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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why are serial killers so effective at making 'ginas tingle?
Why are women like this?
This shouldn't even be a question. Only actual retards are confused by this and only weak faggots are upset.
>pretty women prefer a dead gay serial killer to you
jewish brainwashing.
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they're evil and vapid creatures
It’s the danger (excitement). They love the idea that it’s this handsome man who could just snap. This small why women love drug dealers, criminals, scumbags covered in tattoos. It’s all about the thrill.

A lot of men aren’t successful with women because they don’t realize this. I’m not saying to become a serial killer or beat your woman or commit violence something , but if you figure out how to give her a thrill, make her have fun in both childish and kind of sick ways, and feel the power that you have, then you’ll be successful with women. It doesn’t even matter if you’re fat and ugly. That’s what women want. It’s basically about power and thrills.
Women like this should unironically be put in the grave and obliterated from our genepool. These soulless whores are the reason we have thieves, psychopaths, serial killers, animal torture videos, cancer chemicals melamine and sewer oil in our food and water, workplace abuse, largescale corruption and even dystopian autocracies. Every evil man in the world was born from the womb of women like this. They can't be corrected, only destroyed.
It has to do with their animal brain instincts, they unconsciously associate a man that kills with being the alpha of the tribe that nobody fucks with, which signals they are of good genetic stock.
>dude just act like you're on edge for the rest of your life just to get pussy lmao

is access to wet holes really this important to you?
I didn’t say that.
This seems like a sitcom or a romantic comedy movie. Seriously. I like it.

*clears the throat*

>What happens when a hapless romantically wanton pop singer falls in love with a sexually repressed psychopathic serial killer? In Cut the Track. Ariana Grande falls passionatly in love with savage and derranged killer Jeffry Dahmer after taking part in a prison pen pal letter writting program for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Now she has to find a way to shoehorn herself into his life and still stay on top of the entertainment world.

I can just see it in my mjnd’s eye.
not a killer thing, a cannibal thing. ariana grande has been to more sacrifice nights that hillary clinton
I don't think it's that exactly. Serial killers usually only kill weak people unable to defend themselves. I think it's more about serial killers being the ultimate rule breaking social pariahs.
She get's so horny watching a man fuck another man's skull.
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friendly reminder that killers have bigger chance to get laid than hard working men
She’s flicking her bean to the crime scene photos as we speak.
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Her body her choice, chud.
99.99% of /pol/ will never understand this
>A lot of men aren’t successful with women because they don’t realize this. I’m not saying to become a serial killer or beat your woman or commit violence something , but if you figure out how to give her a thrill, make her have fun in both childish and kind of sick ways, and feel the power that you have, then you’ll be successful with women. It doesn’t even matter if you’re fat and ugly. That’s what women want. It’s basically about power and thrills.
How to do that?
If only women knew how close I am to strangling them to death
Ariana looks exactly the same as she used to, but much uglier. It's a paradox.
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It's too funny. You're so unlikeable that women would rather run to a dead gay serious killer. Perfection. 10/10. You suck, skill issue.
A man that has killed is willing to kill to defend her. No woman wants a useless cuck that will allow their children to be murdered. /thread
Cunts are full of lame excuses.
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Because they only targeted useful idiots of the jew which excites everybody since no one can stand those types and their bullshit.
we can't just kill all women though, our species would die out
Dahmer was literally a fag though
They love being murdered
Didn't this bitch have one of her concerts bombed by muslims a few years ago?
Rape her
Live a dangerous life. Become a violent drug dealer or mafia boss.

Fucking a man is a good way to stop him from killing you if you are a women. Its a straight up defense strategy.
She flicks her bean to the thought of the bombers
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>good looking
>Tall, white
>strong jawline

whats there else left to say
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because females are docile prey at the end of the day, thats why so many of them fantasize about getting raped (64 percent if i remember correctly, dont quote me on that).
However decades if not centuries of struggle sessions have warped our culture in such a way that you have to remove all your instincts in order to be socially acceptable as a man.
This makes most men weak subconsciously to most women, which only leaves rogue or deviant elements of society with any of the traits that women find attractive.
This leads to women largely only pursuing the worst types of guys.
there's also a sympathetic 'i can fix him' motherly aspect to it i think. none of these chicks are simping for chris benoit or mike tyson. serial killers are fucking pussies and have to trick people into getting tied down and attacked with a weapon. nfl players and mma guys could kill with their bare hands but women dont see to want that.
Seems like the kind of person who would have her little girl fans brought up on stage to be chopped up by a fat old man butcher if her intrusive thoughts won
I would watch this
Women like men that will put them in their place..
This, if you think women don't want a brutal psycho who can kill her at any moment you're insane. They crave being raped.
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>hey wanna come in and check out the hole in my basement
why do women fall for this?
I'd suggest tricking a girl into the hole in your basement then simply asking her why it happened once she's down there.
The true and final redpill is understanding that women are incapable of loving the vast majority of men and are only truly attracted to antisocial and aggressive confident men i.e. criminals, psychopaths, “free spirits”. The term “settling down” means exactly as it sounds, as in the female is settling down with someone more stable and responsible because she realizes the irresponsible Chad can’t give her financial resources in the long run.

80% of men are seen as cattle slaves by women who secretly wish for a a bunch of chads to ride around killing the lesser men like bugs and then violently fucking them and either committing to them or introducing them into the harem. You’re all so upset over women and debate their behavior because you hold them to a male standard. Men know concepts of loyalty, consequence, philosophical and spiritual thinking. Women do not. They are the cattle breeding stock of the species and as such their deepest level of thought is just imagining scenarios where she gets fucked by the hottest guy who violently kills everyone to get to her. They didn’t have rights until about a century ago and look how everything has turned out since. Modern society makes people “behave” but make no mistake the animal desires still remain, and for both men and women those desires are rooted in violence and sex. One giving (or forcing it) and the other receiving.
Men should collectively figure out who is the worst woman in the world and then start saying she is hot--I think to woman that would be a 19 year old Christian virgin. We should find her and make her into the new Jeffry Dahmer.
I hate that I know the context to this and I only do because she somehow appeared on my edgy boy twitter feed but the question was actually "who would be the most interesting person from history to share a meal with".

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