradicalize these left wing people.

They will be rioting. We may see attacks on Trump supporters.. who knows.
This. They try to blame us for owning the media. It’s a conspiracy theory. News agencies have autonomy. The owner can’t just come in and say “make every article about race-mixing and Trump is Hitler”. That’s a violation of journalistic integrity.

The white, liberal Hezbollah supporting journalists are to blame.
what no
i said you can never trust someone who adopts a nigger, but at least she is a guaranteed vote to overturn roe v. wade
and that's exactly what happened!
God damn, it would have been nicer if the CIA just fucking shit Biden in the head.
I guess Dems have no other choice but false flag to start WW3
So accordning to the CNN poll 33% believe that Biden won the debate?

This is a national poll, which means that there are states in USA where the majority believe that Biden won, like in California, Hawaii, DC, Delaware, New York, Massachusetts?
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Vaccine status?
Jackson probably wants to protect black people from future prosecution lol
>obvious to everybody
everyone except you!
bet it won't be monday either the 4th is thursday.
most of the ones convicted who were not glowniggers
if they didnt take a plea and testify against others there, they are still in jail
Legitimately this.
>apparently Miller (or whoever was challenging the law) died before it reached the court and there was basically no argument from him/his defense?
Yeah the guy died, his lawyer informed the courts that he wouldn't be going to court because you can't put a dead guy in prison so the case is moot. They decided to have the case anyway with no defendant or defence counsel and obviously ruled against the dead man. It's shocking that this still stands when it was decided in such a ridiculous manner.
Sure thing memeflaggot. Didn't even read all your shit skin cope
>speak out against Israel
>wife gets whacked
It was a warning shot
Hashem works in mysterious ways. All betrayers of Israel get what they deserve.
anon roberts said monday is the last day of the term
you are retarded
if they send Kamala out, yeah probably
That's an interesting one, but I don't think it takes care of the underlying problems they have. If they dress it up as a fake MAGA type they could get some brief sympathy, but the public is pretty burned out on false flag attacks, nobody will say it out loud but everyone will know, just like when they killed that poor MP before the brexit vote. Joe becoming unavailable also gives Kamala a tremendous amount of leverage, and she's definitely not the person they'd like to lead with.
> No one gives a fuck you stupid shitskin.
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>The DOJ will stall and pause and defer as long as possible
its a supreme court ruling.
how can they defer or pause that?
They brainwashed them for decades that Republicans are racists even though democrats made the KKK
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Look at all that antisemitism!
>calling out retards
>in a den of them
>without first looking in a mirror
you lost :)
i won :)
trump won :)
MAGA won :)
Dude claiming the judiciary is stripping the executive of power and at the same time making SCOTUS king. This fucking retards that can't read the plaintext of the Constitution need to be removed from the internet.
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>I posted at the time you can never trust someone who adopts a nigger
Ok, I guess I missed that part...I knew right away when she was she was put up for nomination that she'd be the biggest fucking problem out of Blimpf's three picks
Reminder that I am still baking. Also this is also a DeSantis btfo too.
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Garfinkle is an enemy to all free citizens.
Two very strong opinions for Chief Justice Roberts today. ACB is an absolute disaster tho.
I doubt they even watched
and some people, no matter what you show them, cannot be deprogrammed
Why did Indians killed the American Cheetah?
You're a dirty shitskin that worships a child raping "prophet". Get fucked Mahmet.
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current reddit users, pic related
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all sorts of salt today
Because they were Stone Age savages that worship Satan.
ACB isn't terrible but she isn't great, either. She wrote some strong opinions and dissents as a circuit judge so give her a break. Until she casts a meaningful vote against the right side cut her some slack.
>Democrats are waking up and do not know what to think. These Democratic Operatives are going through the motions of 'How do we fix this?' and 'What are we going to do?'
>They are talking to the Obamas and Clintons, saying, what is the plan forward, where are we going?
>The Bidens, unfortunately, have had too much aggressive competition with the Clintons and Obamas, Pelosi is the one who has to go to the Bidens to say 'It's time to pack it in, its over.'
>Chevron deference overturned, War room ad break
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tell it to the polestalker, kike.
That is sad. Massie is a good one.
maybe she just wanted to feel what it's like to be on the winning side for once

You fucking dumb nigger. If MLK was alive today, he’d be the same as God Damn Benjamin Crump or Jesse Jackson.

You think MLK would be fist bumping Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell, cheering on “based” tax-cuts and tough on crime policies?

Fucking dumb nigger, you.
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The left is in shambles.
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oh well!
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No Whoopi today
But no, you seem we shouldn't have voted for Trump and his court picks have been a disaster or something
it'll have to be challenged at some point, it's the grandfather of all gun control (on a fed level). I think congress could come up with some sort of NFA that's constitutional (even if I disagree with it) but as it currently stands the NFA needs to be overturned and destroyed, and all regulations against suppressors, SBR/SBS/AOWs, and Machine Guns need to be repealed
Petey G's AIPAC guy at it again I see.
;_; sorry for your loss
Marriage has no place in our system of government. If we're gonna scream about church and state we need to apply it in the other direction

Marriage must be emancipated from government and court control. It is strictly in the domain of the church and should only be practiced via the church
Great debate and Chevron overturned

This is too much winning
they weren't radicals before, but they are now
especially now that they know they were politically persecuted
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Should I? I don't have a template
K retard
Meanwhile, you suck off kike johnson
Kill yourself
since theres only 30 posts left, im gonna get this off my chest.

im having painful, WATERY diarrhea today. what do i do to fix this?
>"Controversial" tab
>0 updoots
Meanwhile the Hot tab is still wall-to-wall Drumpf Bad with +90k
>ACB isn't great but she isn't terrible, either
No, she's terrible
>She wrote some good things, so give her a break
No, I won't give her a break
>Cut her some slack
No, I won't cut her some slack

You know what her problem is? She hasn't listened and taken to heart Blimpf's reading of The Snek even though he's read the fucking thing dozens of times in the last eight fucking years
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I haven't felt this high energy in years.
kneecap them. show no mercy. total freemason death
dems on suicide watch
I wonder what Barrett's vote would be if this came up again; which it will.
Post on a board this would actually be on topic
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>biden completely unravels
>ATF and EPA lose all their power
>90% of J6ers are gonna walk
Can you feel it?
I hear this every year, and it never materializes. Blacks know their communities are terrible, they don't give a shit, they like living in gangland shitholes full of trash in the same way that a pig likes to roll in the mud. This is incomprehensible to white people, even our alleged racists on /pol/, but some people genuinely have a different ideal than you, they have more political self determination than any group in the country, even Jews do not exert as much control over their immediate environment as blacks do. Telling them you'll increase employment and stop crime is like telling a dung beetle you're going to pick up all the shit, of course he's not going to be happy. I have seen dozens of Republicans genuinely try to help blacks in my life, it always ruins their careers. The best thing to do is say fuck it and just make sure they don't spill over too much.

For that matter black electoral districts are so corrupt that it's impossible to tell how any of them vote. 400lb black women run them and always just ring all the votes up for Democrats, it's not uncommon for large precincts to get 0 Republican votes in black neighborhoods, which is mathematically impossible. Ron DeSantis turned Florida from a swing state to an R+10 by firing a few county election workers, all big fat black women in black districts. This is the circumstance in pretty much every swing state. It doesn't matter if you're getting 1/3 of the nigger vote, or even if you win it, Shaqueefa will just say 100% of them voted Democrat.
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Riding high right now but it's no time to relax.
At least admit she's better than RBG.
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Well that sucks
In order for it to be challenged somebody needs to be charged under that law to have standing, and take it all the way to supreme court, that's a lot of money and most people with enough money to afford that generally won't want to spend all their money to change the law. It's not easy to overturn bullshit laws.
>Guns are saved
>Cars are saved
He is not
I slept well last night but i feel emotionally volatile and on edge today. Something is up
Bannon is convinced they will 25th amendment Biden if he does not step down now.
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Biden is two inches from death at the best of times. If they were going to kill him they wouldn't need to shoot him in the head in Dallas.
based bannon updater
>how can they defer or pause that?
lol, just watch
agree there
Thats a really low bar.
half the posts in here are off topic, chud. get to work, jan in training
Go now
Not going to happen. I get why Bannon says that because talk of it makes Biden look weak but realistically no.
It is however a bar
You would have standing if you get denied a Form 1 application to self manufacturer a post-1986 machine gun.
2028 most likely
my wife died a few hours ago
better post it online
Take your meds
>noooooo, choose the heckin insane one instead the sane one because he cannot articulate as good
the best thing to do is what Margaret Sanger tried to do
I would take it one step further and start offering taxpayer funded sterilization for the negresses, but call it something friendly like indefinite birth control
she really is the dumbest open border cunt in the entire country
she's a dumb cunt and so are you for not seeing it
FR... wow...

Massie is legit one of the "good ones" he's right up there w\ Rand Paul. Was she vaxxed or 'taken out'? Massie very well could be poised to run for president in '28.

His recent interviews gave him a lot of credit w\ voters.
This is the first year I’m actually Seeing evidence of it.
Makes it easier to sue federal agencies.

Courts used to give them "deference" and let them fine people and do whatever based on the agency's own rules.

Now you can sue a federal agency more easily. This makes it harder for bureaucrats to do things.

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