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SUMMER OF LOVE 2024, apparently 'black people' are furious about this SCOTUS decision. LMAO.
Whats chevron?
The symbols around the stargate
Basically it let the alphabet agencies do whatever they wanted. Now they can't anymore.
It's where the gov can just defer to "bullshit" and jail you without recourse. It's a good thing.
Blacks don’t know what it is
Why would anyone even care about this? Are black people getting government jobs because of it?
the chevron ruling opened the door for ngo's to have unchecked regulatory power without congressional approval. they are responsible for the epa and also gave fauci's fda a ton of power.
Oh, THAT'S why feminists has a mads.
We've still got ARCO
That's what all these people who are "furious" said. None of these retards knew what this was just a few days ago and their masters told them it was le threat to our d'mockracy and now they're soooo mad
The MSM is being very cagey about this one. None of their coverage gives man examples
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this is getting a bit funny
On one hand it gives congress back their authority. On the other hand it gives congress back their authority….
It's better if these things can be opposed by normal citizens.
It’s not about the color of their skin it’s about their character
Shrimple as
>Federal government doesn’t have the power to ban anything must amend the constitution
>bans liquor
>at least alphabet agency can’t makeup laws
WTF!? Where suppose to be happy?
Problem is most of the omnibus bills are written by unelected congressional staff. In practice, it’s just stripping power from a large pool of unelected bureaucrats and concentrating it around a small pool of unelected bureaucrats
Wtf are you doing on this website and especially commenting? This has been ongoing for decades and SCOTUS just ruled yesterday on it. It is a huge fucking deal that any self respecting /pol/ poster with a US flag would at least have a basic grasp about. Go the fuck back
The small pool is less corrupt.

10 shitbags is better than 10,000,000 shitbags.
I hope you’re right, but that’s to be determined
>”Elected officials” aren’t doing the job their elected and payed to do
>we pay unelected permanent hires to do the job
James O’keefe exposed majority D staffing agency works for R elected official
>This has been ongoing for decades
kinda. I'd like to think the interpretation took about 15 years & 9/11 before the agency sprawl took off.
best post.
Lmfao now all of a sudden this is a huge issue that affects everyone. Remember when net neutrality was struck down and literally nothing happened other than the internet got better?
Well, the 10,000,000 are currently getting fired from their "feminist journalist" jobs.
Founding fathers knew people are inherently corrupt. Idea was to make the central government so small and powerless it doesn’t really matter to Americans everyday life even when they become corrupt
It paves the way for that anyways. Currently all of them just have truly useless jobs now, but are still getting paid
With chevron repeal, corps are unloading their diversity hires.

Blame christcucks for centralizing authority into the federal government. Also, character is genetic. Behavior is not "socially constructed", despite what your marxist teachers and judeo-christian priest told you
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>star gate
There's a star gate In Detroit and the Scientologists built their local hq near it. Picrel

> Every ring shaped monument is a star gate
>Unelected federal agencies being able to interperet law is democracy.

>Elected representatives interpreting law is fascism.

People are fucking retarded.
Block north and few blocks west is the Masonic hall
That takes a while to unwind. In the corporate world, a lot of those people would get hefty compensation packages for termination without extensive notice (I’m talking 6 months or more)
Congress writes bills to be voted into law, but the lazy fucks can’t write them clearly enough (unless its pork for a pet project) so the bill gets worded vaguely. Instead of the law getting thrown out in the first test case, it was decided that the permanent bureaucracy could make supplemental rules, sometimes radically extending or changing the whole meaning, and publish this in the CFR.

Courts tried to duck any legal action, saying bureaucrats get last say because the shear volume of new rules became unmanageable. Now we can bring CFR rules to court and Judges dont have to automatically defer to spastic fed nig..
When factories start pouring industrial lead byproducts into the city storm-drains, it's the low income people that will first feel the results.
>the west side of Chicago

Trust me, those niggers don't even know what Chevron is. The only thing they're concerned with is selling fent and crack and shooting each other.
Its just something for leftists to talk about instead of the president being demented.
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When these absolute fucking faggots are upset it always means things are moving in the right direction.

Watch out for that George Floyd poop in the comments.
This started because a federal agency declared fhat commercial fishermen had to have government regulators on board AND pay their salaries.

These greedy fucks get what they deserve. I hope thousands of these useless regulatory beaurocratic fucks lose their jobs. They contribute nothing to society except fucking over actual working citizens.
That place is weird inside. Straight out of Eyes Wide Shut. Really interesting architecture though. Jack White bought it. I was there for a wedding a few years back.
ive been on this site all summer and nobody ever said the word chevron
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I won't be happy until they rule that we have the right to freedom of association back so we can all choose to self segregate away from niggers again.
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Chevron getting repealed means we can have small trucks again
ohh no, legislators will have to legislate. how will the overcome this trevesty.
Unelected bureacrats of the administrative deep state seething on their dilators.
Dimitrius came up to me and said "it's terrifying when an essential legal pillar like the chevron precedent gets overturned just because an honest man isn't as good at talking as a man who spews a pack of lies." Honest to god. And then the whole hood clapped
>government: liking the color red is illegal
>government agencies: green is clearly red so if you like green you go to jail
Agencies could interpret laws and just make shit up to fit. Like basic bitch cops do but at the federal level.
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Hopefully for less than 47k
It allowed federal agencies to rule by decree and make up whatever dumb rules they wanted.
It started in the 80s.
Now, they actually have to get laws passed and can't just bypass the legislature.
The administrative state (Three letter agencies) being able to make rules and enforce them as laws without any oversight or judicial process or legislation. IE, they take bribes and do what corporations want, like preventing all but 3 companies from making baby formula in order to create a monopoly, or banning Japanese Minitrucks for being "Too fuel inefficient" but the F150 oversized trucks are "Fuel efficient" because of their weight, despite far worse MPG.

Pic related is the result of bribes and the EPA having the power to bypass congress to make bullshit regulations.
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Former Fed here, if you only knew how bad it was.
Congress never lost this power, they still could pass legislation and have it passed.
>blacks are livid about Chevron getting overturned
This is gayer and faker than trannies
You're technically correct.
The best kind of correct.
Gas station.
Gas is now racist.
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>Masonic Temple
I saw the Stripes there in '03. That was a pretty good night.
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Ngo..what does that stand for? Oh, non goverment organizations which never had regulatory power. Chevron effects government agencies like fda epa sec
Shut up coonface before your Stargate gets a dick jammed through it
Niggers follow the supreme court on the west side of Chicago? No. This is either a fucking liar or a bot.
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are we draining the swamp bros?
Lol this fag is a ngo lover
The Chevron decision set the precedent that US courts MUST defer to government agencies interpretations of laws in determining cases where said government agency has purview.

Effectively it allowed alphabet soup agencies to dictate legal standards in areas where congress has not set explicit laws. Its repeal means that judges have regained discretionary power across many realms of law, and alphabet soup agencies have been largely defanged.
Some gas station or some shit. I don’t get it
>still smiling while getting crushed into debris
what the fuck
But they didn't have to because the agencies were covering those bases. We now have, in some cases, 40 years of legal precedent, based on regulatory rules, and there's no clear path for what to do when issues relating to those precedents hit a court. It's further complicated by the fact that a case that goes to advanced appeals will be heard by judges from different states which may or may not have created new laws to cover those gaps that were federal rule beforehand. It's chaos. And there are going to be a lot of terrible really broad laws passed to try to mitigate the harms that will ultimately be more destructive. It also doesn't really solve the original problem: regulatory capture by big business because the companies will just bribe congress instead of the agencies.
most alphabet agencies are literally ran by jews
just look at the religious makeup of our current administration
Basically, law used to be set de facto by three-letter agencies.

The repeal of the Chevron decision is detrimental, in that experts in a particular field no longer are setting policy within that field.
It is beneficial because unelected government agencies setting de facto laws is an absolute disgrace and a crime against civil rights and good governance.
Stone age people are retarded
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You don't interact with the average American Joes much do you?
Democrat riots only happen when a Republican is in the White House.
A gas station, but that's not important right now
Hopefully this opens up a new market for burgeoning truck makers.
Filipinos are hilarious
Yeah what could go wrong having unelected DEI niggerkikes creating policies that affect our lives
What the CRA is gone? When did this happen? Proof? If so 4th of July is gonna be wild.
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>Uh huh.
That's why the sculpture is called "Transcending". Hart Plaza is a model of the Giza Plateau.
when there is ambiguity in a law, meaning an unclear conclusion is reached regarding a project in the context of legality - the responsibility is “deferred” to the corresponding federal agency or group attached to the deal being made/project being funded
>when there is ambiguity in a law
its interpreted in favor of the party with less power
Lol you dumb
Calm down Henry
that is ridiculous if true
how do they determine the power levels? kek
Oh don't be so hard on him. The vast majority of people who had heard of Chevron before this past week couldn't accurately describe what it did or what the actual ramifications of a repeal would be. Almost nobody outside of lawfags or the bizarre niche of lawfan autists had ever heard of Chevron in any context outside the shape or a gas station until this ruling. I guarantee nobody on twitter bitching about how the repeal of Chevron deference doctrine is going to be the death knell of society ever even heard of it before the ruling came out and their handler gave them their script.
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Nothing will ever be as bad as the day Harambe died. Nothing.
Yep. This "outrage" reminds me of illiterate third worlders holding up signs, in English, demanding that the EU uphold the Dublin III Regulations on Asylum for Refugees. You know there's a bunch a soi and purple hair dye in those signs.
not universally, but for example in a contract between employer and employee, the employer is the one with more power and more control over the written contract therefore ambiguities are read in favor of the employee
>the internet got better
No it actually didn't.
Its the opposite though
How did burgers get trained so well
>so the law doesn't actually say we get to arrest you for this
>but we do so anyways
>this is ok
how very australian of you
Federal agencies, not NGOs.
Most of these people have absolutely no idea what the chevron case means or why they're mad about it.

Ultimately it's the biggest thing that's happened in law in a while, and it will be looked back on as a major decision. Agencies can't just dream up new regulations and have them stick anymore, some of the biggest losers could be the FDA, and ATF
clearly all these legal pillars haven't been working since with each passing decade shit getting worse and not better, so what do you do with scamware installed on your computer? you uninstall it
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>Agencies can't just dream up new regulations
does that mean weed is federally legal now? there is no constitutional amendment giving government power to ban it
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>Mane why they gotta ban the Chevron that my spot ya feel
I blame white people for being such gullible golems for kike propaganda. Actually no, I blame Jews again. White people are innocent and pure and must be protected.
You're confusing the rule of lenity for the practical result of Chevron deference doctrine. Chevron bypasses the rule of lenity because the judiciary doesn't make a ruling on the controversy themselves, they defer that judgement to the executive agency who can clarify, expand or straight make up whatever the want to ensure the defendant is pinned to the extent they want.
>does that mean weed is federally legal now?
No. Existing caselaw is untouched by the ruling but it does mean that going forward anytime an appeal is brought the relevant court must analyze and come to a conclusion regarding constitutionality themselves. Anything currently regulated through executive fiat through the agencies stands to potentially be overturned on appeal unless congress gets to work very quickly to actually formalize all these quick and dirty "guidelines."
Ayo they shutting down Chevron? That be my full time loitering location. I always be standing by pump number 6 asking all the white people for a dollar
Any government agency that had a “rule making process” was utterly btfo by the Chevron ruling. ATF and EPA in particular. Expect prior rulings and convictions to be overturned en masse. Congress certainly won’t intervene substantially in an election year let alone their inability to properly do so due to their laziness/ineptitude causing this issue i the first place - the exception being if it would affect tax revenue.
That would be better for the people in most ways, but the complete opposite of what the Chevron deference did.
Now it's not exactly been overturned but at least allowing citizens to challenge in real courts.
It's too abstract of a concept for niggers to riot over it, no one needs to worry
>existing case law is untouched
Bullshit. This ruling states it was unconstitutional so any convictions or negative findings against a party persecuted by the government that relied on chevron deference is fruit of the poisonous tree. That’s the entire point of appealing - to overturn existing decisions
Someone explain to them that it isnt a bad thing and they are being riled up by the very people who have literally been deplatformed from interpreting law.
>Civil Rights Act gone
huh? The Dems were the ones who wanted to get rid of it. Conservative SCOTUS is the reason the Civil Rights Act still prevents racial discrimination (most of which is against White people)
>Roe gone
noooo now women are being treated like equals and have the same reproductive rights that men have!
I think it's the end of un-elected buerocrats dictating policy based on their Idea of what should and should not be done.

A petty dictator.
Does this mean we can import new vehicles now?
You'd like that to be the way things work but for the vast vast majority of cases it isn't. They can obviously cite this ruling in their appeals, but there is no automated process that files and checks the relevant law argued in a case like a tagging system that is then used to instantly nullify all convictions involving now overturned caselaw. That's what the appeals process exists for.
>worse than floyd dying
>no chimpouts
SCOTUS overturned the civil rights act? why are there still niggers everywhere
Yeah that Pericles guy is trolling with the Floyd comment and probably posts here.
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tfw you accidentally miss out on the race war and all the niggers get lynched without you
>black people are livid
As if "black people" even know what that ruling is about.
Implying a single niggers knows what chevron is.
That's where they get they's newports tho
Why is no one talking about the Federal Government technically tax “unrealized income” and make you a whole lot poorer in the process. It’s almost hyperinflation proof.
Retard slave
What do these people think the world was like before Chevron v NRDC?
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>A gas station, but that's not important right now
Get a job, nigger.
I imagined a bunch of Chicago gangbangers sitting around discussing Supreme Court jurisprudence while smoking blunts. Thanks for the laugh.
i’ll only drive that little one if it has a casette player.
At what point in history did leftists become so mentally deranged?
Techron is muh nigger
>unrealized income
This was a major loss as it enables a wealth tax. It'll force people to bitcoin and artwork as tax dodges. Imagine online casinos that guarantee you lose money but give untraceable crypto.
I feel like it will be the transgendered and other marginalized communities that will be most effected.
Let them adjust a little bit, they are just now realizing the word chevron is more than the gibbs me dat store.
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I always get them wypipo with the AYO CAN I USE YO PHONE?
Damn what are glowies going to do?
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Yes Mr. President, I can confirm there is a based leaf.
60 years ago Democrats wanted to make radical communist changes to US law but they couldn't using the normal method of getting Congress to pass laws because the right wouldn't cooperate with their radical plans. So they did two things, they stack the Supreme Court with radical activist judges who would misinterpret the Constitution to make new laws without Congress approval. That radical Supreme Court passed a ruling called chevron deference which also allowed federal agencies to change the law without Congress. Both moves were blatantly illegal but no one stopped them. They used those powers to destroy America. Almost every bad change you've seen in America came from these two things. They lost both of those illegal powers and now they're furious because the communist takeover has been halted. That's why they want Joe gone so they can win and take back the Supreme Court and reinstate chevon deference to continue gutting American's rights.
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>pictures of poop in the comments
I have just diagnosed you with autism.
Hopefully the Toyota hilux can get imported
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Free my nigga Chevron!
>Implying niggers are capable of rational and lucid thought.
Possibly but I’m also a lawfag
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I was in the bar yesterday upscale for rich redneck boomers and one of them just said it out loud "They got Chevron" and everyone got quiet for a second and we all looked in one another's eyes and then we all said "We can't do it we can't vote for Trump it will destroy everything"
Ok that Perricles Abbasi guy is some kind of troll acct. Pretty funny.
What made that retard think we want feds to have unchecked power?
They’ve always been like that. Mental derangement is a prerequisite
Progress has been non existent, chevron kept progress from happening. it kept anyone from being free to run a business and expect a return on investment. it only benefitted the jewish reich and the behemoth corporations (jews) so i am glad the seething is happening. it is glorious to watch.
I think they mean affirmative action. The civil rights act wasn’t overturned.
If even I didn't know what Chevron was, then niggers in "west side Chicago" definitely don't know. Pericles is a CIA nigger.
that's not a "smile", its just a stupid grimace that stupid people have
Fuck I'm in a weird rabbit hole now.
>regulatory capture
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>West side niggas pissed off about Chevron repeal.
Mane, where we gon' get dat gas now? Sheeeeit.
> Roe gone
> pillars of progress

Killing babies is progress
Also Roe was a fraudulent case
lurk for 2.5 more years before posting.
I fell in it too. I’d never heard of the Longhouse before tonight.
Question: Why would black people know anything about Chevron act and how does it correlate to them?
>leftoids getting themselves worked up into a frenzy because their world of federal illusion is crumbling
>not communist
>Black people are livid about chevron getting overturned
So many bootlickers.

I can’t wait for the next Ruby Ridge and Branch Davidian siege.
It’s the symbol Jews make to announce goy session
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This actually matters (e.g. ATF bullshit) where Roe v. Wade was purely a libability and exposure for non-Communists with retarded swing voters and modal conservatives.

Chevron Deference = allowing agencies to interpret law concerning themselves. Congress cannot delegate that authority.

big time doubt. The paid script is just trash.
Net. Neutrality paved they way for the normiefing of the internets
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Based Leaf.
That’s a vintage truck you faggot
lol WTF is that meme
No one who isn’t into politics even knows what chevron was even about. I’m glad they corrected the massive overreach that the liberal court forced on the nation in the 60s.
I hope it means all the other stupid bullshit regulations nobody wants also go away.
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Chevron for the lay person.
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Tell us.
>interpret law
They were de facto creating law via their rule-making process which was so obviously unconstitutional
Just say jew, retard. You fucking moron.
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There are still some options.
It got overturned because the government agency said you must pay $700 per day to have a hall monitor in the car with you while you drive to report your driving behavior. Chevron deference meant the courts couldn't interfere except in exceptional situations. Leftists wanted lawfare and now they've got it. This is a crippling wound to the deep state.
if only you knew
How fucked is the ATF now?

Mike Lee had the best layman's explanation I've seen of the implications of the Supreme Court overturning the Chevron doctrine. It's a huge fucking deal

>Why would anyone even care about this?
everyone should care about it - it's a good thing

chevron deference essentially meant agencies could write whatever law they wanted, and then enforce it themselves

they also lost the power to convict in their own administration "courts" and levy fines

fuck them
Very. The ATF and the EPA abused the living fuck out of chevron to invent “rules” aka laws based on actual laws and any challenge to these “rules” resulted in the judicial review being conducted by the the agency who wrote them. It made it practically impossible to challenge these de facto laws in court, which essentially gave these executive agencies the power to not only execute the law, but also legislate the law AND judicate it. It was an absolute abortion of separation of powers and it is frightening that it took this long to be overturned, let alone be set in the first place.

Now the result is the legislature writes laws, the agencies execute them - *and* still can create new ‘rules’ and regulations in line with the laws created by congress. What has changed is that a plaintiff may now challenge the validity of these rules in a court of law. Rules that are in line with the laws they supplement will not be affected UNLESS they are unconstitutional. And given that the ATF lords over a particular subject that is quite explicitly covered in the constitution (SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED), they are going to be absolutely assfuck raped in court. All this time, challenges to their rules would simply be deferred back to themselves; “yep, we wrote this rule, hmm lets examine if its legit, yep, our rule is legit, says us, now get lost bozo!” But now, a plaintiff can challenge these rules in court.

Combine this with Bruen and what you get is it being next to impossible for the ATF to succeed in continuing to suppress the right to bear arms. ATF is unironically on suicide watch. This ruling is arguably one of the biggest in American history in terms of its impact on shaping our system of government.
Nice. Oh boy I hope the gun rights groups are prepping their lawsuits.
Wait a minute.

Does overturning Chevron have implications for the IRS too?
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>Whats chevron?
Is it because of the chevron the patriot act and other surveillance laws exists?
Thank goodness. Trucks are out of fucking control.
Niggers livid anout something they didnt know existed and that they dont understand. Checks out. Man kikes got niggers by all three balls (left and right and basket).
>they also lost the power to convict in their own administration "courts" and levy fines

Like the administrative / family courts used in Child Protective Services cases? (I know that's state, not federal, but could those kinds of courts be effected too?)
Yes but keep in mind that it was open season for these agencies to do whatever they wanted until the Chevron ruling in the 80s. What we will likely see is many of the “rules” aka de facto laws created by these executive agencies past that point be challenged in court. Chevron was not yet established before then and it was not yet clear to these agencies that they could write laws for themselves to execute and also judicate any challenges to laws; point being, the agencies for the most part operated within relative reason up until that point. After Chevron gave them in effect supreme executive power, they could brew up outrageously egregious laws, use them to crush anyone they wanted, and dismiss all legal challenges brought on by those they crushed. We will likely see rules created post Chevron being challenged more so than rules created prior.
It was a ruling that said it was up to the federal beaurocracy to interpret statutes when implementing regulations.
This meant that they could effectively rewrite laws as they saw fit.
This is what allowed the ATF to arbitrarily decide what is and is not a machine gun.
It's also what would have allowed Biden to implement vax mandates through OSHA regulations before he backed off.
These are just two of the countless acts of tyranny these agencies engage in every day.
Or at least they did until yesterday.
Repealing chevron is a HUGE step toward reigning in federal authority and takes away a shitload of power from the administrative state.
They repealed the civil rights act? Why didn't any of you niggers tell me?
That kinda truck would be my fave
Chevron deference is/was a standard of legal review to the rules set out my an executive agency. These rules are (in theory) based on some law, but actually implementing the law usually requires an agency to make rules. Depending on what the rule does, courts allow a differing amount of deference to the agency. For example, a rule impacting the First Amendment would probably be subject to strict scrutiny, while a rule that changes the timing for filing and environmental impact statement might only be subject to an arbitrary and capricious standard. Chevron deference had courts defer to agencies when the agencies' interpretation of the law was reasonable and Congress had not directly spoken on the issue.
No, those organizations exist because of the patriot act.
Also unconstitutional, but their tyranny exists by statute.
This decision does weaken them a bit though in that it limits how they can enact regulations and opens them up to legal challenges which may lead to further constitutional challenges.
All laws which can send you to jail should be clear, easily understandable and unambiguous. Leaving it up to institutions' internal rules and interpretations makes this impossible.
Why are niggers crying about this? Isn't this actually GOOD for them
>no more rule making
they still have their bread and butter excuses to kill your dog but they can’t arbitrarily outlaw objects anymore
Not necessarily.
Remember Chevron came about due to constitutional challenges to the authority of these agencies.
It's quite possible that future cases will lead to more rulings that reign in the power of these agencies.
The progressive Era is officially over.
Praise jesus.
You mean jews
>progressive era is over
>federal government still spending far more than it brings in
>president still giving money away to specific groups of people
>socialism still the ideology effectively in practice
>federal government still threatening entities over their speech and ides
Nigger it hasnt even been a week, the gears of justice move at a glacial pace, as they should, because these rulings quite literally impact the fate of our nation and humanity as a whole by extension. Theres no room for fuck ups.
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Blame the "two-party" system of federalism enacted equally by democrats and republicans back in the 1800s. The scourge of federalism is just socialist communism and can't endure scrutiny. Like most centralization efforts and subversive ills, they all were borne out of goddamned Switzerland. Their "neutrality" in the 1900s was a money laundering system orchestrated and established by kikes, before they got ejected to western Europe to kick off the world wars. Not all commies are kikes but all kikes are communists.
The ruling doesn’t affect any of what I posted. GOP had house, senate, and presidency and failed to repeal ACA but they’ll surely right the ship now, yeah?
you mean it just legalized what they were already doing after the fact.
They'll still be doing everything they were doing before this, legal or not.
Thanks for that.

I wonder if this ruling is why the fish antibiotics website sent out an email that all their fish antibiotics are back in stock.
Yeah, but what does GME have to do with the Council on Foreign Relations?
are these retarded niggers pretending like they knew what the Chevron ruling was before yesterday?
Toyota will never do anything to threaten Tacoma sales
>Indonesian woman tries to walk to the store.
Man USA government structure is so based. Why is the only way of immigrating to you through company sponsored visa's... I want to move to the US so bad.
Ok, so what can we do to make sure that all of it ends up in chocolate town?
So, the way I understand it.
CFR is no longer legally binding.
>CFR is no longer legally binding.
CFR is no longer legally binding.
>CFR is no longer legally binding.
CFR is no longer legally binding.
>CFR is no longer legally binding.
In all matters of dispute of Law vs Code.
Chevron allowed code (cfr) to define/alter/clarify terms in law, effectively allowing the executive branch yo act as both the legislative and judicial. Scotus said fuck no, and slapped chevron monkeys upside the head.
The ones who are bitching the loudest are probably being paid. At least I hope they are. I can't wait for Wickard v Filburn to get shitcanned and for the usual suspects to pitch a bitchfit and try to scramble out a script to justify why that'll be the end of the world as well.
I kek'd. This do how it be
To all those excited that this will cripple the deep state, if that really were the issue, wouldn't we start seeing a lot of removed or mysteriously dead SCOTUS? Or are they too important and public to easily be rubbed out?
Are these bots? Who talks like that?
It really just means congress is going to get the bribe money that had been going to the agencies. The agencies will get smaller, fewer people will specialize in useless shit. I am curious about how it's going to impact things in progress (by agency decree, siphoning public funds).
Get out of our honeland.
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>Bro, I am on the west side of Chicago and Black people are LIVID about Chevron getting overturned. They're saying this is worse than when
George Floyd died
lol. This is the same level as “My toddler just wrote an essay about how he hates Trump”
project 2025 started a long time ago and it's already here. dems didn't do enough.
Not quite. My understanding is that these codes are still legally binding - they just are no longer immune to being challenged and BTFO in court.
The flipside of this is that this allows non-explicitly stated in law things to take place. For example, SEC for stocks, The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the FDIC, and the Federal Reserve have no legal writing on "cryptocurrency".

The removal of the Chevron law can allow banks to trade in cryptos since there is neither law facilitating its governance by them nor a law preventing banks from trading in them.

This goes doubly true for public surveillance by PRIVATE companies since every manner of 4th amendment protection is relating specifically to government.

I.E. yes you get your guns, but welcome to the mark of the beast and the corresponding tyrannical technocracy.
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It's all coming together
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The easiest way to understand it is pistol braces. Under Trump, picrel was legal. Under Biden, it was deemed illegal. No law was passed by the elected legislators in Congress, the only thing that changed was Biden appointed his head of the ATF who deemed it a stock instead of a brace because he's supposedly allowed to interpret the law.

Now they can't do this bullshit and play left right political games changing the law on us with each president. If a law is going to be passed, the elected officials on Congress actually need to draft and pass it, how it should be.
>you mean unelected nameless federal bureaucrats no longer get to effectively make up the law?
>this is extremely dangerous to our democracy AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Why are leftists like this? Why is their definition of "democracy" so fucking retarded? See also: the EU
Fuck I remember that.. Kek
In the case that surrounds it where the case law was made, Chevron was ruled against and was restricted from shitting up the environment. So because that one case was against corporatist Republicans, they assume this ruling was being used to hurt all sorts of corporations and protect the environment and everything libshits want to push. It wasn't, the ruling was being abused to push party politics for whatever party currently held presidency. It's a great victory for Americans that it was thrown out because now Congress has to be more explicit when writing laws or amend them to be more clear. That's exactly how ur should be and that's democracy (well, a republic). What they want is imperialistic, they want the president to be more like an emperor but only when it's the president they like. Because guaranteed this interpretation was used to promote corporations being able to do whatever the fuck they want under every corporatist Republican president.
see >>472640131
>Do you mean nameless corporations get to do whatever they want that hasn't yet been defined under law?
>this is clearly a good thing

I'll just say it's somewhat easier to track a government organization than shell companies, holding companies, and chain of commands for larger, branching corporations.
Will those ATF decisions be reverted, then?
Only if challenged in court from now on.
>Why is their definition of "democracy" so fucking retarded?
Their definition is right, though. The average joe being able to make up laws on the spot is a lot closer to "power of the people" than it being exclusive to a selected caste.
The problem is deomcracy itself.
Not automatically, but when relevant cases are undoubtedly appealed, the courts are going to have to actually engage on the merits and the chances are good that a lot of shit related to gun regulations and restrictions get shaken up. Doubly so because of the recent Bruen decision.
Hopefully this can also roll back the asinine regulations forcing us into EVs.
Does it need to be someone big/official? Or can you or another amerianon challenge it now?
cool, happy for you amerifriends.
It's been a wild few weeks for gunfags. First Cargill v Garland and now this? With that I don't even give a shit about Rahimi even though it was pretty clear from the start that that case was going nowhere. If anything I'm surprised they granted cert in the first place.
Its never about democracy, fairness, justice for them. Its all about winning every political fight by any means necessary.
>suported progress
In other words, underminining the will of the people using the courts and alphabet agencies. These people are fucking tyrants.
Less than 0.1% of the US black population knows what Chevron decision is.
NGOs act as lobbyists that corruptly influence the three letter agencies in order to get their agendas done without congressional approval.
Everyone should be thanking Trump for this. Would not have been possible without him.
Honestly until they do something about criminal dirtbag local politicians, it’s all theater

Federal stuff is lame

Local politicians are 100x worse
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CRS firearms Autokeycard. The ATF "expert" for this case claimed when you followed the template and cut it with a hacksaw you could turn any AR-15 into a machinegun and did it himself. The problem is the cards don't have the required bends or 100% correct design so the ATF expert had to not follow the template and never successfully made a machine gun BUT ATF gets to define what a machinegun is so Kristopher Ervin was imprisoned for 5 years illegally selling auto sears, auto sears being machine gun components = machine gun as the ATF defines what firearms are.
>black people
>caring about an obscure supreme court case
Why do they worship niggers so much?
That gas is cheap as fuck when was this taken, 2006?
Last december in a state that doesn't have a dollar of goddamn state taxes tacked on.
If it's not classified as a stock in the written definition of a stock in that law, then it's not a stock. So no, that interpretation is null and won't come back even if a demonrat is president. It can come back if Congress passes a law deeming it a stock, which would be harder to undo, so maybe a double edged sword.
It could also be changed by case law. Judges can make laws through rulings called case law. So if someone is arrested for that as a stock, and challenges it in court, and the court interprets it as a stock then by law it is now a stock and more can be charged for using them. That's a judge interpreting the law, not some appointed director. But then again some judges aren't elected, I believe most aren't depending on the jurisdiction...
You're Canadian our laws don't apply to you, until we annex you in 2025. Woops wasn't supposed to spill that.

But if it isn't a law and is some interpretation made up by a director of that agency (EPA or car regulation agency) then yes it's now null and void. I doubt most of those regulations were interpretations because a Republican president never changed them (through appointing a director and telling him to change it).

Libshits want the president to hold THAT much power ffs, they're totalitarians.
that autokeycard case was the biggest crock of horseshit I think I've ever seen in my life. He got 68 months for a not to scale incomplete drawing of something that approximates an autosear, and Matt Hover got 60 months for not manufacturing, not distributing or even selling them, merely advertising them on his youtube channel. Ever single fed involved in that prosecution deserves to serve double the time those men were sentenced to.

Lol. Means they can't make shit up however they want.
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>are we draining the swamp?
I wanna say yes and it kinda seems that way.. my hopes have been dashed too many times for me to actually SAY yes though. Here's to hoping, anon.
You could dress up like a spic and hop the border.
I love that hopping the border as a US citizen (into the US) has harsher punishments than some rando crossing the border.
They'll actually prosecute a US citizen for hopping the border back into the US but not someone with zero identification.
What a fucking joke.
Has anyone seen a good breakdown on what happens with legal precedents made in accordance with upholding agency rules?
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That's honestly immediately what I thought
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My God, this is based.
This is like... STEP ONE of getting America back.
I'm so happy for you guys.
Please come and save us one day. Please?
You dumb nigger, "I've been here all summer" is an ancient meme
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They saw a viral tiktok by some dumb whore lawyer who is famous for reading funny court transcripts. She starts by saying this is the biggest power grab by the courts since 1805 and spends five minutes talking about how this ruling will end democracy as we know it. Keep in mind that we know democrats are bribing large tiktok influencers to spread dem propaganda. There are dozens of pictures of them inside the White House, working with Biden. Once kids hear something on the tiktok, they believe it forever. You can tell them until you’re blue in the face that these agencies are responsible for some of the biggest catastrophes in recent American history and are so corrupt that they’re basically just one way tracks to becoming an administrator at the very companies that they are responsible for regulating. They’ll just scream about how Clarence Thomas is worse and tell you the Supreme Court “just legalized bribing court justices”. They truly are NPCs
arguably a lot of these things can be trashed once challenged in court. removing chevron removes most of the federal agencies abilities to deem anything illegal.
Isnt the pericles guy more right wing? Like an auron macintyre type?
That abortion is a pillar of progress seems satirical
yes, Black Twitter is nothing but Chevron posting right now.
Post some. That sounds hilarious.
>apparently 'black people' are furious about this SCOTUS decision

They actually arent tho
Interwebs is a horrible place to gauge society
>Damn what are glowies going to do?

Pretend the entire environment will now collapse and rivers will look like India
Many such cases on the interwebs
Is this Chevron as in Chevron, the oil company?
You can tell just how many boomers are on 4chan by all the comments that think the tweet was serious
What on earth would possess you to think this was serious?
Obviously they’re niggers who mostly care about their animalistic urges and virtually nothing about politics
how much you wanna bet she's circumcized

nope, nobody was paying attention to that.
Blame jews, and you outted yourself again with your cringe.
Bump stock ban was possible because of chevron deference
Shitty cars ate due to epa making shit up, because of chevron deference
Chevron deference allowed the executive branch to make up laws and enforce them
It was always clearly unconstitutional and antidemocratic
The guy is joking you retard
>tfw Ruth Bader Ginsburg opposed chevron decision as a DC judge.
Well it's more like the courts were forbidden to dispute them because they were "political"

Given the instability of trump and biden, jews want to make sure the courts can resist them.
It's day 2, and it's missing like, an entire leg. It's not dead but it's pretty mortally wounded.
I bet it’s less than that.
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so progress was held up entirely by an intel state attempting to wipe out the original citizenry it considered too independent of mind and means?

no wonder the central cultural archetype of "progress" in current year is a fkn she-boon twerking on the roof of a police car.

they are DEMONS unleashed as culture and biowepons. They mock, mimic and reflect a nightmare version of everything we've built and achieved.

look at this fkn pic. it's a mockery of everything that is good and natural.

those poor fkn lobster. what an absolute damnation to become some fat fuck primped niggresse's burpy lunch on some shitty airline going to some shitty resort where none of these creatures should be. what an absolutely ACCURSED image. look at it's fucking EYES, it KNOWS.
what's chevron?

>all of the legal pillars that have supported progress over the last 60 years

Just because you're going somewhere doesn't mean it's a better place.


Exactly, but when did they ever let that stop them from rioting and burning down cities?


Are you implying leftists are angry because democracy's back on the menu?


You mean like J6 and electronic voting?


>We're supposed to be happy?

Look, goy, we tossed you a bone, now volunteer to go die in the meat grinder!



>Also, character is genetic

They're some of the oldest practitioners of animal husbandry.
There's no way they aren't applying that in their control over Western society to breed a docile, obedient White.
Basically a doctrine that let our congress be lazy, pushing their job off to some unelected fuck wits. The agencies are like bad managers who come up with rules and fuck with those who don't comply.
Oh yeah, they're training an army of IRS to run a gigantic Civil Forfeiture op.
Let me guess, this can be avoided if the target white man signs up for (pre)"selective service".
Now you're starting to understand. Why do you think it's called a doorway in your house? Because the door takes you A WAY.
its the oil complany which wanted to make deals in ukraine
idk why niggers are mad about it though

>a gigantic Civil Forfeiture op

Looks a lot like they are, though.
The unrealized gains regulations they're pushing would invariably require mandatory disclosure of all assets of certain classes (the kind that can be hidden in a safe or under a mattress) to the IRS on your income tax filing.
That way, they'll have an inventory of what you have, all the better to seize it.
Probably also something to do with why those postings for 87,000 new agents requires them to be trained, armed, and ready to apply a dash of lethal force if needed.


Because free shoes and flatscreens!

But what about the EEOC, will any of their rules be affected? It seems like it's an agency run entirely by niggers and trannies with unchecked power to run race hustles on companies to rob them of money while violating the first amendment.
I'm inclined to say I'm not sure I agree with overturning Chevron. I honestly think the harm it causes is probably mitigated by keeping the retard corporations in check because we have such a useless fucking group of retards in congress. Like, the $700/day shit was totally uncalled for obviously, but at a certain point, isn't it pretty obvious that its really only big business thats suffering? Idk man, we shitpost about goyslop all day here and now we wanna invite even more microplastics into our balls.
Most regulations they passed with Chevron was in favor of those corporations. It enabled them to make soft monopolies and otherwise outlaw competition and safer/more efficient competition.
We gotta gaslight leftists into believing that the civil rights act actually causes more racism/transphobia, and get them to repeal it

Chevron is essentially the same bullshit as the colonial days when corporations were given license by the crown to operate with its authority.
The king wasn't making the day-to-day decisions that were making citizens' lives hell, that was the appointed officials and corporate officers.
And we all know how that turned out.
The more power you bestow upon a bureaucrat, the more he will abuse it.
uh they literally jailed people then for protesting WWI. At least pick an administration that wasn't overtly tyrannical if you're going to try and make this argument.
So why would niggers care about this?
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unelected bureaucrats can no longer unilaterally influence policy, demofascists on suicide watch
Black individuals are deeply invested in having a strong bureaucratic system upholding modern civilization and will fight and die for the sake of the middle management's power. Many rap lyrics denote their fealty to this aspect of governance.
So in China?
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Perry is one of my most favorite shitposters
We're all tentatively hoping together
>its really only big business thats suffering?
No. Chevron was used by the ATF to declare gun attachments legal, then change their minds to make them illegal and they arrested law abiding citizens who followed the original rule and bought those attachments thinking they were following the ATF's decision. ATF does this more often than other agencies and they use it as a tool to arrest people who haven't actually committed any crime and pose no danger to anyone. The people are suffering from chevron.
The people running these agencies are owned by the corporations they’re supposed to be regulating. Don’t let the leftist retards convince you that the EPA is full of people who actually care about the environment. It’s full of politicians who have allowed corporations to dump plastic and estrogen into our drinking water for decades for cushy 7 figure jobs after they retire from government work. This applies to all of these agencies. The ATF restricts foreign competition for American firearm manufacturers. The FAA allows boeing to inspect their own planes which has recently resulted in hundreds of deaths. The FCC allows telecommunications companies to make billions per year using infrastructure built on tax funded loans that they never payed back. The list goes on and on. Every one of these agencies is fully captured.

Hold up.
Would this mean that those agencies can now be sued now that they have lost the authority delegated to them by Congress (going forward)?
Something something Gary Gensler at the SEC was friends with the guys at MIT that made Ethereum and is accusing every other major crypto of being illegally traded securities.
Chevron was used as justification of mandating the vaccine by OSHA back in 2021. I'm so happy it's gone.
That's why you see all of the liberals talking about the impact on the Department of Health and Human Services. Their next plan was to declare guns a health threat so they could ban all guns without passing any laws. Chevron deference was the biggest threat to Constitutional rights this nation has ever faced.

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