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James won
saw this on Twitter and it’s a good take:
>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
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Every Reform candidate standing in the election as listed at https://www.reformparty.uk/find-my-candidate

Doesn't include a handful of candidates without photos. Does include Richard Tice but not Farage (to get an even number for my tiling script because fuck doing that manually).
Damp rag himself confirms it: Reform's momentum is indeed dying.
Would but I won't say which one.
007 op
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>It has been revealed that the street and performance artist Banksy was behind a stunt during Idles’ set at Glastonbury, when an inflatable life raft holding dummy migrants was launched across the crowd.
>It was launched during the song Danny Nedelko, which opens with the lyrics:
>"My blood brother is an immigrant
>A beautiful immigrant
>My blood brother’s Freddie Mercury
>A Nigerian mother of three
>He’s made of bones, he’s made of blood
>He’s made of flesh, he’s made of love
>He’s made of you, he’s made of me
>Fear leads to panic, panic leads to pain
>Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate"
venga españa!
looking forward to the tiled reform candidate photos
expecting a sea of barrys
>just promote le love
>do not fall to le hate
t. least loving and most hateful cunts that exist on earth. Even the darkies they claim to love they only see as things that boost their own social media clout.
looks like them nasty right wingers won in France. I sure hope we never get an anti-immigrant party.
gobbo's dad is called nigel, unironically
nice work anon.
>How to get more spotify listeners
Despite all the whinging, if you're in a constituency with a white Reform candidate it's best you vote them in over Labour just so there's a chance you don't get swamped with pakis immediately.
Only and best reason, though it's still shite.
>read news
>police something-or-another never questioned on military service until fired
>ward nurse bame female something-or-another never questioned on afghan military service until it turned out she didn't have any qualifications for being a nurse
Think I could be an RAF pilot who fought against Space Marines over Mars since my last job in 2023?

Innocuous marching song about a lad missing his bird. Should have sung sieg heil viktoria
Absolute madlad
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Channel 4, our patience has its limits!

They're scared. Nige is on the rise. We're going to make it.
Ah yes let's all support uhh... the tories again?
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What do reckon would happen if shit gets close and tories coukd form a coalition govt with teform, but nige says only if sunak is on the 1st plane to rwanda.
Bleedin ell, I didn't vote for that
It's pasta m8, and a stale one at that too.
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>"my brother's an immigrant"
>song at whitest middle classiest event in England
I do wonder who pays Banksy and those musicians for these messages.
who's this washout of a bjarne stroustrup impersonator and why should anyone credit his wafflings?
She looks hotter on the left. She could also have achieve a better look that she wanted if she faster for like 3 days.
pfp reminds me when i watched tv the show ugly betty was on e4
Reform's support is surging isn't it
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Genuine question: how new are you?
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Nigel will win
new to what
Sure, Nigel will probably win (his seat). Beyond that though, ehh.....
women brutalise each other about the way they look all the time, leave men out of this you cantankerous witches
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>everything good is the strength of a woman
>everything bad is the fault of men
Reminds me of BAME hair on the news a few years ago where wearing wigs was the oppression of white society and that we needed to be more accepting of afros... and then the next day on the same BBC website wigs for blacks was progressive and stylish.
>She could also have achieve a better look that she wanted if she faster for like 3 days.
stick her on a rollercoaster then yeah?
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such is the fate of all populist ventures
the mob cannot be trusted
Damn patriarchy.
might have worked tbf
You still would though
To brit/pol/ and politics in general I guess. John Curtice has been known for quite a while to the point where memes have been made comparing him to that guy Farage called a damp rag since they look similar.
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It was almost a decade ago. Let it go.
Funny how the "You can't say everything is Europe's fault" crowd is now like "everything is Brexit's fault!"
I don't remember anything in mein kampf about body language
>Zia Yusuf nationalism!
>Anon, you’ve literally just recreated the Tories
British tapas
Polls can't be trusted either, what can you do...
Bollocks. There is only one group of people making women feel insecure about their appearance and its other women
i dip in now and then
usually too busy to bother and this election is complete shite so not interested at all
youre the cunt posting weak sauce twitter screencaps and tv stills anyway so fuck off
you probably dont even know who bjarne stroustrup is
>men can pass as women
>but women need plastic surgery
>"This is the fault of men"
britannia will re-join its european sisters in short order and usher in another century of glorious centrism

clearly more than just that crowd

see >>472687648
the people who voted for brexit are expiring
Post Populism Punishment
Entertainment industry is full of fags, you could say she might technically have a point
>Small boats crossings are deadly and have cost the lives of too many people.
>Festival goers cosplaying as migrants, and celebrating the actions of people smugglers, while they party is awful.
>Whatever your political views, this isn’t something we should trivialise.
People are dying crossing the Channel? So why? Who cares? We should take the piss out of them more so they don’t come over. Hold on, didn’t you solve the dinghies?
lel, dunno why you're seething so much I told you who he is.
>not interested (even though I asked)
>weak sauce
>you're bad because you're...paying attention to the election?
You sound like a zoomer faggot lmao.
pfp reminds me when i watched tv the show ugly betty was on e4
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I didn't vote for Brexit, but if there was ever another referendum, I would.
fucking dismal thread
think i'll go and do something more useful like watching woodlice walking about
maybe the blackbirds are having a singsong
that would be nice
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I read a tweet that if Tories don't get to be the opposition party, they might lose plenty of privileges and opportunities to make a comeback. Shame Reform is running out of steam at the fag end of this election, making it likely that Tories will limp to triple figures.
Actually done with this shithole. Gonna sell up and move to China and neet it up and fuck chink whores for £1 a go.
>polls are shite, but here's a random guy's opinion to prove my point
Did you go to university to learn how to be so jewish, or did you learn it from twitter?
Once again someone has been done by me and I wasn't even trying. Seriously, grow up m8 lol. If you're gonna act like a newfag you get treated like one, it's not the worst thing in the world.
my grandmother's vagina was jewish
Don't know why they don't come over on the ferry. Got to be cheaper than a smugglers ransom
>we shouldn't make jokes about people dying in the channel
>t. Home Secretary to the party that has encouraged channel crossings for the past 14 years
you are probably a 32 year old based lad with thinning hair and a gunt who wears a polyester shirt and suit jacket from m&s and thinks politics is the most interesting thing in life
get fucked
why do people keep saying gobbo hates reform? he said he's voting for them
typical derailment
japanon was shitting on reform now someone is insisting it was a josh vpn
>post got censored
Yep, a newfaggot alright.
Maybe they’re deathmaxxing? Sorry, I wasn’t familiar with their game
4 more sleeps until the fascists are humiliated
that kikeberg looks more hideous by the day
So who are the "fascists" this time? Because before is was the conservatives. Unless you're now referring to reform, who must be like super duper fascists or something right?
Bit fash of you that m80

are you proles retarded or something

Fucking election tourists man
>So who are the "fascists" this time? Because before is was the conservatives.
Putting my words my mouth. Nice.
>Unless you're now referring to reform, who must be like super duper fascists or something right?
Yes. The party of conservative rejects also attracts far right militant fascist pigs. Hitler apologetics and racists using slurs to refer to ethnic minorities is something fascists do.
We need tools for toolmakers!
Eddie and Japanon were right about Reform
He didn't add context other than the election is over in four days.
Aren't you looking forward to getting back to being bamed while people sperg out less over politics?
truly a sad case
enjoy your awful little bake
its the pinnacle of acheivement in your life and i'm sorry to have fouled it up with my nonconformism
Sad cunt
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>still here
>still seething
I thought you were going to watch woodlice or some shit?
uh... bros?
and i wrote
btw you homosexual cretin
Decide how I vote on 4th July
Reform is a civic nationalist party didn't you know? No racism allowed!
Look like a right bunch or wrong uns they do
Onions m8
There will be weeks of darkness soon and giant mechanical locusts from beyond the cosmos will come and torture those who took the vaxx
>Patriotic Alternative

Marky boy #oioi
Is that the snooker paedo?
There can be only one
fucking loathe mark
Male fascist version of Suella Braverman.
Best singing family

Girl on the back right just wants out.
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What I posted was the 2015 election results (pic related)

UKIP got a lot of votes but only 1 seat

It's unlikely that Reform will get more than a couple of seats in this election
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He's being set up as Farage's successor. Remember he said he wants to pass the baton on to someone younger?
I'm sure we'll find out at some point the father is a nonce. he just looks like one.
>Galloway's Worker's Party backed by muslims
>Farage's Reform party backed by muslims
>call themselves the "great disruptors"
I wonder how receiving cash from muslims and already putting forward his muslim replacement chimes with all that shit he went on about judeo-christian values.
Love this vid. Come back to it every now and again

>Extreme class privilege informed the Tories’ worst decisions. This Labour cabinet would represent something very different
Are they like Diane Abbot, a Cambridge graduate who studied history under a Jew and has been a career politician her entire life?
>only 7% of Rishi Sunak’s senior Tory colleagues come from working-class families, but with Keir Starmer’s team, the figure is put at 46%. A lot of people now know about Starmer’s working-class upbringing
Keir Starmer? The son of a tool factory owner? The lad who went to grammar school? Whose classmates have become a Life Peer and a famed American journalist? The boy who played 4 instruments, all of which are posh? Who went to Oxford? Who was an editor of a Marx-Trotters magazine?
That working class Keir?
>Bridget Phillipson
The one whose mother ran a charity? She learned the violin? She went to Oxford?
That Bridget Working-Class Phillipson?
Absolutely not, you fucking idiot

Go on then, provide some compelling evidence that Reform will get more than a few seats at best
There's nothing more Christian than letting your country be invaded by Muslims goyim! Jesus said something something be nice to strangers so that means open up the flood gates!
Nor can people. They said lockdown was brilliant too.
reeves went to oxford too. it's not what it once was
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Are all reform voters conspiracy theorist antivaxxers?
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that's a proper win that
>sports car
surely this is a shoppe
Will all the posters over hyping reform saying they will win big admit they got it wrong if they do indeed only get a few seats? Or will it be another 2019 where those who supported tories pretended they never did?
jeets have been more sound to me in my life than whites
His dad worked in a factory, he didn't own it
In his day, you could get into grammar schools without any fees based on merit
He got into Oxford because he did well in secondary school
And he knows influental people because he climbed the ladder, do you expect a candidate for PM to only speak to people from the street he grew up on?
Nige is a vaxmaxxer, and Reform supports are boomers, so probably not
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the older daughter seems dejected in a lot of their recent videos, she's becoming a woman now and probably wants to spend time with her friends talking about clothes and boys and kissing, her parents need to give her a break let her live her life, you can't shut her away forever, i bet they don't even let her have instagram so she can chat and share pics with her friends.
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If the English still had souls, every lamp post would be covered in stickers about immigration by now.
Wow, Glastonbury is a nigger fest
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Will you admit my prediction is bang on the money and call me the Oracle.
>*bangs pans rNHSly*
Not one word of condemnation
no other country in the world kek
japanon is dago. gobbo's friend. but not gobbo
>within 15 years
30 years too late.
>Bloody immigrants saaar coming to our country saar!
Every street light down my street had 'refugees welcome' stickers on them, someone has since removed them
Grammar school isn't posh. All you have to be is slightly less retarded to get in one
every reform voter knows the truth in their gut but what's the point in admitting it?

maybe they want nige to stick around and X million votes will do that.
Yeah I will. I’m saying right here right now they’ll minimum 20 seats and maximum 40 and you can screen cap this and post it in Brit/pol/ on June 5th calling me a silly prat if they don’t. And I’ll admit I’m a plonker.
>paki the one being groomed for once
makes a change
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I watched that painful Nige Against a room full of BBC plants thing. He was still proud of destroying the BNP, but has shifted a bit on the vaccine.
No. Why would a Labour government implement PR? Even if Reform were in the top 3 they're not going to change the system to one that Labour won't benefit from.

Also on the point of PR, it's not all good. Sure it will help smaller parties emerge, but it also helps darkies because they have such huge numbers (and will grow a lot) in the future.
Saw some troon putting up trans lives matter posters once. Gave me a hearty kek
>3 people
You're on. And in exchange, here's a prediction of mine I made earlier. I think now they'll probably do worse, but I still think above 100. Feel free to also laugh if it's wrong.
>he didn't own it, swear on me mum
>we used to be a meritocracy before Fatcha
>why would those in charge not all know each other? Did you expect something like a meritocracy to have people from different backgrounds?
I see no reason to vote Labour if they never returned the system to merit during the time the red ties were in Downing Street.
also like buildings, wonder if there is a connection? I mean buildings also have walls.
Someone post pics of ginge minge from Labour. She's so hot. Name?
PR will be part of Starmers plan to move us closer to Europe.
We are going to become more European in our government system.
Labour party members already voted yes to it at one of their confrences last year.

It will happen, we will become more European.
I don't like it either, but I can see it coming.
how's that election in France going for Macron?
Angela Rayner and she's isn't hot, get some standards mate
Angela Rayner you mean?
Always was a lefties hang out. Hopefully the more urban artists they allow the more diverse the crowds will become. Next come the stabbings and rapings

just wait
>Glastonburys changed man. I don't mean the brilliant diverse acts. Or the amazing range of ethnicities and cultures you discover among the people. Something just feels wrong like people have become more cynical and more angry. Everyone feels defensive and on edge all the time.
>I blame the Tories
Labour conferences have voted for PR since the 90s, the leadership isn't obligated to implement it. Starmer will just say he needs to focus on the economy instead of voting reform and ignore it the same way Blair and Brown did.
She eats dog food mate. Contemplate the aroma.
You're a plonker. Farage will certainly win Clacton, but they'll only get low teens at best.
Wasn't there something about her mum buying her shaving cream to put on desert or some shit?
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>tfw no mates to drink with
I miss the pub atmosphere, I miss being able to have a pint with mates or chill in someones, it was comfy and now I dont have that anymore, I miss it.
>Low teens
Good enough
Opinion discarded
the brinny cringes in awe at the power of the ginger minge
billy no mates
Need a laff before beddie byes lads. Anyone got the sussex call out vid of the nonce and his limp dick retort? Thanks in advance
Lol look at billy no mates over there
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could be, might be another one tho
Just listening to that Zia speech. Not bad desu. Just a pity he's brown, but that works for the "we're not racist" thing.
I can't see a brown person as British, no matter how patriotic they are.
Using a name on an anonymous image board means you take it up the ass
hope you lads have started lifting. when starmer gets in the muzzies will have free reign on our streets. Do you think Starmer is going to prosecute muzzies when he led the CPS and failed to prosecute rape gangs?
start lifting. and start learning to make improvised weapons like a rock in a sock. or spanners inside an umbrella. We're going to need them.
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>get some standards
>pining for the past
Go out by yourself. Nothing wrong with that. I've done it. Make some new friends.
Whatever happened to that fucking disgusting nonce?
>Generic cheap arse office furniture
yeah this a porno isn't it
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this is the hand that seethes
Apparently police looked into it, but there was no crime actually committed.
Nah, how about you just fuck off to bed and take your brit/pol e-celebs with you you dull cunt.
seethehand anon btfo
maybe there was a dog also
>own 30 year old house
>do nothing but chores on the weekend
what does the age of the house have to do with it
there's got to be a coomer here that knows her name
all londoners should be relocated to homes to do chores for them
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god i wish i had a friend or 2
Angela Rayner
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Reform voters really like that Zia guy,
Nigger. Goodbye.
no you
looks like Catherine Tate
murican anatomic education
>trying to setup

>what is reverse image search
just do reverse image search
The EU was a red herring that wasted a decade of nationalist sentiment. Brexit diverted attention from third world immigration, which has nothing to do with the EU.
Things only last couple of decades at most.
Windows last 25 years.
Boiler 10?
Floorboards are most likely squeaky.
Door handles breaking.
List goes on.
Nice copypasta. Still voting Reform and encouraging everyone i onow to do so too. A vote for the Tories is a vote for labour
I hate these people so much.
You're the thickest pile of shit since what I shat out in the toilet this morning
Corr Angela Rayner looks alright doesn't she
Been prepared for a boogaloo for ages, getting too old to be bothered with lifting desu. Hopefully psychotic pent up anger will be enough.
god damn
buy a flanged mace
body armour does fuck all
>owning a house built after 1900
No-one to blame but yourself. No-one has been able to build anything to last since the Victorians.
seethey tard get filtered now
i've started reading a lot of combat / survival type stuff (none of that fake prepper dogshit, those guys will be first to get stabbed and robbed) for the upcoming race wars. I think learning concealment is key, since you can get busted for carrying any kind of weapon these days. The muzzies are going to be free to do what they want to us and our families and labour is going to let them do it. I wish I was exaggerating, but we've already seen what the labour run councils did, now imagine when they're in the government too.
I do not, have never and do not intend to possess illegal weapons, sir.
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At 12 minutes he talks about how Farage and UKIP were promoted by the mainstream media
Read and learn, retard.
Download Anarchists Cookbook, now
How would having worn out rotator cuffs and aching muscles help me fight Muslim rape gangs? Plus I'm 6 ft 2 and 15 stone 10 off 3 meals a day I don't need to lift to be big. Lifting is for manlets who feel small.
I hope le penn gives them Frexit referendum. Then once they leave, they will stop the bames entering France from European sides. Imaging remainers whine about them leaving too.
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>Anarchists Cookbook
i can take on anyone because of my size.
yeah you're going to get your arse handed to you.
It's a decent visual deterrent if you can pull it off, but then pakis are mostly short, skinny effeminate cunts anyway.
Why would I read something posted by somebody like you who is as thick as pig shit?
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BAME jackets are mace-proof. Just bounces right off.
I wonder if the Tories will start to support PR if they lose badly. There will likely be some seats where they will lose and where Reform votes could've saved them from Labour, and they'll be annoyed at this (there will also be seats where Tory votes could've saved Reform from Labour). But the fact is Reform ain't going away, so they can't seethe at Reform "letting" Labour win forever, so they might have to consider PR. Though if they ever did get in again they'll probably forget all about it.
Other type of mace
Well I'm not betting again
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Noooooo you can't just jump the fence and break into our leftist utopia music festival
Can you imagine what kind of loser would use a name on an anonymous image board?
Read and learn.
Mate, I'm 5 ft 8 and 20 st and eat 5 meals a day. I'd crush your head like a fucking walnut you cunt.
U one of them kid fuckers that has to use an ID online?
Can you imagine what kind of loser wouldnt use a name on an anonymous image board?
>Hitchin's: Don't listen to the polls!
>Also Hitchin's: Let me retweet an infograph of seats where you can vote tactically (based on data we've seen from the polls) to stop Labour winning
So does he believe polls or not?
How much did you lose and how? (I might be about to lose 500 quid in the election)
i bet he's actually fat and small but even if he wasn't ive seen a little guy take down a tall guy easily no problem. Being tall has an advantage, but it's not going to win you the fight against a trained opponent. Not by a long shot.
the people smuggling gangs charge £250 a head to sneak bames in. bargain
Can u imagine what kind of scumbag faggot would use a name on an anonymous image board? I mean this person would have to be pretty attention starved
Reform is Farage, without him the best they had was that wet fart Tice.
Nigel is 60, probably only got one election in him. Doesn’t have the meds Trumpenstein has.
30 quid
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yeah mate I'm typing on a fucking steampunk pc rite now innit
Is trump on trt?
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That's true, but even with Tice they were doing enough damage to the Tories for it to be an issue in some seats.
Need Moncler coat
>Farage pointed out that at a Reform UK election rally in Birmingham later today, the “star of the show” will be Zia Yusuf, who he described as “a practicing Muslim who is going to say things about the growth of Islamic extremism”.He added: “I can assure you that anybody who has a racist point of view, I don’t want to know.”
Better throw yourself out of Reform then, Nige
He believes in pol-arising white people
Galloway will curb immigration, Farage is just another Zionist neoliberal who talks big on immigration. Anyone voting Reform is falling for kike tricks
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maces are legal
doubt it
The growth of muslim politics in this country should scare the shit out of Israel.
I bet that would fuck someone up.
>wear stabproof vest
>get kneecapped by a mace
>>Hitchin's: Don't listen to the polls
>"Polls can be misused, misinterpreted and misunderstood. But the basic facts they reveal, carefully studied, are truthful. If their predictions are wrong it is because opinions change, or because of factors they have been unaware of . What I said about polls was never intended to be a blanket dismissal of their significance, and people should stop using it as such."
Alright fellow bongs. Does anyone have the video of that prison guard slapper shagging the prisoners?
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Not only is Hitchens part Jewish by ancestry, he also has that disruptive and underhanded Jewish mindset.
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this one?
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>Galloway will curb immigration
Will he fuck
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the look of summer 24
It's actually hard to make quick money, I tried betting - I keep losing and I always miss out on crypto booms
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muslimsans best fren
scottish snake
Voting intentions are probably accurate enough when it comes to Lan and Cons. Reform voters are less likely to participate in polls unless they're traditionally conservative, can't tell if usual abstainers are going to vote as if it's a referendum again in significant numbers.
Reform are the only variable worth going for if you're arsed
He’s a kike, a Trot and a journalist. Not quite sure why anyone should listen to him
They'll just pretend they never liked him anyway and it was some kind of joke to help Green, Labour and Conservative win more seats than WP.

These kinds of people live to complain about immigrants without ever trying to make the problem go away. We have the chance now, not only for immigration but for nationalisation and the serious parts of Corbyn's manifesto without the wokeness, and people are STILL managing to be misled by crooks like Farage, Starmer and Sunak.

>what about Zack Polanski
He's just a nutcase. A few years ago he would doing hypnotherapy on women's breasts.
If reform win in key constituencies I may be making upwards of 10,000. U.K. elections are always easy to make money in because the bookies have no idea how to price individual constituencies odds.
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They were a bit of an issue to the Tories, now it looks like they will make them collapse.
Life is only going to get shorter under Starmer, US is heading for a huge collapse. We are tied to them.
All Farage has to do is blame Labour for everything, seem reasonable. Then his vote share will go up.
Daz rayuzziz accusations don’t work on normalfags anymore.
The first is delusional, the second is fantastical, and believing in the possibility of the third should be enough to get you sectioned
Which ones
Lmao cry to jannie you little bitch. Namefags truly are the fucking nigger scum of this board. I bet i hurt your little faggot zoomer feelings.
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Anything can be illegal if a copper takes issue with it
If you want to under how MRP polls work vs conventional polling and the elements of nominal and proportional swing read this. MRP polling is relatively new and is prone to significant error. Electoral calculus last two MRP polls were wildly wrong In 2019 yet YouGov was accurate because of the framing and sample quality.
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And Labour is a bad thing... how, Farage & brit/pol/?
Even more reason for me to vote Labour: and my living through 1979-1990 was enough for me to always vote for them since I turned 18.
No one does, he is just a black pill contrarian. It gets old really quick.
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Odds have gone down now. I had Barnsley South, Basildon and Bilcay, South Basildon and Thurrock, Orpington, Huntington, South Suffolk, Burton and Upminster.
>A MAN was arrested near a Mosque for carrying a sharp pencil just hours after the Westminster attack.
>Homeless Jake Jones was accused by police of having the pencil as “an offensive weapon.”
Compared to the others, he's the best chance we have. That's why you only posted three words, you've got fucking nothing and you're probably a Zionist wanting a multiculturalist Britain yourself.
I dunno, brit/pol/ has venerated him before in the past, a certain namenigger basically turned him into a saint
Eddie Lizzard
I'm liking them lad
Wouldn't be surprised
Muslim guy doesn’t want loads of pajeets. Can’t see the issue.
You're not laughing now, are you?
In an accumulator?
Oddschecker paints a different picture. Odds on reform for previous tory held seats are shrinking by the day. Id trust the actions of the bookmakers before any msm propaganda. The liars have as much form for shit talking as the lying tory & labour parties do. They also keep saying Corbyn is gonna lose Islington North yet bookmakers odds are shit like 5/4 or 11/10. Thats not ofds for someone who doesn't stand a chance.
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So Farage pointing out facts about Muslims marching on the streets of London supporting Hamas is racist? Is Islam a race based organisation then, it's that in itself racist?
Acca's are bad value
Yeah I've learnt my lesson
>Compared to the others, he's the best chance we have.
How is he? I'm reading the manifesto right now: https://workerspartybritain.org/manifesto-britain-deserves-better/

>We will rebuild social infrastructures to match the requirements not just of the working class as a whole but to take account of migrants and refugees who meet legislated status requirements – housing, schools, healthcare, social care. This will mean a commitment to the full funding of local authorities in their efforts to provide a wide range of high-quality services for everyone in the community, including refugees as soon as their status is accepted, with follow up fast tracking to citizenship that screens out criminals.

>We will invest in training for refugees to fill gaps in the provision of services to the wider population as respected members of the working class and in technical skills to support the use of new technologies for all workers rather than be complicit in driving down wage rates.

That's certainly curbing immigration(!)

>you're probably a Zionist wanting a multiculturalist Britain yourself.
Complete horseshit. You're supporting the man who only got back into parliament appealing to Muslims.
It’s been infiltrated by coppers, Hitchens would lock whitey up for buying cigs underage.
Authoritarian fucks love that shit.
follow the money
I was in disbelief when they scored that 95th minute equaliser. Fucking wankers. Anyway, Bellingham is a deserving hero to the masses this week, and he deserves tit.
Vaccie look. Hes been taking sturgeons advice and got himself boosted
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>The growth of muslim politics in this country should scare the shit out of Israel
...and you lot think this retard should win any seats, let alone Clacton? (Un)Reform(ed)'s gonna have three less MPs - and whose fault is that - and not because of being pro-Israel.
This thing titting about the way it has - purely for its own self-aggrandisement and not loyalty to the country/white race - is more of a MC Escher-esque multi-dimensional paradox than the film Interstellar.
Frankly, it's not just the Tories that deserve to be politically obliterated a little over 96 hours from now. Taxi for Sir Keir: to No. 10...!
>who only got back into parliament appealing to Muslims.
Loves them so much, he married 3 of them
No just individual. The bookies cotton on eventually but they’re always late to the party. North West Norfolk, Castle Point, Washington and Gateshead all good shouts.
Net 0 migration, that’s all I need to hear. Everything else is back round noise.
>Muslim guy doesn’t want loads of pajeets. Can’t see the issue
That aged well.
(Un)Reform(ed) deserves to go the same way as UKRAP.
Total White Right Death.
I feel like reform will only get around 3 seats, did you bet on those too?
dope ass shirt i would buy that
All you can vote for is fifth column clowns. Have fun!
It says on the front of the place! Ladbrokes = Broke lads.
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the house always wins !
>Everything else is back round noise
>back round
...your arse. Like what Nigey talks out of.
New thread

>only three seats
Doubt it very much you’ll saying they’ll only win Clacton, Ashfield and what Boston and Skegness. Not a chance even electoral calculus has them on 7 and they’re massive lefties. People are in for a shock I’m telling you. Probably win Great Yarmouth as well they’ll be more the question is where.
A bit odd to single Pokes out, it’s the Albanians that are a cancer.
Sounds like:
>I’m not racist I like these browns.
Appealing to the media, I don’t know why the right bother. No one gives a shit, it’s just a smear.
Does the nigger in the suicide sos advert do himself in? Never see s follow up sequel to find out. He might just jave been jailed for nigger stuff
wanksy has been a millionaire for decades now. he still gets to pretend humans are nice at their core
Screencap this. Reform-Con coalition. Let's fucking go, add a bit of spice to my life.
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Dont the diploma written by village elder (who lives in the last mudhut on the left while heading south out the village) count for nothing anymore?
I think there is an element of Nige saying things he might not normally say to sound good, but I do think there's genuine belief behind it too.
His parents need to be on that flight too
Rotherham. Cons arent running there and would've won in 2019 comfortably if brexit party hadnt split the vote.
"I WILL PAY". https://youtu.be/ms2CtcsHKDA
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