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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472570789
Ultra MAGA.
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Day status?
Is our guy going to win, ameribros?
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what a sudden spike in anxiety.
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Watch for the polls that will drop after the middle of next week.
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I'm scared
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Don't watch this if you have a weak stomach.
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If I could do one MAGA thing for the eworld it would be that all the cancerposters in this thread would be thrown into a meat grinder for niggers to eat.
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I want
>ALL illegals deported
>birthright citizenship ended
>immigration reform dialed back to Europeans only
>border security, South and North
>voter reform to secure elections from Dem fraud
>end income tax, fund govt with tariffs and national sales tax
I know some anons will disagree and that's fine but I think most would support this and if the Rs get both houses and Trump, all this can and SHOULD be done
fuck Marxists!, thank you God Bless
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nigel keeps going up and up in the polls
it's going to be a MAGA july 4th for a bunch of reasons
Guess you're a 10 on the bunny scale :-} >>472587100
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it would nice to see actual Right wing parties start winning and fixing the last century of fuckups all over the West
i did not need to see this
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you definitely did~
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Hey /ptg...
no! i wanted to see more dogs, ducks, cats, and other assorted political animals!
>Far-right Alternative for Germany reports surge in membership
These people are so fucked in the head. Get offended if you tell them something, get offended if you don't tell them the same thing
Mio is on the mend and is coming back tonight!
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People who live in opposition to how God asked us to live (including Christians) generally live a miserable existence and the godless especially enjoy spreading their misery around.
sorry it is NOT ground war time it is still the debate festival
You are so silly. I had a salad today while I rewatched the debate. Raspberry tart jam on a bed of milk-cured superman ice cream.
(or anti-biden left-wing ones work too, just bring out the ghost lions)
Friends, I have a confession: Sometimes, when no one's around, I belt out the old chants from my pre-Trump campaigns.
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I see it really just does take 24 hours from them to go from panic mode to being smug shits again who deny reality.
so have libtards realized they're stuck with biden/kamala come november lol
we're in salt season now, wonder what the deal with presidential immunity is gonna be on Monday
wait are they really saying biden is the greatest president of our generation?
are they
1. discounting obama (this would be really funny)
2. young enough to have only experienced trump and biden (if so what a worthless statement)
pmurt is probably going to lose the immunity case, anon
It's 1
>More votes and popular then Obama
These people hold zero loyalty.
>biden is the greatest president of our generation
What, lol. Are they 10? Why not Obama?
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every reply is exactly those questions congratulations
hey the democrat party isn't democratic? :O
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>post birth abortion is a lie
show them this
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Had to cuck hard to get there, 2020 isn't an easy year to win.
I’m not going to reply to that.
Trump didn't "win". Biden stumbled. Big difference. It can happen to the best.
What were the biggest mistakes in the history of America?
What about Republican voter fraud?
Trim the fat ya say? Ok.
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Biden CANNOT be replaced on the ballot in Georgia, Nevada, or Wisconsin unless he dies or is 25th Amendment out of office. LOL!
Florida didn't win
Edmonton stumbled
happens to the best of us
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sorry you gotta it's the law
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This dude is the most head up his ass delusional motherfucker I've ever heard of. Every Tweet he posts feels the same because it's all completely unintelligible. Like seriously what is wrong with him?
What would realistically happen if Biden died of old age, would they replace him fast?
a bill to end voter fraud would cover that if it happens
Low key acceptance from the left that Obama sucked and only white men are good leaders.
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Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.



>What would realistically happen if Biden died of old age, would they replace him fast?
Cackles steps in.
that tweet was actually one of his more understandable ones!
yes a natural death would be one of the best scenarios for people who want to have biden replaced
every amendment after the Bill of Rights
not sending niggers back to Africa after the Civil War
creation of the federal reserve
Woodrow Wilson
1965 Immigration Act
1964 Civil Rights Act
just to name a few
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

I really hope a shortened platform doesn't lead to dropping time-honored commitments like opposition to gay marriage.
What caused Biden's deterioration?
maybe, or at least have the scope of his immunity narrowed to not completely end the lawfare against him (especially if authored by Roberts). but still, it'll be interesting to see
I hope there's a huge upset at the convention, doesn't matter if it changes anything about the nomination in the end, I want lots of kvetching and whining and division
My ass is ready, /ptg/. Clean.
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>https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hhwh71wINUt4sso anon, the collapse coming as this roman empire decays into collapse as a rising phoenix.
the logical procedure would be for delegates to nominate Cuntmala but we're talking about Dems here so there'd be a power struggle between Cuntmala, Newsome and Clinton factions
Why are they like this?

Alzheimer's disease
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don't worry i'm saving the less intelligible one for like ten minutes from now when i want to annoy you again
If you want to see something funny check Stancil. He was having a meltdown defending b*den. This faggot has to be one of b*den’s strongest e-soldiers.
>power struggle between Cuntmala, Newsome and Clinton factions
lol, is that really the pinnacle of the Democrats in 2024? Don't they have anyone better, more charismatic, intelligent?
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Western Arrogance of Collapse.
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>I hope there's a huge upset at the convention, doesn't matter if it changes anything about the nomination in the end, I want lots of kvetching and whining and division
Going to be some the best entertainment this year.
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I don't know how much of it is actually the work of either man vs the slow decay of the federal workforce as a whole, but Obama was, if nothing else, capable of keeping the day to day operations running, as was Trump for that matter. Biden's entire administration is remarkable in how dysfunctional it is and how little they actually do. Anyone who works with the government regularly can tell you about it, anything that used to take a week under Obama or Trump now takes months, if it was a job that used to take months to do it probably still hasn't gotten done.
1) He was always retarded
2) He's super old
3) He had brain surgery not that long ago
hey if you want to see extra painful the j6 doxxers are all in on
>it was just a cold
>no one else
no, it's sad and fucking scary because this country is peopled with dumbasses who would vote for them
If I had to guess the brain surgery he had in the 80s was the start of it in addition to being evil since forever.
illuminati digits checked
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Never dreamed I’d see these headlines
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I ask that about a lot of people.

there is a hypothesis that compulsive liars are more susceptible to dementia/Alzheimer's due to the way the brain stores info and experiences and if they are made up/fake it causes a glitch in the system, so to speak
I've heard rumors that one of the reasons they're holding it in Chicago instead of a swing state this year is because they're scared shitless of pro-Palestine riots. Chicago is a nice corrupt city with a very compliant police department and a history of beating up Democrats for protesting their party's actions.
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hey do you think these people are being honest when they say
>actually biden is really good at being president!
>just... well... campaigning is a different beast
I support Vril Stancil's platform of cleaning up Minneapolis by feeding the Somalis to bears.
no because the democrat party has a big anarchosocialist problem in its ranks that make the pickings for successors at the national arena really slim
it isn't just about ideological electability, but getting money: donors aren't too keen on funding a party that wants to abolish private property, so the democrat party keeps its front power in the hands of aging corporate democrats
Part of this is there's no one executive to keep everyone in line any more. Zero accountability. But also, during the Trump years, resistance and rebellion amongst the executive branch was encouraged by the media. They figured everything would go back to the way things were when they got their guy back in, but there's a lot of rogue bureaucrats out there doing what ever they feel like.
It's also so they can have a bunch of groid mobs block Brandon's motorcade and "accidentally" let some slip past security.
>we're in salt season now,
confirmed via integer
All "special interests" can go first.
if trump does get a narrow win in his immunity case i wouldn't be surprised if it was crafted in a way where the court case against trump could still move forward
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i do actually, because of pic related
it is very easy to do a job that you define by letting other people do all the work. biden could be in a coma and do it
of course then there's an argument that then his only job is *getting elected* which he is failing, but that's why they're having this debate to replace him for the election. between elections his job is "occupying a seat"
remember, they don't even think the sole commander in chief thing is valid: this administration has tried to offload even that to subordinates as the highest authority

so they are being very honest. it's just not compatible with the moral and aesthetic framing they usually preach
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Well, of course!
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Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.
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like you read the dissents and outside commentary on jarkesy and chevron repeal, you should know the democrat standard line is that the constitutional format is just "not good government" and they have transcended it to some unwritten law they decide by "experts" who are the only proper adjudicators of what is correct and beyond reproach from the unwatered
Yes Christ is King however I am not voting for Trump to be my savior. I want him to be POTUS.
Shouldn’t you be more concerned with winning souls to Christ instead of worrying who the Antichrist is?
The antichrist is not your concern. Salvation of the lost is.
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I wish Canada would get good news for fucking once.
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Good awoofternoon guys
Isn't Pierre the favorite in the next election?
(they just don't say this outright because that would be the same idiocy as the anon demanding trump endorse nazism explicitly on stage)
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The Bible clearly warns about a false Christ. The man of sin, the son of perdition who is going to come in his name and deceive many. Trump fits like a glove.
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>one bookmark
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Also Bibi likes him a lot.
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>if we actually applied it evenly, the entire federal government would need to be resolved
your terms are acceptable
Yeah, bureaucratic rebellion was encouraged during the Trump admin, and every attempt he made to reign them in was sabotaged by McConnell et al. Trump got around this by simply not using the agencies for most of his term, the North Korea summit was done entirely without the State Department for example. Biden was probably
"supposed" to reign everything back in, but he clearly isn't capable of it and most of his cabinet doesn't seem to care to do it in their respective roles either. It's how you get situations like the Fall of Afghanistan where nobody knows what anyone else is doing.
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While a BLM riot would be hilarious, I don't see why they'd drop one on their own convention.
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it's a good thing the SCOTUS just ruled government pressure on media isn't a violation of the first amendment!
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i guess i should have framed my question differently:
how many people earnestly think
>biden is a really good president
>biden's administration has been incredible for america
for example, you could easily make the claim
>trump was a great presidency, but his administration betrayed him
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Checked, wait next year.
great president
Where can I read more about this?
Really? How does a law and order candidate become the man of lawlessness? Is Trump going to be the one to order the US Military to Megido to face off against Israel?
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Oh new id but the same me.
The entire country is in a state of depression in several senses, the last four years have seen the largest decline in standard of living in the country's history. I suppose you could quibble about how much of it is Biden's fault, but the last four years have been very rough on the American people.
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Next year is going to be fucking worse
>Blame conservatives for everything that the last government did
>People will bitch and whine that sexists and racists are now in power despite doing everything the liberals were already doing
Yes the Bible warns of the Antichrist and tells us not be deceived BUT like I said I KNOW Jesus is my Lord and Savior and not Trump.
Jake Tapper still in hiding? Think he knows he gave Trump the election last night and doesn't want libs blaming him.
Wow I have been a Trump supporter for 8 years but I am ridin with biden now
Trump as an antichrist figure doesn't make a lot of sense since he gets a shitload of resistance from worldly powers in pretty much anything he does.
I don't know what he has in mind but they are expecting him to bring peace.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
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>ID mS
Oh it's you
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>Learn to co-ACK
Honestly though, it's actually unreal how long this economy was allowed to balloon with low interest rates and cash injections into silicone valley to develop shitty mobile apps and startups.
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Yes it knows.
Not for nothing but… ummmm… Q predicted this. Oh and Trump did to when he said the 25th Amendment is going to come back to bite Biden.
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Learn to shoot.
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The panic is shifting towards desperate cope.
Yeah well I’m still voting Trump.
A vote for Trump doesn’t mean I believe he’s the 2nd coming.
only time will tell, ppc, cpc and collapse.
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>Multiple Sonic Booms from Israeli Aircraft heard over Areas of Southern Lebanon as well as the Capital of Beirut.
These women need help

Also a lot of good butthurt in Jake Tappers replies on his latest tweet

Also the name Mar-a-Lago means Sea to Lake which is very interesting because the beast rises from the sea and ends in the lake of fire and brimstone.

Revelation 13:1 KJV
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Revelation 19:20 KJV
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
OP idea
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kouhai the problem is once again liars. most democrats hate the idea of the president being a single guy with highest authority. they are voting for The Party to have complete control of The Bureaucracy, not for The Guy to be The President. The President to them is just a meaningless stand in for whoever to allow The Party in
so for democrats, biden is doing a great job as president *just by existing.* failures in society are dastardly traps laid by or repercussions of mistakes made by trump and republicans. this is all self-consistent with their rrat, so to ask if they are being "honest" requires determining what any of these words absolutely mean. i do not think they are doing polemics or willfully lying (whether they have completely fried mental models of reality is something else entirely - again, it depends on what "honest" and "lying" means, and i find it easier to base it on "they do not actually think they are mischaracterizing or misconstruing things"). this is why democrats had little dissonance about inflation peaking under biden, or the ukraine war starting (there was a little crack for afghanistan, and there was a bigger one for october, for reasons that have to do with difficulty in blaming the other guy honestly for things entirely within his control)

i think the statements about le greatest w/e, they are making in earnest because they don't really see the president as anything other than The Party. they'll cheerlead whoever is in and see no contradiction because the guy as a leader never entered the picture for them: dark brandon isn't funny because they think biden is super tough, they think it pisses us off (same thing as "chud," remember when they thought that was a scathing insult?)
what's causing the problem right now is a lot of democrats *are* lying when they try to argue about the debate performance, because there isn't an abstraction to The Party on the debate stage. there's just biden, and he was very bad
A woman I know was telling me about how we need more covid boosters right now because they're detecting more covid in sewage samples, but people don't know they've got it so they're not taking precautions. If we're having a covid "surge" but nobody is actually sick, who gives a shit?
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>once again lions*
elections matter such and so forth
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apparently the first word to come in mind for some voters about biden's debate performance was 'dead'
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Excellent choice. What a good fucking song, my brother.

MAGA 2024
“Sewage samples”?
Ok i promise I’ll stay away from the sewers and other people’s feces and urine.
These people can say anything and people eat it up.
Telling libs to stop having anal sex and shit fetishes is racist.
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CDC samples sewage in most major cities on a rolling basis to track levels of various diseases. They're sounding the alarm on a covid surge which nobody noticed because people have moved the fuck on.
it's not "one man," it's "63 million people who voted for one man"
>Thanks the president of Egyypt for protecting americans against an electromagnetic force
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>Uh, both sides are bad!
Even when they admit they fucked up they can't admit defeat yet.
which type of president are you today, bros?
Checked and sure.
>If we're having a covid "surge" but nobody is actually sick, who gives a shit?
Same with the H5N1 bird flu bullshit. Several farmhands have caught it with the biggest complaint being 'about 3 days of fatigue'. many don't even know they have/had it. 50% mortality my ass
I also just realized how BOOMER this is
>Buying real estate in portugal
Yeah, of course you boomers would be fleeing the mess you made because young people can't afford shit
DEI rules inserted in every program. To get a money for anything there's more and more rules and hoops to go through that paralyze everything.
>Oh you didn't prove 39% of your employees are minorities. Too bad start again.
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The Gentleman Shitstirrer strikes again!
If only I could be Strongular
Boomercide when
Capitalism and Marxism are two of the same sides of the coin of modernity.
Word up, homies
Good. The liberal supreme court in the 60's did whatever they wanted and it should have been overturned in the 70's or 80's but Nixon and Reagan were pussies that didn't wanna rock the boat too much.
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Do you even know what marxism is and how it is literally incompatible with the free trade?
Still don’t believe Covid is a real thing. I think they just repackaged cold and flu season, refused to treat people for it because it was something they knew nothing about and as a result by ignoring the flu they died.
And finally watch out for they are planning an assassination as shown in the predictive programing they have put out in the media through out the years. This is of course a double/twin who will recieve a deadly wound to the head than the switcheroo happens and to the people it will appear as if he rose from the dead. Antichrist means in place of Christ.

States can choose what they can do? The horror!
>criminalized homelessness
I wish. In any case having some kind of misfortune does not make you immune from laws that apply to everyone.
It's hard to exaggerate how dumb I think the "this was all on purpose to replace Biden with a different guy!" people are. If you hear that from someone, you can discard their entire opinion of anything that comes to understanding these people and their motives, or how elections and party politics works.
It's funny because this would be the least chaotic transition of power for them, but democrats still can't take it because they would have to admit they're awful.
Imagine howling at the moon in such a lovely pool
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Meowoo! Happy Caturday!
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stocking leaf? i know both are different, but both serve materialism and modernity.
noon fren
you dont have the mind of christ
why is the spirit not in you?
I am making chiggun skewers.
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>"How did Joe Biden come across in the debate?"

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it does look pleasant.
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And capitalism was a coin termed by a communist to attack the concept of the free trade better. Yeah, materialism is bad but attacking the free trade is just helping the communists. In fact, the existence of property and income completely denies what capitalism is supposed to be because you lose money on your gains when you are supposed to own all of it.
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but anyway: for us, when we talk about "what makes a good president," we would examine what is in the scope of what a president can and can't do and whether his successes or failures were his fault or externalities (like whether his officials were his fault or not). the big divide on the right about trump is trying to judge whether the real results outweighed costs or effort: those that say "yes" are still MAGAmen, those who say "no" got bitter and disconnected, or angry and anti-trump. but he is judged according to a "right-wing ideal leader" and how well that was lived up to, and how, and idealistic vs. practical expectations given all forces against the right. the most common disappointment was not breaking the Process that seems mostly negative for us enough

biden was elected *for* the unelected bureaucracy: nothing they do is his fault to democrats, it is something subjected to Process. they are judging him mostly on
>not interceding when Process doesn't favor their preferred issues
i.e. not using presidential authority to change diplomatic stance concerning israel on behalf of palestine, because they don't see Process doing that itself (there's lesser complaints about ending pandemic too early, not unilaterally clearing student loans or expanding the court)
>demeanor and "decorum"
making the Process and Bureaucracy look Respectable and Humanitarian and Caring. biden again doesn't have to actually do anything other than not say something le ebil, he'll be judged according to jill and her staff's arrangement of the rose garden or his social media intern's posts on twitter. they don't care if he goes and mumbles nonsense at a podium at the Organization for Racial Somethingness Conference, all that mattered was he was there, said nothing offensive, and someone gave money to the right people from public coffers. that's A+ in their book
they do not want to break "Process," so failures baked into the Process are not blamed on biden specifically
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Eliminate social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and all welfare then at least 60% of taxes are gone.

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>I am making chiggun skewers.

Even Santa Claus supports Trump
Why are boomers always so obsessed with drinking? They make it their whole personality.
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>You now remember when they made Santa and his Reindeer take the jab
>Every word we speak was taught to us by God's Spirit, not by human wisdom. And this same Spirit helps us teach spiritual things to spiritual people. This is why only someone who has God's Spirit can understand spiritual blessings. Anyone who doesn't have God's Spirit thinks these blessings are foolish. People who are guided by the Spirit can make all kinds of judgments, but they cannot be judged by others.

>The Scriptures ask,

>“Has anyone ever known
>the thoughts of the Lord
>or given him advice?”

>But we understand what Christ is thinking.
Against the wind....
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Does anyone have a 1080p or 4k version of this video? Can just barely see myself
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I won't torment you any longer for the night. Good night all and remember:
Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.
>Trump poll bump
this is how you know the dems are desperate to get rid of joe: they manufactured a fake as fcuk poll bump in the middle of the weekend when nobody gives a fuck even more.
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oh cool he is going to fight.
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Has anyone told the Lord
what he must do
or given him advice?
Did the Lord ask anyone
to teach him wisdom
and justice?
Who gave him knowledge
and understanding?
To the Lord, all nations
are merely a drop in a bucket
or dust on balance scales;
all of the islands
are but a handful of sand.
The cattle on the mountains
of Lebanon
would not be enough to offer
as a sacrifice to God,
and the trees would not
be enough for the fire.
God thinks of the nations
as far less than nothing.

Who compares with God?
Is anything like him?
Is an idol at all like God?
It is made of bronze
with a thin layer of gold,
and decorated with silver.
Or special wood may be chosen
because it doesn't rot—
then skilled hands
take care to make an idol
that won't fall on its face.
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this is why i think they're honest when they say he's le best president or w/e: they would literally say the same thing about a pumpkin with "democrat" written on it being president
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Boats -n- hoes
Boats -n-hoes
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When they say verboten I say how high!
you thought trump vs biden 2024 was crazy?

wait til you see trump vs biden 2028
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People and birds both dance probably because we are both bipedal MAGAchadly
grace chan shall rule /pol/!
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a dog shit in a litter box. Nice urban art
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All jokes aside we have an incredibly succession and goal crisis because everything is fucked, we have no future plan beyond Trump election, and we haven't fostered any continuing candidates and leaders.
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>secures St. Nicolas vote
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they don't even make this a secret if you spend just a few minutes looking. a "good president" is a democrat who does nothing but be democrat
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new time cover just dropped
>RadioGenoa locked after Cambodian citizen journalist behind account raided by anti-crime unit in Rome.
Huzzah! Get fugged you gook!
okay but that's still a better position than 2008 was
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Don Jr., Eric, and then Barron.
just repeal the 22nd lol
Why is he a giant?
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Reminder that I am still baking.
he might unironically be too tall to be president, 6'4 makes you a gigachad but 6'8 is going into uncanny valley lanklet territory
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>secures St. Nicolas vote

Are you excited for this Christmas?
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okay but for the record i do want to bulldoze everyone else's eventually it's just not pragmatic to insist on that right now
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Thanks for baka.
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No other Trump has shown any particular competency or large aggressive policy flavor to our cause except our Trump. They need to make some outright aggressive statements followed by actions on immigration and how we will eradicate foreign entries and stays.

Our Trump lord is too old, even though I love him. He needs a rest after second term.

Lel saved

2008 the neocons were tarnished for ever, McCain was defeated, the republican party officially splintered, immigration became a serious topic for right wing in a substantial way, the militia movement and anti-government movement began, the financial system started to crumble, the US was losing hegemon status to incompetency and crisis. Horrid time but it got the ball rolling. Ron Paul 2008

On what charges?
You’re welcome.
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some of that analysis is wrong by proof of romney
Okay see yeah guys in 5 hours or such, fuck leaf shills and remember tomboy summer and fuck democracy and equality.
you always post the most pretentious fart huffers possible
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Undercover redditor
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yes i know it is my absolute favorite thing to do
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Romney got thrashed so hard because people like me we actively sabotaging every neocons and frantically getting people to arm up and prepare. Trump halted the anti-government and militia movements, that's one of his few consequential flaws.
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Any rally this weekend?
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Imagine him dressed like that maid bro
This is legitimately one-party state time if Republicans don't fumble the bag. Maybe Democrats were right about democracy, because they're about to get wiped out because they fucking suck. I don't want to be stuck with purely Republicans, cause we all now the Republicans suck as on their own, but I'm hoping RFK does well enough that Dems are forced to flee to some kind of independent party and change their entire philosophy as a party.
anon biden could have drooled and started making baby noises throughout the debate and democrats will still get at least 45% of the vote
Given Barron time, he's only 18. Everyone who talks to him says he's a super-genius, though. And he won't even be a presidential contender until the 2040s or 50s.
something about gazing upon the jenkem too long turning you into jenkem...
Gitmo Gitmo Gitmo Gitmo.
Explain how I just saw Trump murder Biden on stage then.
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This guy is the last person who should be dogging on anyone for being "in a different universe."
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Real fart smellers.
if the hebrew god devoured jesus when he was crucified, does that mean you worship a hebrew asshole?
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His children had about 10 years to do something particularly substantial or make great statements but they have mostly focused on PR. It's a bit of a shame.
Lara Trump Vs. Hunter Biden?
just what???
oh the non-reporting thing right?
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don't do that
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Love tomboys, simple as.
I'm kinda bummed that Don Jr. basically just became a Steven Crowder or Sean Hannity-type. Rather than build a political brand, he just became another dime-a-dozen conservative pundit, just with a president's last name.
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The genie cannot go back in
it takes a while to set the bots on a new narrative. I'm not trying to be witty. That's why there was a delay of these talking points.
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They went the hardest after him and his family, sending his family letters with powder in it and shit like that, even the wife he divorced they sent letters with a white powder in it to try and scare them.
Just like Reagan's son.
Doesn't matter, if they lose the rust belt they lose it for good.
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and he beat medicare too
If he had his old man's balls he'd have kept fighting. Sad.
and repealed roe v wade
I'm not saying Don Jr. had no reason for taking the approach he did; I just feel it'll make him a pundit-for-life rather than set himself up as a future presidential candidate.
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>Gitmo Gitmo Gitmo Gitmo.

Ya :)

Sounds like a nevergending investigation / fabrication of evidence
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I've said many times that the left doesn't realize Trump is a force of Peace and instills hope in Americans. REAL Americans. He is the only thing standing between recovery and a second Civil War going hot... which could tumble into WWIII.
Trump - Period of war famine and disease - Baron - Emperor Baron
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Based Tucka with ancap tie in Straya.
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Who did Trump pick as VP ??

biden - caligula
trump - claudius
kamala - nero
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hope he had time to do some fishing.
Jesus will be Trump's vp.
This! Wasn't the VP pick supposed to be announced at the debate?
Jesus take this administration
That was just a rumor.
the rnc convention, niggers
Nigger, I am still baking.
It was a rumor, and the rumor only extended to "the VP will probably be at the debate." As such, it's being assumed that the VP was one of the spin-room people.
That Glendale subhuman jew kept threatening him with jail time like what happened with Navarro and Bannon.
Oh, God, it's Carson isn't it.
>spin room
what an abortion of a name tha t was
so which people actually attended the debate?
I don't think Carson was there, but I hope it is.
Go now
Uzbekistan is following Tajikistan in banning the hijab and “Islamic teachings”.

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