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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If presidents are just muppets, then how come we cannot have hot girl as the president
Appealing idea, but the farce only works if people can pretend their leaders are strong and capable and not getting fucked up the butt.
There’d always be someone hotter who would come along.
She won't actually be hot. Her hired advertising team will astroturf that she is attractive, like meloni.
Voting #2
extremely homosexual post
because of jews we can't have nice things
Because then everyone in the executive branch would just be screwing her and having coke orgies nothing would get done

yeah... remember no mercy to the goyim
Foreign policy.

Nobody takes women seriously in Asia or Africa, and women are too much of a liability for the presidential seat, since they're likely to get a wild hair in their ass about feminism and go off the leash.
women hate hot girls, they wont vote out of spie
America will collapse before Brett Cooper turns 35.
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Careful what you wish for, Jack.
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Unironically, Women's Suffrage.

End voting rights for Men and Women, the peasants can't be trusted in voting for "their best interests".
ha, jokes on you.
my best interests are ass and titis
hot girl for president 2024

The puppet nations get female leaders all the time and some of them are hot. We still need men in the main nations especially military roles.

Pro tip if your country has women running some part of your military or defense shit you are probably not running your own military defense shit. In theory we could get effective women in those roles but they would be a certain quality. You would not doubt them.
Great look what you did. You just had to summon the dark powers of hubris.

There is such a thing as being hot for politics since most people in that field are mid at best. We ran through this years ago and decided voters would not trust a politician that looked to good so you need to hit a proper mid point. Also we decided male politicians are not allowed good hair or no one would trust them.

Trump could be a release valve. Most people think he could buy 35-50 more years.
With actual monarchy they could stop pretending there's a democracy and doing all those psyops. A lot of shit we have to deal with is because they need to lie that there's a democracy. A brazenly tyrannical government would be less shitty.

They would still psyop constantly in order to keep people distracted. Populism is going to be their eternal enemy. Divide and conquer is forever and the new form of it is endless immigration.
I thought giving us circus and bread was enough.

Psyop is the circus. Endless immigration so you are never whole ethnically racially religiously or culturally and constant fight among yourselves is the circus anon. Endless Muslim rape shit in Europe is the circus its why they treat it with a light hand. And in the end when it runs out of time they will save you from it make themselves the heroes and start again with the new thing same as the old thing.
>mutts are so retarded they want to be ruled by a female
51% of voters are women and they hate each others, especially the hot ones.
My ideology is tits ass and tan lines so I'm down with this.
Tranny brainwashing propaganda. Just like the Ghostbusters remake. Stop turning men into women in fiction!
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>No anime about cute girls doing politics
Feels bad man
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it is time
>being hot for politics
>voters would not trust a politician that looked to good
>male politicians are not allowed good hair or no one would trust them
Why would beauty be bad in politics if it generates attention and eye candy?
Is it because beautiful people can get away with lots and lots of things, so no accountability, thus no trust?
Is it because politics cater to an average person and average people have average beauty standards?
i would suck joe bidens tits dry
its girl biden, preferably 25 year old
Blackpill - there is actually no organized shadow government or deep state. Nobody's in control of anything and our government is mostly run by incompetent and corrupt faggots desperately trying to do just enough to make it look like they know what they're doing and not so much that no one notices how much they're leeching off the system.
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non sequitur.

also, law says the president has to have turned 35. a 35 year old is not a girl.

But most important of all, jews decide the puppetry,
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You are a jew
because the people who tell women should have careers and need no man are laughing behind your back at how retarded you are for falling for your own destruction and how easy it is to make you work against your own best interests. globohomo is a patriarchy and women are nothing more than prostitutes to be raped and dumped
One of the primary jobs of the president is dealing with other world leaders and some of the world is still stuck in 1850

Some countries wouldn't talk to Obama because he was a monkey. A woman would be even worse
Probably same reasons you can't have hot girls in video games anymore.
Kek, saved
This is a very fair point. This thread is probably the most relevant thread of today. Cherish it, you dumb barbarians.
Becose more man would be interested in politics and thus making work harder for kikes
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maybe one day itll happen
then you can rest easy
Female politicians have masculine features due to their high levels of testosterone, which makes them ugly. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the aggression needed to survive in this environment.
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I would vogw for Bidena
Because we dont want muppet presidents
You are missing the point. This thread calls for a change of paradigm. We know politicians are just clowns doing a show. By accepting we can't change shit, we can enter a new social contract were we get hot waifus doing the retard talk for the cameras. An improvement from every angle you can look at it.
Fucking this version Biden seems pretty hot, because odds are she wouldn't even know what's happening, but on the flip side, there's a non zero chance she'll shit herself mid-coitus, and I'm not German enough to run with that.
solves two problems then
Hillary won the "popular" vote, at least insofar as California's serfs count as a part of that. And then, Buttgeg got well into the race to be the next Dem nominee. People are simply not as averse to getting fucked in the ass as they used to be.
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Instead of debates we have oil
Wrestling competitions. I mean it’s all fake and gay might aswell be entertaining.
see? this nigger here >>472478420 gets it.

Trump's speaking patterns are that of a very feminine (i.e hot) girl - and that's the secret to his success. Imagine any Trump quote being said by a 20yo blonde bimbo and it fits perfectly.
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Just say Jews. We don’t have to sugarcoat it for the normies anymore.
Only Europeans are dumb enough to think women can be leaders.
>35 age requirement
I refuse to vote for hags on a moral basis
The world is upside down, and brilliant people do strange things to get by.
Wahmen must be deprived of most of her suffrage rights, and her choice of mate will be decided by the father and brother, unless you can kill the father and brother and take her away.

chief muppet must be at least 35. Now, find 35+ year old hot girl.

That being said - President Taylor Swift.
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Why are our rulers such decrepit old fucks?
With the exception of Meloni maybe they're all so fucking old across the board.
Europe has been under the stewardship of UK-US-USSR since the devastation of WW2. It breeds strange habits and inverted norms.
Unfrounately, the bulgaria bro was right. People sheltered and pampered euros in an over the top way, and they should have stopped after USSR fell.
The wall imposes term limits, sounds logical
Boomers have spent the last few decades stonewalling the younger generations out of the halls of power, now there is no one with the experience to replace them, exactly as intended. They're only begrudgingly allowing older gen X in to keep the system going.
Woman who chooses for best dick to the degree she understands is not the one to defend a family.
The man doing the fucking does.
Vagina receives and nurtures, the sword gives, conquers and builds.
Vagina cannot lead, unless it's being controlled by actual leaders behind the curtains. Leading is for men.
The inversion of man-woman dynamic is why most 1st world nations are in deep trouble politically, socially, culturally, and now demographically.
Because jews are gay.
>Verification not required.
make alexandria president, my khazarian queen <3 <3
Baby boomers of the West were the first ones to be fully propagandized out of their minds with mass media driven methods from birth.
They have also experienced some of the most demoralizing, ruinous and purposeful events to gradually destroy their faith, sense of reality, and have been tempted with everything under the sun.
Many of them have become degenerates without realizing it. Their entire life paradigm is a very artificial.
There must be continuity of families.
We have a problem with 'lower-brow' self-congratulatory "elite" types who serve themselves more than they are capable of serving the country because nothing encouraged genuine hard work and sacrifice for the last 70 years.
We have problems with third worlders. Demographic threat against the future rises from hateful, degenerate third world 'mutts'. I am not sure what's going on with PRC atm, but I wouldn't put any stock in a single word from idiotic CCP heads.
We have a lot of work to do.
Rulers don't fight their own wars anymore, so we get ruled by bureaucrats instead of warrior kings.

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