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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Have any of you wonderful anons got Tolkien's text copy of his letters to a friend where he discussed the way Europe was headed etc. Need them to redpill a few friends. Cheers lads.
The old republic was a nuanced setting, the empire and the republic were knee deep in corruption and had their fair share of both idealists and pragmatists, the high republic is a joke
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I'm not too well versed in Star Wars lore my yoghurt drinking fren. I just used that pic to aid in redpilling frens about what modern media is doing to our interests/hobbies. Its surprisingly effective. Need those Tolkien letters to really fire the message home however.
Bump. I also want to read them. Altough i have never been a huge marvel fan
im pretty sure he quietly hoped for an axis victory while the war was going on too. pic not quite rel but it still makes you think
Tolkien was not a fan of Hitler or the Nazis. He also expressed admiration for Jews in the same letter he expressed his disdain for Hitler. Idk what letter OP could be referring too.
btw are there any other chads here that also play Third Age Divide and Conquer for Medieval II? I'm playing as Khazad Dum and now control all the mountainous settlements between Gundabad and Isengard. Currently trying to rush to retake Dain's Halls before Erebor beats me to it for those sweet Dragonslayers. also thread theme: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p7JH-I3iJyI&pp=ygUjdGhlIGtpbmcgYmVuZWF0aCB0aGUgbW91bnRhaW5zIHNvbmc%3D
He lived in a better world where one did not need to compromise with appointing nazis as good guys in lieu of a good choice.
>He also expressed admiration for Jews in the same letter he expressed his disdain for Hitler.
post it then. and don't say he modeled the dwarves after the kikes, shortly before his death he clarified that they were modeled off of semites in general, not the jews.
don't you have a drone to catch with your face shabbos goy?
I must have dyslexia
Its getting so bad that it wouldn't be surprising if disney tries "re-canonising" the old Timothy Zhan and other legends books, and tries to bring back interest by continuing old storylines.
There is already precedent for alternative timelines & what ifs with their visions series, they could easily try to backpeddle everything they've fucked up by just slapping the renewed content as "a star wars visions novel" etc.

This is just a pipe dream for me though, and even if they did it the trannies would be all over it in days.
>top left
Who is this seaman daemon?
Kirsten dunst, how old are you bro?
raceswapping just keeps happening. disney has made me extremely racist and I go out of my way to not give them money. unfortunately they probably have a buffer allowing them 100 years of losses but i sleep better.
>whole point of the 1000 years timespan is it was so peaceful the jedi lost their edge completely
>make a new setting out of it and fill it with typical star wars plots
Full retard move. Just like everything else about mouse wars.
Imagine being a disney exec with full control over EU lore, allowing you to just take a period like the new sith wars and just milk billions upon billions of dollars worth of content out of it, just to decide to throw it all away for no reason at all.
Like I get that nepo hires aren't ever gonna be the cream of the crop competence wise, but jesus christ it's like these people hate success. It hurts their political agenda just as bad as their bottom line.
This what you're looking for? https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59d68c02c534a5079b390c38/t/5c2d3e3f575d1f37b45d4750/1546468936692/the_letters_of_j.rrtolkien.pdf
Kekked and checked
Tolkien was first of all a Catholic OP, unlike you.
>Tolkien was first of all a Catholic
No one's perfect
No everyone is born with original sin and sins. However to cheery pick a dead mans written words for some squalid /pol/ like nonsense without accepting what he openly made the most important aspect of his life, his Catholic faith is a bit revolting. Disappointingly for OP there is no rationale for racism in Catholicism, none (neither however do you have to pander to nonsense like lgbt, islam, hinduism, paganism etc).
I just realised that you are one of those street sweepings of history, the sectarian monarchist English protestant, who worships in a 'church' established by a man who executed several of his wives so his barons to murder monks and plunder their monasteries. No wonder you find it so easy to elect muslim politicians to rule you
thanks for posting this, managed to find a good quote from his 1944 letter to his son Christopher pertaining to op's question
"What kind of mass manias the Soviets can produce remains for peace and prosperity and
the removal of war-hypnotism to show. Not quite so dismal as the Western ones, perhaps (I hope).
But one doesn't altogether wonder at a few smaller states still wanting to be 'neutral'; they are
between the devil and the deep sea all right (and you can stick which D you like on to which side
you like). However it's always been going on in different terms, and you and I belong to the ever-
defeated never altogether subdued side. I should have hated the Roman Empire in its day (as I do),
and remained a patriotic Roman citizen, while preferring a free Gaul and seeing good in
Carthaginians. Delenda est Carthago.2
We hear rather a lot of that nowadays. I was actually taught
at school that that was a fine saying; and I 'reacted' (as they say, in this case with less than the usual
misapplication) at once. There lies still some hope that, at least in our beloved land of England,
propaganda defeats itself, and even produces the opposite effect. It is said that it is even so in
Russia; and I bet it is so in Germany. ...."
Just google Nazis hobbit tolkien or something. You'll find it. It was when they asked him if he was Jewish cause they didn't know if they should ban The Hobbit or not.
He's referring to a letter he sent to the nazis in response to them reaching out and asking if he was aryan because they didn't want books from jewish authors. He supposedly wrote back saying he was not a jew but he admired them. Not sure if it's real or not and it probably isn't a complete story either way but that should be enough info on it for you to look it up.
>No everyone is born with original sin and sins
Only according to schismatic cats and prots. Eastern Orthos reject that.
In any case I reject all semitic creeds as false.
>However to cheery pick a dead mans written words for some squalid /pol/ like nonsense
Yet here you are on /pol/
>Disappointingly for OP there is no rationale for racism in Catholicism
That's why most papists are now niggers and spics. Great move there Seamus.
> the sectarian
>monarchist English
>by a man who executed several of his wives
No one's perfect anon. Least of all your usurious schismatic church of pederasts
In any case I like Tolkien and many other English trad cats like Chesterton etc. Much of what they said was correct and much of what trad cats assert is correct. But their semitic creed is still woefully flawed and false.
>As in the former dark age, the Christian Church alone will carry over any considerable tradition (not unaltered, nor, it may be, undamaged)
of a higher mental civilization, that is, if it is not driven down into new catacombs. Gloomy thoughts, about things one cannot really know anything [of]; the future is impenetrable especially to the wise; for what is really important is always hid from contemporaries, and the seeds of what is to be are quietly germinating in the dark in some forgotten corner, while everyone is looking at Stalin or Hitler, or reading illustrated articles on Beveridge ('The Master of University College At Home') in Picture Post.....
He at least knew that an allied victory was nothing to celebrate either for genuine Catholics. Say what you want about Hitler, but the abomination that is Vatican ii likely wouldn't have happened had the axis been victorious. And come now friend, we both know that even if all nonwhites became catholic, they wouldn't be able to preserve our Church with anything short of divine intervention. I'm a mixed race mongrel myself, and even I can see that the fate of the white race and our Church are intertwined. Hitler made mistakes in regard to tolerating non-Christians in his party, but he was still a far better alternative than what we have now.
I did, and while he dismissed the Germans for their racial enquiry, he didn't exactly side with the jews. He was just as much against the allied powers as he was against the axis if not more so.
He admired Germany but hated Hitler. By the end of the war, he was completely disillusioned and unhappy with pretty much all sides.
Thank you for the picture.
He was barely containing his fury. He'd tell the German editors to go fuck themselves if it didn't have financial repercussions for his publisher.
in one of the last letters toward the end of the second world war, he was expressing his concerns with the british press and their lack of showing forgiveness toward the german people. he truly was a great person.
Chani was a redhead in Dune so add that to the list
Still doesn't make him pro kike. As it is shown in the other quotations, he hated the allied agenda just as much as the axis one. Even though he was ignorant of the jews and their crimes, he still stood against them ideologically with his devout Catholicism and strong sense of traditionalism and medievalism whether he knew it or not. He was also fiercely against Vatican ii which gave a more lax policy towards the jews.

Based dwarf enjoyer.
Can't wait for Dawnless Days to be done.
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>Be Jewish movie exec
>Be unfamiliar with the source material because you don't expose yourself to propaganda intended for goyim
>Quickly skim script in between eating foreskins and raping children
Seems to happen a lot.
it's okay to enjoy things by people who don't share your beliefs. I'm a liberal and I still enjoy art made by fascists if it's good.

I don't like how people try to claim tolkein for their side or barring that salt the earth like with the netflix adaptation.

Some things should be neutral ground. It's a disease of modernity that doesn't allow for this
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
Addendum, thinking back, the highest concentration of gingers is within the Irish.
Perhaps these stories were originally intended to achieve acceptance of the Irish potato niggers and have been adapted for the modern age to do the same for niggers.
How crazy would that be?
Letter to Christopher Tolkien December 9th, 1943:

>The bigger things get the smaller and duller or flatter the globe gets. It is getting to be all one blasted little provincial suburb. When they have introduced American sanitation, morale-pep, feminism, and mass production throughout the Near East, Middle East, Far East, USSR, the Pampas, el Gran Chaco, the Danubian Basin, Equatorial Africa, Hither Further and Inner Mumboland, Gondhwanaland , Lhasa, and the villages of darkest Berkshire, how happy we shall be. At any rate it ought to cut down travel. There will be nowhere to go. So people will (I opine) go all the faster. Col. Knox says ⅛ of the world's population speaks 'English', and that is the biggest language group. If true, damn shame - say I. May the curse of Babel strike all their tongues till they can only say 'baa baa'. It would mean much the same. I think I shall have to refuse to speak anything but Old Mercian. But seriously: I do find this Americo-cosmopolitanism very terrifying

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