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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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They said Democrats would “panic”, and that’s exactly what’s happening. CNN’s John King said immediately after the debate, “high-ranking democrats are panicking.” Your response?
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>Your response
Glowniggers tongue my anus
>They said Democrats would “panic”, and that’s exactly what’s happening. CNN’s John King said immediately after the debate, “high-ranking democrats are panicking.” Your response?

OMG the glownigger qanon used a word that is now being used 7 years later?!
OMFG what could it mean?

I last 25 mins, it was a shitshow, and uninteresting.
yup. Biden ain't resigning. He's going all the way.
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video footage just released of democratic national committee member, aka "Q"
Sooooooo... if this was predicted, it means it's scripted, that alone should scare the fuck out of you. The behind the scene slavers running both sides do NOT have your interests in mind aside from more sophisticated monthly subscription slavery for Jew points followed by your greater good organization harvested death.

Man up Frens, Kikes will increase their Jew Points at your expense. Stock supplies.
correct. But I hope out of this we get states to secede destroying the current federal govt. This is the most American thing that could happen. States right shall rule again. Fuck the feds.
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>Circus show politics
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Evropa will break free from the enslavement of the American yoke!
clearly controlled demolition of the usa
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Anyone with a functioning brain could see that, like I did with my so called "bold" prediction, but not even MD doctors have brains, these days.
It really is all theater. So I don't have to waste time standing in line to vote. This is great news.
2 more weeks.
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You'll watch the circus and you'll eat the candy peanut. You literally put videos of people singing on balconies to sell the pandemic. Shut up and eat the peanuts.
actually i was putting sources about how ur gubbamint silently moved biolabs here 4 years ago, but yeah i'll enjoy the shitshow as your masters are pretty good at entertainment lol
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Go back. You lost. Bahahahahaha
Noooooo, they're
This is the start of the ol' switcheroonikins; Barry has decided to sub in Michael for optimum niggerability.
Team Demon thinks they can get away with this and their followers do too even though they don't realize how incompetent and completely vile, stinky, and evil their Party is now.
I have real salted and roasted in the shell for this show.
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The media want us to believe that every single Democrat in the nation was shocked by what they saw last night, that they never saw it coming or had any clue as to Biden's unfitness for anything, let alone high office.

Make of that what you will.

But my concern is Israel will not allow that solution, they will insert their China Golem to intervene to keep their Jew Point pipeline alive.
Oh look, a fucking pedophile Jew.
Zigbee routing
Mosaic Warfare
If we are all connected does that mean I can telepathically rape someone while simultaneously masturbating to them in mind?
A stopped clock is still right twice a day
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Compare the most recent debate to debates from 4 years ago. Both candidates are older but nothing really changed. Biden was unfit to be President then and he’s unfit to be President now. Does that matter though? If it does, why is he allowed to continue being POTUS right now? He’s incompetent, right? The reality is that Biden just signs things and doesn’t actually do anything. He just has to be able to sign his own name to be the POTUS and the same goes for Trump.

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