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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472546392
Ultra MAGA. Thanks Miller.
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Yuropoors have a "frogs around a pond" mentality. If they cared about whiteness then they would be mediating between America and Russia and doing everything they could to defuse the situation and redirect white people's collective aggression against the seething hordes of the southern hemisphere. EU member states are like drowning rapefugees stepping on each other's heads for a few more seconds of air. Being colonized by the Drumpfenreich is their only hope for survival but many are too stupid to see it
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i got called out pretty hard last thread.
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Alley Cats 4 Trump! Where is Trump? MAGA! Happy Caturday Patriots!
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It's still caturday morning.
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strange how obamacare led to so many people dying from the coof/coof vax (depending on what you believe)
People were healthier without it
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Good Caturday morning once again, /ptg/...reminder that if you're battling either occasional or constant bouts of depression, it's a fucking must to get outside and go for comfy walks, especially if it's a nice, cool, sunny summer Caturday like it is here...on the minus side, you may have to deal with the obnoxious actual faggots, dykes, trannies, and other assorted queers all weekend with their end of the Faggot Month parades and other events

But regardless...gotta get outside
What's the actual meaning of Biden's usage of alley cat? What was he trying to say? Assuming it means anything at all, with that senile retard it could be gibberish.
It doesn't matter how bad Biden did
True conservatives are still backing him over trump
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>People were healthier without it
Isn't it ironic? It's like 10 thousand spoons when you needed a spork

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Just like the simulations
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wait biden said some shit about an ally cat? i thought anons just made it up to make fun of me
fuck Obama care
I had that shit once upon a time
it is NOT affordable
it is NOT good
had to drive 2 hours to see some hindu poo hack Dr who nearly changed my life with a serious misdiagnosis
the deductible was higher than any regular young person could afford
the only people who seemingly benefit from it are the poorest of the poor ghetto niggers
fucking Obamacare is a huge boondoggle
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Good question. Lets see if there is anything in my old files that shed any light.
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he said it during the debate that Trump has the morals of an alley cat, and anons noticed his handlers tweeted the same thing earlier the same day.
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>What's the deal with Dementia Veggie Joe's use of alley cat

It's an ancient term which goes back centuries to describe feral cats roaming through garbage in alleys for their sustenance, kind of like Eva going through alleys in Warsaw and dumpster diving for his sustenance

I think it was pretty common in popular culture/illustrative culture back during the depression in Burgerland...that Dementia Veggie Joe uses it shows how fucking octogenarian he is
Never seen that game. Brings back great memories of DOS games
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I LOVE heebie-jeebies!
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Trump needs to appeal to the based vote more with rally music like this
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is heebie jeebie antisemitic?
>desire to reach the youth vote
>use an insult against your opponent that zooming have no idea what it means
brilliant, of course he could have laid out a plan to get them good jobs and make housing affordable
but what do I know
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>True conservatives are still backing him over trump
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I hope it is.
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It fell out of use thanks to pet shelters and adoption so now there are far fewer feral cats - plus there are no alleys in suburbs except maybe a few downtown.
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Yeah I didn't remember it until yesterday.
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Added to my collection of headlines to use against Joe Biden
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These terms are... acceptable.
do you think anyone will even watch the 2nd debate now?
never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression
Yes, people will watch it. I know I'll watch it but like the rest of the anons here I'm obsessed with politics, I assume you're not counting us.
yeah I meant regular normies
why would they want to watch Round 2 of a demented old fool struggling to explain why he should be reelected
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the media will tell them
>Don't watch, Drumpf will bully this old man and mods won't do their jobs
But the smart accounts will note that
Because it's funny?
No you have to say the full term for it be anti semitic which is Hebrew Jeebrew
>a fat guy, a woman, some kind of mystery meat, and a cuck
If shit ever does hit the fan, fed niggers everywhere had better hope that’s not the their front line
There is no such thing as "insurance for pre-existing conditions", its a moronic use of words. can you wreck your car, then get insurance that forces the insurance company to repair it ? Insurance is a bet against some bad event happening in the future. You can't "insure" against something that has already happened, you can only "insurance fraud".
If you want to cover pre-existing conditions then you need to bill former insurer, or use medicaid. Then you can charge fair premiums against any new conditions that arise.

It was always a scam to put us on path to socialized medicine.
It gives the worst people in society (drug dealers, prostitutes, etc.) free health insurance on the backs of working people.
You were told costs would go down, now you are being bankrupted as the wealth of the American working people is drained, never to return.
It was all lies.
The destruction of the health care system is the object. Once they destroy it and you are desperately worried about your children crazy Bernie will come along and say "socialism can fix this" and you will be so desperate and broke you will go along with it. You don't really deserve a country anymore. "insurance for pre-existing conditions", you bought into that, you're a retard.

Notice that no one in republican establishment ever made this critical point. That's what you get for trusting those faggots because you're all wrapped up in red vs blue.
You just don't deserve a country anymore, you really don't.
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>what are you grilling

Im going to the annual Grown Folks Music BBQ for some of the best BBQ om earth!!

Those guys from Jimmy Macks BBQ are hosting their annual Grown Folks Music festival today at Murdoch Park from Noon-10pm

>AI fags get the rope

yes the hebrew jewbies. a very odd feeling of coins in your pocket with little clip marks taken out of them
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>Gavin Newsom will save us!
Congratulations, I think you guys won.
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Biden calling Trump an alley cat is a complement. Cats are based and can't be controlled, which is exactly what people like about Trump.
Compared to pampered joe who has been in politics for 50 years fucking and siphoning on the American people, Trump is indeed an ally cat.
It is beyond a compliment, very nice of joe to pay tribute to his betters.
Yeah everybody knows the feeling it's just hard to describe.
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hello please what has happened today how have threads been
Guys, come to Murdoch park today from noon-10pm and see me and my bros!!

Lotsof good music and good BBQ all day!!

Come see us!!

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The thread is filled with cats and pancakes
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>I'm going to a boomer BBQ music festival today

What a great event to take Emily on a date, luke!! Enjoy yourselves!
Trying to stop people dying because some statistics table says they should isn't a bad thing, really. The retardation comes in when you fine people for not having healthcare and pay the retard doctors/insurance companies whatever they want instead of lowering costs overall instead.

Its also really annoying that other countries get to have working healthcare systems because pharma gouges the hell out of americans: all those 'wonderful' socialist retard systems would collapse in minutes if the price of their drugs centupled.
>caturday edition
>at 5 fucking am
worthless baker
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Nothing has happened politically because weekend. My DARK MAGA hat finally showed up.
>Nothing has happened
Yet, the next happening could be minutes away, always be on your toes.
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i must be getting old because i can't caffeinemaxx without feeling sick
alley cat mind

has there been any new funny salt or is the festival over
>Honey, do me a favor. Run to the drugstore and get me a lemon-coke with plenty of chipped ice in it!--Will you do that for me, Sweetie?
It's one of those lines I expect to see straight out of a 1950's play.
Remember when Obamacare was about to be repealed and everyone who actually works for a living could have their rates return to normal, and then John McCain blocked it at the very last possible second?
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>I'm going to a boomer BBQ music festival today
>What a great event to take Emily on a date, luke!! Enjoy yourselves!

Yeah, but she will just be in my phone cameras :!

I wonder whatever happened to McBrain poster
He got married and had a kid.
we should have mclistened and now it's too late
sounds gay
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you know what the world needed?
a comfy farm sim game with gay marriage options in it. i dare you to think of a more hilariously tone deaf media to cram senseless faggotry into than one that has successful animal husbandry as a core mechanic? the contrast would be unfuckingreal.
your animals make various produce you then sell and also make other animals whos produce you can also sell and they do it all while you get your ass filled with hot cock (or your pussy filled with fist or increasingly large dildos) until you just…. die.
the fact that every comfy farm sim game is predicated on the idea you inherit from a relative who wants you to continue their legacy is probably why more dont include the option because the idea of your ancestors watching you trade away the future of the farm thats been in the family for generations because you wanted to get your ass fucked loose by the local poofter would be peak surrealist comedy no matter how you framed it.
>they could adopt
we all know what that actually leads to irl, dont make me laugh (more). farming is for heteros only and always has been
anyway still voting lake and trump, happy caturday frens, gm and nn
Goodnight, Kit.
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farm girls arent real
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gn katto
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was that gun brought across state lines???
Always has been
So, Joe is good from 10am to 4pm. Perfect as a Walmart greeter, not someone who should run a country.

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Why can't Trumpturds win?
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kek I was looking for something else but found this and got distracted
Now he just has to tweet about the king of Whales
they actually dispatched the namefag. reeks of desperation
Oh there's bidenshill I almost missed his post. Took him a little bit to recover and come on down. I was hoping he'd be there debate night but for some strange reason he never came back!
Does Chevron dying mean it can easier to build new railroads now?
>anti-Christian spam by kikes is higher today than yestrday
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might have to buy like $80 worth of beef and cook it for a million hours
It would be. Regroup, reformulate, memo memo emergency meeting, try to slide to any topic that isn't Biden.
I hope that bitch is just there to make sandwiches...
How much of it is jews plus hindus and muzzies?
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Relaxing at work !!
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/pol/ was originally an anti-christian board, newfag
No but it does mean the top ten american companies traded on nyse have no product to sell

Gimme de gorbage
Comfy pic and appropriate for Caturday.
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>might have to pick up $80 worth of beef
>cook it for a comfy long time

If it seems like that kind of Caturday, burger, you've gotta do what must be done
Most of anti-Christians became Christian and moved on and left you behind. Was one, perhaps you should look into the redpills that turned us Christian, start with statistics and how Christians are the only group that will vote for all the policies that we like.
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And to reiterate, you fantastically-stupid motherfucker: there have been several presidents who lost their first debate who went on to win re-election resoundingly. Ronald Reagan, George W Bush and Barack Obama all had poor first debate performances during their re-election campaigns and still won. Cope harder.
no it wasnt shlomo
Hell yeah brother next debate Biden will take a shit on stage just to prove they don't mean shit and he'll win anyway. Ride on brother.
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jej i see this a lot
>if biden was just way more vitriolic he'd have perfect numbers
again a conflict with the whole different rrats thing i mentioned before: a lot of goober normies are put off if their adulting president goes up and swears down the other guy. it's 99% of their complaints about trump!
dirtbag left holderons just want to pretend to be badasses - this is the left-wing equivalent of the eright saying trump not endorsing nazism or monarchism on stage is a mistake
the alley cat thing would have been an okay line if the rest of the debate was normal. it wasn't, so mentioning it is just reminding everyone of that debate. people aren't going to remember
>oh wow remember when biden EVISCERATED trump on stage?
when you say that, they're gonna remember
>oh wow, remember when biden stumbled over every sentence and said incoherent shit like "we beat medicare?"
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

I'm still sick but I'm not quite as bad as yesterday.
Yes, and new nuclear reactors and rocket launch pads.
you can tell though, that was the focus-group tested line and they're gonna stick to it like hillary's deplorables or w/e
You’re fooling no one rabbi. I can smell your Gefilte Fish breath from here.
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What a cute catto!
I wonder who Liz Cheney is voting for.
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friendly reminder freemason mormons in Utah voted for and support child genital mutilations and child hormone blockers. TOTAL FREEMASON MORMON DEATH
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Actually, any president who was already down in the polls and had a bad first debate went on to lose the election even with a strong second debate performance.
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Remember how this guy put "Country First " on his bio?
:) you can smell that fear
Classical first. Country came later.
This isn't true. Obama was down in the polls to Romney.
>Most of anti-Christians became Christian
source: your retarded headcanon
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Perfect example here
hey how come you weren't here during the debates?
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Yeah, but then he put the Ukraine flag immediately after "Country First" so he ended up just subtly saying "Ukraine First." Now he's changed up the order but also has an Israeli flag and Slava Ukraini. Which country does he put first?
I've seen it happen in real time dickhead, you're way behind
800,000 Germans left the pedo catholic church this year retard.
You see what you want to see.
no it wasn't
t.old fag
>muh NPCs are leaving the church
>this means anything
You sound like a soi redditor
Nice dodge, bitch.
I know you're in a bad place right now, but you shouldn't lie about something I can just check on RCP. This is embarrassing.
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Yeah fuck Obama and his bull shit Obamacare. The goddamn government took money from me because I wouldn’t sign up for that nonsense.
You know he's a deluded retard when he thinks Biden can ride a bike.
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these losers are just mad everybody knows their pedo religions are nothing but human trafficking marxist scumbags trying to replace white people in every western country.
hey why wasn’t coomerpole here during the debates?
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Did you get your political science degree at Trump University or Costco?
I was making a music joke.
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that was just pure delusion of people that drank the dark brandon memes too deeply and thought they had any tether to reality
for those who don't remember, dark brandon was originally a right-wing meme posting him with sonnenrads and hyperborea edits, because it was nonsense on purpose
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>cleaning up pc
>goin thru old SS folder
>thinking about that time a bunch of preschoolers called their teacher a faggot nigger and made zim/zer quit
Even far left governments hate the oil protestors
I don't get it. Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare. Are you suggesting he did not in fact do that?
John McCain ruined everything.
>over my dead body
that's the plan
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John McCain is dead. only his institute can fund terrorism now. soon we will burn the John McCain institute down to the ground and skin alive everybody who works for it.
Especially when there's so much video contrary
the Jesuit order is nothing but spic kikes bringing in as many subhuman mongrels into USA and the west. total spic kike Jesuit death
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you literally dodged this thread when Joe got his half-dead ass handed to him in front of the world lmao, now hit me with some cope
(((Newsweek))) lmao
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It's the most popular propaganda for easily manipulated retards who are dumber than a box of shit.
After your 1000th failure to first-post do you ever consider suicide?
shills r gey
who shits in a box
hey why didn’t you answer my question?
imagine being brown thinking you belong in this thread.
Dementia isn't reversible. It's only going to get worse.
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Shouldn't have nominated a racist, rapist, insurrectionist, convicted felon, morons.
because your obsession with coomerpole is gay and retarded and you should definitely kill yourself!
Horsey seems to be taking the debate well.
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This. I only became Catholic a few years after I started using 4chan.

Germany is very close to schism as its CDU political party says Catholics need to approve of abortion, homosexual weddings, etc. and has far more influence than the actual Catholic Church in Germany due to Helmut Kohl's legalization of abortion and the subsequent domination of CDU by Protestants.

This is why real Catholics in Germany should support AfD, Zentrum, or another party with beliefs amenable to Catholic teachings.
hey why are you so angry this morning? you’re usually more upbeat, especially on the weekends!
First he called him a ne'er-do-well
No, it literally was never that way and your constant attempts to pretend you were here are cringe.
A cold and a stutter isn't dementia.
He was disagreeing with you you retarded pajeet.
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So, what I've gathered from the mourning chatter in places like MSNBC, CNN and twitter is that Biden will REFUSE to drop out and be replaced as the party's nominee.
The new talking points seem to be:
>no one watches debates anyway!
>Trump lied, Biden didn't!
>Biden can be President, just not a campaign!
>it was an off day, we all have those!
>He had a Cold!
>Nobody polls better than Biden against Trump!
These are obviously all weak arguments, but it seems to be what they are sticking with. The first point might even have some validity if Biden was leading massively in the polls, but he isn't. He is actually trailing a few points behind in most polls, so it will only do him harm.
Why do they always lie about stuff we can google, stuff they can't even hide or slide. Sad!.
Germans are the most commie of any. what you typed out will not happen. Germans are the ones pushing all the pro lgbtq shit. they should schism so they can go be the gay catholic church. it's inevitable.
>Leger poll
Who do you think won the debate?

Trump: 49%
Biden/Neither: 51%
Wow, nice hollow "victory", trump trash.
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10% for the big guy
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>Nobody polls better than Biden against Trump!
>He is actually trailing a few points behind in most polls
Could both be true
>A cold
This is the best your handlers could come up with?
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Can we not be children about this?
That one was straight from the white house
Drumpf btfo :)
if the Uvalde cops can be arrested so can Alejandro mayorkas. spic kikes not even once.
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fuck you
I think you have Alzheimers
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Well, nobody debates well when they’re pumped with NyQuil and meth.
What was Trump's excuse for lying constantly?
get the marbles out of your fucking mouth
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>if cops from Uvalde can be arrested so can (((Mayorkas)))

Mayorkas doesn't need to be arrested- he needs to be blindfolded, gagged, tied up, and placed in front of a firing squad
I bet it pains you knowing that voters care more for an honest man who stutters than an eloquent lying nazi.
you have no idea who I am! also, seriously, go kill yourself!
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Are you okay? I think your mind is breaking from all the "tru shabba da pressha"

didn't read.
shit your pants again, i don't care.
damn I didn't know having a stutter could make you shit your pants, that's crazy
What lies did Trump tell?
Yeah resident brain worms had a cold & then immediately went to a Waffle House to spread his filthy pedo germs to black people. Why does Joe Biden hate black people?
> honest man who stutters
g8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
That is exactly what future elections will look like once white demographic genocide has progressed past a certain point.
>As Good As Ever
Unironically, and ironically, true.
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atleast mass deportations are inevitable. jesuits and freemasons 100% seething for their subhuman pets
>Said Biden called black people "Super Predators" (That was Clinton)
>Said he had a stronger environmental record than Biden (lol)
>Said he didn't call Nazis "fine people"
>Claimed he had the greatest economy on Earth (Bill Clinton's was stronger)
>Claimed Democrats want to kill babies (Biden and the Democrats have never supported partial or late term abortion)
Biden said the Border Patrol endorsed him. Trump said that was a lie. I am still waiting for the Mockingbirds to tell us which one lied (I think it was Biden though, especially since the MSM is completely ignoring this like they do with all the DNC's lies).

meme theme:

>i'll show them and just make up shit

Well played staffer.
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>Bill Clinton's was stronger
I like how Bill Clinton repealed the Glass Steagall Act that allowed banks to rape the nation & then get bailed out. Sure it left 6 million homeless & 8 million unemployed, but it makes for great left wing propaganda.

And everything else you said is projection. Fuck are you retarded. Common core failed you. Have you caught the monsters that lynched your gay jew nigger hero Jussie Smollett yet? LMAO!
Isn't it heartwarming to know we're saddled with the genetic garbage of people who invaded us under a genocidal occupation government in order to steal from us, and the only way out is massive deportations of innocent people who were born here and unable to survive anywhere else? May names like rothschild be spat out of the mouth for the rest of history.
>”you have the morals of an ally cat”
That’s rich coming from Joe Bribem
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Do alley cats force their daughters into the shower to rape them like Pedo Peter does? Asking for my cat.
I cannot wait for Trumps victory so Israel can get free reign to do what they will in Gaza.
What did I make up?
This !!
This is why I love President Trump !
They liked that line so much they tweeted it like three to five times since then.
Shill bros...what happened? I thought the sham trial would be the end of /ptg/ and the breakfast breads would forever disappear from the spotlight however the exact opposite occurred and /ptg/ raised almost 999 million tomboys. /ptg/'s support is growing by each day, I don't think deleting and pruning the thread is an option anymore...are jews and traitorous abc agencies inbred retards? WHY WON'T THEY DO SHIT?!! Perhaps they should have focused more on Trump instead of a japanese basket weaving forum.

/ptg/ is a pretty cool guy tho and perhaps maybe, can give the shills some advice on the seige against Trump.

Any ideas /ptg/???
weird comparison
all the alley cats i've ever known will exchange food and ear scratches ...for killing vermin.
So alley cats are welcome on my property.
Disaster for Dems just now
Clyburn, head nigger at the democratic party just said he wants Harris if Biden is out. They can not deny head nog what he wants and Harris would be a disaster.
I know it's been eight years of asking but how exactly do these "true conservatives" justify themselves? Like of all the myriad groups and movements out there the "conservatives" for Biden has got to be the dumbest one on its face, worse than the groypers, bernie bros, or the Kennedy campaign.
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You think they need Daddy Trump's permission to do that? Have you not been paying attention to reality these past 8 years retard?

Serious question, are all Scandinavians as stupid as fuck like you are?
Trump may have called victims of Biden's border crisis, but did he ever think about the women raped by their sisters like Joe Biden does?
stray cats don't bother chasing mice around.
Immigrants benefit too. They get a headache and just stroll into the Emergency Room. Never pay their bill and we end up with it. Thats why everything costs so much. It also made high hospital prices permanent. Fuck doctors. They charged me $6 for an aspirin. One pill!
>What did I make up?
everything. Your lies may work on gay pride parade organizers & other pedo affiliated groups, but not in here groomer.
Or their father like Ashley Biden does?
I accept your concession.
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In other news...
Fernwood 2 Night has been cancelled
Biden is an expert in incestual rape.
>Trump lied, Biden didn't!
I see this talking point being constantly repeated by apolitical normies and international MSM, while giving zero (0) examples of what lies Trump told. This one's especially bizzare as a talking point considering Biden repeated the Charlottesville and losers/suckers hoax, as well as claiming inflation was already high in 2021. He even pulled out of his ass the claim that Trump praised Hitler's policies ffs, how is that not mentioned anywhere? Even when throwing him under the bus, they can't heal their terminal TDS.
of course they do you fucking retard, I watch stray cats chase squirrels outside my window all the time
you're retarded
hell yeah let's lose our health care! why are yall celebrating JUSTing yourselves?
you missed the joke.

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>Trump's a jew sycophant
>Trump literally praised Hitler because he is Hitler

Why can't the shills get on the same page for once?
I hate Moped-Riding Bandits !!!
I recant my prior statement.
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Also this was a great week, I came here to just the salt.
why are they interviewing the robber?
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>Moped-Riding Bandits
add it to the list of politically correct nigger euphemisms
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Add it to the list!
I slink down the alley looking for a fight
Howling to the moonlight on a hot summer night
I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with my kids the other night and I can't help but reflect that Shredder's New York City was safer than the real one lmao.
Oh, nose !!!
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Hey bros

Anyone has that inspirational video from Trump about how the system is rigged and how the elites are fucking America and how Trump swears to drain the swamp and Make America Great Again

Please, if anyone has the video, share it please, it's very inspirational
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Biden is such an embarrassment for our Country. Imagine if he didn't spend 7 days preparing for the debate how much worse it would have been.

And could you imagine how does when actually being force to think on his feet in a time of crisis? Good thing he is not presiden- ack.
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Just wait until he finds out about the potential replacements
Bribem has never sniffed a black little girl.
What’s that strategy called where politicians drive good people out of the city?
You can smell them a mile away.
nigger there's no "our" and i want you to lose healthcare
But you really did make up everything.
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>son of Stormfront's founder trooned out
Fucking kek, the neonazi to tranny pipeline is real
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>Why can't the shills get on the same page for once?
That is the same page for shills. Throw shit against the wall hoping some of it sticks.
lmao touché
they are all jews, pedophiles and jewish pedophiles
Sad that it takes this faggot two hands to lift a water bottle
It's so pathetic how they come on here and express "concerns" about things.
>but he gave his white christian daughter to the jews
>after going off teleprompter trump misspoke one word out of a thousand, wow I'm starting to question his mental fitness for office
It's like the devil where they don't care how they get you as long as they get you. Posting the most offensive stuff for shitlibs like you got molested at age 10 which is why you're a faggot, or nigger bitches were born to serve the White Man, seems to be the most effective way of dealing with them.
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My grandma always said the reason black people smell so bad is so blind people can hate them too? Is she right? I don't mingle with academic scholars if you know what I mean.
>Why can't the shills get on the same page for once?
anything that supports joe biden or democrat policies is already on the same page anon.
The pedophile page!
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MIGApedes quake in their cowboy boots before future president Gavin Newsom.
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>The pedophile page!
And Biden always has their back!
MIGApedes can't handle the thought of a Gavin Newsom campaign.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
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>...black people smell...
It may be an instinct inherited from the animal kingdom to warn you that you're in the presence of another species.
Gross wtf
This is why I think they won't swap, they don't have anyone better and Kamala is the presumptive heir and would not appreciate being passed over.

I do wonder what they'll do about the convention and the next set of debates though. They can try to play off one bad night, but if Biden has another day where the drugs fail him then it's going to be harder and harder to convince even the most braindead leftists that he's fine.
Not going to lie, current Biden voter here. Gaslighting the internet about Biden's debate performance isn't going to change my mind. He ran circles around Drumpf and you all know it.
And I’m back from the walk. Reminder that I am still baking.
bald balding baldy balding badly
every time i think i've seen it all from this gross motherfucker, something like this gets posted.
2025 can't come fast enough.
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>And I’m back from the walk. Reminder that I am still baking.
Yay !!

I just found out that there isn't a family get-together tomorrow.
Booo !!!
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>Reminder that I am still baking.
Check out my posts in this thread...
Lots of potential random OP images
Sex with Raora
I don't know what sort of scheme they're planning, but the latest cope is even better than the last.
Politico is admitting that Trump took complete control of the debate.
Well that's good news if only the presidency was a part-time job like the millions of "jobs" the Biden administration "created".
The bastard went into the lion's den and came out leading the pride. Damn, Trump is good.
I got one tomorrow. My great uncle’s birthday.
And I still have plenty from 2 days ago to use.
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>Biden showed the world what an incompetent & deluded retard he is

The media needs to be purged.
You can't have it both ways, don't they have free rein to do whatever they want now?
Imagine shilling for terrorists in MI and MN for all these months and then nominating Josh Shapiro
So uh, what happens if Russia or Canada or whatever invades at 8 PM, is Biden tucked into bed with his favorite blankie at that point?
Trump is serious about Agenda 47
The GOP is Dead. This is Trump's party now.
Good thing nothing ever happens in the world past 4pm EST
Jonathan Mitchel is incredibly based. Should be Trump’s first choice for solicitor general.
America is just going to have to wait until 10 am the next day for a response.
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That's right.
i want them to be purged by tribunal.
they need to be made an example of so that journalists remember what their true mission should have been.
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>I got one tomorrow. My great uncle’s birthday.
Very cool !!

>And I still have plenty from 2 days ago to use.
Good deal !!
So after all the years of paying people to claim Trump is sundowning it's happening to him, couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Dementia patients usually enter a period of very steep decline, I wonder if Biden will hit it before November?
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so what happens if russia attacks at 9pm?
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Turn on the fucking TV bro any channel!
Too much content these days.
judging by the post-debate rally i would say biden's entered the zone
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>so what happens if russia attacks at 9pm?
>Drumpftards still talking about the debate
Real Americans don't care, I'm voting for Biden because he's the better person and candidate. Nobody wants to vote for a convicted felon.


>>472568069 >>472568069>>472568069
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hey this is an honest to god real biden ad
bald nigger
It's not this one is it?

Hair isn't real
it is, your mother's snatch is lousy with it
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no way
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>Joe Biden stands aimlessly and clueless next to his wife Jill at rally in North Carolina.
>472568069 >472568069 >472568069
you asked, here's the goods.
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its a cruel cruel summer
No his colon. It's the prefect metaphor for how the democrats are shitting all over Americans.
Your mother was a hamster, and your father smells of elderberries.
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imagine telling democrats in 2016 that an official democrat ad will be
>yes, our candidate is retarded
>but he's, like, a really nice guy
that joke is older than your wig
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I just love how Jill was able to cobble together a few yard signs to make a dress. No way will she let Joe step down. You think she wants to move back to Delaware & spoon feed Biden the rest of her life & have her crack head son move back in?
Fuck you Lana
Well it's literally a joke from the middle ages. Your mother was a hamster, breeds a lot, and your father is too poor to buy wine and drinks fermented elderberry juice instead.
I fart in your general direction
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.
Go now
just fuck printing anything in July huh?
that's some pretty good copium you got there.
Why woudl Ben Shapiro run against Trump?
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LOL, so true!

Haha, good one kike!
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The humiliation rituals will continue.

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