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were debates THAT bad? Is trump's victory secured?
Who is Biden and trump? Is this WrestleMania? I hope hulk Hogan wins.
Its kind of obvious they need trumpstein to win so the goyim can go defend israel.
but what about muh hecking basedrino fascist project 2025.........
>were the debates that bad

There have been concerns around Biden’s health for years. The election is 130 days away. He basically shit his pants and had trouble speaking in front of the entire world. Biden has enough delegates to where he can’t be replaced unless he voluntarily steps down. Lefties everywhere are seething about Joe Biden. NYT, CNN, ABC, NBC (biden allies) are completely ripping him to pieces on every station, and have been the past 20 hours. It’s bad.

Even Hasan P*ker and TYT (may God forgive me for uttering his name) are saying Trump is now the clear favorite

DNC may literally have to push him down stairs
But they had fucking primaries, why didn't dems change their candidate if it's known that biden is unfit for years? Do they really want trump to win?
Why do they need Trump for that lmao
they could do it now with biden if that was the goal
what bizarre and insane kikelover cope
The health has gone from questionable to very very bad the past couple of months. He’s completely dependent in his aides. I think they though they could cover it up until now.

Remember, there are tons of retarded DEI people in Biden’s administration
And dems voted for Biden.
You can't just replace a guy that millions of people voted for while calling the other guy a threat to democracy. It would end them.
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democracy sisters i dont think i can survive another 4 years of cheeto hitler..
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They drank their own koolaid concerning biden's health.
>Leftoids completely demoralized.
Ah gee ya hate to see it.
>skip the primary
>"reveal" to the world that your guy is on the decline (i.e. finally admit it)
>oopsie hehe we did a fucksy wucksy before the democrat convention guess we'll have to hand pick the candidate we want to run against convicted orange Hitler man hehe
the party of democracy
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>g-guys its n-not that bad! He just had a cold!!
But they can't change the candidate after primaries? Or can they?
Brandon is cooked, it’s over

They may have to kill him I’m not even joking
>were debates THAT bad?
They need the best goys (aka white conservative Christians) to feel patriotism once again so they can rope them into WW3.
The are incompetent, and were just hoping they could get him across the finish line.
Dems also have this very strict hierarchy of seniority. They aren't allowed to tactically shuffle out the old top dems. I think it's mainly because they have too much dirt on each other.
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The difference is all Trump's fans would vote for him and rank him number 1 or 2 as a president. Al of Biden's voters would rank him second to last but hate Trump more.
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>were debates THAT bad?
It was bad enough where I am almost certain it was by design. I believe Biden may be replaced soon, by who is yet to be seen. Trump carries a lot of baggage, and he could very well lose to a "Literally who?" candidate based on a lack of name recognition alone. Don't underestimate dumbasses in this country's ability to reason how voting for someone they've never even heard of is still better than evil Trumpler because... It just is, ok?! I say this because I know people like this personally. They may not even dislike what Trump has done, or the bulk of it anyway. They more so can't get passed his delivery.

I all in all don't care. This country is fucked. Trump remains a band-aid over a severed artery. We won't be coming back from the hole we've dug ourselves into. There's too many disillusioned people, and people who don't understand they can scream how they don't care about race all they want, a vast majority of non-white in fact DO, and they want to overthrow the power dynamic into their favor.
>why didn't dems change their candidate if it's known that biden is unfit for years?
They believed their own propaganda and thought they could play down the health issues like they’ve been doing for years at this point. Last night was a litmus test to see if they could sell it and Biden failed it, hard. Now you’ve got the entire establishment panicking and scrambling to try and unfuck what they’ve done but it’s too late. Unless biden dies they can’t replace him. Even if they do find a way to do it they have to scramble even more to get a cohesive national campaign together in a matter of weeks when such things take months, even years to plan. They don’t have anyone to run really either. Even if they did the last minute replacement is just not a good look. What you witnessed last night was not just an implosion of a presidential campaign. It was the implosion of the Democratic Party.
>I believe Biden may be replaced soon
Can't Biden just dropout and they will conduct new primaries?
> sinus issue
That's a strange thing to call vaccine enhanced dementia
>Can't Biden just dropout and they will conduct new primaries?
Nominating convention hasn't happened but the primaries where they vote and candidates get delegates have. Biden would need to step down so that their nominating convention can choose someone else.
It’s too late. Primaries ended months ago and the election is 4 months away. They would have to pick one at the convention and no dem is fired up about the party picking after Bernie got fucked in 2016.
Trump is the greatest president in American history>>472497330
The formal nomination hasn't happened yet for the Dems. By the way, having the Presidential debates has NEVER happened before the convention until now. That further reinforces my idea that this was a setup to force Biden out. Biden had some hiccups at the State of the Union, but all in all didn't look THAT bad. They obviously doped him up, but still, that begs the question: Why dope him up for that, but not the debates? Both are major, major stages in politics. I don't believe any of this was by accident. Don't get me wrong, there is no shortage of complete fucking idiots in the DNC. However, I think even this is a major leap to imagine it was all just incompetence. Someone, probably the jews unironically, orchestrated this.

If Biden doesn't step aside in the next month, he'll more than likely stay in. However, if he does, I am calling it that this was all planned.
>Hasan P*ker and TYT
literally who? were we waiting for their opinion on this?
> would need to step down so that their nominating convention can choose someone else.
Did this even happen before?
Just like Hillary was suffering from heat stroke in the blistering 72 degree September weather
Is Kamala Harris going to Grover Cleveland her way into being the first woman president?
No, but its funny watching extremely left people reeee about it
>displacing and alienating white people is le jewish
>white people feeling patriotic is le jewish
>the zionist that's currently in office isn't sending troops into israel but the next one totally will, it's all a heckin jewish plotterino
i think you're giving them too much credit anon
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No clue. If it did, it's still extremely rare.
>His cold issue
Oh ya. White House coming out declaring Biden has a cold one hour after debate started, not before. Proceeded by Biden going to a Wafflehouse and his cold magically disappearing next day.

Did...did the government lie to me? Whaaaaaat?
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Are you one of those Russians who think that Trump is pro-Russia? He's pro-kike and that's about it.
Shit, I fucked up. Chester A. Arthur, not Grover Cleveland
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>imagine getting a cold in June
kek, I wonder when the last time Joe banged Jill was

biden was selected to win the primary despite 7 people doing better than him
they made their bed.
>Are you one of those Russians who think that Trump is pro-Russia?
>But they had fucking primaries
In which they didn't hold a single debate and refused to talk about it existing.
The super delegates can pick anyone they want, no matter what the primary results are.
What I hate most is when their posts prescribe emotions. How the reader should feel/agree with their retarded opinion. I'm sure there's a word for it but once it was pointed out to me I see it everyfuckingwhere and I hate it.
>STUNNING depression
>intellectually honest
Pretty much, until they fraud it
Changing Biden from incumbent candidate to nothing basically goes back on all of the blind hero worship they've been doing of him and shows that they've been lying about him the entire time. It's really a catch 22 for them. Especially now that they have to try to convince him to step down. They shouldn't have ran him in the first place but the party is so full of retards that no one else is able to "beat Trump" (only through election interference during a manufactured pandemic of course).
Where was his mask???
They were getting away with it so far so why not keep going? I've noticed in politics one side will try their hardest to win and once their president is in they will relax a bit and expect to win the next time as well.
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The golf chirps have been secured for decades to come. Not since Bush finished an interview about the Iraq war with "Now watch this drive" have I had lines this good.
He had these episodes even before the debate 4 years ago!
Yes at that time these were somewhat rare, but they did happen.
It was a miracle that he could handle that for hours (most likely just the medication keeping him).
Now not even that helped, but it was very likely, his episodes were becoming more and more common.
They cannot be this stupid to not expect it to show.
Especially the people constantly around hin should know this.
Why not just wait it out? The Trump presidency showed that the president doesnt have that much power.
To put it in terms you will understand:

Biden runs the US much in the same way Jack Tunney ran the WWF in the early 90s
>were debates THAT bad? Is trump's victory secured?

Biden Uber-Gaffe

In the Debate

Against Trump.
What are they gonna do to Biden to whip him into shape for the next debate in September?
>you are a SUCKER and a LOSER
>well you are a PALESTIANIAN
wow what a debate, i love my country
>Even Hasan P*ker and TYT (may God forgive me for uttering his name) are saying Trump is now the clear favorite
But what about horse cock man? What's his opinion?
>current guy is the worst but the last guy wasn't bad
They quite literally do this every time.
>McCain wasn't so bad but Romney is the worst
>Bush was alright but McCain is off the rails
>Dole was decent but Bush is crazy
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biden wont give up!!
>i cant think of any candidate worse than them!
>war criminal
>war criminal
>war criminal
>guy who was removed from office
>israel puppet
>doesnt even mention gore lmao
It is pretty sad how americans idolize some of the worst people imaginable and fawn over them as genius statesmen
Because Trump is going to put them in prison.
At least their brains aren't melted, like you have to pay some lip service to the idea that the president is in control.
who cares
fuck /pol/ittereddit
a lot of crazy electoral shit like this happened in the 1800s
You don't remember Trump at Wrestlemania? He shaved Vince's head.
horse cock man? Shut up you retarded kike faggot i like watching people seethe
Remember if you don't let liberal jews control your society, it's actually doing the bidding of jews.
>were debates THAT bad?
Yes, and Biden has been this bad for years. You'd have to be literally retarded to deny that Biden saying "I have hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, and kids like running their fingers through it" mid-speech doesn't make him mentally feeble and incompetent.
>is trump's victory secured?
No, because people like you are still asking iS bIdEn ReAlLy ThAt BaD 4 years after his mind started to go.
>There is no time in modern history where the options were so embarrassing(ly) terrible
Uhh, they're literally the same options as 4 years ago?
The people who vote in primaries are mostly over 60 and boomers don't see ANYTHING wrong with biden, only millennials and zoomers are asking why an 82yo dementia patient is in charge of their futures lmao.
Its worse than you believe i really think they are borderline retarded
They don't want to regular (leftist) people to choose the candidate, so they ran Biden knowing they would use an open convention to replace him with another puppet of their own choosing. The last thing they want is to give actual power to their constituents.
Well since you were aware of other leftists reactions, I wondered if you know what horse cock lover said. Vaush or whatever his name is. Last time I heard about him he got "cancelled" for having AI generated horse fucking loli porn.
They unironically thought making Trump a felon would mean the RNC would have to switch to some literal who candidate and secure it.
I'm not even joking, they're literally this stupid.
I dont know what Vaush is, I’m sorry. I enjoy watching chink uyghr turn red with rage when things go badly for him
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See for yourself exactly how it was. Leave it on in the background. Don't be manipulated by either side.
They are growing another Biden clone on Epsteins island underground lab
Fair enough.
>They don’t have anyone to run really either

Who the fuck would even want to run? All the big guns like Newsome, Whitmer, and Pritzker are probably in just the very early stages of getting together their teams to run for 2028. None of the serious 2028 candidates wants to scramble together a campaign in 100 days to possibly get BTFO'd by Trump and be "the guy who lost to a felon". All the real players want to have a clean shot at 2028 by running against someone much more conventional like DeSantis.
Also, all these establishment types saw what Trump did in 2016. If you get hand picked by the DNC you basically can't get any more "establishment" and that will hurt them later as well.
maybe they will time biden's uppers better this time, he was slow in the beginning and got better towards the end.
He was bad throughout. There are no highlights, just lowlights.

>Zero impeachments.
>Zero indictments.
>Zero felonies.
>Zero scandals.

Explain to me how this won't matter more than 90 minutes of debating with a cold in the end when people stare at their ballot. You guys are pathetic!
Reddit is proof the human animal is fundamentally retarded and our advancement was merely a fluke
redditors are extremely intelligent and have an uncanny ability to understand the world so if they say something is the case, it's probably true.
I’d imagine the reaction is fairly similar among most retarded leftists, for what it’s worth fren
Lol the cope like this only makes the debate that much more hilarious.
he was bad throughout but he was more sleepy in the beginning.
They covered his health up during the last election and it worked because they had COVID on their side.
His health got worse over the past four years AND they no longer have COVID, but they thought they could still pull the wool over normie's eyes...until they found out they couldn't skip on the debate.
I know so many people like this they have no inner monologue.
Yes the democrats absolutely can do that. Their base will do as they are told. You get the Obamas and the Clintons and a handful of randoms up on a stage holding hands singing kum-ba-yah and the democratic base will do anything. CNN will breathlessly cover it. Reddit will weep. The only obstacle seems to be Jill Biden.
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Trump has 0% chance of winning the election. If you believe otherwise, then you haven't been paying attention.
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We see through you, MIGA shill. Your efforts would be better spent somewhere else.
Chucked into a van like a sack of fertiliser lol, best fucking part of that election by a country mile.
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Redditors are wild.
Ballot registration deadlines have already elapsed in several states so they're fucked either way.
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I just watched it. Trump rarely addressed the question posed. He mostly attacked Biden. Biden tried a few times to answer the question but couldn't get the words out.
They are afraid of what Trump might do. They don't want to loose the reins of power and loose the ability to direct hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars toward their donor's interests.

Basically the US has been run for criminal purposes for decades now. They don't have any dirt on Trump to control him, and he now knows where the bodies are buried.
It's possible, I just got over a cold.
Of course my cold just made me congested and cough a bunch. I didn't have the type of cold that apparently makes you silently stare off into space in the middle of a sentence, mumble incoherently, and say things that don't make sense like "defeating Medicare" or that "Trump went to Ukraine and told Trump to do whatever Trump wants".
I mean that one plebbitor is right…
Biden is, supposedly, the leader of the most powerful *tm country on earth.
The “greatest” country.
He’s a fucking senile way too old man who has severe mental incompetency. Even trump is too old to be optional. The president/leader of the country should be someone incredibly intelligent, well read, well learned, very physically and mentally capable….
It’s a fucking joke.
SOU address isn't a good comparison. He was just reading the words in front of him. A skill you're expected to master by 2nd grade.
I dont get it either, unless it was for something really bad like putting a mental patient in charge of the Covid spending and starting WW3. He is too retarded to be legally held accountable for his crimes so he was the perfect empty husk for his handlers.
if trump will win 2024 he can't run for 2028?
>redditor in 2024: ummm still better than Drumpf, at least Dubya was a respectable statesman
Trump was bad but he had IIRC two shining moments, first in the initial abortion question where Biden threw a rod, (but Trump also gave a great answer) and second at the end of the period where he said "Everyone can see he's not fit to lead, I don't even know why we're doing this."
Biden SAID a lot of things that will look good quote-mined, and he said some memeworthy stuff like brain damage and pornstar, but he didn't personally have any shining moments.
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They really act as if someone else could have successfully defended the work of this nigger infested administration
Its consensus based reasoning speech. When you look at anything they say, their argument isn't "here is my belief and here is supporting evidence", its actually always framed as "the in-group has determined xyz, and you don't dare go against the in-group". Their entire cult operates on this implicit sort of threat, don't you dare disagree with the high priests or you're a heretic. The rest is purity spiraling, being closer to the source, being more perfectly alligned with the party values implies higher status. Hence the constant virtue signaling. Also why they all have such horrible anxiety disorders. Their entire sense of security and self is based on how closely they conform to the group and they are constantly anxious of being cast out of the club for accidentally missing some newspeak term and being outed as a filthy heretic.

You will never find a single one capable of independent thought, the very idea fills them with intense primal fear. "M-my opinion? W-well its whatever the experts declared, obviously! (Please don't kick me out please consider me to still be one of you)"
The fact that someone hates another person they never met, and only know about through various propaganda story sources just exposes your retardation levels.
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they will murder Biden in next 2 month wont they ? aww shucks
No only 2 terms, a little longer if you are VP and take over after halfway through.
Biden said women need abortions because they get raped by their sisters.
I saw the sky falling last night but social media told me it was, in fact, the ground moving up
so its ok I guess, the group told me so
that was actually an amazing signature Biden moment, I take it back.
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Biden won
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your kind ain't welcome round these parts. you have to go back.
why? it's not like the position holds any real power. Are you new here?
It's crazy that people are only now noticing this. Biden's mental capacity was clearly questionable 4 years ago but now that the msm has given the green light it has become an acceptable opinion to have.
When D voters had a choice, they chose Bernie, twice. They don't get a choice.
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This is why they're in a catch 22.

Do they run with biden, who after that debate is virtually guaranteed to lose?
Or do they emergency shift to a new candidate with only four months to appeal to voters and wont even show up on many states ballots?

The answer is that it doesn't really matter and they're completely fucked, which is why every msm outlet is in full panic mode.

Their only path to victory is pulling pic related again, except it would need to be so much more blatant and indefensible by even the most ardent election fraud deniers that they couldn't realistically do that either.
why they don't allow bernie?
I like how every Britsh take on the debate is like this. Finns too for whatever reason. The only commonality I can think of is that a hate of diggers overrides your minds to the point that you people think Biden actually said something through his episodes, or the precum from brussle eurocrats just does something to the brain once the average yuro gets a taste.
>were debates THAT bad?
hilariously, yes
>Is trump's victory secured?
sadly, yes

Btw, it was one (1) "debate", singular.

But Russia is pro Trump - why?
Exactly this. They have spent the last few years refusing to believe what was right in front of them. Biden was barely still competent enough when he took office and has been continuing to decline ever since. No matter what anyone thinks of him politically, as a human being, he's no longer able to continue in the job.
Because they wanted to be able to control the presidency from behind the scenes and use him as a puppet. They've been able to put off having him make any public appearances for four years and in an unheard move not until four months before the election, but unfortunately reality finally came crashing in and they realized the President actually had to talk sometimes. Now the whole works realizes they've been getting bullshitted since before the pandemic and their t in a nuclear meltdown.

Honestly, I'm convinced his Jewish handlers were preoccupied with Israel and didn't realize the election was this year. Everything they've done said has made it seem like they still think it's Summer '23 and they're just starting to get their campaign up and running. Now that they realize it's 07:45AM and their homework is due at 8:00AM they're panicking at how fucked they are.

And it's honestly all due to the hubris of the Democrats. They Purposely ran the worst candidate they could just to demoralize their voting base and force them into compliance, and they purposely refused to invoke the Patriot Act and detain Trump for treason because they figured if they ran against him it would be an easy win (the exact same mistakes they made in 2016.)

They could've put him in Gitmo and ran someone passably cognizant, they chose but to. Hopefully this will be the year of the third party. Claudia de la Cruz is on the ballot in enough states that she could secure the presidency.
It’s their own fault for even challenging Trump to a debate to begin with when they wouldn’t allow it in 2020, nor did they allow it during this year’s primaries. Whoever said this was a good idea will likely end up dead
Bernie isn't a democrat, he's an independent that sits next to the democrats. He's mostly on the same side on most issues, but he doesn't take orders from the party like a democrat would.
Still depends on who counts the votes.
Nothing is certain
He’s cheated before and he’ll cheat again
The Democratic Party won’t let go of their free controlled puppet
If they can't they'll just make up a rule that days they can. I'm not joking the Democrats are corrupt as shit and it's only their party that has a system that somehow allows these special rules. The Republicans and third party aren't allowed to do it which is why they got stuck with Trump in 2016
It’s about beating Trump; they don’t care if Biden does it, and that’s unquestionable given how his constituency is begging him to step down, or anyone else at the last minute, they just want Trump to lose
They're just realizing this now? Like they didn't watch any of his interviews from the previous four years?
troll the amerimutts into oblivion Ivan you're based

biden looked worse than mccain in 2008 thats how bad it was for the democrats
>were debates THAT bad?
they didn't cheat in 2020 to just give up now
Basically, yes, it was that bad. Trump came across like a douche, but Biden couldn't answer a question or even talk, and he stood there with a retard look on his face when it was Trump's turn.
The media and democrat party have been saying how spry and with it Biden is, for years. They buried every story about him wandering off or falling asleep. Well, now it's obvious he doesn't know what he's doing and it's impossible to bury.
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>only russian bots support trump
are left wingers really this retarded?
dude putin fucked with neighbor countries only during democratic administration
The lolcow that is Harris I feel will be the last nail in the coffin for the Dems.
>make her VP solely because of her color and gender
>essentially use her for some Dem marketing the first year into Bidens 4 year term then never use her again
>so disliked her "office" is likely in the basement and is essentially a perpetually full liquor cabinet, a desk, poker table, playing cards and a tv.
>Dems absolutely do not want her as president to the point where they would likely fake Biden still being alive
>Harris despite having the IQ of 2 twigs rubbing together to make smoke wants the presidency no matter what
>Trump rarely addressed the question posed.
Debates are just a thinly veiled shit-slinging competitions.
This wasn't an officially sanctioned debate either. This was run by CNN too, so they got to make up all the rules as well.
Makes sense Trump would just use it as an excuse to publicly embarrass Biden, instead of trying to answer questions loaded to make him look bad (EX: "Former president Trump, will you accept the outcome of the 2024 election regardless of the outcome?" and then they blatantly don't ask Biden whether he would accept the results)
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jews overwhelmingly support trump?
trump isnt pro-russian but hes at least reasonable and open to negotiations
biden can't negotiate because hes not the guy in charge, his brain is dead and his staff are the ones making the decisions
>they purposely refused to invoke the Patriot Act
can you elaborate?
>detain Trump for treason
do you really believe they could achieve that? see Aileen Cannon etc
No certainly not. They will just have 10000 mules this time instead of 2000.
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Biden addressed Parliament here a year or so ago.
I listend to the whole thing on the radio whilst driving.
It was shocking:
he could barely pronounce his words, he sounded doddering or drunk or both.
It was awful.

This "discovery" that people made last night should force the admission that they knew all along but they were DELIBERATELY PRETENDING that everything was OK.

It didn't just become not OK last night.
It's been not OK for years.

These people are like a family that denies dad has a drinking problem, until he arrives home one night with booze on his breath, a half-wrecked car, and part of a child caught in the undercarriage.
They feel bad about what has come to light but worse for having not prevented it.
Ironic that they have the gall to act surprised at Trump's lies, when they've been lying to each other and to themselves about BIden, for years now.
>"Former president Trump, will you accept the outcome of the 2024 election regardless of the outcome?"

This was the most overt “wtf kind of question is that?” Will you pledge to suck my cock if I win? Christ. He danced around it beautifully
>lol if it’s fair and legal, sure
thanks for the gold kind stranger
Goyim really are that stupid, anon
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Lol you are pathetic
His closing statement was a jumbling disaster too
No, it's so the coming economic collapse from all the printing is blamed on trump
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After years of doing everything they could to cover up Biden’s incompetence (with the media’s help), to replace him now would be to openly admit the manipulation. Anyone they replaced him with would be taking the fall for the corruption, incompetence, and manipulation within the Democrat party machine.
I fucking hate redditors so much, actual subhuman sacks of excrement
He fell flat on his ass. If Trump weren’t so proud, he should reject the second debate and run the clock out. Giving a second debate would allow Biden to “redeem” himself. Even if Biden performed only marginally better than he did yesterday, his voters would feel relief even though he’s a fucking dead man walking
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why are they then trying to drop biden, shouldn't they be just chill if their win is secured
Because no rational person gives a fuck about that, they care about what the felon can do for them
What's so bad about Kennedy?
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i get more summer colds than winter colds. The summers can get a bit chilly sometimes.
>this is the leader of free world
Mutts really do consider themselves free, damn
This is the case. I think 2-3 elections from now when the bulk of boomers have succumbed to old age the survivors will kvetch loudly when the candidates for president are half their age.
biggest cope ever
even if jews didn’t support trump, he does lmfao
that just means trump and all his supporters are massive cucks
democratic base turned on jews.
Uppers are terrible for a man with strokes, they are probably triggering microstrokes feeding him uppers to keep him going creating the decline .
Jews will still vote 75% democrat though
It's a big issue with many people and confirmation bias.
They listen to the MSM that favors their politics and then never question the talking points unless absolutely forced to be presented with a reality that proves it wrong.

First noticed it myself in college with the George Zimmerman trial.
>couple friends steadily getting more and more left
>absolutely eat up the early CNN/MSN talking points where Trayvon was an absolute angel child tortured and murdered in cold blood by the uber Aryan George Zimmerman with his demonic baby blue eyes
>they proceed to get MAD at me for following the ZimZam trials (thank god for /pol/) and pointing out every blatant lie and misinformation
I quote one former friend "I Dont care if he isn't a neonazi he still murdered that sweet innocent baby"
>proceed to drop his mugshots and him stealing and selling drugs and causing the usual niggerty in school
They need to turn off the audio on Trump when broadcasted so he can think he's still lying instead of letting him lie and the people hear his lies. While he's appearing to talk, but in fact muted to the world, fact check him in real time with any anchor reading off how bad Trump's record really is. By staying silent, the media is compliant in the violence and death of democracy. As the fourth pillar of democracy (congress, executive, supreme Court, media), they need to protect democracy. Not that fascist hogwash malarkey that was on display yesterday.

At minimum, they should display fact checks and have the anchors live talking and fact checking over Trump's lies to deplatform the fascist.
No more old fucks
I get why she's unpopular but I'd still bang Kamala until my dick fell off. Negress (sort of), milf supreme
Going to be a legal battle if that's consecutive or not.

Any way trump is going to pick a work horse kinda VP as he doesn't need to pander with the position and you will see a subdued uncharismatic co dependent type person that will quietly execute MAGA vision
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wait, do redditors actually like Dubya and McCain more than Trump? And Reagan, who's quite more right wing than him?
Or is this just to cope with the fact than Biden's presidency sucks massive ass?
As mentally off as Biden is I'm not sure exactly what cocktail of drugs they could give him to make him sharp enough to debate while also not killing him in the process.
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This is a concept too complex for /pol/ or they don't want you thinking like this. Pure fact, I've been posting this more or less and got hounded by similar replies, or they outright ignored my posts. Take Heed.
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Biden decimated him where it matters.
These retarded faggots really think Biden is single handedly making all the decisions surrounding the current wars? Stupid fuckheads
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>Retarded memflaggot raider not understanding words...
Color me surprised
That means destroyed a TENTH, FAGGOT
The only thing Biden destroyed was a pair of depends and his handler team.
Man that'll be 2040. Imagine 90yo boomers screeching because most people don't think a 90yo should be in charge.
Let's be real, there isn't going to be a second debate.
This was biden at his best, on meds, with the mods helping him, and it was so disastrous that every msm network is calling for him to resign.

The biden team would have to be as braindead as biden to let this shitshow happen again, even closer to the election at that.
hey, that wouldn't be accessible by star-link, would it?
i don't think they really care about his health
Socially embarrassed Redditors looking for an off-ramp
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Lmao they really believe the cold thing. Biden hasn’t finished a sentence in 4 years. That’s a long cold.

Motherfuckers can’t think for themselves.
He's gonna win again and get EVEN MORE votes than 2020. He'll be the most popular president in history all over. Nobody will do shit. Screencap this.
>Lmao they really believe the cold thing.

you sure that's not just the shills?
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Either that or all that "Debate Practice"was really hypnotic implanting of canned responses that were triggered by his earpiece.
I'd LOVE to get a hold of the Biden earpiece audio leaks...
>RED sassafrass 23...Ok joe, now remember being mad but restrained?... good...good...now smile...good...doing great joe...we'll get Ice cream after this...
Nah we’re gonna see lower turnout I think, the debate had low viewership. No Saint Floyd to help this time because BLM sympathy is gone
>I'd LOVE to get a hold of the Biden earpiece audio leaks...

yeah, me too.
Is there anything that wouldn't be a jewish plan?
It's been 10 years since the r/the_donald domesticated zogcattle settled on this website
The 2016 election was done for the lulz but actually falling for the orange shabbos goy wasn't supposed to happen
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who the fuck this 'jack' person he keeps talking about
This, there's still MAGA retards arguing that the vax was good because Trump was shilling it
>who the fuck this 'jack' person he keeps talking about

he's being sexist.
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>were debates THAT bad?

>Is trump's victory secured?
lol, no. you clearly dont know how the CIA works
The funniest thing about this is Biden actually did better than I was expecting. The fact that he got a few full sentences out and didn't collapse onstage was the best case scenario, yet people genuinely believed he was going to hold his own in a debate with Trump? If you have seen a single video of this man in the last two years, you knew this is exactly how the debate would go down
They can print infinite votes and infinite dollars.
Commieblock leaders got 99% of the vote. Everyone knew it was rigged but nobody did shit.

Welcome to the USSA
Biden just cancelled 2,000 pound bombs !(because muh densely populated) + cancelled meetings + cancelled Netanyahu

Read the news son. Trumpenstein 2024 confirmed.

Kill all Muslims and especially their babies
the CIA plans everything years in advance. i can assure you there is a very good reason and it has to do with creating a civil war and ushering in the great reset. they need the left to be equally pissed off as the right.
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Someone run the easter bunny webm...
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ah, i c
it is beanstalk related
why are they so poisoned against RFK? hes actually pretty fucking based in his mission to dismantle the CIA
>TFW they will kill biden and then get stuck with kamala on the ticket, which is actually arguably even worse
Biden has the most Jewish cabinet in history you stupid faggot.
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yeah but ventriloquism is a low bar so im glad you are easily impressed. you could have watched a storytime puppet show with drag queens and children if you wanted to see someone elses words coming through a presenters mouth. biden had a hidden earpiece and was reciting line by line what was being read to him by some literal millennial kike staffer. the fact you cant see that shows how much fluoride youve been drinking.
Bernie Sanders is literally pissing himself laughing right now.
They want to toss white men into a meat grinder, Trump might convince them to go volunteer or at least go along with the draft. With Biden they'll be a lot less willing.
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>he doesn’t know that nobody gets elected in America unless they’re on board with Israel
Vast majority of the public do not pay attention to politicians as much as people on here do. At most the average normalfag may have heard some conservative talking about it and dismissed it as stupid without even looking into it.
>Why didn't dems think?
I mean....cmon...
But memes aside, i genuinely think they thought they could keep his decline a secret or pretend and lie to the public long enough to still get him voted in.

I truly believe that that powers that be, knew he is fucking cooked, and they opted for this early debate because they know the sooner they get it over with the better chance they have for damage control, however I don't think they realized just how horribly bad he really was and how far gone he became.

What really really fucking sad/scary is that people saw that, and STILL want to vote for him. People are literally picking a guy whos mental faculties are clearly in decline to be the head of the free world and the most powerful person on earth, over a guy who says mean things.
It is absolutely staggering to watch, and should solidifies my belief that the average person is absolutely fucking retarded, and trump derangement syndrome is real.
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It's not good for Russia of US is lead by someone who can remember launch codes.
If they had admitted to themselves in 2020 that Biden was already addled with dementia and wouldn't make it to 2024, they could have picked a VP with a semblance of competence so they could smoothly hand over the reigns if Biden wasn't fit to run in 2024. But no, they had to have le epic historical first nigger woman in office. Serves those faggots right they're fucked in this election now.
He's 100% right. You're too naive and will see it by yourseld. Trump linked VERY tight to Chabad and international jewry. Many of them think that he's literally Mochiah and let them do last step to establish new world order.
>What really really fucking sad/scary is that people saw that, and STILL want to vote for him. People are literally picking a guy whos mental faculties are clearly in decline to be the head of the free world and the most powerful person on earth, over a guy who says mean things.
Why wouldn't they? They know he's just a puppet and a vote for him is a vote for bureaucrats who promote the faggotry they like. At this point people are polarized that elections have almost no "swing" voters, it's just a matter of whether people feel motivated enough to show up for the head count or not and Trump's the main motivating force for both parties, that was true even when Biden was more coherent.
>i'm a better golfer than you
What’s 21 out of 42?
About as smart as recruiting Ghandi as a hitman
at his age hes pissing and shitting himself regardless of what is happening
Biden in a vegetative state is still better than Trump.
Didn't say I was impressed, fella. I was genuinely expecting him to have some sort of medical emergency or wander off during the debate. Even if he was doing ventriloquism, that's more than I expected his death's-door body to handle
God shes so disgusting, same with everyone else there.
This is exactly the point. No one gives a shit about that
It's hard to care when you remember 100,000 mail-in votes for biden will show up in every electorate at 3am.

Why are you even paying attention to the race after 2020?
You didn't say Simon says.
Democrats, like Republicans, are fucking retards who believe their duopoloy on politics permits them to put up whatever figurehead they want, and both parties are also lacking any real candidates, hence Trump & Biden being the only two that really had a shot.
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It's simple. We uh jail the Orangeman.
He's not wrong though. Remember that image talking about how they're going to start reeling back on the anti-whiteness going on to try and get them to fight another war?
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Well, where has it happened?
This is a possibility which cannot be ignored
But I actually like trump, and think we forced him on the republican party against its wishes.
t. meme war veteran.
That is clearly what team Biden should have done, but somebody over there got in a dick measuring contest with trump, and said they were going to do a debate.
Trump's platform has little in common with his 2016 one, look at him talking about stapling greencards to diplomas whereas in 2016 he was talking about protecting tech jobs from all the H1Bs undercutting them. He might still be preferable to Biden despite that, really a question of whether you trust the average white man to still refuse to go to war if it's Trump pushing it rather than Biden.
Idk, I felt that Trump kicked ass in all his other debates.
For some reason, this was a good day for Trump according to the MSM.
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That shit was cute
Now I'm sad I don't have a qt jap girlfren
Trump will attempt to weld the economic accelerator to the floor. I heard him say somewhere that the only way out of this debt trap is growth. So there will be a lot of inflation, and maybe a lot more opportunity than we would have in a stagflationary environment. I personally think Trump will avoid war and will try to stop the Ukraine conflict.
I'm afraid enough ppl would be willing to enlist if that happened. Then a bunch of conservatives will die and liberals take over again like during WW2
Yanking his name of ballots and voting machines allows them unfettered access to the type of fuckery from last time and they can pretend the new guy is wildly popular before anyone can say otherwise.
If Trump wants to bring the economy back with flying colors then he should consider introducing the silver standerd that jfk wanted
>I personally think Trump will avoid war and will try to stop the Ukraine conflict.
Chabad's alignment with him and Netanyahu going after Biden makes that unlikely to me. Israel is going to provoke Iran and I don't think Trump's going to have the balls to refuse to enter the conflict at that point.
Trump likes debt and isn't skeered of inflation. Wealth isn't currency. Currency is disposable. Trump has his faults, but he understands the deep meaning of what wealth is in ways that is seemingly inconceivable to the left. Not to trash your silver dreams, but wealth isn't a stack of silver either - its something useful. A factory, a road, a technology, IP, even a (useful) education.
Jailing only energizes his base. Perhaps kill the orange man.
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holy fucking CHECKED
Where have you been? We've been demoralized since he won the primary.
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Dems have been covering for Biden's dementia since 2020. They started to believe their own lies until they couldn't deny reality anymore. Liberals are watching every single "right wing conspiracy" be proven true, from Epstein, to Hunter's laptop, to Ashley's diary, to Joe's dementia. Liberals are slowly realizing they were the ones living in the propaganda bubble and the right wing were the ones seeing truth.
>Is trump's victory secured?
as long as he keeps sucking israel's cock
He had to show up and make an announcement that he's not ending his campaign, and mainstream media aired the story, so yeah it was that bad. There were people legitimately thinking he was just not gonna run, even inside his own campaign.
Link to video, just read the headline desu it says it all.
Stupid aqua you were ten posts too late!
i think deep down most democrats already knew that it was true, they just didn't want to admit that the mainstream media may be lying to us. they were simply mortified of reality, but instead of accepting it and attempting to do something about it, they simply blocked off all critical thought and martyred those who dared to think critically.
The main reason is that biden himself would have to step down, otherwise he'd have enough power left to maybe fuck everything up for the democrats. There's not much they can do if they go up to biden and say
>Resign and be done with this
and he says
>Listen here Jack I want to be the president

At that point they just have to go along with him, although actually they wouldn't it might be more "risky" to the party and the party doesn't like risk. They see it as far too late to change candidates when they've got a willing incumbent, but the reality is that this would be a huge win for them if they could find some young faggot to do it, with the caveat being that the democrat party would be a lot more openly socialist and left-wing, which the party probably doesn't want. It'd be a much harder party to control if they just put in some young guy now.
>Liberals are slowly realizing they were the ones living in the propaganda bubble and the right wing were the ones seeing truth.

I disagree. They absolutely lack the self-awareness for that kind of introspection. All they will do is seethe about how they somehow lost and how unfair it all is. (If Trump wins).
this. notice the shills attack without any counter argument. America can't fight on two fronts and they have some policy against doing that
The most diehard adherents will be exactly as you say. The ones closer to the middle, or moderate in thought but swept up into the propaganda will start to hesitate in their support. They may not go Trump, but they will likely accidentally out themselves and be branded thought criminals before being subjected to the purity spiral.
Do yourself a favor and see Cranky Joe & Cackles. https://youtu.be/zPPifIrLnrs?si=lcDecx8Kd_fnsMue
Had there been a live audience, Trump should've brought out the families of those 3 women and the 12-year-old who got slaughtered like how he brought Slick Willy's victims in the 2016 debates.
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Trump was better than literally all of those presidents by far. He's done some pozzed stuff but he's up near number 1 in terms of "presidents that did stuff", with the caveat being that biden just instantly undid a lot of the stuff through EO abuse.
Honestly what are they basing this LE BAD stuff off? Covid response probably, and after that immigration. He was better than some faggot mainstream boomer who would have handled both worse, any other republican during covid would have locked everyone inside for THE GREATER GOOD and no other republican would have dragged immigration into the mainstream.
Yes, not because of "right wing" or "left wing" or anything but because he's mean and stinky and orange and racist,
>I don't care your political leaning - I don't see how any intellectually honest person could rank any of these people below this pitiful offering
Yeah, they just assume anyone has the exact same toddler mentality as them. Biden did some nigger shit but would struggle to be the very worst president, seeing as he's objectively been an absent president most of his time in office. They struggle to comprehend that life before the last thing they're mad at existed and was just as meaningful as life right now for the people there.
They kill biden, get sympathy votes and win the elections. Screenshot this. Big mike POTUS
Trump's victory is not secured, but the probability is higher in his favor. Important thing to remember is the debates aren't there to convince people on the fence which side to vote on. Everyone's already picked a side long ago. The point is instead to demoralize the opposing side into not voting by making their candidate look weak. In that sense, the democrats have some catch-up to do.
COVID was a shitshow that they would have thrashed him for in the media no matter how it came out. Had he managed to get deaths and economic impact down to 0, they'd find a way to say he had nothing to do with that, or that COVID would have had no impact on the US regardless. Immigration was one they despise him for, because they want open borders. Immigrants are the replacement for their whites that wont breed and blacks who nearly outpace their replacement numbers with wanton killing.
You have to realize that about 30% of the population minimum is still mindbroken by covid and that % is much higher on reddit.
Yeah immigration is the main thing for most leftists but for redditors it might actually be covid that they're still the most mad about.
>but wealth isn't a stack of silver either - its something useful. A factory, a road, a technology, IP, even a (useful) education.

I just want to rail on the Left a little more. Some fucking leftie shithead might read this and think, ah-ha! we know they key. Lets build roads and factories and IP and give education! And they fucking fail, as they always do. The left can only construct potemkin villages of wealth. They are like a cargo cult constructing airplanes of wicker to bring the trappings of technology back to their little shitholes of squalor. Lets look at their failures. Education, paying for stupid people to get stupid and wothless degrees - and then having the taxpayer bail them out. Paying billions for worthless green investments. Paying for electric car supply chains to make cars with undeveloped tech that nobody wants. Paying for redeveloping inner cities where you have shit on the cops so bad they have quit and nobody will run a business there because of pilferage.

The left is just lost. Absolutely clueless shitheads. And they have no understanding of any of this or why they fail or why any of this matters.
Debates and popularity have nothing to do with our elections, anon. It's all about the cheating.
The liberal puritans just push more of the middle to the right who are accepting and welcome them with open arms.
>Free world
Their president makes a death threat to his citizens per month.
Oh, I do realize that. But I also realize that COVID was a loss for Trump no matter what. Had he done nothing, he'd have been excoriated as much as he had done everything right, because then they'd have said he did nothing at all and that COVID itself was a nothingburger. I consider very little of what browses Reddit to be human now simply because what happened from 2020-2022. What they've done since then only cements that indignation. Prior to 2020 I'd have given them the benefit of the doubt and thought they were just ignorant, or mislead. Now I know they don't even possess souls.
>past couple of months

get the fuck outta here with that BULLSHIT nigger
The website is run by tranny mods, I think everyone there has to be delusional by default for their messages to not get deleted and for their accounts to not be banned.
No, but keep your hopes up, it'll make election night interesting.
Which is what will kill the right more than anything the left is capable of doing. Look at the right claim every single atom and celestial body that gets spun off of that inverse black hole that is leftism. Do they believe that these spurned former footsoldiers will see the error of their ways and see a conversion to traditional conservative thought? Change their tunes about the bill of rights or the rights enshrined within? No. They'll just infect the right with their poison and give them a never-ending supply of RINOs who will vote away all liberties and slowly push the window towards positive rights for DC and and an end to the concept of negative rights altogether.
> jews hav Him by the balls
Such a cope. israel is beholden to Trump, and B¡bi is terrified of Trump 2.0 because nutteryahOo must capitulate, all israel must capitulate, the rabbis have blessed Him years ago, and they cannot control Him as they have every other president.
Trump is beholden to NO ONE except Jesus the Christ and the ONLY president to say “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” on National TV. Trump is Cyrus the Great, the only other non Jew they have EVER called “King of Kings” - they have owned America for so long, they were not used or even remotely liked trumps leadership because they couldn’t control Him.
All you have to do is compare the token and symbolic gestures Trump gave them, compared to any real or tangible objects - Trump knows exactly what kind of beasts they are, and His lip service is tongue in cheek, He has dealt with them His entire life and doesn’t like them and especially bibi’s backstabbing - netanyahu was literally the first to call up biden’s body double and congratulate on the election (((win)))
Did you all forget the way the Jews around Trump SEETHED when He held His press conference after taking out Al Bagdhadi of (((ISIS)))?
The same way they SEETHED when He took out Sulemani?
Never forget that things in the international arena are not what (((they))) have led you to belive (pic related)
With Trump, israel is brought to heel.
> saving Israel for last

Liberation of Iran, the Land of Aryans from bullshit shia islam would allow Iran maximum potential to succeed and become THE powerhouse of the Middle East, which is something the jews absolutely do not want, as it would expose their parasitic state and completely crumble what remains of their golden triangle of power that was dismantled under Trump’s first term. Israel is hanging by a thread, and Trump’s global initiatives against sex trafficking and chld rape explicitly targeted israel (and jeffy n jizzy) becz israel is THE cesspool of trafficking
I am voting for Trump so he sends all you chudcels to die for Israel
t. boomer
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It was HIS turn sweaty
They currently have 3 options:
1) They get Biden to agree to not accept the nomination at the convention, which isn't likely to happen given that he said he's staying in the race.
2) Biden's mental state decays even further to where he is removed from office (this won't happen because as bad as Biden is, Harris would be 100x worse as president).
3) Biden dies from natural causes, a plane crash, shooting himself twice in the back of the head, having evidence that will lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest, etc. This isn't likely to happen either as it would mean President Harris who, again, would be worse than Biden even if he was in a hospital room in a vegetative state.

The only way this ends without things getting worse is for Biden to accept that he's too old to lead and let someone else be the nominee, but since he's unwilling to do that sit back and enjoy the fireworks as the US becomes even more of a laughingstock.
Trump was literally the best president we have had in the last 50 years
But Dark Brandon though
HH, brother
I think they're just going to throw the election. GOP did it in 2008 and 2012 against Obama, so that they wouldn't preside over the mess that was the 2007-2008 recession recovery.
If you won't take on Jurisdiction as The People, your officers will mission creep into denying you pursuit of happiness, liberty, and...
Militia is "Necessary" for our Republic. All other statements deny the Constitution's plain text.
But Reagan was great.
Jill Biden won’t let him drop out.
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theres a pigeon onmy neighbours roof, it has
>Zero impeachments.
>Zero indictments.
>Zero felonies.
>Zero scandals.
but it doesnt mean i want it to run my country
Yeah ol' Reagan. Ol' background check, machinegun registry closure Reagan. Ol' amnesty Reagan. Oh yeah. So great.
That would explain the awful VP picks of McCain and Romney. The Ryan v. Biden debate was almost as bad for Paul Ryan as the CNN Trump v. Biden debate was for Biden.

If you compare Biden during the 2012 VP debate and the 2024 CNN debate you can't objectively say that he has the same mental capacity as he did 12 years ago.
Biden was always a bullshit liar. But he was a bullshit liar with every single media outlet bar Fox behind him. If he had not had the kind of mental decline he had, they would have had him hammer Trump with more inane bullshit than Trump could ever handle.

Biden was one of the chief authors behind the 1994 Crime Bill and the Patriot Act. He was never an idiot, just a compulsive liar that couldn't be trusted in front of a podium.
I'm really hoping that once Trump wins and israel comes with their hand out Trump tells them to fuck off because they betrayed him after all that he did for them. He could just say "sorry but we can't get involved in any more wars we have to be America First!"
Just another puppet with little actual power.
Sure, he signed a bunch of stuff, but he also signed a whole bunch of yuppified corporate freebies which were a massive detriment to the entire nation.
Didn't it all start with "No Fault divorce" when he was governor in California?
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Why is 4chan so much less right leaning than in 2016 ? Back then Trump was "our guy" and the hostility towards leftist ideas was real. I suspect that zoomers being adults now significantly reduced the testosterone level on average and this place is now probably filled with shitskin right wingers who can't even pretend to care about white America. Anon has been buckbroken by jews and feminists.
i wish to see one of these videos that run all the way until it's completely empty and 30 sec afterwards
>faggot zion don
>old demented pedo
Gee whiz, this is a close one.
I'd prefer if they wrestled Macho Man if you know what I mean.
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Has more to do with the flood of leftists and the concerted effort to turn this place into shit.
>Pissing and shitting into an OCEAN of piss and shit...lel
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Yes, israel is safe. Mass buttfuck orgy in Odessa, I hear
Leftoids are doing the heavy lifting. Anon is ought to be busy redpilling them with years of info pics and 3d printing guides.
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the bone bags at the top know they can’t keep transplanting hearts and blood forever, let alone another 4 years, eventually their bodies will exhaust completely. plans for the NWO cannot be delayed any further or they won’t live to see it.
the house of cards fell like the bricks flying out of CNN’s asshole after last night, but I guarantee you they won’t retreat with their tail between their legs. a final, desperate strongarm is coming.

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