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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>A leaf
Mayotte and Zambia a nice.
Nah theres no beauty or whatsoever in just red circle
I really hate this flag
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My fav
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This one is sig as fug tho
Canada’s flag looks like budget decorations for autumn.

Scotland is best…their actual national flag (not St. Andrews) is great too. UK and Confederate flag are great as well. USA flag is cool but lack of symmetry ruins it.
South Africa's flag always reminds me of a pride flag. I hate it.
South Korea's flag is honestly beautiful, Guam is actually quite nice too.
California's new state flag.
The vigin muh simple flags that make redditors _soyface vs the GIGACHAD photo of a cowboy flag that makes redditors cry "worst flag ever REEEEE!!!".
What makes Norway's flag better than Iceland's?
Brazil wins. Our flag is retarded.
The American flag not in the best list = Fake list.
No offense to my Canadian bros, but it's a fucking twig. The Flag of Quebec is pretty aesthetic.

Yeah Hong Kong's is pretty nifty.

South Korea's meh; it's just a yin-yang.

UK is alright. I vastly prefer the Golden Wyvern that Anglo-Saxon England had.

South Africa actually looks pretty cool.

Neutral toward Norway's. Nordic cross is a nice concept but they could utilize something else.

I have a soft spot for Scotland (distant roots from Aberdeen) so I like the Cross of St. Andrew's a lot.

Yeah the Welsh dragon is cool.

No offense to Japan but it looks like a a ketchup spot on a napkin. I mean they could've at least added something distinct to the sun motif like making it a star with 8 cardinal points. Not the Rising Sun motif but something like the Nationalist Chinese's white sun.

Iceland is neutral like Norway's.
I hate that flag with a passion.

If I had my way, I'd make the sun look like a chakam like the Rattankosin's standard.
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What an ugly flag, not to mention it's the flag of inbreds, fat people and trailer trash.
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Albania may be a backwater but you can't deny that they have a pretty cool flag.
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and this are your pills
>/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
I miss the Bogd Khanate so much, bros
As opposed to the flag of faggots, trannies, and nigger worshippers.
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No, those groups hate our flag
Keep those rebel tears flowing kek
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>Japan flag beautiful
A white flag with a red circle. I smell a weaboooo.
My mother specifically DIDN'T put me on Ritalin. Makes one stink like a drug addict.
the welsh flag is like a gay version of the bhutanese flag
The only flag worth displaying.. 1488/5
Worst-section are more municipalities than nations so they dont count and the leaf is is on the wrong side.
>t. city dweller with Stockholm syndrome desperately trying to appease the niggers that plague his surroundings

It makes sense that faced with frightening situations, certain people choose to capitulate totally and worship niggers like you do. It just means that you're a feeble minded pussy, is all.
Better Version.
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>"See in their colors not just an outward signage, but see in them a living commitment. Hundreds fell for it, thousands were injured for it, hundreds of thousands lost their standing in society for it. Their exalted loyalty made it from the banner of the opposition to the banner of the entire Reich!" - AH
Our old flag looked better
the leaf isn't even the best flag in its own nation. new brunswick has em all beat
this one is almost perfect.
More representative of Canada today for sure
why did they make the blue lighter? It indeed looks better in the darker shade
Sudan had the funniest at least
>So, le Nigger du Africa, you get to design le flag of your people.
It changed after Norway got its independence, not really sure what the reason for the shade colour was
One day friend, we will rise once more. o/
>pepsi logo won third place
south africa gives me a headache
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>Prettiest and ugliest flags


Imagine fighting over dumb flags! This is why humans will always remain a slave race.

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