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>Be chosen as a DEI hire.
>fail at what little tasks assigned.
>get angry when people actually doing something are looked at for promotion.
Please please please pass her over. I will ask every sheboon I encounter from now until November how they like their first female black President getting passed over for a white man.
Why is she unpopular? Is it racism?
Maybe they think the cirrhosis will get her in less than 4 years
if they run her they know trump will win so they wont
Harris and Newsom have family ties.
having her be the dem pick is the only thing that could make this shitshow any funnier
Niggers love Trump
>Implying either Whitmer or Newsome actually do anything
She's not even black
trump loves niggers.
and kikes
The life of a brown woman in a nutshell. They're just a toy to (((them))).
>hide random diversity hire for four years
>ree shes even less well known or liked than biden
maybe dont hide her for four years then?
Are they really floating Whitmer? She's a literal criminal who drives drunk. That's their best?
She's braindead.
Not even, it's literally because she is an unlikeable witch. The half-black part is actually irrelevant in her case.
imagine the kino of President Harris though. The memes would write themselves.

Americans looking to get Canada'd
Kamala Harris as President would be hilarious as fuck. Peak clown world. Imagine this sheboon at the helm of the west during WW3
>Let's replace our unpopular VP with even more unpopular choices.
400 IQ play.
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Hilary sisters, not like this...
I would eat dat pussAY so hard
She glows. Why else would the FBI create a fake plot against her? They were buffing her campaign stats so they could install her at a later date
And this is why they cannot have Biden drop out. It’s gonna be extremely ugly no matter who they choose
Knowing how much this board is going to lose it’s shit when Big Mike steps up gets me excited
It will be someone that hasn't been talked about. A fresh, untainted young handsome man, with smooth words and "centrist" (globalist jew) policies. In the same way the antichrist will be know to no-one, then known to everyone.
Give us Pete.
I want a real genuine cock aucker in the white house.
No shit. Every time I see her speak I can tell she's wasted.
Been around a lot of functional alcoholics.
You are a jew.
You are brown.
I said during Covid that NC's Cooper was lining himself up to run for president. He's already seeded the current administration with some of his former officials.
screencap this
Can anyone else find the footage of this? Gretchen Whitmer was pulled over for drunk driving between like, 2015-2019. I remember the footage of it but can't find it anymore
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Retard is not a race.
There is literally 0 chance they choose a white person over Harris if Biden is dropped. There is no way they can sell that to their black voters. Trump will squeeze that for every drop it's worth. He will hammer Gavin or Shitmer or whoever on "stealing" the spot from the black VP.
Most DEI hires are retarded and genuinely believe that they were the most qualified person for the position.
My sister works as glorified secretary who does not even do any real secretary work, but huffs and puffs when the C-suite doesn't inform her about important decisions ahead of the public announcement, just because she occasionally schedules an appointment for them.
She was only hired because it was an almost all male tech company.
Start looking at the recent young Democrat house members who stay out of the news. White leaning Hispanic would be a good bet. A Jewish grandmother. Introduced no legislation, but voted solidly Democrat on all votes. Blank or bland social media profile. Rookie or won a single re-election in a hard blue district. I bet you can find at least three that fit this bill. They won't start mentioning names until two weeks before the convention, then it will be a meteoric rise after a few public speeches and show appearances once they announce that the delegates will pick the nominee in a broker ed convention.
Whitmer guarantees Michigan will go to trump. She banned the sale of seedlings and fishing during covid. I highly doubt they’re really considering her. It will have to be gavin or obama.
Racism is systematic discrimination against someone because of their ethnicity, like not being allowed into certain places and so on.
You not wanting a black president is just a preference, not racism.

That's by their own rules even :^)
Is she hot
It turned out she literally sucked her way into the white house. Normally, the blowjob would be the cherry on top in securing career advancement. She would be otherwise competent for her role or she wouldn't be considered. However, it turns out Kamala Harris is incompetent at every activity besides giving head, which she performs at an Olympic level.
>>Be chosen as a DEI hire.
>>fail at what little tasks assigned.
>>get angry when people actually doing something are looked at for promotion.
Marxism in a nutshell. You have to remember that equity in any aspect, is essentially communism. Meritocracy is key to any political or economic system succeeding. That's why all successful civilizations that existed were patriarchal. Because men prioritize merit and ability over almost all other things. There's never been a successful women led civilization from the beginning. Women leading in any capacity is a symptom of decay.
Let's write kamala acceptance speech...
"What can be...
People say this but I honestly think black people don't give a shit about Harris.
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She's drunk all the time.
28 staffers of hers quit because she goes on insane drunk tirades and is a horrible cunt.
Biden lays her up with easy portfolios where all you have to do is hold some community meetings and give empty speeches but she even refused to do that and instead gets wasted and is somehow more of a mess in public than dementia joe.

Also BI is a corrupt media org someone in PR pays for a story, they run it then all other fake media point to that PR paid piece as their 'source'. Watch NYT or Guardian pick this up now citing this shit. Guaranteed dnc civil war is happening trying to oust Kamala who won't go without a major bribe
There's also no point. Running Biden makes sense from a strategic position (if you think like the democrats and are somewhat detached from reality).
Trump was guaranteed by the basis, and they see him as a weak candidate. So now their strategy is to also run a weak candidate, who is easily controlled by them - can't get much better than a demented old man when it comes to ruling from the shadows.
Running a headstrong niggress who is too stupid to be controlled would take away all the advantage. At that point you could also just run a good candidate who is hard to control, but at least has a guaranteed victory ahead of him.
>Why is she unpopular? Is it racism?
Some of us are in California and remember her failed stint as attorney general.
She is useless, that is why she hasn't been in the headlines during her vice presidency.
Gabe Vasquez, Rob Menendez, Jeff Jackson, Rob Golden I know nothing about these, but they all look like solid young Democrat puppets they could foist on us as long as they speak somewhat eloquently
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Check em
Whom ever they pick will automatically lose. Biden keeps all the money he raised
Newsome won’t do it since he wants to run in 2028 and doesn’t want the stink of losing this year
Whitmer might since she’s a dumb bitch
The potato nigger throws a racism grenade into the camp and runs off laughing
and shes throating the CEOs' cocks
Seth Deluzio (PA), Greg Casar (TX) no real public media presence, a blank slate for policy. Get them good media training and handlers and any one of them might shoot straight to the top of the list. The media just has to pretend to panic long enough and coalesce around them "organically" and the stupid fucking democrats will eat it up. If you went through this list and found one or two with an intelligence agency connection then I think you'd have a winner.
>Greg Casar
Commie anchor baby, about as radical and headstrong as you can get, won't be a puppet. He was running around in the Austin streets with the antifa loons
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If Joe Biden was my boss, I'd be shitfaced all the time too.
Personally, I don't like her voice.
Something about it is off-putting.
Like I said, I'm just going on name, appearance and youth. At least one will check all these boxes

>under 50
>Hispanic name or vague appearance
>Jewish grandparent
>IC connection
>do-nothing record
>no national media presence
>uncontested or low conflict election

Think hispanic Obama. Very unlikely to be female because of the "her turn" crowd. All it will take is a few media talking heads pretending he's "dreamy" and all those cunts will fall in line. About a month before the convention, you'll start seeing the name mentioned in news, but NOT connected with running for president, then about two weeks before you'll see a bunch of social media start pushing for a presidential bid. The democrats will literally forget about every other person "in line" when the media frenzy starts happening. They are right now working on making sure this person is 100% squeaky clean, so they don't have to run cover like they did with Obama. They want someone who is as "out of the blue" as possible because it gives Republicans very little time to respond.
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>those digits
You make a good point, anon, however this all hinges on them getting Joe out of the way.
The problem is that Kamala is worse than all other choices. She could never handle a debate with Trump or anyone else, she's too dumb.
yes, and racism is good because it is the fastest way to identify if someone is going to be retarded or a thief. millions of aggregated parameters run through dedicated bays of trillions of gigaflops of computing power will never match the speed/accuracy balance of this one simple question:
>Is it a nigger, spic, or shitskin?
If yes, throw it in the bin
These parties continuously pay millions for pollsters to check hypothetical matchups and there is literally noone else on the Democrats who polls better against Trump then Joe and he's losing by double digits in some states.

There is nobody to run in his place and the big names like Newsom or even Mayor Buttman won't risk burning their shot at national office to be the sacrificial lamb losing against Trump and being banished from the national ticket forever
By mid July, every Democrat will have forgotten that was even an issue. These are the most maleable human beings ever created. Once the media stops talking about it, it's like it ceases to exist. Many such cases. They will replace the fear and trepidation of the current crisis with the frenzy of the new hotness. Ask anyone you know that voters Democrat what they think about Biden two weeks from now and they will have fully absorbed the idea that he should have been replaced a year ago, even if they thought he was the greatest president in history a week before the debate.
No, she’s just more outwardly an awful person than almost anyone one can imagine.
She rivals Hillary Clinton.
She’s awful at lying, which is her main job.
Plus jew husband.
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>All it will take is a few media talking heads pretending he's "dreamy" and all those cunts will fall in line
Quads of truth, this will be the Newsom playbook
She wasn't elected, so she doesn't have that baseline likeability that you want in an elected official. She also talks in word salad and is chronically insincere.
Leaf, you don't know it yet, but that's exactly what you've been programmed to believe. They need you to think that everything is grim and dark and impossible to escape so that salvation with a friendly smile can swoop in an save the day. There are names that are intentionally left out of discussion. Faces that you won't see until the convention. How many Representatives do you know by name outside of the loudmouths and the bumbling fuckups and the ones that make their rounds on the nightly news? Did you know the name Obama before 2007? Remember this post in a month.
Why is Newsome even being considered, are they hoping people outside California don't know how much he's fucked things up and pocketed millions of taxpayer's dollars through pork props?
No, Newsome comes with too much baggage. Too many negatives, and too many soundbites. That debate with DeSantis was atrocious for his bid, and the Covid fuckups are disqualifying. It will be someone you haven't yet considered because their name needs to be a blank slate. Any name floated right now is just a distraction.
Newsome might be salivating at the opportunity, but if he's smart, he'll have learned from DeSantis not to put his name in the running too soon. He needs time to muddy the waters of his recent unpopularity. Trump has too much ammunition on him, so he'd be smart to wait 4 (or 8) years to run against a not-so-populist candidate. Captcha: WARY
I get the feeling they're going to let Trump go into WW3 so they can intentionally sabotage him at every step in a COVID 2.0 situation. Then they can accelerate and go with things being so horrible that people beg for their communist/socialist nanny state for some modicum of normalcy.
Probably because he's every bit the remorseless devil with no scruples that Kamala is, but is also capable of standing in front of a crowd of people without looking like a drunken dumbass.
Disagree. It's more likely that both Covid and the wars are the result of China, Israel and Ukraine blackmailing our leadership, both republican and democrat, about the biolabs, pharma contracts and massive money laundering through family members of congressmen. Plugging in a new pretty face will let the Democrats have a little slack to wind it down slowly behind the scenes, where with Trump, there is a not-insignificant risk that he will blow it all wide open after the 2020 coup. I think the 3 aforementioned countries have the receipts on the election and the corruption and have been milking us for cash, weapon and trade deals while ridding themselves of difficult to manage populations.
She convinced me that the devil is real.
I guess you forgot that time when California cleaned up all the bums and turds off the street for Xi's visit.
She's a half black half poo version of Hillary but without the cold calculation and -20 IQ.
Exactly. There’s a term in the military called fuck up move up (which has another implication when applied to Kamala); but imagine doing that so successfully that you become the president of the united states.

If Hollywood had any balls they would make a movie about a dumb whore who sucks so much dick, that through a series of unlikely circumstances she gets elevated to the position of President.
Because she’s an ugly brown cackling whore with no merit. Heels up Harris will be forgotten quickly.
The party that preaches "democracy" will now force install a Presidential candidate that no one in their party can vote for in a primary election.
she should just do it and invoke the 25th ammendment
>t will be someone you haven't yet considered because their name needs to be a blank slate.

This would kill the ticket because no one votes for a no name and you couldn't build them up enough in under 4 months.
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>If Hollywood had any balls they would make a movie about a dumb whore who sucks so much dick, that through a series of unlikely circumstances she gets elevated to the position of President.
Pretty Woman 2. Zendaya to star.
They did the same thing in 2020. Biden only won super tuesday because the majority of his opponents dropped out at the exact same time
That's still preferable to a corrupt convicted felon.
> Mad that she's a retarded whore who slept her way to the top and is literally dumb as a rock
> Worse than Biden with Dementia
She's not even supposed to be there at all she should consider herself lucky and keep her mouth shut before they do replace Biden and perhaps HER TOO.
>Because men prioritize merit and ability over almost all other things.
holy kek, men in hiring positions do kin-selection and harem-creation all the goddamn time
they absolutely do not want their status threatened
Kabbalah Haaretz was the most hated person in the 2020 primaries the only notable thing she did was accuse Biden of being a rapist and then she becomes his VP

total clown shit corruption shit show from our retarded clown country
Didn't happen. Stop lying.
She's soulless. I don't know a damn thing she's said or done.
she’s a nigger hillary
she's a bad public speaker but honestly she is nowhere near as bad as hillary
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She's fake.
She word salads almost as much as Biden.
No values and changes her policies based on the times.
Head cop of California for years.
Only got to where she was by sleeping her way to the top

etc etc etc
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>people actually doing something are looked at for promotion
yes, destroying their respective states is a nice audition for the final national demolition
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luv this thread
She's a soulless whore who traded sex for favors, a nag, and she has an annoying voice.
Sounds about right.
I hope someone makes the South Dakotan puppy snuffer a VP pick.
>it was her turn

ONLY reason she was chosen was because she is Black female
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they both cackle, but one has cankles
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She put a helluva lot of niggers in prison for smoking pot, then went and admitted that she smokes pot, while those niggers we’re still locked up for smoking pot
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White WOMEN are more right wing than non-White MEN
Why do stupid people want jobs that they can't possibly be successful doing? Why set yourself up for failure?
Camel toe harris
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I can think of one reason Kamala Harris might get the nomination if Biden is pushed out the door....
This is from Enty at CDAN from 2018...
Whitmer would win.
Swing state governor, more progressive but not to nut job degrees, less baggage issues and no weird cringe shit like with Kamala. Probably the most dangerous democrat of the bunch, if not in 2024 she may be president in 2028 since without Trump the GOP will be rife with infighting again.
Fuck that tyrannical cunt, she tried to ban going outside during the summer in Michigan due to the coof.
I am convinced she was not reelected legitimately after that.
If subs then Gavin goes out David Carradine style
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I wish the USA was still 90% white like they were only decades ago
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>NOOOOOOOOOOOOO it was her turnnnnn
to get on her knees again.
Oh yeah, I forgot she ran in the primaries
Why do they even have to pander to niggers? Niggers are voting Democrat regardless.
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>Why do they even have to pander to niggers? Niggers are voting Democrat regardless.
You answered you own question. The do it for the gibs.
Yes, we need a president who sucks cock, eats ass, drinks cum and gets fucked in the ass
she magically found herself in relationships with people that gave her a big job
there were a few relationships
You're lying.
>t. Michigananon checking in
The half black part actually would be an improvement if it mattered. Instead she somehow comes off as a White Karen neocentrist robocop in a black woman's body
There is no one black men respects less than black women
It would be voter suicide with that demographic
She is the living embodiment of cringe. Try to get through any 5 minutes of video of her.
She did that shit but was still reelected, ganders are retarded t. Lives in Michigan
>She is the living embodiment of cringe
This ×1,000

(after 4 years of B-H) It's actually fortuitous they diversity-hired her for the ticket in addition to the alzheimer's corpse they make a superb pair to selfdestruct the DNC
I get that nigs vote D for the gibs, but why pander to them? They've secured the black vote already.
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If you're drunk enough Kamala could replace a fleshlight.
Yeah, how is that even possible?
Kamilla should be POTUS
pure standpoint.
They hide her
because every time she is on stage
she somehow manages to be even more unlikeable.
if she didnt put on the hillary smugness
she would be doing far better
she has no rizz and comes across as a mean spirited bitter nag
she's indian, not black
Harris is a poojeet
Gavin Newsome would turn the entire country into a hellhole (California). His constituents are literally fleeing the state like fucking Mexicans crossing the border.
Because she's not good for this job

Neither of them are
I'm surprised she isn't supporting this. If I was that stupid cunt I'd just trying to get a congressional seat or become a governor of some place. Being attached to anyone in the oval office atm sucks. Pence's career put in a garbage disposal.
Pretty good summary of her.
because after every 3rd sentence, she sounds like a heroin junkie
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>They've secured the black vote already.
Only because nignogs are too stupid to realize they are getting the shaft. They pander in order to keep enough of them on the plantation so as to not risk losing black votes to the GOP. MLK Jr was a republican. The Dems haven't forgotten that.
I wanted her to be subbed in if just because it will be funny when both times Trump wins he's denying the country its first female president, with the second time upping it to first brown female president.
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she mad after she kept calling him racist during the debates
>Admitted to smoking weed to garner public favor in an interview, when she put a lot of melanated street pharmacists in prison when she was a prosecutor, even withholding evidence that would've freed an innocent dindu.
>"Why does everyone hate her so much?"
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Don't count on Newsom looking Presidential. He is a coke fiend and has increasing moments of spacing out the same as Biden.
stop posting this shit! i hate it so much!
Kamala thinking anyone gives a fuck about her lol
Black people remember that and won't vote for Kamala-Harris-is-a-cop. That's the real reason why she's not in the running to replace Biden.
How hilarious would it be if Trump beat two female democratic presidential nominees? Americans would probably vote for a house cat before they ever vote for a feminist.
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There's a tonne more money on OnlyFans for whores who already have a platform...
im bored of listening to nigger crime on police scanner, what are the posh White or jew areas? id rather listen to that scanner, might be more fun.
osama obama husein we already know about his ccp funding ties... so michelle is expected.

But when newsome went to Xhi it was clear he was a serious pick!

husein would get his fourth term with michelle though! with newsome too but no doubt there is no trust there.
fake article no one that works with her thinks she can be president.
kamala is going to invoke the 25th amendment and take control of the party
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CIA pete is on ice for a while now due to being and utter fuck-up. But he will be back on the scene at some point. Screencap this.
is harris really just learning that she was a painted clown this whole time? everyone knows the house nigger doesn't get to inherit
they're better empty smiles
kamala can't even do that right
Yes DNC is very racist
No POC should vote for Newson or Whitmer if they are selected over her
she is 1/4 black at best
mother is indian
father irish-jamacian, aka mixed
> Because men prioritize merit and ability over almost all other things.
> performs nepotism to a fault
groids act like they are above boomers when it comes to cringe...
they are below them at times
Her marriage is a sham also. No way did they meet and fall in love. That marriage is entirely business.
I want to see her debate Trump so bad. Please let this happen!
The has been my read as well.
I don't know how you american anons feel about it, but I'm like 95% sure a black woman (or whatever race she identifies with) would never win a presidential race legitimately and the dems know it

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