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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>In which case:

>Counter culture
>Schwarze Fahne
>Wir klären das
>EinProzent podcast
>Am Rande der Gesellschaft
>Der Schattenmacher

>Learn German script (Kurrent, Psoiderlin)
https://youtu.be/1AgE_4P0cSs [Embed]


>Flügel TV (german)


Prior: >>472634066
Can't keep these things alive lately. Wtf's wrong with the 'rauters ?
Get a life loser
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No fucking idea, Chief. Either all just lazy, already drafted, died to safe and effective or perhaps the EUSSR has started to test their Great Firewall.
>0 produced Wursts
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Who the fuck did give you permission to leave the frontlines ... Papiere, bitte.
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You are well below your weekly quota, I have noticed that much.
>Romantic Edition
He's incomplete...
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Another inside joke, sorry. What, looks like he can still participate in a live fire exercise ... ok perhaps only with her on top. :D
>Dat pic.
Got one that suits me quite well, hbu ?

Checked. Kids these days...
>page10fabrik and archive general

And I do consider myself already lazy, jeez ...


>archive general
>"Exactly what a future Sky Marshall should say... :) "

These are so fun to read now in hindsight. ^^
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What ... made it out in almost one piece at least. Hey you know what, got a business idea ... :)
Checked again ?
So, don't keep me in suspense, who posted that ? :)

And reverified. Some old fart (who appears to suffer from attention span issues again) with the necessary foresight and enough sense of responsibility to handle some eager fool properly.

>"Still five liters to give."

Do wonder after how much blood loss I would actually pass out. Jeez, did sound pretty interesting back then. :)
>already drafted
I will never serve in the military
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Why ... do wanna live forever? Or conscience reasons?
>Some old fart
Sure sounds like it, just wanted to make sure... :)

How old are you, son ?
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I remember this dude from NTC. I put tourniquets on his legs. I was a dumb fat PVT
The Bundeswehr is gay, Germany is a shit country


The kinda bullshit test I can perfectly accept. ^^

>I was a dumb fat PVT

May I assume you have grown out of that phase ...


The Bundeswehr is in a bad need of some Austrian lecturing them again. Now what is Germany again I ask. Your "cuntry", not its illegitimate govt ...
Just past prime conscription age...

If I'm watching that particular movie while posting, you can best your ass I'll post some quotes or allusions to it. :D
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Where is the promissed snackbaring during the Kanackenball Championship when you need it.

No it became shit country.
Meaning it can be fixed again.

Still pretty damn memorable, although the book has been much better. Now for Ender´s Game ... should I add that to my list after the prior one?
Never gonna happen. Nor will I marry some whore. Comfy university neet
i am no longer a PVT
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>an academic

I just study what I want, never will be looking for a job
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A future useless eater then? Fyi, not a commie ... :)
>although the book has been much better
Right ?
>Ender's Game
Have only seen the movie, so can't say book-wise. Movie is decent.

>Nor will I marry some whore
Holding out for a trad virgin are ya, in Western Europe ? :D

>university neet
Contradiction in terms. Do you know what "neet" means ?
At any rate, that won't save you when the Asiatic hordes come over the border...
>Ender's Game
Literal book for 12 year olds
Absolute state of Kraut/bore/ & Chudfabrik
its fun. Have my 2nd bachelor soon.

> Holding out for a trad virgin are ya, in Western Europe ? :D
No, I just don't do the whole mating game
> Contradiction in terms. Do you know what "neet" means ?
It is not done with the objective of employment.
> At any rate, that won't save you when the Asiatic hordes come over the border...
Who cares, they cannot do more than attempting to genocide me and the BRd already does that
I don't wanna sound like an asshole but I really can't be seen in a place like this anymore

I’ll be back in a few months
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Did the vatnik third worldist take over? How dare you fucking post this after all we've done for you?

>Movie is decent.

Agreed. Will advance then and report back ...


>Literal book for 12 year olds

Quality then. Compared to the bs they serve the poor younglings these days.


Ah, Herr Hofrat ... watcha gonna do with that ... :)


>I’ll be back in a few months

At least realistic about the way out. ;)
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You seem to lack ze required sense of humor ...
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>to reiterate ...
After physics, I will do something else, maybe Japanology
subhuman piece of shit.
>I just don't do the whole mating game
You're gay then, I see...
>It is not done with the objective of employment
Doesn't matter as far as the terminology goes.
Would you rather have the DDR, ya filthy commie ?

See ya tomorrow. :p

>Quality then
Don't listen to the guinea wop. Starship Troopers (book) was considered YA fiction ya know...

My wife does grow orchids and I do encourage that ... your proper progression would be engineering.


Lack of guts I assume ...


Not with you perhaps. Offiziersmaterial??


Listening with my hearing aid.

>YA fiction

Oh what is that term again?
>Meaning it can be fixed again.
Burn it all down.
> You're gay then, I see...
It is not worth it anymore, many guys my age agree on that.
> Doesn't matter as far as the terminology goes.
I will never be employed.
> Would you rather have the DDR, ya filthy commie ?
They were not dumb enough to finance endless new studies so no.

> Engineering
Maybe I do that, there is no NC in it so its possible

You are meant to become a problem solver, not a problem. In a decent society a problem solver is not entirely expendable, in case that means something to you still.
>Oh what is that term again?
Back when it was written ? Enlightenment. :)

>many guys my age agree on that
>I will never be employed
Then when you get outta Uni, you can call yourself a neet, but not before.
>finance endless new studies
They only wanted two classes, workers and the elite.
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> in case that means something to you still
Not really, I like intellectual challenges but I will never seek employment in the BRD.

> Gay.
What is far gayer is settling with some used up whore paying for her for the rest of your life while rich chads recruit girls directly out of high schools. Not with me, no thanks
> >I will never be employed
Then when you get outta Uni, you can call yourself a neet, but not before.
> They only wanted two classes, workers and the elite.
I identify with the neet class

Answer enough then. Am I supposed to fill out that coupon? :D


>in the BRD

A conditional then. Go on.
>What is far gayer is settling with some used up whore paying for her for the rest of your life while rich chads recruit girls directly out of high schools. Not with me, no thanks
Become a rich chad then, it's better than being gay...
>Then when you get outta Uni, you can call yourself a neet, but not before
Yeah, I said that. :)
>I identify with the neet class
Are your pronouns also they/them ?

Coupons usually come with a catch. ;)
based concerntrollmaxxing blackpiller
If it would amount to something I would do it. But it does not so I don't. When we had potential employers on the campus I asked one of their representatives why I should work 50 hours a week in a demanding job for used pussy chad got for free when Bürgergeld is offering me a sufficient lifestyle for my needs. He could not answer it to me.

> Become a rich chad then, it's better than being gay...
Rich chads all have their money from their parents.
> Are your pronouns also they/them ?
No, that is cringe
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Tac Tic
>Rich chads all have their money from their parents
I didn't.
Darwinism, bruh.
>that is cringe
Maybe there's a little bit of hope for you yet...
Its not real.
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where's bremovic senior
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Super Töll
Stalking Tay somewhere...
Based recognizes based

Because you are not a rich chad. These guys just stand in front of the mirror all day planning how to fuck young girls. They have nothing else on their mind but figuring out tricks how to get into their pants
>These guys just stand in front of the mirror all day planning how to fuck young girls. They have nothing else on their mind but figuring out tricks how to get into their pants
Yeah, that's not me...

>Coupons usually come with a catch. ;)

Conditions? Know my terms by now. Rest ... really details.


>He could not answer it to me.

So ... you dealt with another idiot. Idiot. Or are you ...

No planning required, Chief ... should work out the rest, srsly.
>Know my terms by now
Quite well.
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>just in case

She really likes flowers.
And not being called cute, got it. :)
>When we had potential employers on the campus I asked one of their representatives why I should work 50 hours a week in a demanding job for used pussy chad got for free when Bürgergeld is offering me a sufficient lifestyle for my needs. He could not answer it to me.

Been up to be tested, alright.
arrested in Essen for bremeing in public.
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Checked. A census taker once tried to test me...
Dude that is because he did exactly what you accurately described. Being a provider is not enough in 2024. Being a goodgoy will only get you noticed by the time women are 30+ and need to settle down. And it will not be arousal, it will be the "attraction" of the provider. The only way out of this is that for a guy like yourself based on the data provided itt is that you accept how things are, maybe fuck a few prostitutes to get your head straight and be less awkward and then strive to get into some position of power which you then use to approach women relentlessly. Tutor for math is alright for example because it has some authority (even a little is enough). You have to have something that attracts them, then a solid frame (meaning never giving in being some agreeable cunt, search it up yourself) keeps them coming for more because god knows few guys have that. The advantage that attractive people have is that they have an inbuilt bait but believe me you can still be cucked by women even if you are good-looking simply because you lack experience and have no frame control. Become a tutor and find a way to teach the business studies women, that demography is overwhelmingly female so the guys won't be hating on you much either because they have some level of abundance.
It is only over when you throw the towel
>open thread
>ctrl+f bsw
>0 results
>close thread
So get married and have kids then. High value male, right ? :)
BSW is a commie party, fuck off
Just me and you here apparently, bruh.
You wanna talk about your loveless arranged marriage, or let the thread die ? :)
>loveless arranged marriage
How's your marriage working out?
Was married for 20 years. If anyone here can beat that, I'll gladly listen to their wisdom on the subject. :)
Bündnis Nothingburger

meer erleben https://youtu.be/RgGL6IDoQ2k
Gay af.
Nordsee und Vapiano gang
Haben auch sehr wenig Neger angestellte. Neger mögen keinen Fisch
It's because niggers can't swim
Id yell at those medica for not putting on a tourniquet. The modern ones hurt like hell putting on, might get punched while doing it.
he is eating a building?
It's the Pisa tower
I don't like fish, and I'm the whitest person itt, nigger.
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deutschestes unternehmen
Raw fish is the best.
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I want these mfers so bad like you wouldn’t believe but I can’t find a way to ship it to the states :(
you don't even use these chips to unlock shopping carts, no?
No, thank you.
I'm not a goddamn Nip...
Probably true, when you look at these public pools the sandniggers always are in the very low 1m deep water area lmfao.

As expected. Fish is very Western European food, it is the same with bacon. Good luck surviving the harsh winters here if one refuses to eat all of these.

Just buy a normal German Mark coin on eBay.
the answer tho is to use a package/parcel forwarder
Still an original German Mark coin is cooler.
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The nips and I get along quite well. We both see pic related as Uma Deliciosa. I paid over $100 for a bowl of eel in Spain. Extremely good cooking, Spanish food a million times better than Mexican or Tex Mex. What a joke. Its like Americans are so desperate to say they have a culture they claim Tex Mex. Lol.
The Spanish kitchen is underrated. Mexican food is simply everything fried.
Maybe via mail or something? You've horses that can deliver it to your closest bar?
A simple proof that the Spanish kitchen is good is that Spain like all the other med countries despite having a relatively low GDP and poor health systems still has a very high life expectancy.
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currency-wise, I'm only really fascinated with CHF bills
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I like my Nips extra crispy if you know what I mean... :)

>The Spanish kitchen is underrated
So sayeth the Spic.
The best bowl of soup I ever had was at the jamon museum. I can't remember what it was, but it was so nourishing as well as delicious. We don't have that kinda quality food at all in the US. Made me feel like I was a starving Soviet eating shit, could feel the vitamins nutrients, which you can't with US food. But yeah I agree melon con jamon is in the world's top dishes. US does not have food that is in the world's best list. That all goes to European nations, most if not all.
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>I don't like fish
This is heresy.
I'm being honest.
Love seafood, other than basic fish. Fish is pleb food.
Lobster, crab, scallops, shrimp, crab, clam, etc ? Great !
fried perch and some coleslaw
You're not white if you don't like eel sushi.
philadelphia roll is the best sushi
Neat indeed.

I hate Mexican food, the Spanish kitchen is at least top 10. The issue is that the ingredients in the US are of low quality. You could come up with great menus but it is hard to find good suppliers. Aside of that a too high percentage of American food is simply prepacked stuff. I would argue that due to the economic system the way the US is organized if you don't live in some self-sustaining localist community you are most likely to be forced to eat low quality food. It is part of the Anglo culture, this idea of having the perfectly organized economic system, the UK is like that too

Most of the people in Germany will just eat a Fischfrikadelle, the rest is ... yeah

Funny how this footage shows 2 separate mushroom clouds, while they claim it was just one bomb.

One big cloud, that has already risen up and built the classy shroom shape in the background.
And another one just building up in the foreground.
>fried perch
Change that to catfish and maybe you could convince me...

You you know why Northern Europeans left Europe for the new world ?
To have a better diet. :p

>I hate Mexican food
Rightly so, 'cause with your untermensch genetics, you'd get fat on it immediately...
Ich wette du warst noch nie angeln. Du bist jemand der auf dem rückweg einkaufen geht damit du deiner frau sagen kannst du hast den ganzen scheiß gefangen
>Ich wette du warst noch nie angeln
Been fishing and hunting for half a century, try again. :)
Ja fickt euch
Know your place, Europoor kid. :/
Schnäppchenjäger während du die einkäufe deiner frau trägst
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>Most of the people in Germany will just eat a Fischfrikadelle, the rest is ... yeah
Lox is good for חנכה.
I know my place and it's exactly where I want to be
Can't stand Göring-Schnaps.
Can't remember when I started fishing. Very young.
Started shooting at age 7 and hunting at age 10. What ? :)
>I know my place and it's exactly where I want to be
That's so sad...
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Yeah, started hunting before memories formed. Never got into it myself though.
Gotta protec my walnuts.
Ducky ?
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"The Germans to the front."

>Und wir müssen aufhören, uns pausenlos selbst zu geißeln und unsere Soldaten zu demotivieren, indem wir sagen: Wir können nichts, wir haben nichts. Das, was da ist, ist sicherlich nicht ideal. Aber damit müssten wir in den Kampf ziehen.
>Und ich weiß, dass die Männer und Frauen des deutschen Heeres mit dem, was sie haben, definitiv einsatzbereit sind.
>In Zentral- und Osteuropa müssen wir uns im Schwerpunkt auf einen Landkrieg vorbereiten. In der Land-Domain wird die Entscheidung getroffen, die anderen Teilstreitkräfte und Domänen unterstützen hier die Landstreitkräfte. Im hohen Norden ist das völlig anders, da geht es primär um Maritimes und Luft. Deutschland als zentraleuropäische Landmacht aber muss seinen Schwerpunkt klar auf Landstreitkräfte legen.
>Der Krieg in der Ukraine zeigt, dass der Landkrieg unangenehm und kleinteilig ist. (...) Nachhaltigkeit in der Kriegstauglichkeit muss sich nicht über zehn Tage oder zwei Monate definieren, was Vorratshaltung, Nachschub und Kräfteersatz angeht, sondern eher über sechs bis zwölf Monate.
>Ich freue mich, dass Minister Pistorius eine Diskussion [über die Wehrpflicht] in Gang gesetzt hat, und dass wir erstmals seit Abschaffung wieder sachgerecht über dieses Thema reden können
Not going to fight for you, Ahmed
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Let the Ukies and Americans have this one

Wir müssen uns im Schwerpunkt auf eine gewaltsame Revolution vorbereiten.
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>Ducky ?
I'd have filled that beaner full of buckshot right then, ended the movie.

No ?
Gotta be a Florida jew then. :)
Videos like that look cute, but they're rather confusing, threatening, intimidating for the animals. They don't know what this is about and are stuck between a flight and fight reaction, especially when it's their owner or a related person filming it. That's why they tend to make funny/unexpected faces/reactions. So I've heard.

Together for... whose goals and profits?

Possible outcome.
>whose goals and profits?
Mein, obviously. But you can tag along and benefit too, fair enough ? :)
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everything is proceeding as I have forseen ..
Polish-German cooperation is important
If only ze Germans could have finished Operation Barbarossa...
against Eurasia and the Trans-Atlantic (Troon-Atlantic)
too bad Le Pen cücked out
Poland belongs to us. Willingly. :)
Polish relations are more than a thousand years old. America doesn't exist that much
Polish-German relations*
Doesn't matter, you are our bitch now.
Germans too. :)
>If only ze Germans could have finished Operation Barbarossa...
if it weren't for your land-lease act supporting the Judeo-Bolsheviks they would have succeeded ... admittedly Poland would be fucked so I am ambivalent about it
for now, but if Poland together with Germany become nationalistic then America will have to get out of Europe ASAP
why are you gay
he's clearly threatening the human. poor lil nigga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opz2cVvoGdk
If you're gonna dream, dream big. :D

Oh jesus, not this limey again...
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literally me
make a brit/pol
You're a chick ?

I haven't been British since 1776, and brit/pol is full of poncey nonces, so no.
your loss
I will never be a woman

Thank god !

Dude, why... ? :(
Cause I'm nice. :3
Aiming for a career as a diplomat ? :)
Being an employee? Nah.
You wanna be in charge then eh ?
Need some gray hairs for that. :P
Such an outdated idea.
I beg to differ, Sir.
>I beg
Age is worth shit anymore because every retard can get old these days. It meant something 200 years ago or so.
I was being polite. :/
As an old worlder, you have no idea of Manifest Destiny, sadly...
Back when few old people were around that was considered special, now it is becoming a nuisance with the average life expectancy being around 80+.
Thus the only countries that consider old people of status for that alone are 3rd world countries with high birth rates. Filipinos, Pakis, Nigerians etc.
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How is MD related to gray hairs?

>when few old people were around
Is that true? Think low life expectancy in the past is to a significant part due to high childhood deaths.
gatekeeping and out-of-cohort wealth comparisons are the fuel that keeps boomers going
With age comes wisdom.
You kiddies are still trynna figure that out... :)

And power, don't forget that.
>With age comes wisdom.
Nope, no strong correlation.
Sucks to be you then. :)
That ofc is true and perhaps why we have Gretas now. Still people in their 80s, 90s were rare whereas nowadays that is almost guaranteed. Imho Germany is one of the countries that hates old people the most because ironically due to the socialized medicine they end up clogging everything up with their presence
> Oh I am cranky today, how about another visit at the orthopedic physician

They hate it when you are younger and have dough.

Ofc not, knowledge gathering (if one even does it which most don't) has diminishing returns. Most 80 year olds have decades of mouthbreathing under their belt
>boomski still thinks there are benefits to advanced age
he'll turn full transhumanist once he's helplessly exposed to shanqueesha's elderly abuse
>he'll turn full transhumanist once he's helplessly exposed to shanqueesha's elderly abuse
They really should have taught this through properly, no help is better than malevolent people.
Yeah but now it's the opposite. The Europeans are healthy and well fed, and the Americans are dilapidated and deprived. It used to be the opposite, where Europeans were deformed looking from their diet, are now tall and can be muscular, and the Americans are all stunted, fat etc.
If you have money and live in a megacity your medicine is better in the US than in Europe.
I hate Mexican, but my Boomer parents love it. They think it's great stuff, which shows you the Taste Boomers have in a fixation towards low quality shit.
>They hate it when you are younger and have dough.
ignorance/incognizance is what makes boomers so unlikeable. interestingly, zoomies tilt towards the opposite. tendency to be hyperaware, sensitive and flimsy, but it's honestly much more enjoyable to deal with
Probably because it is cheap and easily available. Boomers are very reluctant to cooking and what they call cooking oftentimes means simply opening packaging and microwaving shit. This is not just an American thing, albeit it probably started there
Mexican is great food if you want to get sloppy drunk like an 18 year old and fill your pie hole with slop, then Mexican. Just like those degenerate Anglo bitches drunk on the streets eating 3rd world food. Its the same exact culture. And sad because that is considered "a good time". But fuck you if you try to bring Germanization here, then you're an evil person. That's the mentality. Which proves to German culture is far superior.
I'm not rich by my standards but...
Rest assured, got enough money to ensure that no niggers are my caretakers...

>Europeans are
Lame and gay, simple as. Like, 90% of them.
Yes they consider premade TV dinners homemade cause it was heated inside the house.
They are mad sjws often times tho

This is a worldwide thing. The key children as they are called in Germany. Mothers making ready-made dinner i the evening and then having a ragefit because the husband is late bringing out the trash.
They actually aren't. Its so relieving to suddenly be surrounded where the average IQ is higher. white American culture is basically snobbish retard culture of highly inbred anglos. Aka max out retardation, while being the biggest fucking snobby prude you can be. Its obsession. Europeans are relaxed, living in the moment, enjoying life. You are miserable.
>They actually aren't.
They really are. Go find out.
> I sacrifice so much for the family
> t. has ironed a couple shirts ad threw a cheap pizza i the oven
This is how many women are
I've been there even in highly anti american areas, and they were still very kind when they noticed I wasn't some fucking retard like they are used to. And even then they are nicer to me than Americans usually are. You should see your kind, I really should whip out a camera and record their retardation. Nigger tier retards. Like their brain is a fucking black hole that sucks in all minds around it. Anti-thought. So lazy, it can't think.
Tbf in the US, the men do demand slavery. Euros are the only ones that have logical thoughts, so they are more helpful.
>I've been there even in highly anti american areas
And you didn't either kill or subjugate them,
Look around, how many old people do you consider wise?

>Germany is one of the countries that hates old people the most
How does that show?
>knowledge gathering (...) has diminishing returns
If one stays in one (limited) domain, perhaps.
>Most 80 year olds have decades of mouthbreathing under their belt
That's an issue, many stop learning pretty early.

Kek, brutal.
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something is coming mitte Juni, ihr Würstchen
Lots. I'm not a eurofag ffs. :/
I learn a thing or two every day from my elders...
>>Germany is one of the countries that hates old people the most
>How does that show?
we're giving their pensions to the shitskins to breed
at least they didn't go through a hippie streak. but yeah, every generation births increasingly greater obnoxious lefty movements
There are pretty much only anti-American areas. For different reasons but still. Except if you are VIP like Tom Hanks, then people will crawl up your anus at lightspeed

My uncles wife in Norway tried to cuck him with microwave dinners, he just threw everything on the ground and gave her the silent treatment.

> How does that show?
> If one stays in one (limited) domain, perhaps.
That was the scenario I imagined.
> That's an issue, many stop learning pretty early.
For many life is done after school

It is the increased number of spiteful mutants. Just look at Greta. She even as a child needed artificial food because she refused to eat. The Spartans were right.
>if you try to bring Germanization here
Then you'd get drunk and eat kebab.

>when they noticed I wasn't some fucking retard like they are used to
Ah, the smug "I'm not like the other Americans, I'm cultured like you Europeans."

Two fewer weeks.
No offense but that food is good enough for non whites or non Europeans. But for whites, it's simply not acceptable to eat trash. The Boomers pushed for their kids to eat garbage to show they are allied with the monkies of the planet.
>non Europeans
Have their diet from near the checkout at Aldi
>The smug
Kek not like you'll ever know irl. Just have to take my word for it.
>spiteful mutants
kek your ability to dash to the absolute extremes in any topic is amazing

>Ah, the smug "I'm not like the other Americans, I'm cultured like you Europeans."
don't be fooled, a fully fattened up hog typed these words
I am not like the other
>insert type of generic woman
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>>>472714203 (You)
>Two fewer weeks.
true actually
enjoy these last happy two weeks before the party starts
Well I'm not in the sense that I hate mean guys. Id rather break his fucking nose, and have, and I much prefer sweeties.
It is real though, just look at them. They are dysgenic fucks for the most part and the ones who aren't like Trudeau support it because it is a strategy to gain power using these subhuman. That is also why their demands are so insane, their behavior is guided by the instinct to inflict self-harm. Look it up Greta attempted several times to basically kill herself by refusing consumption of food. And still we let her at 16 influence the direction of world climate politics. But yeah a 34yo and a 24yo, that makes him a pedo. Absolutely bonkers.
Literally we let a dysgenic malformed suicidal 16 year old girl influence one of the pillars of civilization because why not, fuck it. That investor who pushed her should get the rope, srs
Name one (useful) thing you learned today from them.

This individual fool isn't "Germany." Every few years someone like this shows up, the people are outraged, and that's it.

>fully fattened up hog
Homo Americana normalis.
It shows that he was convinced enough people share his opinion but it was too far out of the Overton window. Still tendencies are revealed by this shit
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>I much prefer sweeties.
What about nice jewish boys?
I do't share this opinion btw, imho it is pretty disgusting to say that. Ok if it is an online me I am laughing about it but he was one of these mentally-ill lets kill our people to feed niggers guys.
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I wonder if much of the beta uprising is due to there being no (socioeconomic) place anymore for the most dysgenic. it’s therefore in their self-interest to level the playing field by dragging the rest of us down. what cultural meme (muh climate) they parade around doesn't really matter

fear the amerihog
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Sir, this is only a Khazar woman thread.

So you think they are not driven by a desire to commit some form of extended suicide?
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>Sir, this is only a Khazar woman thread.
>And still we let her at 16 influence the direction of world climate politics.
That was all staged though. Affluent interest groups in the background orchestrated the whole thing.

Saying mean things is pretty tame. There are different things (like poverty and loneliness) I'd count as society's disrespect or at least indifference toward the elderly.

>no (socioeconomic) place anymore
Similar to the youth bulge, same issue. Leads (as the most radical consequences) either to expansionist wars or civil wars.
there's definitely a gnostic core to it, you can tell by their ecstasy over end of world scenarios. tho, I'd always separate power seekers / grifters (greta) from the ppl they take advantage of, the beta uprising
>That was all staged though. Affluent interest groups in the background orchestrated the whole thing.
I know, see here: >>472715197
> Saying mean things is pretty tame. There are different things (like poverty and loneliness) I'd count as society's disrespect or at least indifference toward the elderly.
Geman society is indifferent to anything that does not have a pre-wall vagina.
The irony is that this would be a test for genetic fitness of the highest order and I am pretty sure these people would be the biggest losers in such a situation.
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>Look it up Greta attempted several times to basically kill herself by refusing consumption of food. And still we let her at 16 influence the direction of world climate politics.
Authentic Israeli video, the clock reads backwards.

>Geman society is indifferent to anything that does not have a pre-wall vagina.
That's a beautiful sentence. :)
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>there's definitely a gnostic core to it, you can tell by their ecstasy over end of world scenarios.
It's not gnostic, it's narcissistic and borderline.
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> Israel
Sorry, we are team Iran now due to a negotian I had with the Mullahs
It is a bit drastic but in its core it is true. German men are pretty bad simps and German women are trying to upkeep the sisterhood so the sub 40 crowd has serious protectionism from both sides in their favor going on.
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>Authentic Israeli video, the clock reads backwards.
That was my thought too.

You know you brack if you have stones on your dial
This brack meme goes back to a Japaese youtube named Nobita

He always said brack instead of black. Sorry Mr Bracku man but you so criminal, you cannot come heru
He caused a major shitstorm among nigger weebs
kek true. beta gang expects redistributive fairness in the name of the weather, aka punishing the non-dysgenic to elevate themselves. they'll ofc just get pushed into an even more desperate state cuz their own selected elites just view them as tools. tale as old as time
I disagree.
Not just that, they also don't understand that the entire professional class simply has more grit than they do. If you force some extremely goal oriented guy into a primitivism mindset he is going to btfo these cucks. But your point is good too, I disagree with Dutton though and his idea that the leaders of the left are necessarily dysgenic themselves. They simply a machiavellist and use the dichotomy of the opposing sides to elevate their own status. In a way you can also see this with Jews, look how they are always selling us shitty memes and get rich of that. From Marx, Bernays, Freud, Friedman to Bezmenov.
You may not like this but I even consider Ayn Rand to be such a case.
Either way, what matters if they are vaxxed and how many vaxxed loads they took up their vagina.
>you force some extremely goal oriented guy into a primitivism mindset he is going to btfo these cucks.
Like that millionaire who tried to be homeless and had to quit because he got a stomach ache?
If I never had an incentive before to get plastic surgeries and look like a model, I've definitely not got it now with all the dudes that are vaxxed and are unvaxxed but sleep with vaxxed hoes. Its over for them, as they say, in just a matter of time.
Outliers always exist
2 more weeks
Except I know loads of people that dropped dead from the jab. We are talking ultra rare cancers that progress extremely fast. Its a depopulation method , so even if you reproduce with a vaxxed woman it will effect the offspring. Imagine being born and knowing your dad did that to you, and people say Boomers were bad parents... Lol
>Outliers always exist.
Not an argument.
Then again, good luck finding an unvaxxed woman that doesn't have regular sex with vaxxed people. There's no way to tell, they will just lie to you for their benefit, then end up marrying you and giving your vaxxed children. But being mean isn't a problem.
>I disagree with Dutton though and his idea that the leaders of the left are necessarily dysgenic themselves.
they likely wouldn't rise to power if they were, even in a dysgenic group. as with any good politician, what does it matter which side you lean towards as long as you get yours
vax is an std?
Yes. It's like aids.
On average the people who already succeeded in dominance hierarchy likely have better genetics tha those who did not.

> depopulation method
people been saying that for years now and not much happened
> regular sex with vaxxed people
At that point you might as well not do it already, any woman who has a rotation is dead meat for relationships.

True, true
>On average the people who already succeeded in dominance hierarchy likely have better genetics tha those who did not.
You're delusional next You're going to tell me that Einstein was ubermench, and the spanish habsburgs were the genetic ideal.
>not much happened
It's a slow burn. Don't panic the herd, don't overburden the infra with a too fast collapse.
> Habsburg
They did not succeed i it, they live of laurels of their ancestors
> Einstein
I know too little about him to comment that
>Not much has happened
I know over a dozen people that died from the jab. I know even a 25 year old with stage 4 cancer after her jabs and boosters. I know of like 4-5 infants with extremely rare cancers that usually have lifespans of a couple years max, on an unjabbed immune system. These people don't have an immune system and are constantly producing spikes. Its literally over for them. This is probably why the elite want war, to cover up young deaths.
>They did not succeed i it, they live of laurels of their ancestors
Peak genetics.
Romantic Edition Strange_Love
inside joke?!
you are a joke
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>inside joke?!

What, she found it damn funny again ... :D

are you referring to your wife?
the one who's honeydo list you never work
instead you get drunk and be a pig to her
the one who you did nothing for
didn't even think about before or on Valentine's day?
I'm not laughing

>are you referring to your wife?

Yes. Damn vicious sense of humor. A real saint indeed. I mean, who else could still love me after all those years?! ^^
>I mean, who else could still love me after all those years?!

a real loser with no self-respect or self-worth
what a "catch" for the both of you

Hm, just that bit short of luck all the time. Get kicked, get back up again. Can do that for her. :)
Just realized that even the 2015/16 election tourists will be here next year since 10 years.
won't bump this thread will ya?
want it to die
go unseen as much as possible
because you know my words are true
and yours are bullshit
you can't stand by them
better hope the thread dies instead
what a joke
no keks given
Will you bump the thread? Then I don't have to. What's your issue btw, some drama I've missed?

Would guess it is about a certain general indifference... but see, more mainscreen these days.
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Nach Haus Gehen
just fucking start the general strike
can't fucking have a war without munitions and weapons and food going to the front

No need, Piefke have crippled their own industry anyway already.
Better get my blueberry plants ready...

Fyi, got extremely rainy weather here currently, so things do grow pretty slowly. Should see the basil, just sad.
it's a safe-ish way to gum up the machinery of state, and it should be done now, while oinkraine still holds, to force a negotiated peace
won't happen but a man can dream
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Think that's what's wrong with my blueberries this year, too wet, small berries.
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Most disruptive might be a trucker strike. On time logistical chains and all that.


Not even a glass house would help here I think, too cloudy all the time.
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itsch over, derailgo was the finishing blow
Anyone else finds that we can only get our honor back by raping black doomer bois?
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repli’s penispasta carries the raut

>aufs Maul

Czechef. Life just stops kicking me and then you come along. ^^
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I dont mind, alsong I am in the centere of the nuke.

But it needs some tune up, they did not steal enough votes from the AfD.

Yes yes you do Germany but the enemy is not coming from the east this time, in fact he is already here. Fuck Wehrpflicht (not one mud will be pulled to the front, they stay in the back and steal guns and supplies)

One of either is too much.
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it does
depressing webm. some people are meant to die young in wars
It's fucking boring as fuck.
alright, kröster was right. twitter feed is getting a lot worse. insane how only the chinese are brainiac enough to design a working recommendation algo
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domestic VIOLENCE is the answer
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>the Chinese
the west was sabotaged, delibaretely

remember the Indians at shitter censoring right-wing voices? Imagine letting the jews install a class above you
it's weird, man. half my feed is /r/de level bant making my weiner cringe so hard back into my foreskin it's looking like a mole hill. the other half is openly natsöy content, way over the line, get you a 6 months probation lawrape for merely hearting that shit
*hearts Adolf Hitler and Holocaust twice for me and on Lady Pirata's behalf*

won't happen, because those are the VS guys baiting

Prost mitn Automatenschokochino!


Do not try this out at home, kid. ;)
it's not enough, Canada has shown that the repressive apparatus needs to be drowned in targets
>adjective: domestic 1. relating to the running of a home
come bump my bremspace

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>2 1/2 hours of lefty westerner complaining about ebil japan

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