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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is it the right thing to do? It's the future, Canada is already going that route.
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What would the pros and cons be if it was mandatory? I think we'd see a lot less cases of PTSD, lots of faker welfare queens out there gaming the system.
women owe me sex
That wound be a waste when you can send them to fight for Isreal
Touche. Or draft them into the human waves in Khazaria.
I find giving up on life entirely is quite pathetic.
I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I hate the idea of the government having anything to do with euthanasia because they'll exploit it to kill their own citizens for any arbitrary reason. They'll convince people who can otherwise live good lives to off themselves because it would be easier to give them death than a home and functional economy so they don't have mental illness.
On the other hand, fuck zogbots.
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>shrinks in Canada say kys if you get a hang nail
>shrinks in USA say never ever kys yourself
Psychology is fake and gay.
Jersey Callika,
Mandela Sanchez
Based. Once they stopped serving israel they are not useful for the jews but they just waste resources. Refute this! Protip: you can't!
Ptsd is the result of witnessing God but then not knowing God so ignoring it all.
she looks like my niece...
Xtine anj
>It's the future, Canada is already going that route.
So says Castro's bastard.

If the only reward, through a decade and a half, is literally nothing but continued existence, even I'm starting to feel like MAID should be an option.

In my experience, it's what most Democratic voting doctors want for their white male patients, anyway.
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Id be in favor of mandatory euthanasia for zogbots period
The deal should be you go and kill sand niggers for Israel for some reason
And if you make it back home the government puts you down like the dog you are

Its a win win
I would like to euth my asia in her pusshole if you see my indicator
I'm pretty sure she's not a vet.
Unless you mean she is a veterinarian. Which I also doubt.
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Vets are wayyy down the list, anon.
If you serve, you get pretty much a lifelong free pass. Life quality may be low, but, yeah...
emergency emergency

paging dr beat

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