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Atheist or Worthless
I'd feel that way too if I was genetically condemned by God, kike.
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Atheists hsve poison in their bodies. no refunds btw
>genetically condemned by God
Funny how a supposed omniscient and omnipotent being would make such a mistake
Everyone is a statistic. Arguments like this are very low IQ
That's your mistake then, you're an anti-theist cringelord attacking a sky daddy strawman. Look into Classical Theology, Deism, and Panentheism.
Why exactly?
>you're an anti-theist
No, I'm not? Basing your argument on silly assumptions means you don't have am actual argument
>Look into Classical Theology, Deism, and Panentheism
I have
Your argument doesn't apply to them, only to the 2006 era euphoric anti-theist's strawman.
>Everyone is a statistic. Arguments like this are very low IQ
over 90% of atheists took the vax. Why?
>Your argument
Which is what exactly?
>over 90% of atheists took the vax. Why?
Go ask one who took it, genuinely ask them instead of looking for a gotcha
>>over 90% of atheists took the vax. Why?
>Go ask one who took it, genuinely ask them instead of looking for a gotcha
Meant for
atheists have poison in their bodies
We all do bud. Not every atheist took the covid vax though
The criticism of God's action or inaction, all three of those reject divine intervention and embrace ontological separation. His works come from His design, coded into Creation from the beginning.
>The criticism of God's action or inaction
It's the criticism of man's subjective interpretation of God and then the actions or inaction based on that
>His works come from His design, coded into Creation from the beginning
That's nice but why should I or anyone else believe that?
All the best philosophers and our founding fathers did.
I don't have mRNA producing COVID spike proteins in my. once again over 90% of atheists took the vax. very low IQ group
Not really. They believed in various interpretations. Cool for them though. But the question still remains
>why should I or anyone else believe that?
>I don't have mRNA producing COVID spike proteins in my.
Neither do I but we both have plastic floating around our bodies
>90% of atheists took the vax
>Not every atheist took the covid vax though
Very low IQ not to understand this
>over 90% of atheists took the vax. very low IQ group
That's not what it says either
>as 90% of atheist respondents said that they will “definitely” or “probably” seek the shot
Very low IQ argument you have there
I'm not going to answer questions you can ask chatgpt, there are too many benefits to belief to list, even more if true. But I'll remake my point, which is that some of our best minds already have believed it.
>I'm not going to answer questions
I accept your concession
Atheism is the favored theology of sociopaths and neoliberals, because it justifies the immoral behavior required to thrive in the system.
>because it justifies the immoral behavior
For me it doesn't. The reality is that I do t base my morals off of a god like you do. Neither one of us is more "wrong" or "right"
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That survey occurred when the vax was recently released the actual number is likely over 90% now. Who do you think the "science-lovers" are?
agnosticism and atheism are not orthogonal, they can be superimposed thus a cartesian chart with these two ideas makes no sense.
an agnostic atheist is nonsense, no such thing exists.
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My morality is rooted in the foundational principles of natural law, as Deists and Classical Theologists do, since non-intervention isn't compatible with any religion texts or prophets.
>That survey occurred when the vax was recently released
Lol, lmao
>agnosticism and atheism are not orthogonal
>an agnostic atheist is nonsense, no such thing exist
Sure they do. It's why the Romans called Christians atheist
>principles of natural law
Such as?
Pro-Tip Talmudist, that guy you call Rabbi who teaches that only Jews are human? He can't trace to Jacob, he's the Goy he claims you should be wary. It's a cult, your parents are liars in a cult too.
Sorry it was this way, Jesus was real tho, Adonai didn't abandon us.
if you don't understand it by yourself it's useless to attempt an explanation, sorry.
it's a low IQ issue.
>can't explain why
OK, well have a nice day
Another chatgpt question. Don't be an energy vampire and provide a higher quality of discourse if interested in debate.
Judaised negrified christfag mutts are a plague on this board
>I too can't explain why
Geez, what's wrong with you lot?
>no one likes talking to me
>they must be the problem
I now cornered survey panels. I sold NVDIA to take over the world.
>Verification not required
Nice projection
>still can't explain why
Nor will you
>Classical Theology, Deism, and Panentheism.
Do you subscribe to any of these?
I am slowly buying Cint AB. Am I making this up anon?
Not by label, as the first two apply to specific time periods, but I do subscribe to their spiritual successor, whatever that may end up being called.
>principles of natural law
Conceived by Hellenist pagans - not primitive dick slicing jews
Diogenes, Xenophanes, Plato, Socrates, etc.. classical theologists, can fairly be called proto-deists.
you can only be EITHER atheist or agnostic, these two things are mutually exclusive.
Ergo they are no defence of your position ie an interventionist jew deity yahweh
Sorry, I will not write in Swedish anymore. I lack the social skills for world domination right now.
Wrong anon, I don't believe in any religious texts or prophets, or any sort of extradimensional intervention.
They have no relation to yahwehist christfags though and would hold you in as much contempt as they did the jews with their primitive customs and misanthropic tribal god of foreskins
>you can only be EITHER atheist or agnostic
I don't believe that. The term "agnostic" comes from the Greek words a, meaning "without," and gnosis, meaning "knowledge". Agnosticism can be interpreted as a stance of "not knowing" or withholding judgment in areas where empirical evidence is scarce

Meaning I lack the knowledge of your subjective interpretation of what you think God is aka disbelief. And atheism is a lack if belief in God or Gods
Christcucks are Mammon worshippers anyway
My mistake. So what exactly is your position?
Let me educate you. I am pretty smart / clever / a bit jewish. You see God is like me. Friendly but also totally not cool with you, if I feel like it. So if I control info, well then what does it make me? Yes, I know.
Atheist opinions are worthless.

They're all about science and nature but they can't even breed above replacement levels only religious people do.
Deism, but updated with parallels to modern tech. That we are to God as AGI would be to us. That God is likely an extradimensional singularity that created us in the image of it's origin as we will do with AGI.
>they can't even breed above replacement levels only religious people do.
Religious people like you breed more atheists
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Will you faggots get a fucking life, every day with this shit. None of this shit matters.
Where we are going, you will not have to breed. Be careful.

Your 1st post ITT would suggest you were some type of retarded christjew loon. Perhaps moderate your tone in future unless you wish to be placed in that category.
An acceptable coherent stance imho
I just got done explaining why the word gnostic is misused, the core idea not being wrong but the creator getting lost in translation, I posted the Oxford definition, I linked the Webster definition, I explained the different between agnostic atheism and atheism, the person kept making excuses. Stop being so god damned stupid, fuck
Extradimensional Simulationism, as opposed to the more popular and laughable concept of Homodimensional Simulationism, but I also cant discount Panentheism.
Checked. Demon spawn.
Checked. Christcucks btfo
Its funny you say this, because all the atheist males I know refused the vaccine.
My friend group is a mix of christian to agnostic to atheist.
The christians were going to get the vaccine and we all gave them shit about it, sharing dara and info about it until they didn't get it.
Meanwhile it was all the agnostics and atheists who were well ahead of the curve, researching and sharing info about covid and the vax.
Right wing atheists are clearly even ahead of Christians in this stuff.
Left wing atheists are clearly low IQ tho, and I do believe left wing atheists are most easily manipulated of all demographics due to having zero dogma or standards that aren't pure "authority" based dogma.
At least low IQ Christians have the bible to offer some basic guidelines for life.
>double satan
checks out
>I just got done explaining why the word gnostic is misused
And I don't agree as I've already explained
>I posted the Oxford definition
Here you go
Daemon in the classic Hellenic sense. That's my position and I'm sticking with it. Kek.
checked i guess. "jews" today aren't even jews man, they're not even semites, they're hamites. shit's backwards. you're attacking the wrong people, but then again, maybe that's what the digits mean... lel.
>Atheists hsve poison in their bodies. no refunds btw
that's only the ones with masters degrees or lower. PhD-level atheists are majority extremely TKD.
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It's very simple, the Christian god doesn't exist, but the European gods do exist. Our gods are personifications of natural phenomena and / or cultural archetypes, aspects of human psyche etc., their existence is observable and to deny them is to deny nature.
The babylonian/canaanite/neanderthal origins are irrelevant. All that matters is what tour oppressors are now, racial Jews, mainly Ashkenazim.
Jewry are collective malignant narcissists. Low trust merchant/slaver scum and always have been imho.

Pic related is Oxford definition

You cannot be a gnostic atheist, you are again, from the other thread now wrong for a sixth time

Some people I read in this thread said you can’t be agnostic atheist but that is not true, agnostic atheist would admit they don’t know whether divinity exists or not but that they default to disbelief until further evidence

But a gnostic atheist is an absolute oxymoron

I hate OP for being so fucking stupid it makes me angry
Dem digits fuuuuuck
I'm an unvaxxed conservative atheist
And what is their purpose? How do they serve us? Why, for example, personify thunder as Perun instead of just being a full fedora and saying "there are no gods, just forces of nature"?
>You cannot be a gnostic atheist
>The term "agnostic" comes from the Greek words a, meaning "without," and gnosis, meaning "knowledge". Agnosticism can be interpreted as a stance of "not knowing" or withholding judgment in areas where empirical evidence is scarce
>Meaning I lack the knowledge of your subjective interpretation of what you think God is aka disbelief. And atheism is a lack if belief in God or Gods
Have a nice day
Double anti-mashiach has spoken.
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excuse me, but it's irrelevant that the same people are doing the same things? again?
that's why the origins matter. and even if there were no real history to back it up, /they/ believe it's true and are acting it out to carry out a thousands-year-old plot of revenge to destroy white people for conquering canaan. it's more than relevant. it's the whole reason all this is happening in the first place. how is it not relevant?
Simultaneously extremely fitting flavor-wise and wasted.
Very meta, Double(Nigger)satan.
No you little cock bite, I schooled you on that and now you are admitting I’m right, last thread is archived and you denied it multiple times, now you play coy? Fuck you retard

What you last argued before the thread locked was that gnostic atheism is not an oxymoron, you asked for the definition of Gnosticism and when I gave it to you the argument then turned into what dictionary I got it from, well in this thread I’ve given you two dictionaries that both say you’re a moron. Thanks for trying you fucking piece of shit.
youre an npc who believes in santa, you utter faggot.
agnostic atheist or you are retarded
I have so many posts that would be more fitting content wise but alas.
The lore is valuable, but causes a lot of infighting, and truth is hard to uncover while Jews are in control, what matters to action is who they are now.
>schooled you on that
Not really. In Late Antiquity gnosis was used to designate an intuitive awareness of hidden mysteries as opposed to discursive, analytical knowledge. Gnostic comes from the Greek gnōstikos, knowledgeable. So a Gnostic atheist is one who claims knowledge that there are no gods
Agnostic =\= gnostic
Shit for brains nigger
Double devil forks him later. Fear not.
Mad cuz chabad
>Agnostic =\= gnostic
Correct, see >>472667573
Keep up bud
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Canaanites are the origins of the Isrealites
They help us emotionally relate to natural and psychic phenomena and therefore understand yourself and the world better, and interact with yourself and the world in more meaningful ways. Human cognition works like that, through metaphors. When you strip yourself of that, you end up in a mental and spiritual desert. Pagan myths are just that: metaphorical stories about how the world works. And as our understanding of the world evolves, so should the myths.
Not of hidden, of spiritual and theological

You cannot believe in a spiritual world and be an atheist, god damn idiot, get it through your thick fucking skull dumbass
infighting is going to happen. just gotta learn to not let it consume us. power hungry people are a problem, and that crosses the racial barrier. i would rather err on the side of caution when dealing with BRETHREN.
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except that's not true, okay? okay.
Imho israelites/judahites are just a subgroup of canaanites ie there is no essential racial or collective difference - except in the minds of jews and we wuzzers
In any case the entire exodus origin story is complete fiction
>You cannot believe in a spiritual world and be an atheist
I can can lack belief in a spiritual world until evidence convinces me otherwise. Hence agnostic and since I lack belief in your subjective interpretation of "spiritual world" means I'm atheist to it. This isn't hard bud
The belief in one contradicts the other, it is not the same as admission of not knowing and accepting either or, it’s a declaration that one is right the other is wrong, this isn’t quantum entanglement bitch
If you want to find me, you can see us riding Demonen during the pandemic. Not a soul to find. Unvaxxed. Naked and afraid.
>there is no essential racial or collective difference
okay well then just ignore all the evidence i posted and have a great fucking day. bye.
I call him the Foreskin Contractor.
>except that's not true
It is
>recent restructuring by culture
Like a supposed global flood thst wiped out all humans except one family?
Your evidence supports my position ie heebs are canaanites and always were
Literally. The world is a simulation. Thank you God.
i'll respond after you define god
Yahweh does love those foreskins
Yes, agnostic atheism I already defined
You clearly don’t know what gnostic means, even your definition of gnosis was intentionally changed from spiritual to hidden, weak as fuck boy
I know with 100% certainty that there is no god because I have studied the history of the region in which Yahweh was invented, and seen how his myth developed and how his followers added to it and changed it as they interacted with their neighbours.
>Yes, agnostic atheism
See again
>The term "agnostic" comes from the Greek words a, meaning "without," and gnosis, meaning "knowledge". Agnosticism can be interpreted as a stance of "not knowing" or withholding judgment in areas where empirical evidence is scarce
>Meaning I lack the knowledge of your subjective interpretation of what you think God is aka disbelief. And atheism is a lack if belief in God or Gods
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>It is
i just posted evidence debunking you.

>Like a supposed global flood thst wiped out all humans except one family?
yeah and there's evidence for that, too. there are all kinds of asteroid impacts, and if a majority of them happened in a short period of time, that'd cause some global flooding no problem. there's already enough water on earth to flood it. if the earth were smoothed out so all land was equal in height, we'd all be under a mile of water or more right now.

the bolshevik-led cult of "science" has a high concentration of anichristian sentiment running among it. any reason why that might be?
Ergo you know with 100% certainty that there is no yahweh
but it literally doesn't. it says that the original israelite population were more european in genetic makeup, and were displaced by the arab-"jew" aggressors. are you really being this dumb on purpose? lol.
>i just posted evidence debunking you.
>yeah and there's evidence for that, too
Which contradicts yoir entire argument t since we've all supposed come from Noah
>it says that the original israelite population were more european in genetic makeup
It sure doesn't
>the bolshevik-led cult of "science" has a high concentration of anichristian sentiment running among it.
The proto-communist jew-led cult of "yeshua" had a high concentration of anti-pagan sentiment running among it.
lmao whatever. cover your eyes and plug your ears, maybe it'll go away. childish.

>Which contradicts yoir entire argument
How does that happen when a supposed global flood wiped out all humans except one family?
Pic related gnosis from Oxford dictionary

And thus belief of a spiritual existence contradicts the position of atheism

Agnostic atheism doesn’t break either words definition

Gnostic atheist contradicts itself in both directions using Webster and oxford definition for gnosis, gnostic and Gnosticism

It doesn’t matter how you try to change the word around it, or what era you draw it’s definition from, it’s etymology says you are wrong
>more european
Like ashkenazim then?
So what. Kikes are kikes regardless of skin tone or DNA
Ashkenazim are the "whitest" jews and also the most anti-White
>Gnostic atheist contradicts itself
>The term "agnostic" comes from the Greek words a, meaning "without," and gnosis, meaning "knowledge". Agnosticism can be interpreted as a stance of "not knowing" or withholding judgment in areas where empirical evidence is scarce
>Meaning I lack the knowledge of your subjective interpretation of what you think God is aka disbelief. And atheism is a lack if belief in God or Gods
>It is
Got any evidence to back up your lies?
>Supposed global flood
Chan thomas proves this
The Hopi speak of it in their legends
Even vedics
Try again?
Duplicate oxford picture couldn’t post it twice since you didn’t read it the first time
Nothing is better than being in front row in the best time ever, having your wife screaming knowing that true science allows her to live. Once in a lifetime. Sell me the infection, it is only for the weak.
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it was even underlined for you to read.

because the pagan gods and goddesses are fallen angels. they're demons. if you want to listen to them, then of course they'll tell you to kill the christians. jews love that shit. it's why they promote paganism over christianity if they can't promote atheism/deism/agnosticism.

and if you're into magic and understand solomon's writings, then you understand that the jews procure favors from demons to control the goyim with. thus you are a proxy for jewish hegemony through demonic manipulation.
There is zero evidence of a global flood
Just big localised ones
Yup and you’re still wrong
>doesn’t matter how you try to change the word
I'm not. Agnostic and Gnostic mean different things, with and without knowledge. An Agnostic atheist is one who lacks belief in your "spiritual knowledge", while a Gnostic atheist claims, with knowledge that that there are no Gods.

Again, this isn't hard to understand
>Got any evidence to back up your lies?
What am Iying about exactly?
>joodoo demonology nonsense
>it was even underlined for you to read.
Where exactly?
You're welcome to your personal feelings and opinions
Where is everyone? This is amazing! We take off our shoes, my shirt. Your shirt! Show boobs! Nothing matters!
>What am Iying about exactly?
What are you telling the truth about exactly?
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inbreeding causes genetic instability, until a sizable population is formed and stabilizes. this causes mutations that are seen in the form of "phenotypes", skin color and other genetic traits.

>Like ashkenazim then?
look retard: khazars = ashkenaz = "jew" = carthaginian = canaanite = arab
same people.
do you fucking undrestand yet? they're not jewish or israeli. never have been.
It's obvious what you mean but spergs love semantic pedantics


picrel here: >>472667897
>they're not jewish or israeli. never have been.
According to we wuzzers
Prove it. Pro tip: you can't
You made the claim I'm lying. That burden is yours
>inbreeding causes genetic instability, until a sizable population is formed and stabilizes. this causes mutations that are seen in the form of "phenotypes", skin color and other genetic traits.
Which contradicts
>that's why the origins matter
Congrats. You win the stupid prize
This doesn't say
>it says that the original israelite population were more european in genetic makeup
Knowledge (rational) and belief (irrational)
The pope himself said they are separate, and the elements of faith do not have to be proven like facts. (Fides et Ratio) These are non-overlapping magisteria

In the realm of what is knowable (knowledge):
Gnostic is what is known
Agnostic is what is not known (but can be)
Gnostic/agnostic logically cannot have anything to do with beliefs.

It is a logical fallacy - rationalization - for religious people to pretend what they believe is ((( knowledge ))). It is a deception for them to falsely claim gnostic/agnostic can be logically applied to religion.

If can you call yourself agnostic, but it can never have anything to do with believing/not believing in any gods
this doesn't work. you're either agnostic or you're not. you'r either atheist or you're not. there's no overlap. "agnostic atheist" is just an atheist who doesn't want to admit they have no reason to believe what they do, so they have to qualify it with something oxymoronic.
>You made the claim I'm lying
Because you made a claim without any evidence to support it
asked if you had any evidence for your claims
Seeing as you are avoiding posting any
I accept your concession :^)
rational means lack of belief until evidence convinces me otherwise and irrational is religious faith
>Because you made a claim without any evidence to support it
Which is what you're doing right now. So what am I lying about exactly?
Morality existed for millennia before the Abrahamic religions were invented. Claiming divine intervention does not prove divine intervention.
>irrational is religious faith
Or A-rational
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demoralization fag. kys. gaslighting people into not investigating the evidence lol. truly infuriating.

wow you still don't understand genetic divergence. that sequence of events i described is literally how genetic divergence happens. there's no contradiction. take a seat retard.

yes it literally does. a "pre-islamic" expansion of the levant shows it's WHITE and EUROPEAN in genetic makeup. there's a reason for why it no longer is. do you even history?

am i talking to a bunch of zoomers or what? did you dumbfucks sleep through history class?
Daniel Webster was very religious wasn't he?
Do you have evidence to support your claim here >>472668092
or not?
>gaslighting people into not investigating the evidence lol. truly infuriating.
Wrong. I encourage people to look at the evidence. It supports my position.
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"jews". they're not jews. it's actually more likely that the R1b line is the davidic kingly line.
>But a gnostic atheist is an absolute oxymoron
Gnostic is knowing what is knowable
Atheist is a lack of belief in any gods

Perfectly compatible
Go meditate or take a silent walk in the forest it's really not hard to realize God exists
>wow you still don't understand genetic divergence
I'm saying your argument about isfralites and Canaanites is irrelevant if we all.came from one man after a global flood. This is the numace you lot so desperately lack
>yes it literally does
No, it literally doesn't
>Do you have evidence to support your claim here
Yeah. Doesn't mean I'm lying as lying implies intent to deceive. Which again, what am I lying about?
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The genetic problems of jews are a direct result of thousands of years of them consistently choosing a societal life cycle that creates regular, frequent genetic bottlenecking. Namely, surrounding themselves with a powerful group, exploiting their systems of social trust, degenerating exponentially, and then being massacred or scattered.

Literally the consequences of your own actions
I am willing to buy 4chan on the premise that the ads are removed and it moves to IPFS and the key is multisigned, with me just veto some things. If not, I will build a new onion community next week. invite-based. Bots are going to be problematic.
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but you've posted no evidence. you're just screetching about how my evidence isn't evidence and that it supports your position, somehow, without showing how or why. and the only way you could do that is if you reinterpret the evidence to mean something else entirely. sounds to me like you have a vested interest in keeping anons from discovering this truth for themselves.
>The genetic problems of jews
>supposed global flood wiped out all humans except one family?
A claim of knowledge must be substantiated

Claim divinity exists, substantiate it
Claim divinity does not exist, substantiate

Ignorance need only be confessed
“I don’t know”

So an agnostic atheist would be someone who admits they don’t know but defaults to atheism until further evidence

This is what I said in the first thread, before you, I said this first,‘it’s archived, you’re just riding my fucking dick every time you repeat it

When it game time for you to make your own genuine thought you came up with gnostic atheism

I told you the word choice was wrong, not the core idea but the word choice, it will cause people to get lost in translation

I gave you the definitions of gnostic and Gnosticism, you wanted what dictionary, I gave you oxford; you still were convinced oxford was wrong so I gave you Webster.

Again oxford and Webster don’t know what they’re talking about according to you so you went to gnosis.

I again give you the definition and you again say it’s wrong.

Until you unfuck your retarded shit the conversation using that picture will always devolve rather than progress, that’s how language works, and if one side says all dictionaries are wrong, welp this will never go anywhere, so go ahead and keep repeating yourself. >>472669415
If words were never married with definitions they would remain as rudimentary sounds, if your mentality was all to ever exist we would all be grunting and finger painting in caves still
youre the one who literally worships a jew, you complete gorilla retard. you are in a cult.
Statistics are everything becasue patterns are the only things that matter.

If there was a race with the statistical dispositions of Atheists, you'd call for their genocide. Wait, there is a race who's voting patterns and polling data EXACTLY lines up with Atheists. Guess who?

Ah, great, your anecdotes sure do destroy that statistical prevalence.
This is why their origin is irrelevant, who fucking cares who the technical Jews/Israelies/Semites are? It's muddying the waters. What matters is who they are now, racial Jews, mostly Ashkenazim.
Your evidence is that modern jews and palestinians and samaritans are canaanites
Simple as
This evidence supports my thesis that israelites/judahites were ethnic canaanites
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>is irrelevant if
and that's why you're wrong, again, because you don't understand genetic divergence lol. fuckin' brainlet piece of shit, research how long it took to get all the dog breeds we have today. it's only been a few hundred years lol. how did all these dog breeds become distinct, and how did the populations stabilize? same thing happens in humans.

>No, it literally doesn't
yes it literally does, and if you don't understand how or why, maybe you should stop posting on 4chan you absolute faggot. like serious case of stupid going on right now. stop.
Wrong. Why do you have the reading comprehension of a nigger?
>There is zero evidence of a global flood
There has been plenty of evidence since 1963
You need to catch up
Have fun because you clearly missed the thread today about it
>but you've posted no evidence
Several genetic studies demonstrated that approximately half of the genetic lineage of Ashkenazi Jews may be traced to the ancient Middle East and the other half to Europe, proving proximity to both ancient and present Middle Eastern and European groups. The majority of the European half comes mainly from southern European populations. Several studies estimate that between 50% and 80% of Ashkenazic Y-chromosomal (paternal) lineages originate in the Near East, with some estimating that at least 80% of their maternal lineages originated in Europe.[21][22] Most researchers now believe that the early Jewish communities of southern Europe, which are the forebears of Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from both the ancient Israelites and from European converts to Judaism.[23]
>Doesnt post evidence for his claims
I accept your concession :^)
Atheism is based on a single characteristic - the non-belief in any gods. Atheists can believe virtually any irrational nonsense imaginable except one - they can't believe in gods.

If you're making (and proving) the claim that all spirits are gods, then you would have a point.
>A claim of knowledge must be substantiated
Not really, unless you're demanding myself and others to believe it
>Statistics are everything becasue patterns are the only things that matter.
And that hammer swings both ways
>just read this 1966 fantasy novel pretending to be non fiction
On Thursday, I will contact you. Here is my card:
>Verification not required
because jews are white people you fucking idiot, that's why. they're literally pretending to be us, historically. they're stealing our identity. that's what khazars did in the middle ages to steal people's inheritances and other shit. that's why the slavs destroyed their country, because they became such a nuisance as a nation of criminals that a bunch of pissed off white slaves had to do something about it.

no more (You)s, shill. kill yourself.
>and that's why you're wrong, again, because you don't understand genetic divergence lol
Se we all generically diverged from Noah?...
See right above your post bud :^)
>Cant into geological research conducted or books about it
i accept your concession in the face of overwhelming evidence contrary to your claim.
Feels good to win debates, dont worry, someday you will get there :^)
>no more (You)s, shill. kill yourself.
The chaff separates itself from the wheat.
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anything less than 100% european isn't european.
>overwhelming evidence contrary to your claim.
Present the evidence here then rather than shilling fantasy novels by quacks from 1966
>anything less than 100% european isn't european.
Which would be you and also see
>Se we all generically diverged from Noah?...
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nigga u gay
yes, retard. that's what genetic divergence implies, that it was once unified but now isn't. fucking lol. the meaning is contained in the word. is english even your first language?

it's taken 200 years or less to go from wolf to chihuahua.
>>472670688 is that knowledge?
If you can’t substantiate it then it’s what you think not what you know, right?

Ignoring obvious scenarios where you don’t back up claims just because you don’t feel like it, only the ones where you can’t
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The article only talks about DNA haplogroups in a study, it doesnt back up your claim at all nor does it refute the article that other anon posted.

Try again :^), canaanites and khazarian descendents are are not from Israel
>anything less than 100% european isn't european.
Ergo levantine canaanite israelkikes werent European
>Which would be you
except no, i'm 100% all white european background.
>yes, retard
Then you're claims about who isn't or isn't a jew is irrelevant if we've all come from the same source. Fuck you are dumb
>genetic divergence
yes you are dumb. you still don't get it.
>If you can’t substantiate it
Then no reason for anyone else to believe it. Hence my argument
>The article only talks about DNA haplogroups in a study, it doesnt back up your claim
Then you don't understand haplogroups
And again, your argument is irrelevant if we've all come from Noah supposedly
>fantasy novels by quacks from 1966
Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that chan thomas's research into geological evidence of a cataclysmic flood or even a single scientific journal that refutes his claim or are you just huffing copium about books you never read and research you clearly are unaware of.
Everything in his research was done according to the scientific method

Ad hominem is a fallacy, not an argument kid :^)
>except no, i'm 100% all white european background.
And the cow jumped over the moon. Both are made up
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>There has been plenty of evidence since 1963
No global floods

Which one of the many great floods? The Black Sea flood from 16,000 years ago coincides with Plato's Atlantis legend. The Russian Altai flood happened 13,000 years ago. The America's Bonneville flood was 14,500 years ago, and another Pacific NorthWest glacial flood was around 8000 years. A volcano in Sicily sent a 40m wave of water over the shores of the Levant 8000 years ago. The Yellow River Great Flood was 4000 years ago. Localized or regional floods are fairly common and their tales are plentiful.

But there's never been a global flood. The slightest bit of scrutiny tells you why.
>Where did all that water come from?
>Where did the water go after it was over?
The world's hydrologic cycle is a closed system.
yes you're right, levatine kikels have always been canaanites. they've never been israelites, and the current state of "israel" isn't israel.
You're not explaining it either. Funny that
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>Has no argument to back up his false hypothesis
This is really sas, but nonetheless i once again, accept your concession that you have no evidence to back up your claims
>they've never been israelites
Sure they have if they share the same DNA as Noah
what's made up? being white? being european?
lmao tell me you're a D&C kike without telling me.
whites are european are caucasian. same thing.
they just don't want a unified white front.
Present the evidence here then in QRD and picrel format
I'm not ordering some 1966 book by some literal who and reading it just so I can argue with you
What exactly is the false hypothesis?
That's what I said. All that matters is patterns. The superior belief system is the one that creates the best patterns. If worshiping Cthulhu by breakdancing at dawn every day made people more based and less degenerate, that would be the correct belief system to adopt, but it does not, so it is not.
It literally does not matter what a belief system SAYS, only what it DOES statistically measured against all other belief systems across vast amounts of time. I do not care if you worship a giant green dog that lives on pluto, I don't care what your tenets or philosophy says, I only care what patterns of behavior arise over hundreds of years in populations practicing your belief system.

Currently, Christianity is the correct belief system to adopt becasue the statistical degeneracy of every other belief system large enough to me measured, is higher. Alternatives are proposed, but none have shown a history of statistical superiority, only wishes and promises and dreams of being superior.

This is what it means to view religion truly pragmatically. Divorce yourself of all preconceptions and negative personal experiences, and simply look at each possible belief as a token with benefits and costs described exclusively by their observable, quantifiable, and consistent results.
Natural law and Divine Law are the same. Practicality and Good are the same when you take a long view of history. The evil way is also the way that degenerates the society into suicide. The Good way is also the way that promotes a healthy and prosperous society.

Look at the bots go. Listen to me guys, within 16 months we will go Singularity.
>what's made up? being white?
You're as white as those who all came from Noah, kek
i explained it to you several times. just stop posting.

see? stop posting. please. it's embarassing. if you're really white and not some browncel seething about not being white, who is purposefully obfuscating what "genetic divergence" really implies, then maybe you need to research it a bit more? idk. i can't MAKE you understand. dumbass.
>No global floods
Chan thomas's geological research and gathered evidence about what took place during the last global crust displacement from the magma layer during a magnetic flip once again refutes your claim
10/10 post
>That's what I said
Then I guess we agree. Nice, have a good day bro!
>caption: GAYHO
So calm your tits, I have planned for this if everything fails. But you need to behave normally so I know who is who. I know it wont happen but I will parse for some.
>i explained it to you several times
Yes that we all supposedly came from Noah, even the kikes you claim to hate
>stop posting. please
adam and eve were white. his name literally means to show blood in the face, to blush. lol, yes noah was white. genetic divergence implies that brown people are cursed.
Israelites are canaanites just as rhinelanders are Germanics.
>adam and eve were white
They are fictional characters, just like you're claim of being 100% Erupean white lol
then by all means, keep embarrassing yourself.
Exactly this
>the last global crust displacement from the magma layer during a magnetic flip
pseud nonsense
>Spoonfeed me!
I already provided you a link to the thread discussing it you lazy minded hatchling troll, doing the research is on you
You cannot refute my claim until you present real evidence that disproves chan thomas's research into the last global flood caused by crust displacement :^)

In any debate it is on both parties to come prepared for their claims and counter claims, I came prepared, you failed to do so.
Do better because you just disqualified yourself by pretending me posting my source is somehow challengeable
How am I embarrassing myself when you think we've all come from Noah? Lmao
Can you guys shut the fuck up, I am trying to help you.
>Verification not required
>Israelites are canaanites

>just as rhinelanders are Germanics.
so a somali moves to sweeden, that makes them a swede?
this is what you're arguing.
>>Spoonfeed me!
The death knell of someone arguing in bad faith
>And that hammer swings both ways
No, it doesn't. When you focus on all white Christians (ie don't cherry pick Trump voting boomer Christians in the USA) we are the absolute most redpilled white demographic by a longshot
And younger Christian generations compared to older are more redpilled on many issues too so you can't blame it on "tradition"

This trend of being redpilled is a byproduct of Christianity itself.
Protestants read the Bible for 450 years and all that time realized the JQ and race mixing was "not profitable"

Those two things only happened when boomers started secularizing Christianity
this nigger thinks his ancestors came out of africa.
>Has no arguments, just fallacies
Too bad your feelings dont count as evidence, you are however entitled to your emotionally based opinions, and once again, I accept your concession:^)
>>Israelites are canaanites
The name of Israel first appears in the Merneptah Stele of ancient Egypt, dated to about 1200 BCE.[6] Modern scholarship considers that the Israelites emerged from groups of indigenous Canaanites and other peoples.[7][8][4] They spoke an archaic form of the Hebrew language, which was a regional variety of the Canaanite languages, known today as Biblical Hebrew.[9] In the Iron Age, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah emerged. The Kingdom of Israel, with its capital at Samaria, fell to the Neo-Assyrian Empire around 720 BCE;[10] while the Kingdom of Judah, with its capital at Jerusalem, was destroyed by the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 586 BCE.[11] Some of the Judean population was exiled to Babylon, but returned to Israel after Cyrus the Great conquered the region.[12][13]
>it's not my job to educate you whitey
Lmao, even
Then it's not my temperament to bother arguing with some faggot who won't present evidence
>>And that hammer swings both ways
>No, it doesn't
It sure does. It's why's history is written on one extreme begetting the other
Changed my mind. This is Titanic. Jesuits!
You mean how we all came from Noah?
where does khazaria fit in if at all
The key is in the pyramids. It is written on a wall.
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>Modern scholarship considers
let me stop you right there bucko. did you read the part in my infographic here: >>472670333 about how the maxwells control the fucking textbooks you use? why would they want to obfuscate this little fact? let's see how good your pattern recognition really is. i'll wait for you to hash it out bro. take your time.
Pointing at some pseud's book and demanding we read it is not "evidence" Tyrone
that's not what i asked
Sounds like a personal problem
>If I call it a psueds book I dont need a real argument or have to confront the evidence
Not how it works kid, have a nice day crying about it if you want :^)
They took it for a krispy kreme donut lmfao. That is what their utilitarian ethics gets you. Medical experiment with a dose of diabetes.
I got the key. Sol och månens nyckel.
>did you read the part in my infographic here:
No, I'm not interested in your contradicting nonsense that you borrowed from another retard instead of researching it yourself
>They took it for a krispy kreme donut lmfao
It's sad really
>Not how it works kid
Pointing at some pseud's book and demanding we read it is not how debates work.
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>the point
>your head
You must be part eggplant yourself if your IQ is this low
>No, I'm not interested
then uhhh remain ignorant? not my problem, but this is why you're stupid.
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Its too bad wikipedia doesnt provide you with any evidemce that khazarians or canaanites are remotely related to ancient israelites
There are sources that back up that anons claims however, but once again you will be unable to refute them because your only source is a website that feds edit all the time :^)
>Uses more ad hom fallacies because has no argument
I again, accept your many, many concessions
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>But there's never been a global flood.
There has been
>The slightest bit of scrutiny tells you why.
strap yourself in I'm about to blow your mind....
>>Where did all that water come from?
>>Where did the water go after it was over?
>The world's hydrologic cycle is a closed system.
1. Ice asteroids (atheists already believe that is where our oceans came from, check it yourself). The Noah flood account says the windows of heaven were opened up etc. 100% scientific consistency.
2. Pic related. We discovered the "oceans receding to the deep" the Bible knew about. The Bible said the water was there, and 3000 years later we found it. An absurd claim, no reason to make it up, yet it turned out to be scientifically true. 100% scientific consistency
3. No it is not closed, see point 1
100% scientific consistency
They mixed with edomites ie jacobs older bro ie same ethnicity and racial group ie what's your point?
Eggplant confirmed
Any such event would have occurred millions of years ago and eradicated all life on earth except extremophiles.
but if they mixed, they're not the same any more...
that's why esau lost his inheritance.
See what anon wrote. See ringwoodite. It is true.
>then uhhh remain ignorant?
On personal feelings and nonsense? OK lol
>Still cant formulate a real argument
Lel someone must be paying you to act so childish
So we have one jeet behind an english flag who cannot cope with evidence that exposed his false claims and we got another plebian who is literally lookong things up on wikipedia as he goes because he is desperate to just have the last word
This is hilarious
>Its too bad wikipedia doesnt provide you with any evidemce that khazarians or canaanites are remotely related to ancient israelites
Why should we believe they are?
Cowards reply like this
I'm English. Am I mixing if I marry my 4th cousin from 100 miles away who is also ethnically and racially English? The answer is no Tyrone.
Parsing anon!
>who cannot cope with evidence
You have presented no evidence here
You have demanded we read some book from 1966
>It sure does. It's why's history is written on one extreme begetting the other
Are you too stupid to follow a basic conversation?
The topic was statistics and you said they swing both ways, the topic is not "history"
The statistics don't swing both ways
Christian whites are overwhelmingly more red pilled on almost every issue, statistically, than non Christian whites
(we Christians aren't redpilled on "State of Israel" support except for young people, i'll admit that)

*even historically this has been true, Christians made anti sodomite laws, pagans never did... but that wasn't my argument
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
Brainlets derail the thread into the 2016 autism of "what is White?" and "muh esoteric origins of the Jews." Stop being autistic and look around at who is waging war on you and what they have in common, they're Ashkenazim.
sounds like you're projecting. edomites do that quite often. still salty they lost their birthright. not my problem!
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They are both clearly farming for (you)s
Keep unlinking their posts like you did there.
They hate it when you cut them off their income, be back in a bit to check in and see if they can actually debate or if they are just gonna keep trying to farm (you)s for shekels
>Christian whites are overwhelmingly more red pilled on almost every issue, statistically, than non Christian whites
Not in my experience
Christfags are sometimes right on certain issues but for the wrong reasons ie their retarded jew book says so
Gnostic theist or face the wall (it will happen in our lifetimes).
>brown people there now
>it means they've always been there
Yes. Jewry is a problem. How is this overcome by christfags we wuzzing and/or worshipping yahweh?
Hillbillies in my experience are the most redpilled. Christcucks are shabbos goylem, Mammon-worshipping, cryptokikes.
>Any such event would have occurred millions of years ago
You went from denying the event to saying "well we know the event must have happened...uh...not when the Bible says it did!!"
cope. Your claim "millions of years ago" is absolutely made up.
>and eradicated all life on earth except extremophiles.
Noah's flood did exactly this you midwit.
Insects survived on land but mammals were wiped out on land.
It's the Deist again, we have no argument there.
heh. imma take a break man. probably need to make more coffee at this point.
As you shall see. Unregulated tunnel digging in New York City poses significant risks and legal consequences. Unauthorized excavation can lead to structural instability and public safety hazards. Anon.
>Muh huge gaping strawman
Equally stupid and dishonest
thanks, I try. It's not even hard
>See what anon wrote. See ringwoodite. It is true.
I ctrl f and don't see ringwoodite. What are you talking about?
Anon hacked Chatgpt.
>Hillbillies in my experience are the most redpilled
Perhaps. Imho it's irreligious race realists
>denying the event
I deny the event in terms of happening at any period when homo sapiens existed - to clarify
>Noah's flood did exactly this you midwit.
Oh right. Except for a big boat with lions and elephants on it. Of course! How silly of me.
My question to Chatgpt was how to SEO-style references, sent back in this convo references like the following:
>Verification NOT required
Only plaque is you street shitters lol
>>Christian whites are overwhelmingly more red pilled
>Not in my experience
Nobody cares about your anecdotes
Christians are overwhelmingly more redpilled on almost every issue
How the fuck did you do that?
Like the Google translator spam?
Bered dig anon! Right back at you! Nigger!
I'm Anglo Saxon. Stfu commie.
>Nobody cares about your anecdotes
>Christians are overwhelmingly more redpilled on almost every issue
Is that why they can't stop sucking jew dick?
>I deny the event in terms of happening at any period when homo sapiens existed - to clarify
So you flip flopped and your only criteria to clarify your new flipped position is "the Bible must be wrong"
In other words, you're an NPC
>>Noah's flood did exactly this you midwit.
>.....mammals were wiped out on land.
>Oh right. Except for a big boat with lions and elephants on it
You are obviously too brown to read english
I said they were wiped out on land. I never said they were wiped out on the boat

Go back to your brown country you came from and stop LARPing as brittish
HAHAHAHAHA anon can control references on chatgpt omfg
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>>Nobody cares about your anecdotes
I use statistics not anecdotes
Go back to the brown country you came SAAR and stay with the rest of your brown illiterate retard family
>Is that why they can't stop sucking jew dick?
Kike posters usually cannot stop thinking about genitals, BBC or gentiles sexually pleasuring "jews". Their nonwhite deranged minds cannot help it.
It's a pretty common trait in kike posts

You are probably a kike
how the fuck did you do it? this timeline
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>I'm Anglo Saxon. Stfu
>reeeeeeee my laughable jewish children's fairytale about noah is true noooo
>you are a poooo reeeeeeeeeee
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>you have to help me get paid for posting here or you are a coward!!!!
>Who do you think the "science-lovers" are?
They just replaced their non-belief in religion, with another belief that requires faith... Lol the irony.
Stop gurgling jew cum christjew
The idea that Earth’s water came from ice asteroids or comets is a scientific hypothesis. This theory suggests that during the early formation of Earth, comets and asteroids, which contain significant amounts of water, bombarded the planet, contributing to its oceans .
• The Biblical account of the flood mentions “the windows of heaven were opened,” which some interpret as a reference to heavy rainfall, potentially from extraterrestrial sources. However, this remains a matter of theological interpretation rather than scientific consensus. source: https://www.jta.org/2024/01/09/ny/12-arrested-as-fracas-breaks-out-over-tunnel-at-chabad-headquarters

???????? ????????
wtf is bottom left? actually the whole bottom part? we need some better term for them than 'agnostic'. how about 'maneuvering faggot'?
I know I am. I'm certain of it.

Are you able to profess the same?
>The topic was statistics and you said they swing both ways, the topic is not "history"
It is history. Get some fucking nuance you clown shoe
>sounds like
You're welcome to your personal feelings and opinions
300 limit reached. you don't have to post here any more.
Amazing how you accuse others if what you do. Guess that's all you have left. I accept your concession, coward
you ignored the evidence.
then you projected with those feelings of inferiority.
then you became condescending of the evidence.
truly you must be an edomite.
salty af. sad! many such cases.
this looks like it was made by a jew
a jew for the jewish botnet ribbit too
jews love boxes
jews love to put people into boxes
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no, the romans called christians atheist because they thought the idea of a man being born of a donkey was an absurd

learn more about jews and their donkey god
>you ignored the evidence.
Not really
>no, the romans called christians atheist because they thought the idea of a man being born of a donkey was an absurd
Exactly. They lacked belief in their subjective intrepetation
also, christians literally are atheists
they have the capacity to understand what god is, in theory, but choose to worship a circumsized jewish rabbi from a storybook instead, rather than god itself. purporting god over gods is already a fallacy. god has a god, and its obvious one single entity all by itself didnt create everything.
>truly you must be an edomite
Didn't we both cone from Noah? You're as much one as I am

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