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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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HAPPENING! Poland’s Foreign Minister says that electing an incompetent, corrupt, narcissistic, immoral moron like Trump will lead to the fall of America as the world’s greatest superpower
Poland wants America to lead a war against Russia and Trump won't do that.
radoslaw sikorski is married to new york jewess and his son lives in america and is in US army, sikorski is shabbos goy
Sikorski has very bad reputation in Poland btw.

There is a video of Stonoga ridiculing Sikorski in a public place in a restaurant.
Stonoga is some broke-ass internet influencer and was bashing him like a dog.
He was afraid to say a word like a fucking coward.
Here is the video.

Sikorski should shut his lying mouth and grow in humility, because he himself
has not achieved anything in his life besides marying a well-known jewess.
Sikorski is really bringing us down, same with Tusk and his goons.
He should focus more on his own leftists lunatic cabinet more instead.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
is this the guy who invented the helicopter? he's still alive?
That didnt happen at all when blumpf was in office. This is retarded fear mongering again like how tards were doomposting about Drumpf starting a nuclear war the moment he got into office
>sikorski is shabbos goy
He is not a very courageous person so he is trying to make up for it by writing edgy comments on Twitter.
There are millions of cowards in the west, who are virtue signaling their way through twitter .
They are very active on twitter, but in reality they are just token people who live
to serve their purpose. We need to shield ourselves from such figures.
Often those cowardly representatives in our governments pose greater threat to us than
all the countries from global south combined.
It would be disastrous for europe if trump stopped the gravy train
Sounds like foreign interference in an election
>a pshek has an opinion
into le trash it goes

he's married to a jewess, he's son is in US army.
He is a cowardly shabbos goy and guess what ,
he has some imposter issues and have to spew his crap on Twitter
so that he feels satisfied.
oh no a toilet scrubbing subhuman said something about its american masters

He is a coward who tries to act tough on the internet.
Don't treat him seriously
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I'm not interested in the USA being a superpower
I'm not interested in endless involvement in foreign wars
I don't care about democracy or the constitution.
I don't care about the Union.
I really only care about my family and my land.
the current government of Poland was literally installed by the US glowniggers so of course they're going to back the corrupt pedophile
Good, fuck the empire. America for Americans. Defend yourselves
Soooooo whyyy do so many jews and jew lovers and shabbos goys hate trump when trump is a rich new Yorker who loves jews even more? Are they afraid of Trumps support for jews will overshadow their own? Why are people so obsessed with being the best jew cock sucker? It just makes no sense. They're shitty people.
Nobody cares what a fucking polock politician thinks and nobody especially cares what a flaggot meme nigger posted
Do these fucking retards even remember we already had a Trump administration and we were doing fine before COVID? Are these goldfish-brain talking points part of the psyop?
imagine taking advice from a pole
this happens because it was already decided that trump will win behind the scenes
biden supporters are shadow cancelled by the glowniggers who act from the shadows and were lifting these talkingheads up as long as it was convenient
Pinning the decline of Rome in Commodus is a bit much, especially considering how they pulled along for another 250 years afterwards.
Why do polacks think they matter? It's so strange
Wow insane happening!!! Unhappy polak!!
How about he comes over to do my fix up my roof?
This guy a vegan? Because it seems he'd rather vote for a vegetable.
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>sikorski is shabbos goy
yes, hes polish we know
hes literally the foreign minister
its not just any jewess, shes a big warmonger and neojew policy advocate journo.
and hes a pollack, they fit like gloves
shouldn't surprise anyone at all. how else would he become part of zog
isn't that 99% of polacks on the internet?
the collapse is going to happen either way
hes literaly the foreign minister of poland
pollacks always lie their ass off
comparing aurelius to biden is just wild. you can say all you want about aurelius but he was far from senile and pedophile
>It's important to manage one's ride into the sunset.
Sounds more like something you'd say to biden.
Is that a real surname?
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his wife is really smart
Poles are so fucking retarded
and? you have shmelz as your fucking dear leader
you have absolutely no right to comment on anything kraut
Sikorski is an embarrassment to Poland. Hopefully in 4 years he will be over forever
I got a box of polish jelly donuts from Publix... fucking awful whatever that filling was. I support a nuke bomb dropped on Poland

Marcus A was a heroin addict
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Scholz is an embarrassment, but Sikorski is just polish
>start of Roman Decline
He also took advice from the snake god Glycon, which was a guy with a handpuppet.
Fuck you Poland we're not gonna die for your petty butthurt belt feelings.
scholz doesnt even have jewish wife and didnt start career as media attention whore
sounds like they're due for another partitioning
>the world’s greatest superpower
why would i want a world's greatest superpower whose top priority is the genocide of the white race?
>will lead to the fall of globohomo
>will make America great again
fixed that for ya. sneed.
We should kicked Poland out NATO and EU
Poland just wants us to spend money for their military. Sorry Poland, your free ride ends soon.
Nah Comm didn't last long
Rome screwed itself out of existence
Started? The decline of Rome began when the good times started, when weak men like Nero were allowed to become Emperor.
If Trump makes pro globohomo butthurt belters seethe that means he’s the right pick
Why is this lil' shit even using the EU flag? He's surely one of the leading influencers in selling out Europe to the US. Fucking asshole.
Did he just call Barron Trump feckless?
>this just like hollywood movie!
Americanized retards can't even reference Rome without making it about a fictional movie lol
The only post that matter. Fuck Poland, you can run yourselves. Hilarious to me that the Russians are using meat wave tactics armed with shovels and cardboard armor but they're also a threat to greater Europe.
>globohomo politician says globohomo thing
And this is news how?
This is your brain on ridley scott. Commodus was a fine emperor
We've already seen what a Trump presidency looks like and it was four years of stability (up until the kike "pandemic" that he had no control over).

These faggots really need to shut their fucking mouths. No one's buying their lies anymore.
lol, Nord Stream 2 tak bardzo rozjebany xD cry
>I don't care about America, only about myself
So you've got the makings of a traitor? Thx for outing urself
>So you've got the makings of a traitor? Thx for outing urself
shut up you fucking retard.
tell him to shut the fuck up and we are going to leave nato and hand his ass personally seasoned on a silver platter to Russia to make frens
They said that about 2016 and they lied.
Now we have dementia with nuclear codes.
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I wouldn't want to marry a Polish woman either.
based and American pilled, fuck the world, fuck Europe, fuck China, fuck Russia, fuck everywhere else
>I wouldn't want to marry a Polish woman either.
me too
no they just gloss that over and it's hilarious they are literally dusting off the same playbook that 'Trump is a dangerous war monger who will get us into ww3 and nuclear war with russia, china and north korea'. when we already Trump and it was peaceful to the point he made peace with North Korea which should have won him massive accolades but instead they just continued hating
>you’re a traitor for not wanting America to be the world’s police and spread buttsex
Traitor against ZOG maybe, but I also never swore allegiance to ZOG so…
Marcus's problem was giving the emperor role to his son. The Good Emperors were Good in my opinion because the emperor role was handed down not by blood but by accomplishment. The emperors didn't just take their own children whether they were good or bad, but instead selected someone they knew to be good from a distinguished career; often someone who wouldn't rule for very long due to being of advanced age.

It had tons of advantages. No nepotism, seasoned leadership every time, and even if a leader wasn't great he was probably going to be replaced soon so that the empire could adjust and advance.
>talking about muh ride into the sunset when your country was the first case of a country vetoing itself into being conquered
you guys know what the definition of traitor is? and you guys know historical examples of traitors? you've got the markings of a traitor
Going the khokhol route of diplomacy, I see. When Trump wins, they'll try to wipe everything they said
There's a weird story behind this vid, but I don't remember the details.
>i want my country to stop doing the bidding of israel
Polish people are in love with Democrats ate thoroughly poisoned by koolaid so it's best to just ignore their ramblings entirely. Oh and fuck them all to death.

My entire retarded family are the same way. They all hate Trump but don't know why other than they've been told to.
t. Americanized Polak living in the West

I’ve read her book Twilight of Democracy and no she is not smart.

The book is about her visiting former friends who say Jews are nepotistic and running the world which she of course uses as example to say they’re crazy and dangerous.

At the same time she is using the same nepotic incestual elite through which she knows everyone important as the core of her book.

So Mrs Applebaum, which one is it?
You don't seem to know what a traitor is. You can't betray someone without first owing loyalty to them.

>hes literally the foreign minister
We are going through difficult times anons.

>Is that a real surname?

Yes, he is a internet figure. He steamrolled through Sikorski like a bully over a nerd.
Sikorski must feel that he has to make up for it hence those bitter, edgy comments on Twitter.

>There's a weird story behind this vid, but I don't remember the details.
Those are Ukrainian women in some event for "refugess" in Warsaw.
so you should be getting rid of jews and their pawns not america
seems like you are not american after all
poland is a country of weak subhuman faggots, no surprise they want the rest of the world to be like them
>Those are Ukrainian women in some event for "refugess" in Warsaw.
who organized this event?
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We call him "Zdradek" which is a play of words and means "traitor"which is similar
to his name.
Regular people in Poland have low opinion on this man.
He seems to be a person who would never put his own interests under jeopardy
for the benefit of his nation.
He is a part of a clique whom he serves.
Another ZOG puppet, which is a sign of the times.
>who organized this event?
some NGO like Batory foundation which are Soros extensions operating in Poland.
he is a gay fajnopolak, opinion discarded
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Ah yes Poland, land of noble selfless men of high character
>(He, from the Gladiator).
Why does everything have to be a ‘heckin’ Pop Culture’ reference nowadays?

don't listen to him.
He is opportunistic
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>Why does everything have to be a ‘heckin’ Pop Culture’ reference nowadays?
It's all they have left after blotting out the culture of Western civilization.
Centipede in Polish?
Without commentary, this reads like he wants Biden to resign but to make sure to pick someone powerful rather than shitty.

Not gonna happen. Trump will win a third time.
>Centipede in Polish?
Yes. He is a joker a clown and mr Sikorsky was afraid to stand up to him.
That's why he writes edgy comments on Twitter since then, he has something to prove.

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