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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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trump didn't look good in the debate either he basically just lied the whole time like he always does
Your whole life is a lie.
its too late to change Biden

you guys wont do shit, you are too afraid
Good thing his opponent is a dehydrated zombie.
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>you think you have a chance, but you are afraid
One zionist debates the other zionists over who will send more billions, they bomb churches in the Holy Land.
beaners are killing our people fact check that
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This Jeet or chink FAG is still using the old tracking pepe.
A good horse only jumps as high as it needs to. All Trump had to to do there to 'win' was stfu and let Biden hang himself, with which the rules here also helped him. Better moderation would have pulled Trump up on his constant actual fucking question dodging, but I think everyone, even Trump, was just too shocked at the obvious state of Joes cognitive decline.
You win the debate if you're louder and lie more effectively
yes, but a good liar is preferred over a bad liar. That's politics.
the new standard is who ever cheats the hardest wins
I agree but he has been dealing with the most ridiculous vile shit to defend against for these 8 years. His age was showing but Biden is and has been an actual retard his whole life.

I am for sure voting Trump but I'm working on leaving the US or atleast going to the most remote clean place I can find to become a farmer to produce my own food.

I might join the deportation effort but only if it's not some half assed thing like so much else.

We effectively need deflation to justify effort as a young man or woman and I don't know how that can be done.

I still hate the Frankenstein boomers, the vast majority of people are still drunken fucktards watching football and listening to nigger music, the young women and men are seemingly becoming more religious which is good but I still see fathers letting their daughters look like cheap whores in yoga pants and revealing clothing.

Our culture is rancid and Trump still uses the music from these degenerate times so that frustrates me. I'm currently trying to make some dope ass white pride and safe for kids music that also goes hard but It's hard for me to find the energy to WANT to help these fuck tarts. I hate the old men so much in America.

Had an old boomer "conservative " tell me he loves cocaine and chasing whores but it wasn't him or his generation that was the weak ones. He wouldn't shut the fuck up about every woman passing by either. "Look at those MELONS" type shit. Dudes 50 and stealing the modesty of the young women STILL. Majority of the elders seem to want to party and relax but that's basically all they've ever done.

Dad still thinks the immigration isn't an issue and that blacks are gonna save America with their vote! If the dumb niggers and beaners and voting women weren't apart of America it would of never fallen. He can't tell his wife, my mom, to shut the fuck up when she needs it. It seems the floor philosophy for most of these old dudes is still feminist and muh racism based.
>he basically just lied the whole time like he always does
Name ONE lie.
Name one.
Biden spews lies all the time, but you choose to ignore those.
Biden came off worse but it was sad. Trump doesn't have that fire in him any more. We won't get a repeat of 2016 where he was just running circles around everyone
This. The debate format tried to prevent Trump from defending against the lies while also answering the loaded questions.

I'm starting to see the frustration build up in him. He should earnestly just call for revolt and get this shit started. We can't save the niggers in the cities. Fire bomb them and rebuild. Burn all the old music and art from the 50s forward. Start anew.
>"I did not sleep with a pOrnstar"
>"I did not call ded soldiers 'suckers and Losers'.."
The latter he indignantly denied so many times that he simply must have said it. It's not like some random general would make the quote up, or anyone would be surprised if he had. It's basically exactly the type of shit Trump would and does say anyway, repeatedly.
Both of these guys are Presidents, they know what's up more than anyone in the world. If they don't know shit either then we really are fucked.
Why even lie, Trump was literally President too. If they aren't privy to the most top secret of top secret info then why even care who is President? Why would someone else even know more than them?
It's like Biden was saying "Putin will invade Europe after Ukraine". Trump was President so he knows the same thing Biden does and has seen all the declassified stuff about it so he knows whether that's true or not, he simply doesn't care. If he knows it's not true then Biden is the one lying. Same with the border and immigration, covid and vaccines, Israel, all of it. How can they disagree on anything? Doesn't make sense why they are even debating.
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>they know what's up more than anyone in the world
...They SHOULD know what's up more...
FIFY Clive, but let's do be REAL, our(yours too) leaders are merely controlled mouthpieces and/or window dressing for the real string pullers. If it were not the case, and Trump was truly as autonomous a leader as he's supposed to have been, his policies would have been way more effective.
I'm not saying he didn't have some effective policies, that's been demonstrated, but I AM saying that politics has been a dirty grift since day one, and Washington has been a cesspool since at least the 17th Century.
Hell, Mark Twain wrote a whole satire about it in 1865
>pic rel
No, the real policymakers are un-elected, and VERY multi-lateral and at odds for outcome on the World stage. The jEWS take up a massive block of that through money-Magic, deceit and Blackmail; But they aren't the ONLY players, just the messiest ones.

Biden lost. Keep seething.
Demedge kuntrol.

Cope and Dilate, tranny.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
UUuhhhhh...Our resident 5eyes faggot decided his cuppa break was over, huh?
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but just the position of President means all these different info sources come straight to them that other individuals wouldn't get, they have their own silos they're stuck in that a President wouldn't be. Trump was acting like it's 2015 and he doesn't know all the things Biden was saying already. Trump was asked whether he would support a Palestinian state, he deflected it because of the obvious Israel support angle but during his presidency his cabinet proposed a two state solution plan to Israel that they rejected called the "Trump peace plan", so he knows all about this. That's not even getting onto the fact if they find aliens the President has to be called in to see them and shit like that. He should know everything already.
Trump has always been one to exaggerate and use hyperbole. I don't see him as a liar. His most annoying trait is his inability to brush off criticism and get into dick-measuring contests. He did relatively well last night. Much less cringe that former debates and I'll give CNN credit for that.
Big disagree

Trump appeared much more restrained and presidential than he's been in previous debates. His answers were surprisingly clear and concise and he toned down his typical inarticulate ranting significantly. This was a good showing from Trump.
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>He should know everything already.
Yes but you KNOW that's not available to the public right?
You can't argue with classified info, anon.
BTW, I'm NOT a Trump "Supporter"I haven't bought in to politics since Ron Paul wasn't allowed to run.
You are watching Bishops and rooks on a (((masonic))) floor, nothing else.
Trump was shit in the first debate against Hillary.
Eh . nah. He told the truth
You’re not from a real country. Disregard…
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democracy is jewish scam to keep you docile and there's no peacefull solution to jewish problem
Yeah but that was a blip. He was breathing fire in the Republican debates.
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ALso, I wanted to poast this too, so hav-a-nother (you)
>That's not even getting onto the fact if they find aliens the President has to be called in to see them and shit like that.
>pepe as OP pic
Feds are fags.
Trump's debate performance from 2015 has never really been repeated. He seems to be weaker in 1v1 debate scenarios.
Name 10 lies.
If people are working at Area 51 and are like "The President can never know about this" doesn't that have huge implications? Trump should know everything about Area 51, every conspiracy theory on here or ever he should know the answer to. If he doesn't then that itself is a conspiracy theory.
Trump was pretty mediocre but it doesn't matter. All anyone will remember from this debate is Biden imploding in front of the nation.
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Well, the Area 51 thing is well known even here to be just the Skunkworks experimental aircraft testing grounds, the REAL ayyliums/crafts are stored in WPAFB in Dayton, Ohio.
But certainly the President has access to LOTS of classified info--that doesn't mean he knows anything about BlackOps and slush fund projects, nor operations that are outside of the purview of the Executive office.
Still can't address that in a public debate.

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