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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Jewish bots want to make you believe that Biden is anti-jewish.
In reality jews vote for Biden.
Trump remains the white mans choice.
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Both are the same, homie
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Legal immigrants
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Trump said Biden betrayed Israel. Are you calling Trump a liar?
Which one let in more?
Biden stands with liberal jews and Trump stands with zionist jews. Every politician with any chances at running in elections are affiliated with AIPAC.
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Jews want to prevent Trump
White men vote for Trump
Trump receives the Talmudic "Orthodox Jew" votes.
Trump receives the "Zionist Jew" vote.
Biden received the "my grandma was half Sephardic but I'm Catholic and trans" Jewish vote.
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>Trump remains the white mans choice.
Yes, and the white man's choice is Israel.
Khazarians vote for whatever will hurt the white race.
That is it.
Its is provable over and over again.

I genuinely hope for a collapse so we can wholesale waste these fuckers.
It doesn’t matter who Jews vote for, both candidates primary interest is serving Israeli and the Jewish agenda.
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both are pro jewish and theres no peacefull solution to jewish problem
democracy is their scam to keep you docile since they controll all the candidates and those they cant control they kill
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You are basically saying Trump's word is meaningless when you call him a liar. If Trump says Biden hates Israel then I believe him.
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Jews know people will vote opposite of them and they want Trump in power.
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Biden = zionism
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Trump said Biden hates Israel and even stands with Hamas and Iran. Anne Frankly I trust him more than you.
Jews get what they want whoever they vote for. AIPAC and the likes have assured this. The difference between the choices for Jews is what flavor of ass fucking they want to give to White Americans.
Both are projewish but jews' best interests are in dems
Trump is just too fucking stupid to realize it
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Is Bloomberg Jewish?
>Trump remains the white mans choice.
Donald "Death Penalty for Antisemitism" Trump
Well, according to the romans the Hebrew god is a donkey. So their vote is probably for religious reasons... nothing to do with Biden zombie
Jews voting is funniest shit
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double attention
what i would like to know is how jewish votes are counted
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>Trump remains the white mans choice.
lmfao look at this desperate meme flag
dnc left right dichotomy is dead, run to your bunker
Trump is a zionist shill
Kek based.
Democrats have to at least withhold 2,000lbs bombs. Whatever hurts israel the most by 1 atom, even symbolicallyz is the best choice
>meme flag
>all fields
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>jews' best interests are in dems
jews love pornography, sexual deviancy, fucking kids, drug use etc
so of course they will vote for democrats
>t. Jeet
Okay but that's also ZOGnog Republicans. Please use real actual differences
You are a rootless Jewish bastard in Israel using VPN of America.

Khazars were not Jewish bastards this is a lie made up by rootless Jewish bastards like you.

You have nothing to do with Khazars.

Rootless Jewish bastard.
Trump said that Biden is a Palestinian!
Based Biden then.

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