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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>days away from a general election
>hardly anyone making new threads

Reform is gonna get a boost in the polls over this latest paki gaffe aren't they
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ahem :)
They're all lazy cunts on the doll
I've baked many threads. I'll get the next one.
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Nobody fucking cares.
Red labour take over blue labour, more niggers, welfare, taxes and decay. No, "based" Zion Nige won't fix anything
What games should a Reform voter buy in the steam sale?
sniper elite
England: Makes India better
India: Makes England worse
Are normies supposed to care about something they never will own anyway
Riddles in the dark
Then why do I only see pakis?
Cities skylines
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Smoking is so cool
Far cry2. Its basically a congo merc simulator.
>reform has lost all momentum
maybe it's time to find a real leader who has an aristocratic soul required to rule
>psyop reformUK
>hehehe GOTTEM

I'm voting UKIP over Refrom.
brokenshoesanon was right
what a mentally well adjusted young chap
Are they even running any candidates this time around?
>England does nothing
>As usual
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>free palestine!
Yes. Quite a few.
It ain't right god damnit. Many if our own can't get on the property ladder. Fucking immigrants, fucking immigrant lovers.
Their just better really. Nigel will return if refrom doesn't work.
Got anymore niggers burning? Very entertaining.
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"Nigles is a Jew and a white nationalist and he won't fix anything. STOP VOTING REFORM!"
No I don't think I will stop.
Next hit piece will be about how it didnt tank their polls proving how racist they are.
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gormo general
Nothing means building the biggest empire in history?
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I think there may even be independents getting in on some seats.
Imagine that. No one to vet them to a party... They could believe anything. Corr.
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would be amazing if Ch4 be found out to not only be race baiters but be found to be the actual racists & whichever party they are working on behalf of
Then you're mong. Reform are better than ukip in everyway
An abortion that should have taken place
UKIP aee the original and could easily win this election if Nigel rejoined. Which would make the most sense.
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Frenly reminder that a vote for the Conservatives is a vote for Starmer.
Dago is a gormo
Xe might be a reform voter, don't condemn until you know
Actually UKIP is probably more white nationalist than reform, loads of coloureds standing for reform.
Only thing it has going for it is Nigel.
Our Nigel.
This. Let him vote for reform first, then we'll deal with him.
>A vote for Con is a vote for Lab!
>A vote for Reform is a vote for Lab!
>A vote for an independent is a vote for Lab!
Who the fuck is anyone meant to vote for then?
What's your favourite beer lads?
Carling. The best.
For me it’s a nice cold tin of John smiths
Free women here
Vote for fucking reform you retard
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Link to that?
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Pretty sure they're ch*ldren anon about from the wyt womyn
John Smith's is nice taste desu. A lot of people hate on it. My criticism is that it's fairly weak.
London Pride
>In a very “14 Years of a Conservative Government” Moment, circulating online today is an explicit video of a prison guard getting, uh, screwed by an inmate
lol, brincels
Carling isn't my favourite but i drink a lot of it and stella, Carling is at least everywhere and a decent pint
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>flee parestinu!
weed makes u gay
Camden hells
Iss fresh as hells fr fr bless
kek brutal
What's the evidence that the reform canvasser racist is a setup? Actor or something?
This is why women should only work in women's prisons desu
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Takes one to know one
why then upload that? unless live?
One race: the human race
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Fine you can have these ones instead
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sometimes a bong hit is just a bong hit
Its the new video for
Are these fuckers entertaining when you see them irl or just annoying?
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Could you imagine, back then?
>was Winston Churchill racist?
>define a woman
>do you think the IRA were good people?
>what makes us British and not American, European, Russian, Indian or African?
>there is one job, two British people show up who are equally qualified, do you give it to the ethnic Briton or the ethnic Indian?
>should women be paid for having children?
>can you explain the gang crime in London?
>do Travellers hold British values?
>do you think the British Empire was wrong and would you agree to reparations?
>is the Monarchy compliant with British values?
>if someone worships Allah, refuses to eat an English breakfast due to the pork, and refuses to drink a pint, are they British?
>if someone is Hindu, and refuses to eat a cornish pasty or steal & ale pie due to it being made of cow, are they British?
>saving the environment is important, would you give up your car, holidays, and eat insects to do it? Would you ask or make everyone else do the same?
>should we remove all statues of slavers from this country? This includes Elizabeth the First who commissioned slave ships.
>is it wrong to refuse to date someone because they're transsexual?
>is it wrong to refuse to date someone because they're a man, or a woman?
It's so hard to think of questions that would really rub all sectors of the electorate the wrong way without feeling forced.
I think it's ~8 constituencies.
It's from website called Twitter.. or possibly X.

Do you need a fat Nigerian care worker to wipe your bum too?
waiting for sequel desu
>Reform voter at a labour conference
Is it me or is maxing out on muscles gay?
>circulating online today is an explicit video of a prison guard getting, uh, screwed by an inmate
i don't like being mean about people who can't do anything about the way they look but god damn
They are just like your average brit pol regular.
Lucky Australians..
You ever shagged an Abo?
Are they known for being good in bed?
I don't do bongs m80 only smoke white papers (occasionally brown if I want something bigger and end up buying raw rolls)
Glastonbury has been shit for a while but it looks utterly dire this year. Just looks like any other Radio 1 nogfest now.
do u use a roller?

hard to go back once you get in the roller game
Reminded of the fake COVID patient that turned out to be an actress.

There's no limit to how fake and gay TV news is.
That's an alright drink.
I've had Camden stout and it's alright, after seeing these ads... Who tf are they trying to appeal to?
For me, it's Paul DE'ATH
Found the link of the prison guard having sex, she's some sort of brown herself

Werent there a curry pot noodle ad that used that?
evolver and gweenon
i fucking hate work
I'm partial to a McEwans Champion or 6.
I'm not a woman m8
Start drinking on the job
evolver and gweenon makes u gay
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I'm not here for long
Catch me fore I go
It's you
all labour voters are shredded and reform ones are angry balding dyels?
i am
Prisons need #reform
No, labour voters are all pushovers and get bullied by everyone else
thats not what you said bro
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Looks like more future-bames for us lads
There's a certain narcissism too it. It's not healthy or what a proper athlete looks like.
Id shove you too and you wouldn't do nothing about it
i've never seen a reform voter with a healthy hairline
chesters rd g61 4ah
Muscling up is fine, frauding isnt.
want to hear some wack ass shit?
im allergic to weed
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I'd sooner drink liquid ass than drink from the 'trent
is viagra frauding in a way?
It's ok to inject testosterone
Baldness is caused by high T which is caused by wanking, turns out the old wives tale is true kek
Straight for the jugular, how will "can no longer breed like a" rabbit recover
That's a good idea for a lark here. Post political hairlines and se if we can guess the colour tie that hairline follows
That is well whack that lad

Wanking causes high t? I thought that was the opposite.
They smell like petrol
>Baldness is caused by high T
Not true
can i inject my testosterone in you
Or it uses it up or someth idk I'm not a scientist just something I heard and forgot the exact details kek
Then explain mr scientist, why do wankers go bald?
If I had any friends I would introduce them to this as a drinking game.
josh retard
How many reform voters have you seen?
and then you wouldnt have friends again
Chronic stress causes chronic wanking
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I wanna inject my Testes-trone into a muscle hapa girl
just the ones that post here
Josh smart

Learn something new every day
It's DHT that causes balding. Dihydrotestosterone isn't the same as testosterone, if you have high DHT you lose hair on your scalp.
im never too old to pull some birds hair
Easy come, easy go.
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Friendly reminder to be wary of any propaganda online as we enter 5 days to genny lex day
>why are my children all different races, speaking American, doing drugs, wearing bad clothes, don't know what a woman is, and calling me bad words?
>it's because it's their fault they grew up like this
>I should keep voting for my gay Conservative MP
>"When I give Citizenship to the Africans, they call me a saint. When I ask why the Africans have no Citizenship, they call me a racist."
>burnt dick during stupid stunt
>might as well get some views.
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Can't be British. Those birds aren't orange.
Do you think they'd be doing this if the morning after tablet and the rubber jackets didn't exist?
>Mr Sunak: "My two daughters have to see and hear Reform people who campaign for Nigel Farage calling me an effing 'P***’

Yeah, this is unacceptable. What is the state of this country? Have all ethics and decency gone out of the window and down the toilet?

As someone of Kashmiri & Pakistani descent these remarks hurt me too. It’s distasteful and disgusting. I (& others of my background) work/ed hard in this country. I pay taxes and abide by the law. I should be seen as British as anyone else. I was born here. I live here.

I hope Reform expel these racist fuckwits. That’s the least they can do.


EDIT: yes, I know politicians have said vile and bigoted statements. But we are surely better than them. The comments that were hurled at the Prime Minister’s daughters is not and will never be okay. Let’s try to do and be better.
One thing lower than a nigger is a white woman with a nigger. Also don't look at anti white propaganda.
Where's that from then
biden was setup
the media acknowledgement that he was a fuck up was immediate and a little too coordinated
I'm thinking they planned this to justify his (in)voluntary abdication
T blockers at the hair follicles die off leaving the follicles exposed to testosterone kill the hair roots
heil hitler brother
ill give it to brinnies that shit hits hard when you're single
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>le epic fag zoomers voting for daddy Nige
>boomers voting for pub fuhrer Nige
Who will win?
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I seriously doubt farage will kill a single nigger
why would I vote for such a coward?
I'm more offended that sunak said paki.
he's not a paki, he's indian
it's like a white man saying nigger which we would never do
death penalty for both
>create multiracial society
>racism happens
Labour: 38% (-1)
Reform UK: 21% (+1)
Conservatives: 18% (-1)
Lib Dems: 11% (-1)
Greens: 7% (+1)
SNP: 2% (-1)
Other: 3% (+2)

Via @WStoneInsight
, on 26-27 June
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Based and truthpilled
call the steward. record the chimpout
Cunt's in the taliban
A large amount of Reforms vote have already voted through post when they were polling at 25% anything extra now is just gravy.
deport occupy
adnams blackshore

just bought a 4pack of carlsberg export as it was cheap and strong and a few coronas tho
i came off the wagon this week after half a year of strict sobriety
i'm finding it hard to get back on
need a meeting

why did god make alcohol simultaneously so enjoyable and so destructive?
We are going to import so many BAME england will sink. Hard Labour
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JK Rowling BTFOs Doctor Who actor David Tennant for calling feminists "whining little faggots" in new comments. The misogynistic actor is now being exposed in the Telegraph.
Because he's trying not to win. Elect the fucker, best chance of normies finally having enough of the bullshit instead of waiting five years to vote for the twat again
Straight to the front lines SLAVA!
Why vote reform, No majority no change
Excusing me sir? It is my own original post which I wrote.
Demonstrably untrue, see UKIP and Brexit
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Run out of slop tokens :^(
How does a white girl locate her black boyfriend in a dark club or does it not matter and any nigger will do?
Does your spunk lump lose its flavor
on the bedpost overnight?
If your mother says don't chew it,
Do you swallow it in spite?
Can you catch it on your tonsils,
Can you heave it left & right?
Does your spunk lump lose its flavor
on the bedpost overnight?
death penalty
Don't drink any gay piss myself. Spirits are for actual males.
Brexit is a sham
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>just two more w- election cycles!!
trust the plan
Deport Rishi.
Josh has been seething ever since the election was announced, he simply cannot STAND brit/pol/ having anything to do with politics
>needing viagra

Have you tried having t?
Comfy watch with dinner fodder
At least he scares away all the women, especially the underage ones.
kek I didn’t expect that guy to be based.
Yeah what number you poof?
Baldy cope.
He's "standing up" for his trans child who he probably raped
Farage should have just joined the Tory party. He could have been Prime Minister 6 days from now.
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>Baldy cope.
Starmer holds talks with the Taliban to return ppl, CH4 are there to record the talks but months & years later no one is returned.
>dragged in front of The Hague for being too based ("war crimes")
>start playing Shaggy's hit 2000 single 'Wasn't Me' from crappy Bluetooth speakers as my sole defence
My point is that people identify Reform as the optically acceptable racist party.
Never going to get past the optics addiction until they realise you can't vote in a useful racist party.
quality serbpost
Labour is losing momentum aren't they
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the lengths a white women will go to to sleep with a nig

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8th times the charm
>your honour, it most certainly was me and as soon as I get out of here I'm going to do it again you baldy nonce, go ahead, try to stop Holocaust 3, you can't
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strictly unnagrown
Don't loike her, but don't loike tennant more
Is there a source for him calling women faggots or am I going to have to trust you in regards to a witch hunt that if I reference amongst friends I'll be BTFO'd by someone who actually knows what happened or is better at pretending to know than I am?
Yeah. I'm losing my hair, how could you tell?

post was about you b
>гип гoп
Why vote conservative then, no matter what happens labour will have the majority unless there is a coalition
He said "little whingey fuckers" not faggots
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not doing too good
>Wanna see me do it again you pack of nonces?
Who said vote conservative
How good was Malcolm in the middle as a kid?
Just you wait
Why vote Labour?
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>— piecing together Labour’s plan to pay for fixing the country: some tax rises are possible but they hope not sweeping ones; more borrowing to invest; some tough spending calls; and big hopes for private finance
>— “getting BlackRock to rebuild Britain”
.....so 79% marginal tax rate for working people to pay for niggers and all houses own by seppo homo firms, grand
wear your favourite dress x
Why vote?
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>Ref 21%
>Con 18%
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>your based libertarian populist, toryboys
To signal your opinion
It's okay, you don't have to vote
check out these canlads
The great thing about the jews is that they actually spring forth from the earth fully formed, so there's a limitless supply of them to holocaust.
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>it's inevitable, like the sun rising in the morning, that millions of coons will osmosis through the ether into your ends
I bought a couple of hobgoblin ruby beers too. 5%
Nice house for a faggot to live in
>There is nothing we can now do except--Ride the Tiger
holy based bojo
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GB News (potentially biased) now has Reform 6 points ahead of the Tories
Looks like getting all the fucking Muslims out the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons is actually popular
I just want to say to the cyber soldiers and internet coppers monitoring this forum, I know you're salivating at the thought of Labour getting in so you can chuck us all in jail for wrongthink. I look forward to it too. Good luck!
I'd ride your mum m8 shes a tiger rawr
Just realised his belt buckle is undone
oh no you've doxxed me

anyway anyone wanna snort calvin klein?
15% is too high for the Conservatives, it needs to be 0.
I think I've got the wrong one, I don't think he's being honest tbf
Net plus for society
people like you don't deserve democracy
I know but i dont need viagra cos im high t with a head full of hair. When i got my t checked the doc though i was doing gear.
It's a multiple choice question with a selection of incorrect answers.
all opinions are retarded
cialis man huh?
yes i deserve better
It's the wrong one, it's number 6 on the wrong street, you're probably lying and live in a mental person place
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>The Frenchman began to hate.
le based
Thatcher said there is no such thing as society, then sold society to make her prophecy come true.
wanna see my rolex
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Comfy tv watching
im not lying but i do be living in a mental person place fr
I bought it
>steam sale?
WTF is a fuckin steam fuckin sale, stop being american and making up your own fuckin language as you go along
I've got a Rolex and I'm piss poor
Stole it off some fag you rolled during one of your cottaging nights?
>but enoch we fight for british values
what about an audermars piguet then?

im not gay man

mi5 too sloppy since bames
Indians don't own England. The descendants people who were given land and property after the Norman invasion own it. Stupid Currynigger.
"I only fight for Hitlerian values"
What's the correct answer?
Hang on, I'll have a guess
Is it... to do nothing? I'm right aren't I
Distance to: me
0.01490660 Welsh
0.01581464 Dutch
0.01616264 English_Cornwall
0.01678286 English
0.01797195 French_Brittany

Am I white?
Lots of people have jobs they don't enjoy
I'd like to see your smashed up brain sliding out of your cracked open skull, other than that you have nothing I want to see
You have to go back.
He wouldn't fight for Britain with a gaping hole in his chest though would he, because he'd be fucking dead wouldn't he.
i sell drugs
Sounds gay
master race
Which subject did he btfo you on?
french bretons hardly look british though
wow ok you're unreasonably upset or maybe reasonably idk you wont tell me the reason u fuckin woman
If you have to ask "am I white" the answer is always no
Your a boring deluded middle manager, mate.
Love is like a drug
tbf i am thinking of fucking a dude in the arse
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>safe and legal asylum routes for Africans fleeing Chinese neo colonial slavery in bauxite mine
>Ellwood, Tugendhat and Mercer as chief vocal supporters
Love doesn't exist
That's pretty gay.
What? I just think it would be cool to see you die that's all, seems like you're getting emotional for no reason
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>When i got my t checked the doc though i was doing gear.
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Done him.
you're telling on yourself with that post
You've not seen me fuckin then. I make it too sweet
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Women moment
franks are german
so im not white
QRD on the 'paki gaffe'? Why would it give them a boost?
right? its what i told him

why u upset man

There's a few poofs who post here, off the top of my head there's:
stop posting this its making the whole getting high with no one to fuck rn crowd uncomfortable
>In the Pimlico Journal’s vision, the market can move populations at will and the state has the power to crush dissent and put people to work while fortifying the nation’s borders.
>Britain’s new Powellites
>With the Conservative Party intellectually exhausted, a very-online vanguard is trying to refresh right-wing thought – but how much of it is actually new?
lol they're seething, those things are all normal assumptions
what am i then

The hing that these guys forgot to remember is that some of us know what its like to pump a bird

id do slim cauldron and blonde ginge
a virgin?
I was neglected as a child
So the "paki gaffe" was that they imported 6 millions pakis and then couped a paki as PM thereby meaning all the pakis will vote to keep him in power, proper embarassing gaffe that
I'm not upset tho. Why would me wanting to watch you die mean I'm upset. I just think it would be cool to laugh at you as your last breaths bubble out of you. No idea why you're projecting so hard
>Not mentioning the entire bumcord
I'll bake lads.
2 mins
werent we all how else would we end up here
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I formerly endorse Nigel Farage and the Reform party
you're upset blarty

If the plural of 'hoof' is 'hooves', then the plural of 'poof' should be 'pooves.'

or 'gaylords.'
Who cares
Pick the best retarded option

Thanks chum, appreciated. Hope you're having a great day.
Proper vid

I'm not saying I'd kill you just that it would be a laugh to watch you die, don't know why you're having such a woman moment about this
Because they're are just saying what all reformers think aren't they, we're full to the brim with pakis
kek n1 u2
One paki is too many, what we have rn is demographic vandalism on a continental scale
>writing gay fanfic
You can extrapolate the concept. You can't do something if something prevents you from doing that thing. The circumstances, the institutions, the culture that created Enoch have all been destroyed. Enoch is dead rabbit. There are no more men like him. Only idiots, faggots, and BAMEs. I get what you're trying to do, but the base you must appeal to to be successful simply does not exist.

When the government comes for us when Labour gets in next week they will successfully destroy the few remaining proto-Enoch characters in the country. We're probably doomed anyway, there aren't many of us around, but the army of midwits in uniform sat here categorising these posts will make doubly sure of the outcome. Probably with glee.

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