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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Conservative leader Rishi Sunak said he was "hurt" and "angry" after a Reform UK canvasser used a racist term to describe him.

>A British man has died off the Greek island of Spetses.

>Police probe shocking video showing female prison guard having sex with an inmate in a cell at HMP Wandsworth
Kill yourself
ill shag your body pillow
imagine fucking spending £40,000 on a car for a woman and she breaks up with you ffs
I'm the angry man who found you herding goats on the mountain slopes and let you partake of the expansion to modern society. Without me, you would still today be found tending sheep on the mountain slopes of Thrace, unable to defend them from the annual raids from the hill tribes who annually plundered your lands.

Done so much sex some brincel is triggered wtf?
Who staying up all night watching election results next week then?
Wasn't Holden a fatso?
What type of shitskin is that prison officer engaging in bestiality with? I can't differentiate any more.
Scuffed the rims n aw
4 years of labour and more videos of white slags shagging brownoids in prison
get in. imagine the anger generated over the next few years
>pm is a paki
>Rishi says racism is bad
>Farage scrambling to say it's fake cus racism is bad

And you cunts want to vote for "based" anti racist reform?
Who hurt you sweaty?
she's never even paid me back for the alloys
I don't think Nige would risk taking this tack publicly if there weren't something to it. When similar things happened in the UKIP days, the response was always grovelling apologies and condemnation of the racist
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He's angry that I've done it
and also that his tragic larp post wasn't funny
like im trying to process the whole situation here but surely with all i've invested that afforded me a minor mistake no?
Did you pay her back for the herpes infection?
Yeah tiny men have to do shit like this and it doesn't even work lol
Based. It's acceleration. That's why rNige says he'll be PM by 2029.
I think labour will fuck up a lot of shit.
No matter Tory or labour, there always shit going wrong and shit to blame. That's why the pendulum swings, only it swings blue jew and red jew (basically on the same side) Reform would break that.
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By royal order, the King commands you to present your willy for inspection.

Anyone with a willy over 6 inches will be exempted from the draft.
You ok mate?
Pube is 5'6" max
Can we make Penis Inspection Day a national bank holiday?
A good party leader would tell the media to fuck off or apologise that they guy didn't use the correct term as the pm isn't a paki, unlike actual pakis.
That would have been funny
Instead we get
>Noooo muh heckin setuparino
He's angery
Wank holiday
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that wasnt from her and the lotion really helped

Is she?
twatter so desensitised to white cunts mudsharking that their response is heckin' epic normalcunut maymays
comedy country, comedy "people"
Who watches the Willy Watchers?
No fluffing, that's fraud
She wasn't white
If you aren't pube, why are you doing this?
Britpol gimmick spammers are always the type women cream up for, they just can't control themselves around lads who can run a proper larp
doing what?
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Yes absolutely. His Majesties government will instruct local councils to immediately hire their own version of Blackrod, whose sole job is to measure the willy of every man and woman of this country
Bitch was black you fucking mongoloid
I dont like Nigel but its optics you fucking spastic

Spooks realised they can get away with anything after Manchester Arena.
he envies me or something idk
No they can't because the vice chairs here, I take charge!
going shop to get some booze you incels play nice while papa is gone
I had Chlamydia once. It's awful and I had to tell the bird I was with at the time I had it cause the doctor said if girls have it it can fuck up their ovaries as it goes unnoticed.
Sorry. I was refering to this, which isn't even you >>472479775
Hello Cauldron
crazy how my dick is sound now but i've got no one to fuck
the nonce is posting on 3 IDs again
I don't envy lads who are shorter than the female average, nobody does
Not do they envy gay blokes who get urinary infections
we're trying to have a teams meeting you fool
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>Remember- registed the willys in your household by November 5th or you may receive an enforcement visit from Blackrod
Do pakis get circumcised like Jews?
Reform and Nige arent saviours. They are globohomo to the max just like the Tories, but a "with less salt" versions. I want Barry the BAME Impaler running things by the end of the decade.
Useless Jewish nonsense.
We need a white nationalist leader who will take it to the correct level not this boring rich fag cuck.
Not voting for him tbqh. Wasn't gonna vote anyway. No white first candidate anyway.
All of you cucks will be shot when we finally get power shitskin simps
What was wrong, std?
how is it i fucked 3 different birds with my spotty dick and i cant lie its massive and so the spots were too but now am here with no spots and no pussy? life is too funny
>you must provide photo id to register a willy
He's had too much sex lads, that's why he's here on a Friday night with the rest of us lol
Would it be devolved to local authorities, or would it be overseen by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Genitalia (HMIG)?
need a subwoofer
nah m8 i think labour will be praised for doing nothing but keeping the lights on as the economy naturally takes an upturn after like 2 years of rate hikes.
>woah look how much they've increased public spending!
as the economy upturns and GDP rises
>woah look at how much the economy has recovered
after the bank of england finally cuts rates for starmer who is most likely in bed for them (as they refused to cut them this month for no reason despite inflation being below target levels)

Labour very well know this too. Things WILL get progressively worse as the population density increases (its already the highest in europe) and more wogs and third worlders are brought in unchecked. But boomers (the voting base) wont give a shit because their house prices will increase and NHS waiting times will go down. They are tactically doing this stuff. They will be voted in again in 2029 i reckon.
idk i never got checked but the lotion helped
think i'v reached the age where i realise religion ;and also a bit like the masons or other "clubs", that their tenents aren't real. Understanding it isn't real but still following it is the top level stage

The place i'm at feels good, religion and masons type things are about a guide to living your life, dealing with birth, death, sex, mental health, socialisation but just beacuse it isn't real doesn't mean it has no value.

In the same way I also looked into the non religious forms we used to have in society, or Etiquette , they're almost an autists friend, everything is codified and easy to follow.
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never speak to me you terminally sperged faceblind cunt
im not being funny but that literally is why

learn the fkn lore
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>تذكر - سجل الوصايا في منزلك بحلول 5 نوفمبر أو قد تتلقى زيارة إنفاذ من Blackrod
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Half cast is basically black
Why are soft Britcucks keep dying in Greece?
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Hmm. It would almost certainly be a Public-Private Partnership
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angry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKBrghHYALA
>garn on lass waheyyyyyyyyyyyy
i hate them. them and the footy mongs need bathed in radiation
shut the fuck these tarts plaster that fucking dakry make up on themselves every morning
Time for another exciting round of; fake tan or half-caste?
You love trannies you tiny little shit, get the fuck out of here with your faggot cope you worthless little prat
Christ imagine shacking up with the one in the middle then in a few years she looks like the other two.
i mean it sounds good but i don't feel i'm annoying the neighbors enough
You know when rishi was like "are you going to sit down with the ayatollahs?" To starmer?
We'll what's wrong with that? We what's best for THIS country and OUR people, so if we have to talk and make negotiations to rouge states like Iran and Afghanistan, so what?
They have the view of we can not negotiate with them at all. In reality it should be whatever the cost.
Chris pincher to be chief bum inspector?
>tfw G4S rip your cock off but you get denied compensation
wanna snort calvin klein you sound stressed
Where is Jay Slater lads
That's a she boon you fucking mong
I hope the next Labour government makes Lithuanians part of BAME.
Why did I have to work as hard as native Brits when I'm an actual real minority compared black africans, pakistanis, and indians? Where was my special treatment and easy uni access?
I know you fucking retard you're preaching to the choir in britpol. Unfortunately, most "based" people dont even come close to any of that, they're all "Hur im not racist, its actually YOU thats racist". You cant get those people involved in a Nationalist movement. Not yet anyway.
Its a slow fucking movement but its slowly shifting. Starmers comments about wogs would've got him sacked 5 years ago and now its only the very fringe lefties who give a shit. None of the serious parties are even considering rejoining the EU, something most people would've laughed at before Brexit.

So unless you can magic up millions of non-spook Nationalists, you can stop with your blackpilling tripe.
I got him locked up with Madeline McCann
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Any of you cunts know what this is?
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yfw volunteer Charity position
I did a tour in MW2 and I think that's a smoke grenade
You can see how the boobs drop over time...
yes thats a tuk tuk exhaust
top bantz. Of course vine is a stuck up faggot about it.
another Goiânia accident
whens england playing next?
anyone else managed to claim PIP for having BWC?
Garloid warmer.
when they do find his bloated corpse these jokes are going to be doubly not funny
Fuck off bummer
why are Jews so powerful in relation to their numbers
Victorian era garloid incubator
ck too much?
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a BWC*
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imagine spending even one second of your day thinking about football
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what were you told you fucking sped
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me, literally
A capacitor
Wtf hivemind
what's coming home first, jay slater, shamima begum, maddie mccan or football?
Thats what i thought but /k/ reckons anything that strong would also affect the camera
Sunday (30th)
Why aren't they playing on Fri or sat FFS.
Do you need her to be white for wanking purposes lad
Kill yourself
Half cast. Why do you want it to be a white woman so bad you weirdo
If you werent a fucking nigger I'd tell you.
smegma begone is already here probably
Jay Slater in a box
not man enough for coke and ket?
are any of the courses on https://freecoursesinengland.co.uk/ any good? was looking at the level 2 cyber security course, kinda want to stop neeting.
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It’s over
None of the above
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I like your CG man.
Here is a CG man in return.
To be fair it's important to know when they're playing so you can avoid going to the pub when it's full of spastics.
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Why did canadian intelligence services smuggle her anyway? What was the objective?
Velly solly me no speaky chinee
It's not the drugs retard, it's you, you god awful little prick
textbook niggerbrained responses, concession accepted though
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idk about you but britpol loves my jokes im what the culture feeling
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>if you cant accept me for who i am then lets break up!
>"Contains language which may offend"
>bleeps it anyway
Is he even allowed to repeat the term? Technically he's a jeet/poo/currymuncher, not a paki.
You clearly dont speak english either, nigger.
nigger man kicking ball in net takes mind of nigger man raping white teenagers
Looks like a convo between me and my dad.
I haven't consneeded anything gormo
this is like how me and arbroathy go back and forth on whatsapp
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you've done her, you should buy a SS uniform cap replica as a larp and get hammered
They didnt, technically. What they did do was hire a cunt with isis sympathies who used glow resources to help them. Dieversity.
Trips decide reply yeah?
you're a retard for supporting the false prophet that is Farage, a retard for being with a woman like her and an even bigger retard for posting your personal life on here
tell her to fuck off and sort yourself out
you're a foetus mate, pipe down
I need more beer
Gormo cunt
You're a retarded drug addled tranny banging mega loser and I'm not interested in the josh tier lies you tell in a transparent vain attempt to make yourself feel less like the waste of space you really are.
Anyone else getting these ads on/pol/ about a trans gf?
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She is latina
We can cross that bridge when we get to it
The Tory era has ended with somebody calling the Tory PM a Paki. Quite fitting.
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Cont (2)
Do what I want
It's a shit test
Keep going don't back down
No I'm getting top smurf cat
no mate, think it's probably being target toward you based off your cookies
Fuck it we are all voting for Pakistan out and niggers away that's what brexit was for then it changed let's see how this plays AGAIN bloody torie cunts I'm sure ukip and reform uk are just another torie arm for control anyway
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I mean that's pure glow semantics. If HUMINT assets are using intelligence officers to do tasks, then it's the same thing as intelligence officers doing it themselves
I haven't seen an ad online in about 15 years.
I know, I won’t. I never do
>man cant confront his woman about his milquetoast politics so he has to come here and seek validation
spineless, wavering. these are the types who support the Reform "movement"
We have not reached the point of true anger yet.
Arbroathy would you be my wife?
lies? what lies?
I've had that quite a bit.
Well I did watch tranny porn today and yesterday, but first time seeing it.
Looking back it was obvious pincher was a poof, look at his fruity walk
Don't care still voting Reform.
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>so he has to come here and seek validation
>the last Conservative
>mis-raced on the way out
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I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend whom I am extremely happy with Anon. There are plenty of right wing tranners on twitter if that's your thing though. Best of luck!
I'm pished fannying about. get tae
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Cont (3)
this actually makes me more likely to vote for them
nobody cares. stop leaking DMs like a spineless faggot
Gotta get my grandma to vote reform. She's always voted Tory. This is the first election she says she might not vote.
>nobody cares
More (you)s than you
which one is the red tie team? It's the opposite in yankland
Way i read it the guy was basically a double agent for isis. Only bit that bothers me is if he was highly placed enough to move shit across borders like that, why was he fucking around with schoolgirls?
Sorry I left school at 16 I wouldn't be any help
he did this after she sucked him off
bit gay desu
Anyone got a video of this screw getting shagged or what
ignore this fag
there aren't any jobs, so I would just stay a neet
Can't you just get a job if you want to stop meeting?

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>I want Barry the BAME Impaler running things by the end of the decade.
Dangerously based
full vids in this thread: >>472478626
same m8 I've been neeting for 11 years since
Keep up grandad
fuck off you retard
get it shared on twitter de lad
we need rage farming set to max for the next 4 years
get in
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ill give you a (you)
I’ve adopted a lot of Brit/pol slang into my daily vocabulary, somewhat embarrassingly
I can’t be that bad as I have a bird (not for long by the looks of it)
a few certificates wouldn't hurt surely?
Why the fuck are there female prison officers in the first place? Whose bright idea was that? The state of this country.
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Absolute scenes in Kenya
I thought he were a marmite miner tho
fuckin gay cunt
Uuugghh I love the stripes in the back of it's head
So aesthetic! I Wana give it a noogie.
Much worse than the epidemic of female prison officers shagging inmates it's female support workers shagging the homeless
not really, I'm a CISCO certified network engineer, never used that
Diversity equity and inclusion
It would be like if half of society rampantly protested and rioted for XL bullies to be allowed into crufts
oh are we doing this again

is ginge joshposting?
I know a fella who used to be a screw. He said that lasses were good at de-escalating prisoners, but when a prisoner couldn't be talked down the lasses would get absolutely bodied in a fight every single time.
Turns out for violent men, you need even more violent men to keep tabs on them.
Absolute Afro-kino
Maybe I spoke too soon lol
bit sexist to say women are unable to.cope in pressure environments
Kek. People who haven’t spoken to a bird in years getting angry that the (yous) are being taken by a racist top shagger
You’re more transparent and childish than my bird
women just love smelly ugly cunts with 70iq
it's human nature
>are nige
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>The force was called on Saturday, June 23, after a Pride flag painted on the pavement outside Forest Gate Railway Station was vandalised.
>Another report was made on June 26, with a further two flags damaged. All were painted over with red paint.
Good news for Blockhead
Fucking based guy wearing obvious clothing and hiding skin colour. He's probably smart enough to bin the clothing after
These are the guys they sent to Haiti to keep the peace
Africans aren't kino
surely that flag is itself a piece of graffiti?
Illegal wars are a social construct.
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xitter is such a mudblood cooned shithole lmao
i dont mean to brag but im the fkin king of receipts
So fucking based!!!!
Honestly an inspiration. True hero.
Why does everyone have fat cats these days? What are the jews putting in whiskas?
Look at the state of it before he started. It was already ruined.
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They were presumably commissioned by Newham Borough Council in the first place
>After the first instance of vandalism, Newham Council repainted the flags
Terrible when young whites try mimicking blacks
My cat only eats meat and organs from my butcher who calls me.
Why not just say human rights?
innit bruv
fr fr no cap
I see, government approved vandalism.
Tbf having a normie gf is probably a good thing
A based one would purity test you on stuff you are cringe on
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Cont 4
a poser drew this. he's way too buff to be Holden, throughout the book he didn't eat that much meat to support this kind of bulk
lol Tory boy cuck
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Cont 5
Show us the start of the argument lad
People acting like prison guards havnt already lost all respect from society and getting outraged a G4S slag shags and inmate
These bitches crazy for my sexual energy, they turn into wild animals around me
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Probably a Green voter tbf
>he's still going
If you’d ever had 1 text conversation in your life you’d have done them the other way round. Cringelarp
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That's fake it says iFakeTextMessage.com at the bottom
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god i forgot how much women are like children.
Oh no...
It's wild having 2 phonew
Change as in the same but competent
he's mocking ginge u fucken retards
Bumcord reunited then?
I worked in a prison for 4 years and the female officers were either dykes who were decent enough or young whores with no qualifications who shagged their way to promotion and ended up in a more admin role.
Shit I've been rumbled, Im just not smart enough to fool you geniuses
topjej ginge won
crazy how last time i said he still hasn't got a gf and tonight he comes out with this larp
This alcohol is wearing off. I need more and to get to bar tonight. Might get some cigars too.
I'd rather have reform
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Change (the tie colours)
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>she's patterning packs in the wok
Another detective showing his acumen, kudos Sherlock
I think some degree of competence is require to keep this whole edifice running for as long as it has done
>stubby Ali
he's a paki
Probably slang for bringing drugs in
I used to have a big willy but done it so many times it went small
Pube mate can you explain what this means?
Give it 20 minutes mate should get big again if you tug on it x
I went to the beach the other day and the water was so cold my willy shriveled inwards and there was only foreskin there
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no i think ive worn it down to a nub
>under cover reporting of reform
>just so happens to be in clacton where farage is running for mp
>so just happens to catch a volunteer saying sunak is a fucking paki
>just so happens the guy also works as an actor putting on a fake accent
>just so happens sunaks daughters were watching the programme
>just so happens sunak is in the news crying about it
>just so happens the labour candidate for clacton got told to stop campagining for being racist against white people and just so happens starmer critises not his candidate but fargage
>just so happens to be a week before polling day
Wow what a load of coincidences
She helps arrange his instant noodles in his wok, he can't abide losing her help with the house keeping
dude said it >>472484825
Net migration down a couple of 100k and potholes fixed job done
Tories literally the excelerationist option by virtue of being so shit
where's the lad who does the friday night dance off?
Twiggys is shut
We're somewhat more subtle with our election fraud.
Are you going to have hoes patterning packs in the wok when you go to prison for child rape?
Probably outside, having a social life.
Anyone here goes to pub alone?
The "How can you sit there and post about dancing when the white race is being genocided" remains one of my favourite posts of all time
man i never did anything of the sort
He fled the country to avoid the inevitable prosecution for historic thought crimes.
No, the landlord's always there too.
someone post the /brit/pol pub meetup image
Not done it for a while but used to do it regularly
Only thing I've done on my own is eat McDonald's in the car
The guy was an actor but farage completely lost his shit
I don't go clubbing lad. And pubs are just full of boomers.
San Francisco?
Toilet rolls being delivered there. Weird that init.
I go to bars alone sometimes. Tonight probably.
One time I went to a club on my own and brought back two birds, one fit one fat. We had a smoke and the fit one passed out so I to the fatty upstairs and had really shit sex. Halfway through the night the fit one walked into my bedroom and saw her friend and left.
Morning after was cringe and I got a willy infection off her too.
not seen this someone post it please, could do with a laugh
Sometimes, though usually just for food whilst out and about, don't really drink alone. Spoons makes it easy for lonely autists with their app.
Green kike is on first ffs
I went to Mcdonalds last night in my wife beater.
It was kinda weird. Full of these zoomers who kinda look around 18-21 but they look 16.
This zoomer girl kept admiring me.
Oh shit I forgot lmao what have I missed?
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Got the /brit/ one
I wish these Green keks would realise that if Britain returned to pre-industrial levels of carbon output it wouldn't make a single difference to CLOIMATE CHANGEEE
Nothing. Nige is on at 8:30
>not a pub
this has given me a proper good chuckle lad thank you :)
if Britain ceased to exist it would make no difference
Dunno if I could find it in the archive
It was probably a "you had to be there" moment desu
tfw no patterning packs in the wok gf
There's a thin line.
>8 billion chinese and jeet with blazing foundrys and exploding chemical plants
>hehe destroy your energy infrastructure goy
>saving Nature is in their manifesto
>wants to destroy nature by building millions of houses fior immigrants
man im patternin packs by myself
>he doesn't know
The Greens know it won't make a difference, they do it anyway. Should be quite obvious there's a different agenda here...
Humiliation ritual.
Summer is so shit
Can't go for an innocent wee in the park on the way back from pub cos it's light and there's still kids in the playground
He never answered the question about if we all turn to EV vehicles
its a thick line mans patterinin 10/10 yola
This is the most exciting thing to happen in this country since Brexit.
mans keeping his g links to himself
They don't realise that a bame living in England will use more of everything compared to when he lived in Africa, and will they fuck care about sorting their polyethylenes from polyurethanes when recycling ffs
Naturally, any genuine effort to curb carbon output shut prioritise cutting our dependence on the Turd Worlders
Tell me the difference
mans down to half and half each and tasting both life is good
Just plant some fucking trees, you put them in the ground and they drink rain
shit im feeling generous you want a tester?
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Migrants make R NHS
Why don't the government just say there's too many cars on the road and there's nothing they could build that would solve the traffic problems. Why larp about "15 min cities" and prohibitively expensive EVs
That's probably why it's so bad at keeping people alive
>audience member just repeats the same point the Green guy just made
Most intelligent QT audience member
15 minutes till nige
might buy a phev

idk if i cba with charging it though
The main advantage of my daughter is that I never have to go to wetherspoons alone.
Notice these signs always have the same colour scheme and layout. Almost as if there's one organisation funding them.
BAME daughter?
Reminder that Reform are polling at more than double the Greens, we'll see if the audience is reflective of that.
Put my dick in your ass jail for life
>cucks clapping about benefiting from migration
The main advantage of your daughter is that I never have to go to wetherspoons alone.
Oi, lad, you're doing a lot of noticing there. Don't make me contact Prevent.
>we benefit from migration
>only audience members clapping are darkies and soiboy students
Well yeah, Stand Up to Racism. It says right at the top
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If they gave a shit about the environment or traffic problems they would sort out public transport. It's clear they just want people to buy expensive EVs for the sake of the GDP.
Naaah, totally not a coincidence
Wtf was that girls problem ffs
does anyone even remember what happened to my pwits charge or did the other one just trump that one completely?
Eating a scotch egg then I'm out. Might post later if there's internet

A pub is a public house? Rooms to rent? Idk YEAH
Tell me please.
cos ur all lazy
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Blessed ammunition
Check the names
I saw this before and someone said people sell powdered menthol at oktoberfest so it's not coke, idk if that's true or what
idk my solicitors not talked to me in ages what happened i cant remember
Was about to create a new thread but I checked the catalogue before posting because I'm not a spastic like some
They're the same people as (((Care4Calais))) best I can make out
She'll always show up for a burrito salad bowl.

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