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Previous: >>472669019
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

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Thanks for the bread!
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latest fab
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the fresh bread!
based bake







thanks for bread
Fuck Putin
Fuck jews
Fuck Jewlensky
Fuck masons
Fuck talmudists
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Right-wingers win elections in France

Le Pen's National Rally and her allies lead the first round of snap parliamentary elections in France with 34% of the vote, exit polls show

The left-wing New Popular Front collects 28.1%, while Macron's coalition collects 20.3%.
That's a lot of men you intend to have sex with.

FAB-3000 finally didn't miss
I didn't come here to hear about this nonsense
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am with ur cat, sleepinn cozy
Need to know what it means
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projected to win the 2nd round comfortably against the popular front.
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today jews are losing elections everywhere around the world, its a good day
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At this point I’m resigned to a larger war. I had thought the American empire was going to go out with dignity the way that the soviets did, but I think it’s just going to use the energies of a world war to transmute itself into a new form the way the British empire used ww2 to become the Anglo American empire.
Russians live like niggers
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Where did they get that huge avocado?

Putin is somewhat of a nigger himself
It means status-quo, Le Pen is a zog shill akin to Trump, put there to quench the lowest tier of rightoid. Mass migration won't slow down, Slava Urina etc.
Time for the froggies to get their own assmuncher traffic light.
what are gets
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Without his gibsmethat attitude he wouldn't have invaded. God bless this spear chucker
they are not right wingers, stop falling for judeo terms
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Thanks for the bread
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Btw please remove me from the "In memory of the frens we made along the way" in the Rentry.
Sanya doesn't appreciate that.

Too bad dragon slayers were subverted by snakes and are now killing each other
I hope somebody is collecting all of these things into a compilation or something.
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can anyone post that image of putin saying that he's a lak, tatar, chechen, jew, etc?
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More meat tried to escape.

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Shut up
You're dead
so that means its 6-1 in favor of russia then since all pagan ukrainians can do is lie
Why do they even make these videos? They're incredibly demoralizing for hohols

Wanted to make history and he did but there's a one single moment
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That seems indeed like overkill.
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A disgusting display of their antisemitism!
yeah, also lines up perfectly with claimed putin rati which is 1:5, it just went up since then + putin were conservative on ukranda losses
its funny how hard hyhyls expose themselves with lies
There was also a fight near Romania, 1 dead and 1 injured.
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Russians live like niggers

> Don’t Fear Russia’s 3.3-Ton Glide-Bomb. It’s Massive Overkill When A 1.1-Ton Glide-Bomb Will Kill You Just Fine.

>Beside, it’s not clear a Russian air force fighter-bomber could fit a 3.3-ton munition.

From our boy David Axe
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Grub, not Büg. Grüb become Büg
you wont dare to use usas metro. go on. try it. nigger.

All to be replaced with churkas
Should've taken the vaxx like a good goy
Looks like Crimea got hit again.
>they cannot fit munition so when you are being glide bombed, remember that its not real! dont trust your lying eyes.
>it’s not clear a Russian air force fighter-bomber could fit a 3.3-ton munition.
Seems like that article aged incredibly well.
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hyhyls themselves are churkas

F16s and atacms will do their job, people will abandon Crimea like they did Belgorod
should just rig the election like us
Not even a year since they got the abrams and these niggas are already doing engine swaps? Literally the one thing good about the tank and they still somehow screw it up.
i thought it was supposed to be a roly poly.
better than a single leotard destroying entire russian army?
Kino pic
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Don’t Fear Russia’s 3.3-Ton Glide-Bomb. It’s Massive Overkill When A 1.1-Ton Glide-Bomb Will Kill You Just Fine.
Westoids are fucking degenerates. It's probably too complex for a westoid to understand that Soviet building may not be the prettiest ones, but they were created by engeeners who thought about the fact that WWIII might happens soon, so those building don't collapse after a small fart near them like picrel
most of them will end up as "russians" on snuff videos the shills will spam for months
>1 hohol to 6 Russian
>Only 32k dead
>We don't have much time many dead and wounded
This kike faggot can't even get his lies straight
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Who is your favourite shill?
well they did in a sense because whoever wins will be groomed hard by jews to become new puppet so nothing would really change, same shit under different prespective

all who die are untermensch
tajiks are the new aryans
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Well... all of the "a single western Wunderwaffel will destroy the whole of Russia" articles aged like milk.
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the one with the EU flag
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No (You)
all who die are good goys, jews in power rejoice
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch operation to destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Conscript unemployed, able-bodied males below 40.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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shame but it's done, no hard feelings I hope
The cheers schizo is one of the most repulsive but probably the least spammy.

Samael grant me your morning light in this land of rats and snakes
#1 Cem
#2 Danemami
#3 Poverty King
Fren everyone with brain should know that.
I member how every retard and their grandma rushed to sell land to buy DUMBartments in shitties in the 90s here
Today, only rednex buy modern buildings
>The TRUSTY commie blox are SO FUKING sturdy its insane
Like you really need big boom to down a single section , but not the entire comfy blok
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may the heads of the serpents rest on pikes in the valley gehenna

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the semi funniest thing that has happened due to this war, is seeing all the western tech.

It seemingly was all designed to fight off homebrewn revolutions from the rockets that can pinpoint hit a single car, to the apcs that are impervious to molotovs.

But the war has shown it's all rather ineffective against a near pear combatant it was fine to have 80 tanks in a country when you know the rioters can't really destroy any to just a few.

In a real war, well. ehhh. that being said the loss of life in this war has been utterly fucked the ukranians didn't deserve this.

WW1 was the same kike fueled brother war
what is your favorite STD? (you sound like a monkeypox enjoyer)
Imagine being so new as not to get kicks out of fucking with the shills on this board.
>Imagine being so new as to get kicks out of fucking with the shills on this board.
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same as before

the marching home of the regiments
a somber austere commomeration of Russian troops that fought in the first world war and ceremonial accepting home of the tzar's army recognizing their service and sacrifice allowing the reutUrn of the regiments of the imperial russian army (symbolicaly) and welcoming home by the russian nation of the soldiers of the russian empire
an even could be held where banners of all the regiments or brigades of the russian empire are marched down the red square escorted by men or formations of troops in reproductions of the victory parade uniforms (including the bogatyrka) designed by Viktor Mikhaylovich Vasnetsov and ordered by nicholas II Tzar of all rus
as well as reproductions of the tzar's guard regiments and historical imperial russian army and navy uniforms and cossacks
followed by descendants of white and imperial army soldiers with portraits crosses icons flags and uniforms
accompanied by the playing of the old imperial anthem BOZHE TZARYA KHRANI and the raising the last imperial russian flag

a few choices of icons could be like the icon of the most merciful saviour
and an icon of the theotokos
and the romanoff family martyrs
as well as an icon of saint george slaying the dragon

celebrating and mourning the men that served GOD TZAR and Russia
commerating the Romanoff martyrs and the people that died or suffered under bolzevik terror

alternatively hats like the gorlatnaya or papakha
>what is your favorite STD?
Aids because it infects niggers and your mother
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hope you are doing well
I only like non-shills
>Russians just tried to hit Kyiv with 2 Iskander missiles on a bright sunday afternoon but air defense nabbed them.

what did the iskanders target?
man i'm like in 200 telegram channels now, is there a way to categorize this shit? it's annoying to scroll for my desired shitpost channels
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so, mpappe will return to apefrica eventually?
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Frogs go full nazi.
>According to early estimates by pollsters Ipsos, the National Rally is on course to win 34 percent of Sunday’s vote while French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance suffered staggering losses, coming third with 20.3 percent of vote. The left-wing alliance made a strong showing with 28.1 percent of the vote.
you can make folders in the mobile app, not sure about web or desktop though.
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good evening, bros
there werent any iskanders
yep ww1 and the sequel was kikes plan to destroy europe. Looks like it backfired in the end since europe and america are the only places where they are free to do as they please, mutt empire collapsing will leave jews nowhere to go.
is every FAB strike now going to be called a FAB-3000? this isn't even remotely close to a FAB-3000.
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Good afternoon, /Chug/. Anything to report?
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looks like imma gonna post those two exact lines for quite a long time
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what are their positions of immigration and niggers?
the virgin filterer
the chad antagonizer
Hohol singin skill status?


Alley of heroes in Cherkassy
Doesn't matter. She's probably gonna turn out like Meloni anyway.
Run on "throw all illegals out" and once you're in power don't do shit about it.
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the channel claimed it was a 3000
Cheers-shill has to be the oldest and most reliable one. Their fascination with anime guro is also pretty funny. Second favorite shill is the Ukrainian history revisionist who just cannot accept the reality of Ukraine's past.
I never used telegram, what's interesting on it?
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jews in new york are trembling and toretsk is seeing some action now
Why did they put him in the front? Why wasn't he in the back if that was his job? I don't doubt it but the positioning is retarded
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Top Gear looks interesting again after many years.
yes the war was a catastrophe resulting in the fall of great monarchies and the deaths of millions and the bloating of the british and french colonial empires after incorporating former german colonies and replacing the entire bureaucratic and governing structures there (amongst the most retarded of decisions made post war beyond ending the war against the ottomans and cutting support to russia the white army kolchak and refusing to safe the Tzar nicholas II ruler of all Rus and his family and putting such heavy monetary burdens on germany who did not start the war while leaving the balkans and the other eastern european countries between the soviet union and the bitter remnants of germany and austria including baltikum a disunited pile of small indefencible little countries )
''modern war is total war there is no such thing as a civilian''

"our sacred obligation is the extermination of london you must be prepared to make the supreme sacrifice for germany which is the crowning glory for any loyal son of his fatherland" peter strasse WW1 head of the zeppelin bombing campaign of england

''my men are brave and honourable their cause is holy so how can they sin when they are doing their duty? if what we do is terrible then let terror be germany's salvation '' peter strasse

''we who strike the enemy where his heart beats have been slandered as baby killers and murderers of women what we do is repugnant but necessary, very necessary today there is no such thing as a non-combatant modern warfare is total warfare ''
>shoot the mp
the ukraine has a whole regiment for that sole purpose instead of one guy because??
Got mass-reported 2 times on /ugh/ just in the last thread.
Mods know me by now and blocks are a couple of minutes long.
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i do dislike the fact how everyone on the side of ukraine and russia can collectively pretend that the power plants in ukraine are all staffed by azov, and how the oil refineries are all staffed by spetnaz. when in both cases it's just rando civilians.
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at this point elections cannot save anyone, you have to pogrom fucking jews if you want change, western bros
Zelensky and his government of NATO puppets is responsible for this
>Bullying captured handcuffed prisoners

Anon it's bad
infinity niggers. so many you will even house a few in your very own home greece. :DDD
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I wear a suit
Kim wears a suit
Xi is not in the back seat
>didn't miss
learn about CEP.
learn about destructive radius.
realize that it's more devastating when an ordnance falls between the structures than directly on top of one of them.
Are FABs thermobaric?
Not gonna happen. Situations not dire enough yet.
Countries need to crumble first, before the native population gets going. And that's a maybe at best.
Just let the empire burn down and ignore the West for the next hundred years or so.

shills on both sides are jews
Warm up those vocal cords, piggy. We want to hear you squeal.
i would describe it as sort of like twitter, except without a timeline. instead, you click on the desired account (or channel), and see only their posts. no algorithm, more choice. it's also pretty much uncensored. i like it, there's many good memes and lots of information on there, in addition to being a neccesity to follow the war. all information about the war in essence, comes through telegram and is then filtered through other sources
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I will hug ze bug
No. ODABs (I think) are. FABs have an ordinary high-explosive filling. They're like the American Mk 80-series bombs, although they're not so streamlined as the latter.
Aviabase Vasylkiv
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that's because the FAB-3000 is new and muh biggest boomba so naturally any explosion is now claimed to be a FAB-3000. in reality they've probably only used like two of them for testing. that video is much closer to an ODAB-1500 or something like webm related.
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Europe needs Africans immediately, or else it will collapse and everyone will die a slow and painful death.
>muh demographics
>muh birth rates
>muh diversity
>muh racism
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well lucky us a GREAT depression is incoming.
you can on desktop
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100s of Ukrainian soldiers are destroyed daily by FAB bombs.
No. FAB stands for Fugasnaya Avia Bomba, rough translation would be general purpose or demolition bomb, a forged or cast steel shell filled with conventional explosives. ODABs are thermobaric.
Do you think Palestinian refugees will fit into Chechnya? Apparently some 3000 will come there
I wonder what it would be like to have a cat.
could you give me a quick rundown on how to do it kind man
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bug poster is schwabs trying to ease goys into his bug eating ideology, dont fall for it
I know. We'll see if that changes anything. But I doubt it.
I'm just here to witness the downfall.
How are you dealing with the on-street mobilizations? Do you need to hide? Genuinely curious
lmao, isnt this guy who said things are about to pop off in a few months, ww3 and all... he said it a few weeks ago? if so, remember seeing this meme way before he said it
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it's not really the fault of the populist politicians, as soon as they gain power as was the case with Meloni the European Central Bank, of ECB starts letting inflation go wild threatening to crash their countries. until they play ball. it's whats happening in argentina.(different bank but same idea)
i hate how its nearly impossible to find legit discussion about the war on reddit. almost everyone there is delusional af. are there no decent forums for discussion about the war?
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>A Russian missile strike in Kiev damaged a multi-story residential building
What kind of missile was that? A firework one?
go in to settings > folders > create new folder
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>ignore the West for the next hundred years or so
You faggots made sure we cant do that, because of millions of niggers and shitskins that you imported, and those niggers are going to chimp out sooner or later. we need a wall
>eu open borders turned to be just a scheme to import niggers eu-wide
who could have seen it coming
An anti-aircraft one. It's Russian because it was fired by Russians in denial.
ukie ad missile misfiring
could very well be.
what do you think about Vucic?
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in 1915-16 kaiser wilhelm 2nd offered up a secret peace deal in which germany would pull out of france and cease all support for austria hungary restoring the borders to pre war conditions and would compensate through industrial means the powers of russia france and great britain becoming a neutral power and allowing them a victory parade over germany in berlin after a contact from the rothschilds and other banks from new york the british government declined and refused to accept the agreement and would continue the war and the fighting in France and elsewhere regardless off or even if both France and Russia accepted it
without British support France soon pulled out and then Russia (despite this several attempts at peace negotiations where made by both the kaiser and the tzar as well as several others over the course of the next few years with both having tried to talk each others governments down and their allies in the years prior)

Shortly after Nicholas II assumed command of the armed forces in 1915, the Russian Imperial Army carried out at least 15 major victorious operations, not counting the Brusilov Breakthrough.

Nicholas II was so confident of Russia’s victory against Germany and Austria during the First World War, that in 1916, he ordered a new uniform be designed for the Victory Parade he planned to hold in Berlin, and then in Constantinople in 1917.

The new uniform was designed by Viktor Mikhaylovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926), a Russian artist who specialized in mythological and historical subjects. The uniforms were sewn in Siberian factories and stored in army warehouses in Petrograd.

The uniform consisted of a long-brimmed overcoat, with a leather jacket and trousers, leggings and and a cap designed for troops of the army and air force, as well as the crews of armoured car, armoured trains and scooters. The khaki cloth cap was called a “bogatyrka” – because of the similarity with the ancient helmets of Russian heroes.
>The Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the preliminary voting results in the first round of elections to the French parliament:

>Le Pen’s, National Rally party is in the lead with 32.2% of the votes

>The left-wing coalition New Popular Front is in 2nd place with 29.1%
>Macron’s coalition is 3rd with 21.5%

c'est fini

You can discuss whatever you want with me aniki
You're free to build one. Not gonna stop you.
aye thanks esti
> rough translation would be
high explosive?
wouln't a dorito or even fpv drone do more damage than this?
looks more like a kitchen fire or something
What kind of information is coming through? Also what other channels are there? I stopped using any kind of social media a long time ago.
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Did pipe shenanigans happened again? Tf is that weeb union title
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happy sunday comfy bros
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rest in piss banker boy
Yeah. Not even the surrounding windows seem to be damaged. Unless all of them got absolutely clean blown out.
Are you a new poster (not asking to be rude)? I don't really remember seeing this waifu being posted before
so that he could set an example by action
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>what do you think about Vucic?
he is a traitorous corrupt faggot
Super Mario World was not supposed to be an instruction manual
yeah in that stupid plant ugh trannies tried to claim russians were surrounded. surprise surprise, it was infiltration squard which cut off hrukie volksturm into semi-pocket, cutting their supply and retreat lines.
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sure, dead bugs suck
bugs are meant to be eaten live and only pleb cuck tier eaters will eat a dead bug
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Finally a honest Serb with a brain.
But that bug is cute and makes me not want to eat the bug but harder
Has he worsened the lives of my Serbros so much?
The aggregate plant?
>ODAB-1500 strike
>how many days old?
Common Gary, freshen up a bit.
Story for /oldpol/
>traveliing back home with a relative
>maxxvaxed, Netflix enjoyer, big lover of mudshits until CNN told him mudshits bad
>all in all a libtard
>see an idiotic bildboard with our controlled oppo (nazis, truly, they say) saying they will get rid of people credit rates
>scoffs: look, what retards think
>me: Biden promised to erase student debt in the last elections and everyone thought is so smart and powerful including on our TV
Fucking crickets....doublethinking is real.
Dope get me a beer then
Yeah if you look at it, it doesn't make a lot of sense, the way they set that up
Well you seem to like them my man kek
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No fun allowed
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What are his blood relations with the cuck of Kazahstan?
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And remember, he does it for free
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If the Boyars accepted the Polish king's conditions for accepting the Russian throne in 1610, then Russia would have executed a similar conversion to Catholicism as occurred in areas of the Ukraine in 1596, but on a much larger scale: The entire ROC would become part of the Catholic hierarchy, and it is likely the Ruthenian Uniate Church would be integrated into it. Thus there would be no Bandera etc. in the future. In the aftermath of Russia's election of a Polish monarch (and thus union with Poland) there was a massive war with Sweden in which the Cossacks and Swedes attempted to conquer the nation and many major cities including Warsaw and Krakov were occupied by the Swedes. Russia joined in this war, as well, and I imagine the end result in this scenario (after a Polish king using Russia as a base of power following the loss of the Polish capital) would be effective Russian dominance of the union, possibly with a loss of territory but not territory which would be lost long term. It could even be a sort of Great Northern situation, where Russia truly transforms from a tsardom to an empire as a result of a victorious war against Sweden.

From there, I imagine Russia's strategic priorities would be different. Rather than occupying the Baltics as they represented a strategic location for warm-water ports, Russia would seek to reconquer Swedish-occupied Gdansk and other cities of its Polish crown which were lost during their failed invasion. Also, I imagine for a time there may be more fighting over the throne itself. Poland had a large amount of fighting over the throne itself and I don't know how that would go. I figure there would be a series of colossal wars with Sweden, the Tsar would perish, and some commander would be acclaimed Emperor and continue the war. That's how Russia would survive.
Could also be that ukrainians are just making shit up in order to cover their own asses from higher ups.

"We totally didn't fuck up again and just let russians essentially walk in to the aggregate plant, believe me bro"
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It doesn't matter what jannies do.
Nice to see some new waifus getting posted
>realize that it's more devastating when an ordnance falls between the structures than directly on top of one of them.
That's the real redpill
I miss /pol/ operatives so bad. I hope they found happiness, a plot of remote land, and a nice woman to procreate with.
This reminds me, anyone know what happened to the Kiev Ukrainian that Morse coded "niggers tongue my anus" with his headlights at the start of the SMO?
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Cheers to 1000000 breads and cheers to 1000000 more

finally some actually competent propaganda
thats exactly what they did, infiltration tactics (also known as stromtrooper infiltration) means, surprise surprise, infiltrating enemy positions. once infiltrated they capture strongpoints and assault enemy from all sides, including from behind. it was formulated by the end of the ww1 and was used by chinks to inflict catastrophic defeat upon usa forces in korean war despite having no heavy machinery to much mutts, they just went around in small formations and overwhelmed mutts with sheer infantry numbers, entire frontline was overrun in a blink.
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The funniest thing is that he is still better then the opposition, the (((main))) ones are proEU faggots who got him elected in the first place. The (((right))) is fractured, has many fake parties that glow, and there is no trust.
On the surfice, and from the outside, he seems fine, and he has done some good things, but he sells our resources, land and infrastructure to foreigners, the public sector is filled with party men who dont work. Foreign policy was only ok when based Dacic was in charge of it, a couple of years ago we officially moved our embassy and recognized Jerusalem as a jew capital, only to be reworded by them recognizing Kosovo.
Mind you all of this was happening since the '00s, but Chudcic didnt do shit to slow it down, reverse it, or stop it.
I dunno, I liked the one with the soldiers pissing on the western tanks.
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FAB-3000 bombs only kill the body, purely psychologically they will continue to kill vrillions of vatniks
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chug is the only place on 4chan i even use anymore. i don't post anywhere else on /pol/, i post on /int/ every couple of months, but /chug/ is my home
So, if ukraine says Russia has lost 1 million soldiers (i think, right? i don't remember what's the latest bullshit number they made up), that means hohols lost 166.666 soldiers?
But didn't Zelensky say ukraine had only lost 30.000 men?
Is Zelensky lying guys?????
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stop nootecing, the chud revolution is coming, trust the plan
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hopefully he made it out before they closed the border entirely for everybody. I don't remember seeing any follow up posts

em no thanks sounds something like jews would do
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Welcome home fellow shitskin.
>Russian forces continue to expose massive gaps in Ukraines defenses around Toretsk and have entered the village of Zalizne.

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The same happens here, however there is a decent opposition, which keeps growing.
who knows... I don't think he survived much after that if he not ran away abroad pronto. One of the least discussed subject is the purges hohols did among civilians. Some fat boar 2 years ago mentioned thousands to tens of thousands, with a chuckle. Lost the webm.
Nazism is good. Nazi tats are good (however, they don't have any apart from 14 88). Commies belong to oven.
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>Serving the jews is based
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/chug/ is comfy, I also browse /out/ and /x/
>Russian forces have advance through the forested area east of the canal in Chasiv Yar, crossing the canal where it is piped underground.

Now that’s KINO
>psychological warfare
more like trying to inflict damage upon my sides
Sad, I hope he made it out, even if he became a shill.
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Child protection day was a month ago
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>Ukrainian forces have regained a foothold on the southern most tip of northern Vovchansk (north of the Vovcha River).

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to you too
The altar piece (altar tavle) in the church in my home town from the 12th hundreds

a stone stele "monument" stands outside of the church to the national hero in the scandinavian seven years war and the war of swedish liberation and his wife Admiral and counsellor of the realm Peder Skram and Elsebe Krabbe

there is also a church in the nearby city of horsens the church built before the protestant reformation (formerly known as horsesnjes and under other spelling variations before national standardization ) which contains the remains of a Russian princes in one of it's chambers (at the right side before you enter the altar space is a iconostasis with two angels guarding the entrance and the boxes of the local aristocrats to the right of them is a small stairway and a chamber with an altar where the russian princes is buried orthodox people and clergymen sometimes come to klosterkirke and you can tell when they have been there by the distinct smell of incense also a witch was walled in at that church in the middle ages it was once connected to a kloister hence klosterkirke and before the reformation there where plans to enlargen it and turn it into a cathedral but this fell through and stopped afterwards also there where sittings in the bell towers at night of ghosts turns out it was reflections on nearby windows of peoples homes of people and dock workers down at the harbour creating an effect similar to that UFO shaped science toy that made it appear like figures place inside floated over top of it like a hologram)

i can send a picture of that church too it has it's old church furnishings still preserved as has østbirk kirke
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/out/ is nice, thanks for the reminder. /an/ was also nice and comfy (except the pitbull threads), i should browse it again
I only post on /Chug/ and /I/ now outer pol is nothing but spam
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"I got my tattoos on my stomach and chest for shock value since I run around shirtless on a battlefield."
You're retarded.

It's hilarious how supposedly this got mutilated by US propaganda into "human wave tactics" (akin to Japanese banzai charge) and China supposedly adopted human wave tactics as a result of it.

Oh man, the Russians are moving through pipes. That really is Super Mario tier.
Hello, Scarafren. Tell us something interesting about Maria Feodorovna - as you know, Nicholas II's wife was a Danish princess; as I recall, Denmark exported many princesses in the 19th century.
Any local news about a man hanging himself in Copenhagen? Haven't seen the troon in a while
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i can't speak russian i just download and post stuff
Whiter than you, gyppo
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>Whiter than you, gyppo
I only post in /chug/, sometimes /chip/ and occasionally a thread that's dumb enough to bait me. Shame /chip/ is under constant kike shill activity to the point it becomes unusable at times
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They will never reach /chug/ tier shenanigans
I think it was probably semi-influenced by russian deep battle due to advizers, but chinks probably also had their own experience of fighting japs.
And you, muttski
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>cum obsessed grandpa is here again
elderly home that boring? not enough money for bingo anymore?
Half a million vatniggers dead or wounded
Comfy as fuck tbqh
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>And you, muttski
We also have this saying gypsies do not get sick easily because they are so dirty germs are running away. Luckily Saint Beetus and Mother Ischemia are slaying the vermin daily.
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if that's what you want to believe and if it makes you happy...
>Near Kerch, Crimea. Powerful EXPLOSIONS are recorded
>Intended targets were HIT successfully in Crimea this night
>Belgorod is loud right now Very Strong EXPLOSIONS
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>i can't speak russian
Skill issue
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I just realized that I accidentally went back to using an older version of the pasta. Will update
Nigger issue
Go back to your hourly Christianity is bad thread, Content Manager jeet
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i can read cyrillic and have the power of yandex image translation, i'm fine
The unmistakable stench of curry and bullshit is affecting my fine sense of smell.
Someone call a Pole to clean this toilet right now!
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>500k dead ruskies
>Hohols are still unable to breach Russian defenses
Hohols fucking sucks LMAO
Joon is seething so much
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oh, he has a picture of a corpse, I guess that proves every thing he plucks from his arse or reads from his glownigger briefing sheet.
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>Near Kerch, Crimea. Powerful EXPLOSIONS are recorded
I hope my beautiful wife is alright
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with subs
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Correct. It's also very much true that the Chinese had a huge numerical advantage; they deployed more soldiers than the entire UN coalition, and while the USA alone deployed more than the USSR and DPRK combined that still wasn't anywhere near enough soldiers to fight China.
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seems like a comfy winter awaits the xoxols
I can understand the sentiment, but why are you posting a picture of MY wife when you say that?
Are you still upset about our Nige, traitor boy?
is this what you consider a win condition? kinda sad, innit?
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Thank you. I feel like I could pretty much already understand it, but I like seeing it with subtitles.
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Does anyone have that image of ukranian men in trenches vs woman on tinder?
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I designed her, therefore she's MINE
our Nigel might be an unlikely fellow, but he's more honest and sincere that most of the establishment vermin combined, every time you attack him more people realise he is the only person to vote for.
same goes for the Russians and other eastern european and balkan nations we where friendly with at the time (sweden was our historical enemy and they where historically allied with the ottomans sometimes with poland both where enemies of Russia our own historical ally)

maria Feodorovna she was the one that married Tzar Alexander III "The Peace Maker"(as he ended all wars Russia was in during his reign)?
the Strongman Tzar who according to records would go out hunting alone in the wilderness to calm and clear his mind to the annoyance of court people and the boyars (hunting was traditionally a large ceremonious and important occassion where boyars from across the country would be summoned by the tzar on grand hunts where they could talk to him in person and submit requests and have matters of disputes and other things resolved ) he also dragged horse drawn wagons around the courtyards in the mornings for exercise and on one occasion held up the roof of a collapsing train wagon so that his family and other people inside could escape after a derailment helping in rescue efforts by prying open wagons and lifting up roofs and supposedly helping flip over and even lift up (as like you would if you where tilting it over) some of the wagons so that people trapped underneath or inside could be helped out the exertions his body incurred from this caused one of his kidneys to explode and injury he would survive but complications from causing his death years later he was 180 something centimeters tall and built like a brick house he was extremely popular with the church military and common people halting political reforms that where stressing the country while also helping industrialize the country he became known as the people's tzar for his popularity with farmers and common men but also because he did things the way commoners did he also went out in public to receive requests criticism and questions from people
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not that i have heard of i do not regularly keep up with the news
Half a million dead or crippled vatniggers for the price of, let me look it up, no Bongalongs - not a single one - seems like winning. Yes. Winning like a motherfucker
I spoke too hastily - it was Nicholas II's mother, and not his wife, who was a Dane.
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>inb4 hohls disable safety mechanisms that would cut them off from the european net automatically
>mfw when hohols will be responsible for the great european blackout.
>after that happens they blame germoney and all the other european nations for not supporting them enough, and if they suffer from blackout its only fair the other nations also should suffer from them.
Ahahaha. What a cunt's cunt you are. Feel free to fuck off to based Russia, you cunt. Ahahaha
I think you'll find quite a few glowies and 'volunteers' have already been killed,
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>Spoke to someone earlier today who seriously said Russia has lost 800k people and that the Russian military doesn't have drones
How do they live like this?
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What an uppity bong
people like you are the real national security threat,
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thanks senpai
Please post proofs
>Someone think of the people!
Just to prove I'm not a heartless bastard, I thought about them and I think the best way to keep warm in winter is by jumping. If you shout Death to Moskals there's a 2-3 C bonus in it.
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>just 10 days, guys!
No. You are a fucking traitor and should hang. I only hope you are an Ivpn
They are typically boomers who only watch legacy media outlets on their TVs
what about the others that weren't so lucky?
pretty sure plenty of englishmen have volunteered and some have died already. but really, that's all you're concerned about?
He’s got the classic Londoner phenotype
That vodka rune shite is proof of what, you absolute mong?
so you support Jews and the homo agenda?

you are happy to own nothing and eat bugs?
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Let it go, Nigel. The tranny is subconsciously talking about hanging, it's only a matter of time.
they don't monitor the war and had their thoughts implanted by 3 letter news agencies or if they do follow the war they're NAFOids and don't use the actual, credible news sources (telegram, duran, some twitter accounts)
>mentions London
>ID has London postcode (SW4) in it

/chug/, wat means?
Has it been half a million? That's all I'm worried about. Dead fucking vatnigger scum.
You literally get on your knees for jews who hate the people of the UK, you are the only one who can be described as a traitor.
Is that all you've got? You absolute shower. I really hope you're an Ivpn. You're a disgrace
Yaddayaddayadda you're a cunt
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his other job is working as a rent boy at the Conservative Party Conference.
>All I care about is other people dying
That's kinda deranged.
You will never be English
>Verification not required.
why is the saar malding
i didn't realize russia was at war with the UK, that's crazy man. keep up the good KD ratio
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>You absolute shower.
Of course the worst insult a ‘jeet can come up with involves bathing.


here is a recording of Emperor Tzar Alexander III and his wife Empress/tzarina Maria Fedorovna

he also massively cracked down on anarchists communists socialists social democrats syndicalists republicans and all revolutionary movements

he was very popular amongst ''blackists'' (in eastern Europa Russia and a hundred years ago monarchists or supporters of monarchs or monarchy are generally divided into two main categories whites and blacks whites where called that because they tended to be upperclass or wealthy or educated people or international businessmen aristocrats noblemen etc and typically wore white because they could afford to have many garments in this colour and the process and time it would take keep and clean them while still allowing them to maintain an austere and somber respectful appearance where as the blacks or blackists De Sorte in The Danish language where members of the military militiamen guards clergymen farmers small business owners private store owners middle and lower class people and small country nobles who typically wore black as it was seen as a status symbol being slightly more difficult to get than most colours while still being relative easy to keep and clean typically their outer garments like overcoats greatcoats and capes with the later generally supporting traditional values protectionism nationalism and autocracy and traditional systems of authority while the prior was more in favour of liberal or libertarian values capitalism and absolute or constitutional monarchy enlightenment theory and beliefs and democratic or constitutional or french style governments and court systems elections etc )
please tell me it was drone operators
>Muttski calls someone brown
Oh noes
Link doesnt fucking work
You dont drop a bomb right on a taget. You drop it a couple of meters next to it for best result.
also, your link doesn't work retard

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