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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Queensland is now the crime capital of Australia, according to a new study which shows a significant increase in violent crime driven by young offenders.

>Three dead, dozens injured in horror bus and caravan crash on Bruce Hwy, Queensland

>Labor senator Fatima Payman has been indefinitely suspended from the Labor caucus after crisis talks with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the Lodge in Canberra.
This is the thread.
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LOL good luck everyone
- Niggers.
- Probably Pajeets.
- Mudslime terrorist.

Australia 2024. What a shithole.

Afternoon cunts. How good is home cooked curry? I swear it's better than whatever goyslop you buy, just healthier in all regards. Think this is a seed oil thing, but maybe also because made with clean hands. I hate pajeets. I wish they would all die. Thankyou for reading my cooking blog.
That sucks it’s not a Jew shithole like muttmerica where there are hundreds being shot and killed everyday kek since it’s a Jew madmax shithole

why is she wearing sleepwear?
Soon it's going to be 30 years of blackouts.
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stop fucking them
Wtf r u talk bout?
shut the fuck up, Bradley
I haven't seen the skatepark pedo for a while.
he must still be in the US raping toddlers
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by an ad faggot
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My beautiful cat
is channel 7 based or cringe? trying to watch a new show made by channel 7 in1975. Are they like fox or nbc/left wing media?
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She looks very soft anon, nice cat.
kek, right the Simpsons used to be funny.
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She's a bit fat. Stinks a bit too. I gotta take her to the vet soon. Pretty sure she's having some type of dysfunction with her anal gland.

Nice tuxedo cat.
>channel 7
Not anymore. They used to be based in the 70s & 80s. Please observe station ID promo 1979:
Comfy as.
That's the cat molester, Bradley
Crippledanon’s cat.

>recovery going great
>cat is safe and enjoying life with the ex and other animal friends.
>RR, my cat, is four-years-old. Rescued baby mamma.
She’s awesome. Politically speaking, politics don’t interest her. She likes sardines, tuna, various meats and a good dry food from one of the pet supply websites; top shelf shit. Makes their coats really soft and shiny other sheeeiiiitttt.
I'm happy for you, besides the nigger speak.
>you could watch softcore porn 30 years ago during primetime

this country has gone to shit

We are like America and Canada on steroids.

I thought she used the fancy scissors on a gabage bag

First, thank you. Getting there.


>She had a litter that died.
>She was surrogate for one other kitten—not hers—and he lived.
>My ex gave her that nickname because she’s small (baby/large kitten size) and has long coat that hides her size. Mamma is obvious but being a surrogate was the main driver of the nick. I didn’t think it was niggerspeak at the time, just a nickname without thinking from my ex. But out of context, yeah it does sound like snickers snickering. RR is short for R-Rose. She has a great, regal name.
B7TV bumper 1980

Ah yes. I talk nigger with my white friendly quite often, especially after consuming medicine. I’ll refrain from that behaviour here because it may not be clear I’m taking the piss and being niggzzzzz and nogggggzzzzzzz like on the outside world.
>anti-violence group shuts down due to violence
no, but then I'm not a Merkin
>WA Police said about 60 people were involved in the "out-of-control gathering" and 30 to 40 of those were fighting, armed with sticks, stones, rocks, bricks, knives and metal bars.
>As of Sunday morning, police had charged nine people for offences related to being armed and failing to follow police orders.
>The incident occurred at 9:20pm near Smith Street on Friday.
>Police said extra officers were flown in from Broome and others drove several hours from Kununurra and Fitzroy Crossing to help assist those locally.
>Police said they dispersed the crowd and carried out patrols during the night.
>Authorities directed liquor stores to cease trading on Saturday in a town where strict rules already exist around alcohol sales.
full BTQ7 promo 1979

>Ah yes. I talk nigger with my white friendly quite often,
Your id is "whitoid" kek
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Cut up razor blades from a shaver in dogs treats.
>why is she wearing sleepwear?
It's her work uniform.
>Who the fuck votes for hookers?
Is this gay porn?
Someone should report it.
dam bro you really are coombrained ay
>>Who the fuck votes for hookers?
All those faggot retards who voted for that whore who gave stairman his permanent powers.
>"I felt, in all honestly, like I was going to die. I was thinking, 'What is going to happen to the kids?'."
>He said Senator Payman would not be a senator "if not for the fact" Labor was next to her name.
every slut has tattoos, lip injections and an onlyfans these days. it's so depressing.
Does she show everyone only fans her private chamber?
Fuck niggers then. Long live all whiteoids. It is written.

>fuck niggers, and all the rest.
Speak English you fucking heathen.
Mama Mia, doesa she flasha her fuckina gash?
I'm Aussie idiot.
That meloni is alright
Then why are you acting like a wog cunt?
Where about in Italy r u?
italians do the big wog "im better than you skip" act
best italian I knew was only half wog
toughest BT1 VL I've ever seen by the way
Rome atm.

Asking you to speak the kings English is being a wog?

Italians in Australia are like that, Italians in Italy are super nice.
It was better when the wog's ran the drug trade. It's all fucking slavs, chinks and niggers now. Chinks slip in the fent as well. Niggers are prolly not 'running' anything, just doing the ape violence. Wogs at least made some nice pasta in their money laundering restaurants. That said, wogs still aren't white.
heard the same from lebanese and greek anons so fair enough sounds plausible
R u headed north or south? Would love to visit florence one day.
They are running 70% of Australasian cocaine to this day. The Calabrians.

>source: asio bald mascot bald bald cunt.
>>Queensland is now the crime capital of Australia
When are South Australians going to get back into serial killing. It's been too long.
Most of the italians that came to Australia are calabrian
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South to Naples in a day or two, then on to Revello. After that I'm going to visit some eastern Euro countries, Estonia and Latvia are high on the list, probs Serbia and Croatia.

Florence is nice but I've already been a few times on previous trips, wouldn't spend more than a day or two there. This is my third time in Rome, never get tired of this place. Venice is worth a visit but can be done in a day.

On another note, disaster, I'm down to my last winnie red and Euro/Asian ciggies, while cheap, are weak as piss.
Check out Mr. Moneybags here who can afford a European holiday.
What do you do for work?
Have you been down to Sicily? Are italian chicks hot af?
Probably vaccinated too
I'm a consultant but formerly blue collar. If half you neets got a job instead of coping on cenno maybe you'd be able to afford nice things as well.

That's where you're wrong kiddo, left two jobs over it. Never vaxed, never tested, never cucked.
Sounds like one of those comfy Defence gigs. Nice work mate.
You should stop smoking if you have a white collar job though, people will judge you for it.
Ya don’t say.

>be me
>half that
>not connected to narcos.
If the voice had've gotten up they wouldn't be fighting. Once again it is our fault.
Based employed nonvaxxed white male.

I'm not in defence. It's nice to make it after years of working outside though.

Yeah I need to give the durries up soon anyway for health and financial reasons. Costs me 250+ a week at home and I'm nearing on 2 decades of smoking.

Anyway, off to the colosseum for the day. Have a good evening cobber, will chat soon.
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Bros.. I'm come so far from where I started. So close to being finished.
Brown your own tobacco. Get refugees to work your farm. Not so simple as but pure Virginia leaf. That’s gold, my friend. It’s medicine.
Grow your own, I mean.
that's ok - they're doing a backdoor voice anyway...

>In its first budget in 2022, the Albanese government committed $7.8 million to commencing work on a Makarrata Commission, which would oversee a process on treaty and truth-telling.
>But in the wake of the defeat of the Voice referendum last year, the government has indicated it will "take its time" in getting the process right.
>The Greens are now seeking to accelerate that — putting legislation to the parliament this week to establish a truth and justice commission at a Commonwealth level.
>The Greens' bill would establish a commission of 10 members, which would spend four years looking into "historic and ongoing injustices" towards Indigenous Australians.
>They would be specifically tasked with investigating a range of areas including "ongoing systemic injustice" from the Commonwealth government and other federal bodies, and redress for historic injustices.
>"The referendum outcome should not be used as a barrier to the nation progressing on unfinished business."
>The Greens' bill would establish a commission of 10 members, which would spend four years looking into "historic and ongoing injustices" towards Indigenous Australians.
and you believed him!
Anyone staying up to watch the soccerball? Bong probably going to be humiliated. The dirty Asian cunts.
How are you protecting your property in Australia anons? We don’t have many options down here and the crime is getting worse.
whos playing and is it a world cup qualifier?
The world cup was only last year, wasn't it?
I couldn't give the slightest fuck about it.
you look fat
Shut the fuck up Bradley
get out of the cities
next year I think
watched socceroos fucking walk all over Palestine a couple of weeks ago
was in the away team stand (I'm a cheap cunt) - it was fun.
R u Croatian or some shit?
no. Went to watch with muh youngest. We've got a standing glory home pass - it's a nice night out, have a feed and shout at a half blind ref.
Why do you watch soccer? Are you non anglo european?
are they dumb cunts?
>one job Timmy: just graffiti "Blood on your hands" so it's legible.
even the fucken abo statue topplers do a neater job. & (I'm assuming) they're boongs!

sure, whatever cunt.
Mandatory conscription for all Lebs aged 18-45.
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Everyone at work keeps asking me when I'm going to find a girlfriend why can't they just leave me alone already.
why don't you find a gf?
>move to rural town
>make some friends
>get gf
Fucking normalfags
just make a joke about liking them young and then ask if any of them have any babysitting jobs going.
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good idea
>doodlenigger in lingerie with 1000 cock stare
I'm selling my only handgun, it's just too much of a hassle keeping up with the requirements.
If any of you cunts have a licence and want it then I'll give you a discount.
might be a visit to hr but sure as fuck the last time they'll ask you about getting a gf.
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I need a picture of Bradley please I am doing things
>young offenders.
What flavour, coon,cocunutcoon, dunecoon, currycoon or methcoon?
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>What flavour, coon,cocunutcoon, dunecoon, currycoon or methcoon?
Yes. State is a fuck, moving to Adelaide.
I fucking hate waking up with the knowledge I live in this country.
AHAHAHahaaAHHAHAHA if i see you i will ra[pe you
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How well does creatine go in food prepping? Can I mix some i to my yoghurt bowls and just eat them throughout the week? Or does the creatine "go bad"?

2 hard-boiled eggs
1 protein shake w/milk

Loaded protein yoghurt bowl

Whatever the misso' cooks. Averages 100+ grams of protein daily and pretty low cal.
I hate waking up at all
>me and 30 males are going to buy a farm and live together
Im not one to call other people gay but the whole EAM/NSN thing looks super fucking gay. Im pretty sure the American Jack Donovan did the same thing with his wolfpack or whatever and they were all fags too
Anyone else like to lick and suck on mud balls and anus?
Yeah the Amish are probably gay too bro
Where would you go specifically?
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The laws are pretty fucked and you can’t practically defend yourself anyway. Last year I was at my cousins place and the cops rocked up to check his gun safe. There’s little cunts in my area causing grief and I don’t live in the slums.
somewhere in europe, like finland or denmark.
Don't worry guys I did my own research and turns out it's fine. Going to get so fucking massive. Might get on the gear
Why are laundry troughs so expensive? $400 for a 300mm sink on a stand? How the fuck is that justifiable.
>Why are laundry troughs so expensive? $400 for a 300mm sink on a stand? How the fuck is that justifiable.
Just get one from a company that sells shit from demo'd houses, or pick yourself up one second hand on gumtree or some shit.

Everything is fucking expensive and will only become more so, unironically start hoarding shit.
Estonia is awesome in summer ya mad cunt.
>peanut butter panther
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Recently rediscovered this curry, ate it a ton as a kid
Love this orange nigga like you wouldn't believe
I'm seriously going to have to spend over $400 on a laundry sink that I will never use because this is the only one that will fit.
My washing machine cost 500 and that will last me years and it has a function. This laundry sink does FUCK ALL and is virtually the same price. WHAT THE FUCK
Not really, with a bit of training you can practically defend yourself against anything short of a gun/bow wielding assailant with objects that are not classed as weapons.
Which one of you is this?
I agree anon, I meant with your firearm, it’s not a practical solution given the rules to have and store them.
who was watching 4chan/pol on channel 7 right now?
>Not really, with a bit of training you can practically defend yourself against anything short of
- knifes
- firearms
- bows
- pepper spray
- melee weapons
- stronger / bigger guys
- a mob
- stones, rocks and boulders

So basically you can't defend yourself unless you are
- armed with at least a handgun.
- shoot first
so you're all vpn glowies then
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Try this one out, it is god tier stuff
I don't watch any broadcast television, much less aussie tv.
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We've been spotted oh noes
you would have watched it if you lived here

does ANY faggot here know what the topic of the news special was....
turning a normal sink on it's side & getting a cabinet maker/sheet metal fabricator to build you one is probably cheaper.
What are you doing in here in this very thread
Please explain yourself
>sheet metal fabricator to build you one is probably cheaper.
You need "a fabricator" to make a box like that? Really? Is it a joke?
holy fuck
well thanks for proving you're all frauds
this entire general is fake as fuck

fucking fake ausflag losers
you're all fucking vpn glowbots
This guy did alright with a bat and a hard cock, no gun required.
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>What are you doing in here in this very thread
>Please explain yourself
One may ask you that very question.
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>you would have watched it if you lived here
It's pointless, you can't change anything.
You may watch TV all day long yet nothing is going to change. Shocking isn't it?
shut up jew
this isn't your general
That's gay
who would you suggest then you stupid vpnfag
>imagine being so utterly unlikable that the only place you can go to engage is a countries general. Whether you're using a vpn and in that country or akshully in a foreign place that's fucking sad.
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This country has no export except for coal to our great Satan (China) who were likely going to be drafted into a hit war within the next 5-10 years (if they're half as smart as they seem). Australians are possibly the most cattle-like, apathetic and brain washed humans on the planet. I'm taking every cent I've ever earned and moving the fuck out of this absolute shithole (lucky country) before we are in a legitimate war time economy. If you want to find literally no food at your Woolies and Coles and burn fence pailings for warmth in winter, I would highly recommend you stay here. If you have two brain cells to rub together, it's time to get the fuck out of here..fun fact: as of 2018 we have 1/8th of the population on anti-depressants, second only to Iceland which has 9 people on the island. We're more pill popped than the USA and think we're better off. Pathetic country for pathetic people.
holy shit I'm watching border security bro
haven't watched tv in a decade
Post curry recipes
The local Indian restaurant gives people food poisoning
Why would I be watching TV?
drop the memeflag and respond again
How many people in here do you think watch free to air TV regularly?
they did a special on one of the main pol topics.
in fact you could tell there were pol users in the studio audience who kept interjecting

does anyone know the topic ???
nobody huh?
i cant believe you're all fake ausflaggets itt
insufferable dumb fuckers
>border security
That show where they pretend they're saving the country by enforcing absurd tax laws.
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>watching a TV show with public serpents.
Imagine thinking they are doing anything except justifying their jobs and ludicrous pay packets.
that's how i know youre all full of shit
glowbots got found out
here they are trying but fail because they got the time zones all fucking wrong
>muh check the tv guide
>i'll look all proper n sheeit
>tee hee

so nobody has any clue whatsoever?
are you all fucking kidding me
there on the fucking packet bro
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all the american threads are full of niggers.
>verification not required
yea you're right though I haven't posted here since when covid was just spreading
pureblood here
I don't keep an eye on the TV guide for the one thing every 6 months that might be worth watching. Maybe you should have mentioned it before it started.
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Cooking off packets
what state do you live in anon?
I'm the anon you replied to earlier, flag defaults to Australia when I'm away from WiFi as international roaming routes though Melbourne. I'm keen, used to work in outback Australia with a bunch of you estis, had some great times. Catching up with a few friends in Tallinn.

I've not been to siciliy but Italian girls are fucking amazing. Even the mids look like super models compared to the average Aussie shazza.
am i supposed to be parenting you or some stupid shit? i don't look at the tv guide either

so not a single poster itt knows what program i'm talking about?
holy fuck
this place has just 2 real ausfags
You can’t have anything down here anon, I’m not that worried when in public but you should be able to use a firearm to defend your home.
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I snagged an Italian bird myself. About to get married and have kids. Australian chicks are disgusting and uneducated.
You know what else is full of niggers? Italian train stations.
so what's the point of the auspol general?'
you're all fucking shit for brains interlopers aren't you?
this is a real fucking jew and zog containment thread
How would someone who doesn't watch TV know what's on TV? Fucking retard. On the odd occasion there's something of note worth watching someone will usually let everyone else know.
>so not a single poster itt knows what program i'm talking about?
rather than trying to be some sort of retarded gatekeeper - why not tell us, give us a link so we can watch or discuss.

Are you talking about insight or qanda or something?
i didn't know either faggot. i mentioned that. i was channel flipping and it was on...
i figured ONE other ausfag would be clued in given the topic
is not
a single dumbfuck itt who knows...?
>why not tell us, give us a link so we can watch or discuss.
what and do mossad's job?
holy fucking shit
so you cant even tv guide that shit using a tabbed web search?
Yeah, he's been given about 5 chances to say what it was and he just keeps repeating the same retarded shit. He posts like a reddit nigger too. I guess this is his attempt at "trolling".
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It's my home
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Imagine saying channel 7 and expecting everyone to jump through a hoop and watch a program you didn't even name!
I suggest you either lurk for 2 years or go back.
It does make sense.
no actually i did start out sincere
but i'm shocked at how disassociated all the aus fags are here
you know being the auspol gen
so i'm tolling is it?
drawing a long fucking long bow there rabbi
but nice try fuckhead
shut up kike
you're as transparent as fuck
oven yourself and fuck right off
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>You can’t have anything down here anon
Yeah I know, legally you can't.
And that's very sad.
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>wall of text
>still hasn't named the tv show.
You're just embarrassing yourself now.
you can pol buzzword me all you want kike
you're just another dumb jew
>ooo better try the schizo line too, maybe ill look smart for the fart

ok well
this jew circle jerk fake general was fun
enjoy your missing foreskin discussions and shit
and vpn shittery
stupid fucking cunt
just a fake fucking general full of over entitled dickless cunts
what a fucking joke
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>everyone who doesn't agree with everything I say is a kike
Well, at least you've been here long enough to learn that.
you didn't ask for good recipes
yeah, nah .Fuck off.

so, just to be clear - we're all retarded because we can't guess the name of the tv show you're thinking of?
You do get how stupid & immature that is right?
nah you're just salty for being the obvious thread jew

i just don't get how fake you are
do you get up in the morning and say to yourself
>ill be the most subversive asshole i can be
>that'll show them
>and i'll use my same pic rels over and over again
my my that's just like the good pol troll does
>Queensland is now the crime capital of Australia, according to a new study which shows a significant increase in violent crime driven by young offenders.

all rising crime is done by coons. some are imported, some are natives, but regardless, its happening because the police and courts are allowing it to happen.
there was one coon who was arrested for different crimes in queensland 70 times before he was finally imprisoned on his 71st. people could deal with the crimminals themselves but any time they try to they get arrested for daring to lift a finger against a socially friendly element and smeared by the press. that coon and his friends who attacked that young couple making out in a secluded area and got knocked the fuck out ending in brain damage, that story was only known about publically because fucking channel 9 tried their smear campaign against the racist white villain who knocked out a poor coon. never mind that the coon had been arrested multiple times for assaults and other trifles and the courts had just let him go, even are recently as 12 days before the fight which gave him brain damage. recently they've passed a new law to make knives illegal to curve "youth crime", but we all know what colour these "youths" are.

its not because of funding either, the police are taking the money and buying tanks and cocaine with it, take a look at how much money the police commissioners are making in every single state and territory.. they're making more from that sitting P.M.

the PM only makes about 400-450k a year, these commissioners are making 6-700k. Its all from the top down, not the bottom up. the coons are being protected, its why the crime rate just increase exponentially.

also the number of speed traps keeps increasing. those rats keep the money they make from fines, they pay themselves bonus' with it.
I know how to cook.
>Verification not required
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When the fuck are you actually going to tell us what program it is?
>Imagine being this fucking stupid.
>can't tv search on the web
just too fucking useless i guess
fucking hell you two are underwhelmingly shit
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Queensland is such a fucking shithole.
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>I'm watching some shit on some channel
>everyone watch
>names the channel but not the program
>the channel has multiple channels and streams
>abuse anyone who questions this logic
I'd say we've hit peak spastic tonight.
>Imagine being this fucking stupid.
yeah kike how rotten stupid are YOU though
>must pic rel every post
truly pathetic
>nah i cant open a search and.....
good one dumbfucking cunt
>It's all fucking slavs, chinks and niggers now
do the arabs count at chinks or niggers?
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All this could have been avoided if you actually knew how this place worked, but no, you barged in with no "two year lurk" and made yourself look like a total fucktard.
Now go back to plebbit or jewbook where you belong cunt.
i suppose you'll have to take the mantel of >massively stupid pic rel jew
which is still below that of brainlet tier of the peak spastic
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And the cunt STILL hasn't named the program he wanted us to watch.

oh no not the massively retarded pic rel kike
don't please
oh my
more stupid pic rels
oh how witty
the dumbfuck jew is trying harder to jew
isnt that just greek though?

there is this one cypriot woman i know who makes me sexually frustruated, excellent tits and ass on her and her face isnt terrible. probably stinks to high-heaven though, most greeks do to be honest.

But in typical greek fashion she doesnt dabble outside her own people so she's asking for some date-rape. i wont be denied that prime cypriot cunny.
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Never mind.
No matter what you wanted us to watch I'm sure they've either deleted it if it had any relevancy.
But let's face facts.
It didn't have any relevancy, did it?
>post screen shot to prove me wrong.
no stop
>the jew is using his tranny favourites folder now
oh its just
just terribly hilarious
it wants to win the smart internets with each shit jew pic
oh gosh
i'm crying
my sides
it's far too funny
a pic rel with every stupid post
like some dumb female poster usually does
it be like already
way too muh humor itt

oven yourself dipshit
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>calls me a jew because you look like a moron.
Jesus Christ.
It's just a saga now.
I think he's talking about spotlight but fuck me. Even muh genuinely schizo m8 knows we can't read minds.

He's getting off on gatekeeping the info like a little kid.
>a saga
being a stupid infantile pic rel moll you would think that's preferable to you
Nice work bro keep it up. Soon you'll be able to sell it for 2 million dollars.
I also think he's a bit slow. I mean srsly - I don't think he realises we can stream/download 7plus content any time.

For all we know he might be watching an episode from a few yrs ago an just thinks it's on tv now.

and he doesn't get the reference.
Boy I sure do love it when Canberra respects democracy
>and he doesn't get the reference.

sa says "Hi!"
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>significant increase in violent crime
>young offenders
When will they finally start calling them niggers?
maybe watch it and find out
but you're the single solitary faggot who fucking figured it out
winner winner fucking chicken faggot dinner

but then i wouldn't expect this pic rel dunce >>472652958
to be able to count to 11, nay lucky it can even breath without forgetting
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Being that new

Doubling down on your own embarrassment.
Look cunt, we all know tomorrow you'll come back with a different ID and we'll have no idea about your shameful performance tonight. Why don't you just call it a day. You're reaching cringe levels we never thought possible.
>You're reaching cringe levels we never thought possible
muh 18 solid sad af pic rel posts says you're the real cringe champ of the thread
and a dumb jew for bonus amounts of pathetic
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When are you actually going to tell us what fucking tv show we were supposed to watch?
>it's probably over now anyway
But keep on arguing, it's very relevant.
Also nice digits.
Honestly it's not just niggers and abbos. Though it's mostly them. Kids are aware that in qld they basically have 100% legal immunity. They can say and do anything. The cops will not come either as they both don't have the resources. And can't actually charge them with anything.

It's fucked. Fuck Qlds laws around youth offenders.
>When are you actually going to tell us what fucking tv show we were supposed to watch?
now THAT is cringe and most stupid as fuck

you're the real deal dumbass right kikel?
and you think i'm an embarrassment in the thread
holy fucking moses and abraham fucking like gays in the burning bush,
you need to really get a fucking clue
and don't forget to breath genius

I hate the faggotry of these retarded faggot nigger nonce cunts.
>>>472635048 #
>you look fat

Nah. 90kg at 6’3”. Can get out to
110kg and not look fat either. Usual is around 85-90kg. My pussy is tiny too so makes other things larger around her.

Do I pass the test? I want cheese.
torties are ace.
More like fun sucker amiright?
Toxoplasmosis explains this thread.
It's the same in Sydney and pozzbourne, anyone under 18 is in the wildlife catch and release program. I just wonder how bad it's going to get before Chumbibwe and N!qfumbu end up getting buried in some old Greek bloke's tomato patch at 4am after trying to steal his volvo.
If you're going to sarcastically call someone a genius, I suggest that you proof read your post for spelling mistakes.... just a thought
If you're going to be a smug faggot, I suggest you save everyone the trouble and rope yourself tranny
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Anon, you're talking to someone who directs everyone to watch some tv show but doesn't bother to tell anyone what show it is.
>peak retardation.
If Queensland passes the right to self-defence, I'll move there immediately.
>An increase in assaults, sexual assaults, kidnappings, robberies, blackmail, break-ins and thefts saw the total number of victims jump 13 per cent compared to the year before.
That's actually really bad if true.
>peak retardation
peak retardation is posting infantile unfunny tranny appreciation pic rels dumbfuck
could you be any bigger of an imbecile kike fag?
>must pic rel every gay post
>trust me i'm not gay or retarded
>nobody will tell me the tv show
did you figure out the special ed level clues yet dick muncher?
stay stupid
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Say something good about cats
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theyre cute and wholesome and based
aww <3
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Up late watching niggerball. Who is with me? England are doing ok. Niggingham will probably get sent off at some point, ha ha.
As I type, Slovakia just scored, lol.
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>shows a significant increase in violent crime driven by young offenders
White youth in Boganville are violent criminals, big news indeed.
So the representative democracy finally works! It represents exactly the demographic in our civilisation.
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He's literally just looking for attention.
This is your soccerball live stream. England are terrible, but still think they'll grab an equaliser. Southgate looks sad.
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And they did. For more tips, check out my blog. Nigger nigger nigger.

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