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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The average person has zero common decency or manners anymore. If anything people seem to revel in being a problem for others.

Is this a knock back effect from inflation? Money worth less so people act like shitheads automatically?
so, what are you waiting for?
it ain't gonna clean itself wagie
I would've gotten in his fucking loser face.
Pieces of human filth like that deserve to be euthanized for the good of humankind and evolution.
The social contact is broken
For whites, the family unit has been eliminated for all but the wealthy.
Kids are parked in front of their TV/Ipad and consume nigger this and yiddish that.
The rest are dumb beaners and brownoids who were littering all the same back in their own shithole countries
that's what 1% nigger looks lime
i'd be appreciative of the candy wrapper thing, time goes by faster at work when you're doing something instead of standing around with your thumb up your ass.
I leave my rubbish on the table in MCD.
Get triggered wagie, I don't eat out to clean up after myself.
only sane anon itt
Based and checked

Who do you think he voted for?
Minimum wage normies would rather look at the time every five minutes and make their day last forever than do any actual work.
The average society has zero care for the average man anymore so why have decency. Being decent to an evil society that hates you is cuckoldry
Which one?
No one
This is probably a masonic test.

The worker is probably white, so they can't have the shitskin privillege of not being bothered with shitest.

If the person was brown or spanish it would go smoothly to manager position but since this person is white, will probably be gangstalked to death.
>signs up to work as sweeper
>complains about sweeping to be done
wtf is wrong with zoomers?
he just created a job for a mexican tho
Excuse me jannie, but you know what to do.
First real answer
Just a glitching NPC. Not programmed correctly to not throw the wrappers on the floor.
This would be nigger behavior had it been anywhere other than a fucking target. Exactly the way you should treat fag stores.
i would call this man a nigger
Some people get off on humiliating others.
I hated working retail.
Working as an engineer you find that the bosses you have are often just as bad.
They're psychopaths.
Unironically this, thank you for saying it. I'm going to be pleasant with people on a personal basis but expecting me to uphold "societal decency" is laughable. COVID showed me exactly how society would treat me if it had the authority to do so, you think I forgot? Besides, I'm a white man. Why should I support a society that considers me, at best, an inconvenience and on average a dissident?
My dad does this. I'm the opposite of him though.
I remember when I was a kid I would always have to clean up after him in public and he'd get mad at me and tell me that's the janitor's job, but it wasn't the normal type of mess it legitimately always looked like a toddler wreaked havoc. I would just try to make it a bit more presentable ? because of how embarrassed I was. Plus I felt bad for the jannies.
Thing is, he's a smart and overall respectful guy, doctor and all, but he's also a mommy's boy so this is what happens.
If its a nigger sweeper based
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some of the biggest cunts i have ever met called themselves that.
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He's dressed like a retard so it probably is one. NIgga is there probably watching Peppa Pig.
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>If anything people seem to revel in being a problem for others.
It's true and it's because of jews and niggers and whites wanting to be niggers because of jews.
>not my problem
>clean it up jannie
I’m thinking based
I worked security right out of high school in 2002, to pay for college. One night I was posted at a movie theater and a car load of niggers threw their fastfood trash out the windows and into the parking lot. I made them pick it up and they just put it back in the car. They then went into the theater. I realized I knew who the driver was though, it was the little brother of a nigger I went to school with. He had no idea who I was but I'd seen him with his brother before.

After the movie as they were driving off, they threw it all out into the parking lot as a "fuck you". Later that week, I went to the niglet's house and threw a huge rock through the back window of the car. Remember, rear windows don't get as much insurance coverage.
Clean it up wagie
Its your job to clean but this giy is clearly a sad broken man. Its his desperate attempt at power in his life. Id let him sit there making a mess and just clean it after he leaves. Not gonna bother sweeping it in the moment. Hes trying to excersie control over you. Let him wallow in his filth andnothers will see how much of a mess he is.
If you're being paid to work there usually you are expected to work. Somehow people get into the mindset of "I have to do this now?" Like it's some monumental task. Do it you dumb ass. I had to deal with co workers like you who would just pile on all the shit to me while they played on their phones. Once I stopped doing everything and waiting and seeing if they would do it the shit piled up and I got blamed for it so I quit.
>I took the bait and got angry instead of just cleaning it up and moving on
Just like you reply to every 1pbtid slide thread.
that's most likely a jew
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And yet all the races behave exactly identical.
This is why franchises are retarded. Ideally, the worker would notify the manager who would immediately ban the customer from the store for life without even having to run it by the owner. But it's a globohomo corporate hellhole where basic decency takes a backseat to the almighty dollar.
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You mean 'contract', but yes, it is. And now that we're in an 'every man for himself' world, you see shit like this ALL the time.
People are just miserable cunts when they spend money. Boomers in retirement homes could be served steak dinner with all the fixins but theyll demand egg salad sandwich so they feel like they have some form of control over their lives. Its an old boomer mentallity but its dying out. The staff just chat shit and make jokes about you.
He gets humiliated on a daily basis by his boss so he vents by doing the same to people "below" him
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Why bother being nice when we have to deal with niggers? They're just going to be niggers about everything, I'm not going to bother taking the extra step to be civilized.
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you are literally me
i fell for the 'work hard' meme in my younger days, but everyone would go 'anon will just get it done on his shift' and slack off.

the moment i said fuck it started doing the minimum, people complained to the manager, and i was the one in shit for it. I demanded a promotion to assistant, was denied with the 'work harder anon' bullshit, i took all my paid time off, and the store was a mess, just to prove my point.

I put in my two weeks, manager wanted me to reconsider, fuck that. My boss was let go 4 months later, can't believe i was running that shit place for min wage, pretty much working for free

never again. i know how to 'look busy' and drag on my entire day with easy tasks doing the minimum.

t. 32 year old wagie
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Who would even hang out there.
a Freemason testing a minimum wage worker by throwing candy wrappers on the ground? And the Masons will gang stalk him to death for not cleaning that shit up? Huh?

Praise G!
Just tell him to leave if he's making a mess on purpose. Kick him out the store.
No work
No taxes
No laws followed
Banning people from stores needs to be more common. The disrespectful and annoying patrons just aren't worth it.
And these.

Covid mandates were all illegal, just like the aliens they flooded my country with

They actually expect me to continue obeying illegal and unreasonable ordinances and laws
Kill gang stalkers
Kill masons
kill cops
3 branches that are one
seems like an easy day. i would just stand there real close and just sweep up every one he dropped while staring at him, then stand there staring waiting for the next
he's probably sick to soul over all the orcs and goblins working behind the counter
I'm just going back to NEETmode. I made more money off the books than I've ever made working for some dumb fucker that should have been replaced 20 years ago.
It's not something I would do. However, the wagie IS going to sweep the floor shortly. The entire floor, and mop it. This is, supposed to be done once per shift. At least once per shift.
Those candy wrappers weigh nothing, and will be easy to gather and give him a more visible goal.
It's not taking any extra effort for the wagie to sweep up the refuse. The guy is a dick, just for doing it. Other than his ego, the wagie has suffered no wounding.
we have phones now... boomer jew
Correct attitude but always remember people are just individuals. I always try to make human connection in my interactions and not be an asshole.
If the MCD employee is getting mad cos I left rubbish on the table and they don't want to do the job they are being paid for then that's not me being mean that's an NPC who no longer deserves my kindness. But i'll always give them a chance.
I've met a lot of different shades of Covid/vaccine aware people it's always surprising me who is based about these things. Best to give them a chance.
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This is the wisest and funniest option.
>Crinkle shuffle, slurp chew gobble
>tic tic tic
>Crinkle shuffle, slurp chew gobble
>tic tic tic
>Crinkle shuffle, slurp chew gobble
>Crinkle shuffle, slurp chew gobble
>tic tic tic
>Crinkle shuffle, slurp chew gobble
>tic tic tic
>Crinkle shuffle, slurp chew gobble...
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>I would've gotten in his fucking loser face.
>Pieces of human filth like that deserve to be euthanized for the good of humankind and evolution.
Shut up, wagie.
You closed the toilets I was entitled to piss and shid in. You made me show fake vaxxie papers to sit down and eat my goyslop. You made it so I could not go to my gym and lift weight. And after it all, the amenities I am entitled to enjoy again are largely unrestored, with many are even being removed.
So no, you can clean up my mess for the rest of my life. I am finished showing your occupation common courtesy. You proved to me from 2020-2022 that you are existences less than human, and therefore worth abusing.
hello Saaaars.
Nope, only jews.
Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
If this guy had put away his trash and caused the Amerimitt to work less, would this post have been made, would we even know or care he existed?
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Society is unstable if everyone isn't literally clones of each other like the Amish or Chinese.

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