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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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based Muslim brother dicking down the kuffar women
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post webm
shes your kind arab woman
Physically revolting.
Thanks for the fap. This is why you never have opposite gendered guards
Video 2:
UK is cooked!
And their army made an ad full of white anglos.
Imagine you are so pathetic that your greatest accomplishment is fucking a white woman. LMAO
why would a man ever marry a female prison guard lmao what a fuckin retard
anglos have always been the most pathetic race, they only shin when it comes to being jewish golems
It was a Muslim girl
she looks so ugly in the photo wtf
no way this dumb whore believed the mussi when he said "na wez aint funna shair et wid na ones"
white women will do anything for shitskin/nigger cock.
completely different prison the new video is from HMP Wandsworth
that was 6 months ago idiot
Nah it's literally her she's caked full of make up in the video, it was all over insta ages ago
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Why do you guys suppose the Jews think of you as cattle?
different slut, this was wandsworth in london, that article says birmingham prison, they are all at it
she works it like a pro.
maybe all bong women do now, I am old but she seems to be a professional sex worker.
or was.
fucking shit hole country.

i cant find shit....i really tried i just cant

We need some british guy to make a phone call somewhere to find out
i only know her badge number WW1098 and that it happened inside the Wandsworth prison

Thats another one, this happened at another prison
why did you go quiet you stupid disinfo faggot?
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This goes on alot more than people realise

>pic related

Whilst your're struggling to get a match on tinder this is what women are up to
Yea this wasnt her first rodeo
Do prison officers count as police? What should someone say on the phone to find out her name?

Fuck bros white women rather fuck brown scum cock then me it's over
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least autistic mentally defective niggerporn g**ners
Shut up Ahmed lol
I doubt they'll give out her details since they probably know about the situation.
they're all sex workers
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Sexual assault is everywhere in Britain, men feel unsafe to be around with British women.

women are truly retarded
ok nigger
lol she is latino oh no no no
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>she has a ring
absolute garbage. allowing women to do security, safety, actual non-childhood education, politics, real healthcare, was a mistake.
in fact letting women do anything not service related was a mistake.
now that i think about it, letting women join the workforce was actually the biggest mistake.

women should only work fast food, secretarial work, and child care.
A brit calling an American a mussi? That's hilarious
And then you spread literal shit lies like a kike but I need to shut up? kill yourself you absolute faggot. I save the vids of your mom in case they get deleted
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British women
If you don't want women to do all that why the fuck would you allow them to educate children?
What are you guys talking about and why should we care ? the bitch is not british
>seems to be a professional sex worker.
She is technically getting paid for that

excellent point. honestly and unironically just leave women at home this shit is crazy. it's a world wide problem.
I got a thicker and longer cock than that mudslime
she hawk tuahs at the very end
Literal proof women are retarded, traitors, subversives of a nation

imagine how many past nations were destroyed because of retarded whores.
i keep telling you faggots, take their fucking rights away, marry them while theyre still in their teens, dont let them lose

but you faggots are like "noo, das evil, women are humans too and das pedophilia"

enjoy having your women getting fucked by shitskins, you limpdicked low testo cocksuckers
Not even close to the same girl. It's over faggot.
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It's over.
we are past the point of fucking Darwinism
it's so fucked, the weak have been able to breed like roaches. From low IQ to the passing of genetic deformities and the mentally ill (trannies) being able to raise children it's all out the fucking window and open season
That other paki sat there recording is the most cucked and pathetic weasel in the entire prison
where? in america?
I'd say the cunt takes that title, but I get your point.

That guard is a literal whore anon.
Thanks for outting yourself, rabbi

"musilms" and women eh, so much class.
hory shit. that's one seriously busted face, right there. no wonder she did it, that was probably the only way she could get laid at all.
Surely someone who knows the slag IRL will see the video, right?
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I like this one because prisoner was a pedo and she "converted" because of him
based slagpiggie

I can't access this website, my ISP blocks it, how can fucking Jews just arbitrarily block websites?
Isn't this against the Geneva convention?
Every guard/employee in that prison will have seen that video by now.
but we agree that this is planned and propagated.
The idea is to destroy the one bridge between the wealthy and the poor; the middle class
>British women
love me some skankie british women.
so much flesh, so little sex appeal.

at least the big subtraction of the global human population is on the way, if we are lucky ww3 will happen this year, i cant wait for it

once this faggot feminst and shitskins supporting system has collapsed, white men will be able to rebuild it again, since its the white men who are getting shit done

without white men there would be no faggot socialism system that makes all of this faggotry possible

i cant wait for this faggot nigger hugger trannie femcunt system to die under its own weight of stupidity
What a stupid low IQ piece of shit. She should be executed by firing squad. Utter filth.

Shut up mohammed

For all people who hate arabs on twitter

>Beurette porn
>watch trad muslimas in burkas and hijab getting fucked by niggers in france and spit on etc.
im sure this will help to teach those inmates some respect...
and then theyre surprised that female cops arent taken serious by those people
And this is probably not the first time she has sucked and fucked random men, not just shitskins.. a large chunk of women are disloyal whores. Read about what the muslim women did with american and european soldiers in the middle east, this is just how most women are. Why do you think shit like this happens even in muslim countries where they will literally get fucking stoned to death if found out and yet does it anyway? If you have a girlfriend or wife that is working every day with other men, the chance of her cheating with you is probably 50%. IF she works in a prison where she's with aggressive men stuck inside behind concrete walls 24/7, then the chance is probably 99%
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>so much flesh, so little sex appeal.
well stated
>She is technically getting paid for that
true, and we are paying her.
I bet loads of whores are working in prisons now.
Good way to get a captured market.
fuck this shit hole.
>claiming he had been imprisoned by Bashar al-Assad
yeah i wonder why
can an albobro confirm bong jails are like this?
>No Cock, No Work
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jews aren't white
white cunts think niggers are "masculine" because low testo faggotry western society allows them to act like fools and get away with it

without this faggot nigger hugger system these niggers would be picking cotton
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bong slags were crafted for semitic cock. Jews and muslims together we will make the UK a semitic place
I do hate women.
its a constant battle
doesnt care whatsoever that she's being filmed; quite the opposite no doubt. woman are such trash.
Hypergamy doesn't care about the wedding ring or vows
I can't find anything more degrading than being a Britcuck in current year

Damn. Its utterly blackpilling seeing these fully kitted out prison cells with cons smoking weed, recording themselves fucking prison officers on their smartphones
Every british taxpayer is a fucking chump
That slag and the warden need things doing to them in minecraft
crazy shit, women truly have a completely different moral compass
That word doesn't actually show up in a Google search. I'm impressed.
They always tell you where they've fled from, they rarely tell you why they weren't welcome anymore
A little over 100 years ago the Brits ruled the largest empire in human history lol.
Doesn’t even care about being recorded wtf
She is quite literally the epitome of a South London skank, and given this is supposedly Wandsworth I am unsurprised
Women who fuck whoever they are in proximity with for long enough, it's why most cheat at work, they are around other guys for 8 hours a day.
No surprise what so ever hearing and seeing all these female prison officers.
Islam and sharia have it half-right, women should not go anywhere without being accompanied by husband or family. You can't let them roam or do things like go to work, until you remove those rights the world only gets shitter.
britain fought for this
Wish there were drunk women all over my town like this
And? There was plenty of scum and filth in it back then.
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White slags are genuinely gross, the stink is unreal if you know know. Give me a Persian beauty any day.
>Saturnian worship icon placement at the front
I see you
Kek. British incel wagies tax dollars are literally paying for arabs to smoke weed and fuck their women all day.
why do they even have phones there
what a twist
So... Taxes are stolen from me so niggers can sit around in prison smoking weed and getting blowjobs from bimbo prison guards.... Just fucking nuke this country Putin.
Her cuck husband kissed her in the mouth when she got home.

LMAO @ anglocucks. Lmao @ anyone being married in 2024.

If you are married you are a KEK
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This is the best part.
>probably stabbed some pussy white kid to death
>Gets to spend 7 years, if that, hanging out with his friends, playing playstation, getting stoned, talking to friends outside on his phone AND fucking porned up chav girls.
All paid for by the wgae slaving family of his victims kek.
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she was muslim
she was albanian
she was polish
she was an alien from outtaspace

those cooping is so fucking cringe. Same shit comes from Germans all the time.
Just accept the reality. WHITE WOMEN ARE RACEMIXING WHORES that support mass immigration. White women are responsible for all the shit going on in the western world.

All prisoners have phones now. That's also the easiest way to pay for drugs.
Apparently the first mouth-to-mouth kiss ever recorded in film was in April 1896 and it caused a massive uproar in America, even the Catholic Church called for censorship and prosecution for the screening of such a shocking and obscene "pornographic" scene.

And then here we are.

can you guys or someone else here upload to /gif/ and link that thread here before this thread is pruned ?
yes. we should fight white women and imigrants till submission
This. I worked with 16 year old girls who hated me for having knee injuries and being 5'10 and having tardive dyskinesia but after working with them a month they were asking me why I haven't fucked(raped) them yet as they could feel me staring at their jiggly and/or tight arses
The funniest part is that it's a Cat A prison, so this guy is probably a fucking murderer lol
Prisoners do not suffer
Pajeeta in the center of the pic is qt
>mass deportation
why throw the roaches out the window when they will come back again?

crush them to death is the only option mate
is that, Biden?
some female prison guards are the worst kind of pickmes
there was a case here, where some chick decided to help a arab violent criminal escape. then they eloped and fled the country together

might be a low-mid security prison
those usually allow phones
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life imitates art
Whites disgust me. What a pathetic race you've all turned into.
>mass deportation and the guillotine/firing squad could fix all of this in 1 year
Literally will never happen. It will in fact get worse. They will do less jail time, they will get more bennies, and the sluts will be more attractive. As long as women can vote, and/or (now literal cuck) simps exist, this is only going to get more pronounced.
It's insane how this is happening in the same universe than incels exist in.
There is something wrong with reality.
if she didnt have rights she wouldnt be working in a prison
chad / 10
gotta respect the game
Arabs are part of the white race
She does not look white some kind of middle-eastern just look at her face.
Lmao, if it's really Wandsworth it's not just CAT A, it's one of the "worst" in the country for violence etc. And they are living a better life than 99% of /r9k/.
>And they want us to go fight for them.
>its women, no its jews
>implying the average normie didnt vote for this and defended mass migration for decades
All prisoners in the UK have phones, drugs, booze, playstation, TV, etc. Prisons are run by gangs not by prison officers. It's a combination of useless prison officers (low wages, low recruitment), and overcrowding. It's simply not possible for prison staff to control prison populations anymore so they just surrender to the prisoners and try to bribe them to be well-behaved. We have New Labour 2.0 now so hopefully they're are secretly based Stalinoids as last time..

>Narey is quoted in The Times: "Blunkett shrieked at me that he didn't care about lives, told me to call in the Army and 'machine-gun' the prisoners"
>snitching on yourself for internet clout
>now you get no pussy

brain rot
Question is, why arent you doing the same?
Wandsworth is a prison for low-level drug pushers and petty criminals, but it's still genuinely disgusting that they are allowed to live as they do
Imagine how trashy a person has to be to work as a guard dog for other human beings. This bitch is trash anyway.
Bro, women are FUCKING DOGS in the same universe that incels exist in. Goofy canines that chase their own tail... instead of the incel.

It's over.
I know many (all) women love being degraded, but holy shit maybe keep it under control while you are on the job.
I think she’s English bro, just a normal slapper who paints herself orange
>it's still genuinely disgusting that they are allowed to live.
ftfy bong
She looks Romanian to be honest, prison guards are really low paid here and its not hard to be one
Kek. No pussy no work.
>told me to call in the army and 'machine-gun' the prisoners
Unbelievably based.
It's a maximum security prison. All prisons, from Australia to America are filled with mobile phones. They don't allow it. Just like prison guard sluts and drugs, they can't stop them.

Picrel - a days worth of cell flipping at a Oklahoma prison.
Women don’t have a moral compass
Which is why men’s responsibility is to tell them what to do
I don't see anything wrong with prisoners having all these, in fact, I think they should have more and more luxuries.
All prisoners should be gelden in return for their vacation.
And the worst gang raped by the army. These arabs would be set straight after some hard ass pounding.
>jews knead your opinion like dough to fit their agenda. come on, you should know this by now
thats not how this works
Been seeing this same vid spammed for 6 years now. Get new material. And she's bengali fyi, not Arab.
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> The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
The guy fucking her isn't a nigger
why does she looks like a pornstar?
muslim - nigger - jew
they are the same shit
god damn that's even worse than I remember
women really are fucking stupid, bet she thought that she could "fix him" and now she's getting the shit beaten out of her every day
That's all the idf does. That and killing babies.
We're entering a new phase of degeneracy.
that pic gives me a boner. I love watching british people go extinct, it's what you deserve for palestine
>its jews who are responsible.
Anglos and Jews have the same type of soul

Women guards do this with prisoners in general, they're hybristophiliacs. You don't hear about it because the media is still pushing the meme that women are the fairer sex and less evil than men.
>ome chick decided to help a arab violent criminal escape. then they eloped and fled the country together
sounds hot. post a link to the article
What is it with Easter Yurop and weaponized gay sex anyway?
There is no need for closet homo rape masquerading as machismo lesson teaching. Just fucking kill them.
you niggers say this every time. Like when that 40 year incel chimped out in Australia and killed white people, you niggers were calling him a jew/arab only for it to turn out he was just a black-haired cracker
Kek. Literally nothing worth fighting for anymore. Only against the state.
That's how most brit women look like.
>what is manufactured consent
Why are whites so gulliable to always magically fall for this shit?

If that pic is legit, which it isn't, that's funny as fuck
Thank you, Word of the Day Calendar-poster
I mean, yeah, I'm arab. Not like I was trying to hide that
Prisoners should be raped until they can't look at themselves in the mirror. This will send a message to the other wannbe thugs.
If I was a dictator of my country I would have homosexual rape squads.
Jews are white.
Whites are niggers.
No, I'm not confused. Anglos and Jews are the same creatures.
Not my problem
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They are already being released early because there are no more prison places. Broadly crime does pay in the UK and there is no reason not to become a criminal beyond morality.

If you rob, rape, and steal. Loot shops, loot people's homes, walk around smoking dope and taking drugs nothing will happen to you.

1. ~4% of reported serious crimes result in charges, about 3/4 crimes are never investigated by the police.

2. Of those charged even fewer ever see a prison .. for theft (from Civitas) 95% of first time and 77% repeat offences are given non-custodial sentences

3. The prisons are full now, as in there is literally no capacity anywhere, at all. This means even if you go to prison you will likely be released early. This was the case due to the above issues informally, the Tories before the election rushed in a bill so that all (non-terrorist) prisoners can be released years early to free space for more serious criminals.

4. Above implies a 0.25% chance give or take of ever going to prison for mugging/theft. But even if you DO wind up in prison you will have a phone, TV, PS5, lots of weed spice and booze, and possibly a bimbo prison guard who will suck you off. Then in 6 months you're back out committing more crime, picking up tips from the other criminals you've been hanging out with.

Low level crime is legal in the UK. Machine gun these people.
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I'm on nofap.
That is a very Bulgarian thing to say.
prison guards are notoriously degenerate why do they even still post women in men prisons absolute humiliation ritual
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> playstations, weed & phones available
> heating & food for free
> get paid 20 pounds per week for sitting in education classes
> full time neeting
> fuck the slag guards
> Upcoming Labour government will make this even more easy life

I could probably make a fortune a human smuggler, if I advertise this in MENA countries.
Women are primitive.
They don't like boring work cucks, they like dominant killers and criminals.
Civilizational advancement and women's rights are incompatible.
>i would be the gayest dictator ever
The world can do without a Stalinist Ancient Greece mashup. Things are terrible enough.
Just stick to writing your erotic fiction.
Based. You'd be the pirate king of the butt pirate kingdom.
Right hand genius
the reasons that were given for large scale migration were plausible and counter arguments have been present from the start
personally i noticed very early that multiculturalism doesnt work
most people took much longer because theyre naive and dont like uncomfortable truths
anti semitism is stupid
How is this a source
That pic is funny because jews are just slavs larping as semites
Can we get her doxxed and outed? She deserves to suffer.
>he doesnt know
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She a brazilian mestizo you fucking clown
suddenly Karryn's Prison seems a lot more realistic
She's british until proven otherwise.
That's not even the full part 2, he starts throat fucking her after the clip in your link ends
Hello fellow brits, you're in a demoralization thread. Keep your head held high chap, we will be rid of these "people" soon.
She'll divorce her cuck white husband and take the kids and everything he owns + alimony. You are a fool if you get married in the West as a man.

Different jail, this was in london
before you guys throw women under the bus again, know that male guards do the same thing - except they dont even bother asking and just rape inmates
No one gets a sentence that short for stabbing someone to death
based and redpilled
You can post these all you want, it won't undo the 20% nigger population in your country kek.
The cope itt is incredible. God I love being black.
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>before you guys throw women under the bus again, know that male guards do the same thing - except they dont even bother asking and just rape inmates
kek >>472485664
It's different with men.
Men with authority = normal, not giving up authority by fucking locked up skanks
Women with authority = abnormal, giving up authotity and yielding it to a criminal she submitted to.
A man does the fucking = authoritative
A woman gets fucked = non-authoritative.
sex is not a zero sum game
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You arabs love nigger porn we know
Buck breaking has a proven pattern of success and has worked well for Russia of all places (in prison and on the battlefield).
their server lags sometimes. Its not your ISP's fault.
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It's funny watching white american suck jewish cock while they get replaced and mixed out
copium overdose
Women assimilate to those who dominate them.
Men spread assimilation via domination.
Do you not see how subversive it is to put women in authority?
Most honky women don't look this hot
lol no, the most believable scenario would be the female prisoner wanting to get fucked and then accusing the men of rape.
century old and world spanning conspiracies dont happen for what should be obvious reasons
jews have super diverse views
some (kalergi and such) are eternally butthurt over the holocaust and started hating europeans for that reason
some jewish sects could be described as anti semites themselves
Henryk M Broder is a famous jewish journalist in germany and he has been critical of mass migration for decades
some jews are completely irrelevant people working manual labour jobs
we should align with people who are on our side ideologically and fight exclusively those that are ideologically opposed
you should see why anti semitism is stupid if you just think for a minute
i dont know what to tell you a true anti semite just loves to hate jews for the sake of it
Sorry, haven't been in one yet
1. you are silly to doubt a man in a position of power would never abuse such power
2. you wrongly assume this only happens to female inmates
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>If I spam enough mixed couples of arabs, this will magically undo the niggerfication of america
This is a weird cope, anon.
>She deserves to suffer.
why? she only had some fun
She spent her youth and 20's getting fucked by dangerous criminals but it's fine, she's different now and wants a nice safe guy like you.
>Literally nothing worth fighting for anymore. Only against the state.
that will have to do for now, anon
The migamutt is so fragile and triggered he's posting anti Arab memes when it's pakis who fucked the honky woman kek
The state of modern women
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>he has to post a shitty photoshop
Here's reality in the meanwhile
>I mean, yeah, I'm arab
you are a jewish lapdog doing what your massa has teached you
Doubt it's real. I suspect it's professionally made porn.
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The only coping is you sandnigger
Blaming it on Jews is the easiest tactic to divide and then conquer western nations. Some are now okay with the thought that china or russians take over their nations.
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>crackerbros, I don't feel so good
Are you fucking blind, retarded or both?
Reminder, when faggots ask for a webm, ignore those retards

She's not white, mulatto. Quadroon at best.
I don't think he said hes chrustroon
how about Italian jails then?
yea its crazy
Post it.
20 Swedish female cops were caught doing the same shit not that long ago.
A porn video, with actors, yeah truly. It's over.
Imagine being this fragile, incel and triggered that you cry over a thot prison officer lmao the absolute state of migamutts
She's an average orange brit girl. Stop coping so much.
>a brit arab thinks anyone cares about the difference between arabs and pakis
fake as fuck
a hired pornstar lmfao
pro tipp: over 80% of ANY group of people suck ass
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>Video 2:

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Kek, no wonder the birth rates are cratering. Western Civilization is done and women's rights killed it. Poetic.
Meant for >>472490174
Based muslims, Allah protects and provides. We are so fucked just let it all burn down lol.
>you are a jewish lapdog
No, that's you. whites will go extinct before they raise their fists against jews. Whites love jews because Jews are just another group of whites to them
What am I coping about exactly?
what's this supposed to prove?
this looks staged. probably some onlyfans bullshit
Arabs pay white women for sex, it's called mut'ah and they're technically married to the prostitute. Very cucked.
Haha you stupid fools
This is a slide thread that slut has an onlyfans
I mean the 4% not bots who posted here
"Noooo sar our women would not do such a thing!" Abdul you're girls are whores.
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can you stupid niggers stop directly linking twikiker and post webm? faggots
The UK is cooked, there’s no going back
niggers fucking arab whores, even if your cope was reality, isn't going to magically undo the niggers fucking white whores. I dont get what's so hard to understand about this
White men chhosing to fuck SEA pussy is "kalergi" in the mind of this retard.
I don't know what kwab means. Is that some troon speak
A brown woman has sex with a shitskin in a video which might also literally just be porn, somehow something something White women whores? Okay Abdul whatever gets you through the day.
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At least they don’t look like this
i spent some time in wandsworth, and if a screw had their radio taken off of them or didnt respond they would go absolutely nuts and lock everything down. this was years ago, though
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>china and russia don't promote miscegenation for its peoples and ethnically replace them
I've had mutt mongrels from america assume I'm white because they can't tell the difference between arabs and south europeans. Hilarious as fuck.
>shit I just made up
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Happens all the time in jails.
Every women screw (yes we call the guards that here) fucks and sucks the inmates. EVERY one of them.
Jesus brit females are hideous. Sand niggers will fuck anything
He's coping. Let the man cope. The English rose remains untarnished.
Coping hard, honkaloid
It did the rounds ever before it hit the media. She resigned immediately while the prison office investigates.

That particular prison has been like this for years. The head of the prison was a woman who had to resign years ago after terrible management, understaffing issues, young and inexperienced staff.

The muslims run prisons in England and make English prisoners convert. All prisoners need to be moved to an island and left to rot.
white men have failed their women
>Nikah mut'ah, or mut'ah marriage, is a temporary Islamic marriage contract that involves a man and woman agreeing to be husband and wife for a limited time. The term mut'ah literally translates to "pleasure marriage" or "enjoyment", and the contract is private and verbal. The couple must agree on the duration of the marriage and the woman must receive financial compensation in advance. The marriage ends when the agreed-upon term expires, or if either partner dies.
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Is this her?
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It is, Filipinos are literally niggers. Even sand nigs don’t want to fuck them
>I don't know what kwab means
we know
you don't belong here or in Europe, abdul goatfucker
'south europeans' got all that turk and north african blood
it is understandable how mud bloods can't tell other mud bloods apart
You're clearly retarded and blind if you even have to ask.
they just declare every minority han and the one child policy terminally fucked them over
watch china implode over the next three decades
if you think european birth rates are bad you dont know shit
built more mosques last year than all of europe combined
a chechen officials son burned several churches a few weeks ago and doesnt fear consequences
also putins gulaghomo speech (i cant stop myself from proclaiming i too am a lak, a chechen, an ingush
and the fact that hes settling central asians in donbass and luhansk slit eyes galore in those areas
etc. pp.
post proof
fucking retarded low iq white trash
fuck off cracker, that bitch is white white, you inferior dying out crackers are just coping
How do they have so much stuff in their cell. I did time and had a short rubber tooth brush and tiny tube of tooth paste. Couldn't even have a bottle of shampoo or full size bar of soap.
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Anymore examples lads?
Didn't read. Shia nonsense
Hey, I dont deny that SEAs are subhuman. I'm saying those white men are choosing to fuck those brown jungle gooks of their own choice. Dont ask me why
Touching someone’s hands in Sweden is considered rape.
>you inferior dying out crackers are just coping
So inferior that's why your greatest achievement is having sex with white women kek
Sounds like a USA-tier prison.
The mud bloods I'm taking about are americans. Matt Walsh coudldn't even tell Nikki Haley was a pajeeta. That's how mixed up you guys have become
It was never abrogated.
Photo just shows how it’s no different than white girls fucking niggers
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What did Englishmen do to piss off God so much that he gave them English women?

What makes white women/girls want to be with these fucking retards. One look at those niggers and you can tell immediately how fucking dumb, classless and obnoxious they are. What's the appeal? The BBC shit is a myth, so what compels these girls to degrade themselves like this?
I get that, but those white men still want that brown jungle pussy.
Ok sheikh
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You fucking wish you were european abdul
The height difference, in case you couldn't tell. At least based on that photo
100% staged and scripted. It should be obvious to anyone looking at it.
That literally looks like an arab girl with a british faggot

Fucking hot
Is this a serious question? Anglo kikes are as bad as jews and deserve everythign that's happening to them.
ok mr investigator, faggot
No I don't. What's with this projection?
white women worship BBC, getting a white woman for black men is not an accomplishment its like eating breaskfast, for you white cracker males its an accomplishment
literally the two most malevolent and subversive nations on earth
broken and pitiful cultures
This is not the same person at all you dumbass. The video is from this week and that article is from January
anything better than being with a white "man"
US and canadian prisons are the same. It was also male corrections officers. Only females you ever saw was nurses.
She won't even get suspended for this. She'll be awarded for not being racist. British men are loser faggots who will applaud it.
Does she look anything like her? Is Wandsworth in fucking Birmingham? Is the current month January? Asking yourself any of those questions would have helped, as would reading the thread.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
You get tobacco and cell phones inside prison? What's the point of even trying to stay out of it then?
The East European one is the ugliest one, I wonder why kikes push Slav fat mongol face when north Europeans win the beauty contest.
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This fucking roastie is going to get 6months jail time, get out and start an OnlyFans and earn a few hundred thousand pounds in weeks, isn't she?
take a day off you incel
NGL that shit was hot.. she's actually pretty cute. Too bad she's a megawhore who fucks literal convicts. She should be stoned to death. If she actually is married, burned at the stake.
literally why
He's coping and hoping that it's not a native brit instead of shitting on her for being a disgusting sandnigger fucker. These kinds of women will always exist and it's more embarrassing trying to run defense for your entire country by denying reality rather than just disawoving the outlier. You have to be willing to cut out the cancer from your society rather than hiding it out of embarrassment
Because they have no choice, have you seen their faces?
You know it
>bomb pussy
>explodes shrapnel during orgasm
I went to school with her. She legit fucked her brother.
as soon as china and russia are criticized the kike accusations come flying
funny right?
It looks like a paki, you can see those Dravidian abbo nigger phenotype
As an American, I've developed a keen eye for the various racial hybrids and ethnic abominations of the world. I'm sure you can relate, given your particularly unfortunate admixture.
>I actually meant white
>a woman, btw
None is true, this is common where trash meets captive trash and sex ensues. Like when niggers fuck dogs or jeets fuck their old fathers
You niggers fall for fake shit too easily. This is most likely a porn set. No fucking way would they hotbox that hard by getting a closeup on the whore's face.
Muslim bitches are like ALL bitches mo.
Now fuck off xD
How is it a porn set if there's literally news articles about it with statements from the prison confirming it happened?

Dumb fuck
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This might be her?
So who else wanked off to this?
Romanian confirmed

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