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▶Prev: >>472671328

▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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the discord troons mass reported your posts btw, just lmao
TZD, except for dominatrix zigress russy who sits on your face and calls you a cyapeetaleest dog (save these for me pls)
Not wise to use a spambot as baker.
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>Russia now has the power of Nork animu on its side
It's unironically ogre for Ukraine. You can't go up against that, no Marichka is powerful enough.
Was it worth it, Russfags? Lol
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imagine riding a Bradley through the irradiated streets of m*scow with based Boris Johnson singing God Save the King to soothe you as you methodically pick off stragglers. the geiger counters going crazy but you know a couple thousand roentgens are nothing compared to your shielding, searing hatred. sublime
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I'm sure janny will delete the thread and produce an ebin win, just for you shitskin
He's right, you know.
Then you'd better be on your best behavior.
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>зa pycь eбтa suka blyad
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sure thing gyppo, I'll visit the IRC later and let those idling faggots know about the tranny janny
>this is our native shit
at the end really puts things into perspective, ruxxia will never be a real country
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bros... why are Russians recruiting babushkas?
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Those russians got blacked for sure
russian cattle cant die soon enough
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I can never remember if it's moskow or moscov because I can't be bothered memorizing the capitals of fake countries
Not the BBC fetish again. Can we have one thread where you don't drool over nigger dicks?
Boil ziggers alive in linseed oil
Russians started to recruit female prisoners because they have run out of male cannon fodder
kek those faggots memed themselves liberally to death (from HIMARS) with all that "secret kgb / traditional russian kossak top secret bullshido art" fucking shit fuck lmao
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She looks like she fucks pinnipeds.
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>We don't need decaying West!
What is the name of this disease?
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>Gypsy of Moscow with another post
It must be hard being the most retarded gypsy in the slum
Would marry
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why do gypsies love russia so much? is it because it's so welcoming of shitskins?
>I didn't post BBC fetish, you're a gyppo
Don't forget to breathe retard.
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induced schizophrenia + alcohol fetal syndrome
sorry I know it was rhetoric question
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Funny you should mention Bolshevism in a kike thread.
Are you secretly based?
>Russians started to recruit female prisoners because they have run out of male cannon fodder
>give up hololhol

gypsies like this faggot >>472685471 love russia so much because they remember when their gypsy grandparents looted this country side by side with thier friends in the russian army
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plus ruzzians are their asiatic cousins
How come all those gypsies you speak of had Jew names and why do you keep videos of homosexuals on your PC?
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Now that the Russians are running out of manpower, what are the chances of Belarus being forced (by Putin) into attacking Ukraine? How will Europe respond to something like that?
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I personally know 3 people that are mixed gypsy-russian as a result from sexual relations between red army soldiers and gypsy. The gypsies were riding side by side with russian red army commisars and showing them where the rich Romanians lived and where they were hiding their valuables.
And that's a historical fact that left-wing faggots like you can not deny.
S on your face faggot
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lol. that's like 6 months worth of costly mechanized assaults wiped out in a couple days.
the "swedish" uke brigade is the one operating there, iirc. CV90s and Strv122s.
You avoid both questions. Why are you shills so incapable of doing your jobs?
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Belarus has and army of 40 000 people. That is basically what Putin lost trying to take Kharkiv 2 months ago.
It will end really fast. There are plenty of far right Belarusian guys serving in the Ukrainian army who want to hang some belarusian boomer glowniggers.
Manpower isn't even their biggest problem, it's that their equipment has degraded to such a point all they can do is throw meat waves around.
Need skater Marichka gf
Why are the pidorbots out in force rn...
Also I've noticed the shill quality has really dropped over the last year or so... especially after glavset got taken over by MOD. Feels like we went from glavset shills (A rank) ---> army shills (B rank) ---> discount foreign shills(?) (D-E rank)
I avoid what question you stupid nigger? The red army officers were russians not jews.
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Why do shills have a 1 post attention span?
>The red army officers were russians not jews
t. Ivan Moiseevich Ivanov
I genuinely think Luka wont comply, especially now that ruzzia can't threaten them
slim to none as poland will invade belarus if this happens
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shut up faggot nigger your mom is a whore
Didn't know that, it's kind of a non-issue then, taking into consideration the equipment Belarus most likely has (old-ass T-72s at best I guess).
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Another innocent Donetsk child snatched off the streets and forced to participate in The Ukraine's sick snuff films, truly tragic
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>russians wuz gud bois
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>Ukrainian Armed Forces drones scatter leaflets over the Belgorod region with a proposal to hang Ukrainian flags on houses so as not to be attacked
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300 to 200
Based Ukraine
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>nooo that's not hecking fair you have to fight face to face!!
*spams cruise missiles at cities from 1000km away*
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whoa those are dangerous levels of awareness for a zigger
>tzar good boyar bad
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I was implying that NKVD army was extremely semitic
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Yes and I hope it was painful
>word salad auto translate
plz post originals also
I meam I can guess the idea but all the lulz are in the details usually
And I was telling you that the low-level red army officers that were looting Romanian houses side by side with their new-found gypsy friends were Russian.
I don't get what you don't understand.
>And I was telling you that
In your experience so far, Anons believe what Jews tell them?
>I was implying that NKVD army was extremely semitic
friendly fire? ups
also there were not enough jews in USSR to fill all officer positions
So yes, most of them were russians
>also there were not enough jews in USSR to fill all officer positions
Not before Khazaria rejoined the USSR.
I know this from my grandparents. Hang yourself leftist gypsy.
I love those old boomer stories of how the german army behaved really well while the soviets behaved like the nomadic animals that they are
You say that as if your grandparents are not kikes.
is it somewhere near Narnia? Sorry I'm not a flat Earther
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Do you often find yourself talking bullshit online, gypsy?
What are the benefits of fighting drones with tarp sheets? Politically speaking.
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The only solution for bolshevicks like you is the rope.
Why aren't you sucking off men at the front, obvious whore?
24/7, daca chiar ii roman sper sa-l ia si pe asta SRI-ul, au mai luat unu recent :))
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>hurr durr
> gay dick sucking mentioned
pidorGPT detected
Suicide incoming
>angry kikelet noises
Why so angry, Moishe? You are too fragile for this board yet you come here with your kike tricks.
This is old video from Oct 3, 2022
>au mai luat unu recent
lol, poti sa imi dai mai multe detalii?
>pls SRI, save us!
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he's already being broomed to his senses
ratatu asta https://www.g4media.ro/breaking-un-roman-retinut-de-diicot-pentru-tradare-in-favoarea-rusiei-din-anul-2022-a-supravegheat-obiective-militare-romanesti-si-nato-a-facut-fotografii-si-le-a-transmis-catre-diplomati-din-ambas.html
Just got home anons.
What's going on?
What are ziggers malding over now?
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>homosexual blowjob mentioned 1 time
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a zigger attaining sentience... woah
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>Sir Ivan, send the FSB extraction squad, they are on to me
>This is old video
> source trust me bro
ok sure why would anybody lie on the internet
there was a missile attack on crimea
>ankle deep in own shit
russian soul
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That's pure nightmare fuel
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>be in russky mir
>get cholera
what a marvelous place
Then everyone clapped.
i wonder how he could have avoided such a fate
welp, we will never know!
well thanks mate! I'm humbled
So people seem to post recent news about zigger female cons being killed / taken prisoner and post this old video
They done me goofed
out of all the options he could take in his life he chose to be in that webm
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all /chug/ posters should get this treatement
>England through to the quarter finals
>more dead russian webms
>kek worthy cope material

such a blessed day
Mariupol survivors were suffering from cholera too, grim
Right bank of the Deniper means the Ukrainian side.
If they volunteered for this then yes.
But if this was some poor pressed ganged schmuck that'll get shot if he trys to surrender or retreat then yea.
That's pretty sad way for some dude that just wanted to get drunk and eat fish to go.
Tends to happen when you eat negroid NATO instructors.
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>russo scum hire nepali shitskin mercenaries
>now everybody has cholera
>gypsy faggot on 4chinz comes to the vatnigs defence
Russians are finally noticing the are in a war?
Well, the video seems to be a bit different. Previously unreleased footage perhaps.
I hope that contract signing bonus was worth it.
Your beloved Jew kinsmen brought Nepalese to Romania but there's no cholera outbreak. I think you're just full of shit.
Also the right bank of the Deniper is the Ukrainian side so any point you can try to make is mute by default.
why is he dancing?
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Desperation mixed with futility
They have.
They'll literally be arrested and face prison time for saying anything negative about the smo.
t.family over there.
Its like the soviet day.
Even if you complain at work or in public they'll come knocking.
he's happy his family is getting a car
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totally real and heckin valid narrative, zister
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Check when the article was written gypsy kike, it's a well-known fact that Monkeyface and his russian lackeys have filled the captured cities in Ukraine with Central Asian and Muslim migrants.
S on your face gypsy scum
if a ghots cigs a pic and doenst know any about reality.
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you need a kind of ray bomb to make this picture evne remoty real. it has to cautarize the area with out emmting much infrared
That was likely a Russian drone operator, that location looks like the one where they used to launch drones in another video. lmao kill by the drone, die by the drone.
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He's doing The Sponge!
Where's the outbreak of cholera in Romania from all those Nepalese your beloved Jews imported here?
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Missile attack?
well their was 4 years in my live i had no blood but im telling you human with blood dont work like this
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one of the Sylvers shit in the creek they were using for drinking water and now the whole platoon has got boogie fever.
I've never seen a migrant once in my city. You must be from Cuckluj or B*charest. Not my problem.
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Did ziggers really dig 3km tunnel under Toretsk trenches?
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very good cgi
I see you are medicated
Bot auto reply? Interesting.
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new mobilization wave incoming
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What do normie vatniks think about their masters cozying up to Best Korea? When they're allowed to think of course, not in public.
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>no Marichka is powerful enough
allegedly russian artillery barrels also aren't powerful enough for the raw best korean-ness of north korean artillery
do not say this, their can be always tiny groups who realy die in war alltought i think it very rar
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I wouldn't be surprised. It seems like they are using Hamas tactics, dressing like civilians and hiding among civilians, while waging war.
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nobody particularly likes it or chinkification of russian consumer market
the "party line" is inorganic and born out of necessity
not even government believes chinks and norks are russian brothers or anything like that
You know that anecdotal experience doesn't count as an argument, yet you try to use it as such.
You know that if what you said is true and Nepalese carry cholera we should've had outbreaks from the New Romanians that your beloved Jews brought in, yet there are no such reports.
Being full of shit on a Truth-Loving board is not a good idea and is assured to backfire against you.
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I FUCKING HATE THE UKRAINE SO MUCH ITS UNREAL. None of the money is ever coming back. Even if the ukraine “wins”. They will still be a fucking garbage tier country that offers NOTHING to the west. A bunch of scamming piece of shit niggers that have NEVER contributed to the west except laundering money for the elite and selling their fucking children online. Fucking scumbag niggers have been evacuating that shit hole country for 30 years. Anyone defending the ukraine online is a fucking retarded diaspora that left years ago because it’s absolute shit hole of a country and will NEVER be anything but that. RUSSIA has NEVER taken any of my tax dollars. The ukraine is literal white niggers.

evne if th souldiers fire on nothing accidents can happen.
I'm done arguing with you stupid gypsy. Go beg at another table.
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>"We want to keep all areas that we occupy in the peace negotiations"
>Proceeds to lose territory everywhere.
What if monke loses Bilhorod? Will Russia officially cede it to Ukraine in the negotiations?
>Even the AI makes Putin a chinlet
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Go post it in /chug/ nigger faggot.
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>[X] Give up
one leader who takes it to serious one guy who tries his own stuff =accident
reminds me, need to donate again to sternenko
Look i know..
I'm just not going to support putin. Arrrghhn i know l know, I'm just not going to do it hahaha ha
>What if monke loses Bilhorod?
one leader who didnt do the matz and takes it to seriouse, who doesnt know that 1 town can stop the largest army
They couldn't care less.
As for China, they're proud to be a Chinese colony. We now read news from China and celebrate Chinese holidays, drive Chinese cars and play Chinese video games
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are their chinease ghost grils also?
But kike, you brought zero arguments. You only said that Nepalese that are hired by the Russians carry cholera and then you proceeded to seethe cope and dilate when inquired about your statements.
Oh shit...
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based noticer
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If only you knew how brown things really are
It's worth it, because pidors are free (as in beer)
Lol, I didn't know know there was a video along side the redeemed pajeet
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>giving banderites nukes
inferiority complex of russian elites (and most of its people) toward the west, the US in particular.
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sadly the US is not based enough to do this
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>giving ukie nooks to shelomovland
we have the same disease in poland
its called "fajnopolakizm"
"fajne" means "cool", something is cool
+ a little bit of national insecurities induced by our jewish german media telling us we are not "european" or "western" enough and we have to be ashamed of being polish
its infected some younger females and some late millenial/early boomer types
the western type of this disease is the basedjak meme

so i think the name of the disease is "coolrussianism" or whatever "cool" means in russian.
"horoshorussian" ?
You’re welcome for still being alive. If we had let gorilla iq people have nukes, germany would probably be glass right now
>whatever "cool" means in russian
kruto = cool
krutoj = cool (male form)
krutaja = cool (female form)
The International Community at the time decided that Ukrainians are too rabid to have access to nuclear devices and that Russians are saner and more trustworthy than Ukrainians.
A very good decision because even without a standing army the Ukrainians are too feral to be left intact.
As a matter of fact, that's why this war is being waged. The Kagans concluded that Ukrainians must be destroyed for they cannot be tamed.
nope, but germany would never make deals like the nordstream shit with russia but instead do it with ukraine.
russia would've seethed endlessly and sucked up to chinks instead.

Verification not required.
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Limp wristed Westoids cannot understand mysterious Russian Soul. Tolstoevsky wrote about this.
I have an inferiority complex towards deers
Ertað segja mér að þú munir ekki eftir þessum Serba?
austrian painter supports isreal? what a time to be alive and kicking!
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>tranny janny deleted my completely on-topic post
yeah you'll be getting a visit in the IRC, shitskinned subhuman
my name is lucy light of cyan
is this an advanced form of some kind of warfare?
>the cripple battalion from those stories
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if you love ukraine so much, why don't you go there and fight?
war isn't just entertainment to you, is it?
Ass? Blasted
>If we had let gorilla iq people have nukes
Faggot, chinks, russians, norks, pajeets and pakis already have n00kz
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Russians are nigger worshippers
This, but same for western ziggers. I refuse to mobilize until I get a chance to kill one of the mutt flag ziggers
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Based uruguayan arrow poster
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not only can you stop being a useless neet, but since you love russia so much they'll give you, a nigger, citizenship
why don't you go there and fight?
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if you love russia so much, why don't you go there and fight?
special military operation isn't just entertainment to you, is it?
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Why aren't you on the front lines, Pajeet?
top tier trollan'
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When if monke loses Bilhorod?
also is there some sort of infographic on how many times bilhorod city and the oblast itself got plinged by russian "friendly" fire? like how many buildings destroyed, people killed etc.
asking for a me for obvious reasons.
How does someone genuinely become a monke zigger? I don't understand how an American or Western European could rationally empathize with a country that would love nothing more than the downfall our nation and alliances. They treat human lives like they are worthless and have endless pride but continue to get thwarted and maimed by a nation with a 20 times smaller GDP. All Russia had to do was not invade their neighbors and participate in the global economy and enjoy wealth and standards of living that only get higher.
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His bottom surgery was a success
> mistiming i-frames
> ngmi
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Gah, I guess Joe Biden is who I have to vote for so we can keep saving Ukraine from putler's evil ways.
I think Joe still has the stamina left to give a good KO to putler.
We gotta getting behind him and stop pretending like Europe can do this alone.
WE need a cup of Joe!
Might be a russian ape, don't worry
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>you're not allowed to talk about things without personally being involved
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has anything interesting happened in the past 3 months?
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not to forget about burgers and kikes...
There's a family of ukie refugees on my floor and I bang on their door late at night to wake them up also I threw stink bombs into their laundry when they were doing it
I wonder if /chug/gies constantly talk about troons because of their EggCracking fetish
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>Ukraine successfully counter-attacking in Vovchanks, Chasiv Yar, and Terny
Honestly bros I was starting to get pessimistic but it looks like Russia will still fuck this up
Daddy issues mixed with retardation, simple as. Everything the West is guilty of, is something that not only do russniggers do, but at a way worse scale.
You should poo on their doormats and leave stickers with go home pigskins, Saar.
Are you on your seventh or eighth booster, do you still wear a mask outside to convert up your tranny face?
I miss Old Youtube... All the current commentator channels, like this guy for example, sound like boneheads. Rip 2011-2013 youchew
Easy there pigger, we can all see that the vaxxies are supporting the Ukraine.
You are a bot
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kek, the shitskins are fighting amongst themselves.
And you're a hohol slave of kikes. Who's worse?
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I'm thinking a bit of dead russnigger time should sort things out kekarooo
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My favourite time of course.
What number of boosters you at goreposter?
AFU unironically doesn't take in random foreigners without training or experience. I know that some people had to work around this to get directly embedded into a few small regiments.
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Got my polio vaxx KEKAROOO
I must be going color-blind. Mistook you for the other dog-fucker flag.
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I wonder if Kremlin will pull the plug on hybrid Baltics operation or not.
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Reminder of what Russians really are.
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Oof, the shitskin just figured it out KEKAROOOOO
Watch them memoryhole this for billionth fucking time and then whenever Ukrainians are retreating elsewhere, they'll act like the same thing won't fucking happen again and again.

Elastic defense unknown technology blyat.
At least kikes don't go around threatening to use them kek.
From the thumbnail I thought the orthodogs miter in the foreground was a fox fursuit head
Kill tiny white pecker ukrainian capitalist piggies :3
Sputnik wasn't an mRNA
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rare flag
thanks for the water bro
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imagine that goddess sitting on your face
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lol dead russniggers
so how many sputnik shots you get, vaxxie?
adenoviral just gives the blueprints to produce the mRNA in the body
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I don't have human gore. Here's a dead kike.
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russniggers have now lost more land during their copefensive, than they picked UP KEKAROOOOO
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Why won't you answer number of boosters trannys?

I am at 0 because I'm neither a Russiabot nor a nafotranny
Sputnik was literally stolen MRNA vaccine you fucking tard.
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mudslimes and kikes are the same tree of sand nigger, KILL 'EM ALL KEKAROOO
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>I don't understand
you need to extensively study subhumanism.
but i'll try to explain it-
there's a multitude of factors why mostly well off westernes shill for russia or any other random degenerate shithole. sometimes it's a wildly random combination of several of those factors caused by a multitude of reasons, which are
>disgruntlement with the current state of things
>feeling unable to influence and/or change how things are going
>terminal contrarianism
>appreciation of a specific foreign culture
>being edgy for the sake of it, sort of never growing out of the rebellious teenie phase
being relatively sheltered westerners many also are naturally naive and generally posses a very infantile understanding of foreign cultures and agendas, which leads to them taking every piece of shithole propaganda at face value, because most of the times it's very well crafted and thus potent.
to add to that there's a general distrust into the western political system and the culture since the freedom of speech and press leads to people uncovering and parading our government's skeletons, while dictatorships are usually way better at controlling a narrative.
>russians made leaflets with propaganda
>it's a rewrite of a ww2 nazi one
Monty, explain.
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Unvaxxed, got covid, couldn't taste food for a few months. Still here laughing at dead russniggers KEKAROOOOOO. Now tell me more how the russnigger vaxx is actually based LMAO
Maybe you're not that bluepilled after all. Opinions on Zelensky and his cabinet of kikes?
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now prove how white you are
>getting bogged down at Vovchansk for 2 months and simultaneously encircled
what stage of the karkiv offensive is this
>got covid, couldn't taste food for a few months
Imagine me getting covid twice, but not losing taste in either of the cases
zelenkike could die tomorrow and it wouldn't change shit, russniggers will still lose this war. THis shit was apparent the moment they tucked tail and ran from Kyiv, shoulda went all in then, now it's too late LMAO
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Even now, I can't taste 100% properly, things are pretty bland, but the actual fever wasn't even too bad. Knocked me out for a day and a half and literally felt fine afterwards, too bad my tastebuds never fully recovered, oh well. I'm already too fat as it is KEKAROOO
yea nu-youtube feels devoid of personality, cant even swear anymore, and 95% of channels are grifters with patreons or course shilling
>russniggers will still lose this war.
Not with kikes in charge of Ukraine and you know this to be a self-evident truth.
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I think the propaganda wouldn't be necessary if Ukraine was getting their former regions back.
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Only a few channels worth subbing to these days:

Digital Foundry
Matty Matheson

and a few others, everything else is SHITE
>Monty, explain.
There was a funy with slightly adjusted nazi era german poetry being shilled in RU internet as SMO one. It had huge success. I assume same as Gena Cidrusny volunteer organization.
capping zelensky now would make him a martyr and people would forget all the negative shit tied to his name
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We like to call that COPE. See if russniggers could actually capture Kyiv, they wouldn't be losing territory 2km from their own faggot borders LMAO
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That's the funny bit, kill that kike and watch as everyone becomes even more anti-russnigger lmao. Good job russniggerland, you fucked up bigly.
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it is funny how when the shitskinned gyppo is in the thread, janny is instant
did we ever figure that one out? I know he's been called out a few times for that coincidence

>Top 5 Most Mysterious Mysteries
I've seen this image here posted a couple of times when I've been. Is there any proofs?
Nobody said anything about capping anyone.
My point was not about Russians, my point is that the Jews admitted numerous times that their goal is not for Ukraine to win but for Russia to be weakened.
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He's gotten me b& for "attacking other users" KEKAROOO
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And yet russniggers bought the bait set by the kikes and went headlong into their doom? They're even more retarded than I initially thought. Not a good look lmao.
No, there isn't.
There never was
no just some meme /chug/ tried to push after goreleaf mindbroke a chink and he went crying there using a random image of a nigger
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proofs is anathema to shitskins, my White hand mogs them with ease. The power of not being a brown shitskin is too stronk for these faggots lmao
What bait? They are now preparing the Ukrainian public for the peace deal that will cede territories to Russia.
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>Nobody said anything about capping anyone
yeah but i just wanted to mention it, since russniggers still try occasionally. pretty sure it wouldn't make a big difference if it's zelensky or somebody else being the führer. some new charismatic guy would rise up and take the reins using muh dead zelensky as a rallying call to keep defending ukraine
>the actual fever wasn't even too bad
The first time I didn't even think it was covid, since the stories were all about it being horrible, yet for me it was like a mild case of flu: I just placed my ass on the couch, ordered pizza and watched crap on youtube. The second time it was way worse: 2 or 3 days of especially intensive temperature, mega weakness, etc. Also blood coagulability was shooting up through the roof, so I had to take anticoagulants for like a week. After a week it started to get better, after another week it solved itself, but it did a number of my endurance: taking the stairs up to the fourth story was hard for like 2-3 weeks.
but the KSA peace conference proposals never included ceding of territories, which is what zelenkike refers to "in a few months"
how you feeling, shitskin janny?
>slightly adjusted nazi era german poetry being shilled in RU internet as SMO one
Yeah, I've seen that. Top kek. Almost "operation cotton storm" tier stuff.
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Ya, that's way worse than me, I was barely lethargic. Fucking chinks spreading their bat flu to me, and now I can't taste food as well. Just for that, we should eradicate chinks KEKAROOO
So... murder is the only way to remove Zelensky from office?
You're insane. The Russians already articulated that for negotiations Ukraine needs to officially adopt a neutral stance and include NATO non-adhesion in the Constitution.
As for what the negotiations will yield, the same Russians articulated that all the occupied territories must be ceded to Russia.
Of course, Zelensky can continue to negotiate all by himself for another 100 years if he lives that long.
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small correction.
it says "i hear the call to fuck azov"
and not "azov silencer fuck azov"
that's too bad because the majority of the participants were supportive of them
no one cares what russia wants when they started this war
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For example, posting forearms where tats in pic would be, instead of a high yellow monkey paw with the same tone of shitskin's face would clear this up quick.
zelensky can't be voted out during wartime, but maybe he could be couped i guess
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russniggers don't even control the Capital cities of 2 of the 4 Oblasts in contention and captured ZERO during their 2022 invasion LMAO
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That's funny, considering I'm 280lbs and that twatter nigger is clearly far more fitter than I, but go off on your shitskin coping KEKAROOO
Normal people generally don't like to argue with crazies. They told Zelensky that he has their support. With their support he can wipe his ass because nobody in Russia will talk to him unless the conditions for negotiations are met.
Either no NATO and negotiations or no negotiations and dreams of adhesion to NATO (pro tip: never gonna happen).
>Imagine the smell
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Ukraine could use some help.
>zelensky can't be voted out during wartime
AvE is that you?
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Because cancelling democracy is what good guys do. Why do you hate democracy?
To be fair, I'm 6'4, so it aint that bad, well, ya it is, but I'm not waddling around like a penguin quite yet. I can lose/gain weight pretty easily though, so I'm not too fussed about it.
Normal people don't talk to niggers like you, either
"Crazies" (lmao, troon) have been threatening nukes for more than a decade when things don't go their way
Now tell me nigger, why did you fear niggers being called out for not being able to compete in their genre that they pretend they invented (Pierre Schaeffer) and perfected?
It's in their constitution shitskin, literally set in stone KEKAROOO
>making deals with russians and expect them to honor them
shiggy diggy moment. only deal that can be made is when russia is kicked the fuck beyond 1991 borders and monke or his successor is dragged into a train waggon where he's forces to agree to a peace treaty dictated by the west and ukraine, versailles style
>Why do you hate democracy?
Yes. I'm more of a Plato's Republic kinda guy.
because the ukrainian constitution grants a temporary exemption from votes during wartime.
but don't cry, he can be voted out once the war is over
>Plato's Republic
Why vomit nigger words about something you don't understand? The Republic is something white people call an allegory, dumb nigger
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Pray, do tell more, NIGGER.
You're the one who couldn't post your shitskinned hand last thread, janny
Let's see the brown skin that does it for free
Chop chop, nigger
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>complete detachment from reality and mental sanity the general
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