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Cat 4 soon
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Hitting aouth america? Nothing burger then. Illegal immigrants could drown in flood for all i care.
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Fuck up Brownsville then drown Houston. I believe in you Beryl. I'll piss in the Trinity to help flood Houston.
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>that one track that predicts landfall near st augustine
St johns county vros...not like this...
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this set seems to think it's gonna fuck houston
Only a cat. 3... How long has it been stuck at cat. 3? Two/ three weeks?
>this set seems to think it's gonna fuck houston
Good! Very good!
Former Beryl voter here, we can't let her get access to the nuclear codes
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Illegals spics then. Nothing burger.
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Bretty sure we loooking at a cat 4 now
Thank you for keeping me up to date with this "natural phenomenon" anons.
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>Armageddon storms will never be a thing
Rolling for TTD
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Death to Mexico!
is russian navy still around there?

Just for shit's 'n' giggles, a full etymology, (((numerology))), and gematria should be done on "beryl"
Ghost of Kyvivev already sunk them in havana harbor
Greetings fellow Tampa hater
I too thought it was too unusual a name to mean nothing
Good day to you sir, how is the density of niggers and spic mutts in your neck of the woods?
>Katrina 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Straight into Galveston...
>Katrina 2: No-Electric Boogaloo
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Annnd it's official
Where the FUCK is /ahg/?
Please hit the darian gap all season please
oh shitty shits Maria was category 5 kek I'm strapping
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>CAT 6 has NOT been created yet
Why are they so slow? It needs to happen.
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>CAT 4
>CAT 4
>CAT 4
>CAT 4
>CAT 4
>CAT 4
>CAT 4
First time getting nuked by a typhon american bros? kek
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>a little bit of wind
Lol. Lmao even.
t. Floridafag
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Lots of people still use 5e but cat 6 has been the standard for a while now.
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Look alive, Door. She's Beryling towards Yuka-tan!
Bros last time a hurricane even came close I got $750 for being in the same zip code through my job, the time before that I got $500 and they don't ask for proof of damage or anything kek I need it so I can save up and move back up to the great white north
Where’s landfall?
Wow that will unironically result in TND
ghost of kyiv linked up with spirits of black women
but seriously is russian navy still there?

Faggots act like this every year like there no hurricane ever existed before. Fucking kys.
Shithole latin america.
Category 4 wow
any kind anons could share the current supposed trajectory? thank you
Beryl is not Katrina and Rita.
>t. northerner
>this thing that we've really been tracking for about 200 years on a planet we claim is millions of years in the making
>yeah, it's never-before-seen
Ok. but so what? Can you explain Why, without histrionics?
https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ has regular updates and is what most weather reports go by.
If you click on the storm you get a chart and the latest update
Then you can get the cone and change variables
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You’ll get some bands. That’s all
Pinellas Park checking in. Bring it on niggers!

alright thank you very much , thought the island was getting fucked for a bit, we'll probably lose electricity again though
Might have to accept that living in the Caribbean is untenable
>Illegals spics then. Nothing burger.
Hopefully not anon but it shouldn’t be too too bad for you guys. I feel horrible for the Saint Lucia anon
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that eye wew
>he doesn't want enough rain to get trump to throw toilet paper at him again
Well yeah, until you kill all the jews there obviously.
Katrina ruined the southern US. I lived in NC at the time and I remember niggers suddenly showing up after. The black population exploded after.
They do it with fucking everything. I'm in Texas and they're constantly telling us how insanely hot it is when it's hot like this every fucking year. Same shit with tornados, they act like they've never happened before.
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The hurricane spawned Niggers? You sure it wasn't a NIGGERCANE?
So this is why the jews fuck with the weather
History? So in the 4.5 billion years of earth history?
>denying global warming in the year of our lord 2024
Niggers were given thousands of dollars in aid unprecedented before or since then to move to texas, alabama, georgia, the carolinas, florida, etc.
It was a legit niggersplosion paid for by taxpayers after katrina.
What about a nignado?
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Thats just when there is a sale on okra.
>thinking it's the year 2024

They do it in the Northeast with the snow storms each year. "POLAR VORTEX" as if snow never fell before, telling us snow is abnormal due to climate change....................yeah. right now it's summer so the heat is climate change. Fucking people just want to watch fear porn.
Will this give michigan alot of rain in 2 weeks?
My favorite is when a category 1 hurricane pees on NYC a little and the jews and niggers cry and freak the fuck out since that shithole isn't made for any rain or wind.
>these niggas don't know their Ephod stones
This one is destined to fuck some shit up and break records.

Also doesn't help that Vlad is still tootin' around the sea-nigger islands after giving Cuba some wunderwettertech -tips to give the US a taste of their own environmental warfare.
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You might get a few stray squalls but you guys will likely barely notice it. She's a fairly compact system overall.

Even St. Lucia should scrape by mostly fine given the current track and size of the storm.
Probably not, generally on your side of things shit is pushing DOWN which is where the hurricanes usually get their tracks from.
Obviously you have the locals in the US Virgins and Keys aware, and you have the coast-guard filling their tanks, maybe pulling extras for plug replacement/oil change tonight instead of next week, and the oil&gas bros same. With this early a formation, it seems unlikely to come north, they want heat. But if the Atlantic circulation has been breaking down hard, that could still be.
Will the Mr Beast houses survive?
Okra is really good though

There is no change to the Atlantic circulation, that's fear porn.
Certainly not debating that.
Coloradan here, how fucked am i?
Are those like Epstein islands?
Pack it up bro its joever.
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What about grand cayman?
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Is milpepe safe?
A category 3 has never happened in the history of ever for all time!
Ocean gets hotter, hurricanes get stronger. This is not complicated.
Actually what is really concerning not for number of storms but strength is just how hot it is DEEP in the gulf. It shouldn't be hot enough to kill coral longterm that deep. Thats the kind of shit that will keep feeding a storm.
Too early to say anything with confidence that far out but stay posted.
no its not
its still just a cat 1 according to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale
>Cat 3
>333 digits
History made indeed.
Oh great, looks like the breakaway fucks with their claws on the weather weapons are going to hit that shithole again (after they sent a derecho "tornado" there a couple months ago).
Wonder why the keep needing to hit that place specifically....
in the first 10 seconds of picking it from the plant, okra is survivable.
Good. Air temps are currently 84F across the entire Gulf waters, land temps getting 86F. Shallow waters heat, so some north path seems more likely than straight line middle. South by Venezuela is cooler from land-based cloud and runoff.
Dunno what retard site you're using bub
I'm hoping Tulum, TTD.
Actually OK this one is better
see >>472665345
>Cat 4 soon
Holy shit this thread.
it's all concerning bro
We have warm waters in the atlantic every year, its when those storms sit and feed that they become really dangerous. You know, like whats happening right now with this storm.
This is the fault of global warming.
DARPA warming*
Puerto Rico is already 2 to 4 F higher in water, expect it to be hit. Get air asset list and make sure you bump up any routine light service that's scheduled for next week in the next day or two. You may have to drop pallets. Same with your subs and any Navy doing anti-Orc patrols, you're gonna have to add some ships to track behind and run before. Meant to post this here.
to be clear I don't think this storm is going to be bad beyond latin america
hopefully not too bad for them even.
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Based. No one cares
I care a lot.
you sir are the retard
you are using fear porn measurements from high altitudes
the only measurements relevant are at SURFACE LEVEL. you know where people live. not 1 mile above sea level you absolute brainwashed shabbos goy kike loving faggot.
man you goys are fucking lost to main stream jewish fear porn
you prolly think jesus was jewish too
The last thing NOAA does is fearporn. In fact if anything they like to err on the side of caution.
we might get lucky again this year, but the fact is if a cat 4 or even strong cat 3 hits us, it's gonna be at least 8 months without electricity for us, everyone's gonna fuck off to florida and texas
How much do you get paid for this horse-shite?
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Don't bet on luck. Check your generators, clean your drains. Nail/Strap loose shit, and make sure your hatches latch. Help the old ass people around you, their deck furniture can take your house out.
>everyone's gonna fuck off to florida and texas
I hate this so much. I can't blame you fuckers but holy shit fuck off Florida has been full and was before COVID before we got a bunch of retarded fucking northerners like >>472667724
Damn cancun is fucked. Maybe it'll wash away the sargassum off the beaches
Will probably drag up more and start an algae bloom somehow just because fuck you nature gives 0 fucks.
omg goys look theres a category 3 hurricane over the US RIGHT NOW were all ded
Best looking Cat 1 'cane I've ever seen
>I know nothing and am cherrypicking data on shit I don't understand
Ok yankee bro.
Oh fuck yeah
As a double-landlocked poster, I love Hurricane season on /pol/
you do realize that is exactly what YOU are doing and the (((main stream media fear porn industry))) right?
Send that mother fucker to New Orleans.
>No Leaf Flag
le sigh
Please point out where I have done any fearmongering. I am not soviet gardnerologist.
Meanwhile you're crying about jews and not even comfyposting.
Ah, good of you to slip up (tell them N-Word Kenway sent you, when you're getting your ass chewed out) and let us all know that I am located in the northern US and that you have that glownigger access to read posters QRD posting histories and IRL identities.
Please tell the rest of the class about your proprietary abilities here on the chans, what with your affiliation with the US govt "mods".
You just a run-of-the-mill cyber mercenary shill, or are you full-bore illegal order follower traitor here on 4th POG duties?

You lot sure are "earning" you coming blades, bullets, and bailing twine nooses.
yeah ok yankee
We're really gonna get fucked by this hurricane season, aren't we?
Stupid framerate
No guarantees, no refunds. :D
Seriously, just go outside, right now, and get to work. Go to the catholic church and ask them who needs hands.
I don't think it will be number I think is more beast storms like this to worry about. This whole last year has been a weird off cycle and the mild winter threw things off even more.
>mild winter
not how I remember it. maybe a bit early spring.
It was pretty tricky to get something demonstrative and presentable under the 4MB upload limit.
Follow along for yourself if you wish.
Pray to your latinx gods
>its gonna be
Let us know when something happens. This is boring. Meteorologists always lie anyway. Nothing will happen here.
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Beryl is built for BBC and BCC.
She is heading to Guyana which has loads of Indians as well as passing by Barbados where the Indian national cricket team were playing.
You're probably not anywhere near where I'm talking about then.
In the gulf region the winter was even milder and more drawn out than usual. It took forever for the rain cycle to start and its been more sporadic. Instead of constant rain its days of build and then a massive downpour.
Black people are so unimagineably dangerous and powerful, it really makes you realize how awesome white people are for keeping them oppressed.
You ain't seen nothin' yet!
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>She is heading to Guyana
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>category 4
man ur dumb
I mean she’s going to Guyana which has loads of pajeets
Yeah sorry bud she’s only into black or brown men
>she’s going to Guyana
She's definitely not going to Guyana
I know
Not Gary either.
At least passing by jfl
It will miss Puerto Rico so I don't give a damn if this kills 1,000,000 niggers elsewhere.
>the mutual hatred of muttopia slowly turns the worlds toward animism and worship of nature
They're using HAARP and other weather manipulation to push the climate change fear among the normoids.
it will lose force alongside the venezuelan coast, this is a nothing burger
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Here, see this

htt ps:/ looksmax. org/threads/haarp-released -the-full-real-timeline-for-the-2024-and-2025-hurricane-seasons-and-what-exactly-will-happen-to-the-us-and-the-caribbean.1072777/

They got Beryl correct and might get Chris and Debby correct too since 94L might take Chris and 96L debbt
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Is hurricane just a gigantic tornado? I can't imagine what it looks like in real life desu and what they show on tv just always looks like a big storm.
>Is hurricane just a gigantic tornado?
They are very different mechanically and in terms of development.
Is Jamaica going to get destroyed?
But it goes 16!
Nope. A tornado is a localized perfection of conditions within one small rotating storm, while hurricanes are a large organization of a whole system.
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From the ground
Based junpei poster
isn't that one of trumps judges names
Delete this now!
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found Chris and Debby
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Great, nigger body parts will kill innocent people
Bro who is bareel? Cat number 3???
The Jews throwing this at us so we don't take that Canadian/American trash energy company Luma from Puerto Rico. Beryl making sure these people keep misappropriating Federal funds. How convenient.
Why don't they just bury the powerlines next time they get knocked over by 50 storms
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It's heading toward Alabama
mark my words
Hurricanes are mamas that make baby tornadoes
Real happening? So the happening is never before seen, during this period of the year hurricane?
The most laughable thing about europeans (all of us) is that we think our brick houses will survive CAT 5, even CAT 3 or 4 can destroy whole towns.
I have heard that somehow it can't be done because reasons. I can infer we need to redo our entire grid and simplify it because it is complex by design because it was built for huge enterprises that never came. It sounds like the most reasonable thing to do but sea niggers here do what we are told by America.
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Kane, my son...
Its why I laugh at the stick house comments living in Florida. Our building codes are serious. You'll see shit like that jew condo in miami where people didn't update shit since the 70s but new builds and even trailers and whatnot are pretty resilient. That doesn't even get into the trend of building strong dome style houses and shit.
>why don't they bury the lines when the water table is 10 feet below the surface
I'm not sure anon. No idea why.
Tampa stays impenetrable for another year!
The season just started anon...
beryl mogs that trologdyte to the slums of brixton
Tampa will never be hit directly just give up and accept our hurricane evading prowess.
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>Tampa stays impenetrable for another year!
Why no TTD? Do they have a force field or something?
Its fucked up because SWFL gets hit, north of them gets hit, FUCKING YANKEEVILLE GOT HIT but not tampa. Fucking fuck tampa.
yankeetown* kek
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Cat5 hit us a few years ago and all houses not made copying American houses were fine.
I grew up in the tornado alley, during tornados we would always go to my grandpas “Brick House” because it was safer. Our learning came from the big bad wolf! The brick on his house was merely a brick facade looking back.
There is no way. We use these type of roof tiles: If winds with speed above 200-300 km/h go around, these things will start flying in an instant. Recently we had major hails in some towns/cities and these roof tiles were obliterated by the hail.
CAT 5 is too strong to not destroy even brick houses, am i right?
Have a (you), nerd
We are naturally protected and then there is the Seminole magic on top of that.
Bruh why no /ahsg/ in the title
Nobody in that area should be alive anyway
or / ahsg /
Because this thread is made by transplants who don’t understand the hurricane cycle. Hurricanes have a hard time breaking north this early in the season, so even large ones are nothing important.
Oh wow, a hurricane in the Carribean in the summer, finally a ''happening''.
Not really a happening. Storms this early typically get thrown into the Central American highlands. Storms don’t survive long when they aren’t in a flat geography.
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Ah no our houses are flat and made of cement.
150+mph (240 kph) will uproot fucking trees and throw them into your shit, fling cars, etc. And hurricanes move pretty slowly especially once they hit landfall. Oh and they spawn tornadoes. Super fun storms.
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well this is an unusual hurricane, meanwhile the Icon and trend is further north.
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Hey CM, good to see you. I'm in Houston, wat do?
I mean the roof is made of cement no gay ass tiles.
Houston, you have a problem.
Got it! I wonder if our gay tiles will start flying in every direction, if we ever witness something of this scale.
Checked 3 Cats.
get alcohol, get your gun, prepare a "looters will be shot" sign, have a good time.
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Only thing unusual about it is it’s really well formed before it reached the Caribbean. So a first for the past 50 years of tracking but people need to remember that satellites revolutionized the way we track and categorize these storms.

Still seriously doubt it will make landfall in the US.
Thats going to be this whole season. Fewer but meaner storms. More room to run and build. Its an off season of an off season making shit weird.
That's comforting. I don't remember a hurricane this early in Houston
>it's gonna be at least 8 months without electricity for us

8 months? Not days? Why does it take so long?
It was a cool start to the summer and cooler summers tend to mean stronger storms. We will see, though. The intense summer heat doesn’t help these storms stabilize very well.

August is going to be interesting, though.
It hasn't been cool in Florida at all, was a long mild "winter" though and the storm cycles are all off. We don't get daily rain we get fucking deluges after a week of it faking us out. By this time its usually a daily rain.
yeah well, it's the earliest cat 4 in history, though you've had some storms in Houston in July before, not to this degree.
You will never see a hurricane. The Black Sea and the Mediterranean sea should be the tamest large body of water on Earth.
Reminder to be afraid
That’s what I meant, the winter lasted a lot longer than usual. In LA we were still having cool evenings up into May, which is pretty unusual. The heat only really kicked in mid June.
Cycle started months early this year. You'd notice that if you were paying attention.
Because Americans wanted to legally steal Federal money with an emergency reconstruction of our power grid.
I have been in at least 3, maybe more hurricane general thread happenings and i was watching the live streams late at night, i like storms, i like rain... I fear nature. Stay safe there!
Thread theme:
I love tornadoes and chaos, thunder and all weird shit our planet throws at us frim distance
Its so much more fun in person.
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total new orleans death
Fit for slaving only, if only the world would return to cane sugar
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You should familiarize yourself with 'medicanes'
No thanks, jews suck.
How fucked is Barbados
This happened last year. If something big hits Bulgaria, i am telling you, write us off. We are going back to the Stone Age.
This hail two weeks ago. Btw, hail occur more and more here and they are getting more and more destructive.
It's a small storm and it's trending south so I'd go ahead and say it'll be alright.
Current modeling suggests that the worst of the weather should remain well to the south of Barbados
That seems like a cat3 or cat4 if that other body were to unite with it. I didn't think a body of water mostly isolated could generate hurricanes that big.
What? That thing is bigger than Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago combined. They are all fucked.
At the moment it looks like she's going to try to split the uprights of the larger islands and only seriously affect the smaller Grenadines
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Well, it could trend a little further south and affect Grenade itself. but yeah that's the look, and it's small enough of a storm to even just go between the 2 big islands and just only bring TS winds to them
Unless you are under the purple or pink colors then it's tropical storm conditions at worst and mostly a wash besides some random squalls.
>people forgetting that barbados and the like build houses out of actual straw
Oh come one shut up they didnt
Oklahomabros… not like this…
Prove it.
You prove it
no YOU
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the past reveals the future
Hurricane will
>ruin your neighborhood
>cause unimaginable amounts of damage
>siphon tax dollars
>make everyone miserable
Sounds about right
do it
God my hate of niggers grow every single day these days. These are the people that will cry cultural appropriation to anything they like or don't understand. Gradually I began to hate them.
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This, Hispanic strongholds aren’t even culturally American so not my fking problem. May god wash away these invaders.
I was in arkansas when Lauren went up that way. At that point the hurricane is pretty much done for but the dynamics are still there and the spin just spawns a bunch of random tornadoes everywhere. It’s actually insane
Queen Beryl from Sailor Moon
Kill yourself shill
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It's a big, powerful, very windy storm. If it's passing over you, it quiets down a bit when the center (the "eye" of the storm) is passing over, but then you get hit with the other half of the storm when the rest passes over you. But if the storm sits in place, like one did several years ago in the Gulf of Mexico with the city of Houston, it can spend days just picking up moisture from the ocean and then spinning and dumping it as torrential rain on the city before finally dissipating. Houston had some bad flooding with that storm. I've been in a couple of hurricanes, but the last one I was in was many years ago. I only remember the wind rattling the windows and lots of rain and the electricity was out for a few days.
Your story blows
No thats the wind silly anon
40mph wind in houston? so like they get multiple times a year?
Right, so models have been quite wrong on this storm, I mainly say this because this was the intensity forecast 3 days ago. something to not is that it became a cat 4 around 12z of today. So No model 3 days ago even had a Hurricane by this point, let alone a cat 4. Though the storm just got it's act together really quickly. Something else to keep in mind is that much of the path is determined by intensity, so the more intense the storm it, the further north it will go. Since most global models show 970-980 MB, they will fail to model the northern pull of the storm, possibly implying the gulf of Mexico entry by the strait of Yucatán Channel is quite possible.
>I have no fucking clue about anything
yeah we know.
>forget's pic
>quick hurricanes, anon. Stop paying attention!!!!
I can’t wait till you disgusting commie pieces of shit are all murdered live on twitter xD
Hurricane threads aren't slide threads, niggerfaggot newfriend who is here forever.
Feel free to post what you think is being slid here though. No one will mind.
she made it to 4 dumdumb fuckhead
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You know how the polar vortex came down south in this squiggly pattern that looks like a vienetta?
The heat follows a similar pattern.
kek please tell me more about tropical weather systems and patterns netherlands anon I'm truly interested.
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ALL /tex/pol REPORT IN!

Cypress Texas here. Sweltering as fuck outside. Having a nice Dr. Pepper cream soda with my Quesadilla on the patio this Sunday.

Forecast Looking bad brothers. 80% chance we get dirty side slide just like Harvey in 2017, 20% we get this shit head on and Pasadena gets deleted.
Its going to go straight west.
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Would you mind baking us some proper /ahsg/ bread please if you got a moment?

>models have been quite wrong
pic related
Harris/east side
Chinese take out
Nice try FBI
Cloudy and comparitively cool. Feels like it might rain.
fuck that northerner, he doesn't even have an oven
I can, just been real tired recently. I'll make next thread.
i dont get it
how many cats can it go up?
Based Texas. Why did you partner with those Canadian faggots to service our infrastructure? You should have done it yourself.
New thread
Tbqh it's huge because not much else can kill that many of them at once, this is God taking action since our government refuses to
>30 minutes of rain
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you'll like this
Rolling for Total Haitian Death.
As the polar wind swoops south, it displaces warmer jetstreams.
It looks like pic related.
Because the vortex moves at a different rate from the earth's rotation, the cold air moves over one region one month and the hot air moves over the same region the next month.

It's been sub-20°C all of May and most of June here, much colder than it should be, but Poland already had summer heat.
>not complicated
>Puerto Rican with the ability to understand fluid dynamics and complex system

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