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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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We've been (way too) tolerant of them for thousands of years and merciful enough not to nuke their genes out of existence, why the hate?

All White disgust with the jew is reactionary, but they seem combative and spiteful by nature toward us, anyone have actual insights?
Bc race war
I read Them + Us and could easily fit jews into that genetic war, but do modern jews (Edomites) understand this or just hate us on an instinctual level?
They're just hateful pieces of shit that's all, just like how niggers are violent and malicious by nature.
>They're just hateful pieces of shit
I agree, but they spend 99% of their resources actively trying to destroy Whites specifically
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Does a rancher hate his cattle? No.
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A successful parasite needs to evolve total contempt for the well-being of the host. Over the last year of war in the middle east we see that the Mizrahi Arab Jews in Israel feel the same sort of irrational seething hatred towards Arabs than Ashkenazi Jews feel towards Aryans. You simply don't try to reason or negotiate with parasites, you education and organize yourself on how to remove them.
Pretty retarded reply anon ngl
>A successful parasite needs to evolve total contempt for the well-being of the host
This is the part that confuses me the most, why destroy the host?
It's an endless gravy train you jeopardize by actively weakening it, something you don't have to do in order to be a parasite
Blows my mind really
A more accurate evolutionary analogy would be "does the intestinal tapeworm hate the organism it is infesting?", if a tapeworm had evolved the neurological capacity to reason it would also need to evolve a hatred for the host. lest it fail to extract every last bit of nourishment from it.

The problem is that Aryans had proven their capacity to rise above being a host to being a competitor for global power and a threat to the very existence of their parasitic niche. Jews have correctly calculated that mestizos, niggers, Indians, chinks and even Arabs make better and safer hosts than Aryans, though you have to somewhat make up for productivity in volume. In the very long-term they plan to breed the entire planet into 70 IQ niggers and then begin to starve them off as robotics and AI makes the host fully obsolete.
Its because of their books. They elevated racism and race war as a religion, in wich being immoral is ok if its oriented against the non-human, aka the non-jews

Its a question of education. No need to genocide. Burn the Talmud and educate their kids like every non-jews, and you are going to fix the problem
Modern judaism is pharisianism (Synagogue of satan)
My gathering from scripture is that modern "jews" are really just a mix of all cursed bloodlines - Esau (Edom), Canaan, Ishmael, Ham, Cain, Amelek - and specifically the Edomites who were converted to Hebraism in the few hundred years between the Old and New Testaments

Daily trying to wrap my head around it but it does make more sense than just about anything else
they believe they have to actively work against us to save themselves, when the reality is that no one would fucking care about them if they just shut the fuck up
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Aesthetic. The lookspill, anon.

Attraction cannot be negotiated. This means, no pilpul. No adjudication. No bargaining. In other words, completely against every fibre of a jews being.
Why did you post a screenshot from Spaceballs?

because they are commanded to through judaism, why is what was once common knowledge being spammed with kike responses??
>Why do jews hate White people?
They are satanists and aligned with the spirit of the antichrist.

(((Fed agents))) had to pose as muslims to commit atrocities.
My account was banned on reddit :(
I wish your genetics were banned from Earth
You and all fellow Edomites
Ditto whites
aggressive mimicry, anon
It's white people took the faith of their messiah (who they rejected and murdered) and then conquered the world with it. In their eyes, we stole their birth right. More broadly, jews hate the concept of Rome, that is, greatness for all men achieved through principals, rather than lineage, as this denies the single fundamental belief of the jew: that he uniquely is chosen by God to be a king.
Yes we know
Here's hoping we enter an era of lawlessness so we can take care of this
kike hatred for the white race stems from judaism, and then from ancient rome. Emperor Titus destroyed the temple, and almost wiped jews off of the earth. Jews were crucified and disembowled, another reason they hate the cross lmao.
He looks Russian
Looks like the Epstein/Leonard Cohen/Anthony Bourdain jew phenotype to me tbqh
Because they are jelly it wasn't them that were chosen.
Indeed. And Jesus warned the jews that this behavior would destroy them. They did not listen. 3 great revolts were held in the decades after jesus's death, each led by self declared messiah's who preached nothing but hebrew supremacy, said there was no evil a jew could commit against a non jew which was not just. Each was crushed, with the third being so total and final that Israel was destroyed, and Jerusalem stripped from Jewish hands, for over a millenia. It is a shame that our grandfathers let them return, as it is clear the jews have learned nothing.
>It is a shame that our grandfathers let them return
I have often thought that the true White Achilles heel is unironically our patience and decency
It's why we have truly great and envied societies but also can give bad actors too much benefit of the doubt, and usually it's too late to act upon once we figure it out
I get why jews hate white people. They are not wrong; most of you really are cattle, herd animals even if you go into denial I think you KNOW it is true deep down.
>brown paws patted out this post
Whites build, invent, innovate and actually work and maintain the civilization and material comforts you chimps want so badly
Brownoids and jews only take, this is all readily demonstrable
But keep coping, seems like all you subhumans have ever had anyway
It’s not that deep I hate them because Denmark is shaped like a cock being sucked by Sweden and Norway
It's just how they are.
>tays sachs
>material worship
>crippling fear of being caught by host
You are backwash vermin and you hate your hosts because you know they will nuke your DNA out of existence once they figure out what you've done
Name one of those that are bad. How is pedophilia bad?!
El Bumpo

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