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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Would you rather get $10m, or be Ben Shapiro's servant?

>Why are conservatives so retarded?
Ironically because they're old. It's like poetry.
The only tips fuckers like these give are the ones at birth
>be waiter
>they dont tip me because israel deserves that money
It's mostly indians/non-whites who glorify these dudes, especially Tate.
Literally no one would wait that fucking table. Everyone would take the 10 million.
It’s better than a list because you can see their faces haha
10 million
i dont even know who the two behind trump are
>take $10 million or the chance of getting $100-1000 in tips (including the $0 from Benny boy)
Bomer/coorporate faggot logic. Il must make good cocktails and trump will employ me as his right hand man. Muh oportunity from being a waiter. Maybe thats how things went in their time. All these poeple would despise you for being "beneath" them and would probably omplain to the manager of you tried to speak with them.
Ben Shapiro and Andrew Tate fucking hate each other, hustlepajeets are genuinely retarded and should have their own separate containment internet
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Easiest 10 mil ever made in history.
You're all as stupid as >>472461276. You'll never be able to network with people like that even if you had 10 million. Any one of them can get you a job paying 200k easily. Imagine passing this up for nothing. 10 million today is what 1 million was in 1987. It's nothing. 50% of that is going to be taxed. Down to $5M. If you want to buy a decent house it will be $2M. That leaves you with 2 million dollars which you'll spend or will be eaten by inflation. If you invested it, you could have $100k a year in dividends. These dividends are taxed at 18% so you're down to $80k about and property taxes on a 2 million dollar home will run you $20,000 a year. You traded a $200k job for $60k a year. Idiots.
I would wait the table because the value of that is over 10 million dollars as I proved. I wouldn't for 100 million. You must have an IQ under 120.
that guy needs to be molested
I wouldn't want to meet one of those people no matter what the fuck you offered me, anon. They're garbage, each and every one.
come to think of it i don't know who the guy in front of trump is either

at first i thought its abraham lincoln

but now im thinkng thats too bizarre an inclusion, everyone else is a current day figure. why would you just drop abraham lincoln in the mix? he died like 200 years ago.

so who is it?
And then everyone clapped. People don't offer waiters the job. You're a fag and a fool
It is abraham lincoln because the original had a bunch of republican presidents and he was one of them
Yes, because being in the vicinity of someone for a small amount of time, their success rubs off on you. Every time Elon Musk goes out to eat, the waiter walks away a millionaire.
Goddamn people are fucking stupid.
>I do nothing and get 10 million Dollars
>I brown nose for a table of egomaniacs in the hopes they are in the mood to dish out gibs.
>I definately got what it takes to be hired by one of them when they are too busy jousting amongst themselves to even notice a nobody such as me.

Every man at that table would have told you to take the money and walk away.

Keep dreaming kid.
10 million dollars please
the goodest goy
Damn, did the debate really go that bad last night?
Depends. Could I have them all poisoned for less?
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8 literal who's
Only if I can bring my 17+1 +P.
>Damn, did the debate really go that bad last night?
It really did.
Women who get raped by their sister are apparently in dire need of an abortion.
Waiting that table would get me NOTHING other than whatever fucking tip they leave which would not even be close to $10 million.

I'd take the 10 million evade taxes and invest it all in bitcoin.
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>Any one of them can get you a job paying 200k easily
>10 million is nothing
10,000,000 / 200,000 = 50
You would have to wageslave for your entire life making $200k just to make the $10 mil I made instantly by just taking the money. Brainlets stay poor.
who says they want you in their network though?
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>it's mostly indians
Most Indians in Britain vote Conservative because most Muslims vote Labour. Britain has a long history of jeets and muzzies immigration going back to the 1960s.
I'm guessing that this pattern will be repeated in other western countries as unlimited jeet and muzzie immigration continues.
You forgot that 200k invested with 15% market returns is well over 10 million after 50 years. More like 200 million, shit head. Do a compound interest calculator and apologize to me and everyone else.
It's parody of the 50k vs dinner with Jay z meme
You’re not networking with them, you’re waiting their fucking table, you’re getting them their fucking onion rings and refilling their sodas and shit. Best case they treat you politely and leave you a couple hundred bucks as a tip, but the suggestion that a bunch of wealthy high profile people are going to randomly help their fucking waiter network is fucking laughably naive.

Take the money.
Taking the money and running as far away from these retards as possible.

>charlatans grooming young men into ideal slaves for the elite
>dependant on "wisdom" by predators who profit off their lost state.
I used to be a server
the chance you can connect with a table enough to "network" is less than 1%
dont throw away 10mil for a 1% chance at more
Take the money. Why would I care to know all these criminal grifting faggots?
That would be a good chance to an hero for allah on a bunch of shills
Give me the 10 mil and a infantry section worth of dudes and I can make a display with with their heads in it.
Its predictive programming, you'll never get $10M but only ever have to listen to them as you work a service job.
>network with a waiter
I could get you a job as a waiter in trump tower bro, no tax on tips
I don't think Shapiro and Peterson would want to be at that table with the Tate Bros, lol.
Chance of winning the Powerball is 0.000000001%.

A 1% chance is over 3,000,000 x higher. I would take the meeting because Trump could make me his VP, Tate would have business advice, Peterson would pay MILLIONS for writing a book for him and Shapiro could get me a news anchor job at the daily wire. Musk could give me the education needed to become a rocket scientist or see that I am CEO material. The fucking sky is the limit.

One percent at the chance of a lifetime. You just are risk averse and lack confidence.
I'd do it for free you fucking sissy namefaggot.
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seems you forgot that 10 million invested right fucking now is a lot more than your 200k invested over the course of 50 years
It really is incredible. This is what remains of Trumpism. Pimps, zionists, and charlatans. In 2016, this table would have been
>Lauren Southern
>Stefan Molyneux
>Tommy Robinson
>Nick Fuentes
Now most of those people are deeply flawed grifters as well, but think of how hard they had to go back then vs. what we have now. Molyneux used to make IQ race realism videos. Southern used to almost get herself killed walking through migrant no go zones in Europe with a body cam on. Tommy Robinson used to get jumped and arrested on a monthly basis for calling muslims savages. Spencer was throwing romans and organizing torch marches. And it's all turned into what you see in that pic. Elon the troll, black pimps, a fitness guru, a shroom head podcast host, and orthodox jew...wow.
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How much for the original? pic related
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>deeply flawed
Stupid trendy word popularized by feminists & other morons.
>Gavin Mcinnes
Who organized a literal American Friekorps. The difference between 2016 and 2024 is stunning.
after all that I can still be debt free with a house and car I own free and clear and a comfortable nest egg to invest for retirement. I can work any stupid job to pay the bills and live comfortably without having to sell my fucking soul to these clowns
Wait the table. But for Minecraft reasons
I see negroes, jews and puppets. Why would i serve them?
great post. hilarious
>Feminists invented adjectives to stop me from getting pussy
>literally who on twitter said X
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
>you only have 6 bullets
Not 'sit with this table' but the chance to bootlick it
I'd serve the table with a 4.75" Rough Rider Cocobolo revolver
I'd pay 10 million dollars to see Ben Shapiro wait this table
>If you want to buy a decent house it will be $2M
you are such a fucking fool
just ignore him. he is clearly a child whos worldview comes from where he hangs out on the internet
This never fails to trigger libtards for some reason
>should have their own separate containment internet
The have their own separate containment subcontinent and must be quarantined there
>if you don't wanna pay $10m to wipe based ben shapiro's ass, UR A LIBTARD!!!!!!!!!!
absolute state of ya
the man is a fool because 'waiting a table' isn't going to get you 200k job.

It will get you a $200 tip.
Peterstein would be under the table washing Benny's mutilated penis before sucking him dry
Tate would be in a permanent state of flex while pimping out his slavic stable of whores to Trump while Rogan trips balls on DMT and ponders who the fuck the niggers on his right are.
>hello rich successful men
>yes I am just a waiter, and have accomplished nothing in my life
>would any of you like to take this opportunity to give me all of your phone numbers so that I can “network” with you in order to become rich?
>what do you mean you don’t want to make me successful?
>Bring your food and drinks? Come on I’m just trying to use this opportunity to have you guys make me successful!
He'd poison the food Seamus.
Cuckservatives all lead shelter, pampered lives so they are out of touch with reality to an astounding degree. Smugness meets conceit, despite lacking any sort of wisdom, it's a messed up combo.
lol this. Why would anyone be like, hey you did a good job bringing us drinks and taking our food order. The way you recited today's specials and soup was so particularly amazing that we think you could have a director level job at one of our companies.
You'd just walk out with an ok tip, probably 18% of a large tab, and every one of those guys would forget your face and name before they even left. Also you'd have to tip out probably like 20 other people since that's how nice restaraunts always operate.

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