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Thread theme:

Thread for all things anti-ZOG and FUCK ISRAEL
/FIG/ is anti-TKD - Jews can be redeemed by denouncing the Zionist death cult.

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Reminder that they are actually proud of this shit.
fucking disgusting. wtf
Horrifying, innit?
i don’t give a shit about the middle east
death to Israel
I don't give a shit about your worthless opinion.
still waiting for vid of beheaded occupier babies
Steamed hams
There maybe some truth to this as jews love to project and they ran with a beheaded babies story not long ago, but of course claimed the were the ones who Palestinians did it.
we’re all going to face judgement for failing to stop this.
even if you don’t believe in god, do you really want to live in a world where this is okay?
they already started defending the genocidal occupiers. they have alot in common the isrealis and british a violent genocidal past
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Indeed, fren.
I believe God is angry af about this.
Checked. America too, naturally.
Makes me sick that my taxes are paying for it.
Switching to a memeflag for that reason.
Here's the deal: You can't attack a people and then hide amongst civilians, daring them to retaliate. HAMAS and the Palestinians no very well how to manipulate public opinion.
the bright side is they completely fucked themselves by enabling ukraine and israel. it's only downhill from now on.
Here's the deal:
You're a dogshit human being and God is mad as hell at you.
I Hope that guy grow up and become second Hitler or Hadrian
Why do retards still make earnest threads here?
What do you think you're accomplishing?
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Jewish genetics are simply not possible. Period.

Honestly, I don't see how Israel survives, long term. The landscape is changing, with new, better, cheaper, smaller weapons getting in the hands of terrorists.
What do you think (You)'re accomplishing?
I'm speaking out about the worst atrocities to happen in my entire lifetime.
Yeah, seeing things as they really are is hard on some people.
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Here's how things really are.
You're in a death cult.

That's why they want Ukraina
Death to Palinigger children :)

So many brown subhumans with western flags. This has to change.
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Death to Israel.
do you honestly think this makes you look good to anyone besides your fellow cultists?
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Also the sunburn.
>HAMAS and the Palestinians no very well how to manipulate public opinion
>Yeah, seeing things as they really are is hard on some people
after repeating kike propaganda, dumbfuck
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You're doing nothing but normalizing this shit in people's minds.
The more you retards shove horrific images in front of people, the less they give a shit.
You actually come across as a ghoul yourself, demanding attention by using such images.
You're unironically aiding those who commit such atrocities.
>You're doing nothing but normalizing this shit in people's minds.
Doesn't feel that way.
I'm trying to wake up the dumb Christians who somehow believe that God loves this wickedness.
Reminder how things end up for death cultists.
(taps the sign)
but it is that way. sand niggers belong in bombed out piles of rubble among endless rock deserts, because that’s all we see about them. nobody cares if they get bombed again, that’s literally the status quo since the dawn of time. it’s not even news anymore. it’s just what it always has been.
this is why the world doesn’t care
>plays stupid games
>wins stupid prizes
sad... many such cases
why is a kraut siding with kikes? Didn't they fuck your country up and destroyed 90% of your culture and gave your women away to niggers? Fascinating
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>since the dawn of time
No, just since 1947.
The first terror attack in the history of the middle east was done by Irgun.
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Reminder that the Jews who actually believe in God are tripping over their dicks to abandon Israel.
You love to see it.
isnt Bibi Nyet a Nyahoo from Philly ?! lmao
I don't understand, is it that he got ptsd and couldn't go back or did he get scared they would take revenge on him or what?
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kek, I believe so.
I need to kill every zionist alive. How should I proceed?
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I honestly don't know.
I could imagine him feeling guilty or scared.
They really are cowards.
gyat damn, a philly boi native is also a Mid Eastern native. LMAO
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Kill the zionist inside them by holding a mirror up.
Don't kill the human being.
"Vengeance is mine" saith the Lord.

This machine kills zionists.
why did he kill himself though? He is smiling in the pictures.
that’s long enough for every living person on earth to associate sand niggers with piles of burnt rubble as what was always the case.
also thanks for admitting it so fast, that was easier than anticipated
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Repent, sinner.
>running from rocks wearing full battle gear
kek, what a clown show
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Reminder to all US anons that your taxes are financing this.
I have to step out for a while, anons.
Please keep thread bumped in my absence.
Won't have time to create another today.
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what happened to "gaza: the graveyard of tanks" sandniggerbros?
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I never predicted any such thing.
Gazans don't even have guns.

Are you seriously gloating about a victory over a caged, unarmed population?
The world sees what you're doing and it is disgusted.

Your stupid meme country is finished.
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Leave Jews alone you sad little cowards!!
Long live Israel! Fry Palestine!
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>be palishitstain retards
>chimp out
>get destroyed
>cry, piss and shit your diaper
this aint gonna end anytime soon and a lot more of you sandniggers are gonna die
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Who's the coward?
Someone who murders children, or someone who stands up to it?
Also: Jews are not on board with this shit:
Only zio death cultists.
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Fake paliwood gore porn doesn’t make you any less of a loser ackmad
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how are these supposed to be fake?
I'm still waiting to see the pictures of the "beheaded babies" from Oct. 7, btw.
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Remember 8 months ago when the IDF was calling themselves the "world's most moral army"?
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They say "never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake" but you are not my enemy.
You're my brother, and you're making an absolute gigantic ass of yourself.

According to Zechariah 13 over 2/3 of them will be exterminated
My enemies are ideas, not people:
Fascism, corruption, and greed.
I hope it doesn't come to that, but I'm afraid it may.
It's not my decision though, and I don't want it to be.
Judgment belongs to God.
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No wonder Jews own you heh
Proudly displaying your wickedness like this is doing you no favors.
The whole world is watching.
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fuck your kids nigga hahaha
You do seem to have a thing for that, don't you?
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islam lost
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There are still 1.5 billion muslims on earth.
Hope you enjoy traveling as a Jew in this world of filth you've helped create.
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your muslim children are all burning in hell haha
You seem awfully confident that there's a hell.
You also seem awfully confident you're not going there.

Tell me: do you still get to be "God's favorite children" even after you've so flagrantly and enthusiastically violated his commandments?
I was in junior high when this was released.
Owned the 45.
Great song. Even my dad liked it.
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1) Israel = colonial satellite state for the crown/rothschild bankers. read the first Balfour Declaration

2) W. Churchill wrote a propaganda article titled "Zionism vs Bolshevism" to manufacture consent for the creation of Israel with distinctions between "good zionist" jews vs "bad communist" jews

3) Hamas was created by Israel to counter the PLO which had leftist tendencies

4) Israel laundered money to Hamas through the Palestinian Authority

5) Israeli intel was given information about oct 7 attack from egypt and isreal did nothing

6) “if you take out saddam hussein that there would be positive reverbations in the region” -Netanyahu

7) no rapes happened at the rave near a concentration camp

8) recent events will be used for Netanyahu's re-re-re-election

9) 20th century history of the middle east is just colonialism. the partition of India and Pakistan was courtesy of the crown. and the u.s. was there right away to influence Pakistan

10) Operation Ajax

11) CIA helped Saddam Hussein gain power. Reigle report. Kamasiyah weapons bunker. the U.S. sold weapons to both sides of the Iraq / Iran War in the 80s, on top of Iran Contra Scandal

12) Operation Cyclone

13) 9/11 was an inside job

14) mcmahon-hussein correspondence

15) U.S. armed and funded the "rebels" who became ISIS. first beheading video that came out was straight up fake as fuck

16) ask yourself why Netanyahu incited Yitzhak Rabin's assassination

17) Hannibal Directive kills civilians

18) Apollo Affair

19) Isreal supported ISIS

20) CIA involved in “truce diplomacy” between Israel and Hamas

21) Israel found out Hamas finances in 2018 and did nothing

22) Zionists poisoned Palestinian wells in 1948

23) USS Liberty

24) https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/comments/l43xgk/megalist_israels_crimes_controversies_full/?rdt=46704
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shut yo muhfuggin pussy ass up nigga hahaha
Early 60s Jamaican ska is some of the most pure and wonderful music that has ever been recorded.
And to think that most churches are supporting this genocide.
Because they tossed out the Bible decades ago.
Yeah, judgment coming.
There's a reason America isn't in the Bible.
the dead 2/3rds was the holocaust. For the messianic age, I think there will only be 200,000 Jews left. Yknow, to purify from what little racemixing they did
based and truth-pilled.
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muslims are honestly pathetic lmao
>calls people pathetic
>brags about murdering toddlers
i honestly didn't realize people could be this evil
OP, the few of us who treasure the Word of God, we just pray.
You read Jeremiah lately? Can you imagine the horrors he experienced. For us it will be far worse.
As CS Lewis said, you call, he'll come. And he meant Satan. Faggot churchies, I just want to nail. They deserved the vaxxes.
We were in ministry in the 90s. I said then, these mindless church groupies will be the first to line up for the MOB. Sure enough.
Got friends traveling to the great Ark in Kentucky next week. They think that will be a spiritual experience. Lost cause.
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your children are getting their dick and balls melted off, how is that not pathetic
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>For us it will be far worse.
I pray that God will forgive them, for they know not what they do.
you know people can drive to crown heights and find you right? you know also theres lots of niggers near you that will do pretty violent things when they find out the big nosed niggas with the funny hats ran the slave trade
you need to calibrate your jewdar
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You’ll do nothing
Antisemites are all mere insecure cowards projecting

Plus I’m reporting you for terroristic language so have fun with that buddy ;-)
Why do you think there are so many antisemites?
I want your honest opinion.
There was a major riot in Crown Heights in the early 90s when a motorcade for some important Rabbis ran over some black kids or something.
A lot of Jews left the neighborhood for Williamsburg and Greenpoint afterwards.
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*taps the sign*
>deuce deuce
pea shooter lol.
are your wrists too weak for a 9?

bombing babies is pathetic, killing civillians cause your diaper wearing idf cant kill guerillas is pathetic, pretending that reading torah scrolls is fighting is pathetic, posting gore while pissing and shidding uncontrollably and crying for unlimited free bombs is pathetic
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Success breeds jealousy, simple as
You don't think it has anything to do with, you know - the shit you've done?
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ay? shut yo bitch ahh up nigga
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There is no such thing as a good Jew, if more people knew about the contents of the Talmud, they would understand that judaism is literally the perfect definition of evil as it exists in the world. If more people understood this basic fact they would have no issue with condemning you all to death.

Every time you post this thread I will come in and remind everyone.
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There are Jews who don't follow the Talmud.
Torah Judaism is a thing, and they by and large HATE Israel just as much as I do.
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>im so mind cucked by jews that i have to pretend that the problem is only a minority of white supremacists secretly controlling them in order to justify hating sweet innocent angel jews
Okay, you're right. I should include Torah Jews as well. I'll revise my pasta the next time I post for it to be more inclusive. TKD
I've got to go now.
I have a big day tomorrow.
Feel free to keep the thread bumped and spread this content far and wide in your circles.

I think my work here is done.
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shut yo lil cuck ass up nigga
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You’ll never denounce the Torah
Accusation is confession with jews. They were claiming Hamas raped POWs, because Israelis were raping Palestinians, especially the children.
>There is no such thing as a good Jew,
Why are there so many meme flags in this thread?
OP, many thanks for doing this thread.
I've saved all the images.
People just don't understand that there's a difference between the synagoge of satan and Judaism based on the Torah.
Especially the church.
Evanagelical millenialism ruined the church.
Gotta have that quick escape. As if the world revolves around the USA.
Bless you. I don't deserve any of the praise here.
I believe I'm being guided by a higher power.
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>there’s a difference between the synagogue of Satan and Judaism based on the Torah.
Jonestown was a CIA operation against the black community.
Crown Heights happened 91.
>can you please shut it down for me
Jews are getting lazy
Holy fuck, they lost to slingers.
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Take this same she-kike rat and stick her on a plane to London or New York today and by tomorrow she will be squawking about welcoming refugees and fighting Islamophobia.

They are the scum of the earth.
The entire world is against you now and all you can do is gloat about killing children. Most of pol already knew how your people truly are but now everyone alive knows too.
Ok this is cringe, Israelis aren't even shooting at them, they could absolutely slaughter them if they weren't showing them mercy
Pissrael Isn't part of the Geneva convention.
I don't believe they have signed any sort of treaties limiting their actions and doling out punishment.
Unless they are defeated in a war. They can never be held accountable for their actions.

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