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Previous: >>472684279
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award

Do the 41%
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread!
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Crimea status?
Counteroffensive status?
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Thanks for the bread, baker!
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good bake
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Shills are mad today, but also worthless and impotent.
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I've never heard of this before. Aside from elaborate trenches like Vietnam. But I've never heard of tunnel diffing for offensive purposes.

in your digits
also checked
Get it into your heads. While Russia is busy fighting itself and committing war crimes, Ukraine is fighting for its people, their land and its very existence. Russia's aggression has been unwarranted and costly, and it will not be resolved through a quick and decisive victory. Ukraine is still fighting hard and it's irresponsible to be celebrating Russia's advances when there's still so much at stake. Ukraine deserves our support and understanding, and we should not be blindly cheering for one side or the other. Have some fucking principles for once and stand with Ukraine in its fight for freedom and justice.
>They should really make a movie about that whole operation and assault of Avdeevka
i hope they bring prigozhin back so he can make the movie
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replying to shills status?
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This is a tactic as old as when we ever discovered how to burrow through anything, if there was ever a location you wanted to hit up and something is in the way, what is stopping you from just breaking it down?
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World War 1 and every war before it had sappers. Granted the amount of outright tunnel snakes rule going on has been on the decline since 'nam.
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch operation to destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Conscript unemployed, able-bodied males below 40.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
There won't be any counteroffensive from both sides, it has been decided by America and Chinks that puccia is going to lose like cuckmany in 1918
I've heard it aplenty but I don't recall hearing it used ordinarily to carry out infantry assaults.

not the worst scenario desu
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Are you mspaint anon?
I have a request I need Nazuna smuggling Pumpernickel

Armies have used tunnels pretty much any time when they've encountered all 3 of the following:
1. there's an enemy in an entrenched position
2. they can't take that position with conventional means
3. the soil can be dug through (it's not stone or sand or something like that)

Castles, enemy trenches in WW1, etc.
Thanks for the bake, pasta-fren.
Yes, it has: https://odysee.com/@trader.one:d/pipe-secret-operation-at-avdeevka:0
I'm not sure the pipe alone would make for a compelling movie, but who knows.
Modern Russian cinema is garbage, but I hope we get something on the scale and quality of "Best In Hell": https://odysee.com/@Idea:8/%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%87%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%B2-%D0%90%D0%B4%D1%83-(2022):c
New York gets fab-3000. Soon UN shill will be russian
i love russia
boring war
>But I've never heard of tunnel diffing for offensive purposes.
DPRK has dug some tunnels against the south
tf is that pic kek
Danemami is back.
>Another One Of Russia’s Nuclear-Proof Transports Just Got Blown Up In Ukraine
this nigga serious?
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needs more qts involved
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Thanks for the bread
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I am MS Paintfag, and I would like to do the request, but I had a really bad experience with the art community again and lost all of my passion for drawing. It is hard to recover that spark when it is stamped out by people who want to fellate their own ego. The way it all happened just left a very poor taste in my soul.
murder him
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>mentions the cumpits
>doesnt mention the special pipe operation
Its over.
Collapse like Germany, or the russian empire. Choose your poison
i'd tunnel through her pivnichne if you know what i mean
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Give a name, I'll lock him up in the sheep barn.
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what happened fren?
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Dangerously sex-o.
Tunnels were a thing as far back as medival times when invaders would try to tunnel under the fortress walls and you'd get hectic underground combat in the barely lit tunnels. It fucking sucked.
Like, I don't want to talk shit about you and Bulgar-fren >>472692705 but holy shit guys, open a history book please...
NAFOtoids not understanding what "CBRN protected" does not mean "explosive-proof".
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Thats sad
I love your drawings very much but if you need to take a break.
If you have no energy its okay still you can post here everyone loves your work

But Germany never collapsed that's why I said your scenario is actually ok, so I don't know what you're gloating about
Good thing it's almost over.

if only
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bruh, its literally one of the most used method of assaulting castles during medieval times. they dug tunnels under walls then collapsed them by setting wooden stakes holding celling and by doing that collapsed foundation of walls which were above
to counteract this defenders placed barrels of water in the cellars in guard towers and so when digging was happening earth shaking caused water to ripple, alerting defenders
to fight that defenders dug their own tunnels to get into enemy tunnels and kill diggers
due to nature of such fighting being confined in a dark small tunnel with barely any oxygen and shaky foundations at best it was pure hell
but before powerful artillery it was only reliable method of taking down walls, because even most powerful trebuches werent strong enough and took month shooting at the same spot to achieve any thing of real damage to the wall, not to mention that when crew shoot at walls at day, defenders just repaired walls overnight and whole shit then started again. and you needed multiple breaches to assault.
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Im just retarded.
muttsects military bases in europe status?
The German Empire collapsed and had a small civil war until the goverment was able to take control, and became the Weimar Republic, a shithole with inflation, and degeneracy.
They hit it with nuclear radiation?
in no particular order my replies and weird little writings on various topics of history
styles like the more box shaped style and styles like it was retained in China all the way into the Qing Dynasty in ethnic Groups like the kham Dong and a style similar to it being popularized during the Yuan and Northern Yuan by the mongols

With the boxy styles being copied into the Qing Dynasty as well as Miao people barrel armour
due to their ease of manufacture but and the ease of making proofed armours in those styles (as in they have been proofed against firearms like arquebus and matchlocks) like later ming dynasty plates intended to be worn over scale lamellar and brigandine armours or the Quantiejia or full steel armour
by The late Ming Dynasty China had generally returned when it came to lamellar armours to the larger style of pieces seen a thousand and a half years earlier or older than that during the Han Sui and Qin dynasties as well as the warring states and the spring and autumn periods and the late Zhou dynasty

it's okay everyone makes mistakes
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The Ukrainian Jews are already working on the goyim to make them believe that the peace talks with Puccia are actually a good thing. It's over, gg both sides.
All you gotta do is draw an animated show man it doesnt even have to be drawn well (like Big Lez Show). You can easily rake up millions of views with animation because people hunger for nonwoke sincere content. Ive seen 5m animated clips on youtube with 10 million views and their not even that good. If someone drew their own Midnight Gospel or Super Jail or whatever you want to create you could easily live off of it assuming the show is written well with no pozz.

For a little while but then it turned super revanchist pro german and nationalistic, which is based and needs to happen in Russia
Unsociable hands typed this.

I cant argue with digits so we'll see
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Have you tried improving your art skills, anon?
We wish, but Agent Z insists that THD continue.
Correct. Most people don't realize that the majority of castle sieges were won by either starving out the defenders or by having someone on the inside betray defenders and open the gate.
Very few sieges were won by the Pedowood-popularized assaults on the walls.
It's OK, we all are, fren.
My advice is to find some area of history, any area, and just start reading whatever you like. Lots of fascinating stuff out there. Can even be Kikepedia. Enjoy exploring something that didn't happen in the past 30 years, anon.
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>Russian invasion of Ukraine
>In 2022, Ukrainian resistance managed to hold off the Russian invading army for 80 days by using tunnels underneath the city of Mariupol.
Expected from Jewpedia not mentioning special pipe operation. They probably think the cumpit hold out is some sort of genius plan that actually ended in victory. Bet you Hollywood will make some movie out of it in a couple of years showing the "heroic exploits" of the hohols there
I've only read about taking down walls or blowing up buildings by detonating a bomb below in em books of stories, or throwing carrion and shit to fuck with people.
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hey bros, has anything interesting happened in the last 3 months? i haven't been paying attention
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Ohhh nyet comrade, the difference is chinksects will own puccnr and turn it into another Cambodia.
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Hello frens

Nothing but thanks for checking on us
they wont. whole war will be memoryholed in the west asap cos they lost it

I've been to Cambodia it's a great and free country, but then again you can't have post WW1 Germany and Cambodia at the same time so what will it be
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>I've been to Cambodia it's a great and free country
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It's fine, this is standard behavior by "those" types of artists. Really, I should not let it affect me since they are the type I already know I hate.
In a chatroom I posted a bunch of art with other artists that were there, it was a lot of fun. Then "that" artist came into the chatroom after the other two left, I pissed them off in chat so they claimed I trace my work without any proof, they just went "yeah, your shit looks traced" and then began posting their own art in chat to get everyone to tell them what a good artist they are, but I of course just started to claim they traced as a way to get back at them since they want to make false claims and the chatroom attacked me for attacking them. (Even though they were the first to attack me, they are just more liked than I am in that chatroom.)
Since the incident I have not drawn anything of worth.
I appreciate your love for my art, I will try to get past these little annoying roadblocks that got me held up. It was a small hitch, but I guess it reminded me all too well of when I first left art in general. It is very sad how fast "artists" turn on each other over things unrelated to art, I even fell so low as to mock and ridicule "that" artist because the exhaustion in dealing with them is so much.
I have considered making animations, however, I don't want to just make something to be popular or make money. I really, really want to make something that people will love and actually like, much like how my favorite things inspire me and get me daydreaming. The amount of ideas I have, but just, very little knowledge on what to do with or make work. The real issue is lack of confidence in it.
I am told I improve a lot, but I am wondering if I am actually improving or just getting better and replicating what I like to see. Being told I traced something because it "looked traced" took everything out of me. I know I drew it, but I even doubted myself afterwords.
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Absolutely nothing. Go away.
I can't wait for the Netflix special in which a heroic ukrainian lesbian nigger defends Keef from the RuZZian asiatic hordes.
Why the fuck would you want to go to Cambodia, lmao? To see the baby killing tree?

any input besides ancient memes? It's a poor but free country with happy people

I traveled all of asia because it was cheap
You dont understand vatnik, unless you have flatscreen tvs, fag parades and ticktok, your nation is bad
assaults werent that uncommon, they just happened immediately without any preparation because it was the only chance of achieveing anything, and usually gates were opened for retreating troops which were set upon by attackers and this way attackers managed to overrun gates and it was over.
but if that failed which it did a lot it lead to extremely long sieges with closing whole town/castle by new walls according to the best teachings of ceaser from his gaul campaign and then digging lots of trenches leading to the walls and digging under them. It was much more digging rather than building elaborate siege engines.
The site works like shit.
You can add it.
>tfw I will always be a nigger and never a digger
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based stonetosky bake
i did anudda one
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I know I should be supportive because you seem nice and earnest, anon, but i can't see MSPaint as anything other than childhood scribbles.
PLease consider going back to basics of figure drawing and maybe THEN go back to anime when you feel confident that you can draw a human face.
Favorite SEA Monkey country:
- with best food
- with best whores
- overall
Thank you for your input, comrade.
60 year old African HE shells and 60 year old memes (in internet years) are all they have left, anon.
Correct. Any country that doesn't practice these things is "le bad", especially the fagparades.
Good point (and nice trips).
I was trying to say the same thing: siege engines like towers and rams were not the main way of breaking a siege. Usually it was just waiting to see who ran out of food/water/money first.
You must wait a while before you post corrupted or unsupported file captcha incorrect you are banned
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It's over
I haven't seen you in a while. Got any technical matters you're curious about - particularly those pertaining to, say, radar and missilery?
Woah just like my cyberpunk video games...
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fuck those people. you donut give up. continue drawing! this is an order
don't let it get you down
outside of a couple dozen incels dwelling in teir mom's basement, nobody really gives a shit
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they sound like a bunch of retarded loser faggots, you should not care what they think.
This, you might be displaced from your Home to allow chinksects build casinos, buy your women for cents, and turn your shithole a child trafficking heaven, but at least there won't be fag flags
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That's the problem, chatrooms are full of assmunchers no matter the topic, chug is the only art community you need.
Wonder what we are going to do after the gay war is over. You're a bunch of faggots but the general is still pretty fun and comfy.
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Im not good with words but i save all of your works and you were always my inspiration. Those other artists dont know what they are talking about
late ming dynasty lamellar earlier exampels of chariot armours and qin dyansty terracotta warriors
a dutch period depiction of Chinese soldiers in lamellar armour made in the style of older armours but with at the time more modern techniques in order to increase survivabiltiy against firearms the artwork being made by a person that was there to witness the Chinese besieging the Dutch Fortress on the Island of Teowan as well as what i believe to be a Portuguese drawing or paintwork depicting a chinese soldier in armour and two civilians a man and a woman not made by one that had seen chinese soldiers in person
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next time ask "prompt?" when one of them posts their art
imagine talking to someone who creates such art
Thanks for the addition

weird tang dynasty statue of a man with closed eyes doing a kissy looking face with his cheeks sucked in
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whats KKK stance on kikes?
I was banned for posting this I was not even complaining about moderation
Can someone post the cat story gif
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if someone can prompt her to look like picrel
ill do a flip
Ever hear the story behind the establishment of the (((ADL)))?
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>I was not even complaining about moderation
you were complaining about uhg discord trannies, yes
kek based

We already had this, again this is not the worst scenario and if history taught us anything is that russian revanchism is inevitable at this point and everything you mentioned will just strengthen it
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so close to being bogged
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Chinksects will own you, abuse you, and you won't do shit

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Na you good. Chill out.
If you were to be kidnapped by strange men and dragged off for forcible boggification, what might you yell/shout in Finnish?
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I hope you can find the spark and enjoy art again bro. I love your buhanka doodles and I always look forward to seeing new ones

for a while maybe but as I said russian revanchism is inevitable at this point
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I was convicted for being Jesus Christ and the Devil
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Radar-anon! Good to see you!
Recently the Russian group of forces North made a claim that they shot down several patriot missiles. Unfortunately I was unable to find the original source in Telegram so my telling might be "game of telephone". I was wondering if the whole premise of a Patriot interceptor being shot down by a Russian AD interceptor passed your "smell test".
It *sounds* reasonable if the Patriot launcher was firing at something at the edge of its effective range, but...

Also, any observations about the recent Sevastopol beach tragedy where ATACAMS cluster munitions were released over a populated beach, most likely due to the missile being shot down? Russia is trying to spin this as a deliberate attack on civilians, but that doesn't pass the smell test, even though the other theory (ATACAMS was aimed at Belbeck Airbase) also doesn't make sense based on geography and probably direction of missile flight.
damn thats based, i hope every nigger family is provided with an asbestos painted filing cabinet smoker.
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That's the fucked up part, I can draw people using pen and paper. As long as I have a reference, I can draw pretty much anything. Which is art, right? Or is it just replication of something? Yeah, you learn from drawing real things, but then when do you stop replicating and start creating? I have been very good at drawing what I like to see and get better, but unfortunately, that doesn't really mean anything to me. (Also, you don't have to be supportive, and there is a difference between supporting and enabling. What you did was supportive by default, you pointed out my shortcoming to give me a way to resolve the issue. Anyone who gets angry because you point out answers or obvious solutions does not want support, they want enablers.)
Thank all of you for your support, though I am to blame for putting myself in that situation to begin with. Sharing art online will always be a risk, I took the risk here in /chug/ posting my MS Paint works and it worked out. Which is to say, anyone here who wants to make things should go for it and post it in /chug/.
Keep up the amazing work, artfren! I am always delighted to see your works, and often times it is other Anons posting them, so I always manage to see your latest works thanks to that.
I will try, I kept myself away from /chug/ after the incident but I guess it still irks me. I will get over it, I am in the process of drawing a request, it is a little slow going but I hope to finish it soon.
Maybe it will happen in 2 more centuries
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the expression and style of the statue was common to the period a narrow waist allow for better support for the weight of the armour weapons and other equipment at the waist taking the load of off the shoulders

with the posture and expression generally meant to evoc or mimic persian concepts of manliness including the furrow on the forehead and brow as well as the unibrow which was considered a sign of beauty
the big earlopes in Chinese culture as well as others in the east symbolism wisdom
with big arms and legs being considerd desirable at the time as well as a solid head
those features are commonly seen on depictions of mashals generals champions etc
this is in contrast to the orderliness demanded of depictions in more conservative styles desiring austerity with upright straight postures
the popular idea of a warrior prior to this portion of the tang being more aligned with the ideas of strength in traditional chinese culture the stomach being the sea of Chi and therefore the source of a mans strength and power strong people having strong stomachs and therefore a "barrel like shape" as in rotund (and in some cases fat looking)

another statue this one with a beckoning gesture issuing a challenge to come forward or to approach him
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If you're serious about art then you'll bump right up after a month or so, which I know you are. Every artist goes through the block for various reasons. Hell, I took a week off from work thinking I'm gonna draw tons and artist block hit me and I didn't draw shit, but I know I'll recover, I've been through this way too many times. Also try and stay away from art chatrooms unless you know the people in there, if a place like that can't spot a tryhard shitter then it's not worth its weight in shit and will devolve into tranny tier drama shit in no time (speaking from experience)

Maybe in 2, maybe later, maybe 10 years from now on, but it will happen, because things like this - the spirit of the nations exist, they are in the blood and when the nation is threatened the blood will answer to the danger. Not the first not the last time russian blood will fight for itself for real
Thats literally happening in the USA and we have fag flags. Kys
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>Zero sympathy for any Russians killed in occupied Crimea.
>These people know it's occupied territory. Know it's a warzone.
>Know Ukraine's in the process of liberating it.
>Over 800 vehicles cuing up today to cross a bridge used as a logistic supply route for Russian military - all for a cheap holiday.
And le monke doesn't care about his serfs getting killed in the process, but would rather use them as martyrs to justify his failed 3 days special military operation
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vittu saatana perkele pretty much
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>its okay to attack civilians because....we said we were going to do it!
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
This isn't funny, these are those dude's final moments before the Moskals execute in some sadistic snuff film and post it to Telegram for views.
This is so messed up
>shootdown of Patriot interceptors
It's happened before; I think on one occasion the Israelis claimed to have shot down a 5V28 (or some other interceptor associated with the S-200 system) so as to protect one of their own aircraft. It's not that different from engaging a ballistic missile. Of course, there's more to it than that - I'd have to know where the Patriot interceptors were fired from, which Russian systems were supposedly responsible, etc.

>hohols ATACMS atrocity
I've not paid too much attention. Apparently the azimuth from which the missile arrived indicates it wasn't aimed at the Belbek airfield. Some poasters on Twatter have looked into it, considered the geography, etc. I might go and apprise myself of their findings. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter too much. Do bear in mind, the hohols have directly attacked civilians on plenty of occasions. I believe (based on Flightradar records) some US UAV was seen to have been observing the area relatively shortly before the attack, which is in keeping with the usual pattern.
I miss the Boogdanoff brothers every day, anon.
>complains about glowies
>gets jannied instead
Hmmm.... really gets your noggin' joggin'.
Pic rel.
>Which is art
Anything is art that you call art, including your MSPaint scribbles, anon. That's never been a question.
>I have a reference, I can draw pretty much anything
Yes, that's perfectly fine. To my understanding very few artists (if any) would just draw "from memory". They would always use references for certain pieces of their work or the whole work (landscape, still life)
>and start creating
This question makes no sense to me. As an artist you are always replicating something to put down on paper/screen... Are you asking "when do I get good enough to draw whatever I want"?

I am glad you have a clear view of the situation and I hope you press on in this endeavour because (as with physical fitness) ultimately you are doing this for YOU. Could you please post a photo of something you drew with physical media that's also not anime-styled/inspired?
I love your art bro
the art community really sucks, so full of arrogant self-important assholes
yeah, feeling that way really makes it hard to do anything
that faggot sounds really insecure, he was probably projecting his own practices onto you

Your point? Yes Russia is in tight spot, yes this is not the last war with Ukraine
>Ukraine's in the process of liberating it.
Bro, it's over. Even Crimea's bridge is not a target anymore.
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100s of Ukrainian soldier's lives are destroyed daily by FABs
Maybe they were using Patriots as AGMs? God knows that missile likes veering into the ground! Probably not, but eh who knows?
>Russia is trying to spin this as a deliberate attack on civilians, but that doesn't pass the smell test
Why would the warhead deploy if it was shot down? It seems somewhat likely that civilians were intentionally as Russian air defense is probably weak there.
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Nice numerals but thats not enough
thought those were rats at first
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I am not so sure about that, ukrops have been destroying everything that protects the bridge
fucking jumpscares man
The thought did occur to me when I heard of this rare and unusual case of SAM-on-SAM violence, but I think if the hohols were using Patriot interceptors in a surface-to-surface mode, the Russians would at least mention it.

As for the submunitions deploying - it's perfectly possible. Say you're carrying an armful of limes and someone kicks you in the shins - you'd naturally spill a few, right? Same idea.
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back to feggit.
Some talking head recently said that they had psychologically destroyed the bridge, so there is no point to actually destroying it.
You forgot about the part where they put them through the masturbation machine and make them pull the trigger to a curved barrel shotgun to make it a suicide.
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KKK was originally not really an antisemitic org but became more and more antisemitic over time, especially after Leo Frank and WWII.

Yes. The ADL was founded to convince the KKK that a nigger raped a White girl when a jew (Leo Frank) was the real rapist. They failed to convince him because the evidence was extremely obvious, and they killed Leo Frank.
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I use references a lot with characters I have not drawn, and after drawing them a few times I get to know their make-up better and draw them without the reference. But, that still is replication. I want to create without frame or reference, but unfortunately, I can only grasp what I know.
And I will draw something traditionally, it will be a bit before I can post it though.
I hope you find your pace too, fren! And yes, I shot myself in the foot by being in a chatroom.
They are a capable artist, it is unfortunate that they chose to use me like some form of stepping stone for no reason. Their art on its own is okay, to shit on a random person online to try and boost said art though, that is where lines start to get crossed.
before the retarded hohols and natroon propaganda there was never a mention on anything like hitting ground targets with ad systems.
you can just send them in a ballistic random trajectory maybe, but its fucking retarded
noice, she reminds me of the girl in "indiana jones- raiders of the lost arc".

some resting bitch face and habitus.. sexy!
Yes. I was going to - I realized erroneously so I didn't - say that Frank was a member of the KKK. There were plenty of Jews in the South at the time, and they were quite well-off; they were well-represented among the elite of society in many of the cities of the South, and there were at least some Jewish Klansmen.
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, anon! Fog of war means we'll likely never know for certain, but it's nice to at least be aware of the probability.

Personally, I trust RUMoD reports more than anything from the West/UA because it would be much more embarassing for RUMoD to get caught in a lie (although I am sure they also play with numbers/obfuscate details for a variety of reasons).

>beach attack
This is the location of the base (yellow) and beach (red). Even if hohols were shooting missiles from container ships out in Black Sea the trajectory to Belbeck does not cross the beach area.
It's another tragedy and I am burned out reading comments justifying the deaths because the beach goers were "occupiers" (and not, in their majority, people who lived in Sevastopol before 2014 and continue to live there).

It's like the Vampir MLRS attacks on Belgorod. My mother was born there and when she got those news it was the first time in a while that I saw her cry.

Hopefully Russia is able to figure out something to do with drones and AWACS planes in Black Sea international waters without giving USA a strong enough reason to escalate. I recommend more fly-by fuel dumps.
stinky status?
new york status?
spy x family: code white (sub) status?
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You can indeed draw without any reference at all after you understand how things work.
The main pain in the ass to get there is understanding how light bounces off clusters of shapes and different materials and projecting things you figured from top and sides into a three dimensional shape.
Understanding shapes, biomechanics and anatomy is mainly a matter of memorizing information instead, a lot of it.

Also there's no shame in using reference, I swear most of those so called masters of yore couldn't paint a lit ball from memory to save their life.
And I'm talking fine art here, as far as you're concerned you can keep stuff unshaded and just figure out how to project shapes and draw juicy female glutes if that's all you need.

And fuck chatrooms, went to an Archlinux one once, the loudest were a Gentoo using couple of fatherless kids bitching about systemd, dependencies and the great threat of xorg breaking your system.
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Beautiful my Fren
thank you soo much I love your drawings
Look up the "Free SAM Simulator." Many SAM systems actually do have a secondary surface-to-surface mode. I think this is particularly important for some naval SAM systems - the term is SASS; I don't recall quite what the acronym stands for, but it's something like "surface-to-air surface-to-surface."

For some SAM systems that had a nuclear capability (the Nike-Hercules, for example) their surface-to-surface capability was actually quite important.
I miss loliposting anon. Wonder if he got drafted.
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>using Patriots as AGMs
I doubt that only because of how small UA's airforce is. It's reported that their fleet of SU-25s is now in single digit. They did use them to try and halt Russia's advances in Kharkov area and, I believe, lost two more airframes for their trouble.
>Why would the warhead deploy if it was shot down?
Because the container around the submunitions was compromised and the submunitions still retained some of the missile's velocity. Pic is not ATACAMS, but the concept is the same.
All artists use reference, anon. You should see how much nips use 3d models to draw their characters over. The trick isn't to draw without reference, it's to have the confidence to access your already existing ideas library inside your head and not think it's too generic so you have to look for something else. I still struggle with that myself but I'm not very creative in general, but if you watch enough anime, look at enough pictures you'll build your library in no time.
>and you needed multiple breaches to assault.
someone should have told the ottomans besieging vienna back in the days...
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Don't give up
it was done for thousand of years, war never changes
I like this one a lot
I think he misspoke, or else he's using a non-standard abbreviation - he means "SSMs." I think he meant "AGM" as "anti-ground missile."

Patriot isn't designed with any kind of secondary ground-to-ground capability, but I'm sure you could tranny-rig something up. If Patriot has proven ineffective in its stated role, you might as well get some use out of them; additionally, you might be able to avoid using the radar. No emissions means greater security.
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>KKK was originally not really an antisemitic org but became more and more antisemitic over time, especially after Leo Frank and WWII.
Actually, I should clarify this:
1. The KKK consisted of two different organizations, one in the late 19th century and one in the early 20th century.
2. The Leo Frank incident did not really affect the KKK that much ideologically; being reasonable like that was a standard part of being American, and death was a standard punishment for rape.
3. The KKK was dissolved during WWII and post-WWII was not able to effectively reorganize; however, since WWII it has become nearly impossible to discern which organization could or could not be a true successor, and most of these groups are heavily infiltrated by feds. Furthermore, they have abandoned a large amount of the old ideology (despite Wikipedia claiming otherwise), and now generally hold that WASP is unworkable and "White Christian nationalism" is superior. One of my favorite stories about how bizarrely it's changed is that I was talking to a Klansman awhile back, and he told me he was French Catholic and met his Irish Catholic wife at a Klan meeting. The KKK is supposed to prohibit French, Irish, and Catholics.
It's basically a social club which has been mocked whenever they would attempt to do anything serious for ages now. Even at the Second Klan's peak, when they managed to pass two amendments to the United States Constitution, they were mocked for their claims that their social club would actually enforce these amendments.

Yeah the rules on membership have always varied wildly and at times are just obviously never enforced. And then sometimes you have a retard do something like shoot someone in broad daylight for disobeying the Klan and people go "Wtf?" Reminds me of a meme where this whole Klan meeting is labeled with /his/ and /b/ etc. and then /pol/ is the only one talking about how he hates niggers.
Which is sad. Imagine you get conscripted, beaten into signing the forms, sent to the front line with 3 days of training to sit in a trench. You don't even see the enemy, you just die from a FAB strike...
The way that UA government throws away lives of its own citizens is one reason I hope they see justice.
>I want to create without frame or reference
My understanding is that you ALWAYS want a frame of reference unless you are drawing very similar things over and over from muscle memory essentially.
It sounds like you just want to create your OC instead of copying someone else's drawing. That's totally doable, but anime is not the way. It's the stuff you do AFTER you feel confident in the basics of figure drawing and shading.
But again, I only know how to appreciate art. I haven't drawn anything in decades.
ALso I agree completely with what pasta-anon wrote here: >>472698474
Try your hand at drawing Buhanochka like this, fren.
May I suggest prompting an AI to generate reference images?
nothing better to show a woman shes your firl than putting your hand on her ass!
Is it the Jews?
Goodnight frens
/chug/ - art critique and nafo shilling
>I recommend more fly-by fuel dumps.
correction: tragic. unforseen malfunctions in the fuel system... or unhappy little accidents while crossing the flightpath to close creating turbulence and, sorry, a stall... accidents happen.
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Exactly. And it is a pain in the ass. I have no problem with using references, I just feel weirdly limited even with my understanding. I get how the sun beads across certain surfaces, I have seen how water splatters against solid objects in the rain, I lack the capacity to replicate it in my art. It could be that I expect too much of MS Paint, and thus, I limit myself, but other programs at times become so burdensome with their odd layouts. Maybe if I just spend a few months on Krita I can figure it out.
No problem! I forgot she was smuggling it, so I quickly added a bag and border patrol.
Tinkering with the 3D model thing, I found myself insanely limited. It was nice having something anatomically right, sure, but I felt like nothing can be done with it. At that point, why not make a 3D model character, rig it and make 3D animation? I know you are not saying to do that, but I really have no idea how to use it in a way that helps me. Thank you for the advice! I may just randomly doodle my ideas and post them here on occasion to see how they are taken.
I suppose, but that would be the OC "Artfag" I made to represent myself in drawings. It is rarely posted, but the red clothed character in a beret is supposed to be a rep of my retardation. And I will try drawing Buhanka-chan in that style, thank you!
And yes, I am pretty all over the place in terms of what I can and cannot do in art. I can see 3-dimensionally in my mind, but sometimes what I can envision is beyond me in terms of drawing.
Thanks for the suggestion, I might try it.
> SAM-on-SAM violence
Yes, it's a bit far-fetched.
>As for the submunitions deploying - it's perfectly possible
Aren't they deployed by RADAR? I suppose it's possible.
I use my long range SAMs as attack missiles in Highfleet and it works great.
>I doubt that only because of how small UA's airforce is. It's reported that their fleet of SU-25s is now in single digit. They did use them to try and halt Russia's advances in Kharkov area and, I believe, lost two more airframes for their trouble.
What? What do you mean?
>Because the container around the submunitions was compromised and the submunitions still retained some of the missile's velocity. Pic is not ATACAMS, but the concept is the same.
I doubt it, it appeared to deploy normally. If the missile was indeed shot down the fuze was probably not damaged.
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goodnight taynafren!
I wouldn't recommend that approach because the current iteration of AI doesn't actually know anything. It's just guessing. "What is the probability of this word (or pixel) being next?"

Artist-anon >>472698151 cannot escape the need to learn the basics before he can "start creating". If only he realized that he's ALREADY creating, even if he needs to copy (not trace!) someone else's work line by line. Even anime artwork follows rules of human body proportions and shading; it's just more stylized with exaggerated in parts.

Pic rel.
compared to just the usual nafo shilling during mutt hours that seems an improvement.
Sad, but people tend to die of explotions on battlefields. Just don't go to the front.
The one trying to send you to die is your actual enemy, just deal with it as a man or accept your destiny to be mandated like a kid and die by fab.
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Dunno how I forgot to include these two posts, sorry. Thank you both! I will try harder.
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Bro just for you, I'll share some of the stuff I actually do for living.

Never give up on art. Don't listen to the world, no matter how "right" you think they are. If you enjoy what you do and it's completely harmless, no one has the right to judge you or tell you to stop. Being an artist is being an outsider and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you can actually push the haters that live rent free out of your head and actually enjoy what you do and with that pleasure comes genuine progress and even more love of what you do. We all here love your work bro, even I - a professional artist with more than 15 years of art education and 10 years in work - spread a smile every time when I see you post here. Don't let some fucking dweeb bring you down.

Enjoy day, Have a smile.
Have you a tablet? Start with a black background and draw in white. You're working with light.

>Aren't they deployed by RADAR? I suppose it's possible.
An ATACMS missile has a radar altimeter, and normally the submunitions are deployed by some mechanism which operates at a certain height - this being determined by the radar altimeter. But if the missile is struck and breaks apart, quite naturally some of the bomblets - which are pretty sturdy - will be released and dispersed, almost as if they had been deployed, although of course not as effectively as if they'd been deployed normally.
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ooooh ooooh aaaah aaaaah
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He he
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so this is what the piss summit was about
to make the ukraine even more brown
If you are brown and circumcised reply to my post.
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I don't look like that
They appeared to deploy normally doe
You're both overcomplicating things, you can draw well enough even if you just focus on anime style because of how much detail and anatomy knowledge you already learn from drawing anime. Not the mention how good anime in general is at recreating the real world, the endless styles, lighting methods etc. Anyway this is useless since anon already said he can draw from real life just fine.
With the 3D thing, it has more to do with achieving a certain pose you want from a certain angle that you can't or don't have the time to find a pic of, doesn't have to be a fully fledged 3d model, even a couple of boxes to match the proportions helps. But that's for mangakas who have to pump out multiple pages a week/month and don't have the time for research, some animators use it too for obvious reason.
But yeah, I only use 3d for backgrounds on occasion, you can get really nice results with it but my "style" is too over the place to be consistent and proficient with it.

truth spoken
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It's always been da joos, fren.
Mate, here's the thing, art might be about "freedom and creativity", but only after you put in the hard work of building a foundation of skill for it. I believe that you are "all over the place" and you gotta fix that if you want to see progress.
The image you posted: the proportions and perspective are reasonably well done for a hasty sketch. Like, it's good for what it is. It's just barely started. Try challenigng yourself by taking a realistic human figure (in whatever context) and getting it to DONE DONE where all the details you want is there plus light/shadow.
>/chug/ - art critique and cute posting
Fixed that for you, fren.
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Marian Kamensky. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of geopolitics most of the jokes will go over a typical readers head. There's also Kamensky's biting critique, which is deftly woven into his cartoons - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Germany's long tradition of scat porn, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Kamensky truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Vladimir Putin walking around SHIRTLESS, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons, I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kamensky's genius unfolds itself on their computer screen. What fools... how I pity them.

this is the future they have in store for all for us as tajiks and muslims are replacing russians at alarming speeds
You do have to e.g. prompt it a few times to get suitable results. Do bear in mind that, at least in principle, a multilayer neural network can represent any function - and lots of things are functions. It's my understanding that there's a lot happening "under the hood" with e.g. generative AI - we just don't understand how to make sense of it yet. There's a precedent for this - nowadays, in an applied math course, you'll learn all kinds of stuff about the basics of various methods of numerical integration, criteria for stability, etc. Well, a lot of that wasn't known at all in the 50s/early 60s, but people still managed to do a lot of useful and impressive things with numerical integration using the then-new high-speed digital computers.
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How do you know what a normal deployment is supposed to look like? Just for starters, the missile looks like it fell short - some of the bomblets did fall on the beach, but most fell short, in the water.
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isch over
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alas for I am but a humble MSP nigga
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That is very impressive! I love the depth to your works, it is very clear why you do this as a living. The hatching to make the rain, but distinct figures carved into it. The ominous and clearly troubled station with no visible habitants but was clearly under some form of distress, I like the clear depth of it and the way it looks accessible. The samurai with the apparition on his back is just plain awesome, I love how the face is obscured in darkness but he is very clearly full of intent to act and is only being held back by her.
Really exceptional work!
I will give it a shot, I know my drawings are often hasty and lack shading. I will try to render fully some form of man doing any task, see where I end up.
That makes a lot of sense. I venture that such tech has probably made some stress in the process go down.
I'm sure people will love up to go work in a country that is about to be conquered.
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lmao, I liked that.
Were you watching the missile?
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>What do you mean?
What do you mean "what do I mean"? UA had less than 9 SU-25 CAS jets a few months ago and they are reported to have lost 2 of them in the area of the Kharkov assault in order to stem the ruZZian orc tide.
>it appeared to deploy normally
It most certainly did not. ATACAMS submunitions are meant to spin as they deploy in order to arm them and to spread them in a geometric pattern. In the video of the incident we see these submunitions falling all over the place with no apparent pattern.

And yes, Russia calling this a "DELIBERATE attack on civilians at the beach" is BS.
One other thing notable from the "beach incident" is the political fallout. Putin is well aware how powerful perceptions can be and he doesn't want hardliners in the Duma/Kremlin gaining more power because they can call him "weak". So now we have Russia "downgrading" relations with the west and issuing threats against American overseas targets/interests. As another example the terror attacks on Belgorod resulted in Putin calling for a "sanitary cordon" and launching an attack in Kharkov.
The road to nuclear armageddon is paved with little steps and so far it appears that the only adults in the room are sitting in the Kremlin (and I hope I'm very wrong about this...)
Based, concept artist?
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No more questions
>It most certainly did not. ATACAMS submunitions are meant to spin as they deploy in order to arm them and to spread them in a geometric pattern. In the video of the incident we see these submunitions falling all over the place with no apparent pattern.

mutt trying to comprehend basic physics
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stalin 3000
What the fuck does SU-25s have do with Patriots
>It most certainly did not. ATACAMS submunitions are meant to spin as they deploy in order to arm them and to spread them in a geometric pattern. In the video of the incident we see these submunitions falling all over the place with no apparent pattern.
Okay maybe it was shot down then.
>someone should have told the ottomans besieging vienna back in the days...
That's what half the battle was about.
But they also used explosives.
hes dumb.
the geometric pattern will exist only for a few seconds then disappear.
try throwing a bunch of marbles while moving and have them keep their pattern, its impossible
>We got another empty building mein monke)))
Post more monke
It sure is empty after that strike
It's not about how good my work is. See the stupid elf in the middle? That's how I started. I started by trying to draw retarded anime figures because that was what I liked and what I wanted to do. Everyone around me pushed me to draw some realistic studies and/or some traditional painting stuff which was boring to me and I never had money for that equipment. 15 years later and I'm one of the few people from my generation that is still doing art simply because I love doing it and I still enjoy every single scribble I do while everyone else became hateful and spiteful because they let the world dictate what they should or shouldn't do. Just love your work and challenge yourself with each new artwork and don't surround yourself with spiteful losers.

I can do that yes, but I usually do other stuff too.
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>learning anatomy from anime
Stopped reading there. Please go to MNAC and get some perspective.
>try to render fully some form of man doing any task
Try it and get the drawing to 99% as good as you could possibly make it. Because it's easy to "hide" or avoid the hard work by making MSPaint scribbles, but that's not how you grow/advance as an artist.
Just take the L and admit you were talking out of your ass. We all make mistakes, anon.
>The missile executes a stabilized spin during its terminal attack, with the payload dispenser covers blowing off and centrifugal force sending the bomblets flying in a large rounded pattern.
Are you a fucking retard, VPN-nigger, or are you just pretending?
>SU-25s have do with Patriots
You mentioned AGMs and SU-25s would be a candidate platform for carrying them, retard.
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The only gore telegram channels ive ever seen were Ukrainian. I havent seen a telegram on Russian war crimes and executing POWs or killing civilians only Ukrainian Telegrams.
no idea
i just find it funny old democrats are Klanmen y and how many old kkk members are in the US governenment senate and congress (most of them being democrats but supporting weird diversity things or foreign wars or just israel or NGOs and lobbies)

as for the KKK itself i never cared i do like the movie they made over a hundred years ago as well as the knights crusader art and posters
>VEH DEH VEH in hostomel be like
He misspoke; he meant SSMs; he was referring to Patriot being used in a surface-to-surface mode.

These are great. I hope the glownigger behind these got a pay raise
>>The missile executes a stabilized spin during its terminal attack, with the payload dispenser covers blowing off and centrifugal force sending the bomblets flying in a large rounded pattern.
so not even geometric just a spread pattern and would you look at that the impact looks absolutely random
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>see the stupid elf in the middle
>it's 100x better than anything I've ever drawn
David Duke (Ex- KKK Leader) Has a podcast where he only talks about Jews and Israel.
Don Black (Ex-KKK Leader) Owns a Website called stormfront which is pretty much pol but for boomers and Gen X. Its just a Nazi board where they talk about how Jews run the world but there is some occult stuff to it.
David Duke enforces Nick Fuentes who is the modern leader in Americas far right against Jews. Nick Fuentes conference had a lot of far right people attend including David Duke and Jared Taylor. (Far Right Author)
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(AI sl*p doesn't count)
>Stopped reading there.
You just admitted you haven't drawn in decades, nigger. Leave it to an amerimutt to talk and give opinions on things he doesn't understand.
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Have you ever seen an atacams bomblet? Gee, I wonder what those little lines are there for...
>a circular spread is not geometric
>it means "absolutely random"
Holy shit, shut the fuck up you big black stupid gorilla nigger
Thank you for clarifying. I knew >>472701829 was a retard, but I didn't realize how bad it was.
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To clarify, using reference for minute and specific things like that is fine and dandy, particles, light bouncing, a little tendon and skin fold here and there.
The problem is when you use a reference to copy things 1:1 without understanding the shape itself, unless you're content with being a glorified xerox machine you'll stunt yourself.

Apples and oranges, one thing is copying something and one thing is figuring out how to put any shape into a 3 dimensional space, without that skill it looks damn flat, it's slow as shit, it's not repeatable and it's downright unnerving to do.
Why settle with that? Might as well troon out at that point.
That's the dangerous part of the ai. I'm pro ai and it's very useful for the artists, but that shit can be very poisonous for beginners because it kills your drive to improve when you can just prompt stuff.
I gotta dip out for a bit, but the Wikipedia article has some information on the expected coverage of the e.g. M39. May I suggest you look on DTIC? There might be some relevant PDFs.

It's very hard to judge things like the performance of cargo munitions from surveillance camera footage, by the way - everything happens very fast. There's a reason the ranges they use to flight-test these things have to have all that expensive and highly-specialized instrumentation, you know. With that said, you can still discern something from the available footage, esp. if you cross-reference it with satellite images.
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>You just admitted you haven't drawn in decades
You realize that doesn't mean I don't know HOW to draw or that I don't know the fundamentals of figure drawing, right?
You're the faggot who says "you can learn how to draw from anime".
No, Carpthian-nigger, you can't. You think those Mangakas in Japan start and end by drawing anime? LMAO go eat a second breakfast.
Pic related: your free pass to "anime world".
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Thank you very much for your insight! It means a great deal to me, even though I did not say it outright. The elf in the middle is very cute, be sure to post more of her! I tend to be scatterbrained in my responses, but I am going to take what you said to heart and work to improve myself and make what I enjoy! Thank you very much!
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You don't know how to draw, you can only talk shit over the internet and repeat some shit you heard some /ic/ tranny spew once while you were visiting the gloryhole, you fat fucking nigger. Pull that pin and shove that grenade up your axe wound.
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You thought Patriot could be launched from SU-25s, but I'm the retarded one, huh?
>But I've never heard of tunnel diffing for offensive purposes.
Has already been described to bring down city walls. But in both cases in ukraine, it was existing tunnels that the russians cleared and used. The whole of ukraine was turned into a fortress by the soviets with underground facilities everywhere. Almost like ours.
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>Chug posts comfy and funny images
>Uhg posts disgusting and gruesome images
I'd like to think I am edgy and enjoy some dark humour, but there's something about actively seeking out gore that is poisonous to your mind and heart. I don't understand how glowniggers think posting gore will win people to their side at all.
it is random it just throws out the pellets at a certain altitude. look at the footage there is no pattern anywhere.
the attack was absolutely intentional and hohols doubled down saying it was too
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"Democrats are the real racists!"
The KKK doesn't really exist in modern America. Sure there are little small groups who claim they are something but in a country of 400 million people you are going to get anything. Modern day the only movement that is far right in the US is on Rumble and Twitter.
Sounds about right. Still, used to draw a lot when I was a kid though, never got even a little bit good at it.
If you're only interested in copying shit and not learning how it works in the first place it doesn't matter what medium you're trying to replicate. I pretty much agree with your former statement, I just thought you were scaring the guy off with how much he needs to learn.
picrel is uniroincally closer to the truth than the official narrative.
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One posts 3 days SMO content
The other is just off topic circlejerk
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It's because Ukraines side are the Jews who want a full Genocide on goyim. We don't actually like seeing brutal death its horrible. Jews worship Satan and are the start of all evil they actually enjoy the death and enjoy the war. Anyone calling for Genocide of someone else is a Jew.
>I don't understand how glowniggers think posting gore will win people to their side at all.
They don't, they think they're scaring chuggies off to keep their hugbox clean
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>never been to a museum
>never picked up a brush
>recommends people start with drawing anime
You're a retard and you're not even white. Many such cases.
>mistook SSMs for AGMs
>hurrrr, I'm not retarded, I was only pretending!
>circular pattern
>b..but that's not a pattern!
>hohols doubled down saying it was too
Link a source, faggot. Telegram doesn't count.
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/uhg/ did have someone who did MS Paint art, but I don't think their work got popular though. The excuse as I know it is, "it's war, people die". They forget that broadcasts of people dying is a recent thing, not a historic thing. And another thing they forget is war reporters specifically recorded people in agony as a anti-war message.
/chug/ I fucked up. Remember that tiktok girl I told you about that wants to hang out with me tomorrow? Turns out I'm not getting shit tomorrow she's super fucking christian so I'm sitting here acting like I looooooove me some Jesus and she just wants to go on a date and get serious with someone but I already lied and said I'm single
I think I might've dug myself into a hole with this one but I'm going to keep fucking digging until I strike gold
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I learned to draw from anime and I'm a professional artist. Don't discourage other people because you're failed at something in a specific way, loser.

Good to hear! Elf is cute, Buhanka is cuter!

How much did you draw daily? How many hours?
You are a well poisoner.
I'm the thread animator, you spastic goatse for brains spear chucker
Ding-dong! Get ready for that marriage, anon!
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Hitler did some bad things but overall he was a Catholic and wanted the best for every race. He was just angry that the Jews were doing a genocide on Germans and so when he heard the SS were committing war crimes he didn't care and let it happen because he wanted revenge. Though the deaths were in the thousands not 6 million but even thousands of deaths is evil.
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>I'm a professional artist
Can you actually draw something that's not anime? :^)
Let us know when you plan on trooning out, anon.
More like you're the thread's ESL retard.
Go steal another BMW from Germany. That's all Romani shitskins are good for.
I keep wondering about that 6 million figure. Like, do we have the names for all 6 million? Do we know where they came from and where they lived? The Germans are supposed to have kept meticulous documents, right???
So you lied about being single and a devout Christian to score some easy pussy?
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We're all retards here, don't pretend to be above it all.
An hour maybe? I still have like 30 full drawing books from primary school
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never claimed that the original klan or the second klan exist in modern day america
as for the rest i do not disagree with your comments and statements

but when it comes to american politics anything beyond trump kennedy the CIA NSA (other alphabet groups) leaving NATO and pulling out of foreign wars and closing military bases abroad is irrelevant to me
hohols literally said they killed civilians and its okey cuz they are occupiers.
you cant be bothered to even watch yourt own video, i think /k/ope is more up your alley

both are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, then why not have some fun while you're at it
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tfw my venting invariably led to frens fighting over art and such.
It did help me to hear a lot of methods to improve, even if I responded in ways that were implying I already knew, it doesn't mean the reminders are bad in fact they were very helpful in jogging my memory on other methods and ways to work.
It is not really well known but I struggle with my memory for some reason, ever since I worked in a metal polishing shop I had lots of issues with short term and long term memory. I work in agriculture now, and though my memory has not improved, it is not getting worse so there is nothing to worry about there.
Thanks again to everyone here, sorry it somehow spiralled into a fight about art.
I'm a well poisoner because I dont think Trump is conservative enough and I think that the KKK doesnt exist in a large size.

Bro got a Virgin girl who is religious and wants to date and you want to just have sex because you're a dopamine addicted retard who isn't religious? You're everything wrong with society. Find some love in you're retarded mind and love a partner and have a Christian family before you end up like some fat Athiest Redditor.
kys you fucking disgusting weak peace of shit. why are you apologizing because of some mutt being actually retarded?
>sorry it somehow spiralled into a fight about art.
meanwhile, the line of contact is disintegrating, and the rout is on
but yeah, post moar elf
>Commiting war crimes
How can you commit anything else than animal abuse on hohol???
no not all six million names are recorded also the official number has been reduced a few times now to a million or a little there-over

also most names are none confirmable
and most lists and document chains etc are incomplete and fairly few in number mostly because of lost documents archive fires and lack of willingness to preserve some documents that where deemed unnecessary
Privately he was an atheist, publicly he was probably the most non-denominational Christian it was possible to be in 1930s Europe.
>He was just angry that the Jews were doing a genocide on Germans and so when he heard the SS were committing war crimes he didn't care and let it happen because he wanted revenge. Though the deaths were in the thousands not 6 million but even thousands of deaths is evil.
Who cares they're jews. I'm more concerned with the white people that died, though I don't think Hitler necessarily wanted that to happen, he still bears a lot of the responsibility (especially for the German-Soviet war).
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Art niggers. I propose a contest. Whomever draws the best monke putin is the best artist.
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>Can you actually draw something that's not anime? :^)
Absolutely, I'm an architect by profession.
>More like you're the thread's ESL retard.
What an impotent faggot tier comeback.
>hurr durr gypsy
My nigger, you're american, if you went outside once in a while maybe you'd have the primal urge in your peanut brain to keep your mouth shut out of shame
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Ah...now I get it. Not only are you a loser, but you're a well poisoning faggot. Nice
>an hour maybe
Ummm...I don't wanna demotivate you...but that's very little.
I've been drawing for like 4-10 hours every day from age 5 simply because I was bored and drawing was fun. I only started to improve drastically when i was 18-19 when i actually started picking up some theory and looking at tutorials. I don't come from artistic family so all of the stuff I did till highschool was self taught and atrocious..
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>meanwhile, the line of contact is disintegrating, and the rout is on
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Jews running the west??? How is the Kennedy assassination higher priority than our governments being fully controlled? Sure yes pulling out of wars and leaving NATO is important but nothing will ever happen if we only have Shabbos Goy Poloticians. Trump just took 100 Million dollars from a Jew Woman Billionaire to let Israel annex the West Bank. You think Russia Ukraine is bad? Wait tell its 20 Trillion dollars for a war with Iran that we cant win. PLUS Funding Israel in Lebanon.
>has freedom
>chooses to bomb civilians
>chooses to antagonise neighbour
ukraine lost its freedom as a direct response to their actions
i'm not even remotely slavic (confirmed with genetic test) yet everyone says I look like a slav.
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>hohols literally said they killed civilians
Post an official source taking responsibility for the civilian deaths or shut your fucking gob. (Protip: you can't)
We have plenty of examples of official Xoxol terror attacks on civilians. Try not making up even more shit. That's a xruk thing to do.
Despite the misunderstanding I thought you'd be happy to know that Ukraine has fewer operational Su-25s than the average Ukrainian has fingers, but it was all "xryuuuuu ur a retard" from you, anon. Sadge.
>worked in a metal polishing shop
>has memory issues
You probably huffed some stinky stuff without proper protection and ended up losing some brain cells as a result, anon. That really sucks. Try writing things down in your phone at least if you know your own memory is unreliable.
Good luck with your art journey, nigga. We're all lucky if we have something that fuels our creative/inspirational side.
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I still remember when I saw one of those edits and immediately needed to draw this.
(This is old btw it does not count to anything.)
>Russians used tunned warfare again
>well built trenches, tunnels and uparmoring
>artillery warfare enthusiasts
>main exports are shit you find in the ground
They're fucking dwarves, not orks
Jfk was killed by the jews so LBJ could push the welfare and civil rights act and escalate the war
Oh yeah no you're not demotivating me, I'm well aware that it's not enough. I don't have the inclination to even spend 1 hour a day nowadays though.
Jfk was killed by jews because he wanted the aipac precursor to be registered as a foreign agent
I wish Russians executed hohol POW-s...
Rustoleum paint fumes, adds that little extra something.
JFK was killed by Jews because he wanted to ban AIPAC and was against Israels Nuclear Program and LBJ was a shabbos goy who would allow Israel to do anything they wanted.
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>attacking everyone in sight
lmao, chihuahua balt detected
So you're telling me that the 6 million number is most likely completely made up? :^)
>USA: 13% shitskin
>Romania: 100% shitskin
What were you saying about shame?
Oh right, you're a draftsman pretending to be an artist. LMAO, nice cope, faggot.

I'm a dawi man and the book of grudges keeps expanding
That and also because he was against Israel nuclear proliferation
The signs were there
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He seems interested in drawing without references and at least some realistic shading.
I just told what's necessary and what's optional with limitations and also what's somewhat complex and what's just a matter of memorizing.
I cannot soften it more than that.
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Why not both? They also killed the two black civil righta guys because they stopped toeing the party line and they killed JFKs brother to stop him from being president
Me and the Romanian are on the same page lol
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>but it was all "xryuuuuu ur a retard" from you, anon. Sadge.
False allegations.
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I'm gonna need to see some more elaborate tunnels than just a straight line. And a lot more buff wide manlets
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>Absolutely, I'm an architect by profession.
Me too.
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There were many reasons to Kill JFK but the Jews did it and that's all that matters. They kicked Nixon out of Office because he was against the Jews too.
are those guys okay
it's still pride month in your shithole, you can't use these words
I wish i got between those tits
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So that's a "no" then. No wonder you're self-taught. No one would accept into an art program when your entire portfolio is anime titties.
Russians as a whole? No.
People from Donetsk/Lugansk, many of whom worked in the mining industry that was huge in the region? Absolutely yes.
Are you saying that CIA was run by jews at the time, anon?
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Jesus, you yankees sure like to go ballistic.
Have you seen that one trench in Surovikin's line?
no i only attack mutts
kek, based. I see shills are very weak to elfposting
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>13% shitskin
Holy fuck, and I thought hohols were deluded
>Oh right, you're a draftsman pretending to be an artist
You sound very mad, jealous cause you're an untalented try hard and your dad jogged out of your life perhaps?
Fair enough
Its always the fucking jews.
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i have a list of possible culprits
Yeah anon I did. I know man but goddamn I'm telling you this girl is hot as fuck
Yeah I'm thinking maybe I should just go on this date and break up with my current girlfriend if it goes good. I don't know man I didn't expect this
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Why would I be jealous of someone who needed to earn a 6 year degree only to get paid absolute shit? Maybe it's different in your shithole, but Architect is one of the least prestigious jobs in the West due to the amount of work required for the payoff.
And yes, you don't even come close to being an artist as a draftsman. Oh, you know about "vanishing point" and "perspectives". Nice cope, nigger, thanks for the laugh.
>wall of cope
Yeah, that's what I thought.
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Thanks for all your sneed. Enjoy pretending you'll be an artist some day :^)
Please tell us which Asian counties are best for fucking women and food

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