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it hasnt been since hoxha, people just identify as muslims, yet drink beer, eat pork, and never go to mosque

kosovo is not far off either
the majority of the country is Muslim, I hate this retarded idea that if it isn't 50% then you aren't still the dominant group
total kebap removal
If you have muslim names, use bunch of turkish/persian/arab words in your daily and religious vocabulary, have traditions that are closely related to islamization, have muslim religious holidays as main ones, you're still a muslim country.
lol that is what kikes dream. Albania is 75% muslims. Kys (((op)))
Based. Now if only Kosovo and Bosnia would do the same then Europe can overcome the damage caused by the Ottoman invaders.
It's like saying Russian-speakers no longer live in Ukraine.
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HOLY based.
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You are declining, as the Lord Jesus Christ intends.
Kikes dream of italy becoming the shithole foot of europe.
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>shill with proxy

kys faggot. kosovo is 95% muslim. albania is at least 70% muslim.
thoughts on Muhammad recommending Muslims drink camel urine to cure diseases? And marrying a 6 year old girl?
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>Put the pretty women up front. Uggos go in the back
This is a really interesting picture. Did they naturally decide this themselves, or were they positioned this way by the photographer?
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The infuriating thing is that Bosnia has been remote, irrelevant part of the Ottoman empire so there hasn't really been signifcant genetic mixing with shitskins, they are still genetically European for the most part and have been majority Serbian as recent as 1970s (when the % of Bosniaks magically doubled)

But muslimes and Turks are working overtime to funnel "refugees" and Middle Eastern islamists in Bosnia to establish control
It's cause all the cunts are over here.
i can tell you where they have gone to
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That is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
lol how selfless of you
albania isn't a muslim country by any means, communism seriously damaged any religious institutions here and what remains is a mostly agnostic population
honorary whites?
Excellent news. The satanic death cult needs to go.
Based communism.
Aren't all the Albanian muzzies playing for the Swiss national team?
We always were euros and never were muslim. I never understood the skewed perspective on albanians in here. At worst we're generic greasy meds with a communist past but whiter.
pisslam is just as if not more cucked than Christcuckery
Cope. Kosovo and most of “Serbia” is Catholic land anyway.

They would have been forced to mix with shitskins if they didn’t play along. Next time an empire conquers you, you should learn to do the same. What were you thinking going against Rome, the Bulgarians, Austria and the Nazis, morons. Austria literally came to liberate you from the Ottomans and you shoot their duke. The fuck?

You can change the religion you larp as overnight, you can’t change inferior blood. There’s always consequences for taking a risk and losing.
oh hey it's just like in Poland
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Don't look like negroes to me.
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We liberated ourselves, Austria collaborated with Ottomans and muslimes to ethnically cleanse us and got so mad that we fought back it started a war which it then lost
No way. I knew some of them were on the lighter side, but is that a literal ginger towards the back? We have to save the gingers.
why have they always hated each other? is it over islam?
they didn't stop being muslims, they moved to germany
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(((they))) want to put muslims against christians
Doesn't matter since the problem with Albania has always been that it is full of Albanians.
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Islam will prevail, social democracy or whatever you call this retarded suicidal current system is rapidly deteriorating and will soon be replaced
Wait so this is country of slavic-Europeans who were also Communists as well as Muslim? This is like a country made by madlibs

Ottoman empire had a social stratification that put Europeans at the bottom but you could raise above the absolute bottom if you betrayed your European heritage and became muslim (both in faith as well as tradition etc.),and you would get some privileges. Islam strives to unite and mix all races so this was an effective mechanism to force racial and cultural mixing onto conquered provinces

Europeans who became muslim were therefore seen as traitors and hated by the rest, sort of like niggers in charge of other niggers who used their crumb of power to help enslave others.When Austria annexed Bosnia it used said system against Serbs who wanted freedom.
Pardon me, I was mistaken. They are not slavs at all, they are Illyrians? What the fuck?
>baseless claims
such is with kikes
kek you fucking inbred retard
the majority of the country is NOT Muslim
just because there are different groups within that NOT Muslim doesn't mean the majority of the country is Muslim, because >50% of the people are still NOT Muslim
Number don't matter if you're smart. Jews dominate america completely at 1.6% of the population.
They're your closest relatives. Albanian-
Germanic proto-language split into Albanian and Germanic.
they don't look like they're arranged by height
it's probably more like the attractive ones lingered and socialized longer while the uggos got into position first
According to this image from wikipedia, this is incorrect. Germanic languages are closer to Celtic, Slavic, Iranian and Indian languages than to Albanian. Though you are correct about such a split. I do feel like a fool for assuming they were Slavs. You and I are closer cousins than myself and Hoxha.
>pooleshits are muslim
they certainly act like it
been on vacation to albania and not one moment did i feel like i was in a muslim country, and i even visited a mosque there. unlike my own country where i feel like im in a muslim country as soon as i step outside

Fuck Albania

Switzerland Kosovo Ireland Palestine is the axis of enlightment

Bro.... Albania, Bosnia, Turkey, Lebanon, Damaskus/Syr are all places of Law and Order and not God pilpil like arabs.... god and you is between you, not society. We have rules and morals

Also diasporas are to 80% stupid idiots. Just in Switzerland here it looks like people stay normal. Not so in UK, Netherland, Germany, France or Sweden
There are almost no Albanians left in Albania or Kosovo, most of the statistics are fake or from 2005. They all left to be gays, rapists and heroin addicts in Berlin.
I didn't know Albania was majority muslim in the first place, wtf
Yeah, your graph is from Chang et al., 2015, fair enough. Just mind you that there were also a number of linguists that supported this Albanian-Germanic subgroup.
This is why i need to go to Europe and be among my Muslim brethren. I'm thinking of going G*rmany but i dunno
Muslims tried to push into europe hard to conquer it, multiple times. They came close but were stopped in Vienna. The main battle was on 11th of September, 1683. This was why they chose that date for their big attack on america.
>They came close but were stopped in Vienna

Thats right. The Swiss repelled them.
Ah, interesting, an alternative theory. Comparative linguistics gets kind of murky, I guess.
where 11% ghegs dissapeared?
>They came close but were stopped in Vienna.
vghh what could've been...
Sqiptar it’s time to go back
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yes imagine no technical progress at all from europe, it would be so amazing... no goat's anus would have been safe
Soon there will be more Albanians in Kosovo than Albania.
Wait does the article say what they former Muslims are becoming? It better not be Atheism! I am hoping for Zoroastrianism.
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this. If anything, it's more terrifying that they're waiting to radicalize
Orthodox Christians.
mandatory swiss flag in albozerg thread
>Law and Order
i wouldnt say i saw much order, but law and a common sense of respect for sure. when i noticed girls walk alone at night in albania i was baffled. girls dont do that here
go to any big european city and you will feel right at home
good. keep sending them chinks
>yes imagine no technical progress at all from europe
So medieval Europe?
Oh weird. Is this a demographic thing like Greek population increasing and Albanian decreasing, or are people converting to Orthodox?
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Too bad.
i will break another lance for albania. probably the only place you can visit where you can leave your valuables on the beach and find them untouched
no lmao
This thread is yet completely lacking in pictures of albanian women. Step it up senpai.
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you will be deported, mohamed
>completely ignores that during this era and beyond, they led the world in technological progress

Just because you live in a fantasy land, it doesn't mean others do. Don't you have a goat to rape somewhere?
turks are the same, probably even worse, but everyone still thinks of them as muslims

I piss on Kosovo and Albania. Same goes for Serbia. I love all your women tho, but i should really get a swiss-mix like me... im literally a mutt kek swiss/Austrian & italian/French. But funfact literally all my anchestors came from 300km apart max.

Need to bring "Aryanism" back.
Probably hasn't been for a long time. All the Balkan countries that are Muslim gov is because Turkey meddling
whites were 90% of world population?
they didn't even have a sewage system and threw literal shit out of the window lmao
They e all moved to UK.
That's because they all came here.
Albanians are that kind of people who would sell their faith for who pays more, sell their parents for who pays more, they have no morals and no common sense standards. They are just golem people without persona or character, waiting for their jew catholic master to give orders and pay up. If you offered them money to change religion, they would do it. If you offered them money to kill someone, they would do it. If you offered them money to eat shit, they would do it. Artificial people, artificial country, artificial language, artificial faith.
Depending on how much you weigh lexical, morphological, and phonological characters in one's cladistic analysis, we may end up with fairly different trees, such as these from Rexova et al. (2003).
>i wouldnt say i saw much order, but law and a common sense of respect for sure. when i noticed girls walk alone at night in albania i was baffled. girls dont do that here

Law and order in the sense that there are given social and moralic stuff you just dont do. Or you will get prosectuted or beaten on the street if you touch a women.. Law and Order in the sense there is a Law and Order, giving a Police officer €20 for speeding is more of a order for society then fucking people over and make them mad at the people who enforce stuff.

Also again. They dont have "arabism" in their society, their kids dont go to school with shitskins pisslamists.... same here in switzerland. We have 10% muslime (basically albanian, turks, lebanese, bosnians, kurds... and 2% of them are arabs, 1% of them is born here and speak regional dialects and to 95% everyone chills with everyone.
They also all hate arabs and niggers... even the black people hate african refugees
Why do only whites partake in military service. This is universal. It's always the lighter skins. Same with India
Has a majority Muslim country ever turned Christian? Only one I can think of is Spain and I’m not even sure if that was majority Muslim or just ruled by them.
Bosnians are just muslim serbs, a lot of slavshits became muslim during the ottoman era as well. Millions more moved to turkey after the ottoman empire fell

Only Whites have functioning societies and a sense of law and order for the greater good. Browns and blacks are literally "neptonistic without inner monologue" they just dont care....
but again, just a generalization, has to do with society bro....

If i would be living in India i would just throw shit on the streets too. Africans, Shitskins are living in a state of blindness for problems. Bcause nothing every changes and the jews will fuck them over instead of building basic necessity infrastructure like waterpipes, schools, sewage, hospital.... so people can literally lern and do stuff for their society instead of hustling to survive
Oh wow. I always assume this is stuff that was settled years ago. How wrong I am. I suppose some things are pretty settled, but Albanian being either kissing cousins to Germanic/Romance or an extremely distantly related relict language group is interesting.
os why hasn't the Muslim world innovated in 500+ years?
>extremely distantly related

Bro pls check map of europe and map US... distantly kek.... literally cousins and everyone hates each others while you US faggots talk about White Supremacy lel
>given social and moralic stuff you just dont do
yes i think you call it "besa" in albanian. the kind of underlying trust only found in small communities here. the albanians i met were pretty based
modern innovation is all about cutting off your cock and giving women rights
I'd say if you eat pork (white man's meat) you're not a Muslim
Golden age!
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>islam is bad goyms
>now have a civil war
>while its main victims were civilians.
S*rb revisionist/Black Hand terrorist
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Good. Islam is death.
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I know memes here are strong, but the average Albanian is light-skinned with straight or at max wavy hair, and full European ancestry.
>They are not slavs at all, they are Illyrians?
This meme needs to stop
The average meme about Albanians in Europe is same as Bosnian, white and mostly secular but with the added bonus you run the coke trade.

I dont know man. Imma be honest. I have many foreigner friends. Also Somalis (friends of a somali friend of my little brother) everyone of them is workin. They are all muslims, they all eat pork. Even arabs i knows who are "islamic priests" when it comes to other bullshit eat pork when there is pork on the grill or something
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Yeah I ain't reading albanian circlejerk

Illyrian were Swiss people. The "two headed eagly" is literally from Switzerland... same goes for the SS ritus handsign.... everyone steals from us
The thing about pork is that it wasn't explicitly banned in the Quran until later, mainly because it was associated with a low status in society, and alcohol was banned because it leads to a lot of unnecessary violence. The Jordanians I used to hang out with ate pork all the same, and would get wasted on vodka/whiskey every weekend.
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>3 Greeks and 1 Pole
>Albanian circlejerk
yes, mudslimes do indeed tongue my anus
I am unsure you have adequate reading comprehension in the English language. My surprise is at the vastly different cladistics shown in the image I was replaying to.
Those clearly look like Greek names, and the third seems like a Polish name. Child of Albanian expats here. For Albanian surnames, you gotta look for the ones that end in “-aj” a big amount of the time, besides phonemes “xh” and ”gj” and the like.
>The Jordanians I used to hang out with ate pork all the same, and would get wasted on vodka/whiskey every weekend

Same goes for arabs i know, but you know they have to show off. When they are alone or there are other arabs who are like minded they will eat pork. But when the hoxha arabis are there (which i always fight and argue with) they will not eat pork, but all will drink, smoke, listen to music.

One time i told a albanian friend its not pork, he ate and then i told him it was pork. He literally seethed and put his finger into his throat to throwup... my other albanian, italian, turk friends just laughed while eating pork..we were like 12 or 13yrs old,one time we stole porn magazine from a gas station shop... my albanian friends mother touched his belly and said what there and she took the magazine in the hand and was shocked, grabbed him at the ear and dragged him home like 150meters... he came back after 10min with visible marks if papuce in his face and we all just laughed...

I dont know, i was in albania and the albanians there are mostly like albanians here just offcourse without the tought of being "foreigners"... cant compare albanians or even turks in switzerland to other countries diaspora

Literally was almost married with a albanian women, i beat her big brother who was like 29 when i was 18 and his sister 21 lol a friend of me knew her big brother and he has seen us outside and he told me if im crazy if i dont know who her brother was... literally a week later my friend was clubbing with her big brother and we chilled and i told him in his face i have something with his sister.. the suprise our of nothing in his face was funny as fuck while my friend looked at me like i just made my own death sentence.... got slapped and beat him with a ashtray. Ended up laughing together and got told not play around....

i dont know how people can compare albanians to arab muslims just bcause some "brother knights" with big mouth

You are right. But the thing is, in my language, there are many different dialects which have no "proper orthography". We can write stuff with "Sch" or "Sh" putting two words together into one etc.

I always translate from my lenguage to english in my head. And bcause we dont really care beside at work using normal german... i just translate sentences 1 to 1 from swiss-german to english... but i guess at the end, people are smart enough to understand and rephrase it in their own head.. if not, i dont care, its a chink forum
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You parasite.
>less muslims
that's good
that's bad

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