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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Leftists atheist redditors are now scared of the world they helped create
>i focus onnlogic and game theory
>i couldnt see the logical progression of an islamic takeover via islamic immigration
>fictional sky dad

He's going to say that about Allah and get promptly beheaded sometime

Same retard will vote for surveillance state then be surprised when Islamic use it to prosecute people for listening to music
being right wing is nullified if you're also religious
only way is to be both right wing and non religious
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I love demoralizing normies all over the internet. Keep it up guys.
How could one study game theory and not understand violent people taking advantage of naivete until they are in a stronger position?
When israel invaded gaza recently, people started calling me lefty scum for going against the jews. And now the lefties are suddenly far right for supporting israel, wtf? That s when i learned "far right" and "far left" are just shitty labels that doesnt mean shit. Things are no longer black and white, and quite frankly, never been.
Just checked in on r/atheism, half of it is complaining about Muslims. Wonderful.
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>muh inclusion paradox
These liberal philosophers are truly the most simple minded thinkers western civilization has ever come up with.
Ya, a few years ago I’d say anything about Israel or kikes and I’d get called an alt-right Nazi or some shit now I’d get called a far-left Islamo-Commie or whatever.
Oh boy there's one I didn't consider. Meltdowns should be kino
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Its ironic that the same people who have laid waste to western culture, history and religion suddenly are scared when the values that they advocate leads to the opposite society.

These peple have said that whites have no culture, that Christianity is bad, Human rights for a sandniggr is more important than the rights of the 12 year old girl he raped and so on.

Islam referes to itself at the religion of peace, but anyone who has anything to do with it, knows thats just marketing. There is no other world religion who is so bloodthirsty and shitty as Islam. Look at a map and you realize islam as a religion has ruled in the most shitty places on this planet. Its basically the religion of shit tier land. But that does not make it weak, that makes it strong.

Atheists are the biggest collection of loosers that have ever walked this earth. They have nagged on Christianity so much that theres almost nothing left of it in most of western Europe, but they never said one thing about islam.
The reason for this is that critics of Islam has a strong tendency of getting killed.

And Islam has another weapon - women as property. Western men will probably find out that there are advantages of converting to Islam as for instance - you get a young wife if you want, you can have several if you want etc.
Gonna be some fun decades in Europe for sure.

I am going to the U.S - I will rather be an immigrant among immigrants than being replaced by some boat arab.
Few things are more satisfying than seeing leftists struggle to understand the mess they have created.
Murderous niggers, genocidal muslims, rapist street-shitting indians, child-raping trannies. These were all supposed to be their friends, their loyal allies against the evil, oppressive white man who politely asks them to get a job and contribute to society.

normie the left is evil, they're "logically inconsistent" cause their pseudo-humanistic rhetoric is only a pretext towards their endgoal, the downfall of white civilization.
I had the feds show me an 'about you' slide and one of the bullet points was 'Far right '

I asked them if they could explain what that meant, and scoffed at it.
t. Left of center.
Islam is based
you'll just get replaced by taco-eating shitskins. it never ends for white people.
>Western men will probably find out that there are advantages of converting to Islam
It all sounds good except for all the homosex and goatfucking, I just can't get into shit like that.
I stand with God and Jesus Christ against the Islamic hordes as my forefathers did for 1300 years. I will continue to fight for them and for Him, and I will die for them and for Him.

You don't really believe in anything and are a sellout and traitor to your own people.

You're a coward.
Both atheism and Islam is work of the devil. Only Christianity and Judaism are true religions i think, with christianity being advanced (correct) version of judaism. Jews simply dismissed their messiah so Jesus is messiah of the gentiles.
We live in end times anyway.

this video explains islam well, quran was created by angelic mind (demon) to destroy christianity and jews and prevent humanity from building God's kingdom on earth (where there is islam, there is stagnation)
Another strength of Islam is its ability to allow basically for any form of degeneracy as a part of the religion. Pedophilia, whoring, killing it's all justified and sanctions by some imam somewhere.
Allah wills it!
Yeah, I don't really like that. But I guess that sort of answers your question about why leftists like it so much and protect it. They do want an authoritarian society, they just want to be able to molest children and fuck animals in it.
they thought they would get a pat on the back and "yummy ethic food"

instead they got a grenade installed in their rabbi's keister
Hope this degenerate gets molested by sandniggers
Deep down they know it’s true
If you say
>sky daddy
To Christian’s, they just think you’re a cringe basement dweller
If you say
>sky daddy
About Allah, Muslims WILL want to seek immediate violence
They pretend like this isn’t true because that would have to force them to admit Christians are actually the most tolerant group of people
>retard thought islam was the same as modern christianity when it comes to treating atheists
Both groups are dysfunctional. Muslims are too violent and homosexual, Christians are way, way, way too tolerant.
Those four are all jewish death cults
Holy shit you weren't kidding
I can see that place being taken over by power mods, or getting fully banned by next year
Religious people were usually degenerates in their youth.
They hope that religion will turn off their brain and play mind games to lull down their bad habits.
The fact that they rely on esotericism as motivation to live a disciplined life is proof that they haven't change that much.
>getting taken over by powermods
All of the faggot subreddits are already moderated by powerfags
The hilarious thing is that Muslims in actual Muslim countries are way more liberal and smarter than those immigrants.
America gets the best Muslims, Europe gets trash that their original countries are happy to be rid of.
I don't believe that guy is in the University
Tolerating the most intolerant group of people on earth then Pikachu facing when they don't tolerate fags and women will never not be funny to me
So many third world country citizens that would love to live in Engerland and are not mudslimes, yet they give these sandniggas a shot.
The true paradox of tolerance:
"When you tolerate jews (like Karl Popper the guy who coined the paradox of tolerance was one) or mass migration that will lead to your people becoming a minority in your country then there won't be any tolerance left for you."
Only Islam is.
Christianity is LIFE.
i've noticed this change recently in regard to being anti-lgbt shit, like i'll voice an opinion and get
>dyke: ok muhammad
>me: whaa- c-c'mon guys i'm baptist, call me a fundie or something
I meant in the term that they'll ban any sort of "islamophobic" comments
Allahu akbar
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>I focus on game theory
You niggerzillians aren't a whole lot better

Christianity is ancient cultural marxism
It only became relatively good because it adapted to European pagan traditions, but the roots are still jewish and rotten
>20 years ago post 9/11 everyone was paranoid about any Muslims
>get old they're racists by their masters
>10 years ago people were pointing out it was a problem we were taking in Muslims
>get told they're racists by their masters
>today its now okay to be paranoid about Muslims because Jews feel uncomfortable after flooding countries with Muslims
Whatever will we do without feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, and worshipping israel atheist bros it's literally over.
Students are good are parroting and nothing else.
>college student
>philosophy student
retard and nigger
imagine paying for a philosophy degree when you could just read the source material for free
Dont worry theyve since amended that mistake and started flooding in pajeets instead.
I hope plebbit told him he was rayciss.
I have noticed a lot more redpilling on plebbit recently. Or at least they are starting to question immigration and the likes.
lol you don't go to college to learn shit, you go there to get the college's stamp of approval (degree) that shows the potential future employer you're worth hiring
also networking
You dont understand christianity then. It is the only true divine religion.
God after the original sin of humans decided on jews to be their chosen nation to do the work of saving humanity through his son Jesus Christ.
Marxism is satanic.
Why in the world did America and Europe decide to allow so much immigration after WW2? I've read some of the history in the years after, but I haven't seen anything that describes the political discussions or decisions, it is simply something that happened in the 60s and nobody even fucking questioned it, it seems.
what employment opportunities are there for a philosophy graduate?
again, dumb niggers pay for stupid diplomas and demand that you relieve their debt
"study" doesn't mean what it did 100 years ago
"studying" something today means memorizing from a multiple choice study guide and cheating on every test by sharing answers and old exams, all to pass enough classes to get a degree
it has nothing to do with learning and investigating and understanding something
Yep, it's like getting a license for your mind

>"This is a safe goy who doesn't shoot off original thoughts all over the place, thinks according to posted signage and stays on the correct side of the narrative".
Because thats what they fought WW2 for, to allow the jews total domination of their countries so they can turn it into a brown shithole
It was the jews
they are traitors and deserve to die
I know that, but there's has to be some record of this being discussed by politicians in the lead up to the immigration bill that passed, but I can't find anything. It's like it passed without anyone even seeing it.
The problem is that they don't understand there will always be dimwits.
Little boys who don't want to settle down but since they have to they want a wife that'll compensate for losing 2-3 decades of freedom. Bonus points if they get a shit-tier job because they thought they were too "cool" for school.
Discussing policy would imply that we live in a democracy. No, we receive to-down order from an ancient Jewish banking family and act on it.
most people are because we dont live natural life styles so peoples brains have not developed causality. Think about it. Everyday from 5 upward you are put in a box, you look at a screen, your parents gives you food, box gives you food till you are 18. The only consequences you have are social.
>If i am mean to this person i am cool
>If i ask out this girl and get rejected it will be embarassing.
Stupid retard kid shit. We don't learn actually how 1+2=3 just the theory. We arent in the world PHYSICALLY learning about causality. Where common sense is derived, the implication of common sense being everyone lived similarly so understood common concepts like...fucking causality. The education system must be destroyed.
>The game devs have ruined gameplay for white players.
Conclusion is white tier souls are no longer spawning in this world. Anyone pushing for white births is trying to save their pensions.
>Forgets the taliban banned and kills people who participated in pic related
Danish education.
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/r/atheism was "overhauled" around 2013 due to becoming more or less a Islam attack news board, actually.
Some of us have memories that go back further than a few years.
It's because it was never about truth, from Protestantism to PoMo nothingness, it's always been about destroying the social order for some pet monomania, by any means necessary.
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And always for the benefit of Mr. Shekel who waits in the shadows.
Is this a real question? You are unironically on a pol messageboard.
>Why did the holocaust myth only started getting spreaded in the 60s and not immediately after WWII?
>Why did mass immigration into Europe start in the 60s?
>Why does the sun emit light rays?
>Is it true that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina?
Jews won WWII, they got a country out of it and an infinite money glitch because they were able to invent a lie, monetize it and tap into the endless money faucet that is white Western guilt.

We should send the Muslims to countries and parts of the U.S. that have the most athiests like Oregon. If Leftists want Muslims in the U.S., then the Muslims should settle in Leftist states and countries.
Atheists do not deserve the air they breathe
Demons eat their own. Always have, always will. I wonder who among them can truly live in a world of STRENGTH. Don't feel sorry for the CHAOS fags, it is the path they chose.

Dude updated his post. Lmao, Atheist are Leftist Cultist pussies jfc...

>western civilization
not one of ours. popper was a dirty jew.
nothing redpills like direct interaction
the most racist and least race-mixing States are the American South
the least racist and most likely to burn coal are from the Northeast and Pacific Northwest
Sorry, no refunds!
Leftist-atheist homosexuals are the first people that the islamists will throw off a rooftop.
forget the name, but the city in Michigan that has a muslim majority, muslim mayor, muslim city council that banned any pride flags on public buildings and would not permit any pride parades
really upset the local fags
>we invite you in and this is how you betray
>you silly woman, you knew I was a snake
I wonder if they've ever talked to muslims before they started being replaced by them?
They do know there are groups who believe diversity goals are a tool of conquest right?
the most tolerant countries are White Christian countries. And leftists hate when you point that out.
I've never understood it. Lefties always harp on about
>educate yourself
>read books
>learn history
and yet when you point out those books tell a story of neverending hostile attempts to invade Europe I'm called a racist islamophobic bigot
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kek. It's just like the copypasta
>words words words
I hope he gets raped and gets punished like that german for saying something about it.
>Things are no longer black and white, and quite frankly, never been.
They've flipped the script. By intermingling all the political positions people don't know who to support anymore, so they kinda give up. This is all the people who run the media and want to keep you confused.

Atheists are some of the most dangerous fools out there because they are blinded to basic reality by their pride. Their pride is wrapped around their own incestuous self love.
The issue is, western euros are infected by the laissez-faire inclusivity brainrot from a very young age and it takes a long time and often several years of constantly facing reality to undo decades of primary and secondary school brainwashing and by then it’s way too late.
Awesome news, I love when retards get a good dose of reality.
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He's not an athiest though. People like this merely joined a new cult; they're part of the leftist cultists. They worship niggers as gods, think women have dicks and believe communism will save the world along with all the rest of their "beliefs". He just thinks he's an athiest because he abandoned Christianity, but he's still ulimately joined a religion and become an unhinged nutcase despite supposedly being "logical" and studying things like philosophy.
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I found the thread on reddit.
People are such cucks.

Watching the realization of the normies and their idiocy bloom into sheer terror is quite Aphrodisiac.
Like the JEW they are short sighted and predictable.
Nobody saw it coming. Nope. Not a soul on earth could have predicted this or warned them.
It's crazy, the atheism board on Reddit seem to protect Islam at all costs.
Explain to me how a bunch of atheists berate Christianity non-stop yet defend Islam with all of their self-declared intellectual prowess?
It's been a while since I studied it but I'm pretty sure outright making fun of allah counts as an attack and the religion requires them to respond with violence as a matter of honor.
let them eat themselves for internet brownie points, Godspeed to you bong and good luck with those muzzies
Socialism is just another abrahamic mind virus. You know this is true from the projection in his post, immediately accusing anyone not in his cult of being in a cult lol all abrahamics do the exact same thing.

Reddit is a gayop kike social engineering site. Not hard to figure out

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