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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What a Cohencidence!
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Massie knew this was gonna happen and yet he did it anyway, that makes him immoral, and if they kill him, it's gonna be a suicide thus he'll be a sinner
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You aren't tricking God on this one.
The Jews are so fucking evil. I won’t feel an ounce of guilt for murdering every single one of them, including their women and children. Even little Jewish babies in the crib deserve to fucking die.
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We should make them walk around with body cameras like police.
He could have offed her himself.
>why did you make me do it?
>don't you feel bad for me having to harm you?
>I'm the victim here!
>guy tells secrets
>so they kill his wife
Dumbest take ever.
He just said something out loud and into the public space that was already known within D.C. since the 60s
>Jewish babies
Nobody is born jewish agent Smith, just like no one is born gay. It's a product of abuse.
He will be vindicated.
not falling for your jewish lies
Conspiracy theorists should be rounded up and shot. Tedious low IQ retards.
Kill yourselves you goddamn fucking kikes.
Fuck you, juden!
>not falling for your jewish lies
Okay doofus, how does killing his wife shut him up? She may have been his only reason for living. Now he has even more reason to sill the beans.
he has 4 kids rabbie
>already known within D.C. since the 60s
This. It was known since they killed JFK.
How Massie could be so naive is the question people should be asking. Is it autism? Why would he endanger his family by talking about how the jews control America?
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Jew is an ethnicity you fucking moron. Evil is literally coded into their demonic DNA so yes one can be born a Jew, and nothing can un-Jew them either. They all deserve to fucking die including their larvae
Jewry kill his wife.
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I'm hungover so I wasn't as quick with it like the first anon that showed this poster is literally yid posting. How do these vermin have enough time to mossad/cia post about their disgusting dysgenic satanic ideology based on lying to God?
All kikes must fucking hang
how many wifes does he have tho
If someone killed my wife I'd be wilding out. Hope he has something loose to make it work it. Fuck around etc. Faggots.
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Vax status?
Just a Greek key motif
This is a fucking bombshell and completely ignored
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>If you call out evil people being evil, you are even more evil because you knew the evil people would do evil things to you
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You could try not being literal filth in human form. You wretched Synagogue of Satan scumbags!
>he has 4 kids
So the warning shot is murdering his wife? This is too stupid to be real.
Pretty sure you're the kike trying to intimidate and gaslight.
This needs to be investigated as a congressional hearing and the entire governments resources mobilized to get to the bottom
Same thing happened to jfk
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Guess they had enough
>Information has not been released about Rhonda Massie's cause of death.
It's probably under investigation right now
>oi vey you dirty goy its your kids next
>what the goyim think we want to murder goy kids? Thats rediculous.
Just a Greek gay motiff nothing to see here...
Yea, but Massie isn't screaming from the rooftops that her death is sus. So, nothingburger

RIP in peace, Mrs Massie
There's no fucking way you're this goddamn stupid. You're either a tourist or an actual kike.
DC and Pissrael kikes are playing a dangerous game fucking with Appalachia.
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juust some plain old greek motifs all over the place, it's fine, it's ok. It's not true but if it was it's agood thing.
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>investigated as a congressional hearing and the entire governments resources mobilized to get to the bottom

What part of everyone has an AIPAC person do you not understand? Or are you trolling. Those hearings would be less legit than the Trump trials. The congress is compromised and the intelligence agencies and the Justice dept. There's only one recourse if Jews got to his wife. And it's not by going through "Muh proper channels"
You're a fucking retard and probably a jew too
>judaic screeching
We should make them walk around with bodies like that, instead.
Epstein was handled by mossad.
If you tell kids they're jews you're no better than the people who tell their kids they're the wrong gender.
Holy shit you're retarded lmao.
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A kikes says Jesus was jewish
>You're a tourist
>pol is a hive mind
Classic plebbiter. You just want to belong.
Go ahead and put massie on the list with Ron Paul as the only two leaders we had they actually honored their oath.
Wait, so... this is confirmation that the "worldwide Jewish control conspiracy" is correct. Jewish agents controlling all American congressmen, what else could you take away from this?
I don't know what's more pathetic though: the fact that if you showed people this evidence they'd still deny it and shut you down, or that America is so powerful it could just ignore this desert cult entirely and remove their power in an instant but they choose not to.
Christcuck or jew. Call it
>kikes are just White people with a different religion!
>we're just like you!
Yep, Massie was always Top Tier..Even Rand Paul has an "Israel guy" which is giga SAD :(
Because to most moron Americans it's just a generic "muh Jews control the world" conspiracy, they don't realize our Congress is directly controlled by Israel you obvious fucking kike.
Fucking hell, the USA needs to be obliterated.
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> You make a fallacious claim that DNA has no causal relationship with behavior, yet you admit every man can mistake a bush for a predator.

Ok retard.
>kikes are White
jfc man, you wanna shill the high IQ bullshit too? Just say it, come on.
Holy fuck, you might as well say he's going to hell when we kill him for telling the truth
Fucking Jewrats, the entire universe will laugh at you for eternity while you feel embarrassed at this dumb shit
>every man can mistake a bush for a predator.
We've already known AIPAC/Zionism controlled virtually all congressmen for decades, he just said that part out loud as a congressman himself. You are right, the evidence has existed for a long time and we've ignored it. The grievance for revolution was fulfilled many time over, yet we want to blabble about how Biden farts on stage and how libtards are silly. Everything is just pathetic.

The rest of the world is the same. Pussified vassals, like the USA
It'll be considerad suicide as well when your entire race is genocided. Probably shouldn't have been a kike rat and did kike shit, jew.
Huh. So if kikes aren't European then what are they? Ethnically jewish perhaps? Or are you still running with your pilpul about how Hitler was a liar?
All jews should be put to death. You are the enemy of all men and sooner or later that’s gonna catch up to your whole race you ratfuck edomite
Weekend shift at the JIDF clearly isn't the brightest.
Okay, newfaggot. Way to out yourself, you dumb fucking double nigger.
>muh russian election interference

lmao american goyim
Not true. Jewish babies are guilty by default, since they allowed Hamas to exist thus they voted for it. Only Jewish babies tho, goy babies are too dumb to understand those kinds of things and cannot be held guilty
You are unbelievably retarded or naive
Apparently you’re not participant in American public education, deceitful, or dumb. Every American biology class is required to teach this. It’s a very commonly understood phenomenon that demonstrates to children how evolution functions.
take your meds.
Kikes are a tribe. They have their own rules for membership. Elizabeth Warren explained it all a few years ago.
we're reaching levels of chutzpah never before seen. killing the high school sweetheart wife of a whistleblower who is also a currently elected official in the most powerful government on earth is an amazing display of impunity

if you were a psychopath working for the intelligence/secret police service of an absolutely insane nation established by psychopaths who is currently in the process of losing their power after almost a century of dirty tricks, then this is the exact type of thing you would expect to see done.

it reminds me a lot of when, in interpersonal relations, a Cluster B psycho/sociopath or narcissist starts to get exposed and their web of lies starts to crumble, and they decide to flip the table and burn it all down. they start doing shit like this that will inevitably backfire
Why would the jews be immoral kid rapists?
They knew I would have to kill them for it. This is their fault!
>not participant in American public education
guilty as charged
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this is on the works via mecha-bodies and cloud
Kys gaslighting kike nigger faggot
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Keep nudging people
No the parasite infecting the host needs to be obliterated

Jews are fucked. You don't come back after killing someone's family. He just has less to lose now.
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>we're not an ethnicity, we're a tribe and once we stop practicing our religion we're part of your tribe goy!
Tucker has to say "something like this" because he isn't allowed to say jews handle congress people.
The only thing dumber than the Jewish intelligence myth is watching the dumb Jews fall for it themselves.
Seriously, after COVID, your going to claim that the people running the world are intelligent? "pushing a big dumb fraud that forces the world to holocaust you is smart actually because you got a few shekels out of it"
Suicide is a speedrun to purgatory.
I'm going to mash your juden soul to pig shit when you die
>we're part of your tribe
nice try rabbi. If you want to make the argument that jews are an ethnicity then you're the one who has to pick between guys like zelensky and soros and the ones in the IDF and your pic.
>angloid juden slave wants to murder innocent people
Next you're going to tell me you'd willingly consent to and abide the slaughter of Europa at the behest of jews.
You're retarded if you think that doesn't happen in other countries. It's just that they don't need this thight of a control to affect the policies which will affect jews.
>nation established by psychopaths who is currently in the process of losing their power after almost a century of dirty tricks, then this is the exact type of thing you would expect to see done.
Now this is an explanation I buy. Thank you anon.
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pizzagaters are dumber than their qanon successors.
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>if we didnt kill him, someone else would have
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ok shlomy...
You sound vaccinated.
All of Washington and the entire form of classical architecture is based on Greek motifs, calm down. There's Greco-Roman symbols all over congress
Again, you're retarded kek. Ashkenazi jewish DNA is distinct from the DNA of the Europeans they coexisted with. Sephardi DNA is distinct from other people in the Levant. If jewish wasn't an ethnicity you wouldn't be able to detect jewishness with a DNA test you shape-shifting pedophile.
What I think people here aren't understanding is that there is no voting out of this, there's no civil debate out of this, there's no healthy exchange of ideas, any solution you'd discuss would immediately make you a terrorist, an insurrectionist or a criminal.
And he was put down just like that sack of shit thief Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch (Robert Maxwell).
What are you talking about? Nixon as president said it himself. That the jews control the MSM, they control branches of the government and many public institutions. This was the American president in the 60s. Are you calling him a liar now?
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unfortunately he's just one guy
fuck aipac.
>courage is immoral
Of course a kike would believe this
You will die for Israel, and you will like it.
Thomas Massie is the only good man in Washington and they're trying to fuck with him.
HR at your workplace is in agreement too
A kike says Jesus was jewish.
A kike says judaism is just a religion.
>the jew cries out as he strikes you

>MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) was one of the greatest religious thinkers and reformers of all time. Founder of the Lutheran Church, his Protestant movement against the dominant Catholicism altered the course of European history. His fortitude in confronting and overcoming corruption within the Church hierarchy is legendary. He was a man of great intellect and unmatched moral courage.
>But Luther had other opponents: the Jews. Judaism not only repudiated Christian theology by denying that Jesus was the true savior or Messiah, but it also took on an air of supreme arrogance--Jews as special, as different, as "chosen by God." As such, Jews are unwilling to repent, to accept Christ, or to see the true meaning of the Old Testament; hence they slander and insult Jesus, Mary, and indeed all Christians. Jews, said Luther, harbor an intense and deeply-rooted hatred for all non-Jews, and thus are willing to use, abuse, and exploit people for their own ends.
>For Luther, Jews are arrogant and stubborn liars. They are greedy materialists, ever covetous of Christian wealth and power. They are congenital misanthropes, the master haters of humanity. And through their damnable usury--lending money at interest--they exploit, bankrupt, and enslave innocent people everywhere. Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all.
>Hence his dramatic plan of action: destroy the synagogues, ban Judaic teaching, confiscate ill-gotten Jewish wealth, put Jews to hard labor, and ultimately, drive them out of Christian lands. Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity, and nothing less would get to the root of the problem.
another one

wife of producer who made the movie "killers of the flower moon" in which the antagonist is a freemason dies in tragic suicide
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the synagogue of satan must be destroyed utterly.
he's a canary in a coal mine

Oh really.
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He has more to lose now, 4 kids.
Fathers protect their kids above all else, he will be quiet now.
When you become a congressman (or woman), AIPAC literally comes to your office and tells you this is your new jewish secretary that reports to them. This person operates exactly like a KGB officer attached to a military unit. They get their orders, and then they tell you what you are going to do. If you refuse, they report back to AIPAC, which is just an Israeli government apparatus let's be honest here, and Tel Aviv proceeds to come after you to varying degrees, depending on your "crime". This can range from funding your opponents to an election, to fabricating a scandal and implicating you in it, to killing someone close to you so you get the message. Largely, Congress is made up of Christians who will bow to Israel's demands anyway because their religious leanings make them do that anyway (hence why Israel was able to get its agents into DC in the first place), so these measures are rarely used. However, when they are used, everyone in Congress knows it, even if it isn't said out loud. That's how you get so many overwhelming votes in favor of whatever the jews want, such as banning criticism of them on college campuses and allowing a foreign entity to dictate free speech according to its whims.

Another fun fact: Elite wealthy jews are in on this as well, especially CEOs. They get orders from Tel Aviv to do "what's good for jews". They ganged up on the mayor of New York and convinced him (under threat) to use violence to quell campus protests. Once Columbia fell, all other college administrators got the message and did the same.

t. knower
From this single video where he barely even talks about his politics, more about his farm, it's extremely clear that Thomas Massie is an extremely based human being.
We need more honest, hardworking people like him, and less Jew deceivers and leeches.

>Off the Grid with Thomas Massie
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Get a load of this kike apologist. Feels like he's working with >>472558319
Since he slid this poison pill in under a more inflammatory post.
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what's the deal with the paddles?
The real twist is Massie did it himself and threw everyone off the trail with the interview. If he doesn't get charged you know he's on their side and she was just sacrificed.
>just a religion
It's quite a religion. All kinds of people do jewish shit.
>The real twist is Massie did it himself and threw everyone off the trail with the interview. If he doesn't get charged you know he's on their side and she was just sacrificed.
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>Christians who will bow to Israel's demands anyway because their religious leanings make them do that anyway
This is actually an entirely American thing, the Jews subverted Christianity in USA through the actions of Jewish banker Samuel Untermeyer and his golem Cyrus Scofield, who wrote the Scofield Bible with Jewish addendums that is used by Christian scholars in the United States.

What actual Christians think about Jews, see examples in >>472562611 , or get it straight from the horses mouth from the man who created the Protestant Reform, Martin Luther.
You mean it makes him a hero

Is it appropriate to ask what her death was put down to?
In the current world, a public figure with enough strings can kill all of the witnesses on their trial and people will, at most, get an interrogation mark over their heads. Counting with normies by redpilling them? lol
if i told you i'd have to kill you
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It's clear as day that the U.S. government has been completely taken over by the Jews, how else bills like this would ever get passed.
Hitler was right.
jews are universally hated. And instead of just being normal parasites that just hide back and silently reap benefits, they are up in your face like disgusting HPV always making life as difficult as possible and not going away (pic is LITERALLY the HPV virus)
Captcha: JDWRY (I shit you not)

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So when they cut off and suck off the babies dicks, that is what makes their noses grow?
We have rich Jews here, we have Jewish lobby groups and the Murdoch press pushing Zionism, they probably actually do have the numbers to assign a Jew to every minister and senator but I don't know how well a Kike would get on with the member for Uppercumbuktawest.
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if you thought you hated the jews wait til you read this
True, the Jewish DNA is what makes them evil, just like the European DNA is what makes us good.
It's all about race and genetics, always has been.
The 'all races are born equal' is just Jewish horseshit, nobody in the history of mankind ever though this until recently when the Jewish media machine started to spout this nonsense 24/7.
Lucky break that we now have quick DNA testing, and that is something that cannot be hidden with nose jobs or a change of clothes and hairstyle.
So once we kick out all the non-Europeans from European lands, including North America, Australia and New Zealand, and go back to the period where everything was nice and white, we can employ quick DNA testing at border entry points, seaports and airports so not another Jew will ever slither in to our lands.
1030 expulsions, let's make the next expulsion the last.
Ben Shapiro debunked this
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>Ben Shapiro debunked this
Claudia is that you?
Terrorist Jews are panicking, the time to kill them en masse is now, a global TKD should be enacted on the Gaza-model.
>tandem rocketsb
>cheap drones
>mortar and mines
What are they going to do? Level every city that starts a TKD? If we all start the great cleanse of jewish terrorists they wont do shit.
Be aware of self-hating jews those are torjan horses and the reason why jews survived for 5000 years without a complete annihilation those self-hating jews then give birth to terrorist jews and the cycle starts again.
Full and complete TKD is the only way.
>we have investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong
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Damn, I actually feel bad for him. He's one of the very few congressmen I liked and his life is actually fascinating.
spread this far and wide anons
Yeah. That's what happens when they want to make an example of a loved one to shut you up.
Have you never heard of this before, do you guzzle nigger aids sperm, or are you literally clinically diagnosed with downs syndrome?
wouldn't that strenghten his resolve?
>Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all
And Luther was right - as Lubavitchers and Israel plainly expose.
How the hell else you think every congressman and senator is a millionaire? Duh. Has every living person on Earth not known this for the past half century?
The g stands for gay. Watch Animal House
She's like a merchant gone tranny.
some of them are so white mixed they are basically white people. You have to admit that their culture/religion is the MOST repugnant part about them. A white person raised in that environment will approximate their behaviour.

Now, having said that, there are certain specimens like that which you posted, which I beiieve are genetically predisposed to psychopathy.

But honestly having 2% jewish DNA and 98% white DNA does not make a jew, and it benefits them greatly if you call that a jew.

You could actually cause a jew uprising against their elites if you play the cards right.
maybe his individually but it could have a chilling effect on others
oy vey
>wouldn't that strenghten his resolve?
He has 4 children.
he believed in the american dream, what a dummy
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Based, liquidate all kikes.
TKD will make no exceptions, not women, not babies, not old, and especially not sympathizers and collaborators.
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Dumbest post ever
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Yep, the Jewish pilpul is incredible.
>Our diversity makes us stronger
The fuck it does, kek.
Homogeneity brings out the very best in everyone.
No man has ever said 'I wish some of my neighbours spoke a different language and worshipped another god because that would make me so much more productive'.
It has never made any society stronger or better in history of mankind, diversity has only ever made things worse.
Yet the Jews just keep repeating their lies over and over and over until people finally believe them against all the facts, against the entirety of human history, and against even the reality they see with their own eyes.
yeah, massie didn't know about mossad. Time will tell if he has learned that we are beseiged, or if he will betray
> mandatory reference to sexual depravity
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So many knowers coming out of Germany, probably that's why the Jews have taken it as their major target in Europe to riddle with non-white immigration, so the country would never unite again and let Germans and the world know about the JQ.
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/pol/ has known for years but this shit is starting to leak into the general public zeitgeist.
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>inb4 a UK flag marks the thread with a "Sneed Feed joke"

kys fed
The subversion takes place via HR departments who unashamedly push this narrative. Their captive audience has no choice for fear of losing access to their paychecks. Not something NEETs would know about but it affects all the normies.
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Most jews are still mostly jewish. It'll be generations before their genetics have reached a point where they're no longer a significant determining factor in their behavior. For fuck's sake anon their genetics are a significant determining factor in their exponentially higher rate of mental illness, which remains steady no matter what religion they're raised in.
Fren, you have to learn to read into the subtexts. They always say
>(your) diversity makes (((us))) stronger. Which is unabashedly true, because (you) become weaker--they did not magically become superhuman. At the same time, they are not in a hurry to flood their own country with foreigners. Quite the opposite in fact. It the same as
>we must protect (((our))) democracy.
They think they own democracy. You are not a part of it.
Mtg has an aipac handler?
>which remains steady no matter what religion they're raised in
Is there any proof of this?

Anyways after the death of Jesus many jews became christians and lost their jewish heritage. I think a lot of the mixing that jews have received probably came after this tho.

I'm not sure which proportion of jews are like you say. But someone like Scarlett Johanson doesn't even look a bit jewish. They use them as tools to push jewish thought.

It is HELPFUL to them that you consider Scarlett as a jew.

Frankly, jews are probably the most racemixed group of people on earth. How come they keep their heritage to the point of one drop, and yet a white is gone with even the slightest mixture.

A jew can mix with a fucking baboon and still be considered jewish. Isn't that rather silly? Especially when you are adressing it from a genetic angle.

I think the ones who call the shots are certainily neanderkikes, but you can literally destroy their army by separating the groups.
>kike trying to intimidate and gaslight.
Wtf are you even saying?
Do Lutherans still believe this?
>politicians should be
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According to Massie, everyone on the republican side has one except for him. He said he didn't know how it works on the democrats, but it's safe to assume they all have one as well except for maybe like 1 or 2 of the squad members.
guess who owns all media
Oh oh Let me, let me guess...The Irish?
Could be. Has anyone studied the psychological effects it has on the babies?
Circumcision, or genital mutilation as it is more accurately called, has been proven to cause permanent mental trauma.
>Everybody but me

How did he get rid of his AIPAC guy? Is he suggesting this is a choice but everyone is agreeing to it out of fear or greed?
>Doing something that is righteous knowing the ramifications brought by Satan makes you immoral, goyim.
Bring on the Martyrs, bring on the heroes. Your doublethink trying to make doing what's right in the face danger, immoral, simply isn't going to work. You're a kikel or shabbos. Either way, your father the devil is destined to lose bigly, and more you show your face like now, the more the fire rises to consume you.
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Do Americans have the BALLS to rise up like the Germans did in the 30s?
average Jew logic
I pray she just went into hiding or something, pretty fucked up to the the Jews actually killed her
Well whaddaya know
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Massie is kind of cool but he's also an idiot.

>engineer who has a ton of money
>has its own property
>also has an MIT-degree-holding wife
>beautiful family

and then he goes into politics, and freely admits on Tucker's show that he tries to be friends with all these swamp creatures. what the fuck. and he almost treats it like a joke, rather than realizing that their decisions on high affect us and the entire nation. it's got to rot at his soul somehow. and now his beautiful wife is dead. and he has to spent so much time away from his family in DC surrounded by these corrupt evil people in government.

why the fuck didn't he just stay at home? or why the fuck didnt he just start some local NGO or charity or something if he just wanted to help local people?

what a fucking moron. he had a perfect life, and now it's shattered because he sold his soul to work for the evil US government, and got in bed with kikes.
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18 Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. 20 But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge.[d] 21 I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. 22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. 24 Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25 And this is the promise that he made to us[e]—eternal life.

26 I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. 27 But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.
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This is an interesting take which might explain why he's the only one without an AIPAC guy.

Did Trump set him free but tell him he had to blow the whistle on this AIPAC buddy system? I
my dad is the shortest soldier in that photo, he married my kraut mom who is eaisily 5+ inches taller than him a couple months after this was taken, she was an orderly @ the hospital where they would take the "protestors" that got injured
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His our Junkyard Warrior and they will pay for this with their children's blood.
In his tucker interview, he said the aipac handler requires an essay be written describing how Israel is most important. Massie told handler to beat it.

Playing ball with our shit, no wonder they have issues
not even fear, most of them just dont care
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I mean who wouldn't want their wife Mossad'ed? If I could say something not illegal to get the job done...
>jews whack a guy's wife for calling them out

lol they dont even try to hide it
mafia shit
How did you learn this? Did he ever talk about his experiences enforcing diversity at gunpoint?
how about we find out how she died before jumping to conclusions
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this is the exact reason you cunts have 2nd amendment rights
fucking exercise them you pussy traitorous cunts
kill yourself jew
Since Covid, Medical Examiners have been backed up for six months. We wont know what killed her till then, and everybody will just have forgotten about it.
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get the fuck outta here with that fag talk were going on a crusade
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What do that say?
Suicide is not a sin, never mentioned in the bible.
Even samson killed himself when he brought down the pillars.
Everyone knows a troon asian in the wheelchair.
Read The Culture of Critique. TKD
>You aren't tricking God on this one.
god must be like FUUUCK these goddamned chicken man! WTF!! lmao
Brittany should be invaded by Pootin then all the ____ rounded up and shot in a ditch
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okay maybe it's time to accidentally shoot people i guess
"When we say 'us' we don't mean you."
He was incredibly courageous. He is a patriot and a hero. His wife is a martyr.
There was a thread on this yesterday with a X post from a Jew to Massey, "gee that's too bad maybe be loyal to Israel". Someone find and repost it I tried.

Killers ran over Rep Trafficant alive with his tractor.
I have a photo album of the entire event, my uncle was part of US signals corp attached to the 101, dad was 101 airborne, my uncle was tasked with documenting the whole shebang so I have an entire photo album plus the 35mm negatives on nitrite base. It left a bad taste in their mouth was mostly what they said, but orders were orders. My uncle thought all the brass needed to get fragged, he was a bit more opinionated.
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This one?
no really it would be fucking EPIC if god came down as this strange 11th dimensional being just seeing him makes people faint and people quickly lose their minds as he decimates chickens on live tv fucking cray cray shit just fucking going off on motherfucking chickens
seriously what would you do in such an occurence?
H-Hey god umm see it's not really the chickens..
because if you did that then god, in the middle of a rage fueled fucking destruction...
i mean its like talking to an alien at that point trying to explain
H-Hold a sec god I got this schizo autist level infographic on muh phone...
i think if that ever happened I would shit my pants with laughter
my dad's favorite song
I like sugar and I like tea,
But I dont like Niggers;
No siree.
There are two lone things thatll make me puke,
Thats a hog eating slop and a big black spook.

And you know it, cause I show it.
Like a barn yard rooster I crow it!

And the NAACP
Would sure like to get a hold of nigger haten me.

Roses are red and violets are blue,
And niggers are black.
You know thats true.
But they dont mind, cause What the heck?!
You gotta be black to get a welfare check!

And Im broke.
No joke.
I dont gotta nickel for a coke.
And I aint black you see,
So Uncle Sam wont help
Poor Nigger haten me.

Jigga boo, jigga boo, where are you?
I was here in a wood pile watching you!
Jigga boo, jigga boo come out
I scared of the white man way down south!

You know it

Cause I show it
Stick you black head out and Ill blow it!

And the NAACP
Cant keep you away from little ol nigger haten me!

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the blackest of them all?

A man named King
And there aint no doubt
That hes causing lotsa trouble with his baboon mouth!

Roo it, hes a do it
Hes caused by the trouble hes brewing
And the NAACP
Cant win if the white man stick
With nigger haten me!

Hey, Mr. President, what do you say?
When are we whites gonna have our day?
The niggers had theirs such a long, long time.
And its the white mans time that I had mine!

You know it,
Cause I show it!
Stick you black head out and Ill blow it!

And the NAACP
Cant win if the white man stick with
Nigger haten me(x5)!
No it was an X screenshot
Jew logic never ceases to amaze and disgust me
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Oh fuck me wrong image
no you dont, faggot
> except for the “squad” members
Haha, oh anon. My sweet, sweet anon.
Would be cool if you posted some of it
It is time to EXPEL all Mossad and AIPAC, ACLU, ADL, and other orgs the fuck out of this country.
bitch, don't speak unless spoken to, fucking kike
Doesnt this make him have nothing to lose now? Killing a loved one to send a message wouldnt shut anyone up.
What book is that from?
god i hate phone fags but one sec...i'll take some pics so as to avoid scanning them in one at a time...will my ID Be same if i post to same thread with phone instead of PC i'm currently using? never phone fagged so am ignorant
Holy shit...
I doubt ilhan omar has an aipac handler
The hatred i feel inside for the Israel invaders sons of Satan is visceral, and i used to be a defender of… but now i cant unsee the evil they do
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AIPAC The Treasonous Dollar Drain


>A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
you wont do shit, retard
most too traumatized to use 1A
also you just want little rock incident or you wanna see some other shit? got some cool early nam pics of guys with their pupils blow out dilated holding up a 20 foot long snake that was squished by tank treds
Thanks to Aipac killing his wife making news, now the public knows too.
It's not really a secret. People knew about it and never brought to the attention of the public. Things like this are known and it takes someone in government to confirm it so people actually believe it. Another thing people don't really know is that Israeli agents have U.S. clearance. They can basically operate in the U.S. and do whatever the fuck they want despite being foreign agents.
Massie is doing God’s work, and his wife is now with God. I think this will only make people more aware on the right that the Jews control everything. I for one am awake to it. I hope others are too.
That would just be wacky wouldn’t it? With all the leftist, anti-Semitic stuff she says, right?!

I feel like googling this right now would put me deeper on the list.
I'm not the one saying my dad works at nintendo and blogposting like a cumguzzling troon
anything you wanna post, bit of both if possible
your ID should be the same if posting from your house's internet connection
So do you have anything to back that up or are you just going to continue making these niggerfaggot-tier open ended posts because you're terrified of actually committing to something
I loathe social media but I've been messaging various admins trying to get them to talk about this, because nobody is really bringing up the connection in regards to what Massie had to say about aipac
lmao seethe harder kike, don't you have some tunnels to dig?
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Hopefully then this fuels him to become Punished Massie, and actually holocaust the kikes.
It's the single largest lobbying group which lobbies for Israeli interest. Imagine if there was a Russian lobbying group and congressmen/women with dual-Russian citizenship. Well, that's all true in when it comes to Israel, and you're not suppose to talk about it because that's antisemitic.

Fucking kikes always playing the victim and creating all the wars around the world.
Kikes have too much money and that's all these politicians care about. Not a single one of them would win a reelection without Kike support and money.
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Wrong, it's in their blood at this point.
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>he doesn't know
lmao even
damn... I wish I could see the comments.

>you cannot be both things
>you must always be one thing at all times
Congressman Massie confirmed that it was virtually all the Republicans and some of the Democrats.
Total goyim death
Sure, why not? It creates doubt and sends a message to all the other subordinates to Israel that are in the U.S. government.
How can jews make people disappear? I can physically beat the shit out of every single one I've seen.
Rand does almost as much as Massie to piss them off though. You certain he has one?
This is exactly why diversity does not work. Every group vying for a larger and larger piece of the pie. Then if you're White and you try to do the same it's somehow racist.
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jews and muslims have always worked together, you're retarded.
Probably not, I think Maisse even mentions rand, and a few other Republicans who don't have them. All the other Republicans have one though and some of the Democrats as well.
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it's okay to hate on christians, but not jews or muslims.
>and some
and lots. most of congress is controlled opposition.
lol everybody knows retarded kikes

jew, you done got written down.
Well then it sounds like omar's aipac handler isn't doing a very good job

capitalizes jewish
I said "maybe like 1 or 2 of the squad members" not all of them. Quote me correctly. It's probable that the Bowman guy that just lost his primary to an AIPAC funded opponent didn't have one.
>>rounded up and shot

You won't do shit, goy.
I hope this galvanizes his hatred towards them and he goes farther.
>But someone like Scarlett Johanson doesn't even look a bit jewish.
She looks like a rat-faced slav-jew which is exactly what she is. Terrible actress too
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Eat shit jew filth

Death to your race

7 posts by this jew
>Rand does almost as much as Massie to piss them off though

I know that's why it's sad. Massie talked about it in the Tucker interview, he said something like.

"They asked me to write one of those AIPAC "homeworks" and I said I ain''t writin this, than someone said you don't have to write it - just copy Rand Paul's, It might have even been Rand Paul himself ho told him can't remember.

If you go watch the AIPAC chunk of the interview he says it there...
Careful, he'll reply to you with an infograph about how jews and black people work together(very esoteric proof will be shown). Or something like that.
Updated pic
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thank you fren
Only a fucking kike would believe they can trick God by murdering someone and making it look like a suicide
sounds like globalist cope, nothing is more based than staying committed to truth to extent that your family is targeted. You know how desperate their collapsing empire is to remain in power and how soon we will be free from the nonsense they weigh us down with.
I hope I am assigned an aipac person when the time comes to pull the lever that drops the floor from beneath their feet.
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fucking 283 replies and n one posted this yet.


I supported Ron, Rand was feeling the jewce.


Lucifer thinks jews are ugly and always intended them as bait for the lovely.
To each their own I guess. Most men find her beautiful, and it is undeniable that she has a very high white mixture. Compare these two. You NEED to see the profile to properly judge. We dont want football head neanderkikes
I think it's like an episode of Columbo: Husband with status wants fruits of status; childhood sweetheart wife doesn't want those fruits; husband tells wife to say controversial thing then kills her and says it was a result of what she said publicly at his request.
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Holy shit...I thought it was going to be good but this just warms my heart. Thanks again bud!
Not falling for it, rabbi
Read the thread before posting, newfag
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Massie's wife was at the Tucker interview where he mentioned the 'AIPAC guy'. Tucker talked to her off camera at one point.
I assume they already knew she was sick & she was traveling with him.
She had work done, as they commonly do
>bulbous nose
>fish lips
>face moles
>ayy lmao eyes
Imagine this thing not pinging your jewdar
>Most men find her beautiful
Most men can’t see past big tits. The hideous goblin on the right is a typical example.
>why the fuck didn't he just stay at home? or why the fuck didnt he just start some local NGO or charity or something if he just wanted to help local people?

"Just let evil people walk all over you and maintain their power"
You are a fucking cuckold
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KEK even jews are like WTF are you doing?
lol.. I may be a faggot for not seeing the pic when scrolling, but I'm not new.
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>should hang
And their (((media))) mouthpieces
yeah no thanks. never side with either. they can all go to hell holding each other's hands. never side with a muslim or a jew.
Israel public affairs committee. By not spelling it out op. Aka. fag normal folk will gloss over your bread and fuck off . Lol didn't read Nazi
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someone did post it...
What? He had his freedom, no one was walking all over him. And now his world is shattered/broken because he sacrificed his family for nothing.

You're the cuckold, who would destroy his own lot in life for no gain at all.
Of course. Maybe Americans should KEEP QUIET like the pussies they usually are.
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nice family, shame if something was to happen to it
the spirit of martin luther will rise again, and the world will know that we were right.
Well you might have a point. I still think she is beautiful, but she does look sorta jewy in the picture you posted, kek. Maybe it wasn't a good example.

Imo, to remove their genetic psychopathy you have to aim for a nice prefrontal cortex. Scarlett has the same forehead as many europeans, though it could be straighter
>don’t join with the goys fighting us on the front lines, goys
You’re transparent.
hi fren
She has been manufactured to look more like a beautiful white woman. Her dna still carries all of the pathology and undesirable physical traits.
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no it's all fake and gay, they're the same people basically. it's just not my problem. get fooled if you want retard, but you're cheering for your demise. support your local christian militia. we need to crusades again, but with missiles and shit.
Yeah this is a little too much of a cohencidence! indeed. It does feel like payback.
are you actually an insane retard? You couldn't find a single Christian who thinks like this; you can't find a single jew who doesn't. You kike puppet retard.
Why do I want to eat that sugary tower of babel
So he didn't really mean, "EVERYBODY BUT ME has an AIPAC guy?"
Fuck off kike. Semites are a parasitic subspecies that evolved because their natural habitat doesn't support agriculture.
Ewwwww....pointy elbows, disgusting. Hard pass.
Go look at the interview he said they told me to copy Rand AIPAC "homework" if I don't want to write it myself and he refused.
Aipac Guy.
this needs to be some superhero comic.

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