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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472612516
Ultra MAGA.
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Ultra MIGA
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Trump is Scottish Rite Freemason— his emblem consists of two headed eagle-—
And George Floyd’s tattoo displayed the same two headed eagles as the Scottish rite emblem. His Scottish golfing hat has the same two headed eagles as well.

Trump is Scottish Rite Freemason. Trump and his Freemason collective that serve solely israel and Hebrews— planned and orchestrated the BLM 2020 riots with Silicon Valley to push marxist-anti white algorithms to American youth through Silicon Valley owned social media apps
Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Have a great night!
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Trump subtly hides his freemasonic oath with his golfing hobby. You see if the American public knew of Trump’s Freemason loyalty ; they may question why he sells Christian bibles while under freemasonic- Hebraic oath
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It's the jews.
oh look the itoddler nigger is back kek
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>bad lighting
What's the funniest cope so far?
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Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism. The temple of Solomon, which represents freemasonry/judaism as organizes sect,was a child sacrificing cult of BAAL— you see the Freemason architects have taken the scary parts like the bull devil statues and the fire pits of human sacrifice; removed them from public eye; but continue to worship. They kept the boaz and jachin columns on all their Federal govt buildings all around the world ; and then continue to worship their canaanite child sacrifice diety BAAL in the shadows;
kek, you missed the part of the debate where Joe called out ZION DON for fucking a whore while his wife was pregnant while calling out his other bullshit, trump is a fucking nigger with the wrong skin colour. Besides, trump cant be President if he's in jail for election interference and Jan 6th you stupid migapedes. Go back to your containment site, r/the_donald :p
I think it was the lighting too. They used incandescents instead of LEDs so it was extra hot on stage.
Oh great, we'll have more climate refugees.
Why yes
/ptg/ is now a gay thread for gay niggerlovers
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The so-called "Star of David" (also called "Magen Dovid" or "Shield of David") as a symbol of international ‘organized’ jewry. The "Star of David" -- which wasn't a popular symbol of Jewry until the 18th c. when it was adopted by the Rothschilds -- is actually a hexagram with 6 points, 6 equilateral triangles, forming a 6-sided hexagon interiorly. It is the ancient star of Remphan (Moloch , Chiun, or Saturn/Kronos) and Ashtoreth mentioned in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7, and one of the most powerful symbols used in Freemasonry, Satanism, and the occult.
i still think the alley cat thing was the funniest unintended consequence
the funniest cope is people who think he'll be replaced by Gavin Newsome
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You bros hear that?

Uh...trump bros?
The guy who correctly predicted every single election says that his model gives Biden the advantage
I'm afraid it's officially over
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among the Greeks and Latins there prevailed a mysterious confusion of the “sun” (Greek helios, Latin sol) with the outermost planet (Saturn).
Thus the expression “star of Helios” or “star of Sol” was applied to Saturn wrongly by caananite philosophers (jews)
Weighing whether or not to go for it, since we were just talking about weird political merch. Aren't text or logos over the flag usually considered bad taste?
It's a ah, a fubbable, i mean what I'm trying to say is that, ah, ice cream. I like the ice cream and [deer in the headlights look] ...

*victory confidant smile and wave.exe*
All that needs to be done to destroy his campaign is to stream Skid Row 24/7
>keys posting
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You'll notice that the giant pillars used in Masonic lodges are called "Jachin & Boaz". These were the two names of the pillars used at Jerusalem. You'll notice in freemasonry one pillar represents the sun, while the other represents the moon. The space in between is known as the “gate”- a passage of some sorts. Federal buildings like COURThouses have the ability to change the course of your life which makes the GATE understandable . Inside the Gate is the realm of Saturn/ Devil/ Demiurge (hell).
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Patrick Bateman vs Trump would be kino
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caananite child sacrifice . They sacrifice to the King - moloch in Hebrew means King, to worship BAAL-

The Canaanites - Israelites that chose to racemix with Moabites were banished to a wilderness desert called Canaan; a desert that receives little to no rain.

Droughts occurred, crops died and this caused a desperate culture among Canaanites.
So they abandoned the Christian God, and start creating their own idols of worship — which is baal- which means Lord in Hebrew— who is said to be a storm God-

So they sacrificed children desperately to a storm/ rain God — a “tophet”’was a ritual site where the sacrifices were held to honor their caananite dieties to give an “offering” to in return receive rain.
This is gonna turn into the nigger list kek
Russia was clearly using their Havana syndrome gun on Biden during the debate somehow.
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Freemasons believe the Antichrist to be the supreme God of Babylon - of which they believe this world to be called “Goetia”— which is what the G in the freemasonry symbol stands for, the God of Goetia

Somehow along the centuries, Freemason stopped worshipping the Father of Christianity and started to worship Jewish canaanite dieties like BAAL- though which the fires of moloch were the vesicle of human sacrifice .
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>Weighing whether or not to go for it, since we were just talking about weird political merch. Aren't text or logos over the flag usually considered bad taste?
This is nowhere near as bad as a mug of Kamala Harris wearing different colors of pantsuit. This is just a Trump flag pin.

That said, I didn't see it on Trump's website just now. Can you link it?
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Don’t believe me? Look up what BA’al means in Hebrew— it means LORD

AND what does moloch mean in Hebrew? It means KING
For three years now?? Seems like that would be fatal.
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Trumps house is covered in Apollyon stuff,. He has a golden temple to Apollyon. His Chinese mass produced shoes are even cringe gold. Why?

Here’s him and his best pal- the Zionist saint of Gaza ; Netanyahu in his golden temple to Apollyon; Since when do Christians have temples to Apollyon ? hey doesn’t trump sell Christian bibles?
Gnostics don't worship a demiurge, they called God the Father, maker of earth, the evil lesser god demiurge, They worship Chaos as the highest god, chaos is satan.
They then say that God the Father is a demiurge, the evil creator of matter.

It's a satanic inversion.

Gnostics, freemasons, satanists worship lucifer and believe they will become gods one way or another, with a bunch of schizo babble and retardation.
so is Biden actually gonna step down? I was pretty adamant about him sticking through 'til the end but now with that rumor from NBC I'm not so sure. It'd still be the sub-optimal move, but I can see donor pressure and lower-rung elected dems being critical behind closed doors pushing him to call it quits
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Yeah well my father's brother's neighbor's cousin's former room mate's landscaper says the bad performance was from joe being a daughter fucking retard and the democrats should kill themselves due to cope abuse
I guess it's a good thing that jesus' prayer only mentions our Father in Heaven then.
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What’s wild is Trump had a temple to Apollyon, a satanic figure in the Bible; and sells Christian Bible for $60 with free shipping while his wife funds LGBT causes and his son defends trannies of bud light
Ba'al means master and it means husband. When a woman says "my husband", she will use the word ba'al
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>Trump didn't benefit on any measure

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trump pushed faulty- RUSHED (operation warp speed) ISRAELI vaccines for the common cold that poisoned the human genome all for israel to profit off of US defense govt contracts for the deadly common cold.
there's zero (0) chance of biden actually stepping down. the NBC article is just trying to apply pressure but it won't work
besides all the logistical errors this would cause, you need to keep in mind that kamala harris is the only possible replacement. she'd lose every close state and lead to a GOP blowout.
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[x] Isn’t it crazy how israel cooperated with the CCP & Ukraine to release a virus via Ukrainian biolabs set up by George Soros and Barack Obama that would cause international lockdowns, allow big pharma & the corrupt State and globalist entities to profit off of the global pandemic emergency to initiate their Freemason controlled collapse of global economy (after the Wallstreet/ Silicon Valley jew syndicate take their profits on NVDA)—- COVID19 was blamed on China by Trump; and now Ukraine and Israel are in military conflicts; US Congress funding jewish terrorism ? The war(s) hide the SLOPPY evidence left behind from Israeli-Ukraine sex trafficking and organ-harvesting operations . CRAZY
ohh okey, this is the new shift of shitheads.
guess what, the donors are super pissed because biden is just a bag of goop now
kek, migapedes would overlook that
this lonestar?
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In Trumps case it's just classic art, look up the Rotschild satanic party for comparison.
It's via email. The NYT has an article from a week ago kvetching about it, so apparently I missed the initial emails.
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>the faux Christian- Freemason with loyalty to Hebrews not American sons

Trump boasted about a visit with head of House Johnson. The next day House put forth a bull to Senate to start an American draft. What for? Jews in Ukraine? Jews in Israel? — is that jew female that just got elected in Mexico involved?
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I read that the trip to Camp David tomorrow is for a photo session with his family and was planned before the debate. All day yesterday and today his team has been putting cold water on any "he will drop out" discussions. I'd be shocked if he does. He is still unironically the best candidate they have.
>Kamala? lol now fucking way
>Newsome? All Trump has to do is show pics of California
>Whitmer? A woman. A woman that barely anyone knows about.
And if they pass over Kamala for anyone else, it would be a civil war in the party.
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He also destroyed Israeli asset ISIS.
And ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.
What did it cost him?
Touching a stupid roman wall that jews worship as a temple.
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Would Freemasons proclaim
To the world they are “America first” whilst supporting their Zionist warlord masters halfway across the world that hate America & Christianity, that also use the Bible to “justify” their unholy war and conquest?

If the Israeli flag had a Cross on it, a Christian symbol, then it would be needed to bless it; and israel.

the jewish flag “Israeli flag” consists of a canaanite child sacrifice diety symbol? That Freemasons attempted this deceptive child sacrifice symbol (6 sided Star) with “Solomon” or “Saturn”
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>bad lighting
>except the vote
Y'know, nothing important in a... well, an election.
camera angle
she is incredible
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Oh he destroyed isis did he? Why did Isis attack Russian embassy on 3.22.24?
i agree with most of what you said but
>barely anyone knows about
she's actually very popular within the dem circle and was widely expected to be a top candidate for 2028 (and this was despite kamala harris being VP)
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Will Democrats replace Biden with Bernie?
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Trump, no!
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true, but it's still fun to speculate. they seem driven into a completely avoidable corner and it's so gratifying to see it start to fall apart
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Would the synagogue of satan ever use Roman authority to execute their Messiah, Jesus? If they used Roman authority,
would they use US authority in modern day?
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Looks like a pretty normal piece of merch to me. I think I've heard about the text on flag rule before but honestly caring about that over your own style/wearing what you like is autistic.
>Trump got voters to switch for him but ackshually he did bad because he is the orange and bad man
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dumgay, did i ever tell you about the movie “pieces” from 1982?
its about this killer who ax murdered his mom when he was a kid because she tried to take away a jigsaw puzzle that had boobs on it so decades later he starts chainsawing girls apart on this college campus (which he gets away with multiple times despite it being a fucking loud as shit chainsaw) to frankenstein a woman out of.
one of the horndog students at the college is recruited to investigate the killings by christopher george after his slampig (the student’s, not christopher george’s) gets her torso and its mediocre titties taken.
anyway you see a bunch of crazy ass shit but the craziest moment is the very last shot, which is the killer’s frankensteined pieces woman coming to life for no reason and obliterating the student’s junk with her hand.
the lighting was fine
end of shitpost
guys, is trump winning?
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There's a lot of potential awesome noms I'd love to beat, Hillrod being at the top of the list, but Pete Buttigieg is seriously popular among libshits and he would be the funniest white male they could nom.
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Would Freemason asshats who are in direct violation of Christian beliefs—start selling bibles and proclaim
To the world that they are “nationalist Allies? _ all while funding systemic genocide and mass starvation (GAZA)?
Alley cat hours?
It's looking that way
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All this war and conflict for a bunch of fat homosexuals that like to wear aprons
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the democrats need to wait another ~20 years before they can nominate a faggot
It is in Trump's interest for Biden to remain the nominee. I hope that you all understand this.
Its still cat picture day
They did it as a powergrab.
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What jewish excuse is this?
I bet he's gonna get cain'd for being too dumb and egotistical agreeing to debate instead of having Rachity-Ann make twitter posts about how he has no time to debate a felon when saving democracy or some pussy horseshit
no lol
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Is trump involved in this deceit ? This use of the Christian Gospel to justify war for jewish profits?
is that larry loomer
i miss jen psaki so fucking much
will there be another debate?
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leisure suit larry
>the lighting was fine
well thank God for that
Plus it's just funnier that way watching the left trying desperately to keep biden upright and talking.
yes in september (if they don't back out)
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>/ptg/ misses Psaki
Who the Mossad agent?
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Alright bros, lets get this shit on the record.


who you want?
dumgay probably already chainsaws women to pieces
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wait you don`t?
>she's actually very popular within the dem circle
Ok. I didn't know she was that popular. It seems like Newsom is the "Dems Governor" waiting in the wings. Can she beat Trump ?
>because they have the organs that you wish that you had
if biden decides to step down (he won't)
the absolute best and realistic pick would be kamala harris
John Miller
Adolf Hitler's cyborgified corpse
Howard Dean for the screech memes
ok hopefully biden runs out of uppers for it
Jerry Brown
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>"Crackers could be here" he thought.
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gaffers are the unsung heroes of the clusterfuck of unions that is the hollywood film crew scene
yeah >>472622434
you dont?
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How does /ptg/ feel about Donald Trumps 500 Billion dollar nigger handout plan? This was the start of American nigger entitlement.


How about the talk of reparations coming to California ? ?


All this reparation talk started under trump. After 2020 BLM riots, Trump gave the “black community” 500 billion in $ and made “Juneteenth” a federal holiday.
>Can she beat Trump ?
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Melania released NFTs on wall street owned SOL blockchain. Why would Melania Trump release NFTs on SOL when Sam Bankman and his wall street contacts were buying up SOL for pennies on the dollar (insider trading)

and then Sam Bankman donated laundered $ to DNC campaigns in unity with Soros
So Melania’s investment in SOL align with that of SOROS since Sam bankman was donating hundreds of millions of USD to the DNC just like soros.
He's stepping down, that's why they leaked the family meeting tomorrow to NBC. If it were in doubt, this meeting would be private.
newsom would have very big problems winning over the rust belt
i'd argue that out of all the realistic replacements, whitmer has the best chance of beating trump
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donald trump released 45,000+ NFTS of himself wearing Halloween costumes on WEF owned ETH blockchain— Trump’s “nationalist” base seems to think Trump is anti-globalist— funny because he produced NFT content with intent to profit into WEF-owned blockchain ETH

i thought the Trumps stood against globalist efforts/ causes? Is it America first or WEF/ soros interests first, Trump family?
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Tonight MAGA Science Theater, finishing up Roger Corman month with a fantasy epic Viking Women and the Sea Serpent. There's women, there's vikings, maybe a sea serpent or two. It's 60s sexy and action packed! We will begin after midnight posting is over, link is here:
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>What's the funniest cope so far?
CNN 'buzzed' his voice.
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ETH is communist / globalist whatever you want to call it. It aligns with WEF agenda which is a bunch of mountain jew Jackasses in DAVOS Switzerland . Switzerland is so “neutral”….they just own the banks that start all the Zionist wars
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you know I've always wanted to assault someone with a boom mic
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Trump invested his own $ into Broken and exploitable “Technology” ran by this CP apologist pervert [Buterin]

That’s where Trump put his $ with- a CP apologist
Spam nigger isn't taking the one(two)more week(s) ultimatum that the dems gave Biden very well.
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>bad lighting
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Better bring a towel.
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My official prediction

>Tomorrow afternoon word leaks that Biden will be resigning effective Monday
>Cites age and desire to spend with family
>Monday morning he pardons Hunter Biden then resigns
>Kamala breaks the glass ceiling, Hilldawg hates her forever for this
>Using this anger that the glass ceiling was stolen by a midwit cocksucker, Hilldwag throws her hat in the ring
>Defeats Kamala in the convention to become the nom
>Loses to Trump who finally does imprison her for good measure in 2025
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Flesh eating bacteria, on every democrat's skin. Has a great record and would have my interests in mind from the get-go.
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I have no idea what that first Tweet is saying. Don't worry though, I love reading things written by crazy people I can't understand!
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>[THATSACONCESSIONposting intensifies]
>after midnight
i approve
name any other movie ever where women band together to save their men (hard mode: it cant be a comedy)
for me its dropping one of those bigass stage lights on someone like agent 47
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This would be a worthy outcome for the memes alone.
lol that's not even Jen Psaki with Bill Gates you retard.
this fucking WHORE
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trump put his $ with WEF and melania fished $ out of thin air with NFTs from Wall Street Jews in league with Sam bankman who were buying SOL, solana, for under $.20…
better than brain eating amoeba. Poor thin would starve to death.
whatever you do don't watch Der Fan (1982)
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He's crying into his Starbucks about how the second the Democrats face any serious pushback from anyone besides Mango Mussolini they regress to schizo copes from the Dubya years.
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well the brisket is getting very brisket like but it seems to need more cooking time a lot more
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What does /ptg/ think of Ukraine?
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Jewish organized crime mobsters in Chicago with links to Russian-Jewish Bolshevisk communism & compromised-by-hebrews Freemasons —- killed President JFK/ RFK because the Kennedys sought to thwart Israel’s ILLEGAL NUCLEAR PROGRAM. these crime bosses then infiltrated the CIA/ NSA/ FBI. now israel (mossad) and AIPAC own the USA’s intelligence agencies, much of the police force (Freemasons) ,US Senate & House, and the US Judicial Courts
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>>Tomorrow afternoon word leaks that Biden will be resigning effective Monday
He won't resign. At best he will just not run and finish out his term.
It would suck if someone hit her in the face with a shovel.
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Zionist war for Jewish profit .
Ukraine / Russian war is a World Economic Forum elitist war over which group of Jewish capitalists gets to profit over the feeding of Africa/ China with the acquired farmland of Ukraine.. so you have jews of america using AIPAC /Israeli lobby to convince / intimidate US congress to keep genociding Muslims for Israel’s “safety”- and then after the wars create millions of non-white third worlder refugees to flood America & Europe — as that is (((their)) ultimate goal: destruction of the white nuclear human family through ORCHESTRATED demographic replacement via third world non-white immigration unchecked
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these Jews of blackrock can give the non-white migrants free housing and free food stamps so they can commit crime against generational Americans in peace- and if they do get caught the SOROS DAs/ lawyers will make sure to free them
__ all this loxist Zionism to destroy the American white nuclear family that fought and died to rid the world of Hitler. What for? To give Israelis the right to commit genocide with the whole world watching ? What have Israelis provided society besides a rigged stock market and the gayest city on earth (Tel Aviv)
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You will feel the Bern
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America is sickening its jews have destroyed their own world - spoiled rotten- dual loyalty caananite baal-worshipping jews. You will find your eternal rest to be COCYTUS.
Biden's handlers will DEFINITELY pardon everyone.
They will make sure not a single jew or nigger is punished.
I think he resigns to throw Kamala the title in the history books.
"A guy who i know who was in a 5th rate band and is an expert on sound boards thought he heard buzzing for 2 hours but he's the only guy in the world who thinks this"

yes, and all the other times biden talked like shit he was "Buzzed." by some gay guy on a sound board. this 800 year old brain surgery patient with dimentia and alzheimers had his voice changed by democrat network CNN, all the other times he appeared on other networks and other streams talking like a retard was also faked by CNN. CNN has hated biden all along even though the last election they basically sucked his cock but it was all for the long game - all for this twitter guy to buzz bidens voice. all of the jibbering and eye closiing and being old and staring into distance was fake, also trump making fun of biden was fake he loves biden

tl;dr biden is fine
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seems like a waste of money and lives, russia should call the whole thing off.
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America seems to be a colony of Israel at this point. A nation of Christians too stupid to read / analyze/ understand their own Bible and discover the truth about semitic canaanite pagan Jews and their witchcraft (Kabbalah)
And like that a new baker is now needed. Have a good PS1 Waterfall Groyper night.
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It's money laundering to make jews rich.
>for me its dropping one of those bigass stage lights on someone like agent 47
I always wanted to be good at those games but I always end up machinegunning my way through
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When has he ever been wrong?
You didn’t say whether or not psaki is mossad
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West Taiwan!
Will Biden drop out? He should stay the course, no matter what.
cope cope cope
elections have changed sister :)
there's a necromancer in the bible who foretells the future.
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Thanks anon. I'm a zoomie so I'm not familiar with anything before Trump VS Hilldawg beyond the broad strokes.
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Checked, and a funny aside is all the normies who now know CNN, etc.were covering for Biden's blurriness.
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Bidens way of making an arming a white isis
Is this Freemason shit like glownigger flat earth posting but for antisemitism
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Lets dust off the Hilldawg memes, just in case. Please God make this happen. Please.
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Sayanim infiltration of US Congress & House, Pilpul, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, , Dancing Israelis, metzitzah b'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision is for "Jews and slaves of Jews", 20,000 nerves in foreskin, Circumcision related brain damage, Goyim, Kapparot, Tikkun Olam, Tay-Sachs, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Shiksa, Loxism,Shabbos Goy, New Haven Jewish slave markets, 70% of Jews vs 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, Chainlink ETH XRP SOL KAS BCH BTC cryptocurrencies (too many jew scams to list) Samson Option, Wooden Doors, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank died of Typhus, Nazi Masturbation Machines, Magnus Hirschfeld, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, Hart-Celler Act, Jacob Frank, Lavon Affair, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Anton LaVay, Black Cube, Rothschilds founded Israel, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, APAIC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, Das Judenthum in der Musik
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ill give it a miss, ty fren
>I always wanted to be good at those games but I always end up machinegunning my way through
thats the based way even if it exposes the limits of the ai in “a murder of crows” but its worth it to try for a silent assassin ranking sometimes
bilam the donkeyfucker wasnt it?
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Remember when israel lied to the world about the tunnels in that hospital in Gaza? Turns out israel has a decade long history of trafficking Palestinian / Syrian child organs - don’t you think it’s too convenient that israel and mainstream media gets to blame Hamas for all of these things that then erase the evidence of Israel’s child /trafficking war crimes against humanity (IDF In Gaza)?. IDF ended up destroying the Shifa hospital after showcasing it to the BBC showing the “Hamas tunnels” conveniently running out of a hospital . Israel is putting the blame on HAMAS for everything in the region for a reason. Israel believes it is justified to wipe out Gaza because HAMAS occupies GAZA according to Israeli intelligence (the same intelligence agency that lied about Sadam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction that fueled iraq war - Iraq’s oil fields are now Israel’s) ? What if that was always Israel’s intent - for an occupied “terrorist” Gaza that they can justify to the AIPAC owned US Congress that the genocide of Palestinians/ “Hamas” is necessary for “peace” in the region.
What is mossad’s motto again? Something about with deception you do war ? These Israelis are somehow allowed to justify and actively commit genocide in front of the entire civilized world with a LIE - that lie is HAMAS. And somehow USA CONGRESS bought they lie to the tune of hundreds of billions of US $s given to these psychopathic Zionist- dual loyalty citizens of Israel that call themselves “American”. They all came over in the 1900s for crying out loud . Jews have no claim to any land they are banished to CANAAN- to wander the wilderness —Numbers 14:34 KJV
>I'm not familiar with anything before Trump VS Hilldawg
all elections before were a trial by combat.
they changed it because a female was running.
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>I think he resigns to throw Kamala the title in the history books.
This will 100% give Trump the election. Kamala polls much worse than Biden and she is putrid at campaign events.
Do you ever just sit with yourself for a minute and wonder why so many billionaires are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to construct superbunkers in remote places with advanced air and water filtration systems?
You don’t build those to go on a holiday or just enjoy your underground living conditions for a bit. Do you ever wonder why these people- who have access to information you never will have- decided en masse and for no reason at all to build expansive bunkers in the fringes of the world.
What the fuck bros, I would sound schizo if this was not true.
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>What does /ptg/ think of Ukraine?
I don't.
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QUITE LITERALLY jews have made a covenant with EL BERITH- a caanite child sacrificing diety
You're going to love next month's theme:
No Mike
No Bill
No Kevin
As good an explanation as any.
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Like a Side of Beef.
Imagine if Biden resigns just to fuck up Trump's 45-47 branding, making him have to spend money on new 45-48 merch.
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>I think I'm starting to turn
>Medicare for all is a good idea!
>I'm not familiar with anything before Trump VS Hilldawg
The RNC fucked over Ron Paul twice and then tried to do the same with Trump in 16, but the media was too obsessed with him to blackout.
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Hopefully its a category 10 hurricane and launches them into the middle of the ocean.
>you now have a craving for....
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The real question is who is Seth Rich
>Serenaposter admitting he doesn't think
Wow, what a shock
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Why did trump betray Q anon that names mossad as the enemy? why did trump choose mossad/Blackrock’s non-white daycare centers over generational white American nuclear family that fought/ died in civil war / world wars.

Trump chose niggers, jews and mexicans over generational white Americans/ and he ostracized the white youth by ALLOWING the anti white marxists to push their agendas. White children are ostracized by the school system socially if they don’t hate their white skin and pledge allegiance to the lgbt crowd

You pussies are not fit to lead ANYTHING. Obama/ Hilary still being alive is all the proof I need to never trust Trump
>suddenly feel the urge to just stop oil and switch to an EV
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time to break out the plagues of egypt again
At this point, why not just run Jill? She's the one puppeteering Joe's corpse everywhere anyway. She's honestly probably got a better shot than Kamalalala. Then they get technically Joe.
Actually, since Ron Paul tried to do a little delegate math scheme in 2012, the RNC made a bunch of rules to make sure the front runner stayed in front, which stopped them from fucking over Trump in 2016 and 2024.
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Total Jamaica Death!
They will be very comfy next week.
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season 1 is rough sometimes but its also levels of comf that shouldnt even be possible except for this one part in the corpse vanishes were tom shouts something at snubnose 357 magnum levels
anyway, blur watch now
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Footage of the tornado that touched down Iowa in May.

Dumb Hameruposter
>Pink rabbits bad
>ANTIFA is good
>Democracy and Equality are the only values that matter
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The equation of Sun and Saturn is very old, with roots in Sumero-Babylonian astronomy.
Of the Babylonian star-worshippers the chronicler Diodorus writes: “To the one we call Saturn they give a special name, ‘Sun-Star.'

>Origin of 666

In the Babylonian system of worship, they had 72 supreme gods or demons , which included the sun god, which they believed to be the father of all the other gods

Freemasons say Solomon is the Sun, that's why he gets 666 taels of gold per year (astrological number of sun) 666 is sum of all decans in zodiac.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 = 666.

The Testament of Solomon mentions 36 demons, which is the number of demons in Goetia. The “G” in Freemason symbol . 72/2 = 36,
The #1 and #2 were Father/ Mother dieties that birthed 70 demons . 70+2= 72
i'm confused, is it even illegal to have sex with a porn star?
Oh no, it's not the first season. In fact, this was past season ten.
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Freemason lodges, synagogues , and federal buildings are all apart of the “Saturn” BAAL- moloch FREEMASON child sacrificing cult that protects jews from righteous persecution for their witchcraft. King Jehu of the Bible was said to have destroyed baal worship by making baal temples into toilets (public restrooms), killing the baal worshippers and burning the city (2 kings 10.28)
Isn't it ironic that the Cruz/Rubio people essentially tried to pull off the Ron Paul 2012 convention scheme but, as you said, got fucked over by the Romney people's 2012 rule changes?
The lowest of the ankle-biting lows of impotent spite.
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Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism. It's a way for the Jews to recruit non-Jews, who are thirsty for wealth and power, to do the Jews dirty work. From the jesuits to the freemasons, their symbol means the same, they are the canaanite/Moabite children of Rephaim/ Saturn .they claim to be the Sons of Solomon ; as all Jews proudly do with their six sided star icon/idol
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who is baal and why does the synagogue of satan worship it with child sacrifice via the fire of moloch (their King)— Neanderthals really like their fire

There canaanite witches don’t even have the balls to worship their Babylonian demigods themselves. They have Gentile women sacrifice their fetuses for baal every day
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No U
i got it
Levels of ironic
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I wish I knew Hillary so I could convince her that this is her time. I know that shrewd bitch wants it, and surely she has some billionaires who'd back her...why not bring about the sequel to end all sequels? with a late swap, it helps to have a candidate that already has national recognition, and at an inherent disadvantage, someone who doesn't have aspirations in 28.

It's gotta be the Hilldawg. Put me on NPR or NYT, I'll picket for her at a rally if needed.
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Perhaps Jews made the entire biblical story of Solomon up to hide his Babylonian / canaanite CHILD SACRIFICE rituals;
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It's Time!
(Verification not required.)
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It's Time.
>Ominous Chanting Starts
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who was Saturn/ Kronos and why is he important to Jews and Freemasons
Because, to them,
Saturn is their benevolent Father- you see they love child sacrifice and Saturn the Greco Roman diety would eat all his sons because he feared that one of his sons would destroy him. So Saturn’s wife Rhea-sumilsr symbolism to Asherah— tricked him as she was giving birth to Jupiter and gave Saturn a rock to eat instead .

So the Jewish -canaanite Neanderthal kaballah-witchcraft Saturn cult of Solomon was destroyed by the actions of a Mother
Tomposting hours
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very nice midnight
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>the council is convened
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It’s foretold in greco-Roman lore that Jupiter kills Saturn, his father , — could that be perhaps Saturn was out of line? Acting like a real jew?

And if Freemasons and “Jews” are of a cult of Saturn— are they to be BTFO? Because that is what happens to Saturn
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pretty good

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Nice set w/ last four sequential.
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Wow, also a reminder to love tomboys!
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>posting the franchise with basically no tomboys
ty fren
smooth operator, ty fren
ty fren
ty fren
ty coral, nn and stay comf
ty hulk hogan
ty comfy space awoo
this! ty
nn frens, enjoy low budget tomboyposting vs the thing thats in the movie for like 30 seconds max
you all need help
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used to have this one on vhs
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Imagine being a fan of a singular letter of the alphabet, and it's not even a vowel.
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Welcome to 4chan; you're here forever too.
looks the same as last time.
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Trump has to beat the hilldawgs again?
A worthy foe!
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Kamala is the most BORING nom we could beat. I fucking hate that it almost has to be her. There are so many spicier options.
>And if they pass over Kamala for anyone else
Nothing will happen because this has all been agreed upon. Gather your Hillary memes before the announcement.
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Running tally of publications that have called on Biden to pull out of the race:
>The New York Times
>The New Yorker
>The Economist
>The Atlantic
>The Chicago Times
>The Atlanta Journal Constitution
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tell that to the coloreds
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Panel 1:
[The scene opens with a cozy living room. A mother, smiling gently, sits on a couch with her young son, who looks thoughtful.]

Son: "It's sad to watch a pack of lies beat a good person just because the good person can't speak."

Panel 2:
[The mother, looking empathetic, puts her arm around her son's shoulder and gives him a warm hug.]

Mother: "Sweetheart, debates don't matter."

Panel 3:
[The son looks up at his mother, a bit surprised by her response but listening intently.]

Son: "They don't?"

Panel 4:
[The mother nods, still hugging her son reassuringly.]

Mother: "No, what matters most is being true to yourself and doing what's right, even if it's hard."

Panel 5:
[The son smiles, understanding his mother's wisdom, as they continue to embrace.]

Son: "Thanks, Mom. That makes sense."

Panel 6:
[The final panel zooms out, showing the mother and son in a loving embrace, framed by a window with sunlight streaming in, conveying warmth and comfort.]

[Caption at the bottom of the panel reads: "In the end, integrity speaks louder than words."]
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What did he mean by this?
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very nice.
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Hey. Gnostic here. Keep your theories revolving around the malthusian death cult strictly about them, regular gnostics and rosicrucians were just one of the few groups of people in ancient history (for this round) that were the first to conceptualize a theological hierarchy until it reaches a cosmic and lovecraftian scale. We definitely hate the demiurge and demand it be reprimanded through our actions and will, essentially global enlightenment of the nature of reality will invalidate the demiurge's existence and permit us to break out of the false and maligned reality we exist in like a bird hatching from an egg.

As you are, we all hate the antichrist.
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Mother of God
Biden's numbers keep falling
Nothing a little purse hot sauce can’t fix.
2003? maybe
2008? no they got toms incluidng the son of dathomir comic.
if so, great.
I'll still never forgive the RNC for denying Paul a speech. They demanded he endorse Romney, knowing full well he wasn't going to, and used that to deny him. All they had to do to placate us in the Paul crowd while keeping Romney the nominee was allow a floor vote, which Romney would've won, and give Paul a speech on the condition that he couldn't mention Romney's name. That's all. We knew he wasn't going to steal the convention, but fucking us out of even the smallest crumb ensured not a single Paul voter was going to even consider voting for Romney in November, and given that Paul won over 2,000,000 primary votes, that could've tipped the election in some states.

I ain't feel no ways tired...
which kpop group?
Russian bots did it
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Very based...
Lets say for the sake out argument that Biden does drop out. That means the delegates will have to pick a candidate at the DNC convention. Which is being held in late August. Which means the candidate will have only 2 MONTHS to campaign.
What a fucking SHIT SHOW.
Elie Mystal is a black gorilla nigger btw
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I think it may also mean Biden goes into the sunset with all of his campaign funds. He doesn't have to give them back outside of very specific circumstances.
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Dudes losing it tonight.
how come they're saying biden told the truth even if he's senile? cuz he was getting fact checked live and he lied about no combat deaths, black unemployment, and the bleach thing. so he is both senile and lies.
By all the force.
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Stupid niggers, all of them!
i need one of those
I would very much like to see this manlet's despair once he realizes Trump will win
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Reminder that Hillary only conceded because she didn't KNOW it was as close as it was. In both her own post-election book and the book "Shattered," she and her team say they regret conceding because they couldn't then un-concede.
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reminder still baking
So when biden is forced out, that will mean he had less than one term in office, won't it?
"Less than one and done!"
Because ISIS is the CIA.
At this point they are better off cancelling the election.
Start a hot war or launch the 2nd once in a lifetime pandemic.
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>"I'm free! I'm fr--ack!"
can't he just not run but remain as president?
>Gore launches court cases in 2000
>Hillary concedes....but then 2 days later say
"it was stolen!"
>"B-but she CONCEDED!"
same lel
thanks fren
She conceded because if they launched an investigation the voter fraud they would have found is their own.
We are heading straight for the dream scenario:
Harris as the presidential nominee
There could not be a worse political candidate anywhere. She is extremely unlikeable, would not appeal to Biden's legion of old people, would not appeal to more socially conservative non-white men. I am confident she would lose Virginia and Minnesota.
>can't he just not run but remain as president?
His power-hungry cunt, the fake doctor, wife will not let him drop out.
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Hillary lost when we made her make frogs racist
seems like a long shot, but if they're going to they gotta move fast and start sucking off the new candidate hard.
Do you think that it was difficult to find a fentanyl addicted nigger that died in police custody?
Are the Freemasons in the room with us right now?
Are Freemasons running the media?
Are Freemasons running the financial sector?
Are Freemasons running the education system?
Are Freemasons running the institutions of government?
I swear we're operating entirely off the back of some god of irony

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