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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Did you enjoy the debate? Just two senile fuckers having no idea what they’re saying.
Only one was senile, anon.
I was looking forward to Fuentes' reaction to it, because it was funny watching him react in 2020, but he's not as funny now I guess
Kek watched it in 4D...would not recommend...you can smell the bs
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Gentlemen save your finger strength for serious threads
Two zionists debating over who will send more billions to occupied Palestine to bomb churches and children.
Cope nigger
Trump had energy, vigor, some fight in him. In fact, if he seemed less energetic than normal it was likely due to the fact that he was in an emtpy room with a senile old fart who could barely finish a sentence.
Two proud puppets/servants for Jews.
He called those vets losers...and I know he did he smiles for a sec the same way the conviction was brought up...indicating he is separating himself emotionally from the deed. Joe's lies are like playing scrabble by ear or some shit.
19 people who stood next to Trump said that never happened

You really need to grow a brain and stop listening to such blatant propaganda anon.
Yeah and what are you gonna do about it faggot lmao nothing but make stupid posts on 4chan kill yourself no punctuation for niggers

Fail cope. For all of Trump's issues it is obvious that Bidet is not in charge of his faculties. All you can do is make dark Brandon ice cream memes. Given the composition of his cabinet, it is obvious who the puppet has been all along.
No...I don't believe everything I hear...but i can look you in the eye and find the lie. Politicians lie anon...hate to break it to you. The same 19 equals Joe's 51 scientists or whatever. Not a shill fags so ease up
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Didn't care to watch it. There isnt a need, just rig the elections again.

Yeah, a guy Trump fired for incompetance wanted to trash Trump. Big surprise.
What was his incompetence as a 4 star General? We're we at war?
So you logically believe Trump stood there with generals, and called them all losers and sucjers during a funeral?

Let me guess, you also believed the Russian collusion conspiracy theory?
Why are you calling that scripted pre-recorded nonsense a debate?
Lying about your commander in chief
I would have fired him too.
I believe trump says what he wants to sometimes...he called Joe Brandon right in his face kek
- Employment was 15% when I took office ~ Biden
It was actually 6.2%

- I put a $200 cap on overall spending on Medicare ~ Biden
It's a $2000 cap

- Border Patrol Union has endorsed me for President. ~ Biden
To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden. ~ Border Patrol Union

- I'm the only President in a while that didn't have troops dying anywhere in the world. ~ Biden
13 service members died in Afghanistan
So you just admitted you pick and choose what you want to believe out of Trump.

Great job discrediting yourself.
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No I didn't, I said I believe trump says what he wants to sometimes. We know he doesn't always hold his tongue. And he's old...and old alpha male among other old alpha males is a pissing contest no matter what situation.
I kept falling asleep because I was drinking
it was kinda lame
I drank each time Biden said “the idea”
- Employment was
We're reaching the end of Boomer control over society. That's what this debate really showed.
The Dems need Joe to drop out, but they don't have a replacement.
They could try Hillary, but she'd just lose again.
Trump had nothing new to say, it was all just how bad Biden is, which is true, but he's the last of the old Zionist guard on the Republican side. Yes, the younger Republicans are lockstep Zionists too, but they're not talented like he is.
The real question is how badly are Boomers going to freak out when they finally lose control and younger generations finally get some say in how to run the world.
All the Boomer privilege will start to be erased, and the diaper years will start making them irrational and enraged.
Hell is about to begin for Boomers.
the constituency is dying out. pelosi and biden have been around for 50 years with iron grips on power they've long used to enrich and entrench themselves. part of that is suppressing all possible rivals. the old people party democrat gerontocracy clipped all the young buds. those people excluded for being too threatening to the power cult ended up taking over the republican party.

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