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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Seeing how most of the population are in fact brainless mongoloids who willingly inject themselves with poison just to score good goy points it dawned on me that this was probably the reason why so many people died back in the days from all sorts of mysterious illnesses. They had less information to go by back then, "educated" people were looked up to as super-humans etc and if they had a "solution" in the form of medicine then you would take it without question.
If you have done any amount of digging through old soil or have access to old properties that have been undisturbed then you have no doubt found old medicine bottles in different shapes and colors. These things were everywhere back then.. "cures" for everything..
Just imagine living in the harsh conditions of the early 1900s, people die all around you, young healthy individuals fall sick and die horrific slow deaths. What is the reaction to seeing all of this? You want to ensure that it doesn't happen to you.. so what do you do? You buy "medicine" and ironically fall ill to the very thing you were hoping to prevent.
There were no oversight as to what they put in those bottles back then. If you were to fall victim of one of these crimes and die it would surely be lumped together with some general term for some made up illness.
The black death was probably poison as well. They have been trying to kill us for ages.
We never went to the moon.
Dinosaurs never existed.
The power of Nukes are exaggerated.
Gravity is nothing but a theory.
Public education is indoctrination.
75% of World History is False.
We didn’t evolve from primates.
The vacuum of space doesn’t exist.
No one knows what stars or planets are.
The sun and moon are local.
The Big Bang is pseudoscience.
Aliens don't exist.
Germ Theory is a lie.
Jesus is a psyop invented to control the masses.

The world is ruled by "secret societies" rich people that worship Marduk. Zionist Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Neocons/Neolibs/Deep State/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think the ocean water level is rising.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think the USA dollar has value.

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