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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472697475
Ultra MAGA.
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I wonder why Japan is so clean?
Hey ptg...
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i think he wants to prevent people from getting a criminal record like he did lol
>Biden fires Obama loyalists
yes, let's have even more Left wing rifts
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Actually yes.
of course the voices of reason will get cowed into silence.
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Jimmy should come to understand what niggers and minorities are, and how japan hates minorities.
Are you that Hiki guy? He seems smart. I would like his opinion but you’re not him
don't forget tomorrow, last court opinions of the term. a bunch of 2A cases were also distributed for conference and may either be taken up for next term or sent back/dismissed
>biden firing all the guys who are managing the steal attempt
Hey, how do you think South Africa will fare under the new unity cabinet that somehow keeps the ANC in power? Will the load-shedding (power outages) get worse? Will they run out of water this year?
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It couldn't possibly be the homogenous society, socially imposed manners, and decades of nearly-unbroken right-wing governance.
they even knew i was talking about them last thread.
like, fucking lol.
guess they forget that getting caught at impersonating make them a nigger and a kike by default. the mental gymnastics are fucking real
Everything is pretty okay, lets all just act normal until things become normal again, like old times.
Granted blackrock has 99.99999999999% of all the money in the world slushing around in its account, but it has the power to make everything right again and one-punch skull-crush the rest of the world back into poverty, to make America what it was for the boomers between 1955 and 1985. Where even the lowest of the low could expect to put in a honest days work and get back a windfall worthy of the effort.

The Kikel Sodomites at Blackrock fight for us.
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i really do wonder what the scope of the immunity ruling will be
i'm pretty confident it'll be a trump loss, but the supreme court might hedge what they decide
>well presidents have immunity when X
>but not Y
>therefore the trial can move forward
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No, I am only Serenaposter.
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>Are you that Hiki guy?
doesn't that guy have long opinions or something?
they should do it, make kamala president harris by invoking the 25th
then president harris runs against trump, joe was the man who beat trump can set to the sunset
the victim of his tragic circumstances not a failure
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>that Hiki guy
Literally who?
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Nigger, spics, and jews tend to create wastelands.
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Who's going to replace him?
>Granted blackrock has 99.99999999999% of all the money in the world slushing around in its account
Hey how come the left isn't out to tax, regulate, expropriate, and otherwise destroy Blackrock? Why doesn't the left ever talk about its obscene concentration of wealth? Why doesn't someone on the left make Blackrock pay its "fair" share?
but then Trump would have to make new hats
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it is TOTAL HELEN ZILLE victory. anyways the ANC will likely buck the DA at every single possible moment and the cabinet will collapse
but hey if the DA actually gets to impact the government things actually might get better for the whole of south africa
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Do the hildawgs have a chance?
Yeah, Jimmy is coping hard. Niggers throwing chicken wings out on the street and gooning for hoes is exactly why the US sucks.
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I am Hiki, posting my characteristic awoos. Send me money and Pokemon cards.
>Are you that Hiki guy?
no he's busy being dominated by a mouse
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Outsqueaked again!
This time, yes. Fuck drumpf and his jewish handlers. Donald Trump was responsible for vaccine mandates you niggers.
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>'24 is going to be a reenactment of '16
Would be fun
honestly this is going to be the only outcome that isn't suspicious
>Biden goes from 81 million* in 2020 to 61 million in 2024
that will raise a lot of eyebrows and add further fuel to the "2020 was definitely stolen" fire because no one has ever fallen off that hard in a reelection defeat
whereas Harris getting btfo would appear to make sense since she is generally regarded as a massive cunt and no one likes her
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Say the line Biden...
I think it'll also come down to who authors the opinion, and I can't imagine it being anyone other than Roberts doing it unless for some reason they decide to give the car keys to Thomas that day lmao. from what I remember, all of the conservatives seemed pretty squeamish about the implications of hampering presidential immunity during arguments
they can't, too many people to fill the vacuum, none of them able to beat Trump on their own. I'd really like to see them try, though
If as you say, A single year of 25% taxation on income on Blackrock's books were to occur, it would be enough USD to make every single person with a social security number a deca-millionaire by the stroke of a hot sodomite's pen blessed by a Kikel from the Klan at the whitehouse.

Now granted if this were to occur, the price of a loaf of bread would rocket to like 90 thousand US Dollars, but that's okay because you have a ten million dollars to tide you over until next year. And all the prices everywhere else in the world wouldn't move, because people with social security numbers for the most part keep it inside the family.

The black hole at blackrock will pop one day, and no man can calculate the date, because the Jews keep very tight lips and even tighter ships.

Make sure there are no safehouse woodland mansions for the fuckers to escape to. They have to stay in America.
I wonder to what extent the Biden family's reasoning takes into account the likelihood that Trump would pursue prosecution of the family. They might see themselves as having no choice but to try to keep Joe in power as long as possible.
Also a girlfriend, please send me one of those too, preferably a Latina one with a clownishly large ass, and who loves takis and instagram.
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Whoops, missed the end of the thread.

They're technically operational but the admiral tea ran out of money to build the rest of the CSGs so they can still only operate at the center of American naval formations. This is VERY funny.
Hunter leaving his laptop with all that dirt on his dad
Ashley leaving her diary with that dirt on her dad
Jill not acting in Joe's best interest or caring about his mental decline
Pushing him to stay in the race that he will not win
>fire a bunch of people after YOU fuck up
Jesus Christ this is going to be hilarious lmao, Red New Jersey here we come.
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>I am the great Hikiholio
What % will Boydone and Zlimpf get? I think that the current projections of 47.1% Trump 47.2% Biden is too low for 3rd parties? I personally would like to see a 47-40 win because that would be le landslide
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Good point, we'll see
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Its starting to factionalize.
Does anyone have the DNC rulebook? nvm

Jill and co.
We've Got Obama Reps (big mike)
Killary??? whos' been strangely silent since (I assume still quite a power broker)

and the Jews
Also the california Dreamers
Nigger caucus
Cat Lady Caucus
any other groups up for grabs?
Normally, when one of their "side" stumbles bigly, the most NPC of NPCs all shout #VoteBlueNoMatterWho .
This time around... idk guys, I'm seeing less and less of the diehards and people like pic related are getting reality-based replies that b*den simply is too old
>A single year of 25% taxation on income on Blackrock's books were to occur, it would be enough USD to
I would expect this tax not to be redistributed to taxpayers in general but to be siphoned off to cronies in some sort of sham "infrastructure" bill or three-letter agency black budgets, but it would be nice to think that it could go towards shaving a whisker off the national debt instead with a bit of fiscal conservatism (that neither party has any longer).
>all of the conservatives seemed pretty squeamish about the implications of hampering presidential immunity during arguments
it's been a while, but i thought both ACB and kavanaugh pushed back pretty heavily against trump's lawyers
it'll probably be 6-3 ruling against the MAGAman himself
It's Biden's own fault for trying to prosecute his opponent in the first place. Love it or hate it "don't go after the other players" has been one of the big rules of the politics game and why Paul Ryan and McConnell threatened Trump with impeachment when he wanted to go after Hillary. Biden basically brought live ammo to a paintball game and then proceeded to miss every shot, obviously the other players aren't going to be kind with him.
>Jill not acting in Joe's best interest or caring about his mental decline
And there are people that knew and paid for this anyway
trillions with a t
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They'll have to sell them by the end of the decade. They can't afford to keep them up.
Biden brought up Trump's (imagined or real) vindictiveness repeatedly during the debate; it was obviously on whatever is left of Joe's mind.
Incredibly stupid. Gun violence isn't automatically bad
Wait so Joe Biden has been in serious decline for a while
Anything bets on trump immunity tomorrow?
>Jesus Christ
blasphemy, anon
watch out or the BS will get mad
Isn't the Trump sentencing scheduled for July 11? I expect the next two weeks will be full of fuckery.
being unable to afford basic nessicities does that to people
they'll screech and cry about about muh democracy publicly but will gladly put up with another 4 years of Trump if it means cheaper food, bills and fuel
joe has been in serious decline since even before the first time trump said trillions of dollars were at stake in these elections, yes.
burn him out.
work him till he drops.
do it jill.
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>watch out or the BS will get mad
Baptist Seminarians?
of course! trump will likely lose in the immunity case or it'll be a limited victory that will allow the DC case to move forward
not that it matters, the main goal of appealing the decision was to delay the trial until after the election and that goal was accomplished
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jen psaki and messy
reminds me of that one thing i did twice i think

That's a funny way of saying niggers chinks and jews.
His sentencing yeah, but supreme Court needs to rule on whether a president has immunity from criminal prosecution when acting in the capacity of his office. They waited until they were out of town to release the ruling.
If they decide he doesn't have immunity, that would open up criminal liability for Bush, Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc ...
Man, the campaign tell-all memoirs coming out next year are going to be spicy.
watch Biden do what they said 4 years ago Trump would do
>issue a blanket pardon to himself before leaving office
100% Newsom. They will only run a white male against Trump because they think that'll matter.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
New International Version
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
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>Isn't Blimpf's sentencing on July 11th

Yes, this is the date that matters...and no, /ptg/, FOR THE THOUSANDTH *FUCKING* TIME, Blimpf isn't going to prison...ever
>>issue a blanket pardon to himself
And his entire family.
he couldn't even do shit when he barely remember where he is at atm
Also, California is on fire again:

I know what would get very messy hehe
Newsom has never broke 60% in CA
joe was never supposed to have even happened.
it was supposed to be o > hillary > ww3 > ded
trump did the country a great service just interrupting them in 2016.
I can't let truimp's sacrifice be wasted anon.
They will kill him and everyone else otherwise.
I want to start a new /ptg/. One that isn't full of avatar fags that think they own the place and shit it up.
Does Newsom have some big skeletons in his closet?
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she means niggers
the fag knows
BIden will pardon himself and his family
but the others would be fucked
zased even
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I don't understand what Avatar fags you mean. I haven't seen anyone refer to that movie.
and is facing a 2nd recall
So /pol/ and /ptg/ and the entire MAGA crowd will want to just point to the Democrats and laugh at them, which they certainly should, but our own role in this debacle should be examined. People have been accusing Joe Biden of being senile since 2010, it's become one of the most common attacks on the guy. For literally decades now he has always shown up and managed to hold it together for debates, press conferences, or whatever. Essentially a lot of people just ignored talk of Biden being demented because it's been said for years and he always seemed fine when normies saw him, a boy who cried wolf thing. Most normies probably dismissed it as the usual political shitflinging, after all Biden spent the last year claiming Trump was senile too.

The first time he actually appeared to be suffering from cognitive issues during a major appearance was that press conference earlier this year, you know the one, it caused intense speculation, but it could safely be dismissed as a one off. Now though we've had several months in a row of odd behavior, culminating in a massive shitshow of a debate which has pretty much crippled the Democratic Party as a whole. I guess my point is that they can't be mocked for dismissing an attack on Biden that has been done for decades and didn't appear to be true until recently.
its time for president harris to do her duty and become the first african american president by invoking the 25th amendment

it is the best option for everybody involved

No niggers, leftists, centrists, syncreticists jews and pajeets.
French election results are in. RN and identitarians won with 34% of the vote. Macron got 21%.
>For literally decades now he has always shown up and managed to hold it together for debates, press conferences, or whatever
he didn't
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not at all! there's a difference between
>official acts carried out while president
>private acts
that's why obama drone striking american citizens in yemen will be okay under the new ruling! he was killing american citizens as an official act!
He’s not really a heavy hitter. He does well with White voters and Black voters in CA but Republicans hate him and “new minorities” still aren’t voting even in CA
isn't there still a 2nd round?
>become the first african american president
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>screwed his friend’s wife
>cheated multiple times
>married a soft porn star
he’s like a feline who hangs out between buildings
Replacing Biden isn't feasible because
-Passing over Harris would be called racist and have a lot of blowback
-Harris is a fucking clown
-The other options are also all losing to Trump in polls
-They would have literally 3 weeks to run a campaign before early voting starts in the midwest
What percentage of the niggers vote is he going to win this time?
Yes, and it's traditional for the left and "right" to team up to form a cordon sanitaire against the RN (formerly FN).
I can't imagine CA spics are thrilled at his push to give CA niggers muh reparations out of their tax money pockets
remember Avatar: The Last Negrokiller?
Polling showed him winning ~12% in 2020 and he won 12%. Polling here shows him winning 20-25%.
I don’t even think 30% of spics vote and CA was a free state from day 1 lol
No one likes Harris though so there wouldn't be any meaningful blowback. They probably would be better off running someone else at this point even if it is late given how far gone Biden is
I remember when CNN called the SCOTUS negress the first black justice after her confirmation
Whatever you want to tell yourself. The reality is that Biden in 2020 could debate without people suspecting he was suffering from Alzheimers, he could react to statements or appear in public for a few hours without causing an incident. We're at the point now where he does something weird every time he's in public, any kind of unscripted event turns into a disaster. This is not nearly the same as 2020.
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I really hope newsom isn't picked because it'll be nothing but
>look at his hair and look at mine
For months
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any way looks like the DEADline is wednesday
Trump has a better hairline though
Chinese launch failure.
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additional additional powers that be
ah yeah the party of Biden, Obama, both Clintons, and every shady kike in DC in gonna be afraid of the skeletons that Pelosi's newphew is hiding...

I'm not saying Newsom is a *good* choice. He's the choice. Unless they actually run Big Mike.
>Whatever you want to tell yourself.
>seek help
>touch grass
>who hurt you
woman moment there
Those are all people whom I dislike. What are the odds that they'd all end up on one list like that?
can still see it going either way, and we thankfully only have to speculate until tomorrow morning
hasn't thomas been on the court for like, 30 years now lol
Newsom is basically Democrat Mitt Romney, 90% of what drives his career is that he looks like the guy a casting director would pick to play the president in a movie.
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>black tranny manages to get into office
Would be a nightmare
>Joe Biden of being senile since 2010
It has only been possible to truly best the media narrative since 2016.
My proof is the election of a shitposter to office, by shitposters in 2016.
2020 was an empire strikes back type of year.
That's why they got away with it.

The difference this time around is the media and dnc have both publicly torched their own cred.
Thomas isn't even the first nigger justice
his wife got fucked by the hebrew oger of LA
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Thry have to pardon themselves of EVERYTHING.
That's why he is staying put.
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The sequel is completely forgotten despite earning ten gorillion gazillion dollarydoos
So, wait, who was it that the DNC was parading around the 50 states when they wasted taxpayer money to vote Biden as their candidate?
i believe the anon was talking about posters who use a set of images repeatedly within an online forum general thread to develop a persona for themselves allowing themselves to be easily recognized by their buttbuddies. it is a vanity thing.
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Women keep getting sluttier. Supposedly, girls really prefer relationships more than guys, but the statistics suggest otherwise!
Its funny because Adam Schiff looks nearly identical to the president in 24 season 5
yeah sometimes the studio will buy tickets to give the perception that a movie is doing well even though the theater is empty and no one saw it
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Naming elementary schools after him apparently didn't make much difference, because people have the attention span of goldfish.
So you're saying Gavin has the cuck vote locked up? Holy shit, we might actually be looking at a real democratic party powerhouse here
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>your rights
>fires military staff for not taking jewish vaxsneed
lol lmao
Why is hair like that? Blacks don’t naturally have hair like that
>Holy shit
blasphemy, anon
>Newsom is basically Democrat Mitt Romney
Which is funny because Romney was basically Republican John Kerry.
Did Biden somehow get way worse in the last 3 months?
I've been hearing he's sharp and he's ready until the debate. Overnight, the sharp and ready guy isn't sharp or ready?

What the fuck is this shit? This is fucking EXPENSIVE to run elections, and there are Literally Thousands of people who want to run for President for the DNC.
Who pays for this shit?
>Oh well, fuck you, you didn't need those funds anyway 50 states and territories.
thats twice now in one thread

they did in the 50s
is was in fashion for niggers at that time to treat their hair with chemicals to straighten it so it looked more like White hair
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Too fat, but May a cute.
Is there a lawsuit that States or State Parties can bring if the National DNC changes their candidate last minute, after not putting anyone else on the ballot?
Wasn't this Fraud?
he in return fucked the wife of his chief of staff a guy who helped him into office for years
The French are currently rioting because of the election results; the left is setting barricades on fire because people voted for the NR. Because "democracy" means forcing people to vote for your candidate, or something.
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He's been in bad shape for years and the MSM helped cover it up
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The airport /here/ is named after him
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>Nobody DESERVES to get shot in the head and KILLED just because they break into your homes in the middle of the night with a CROWBAR, not caring wether you're there or not at the time. STOP defending yourselves White people!
Don't forget that Gavin's first wife is currently Don Jr., Trump's firstborn son's, fucktoy... and she worked on Trump's 2020 campaign.
The French riot over everything since they kicked out the Catholic Church.

What is the case for Fraud? Who can be civil or criminally sued for wasting the time of the States?
>no standing
the fuck? you mean that some faggot with a TV camera can make a fake narrative at will, and despite wasted time and money, nobody gets any relief?
I don't know why they didn't rig the results.
Maybe they will use this win to justify whatever war is coming to save democracy since the people can't be trusted to vote?
All very odd...
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I really didn't notice that until someone said it mocks the Holy Spirit and now I really try to avoid saying that.

That's unfortunate, but I'll still MAGA that Serena!
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No refunds on this ride
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he also banged jewel
God damnit. Trump has a huge advantage after the debate, and just threw it away before the weekend is even over. Who the fuck is running this campaign!? This seems like a classic KAC fuck up.
Hey wait, what was the argument that Newtown used against Jones?
Seems to me that some DNC voters have a case of defamation by fraud. Being baited into looking like total fools, for the purposes of the private gains of the Biden family and the DNC.
hey why aren't you talking about funding anymore?
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>A suburban area of Paris is experiencing a fire in Bobigny, France. Unverified sources claim that this was brought on by a riot during the parliamentary election's first round.
Looks fiery and peaceful!
we just need to send all the Lefties from all over the West to their own country so they can have their utopia for just themselves
call it something like Cuba or Venezuela
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>God damnit
i need you to just not
When the real lainposter arrives, I have an image for him
Also, wait, are they really fat? They look like they're just fat in the right places to me.
depends on states and their rules.
theres some where it can`t be changed now i think.
>shills trying to distract with nonsense questions
Same as it ever was.
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Turns out Melenchon's niggers aren't supporters of democracy! And Macron's people? They're pretty extremist when they're losing!

Remember how in the 19th century the House of Bourbon said they need to get rid of the national flag and everything to return and refused the throne when it was offered again?

I'm beginning to understand why.
>almost zero liberalism
>low migration
>traditional values
>death penalty
>nuclear family
>law & order
how did the debate go? any highlights?
Here look
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>dollar store check' em vs trump
Would be entertaining
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Oh boy, can't wait!
Pokemon go to the brap barn!
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Biden got curbstomped
We won't let them sell. The boats aren't as good as our Ford class and we don't trust anyone else with CVNs.
Think you meant that for >>472708439
literally who?
There's remedy, that's less important. The bigger thing is that there are real candidates who wanted to run, but where told that Biden was competent and there would be no space. They were lied to. Those teams who worked for the DNC were told that Biden was competent, are we to believe the he changed distinctly in the last 3 months? At what point is that a national security risk the WH is hiding from Congress?
If POTUS is having wide mental changes in a short period, the US Congress needs to know.
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yes I did, thank you
More like LIT-erally who
How though? I haven't seen any highlights at all, looks like it's being suppressed. I didn't even know there was a debate.
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Some say he is still dancing for democracy!
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holy shit this is fucking ROUGH
>The Idea ...
>I saw all these apu, and I said to myself, I said ....
>grilled corn and chicken
I am comfy.
this may trigger a 25th whether the dnc wants it or not
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>holy shit
the holy spirit is not shit, asshat
>>472707900 (checked)
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Based. Where was the graph with pawgs, slampigs, and braphogs again?

Who's this jew and why should I care about what he says
Theres riots rn?
>we're just an idea
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They keep saying that word, I don't think they know what it means.
Trump crushed in the debate, Biden was trailing off and talking literal gibberish. I think Trump actually felt bad for a second, you could see him realize “oh, Biden is actually retarded now.” Lol

But unfortunately, the news will just be talking about the trump campaign fuckup all week. Trump just needed to go quiet for a while and let the DNC implode.
They are trying their hardest to power through this, but this isn't like a regular bad debate performance. This was years of gaslighting and deception gone up in smoke.
>trump campaign fuckup
what happened?
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>Trump wins
>China begins to start communist revolts all across Europe
>America soon enacts the Communist Control Act
>shill sealioning
How about you take your insincere bullshit back to r/politics fag
it's the anon who spent the last five months saying
he's obsessed :)
hey why aren't you talking about funding?
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they pulled a body double, imo. the ear is rounded at the bottom. the ear of the biden on the debate stage was pulled tight. is the SS allowed to Campaign for the POTUS?
>DNC forced to shutdown after found being too communist in its platform
(there wasn't one, he's just baiting badly)
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Did Trump pull his punch with this message?
>qtard shit to poison the well
Then there's no fuckup. Ok.
I also saw this
Damn, Biden's...just sad.
>Did Trump pull his punch with this message?
Yes. He was clearly softer in that post than the situation and truth demanded.
Probably, because he wants the Dems to keep Biden. He's lulling them into a false sense of security. Hitting Biden too hard now would not serve Trump's interests.
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Underrated take: I miss GloomTube's comfy happening streams, so sad he fell to shitcoin scams.
It's incredible, you wouldn't believe it, this thing the Trump campaign did, it's so bad that it's derailed everything. I can't even anon, I can't even
too many words.
>jumpcuts every 2 seconds for a 30 second video
that's... not a good sign
It's on the level of Hillary collapsing during the 9/11 event, actually it might be worse because Hillary did manage to somewhat recover from that.
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hello please how have threads been?
(free from coons and dragons i hope)
he probably just wanted to keep it to one post
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Seconding the need for this graph
>not removing the watermark
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biblesimp trying to get attention, again
it's been too long, were any Dems at that point saying Hillary should step down? I feel like there weren't.
Good lord!
Big if true.
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mary is always waiting for an edition
That's cruel if true because it seems like a did a FANTASTIC job with the old sperg.
They had to polish a demented senile turd.
Biden did a LOT better than I thought he would, which was still absolutely horrible.
But he did DEBATE.
It happened. He was there. And he did. Maybe extraordinarily badly but I've worked with people with Alzheimer's in the nursing home.
Biden didn't pretty fucking good for an old man with dementia. That was pretty impressive.
I don't think it's staff's fault.
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coons are very fine people
that niggas legacy has been ruined since the 80s, whats this nigger on about???
Biden did so much better in the 2020 debate lmao
yeah literally every line was a cut
I'm not sure I believe Biden actually has family members that genuinely care about him and wants what would be best for the clueless old man, to be brutally honest with you.
And Biden didn't choke, he's in need of replacement DC has a fucking dick in their ass with this gay ass
>we can't replace even a fucking vegetable or we'll look weak
You can't get the middle east to a fucking table headed toward conflict with Russia AND China, and you think the Obvious of a diaper shitting geriatric being removed for being incapable is the harm?

No, train the Militia kiddos. The People need their space, no matter which era.
>The body of male citizens competent in killing and arrests, being necessary to the security of a free state... shall not be infringed
That's a mandate to you, and an order to your offices, From You.
>America is an idea
jesus aborting nigger babies christ i tired of this shit
Stop spreading this meme. It is already too late for alternative candidates to appear on voting ballots in several states. Legal deadlines can not be ignored.
Biden replacement is coming, and pretending like it’s not is just putting >us behind on messaging.
Reminder that I am still baking.
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Oh, it's being suppressed? So basically...
This is the full 1:38 video of TRUMP defeating Biden! I intend to describe the exact best hits here:
1. Biden said he's been a strong supporter of Israel. Trump called him a Palestinian. Biden was unable to respond.
2. Biden looked like a retard throughout the debate and was unable to make an intelligent looking face when he wasn't speaking; it was "as if he was not on camera" when he was not speaking, which to many indicated that he was not even aware he was actually on a nationally televised debate. (In other words: His "no audience" rule backfired badly.)
3. Biden said that Trump did the biggest tax cuts in history. Biden also said that he beat Medicare, and Trump added, "to death." Biden was unable to defend when accused of overspending to a point it will destroy America's national retirement fund for future generations, and instead simply criticized Trump for having the second-highest deficit of any President in history.
4. Biden was unable to respond to questions and instead gave only canned responses from his debate training.
5. Biden was carefully trained to speak many half-truths, but was too senile to say them without gaffing and saying it like a regular person; as a result, he falsely claimed that a government agency (whose union actually endorsed Trump) endorsed him, etc. On immigration policy, gibberish Joe was so incomprehensible that Trump said: "I really don't know what he said...I don't think he knows what he said either." and Biden was unable to respond to that.
This may sound unorthodox, but I don't really like raccoons or dragons. In fact, dragons don't even exist. They aren't worth my time.
Hillary was at least coherent. If Joe slips, slurs, or stutters publicly, it will just confirm this guy isn't well. Joe's going to need to do a kick flip on a skateboard to break this, and we know that's not going to happen. Stairs gives the bastard trouble.
I suspect it.
I would sue if I was a candidate with the DNC who wanted to run in 2024.
I would sue if I was a donor pac.
63% of black democrats say harris should be the nominee if not Biden. For comparison the next highest is Newsom at 11%. You're kidding yourself it you think they could pass over Harris without a major shitstorm. They will 100% call it racist.
>Biden replacement is coming, and pretending like it’s not is just putting >us behind on messaging.
I don't think so, specifically because they would be stuck with Harris who would then have 3 weeks to campaign.
Democrats have been winning elections since 2017 because of high turnout from White liberals
thanks fren
She's half jeet half Jamaican Irish, and polls without any substance on the face of an actual debate mean shit.
But they may convince themselves, so yeah, sure. Orangeman bad.
>they won't stuff ballots and break machines this time
>Democrats have been winning elections since 2017 because of high turnout from White liberals
That's a funny way of spelling "cheating," anon.
>implying white liberals would dare defy their Black overlords
This. Low turnout election now favors Dems.
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My favorite Biden gaffe from that night was "there was no inflation when I became President." The entire country shouted "WE KNOW!" at their TVs and monitors in unison.
No turnout matters when you count votes in decimal places and literally run a thousand ballots twice.
trump on ballot = automatic high turnout
You Trumptards really boxed yourselves in but the “fraud” is deeper than actual fake ballots. Democrats have been blessed since 2017. Trump makes White liberals angry and they, unlike shitskins, have the agency to vote 100% of the time.
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>Pro-Palestine protestors block Toronto Pride parade.
kek they're eating their own
Did somebody say layneposter?
This is a YUGE Bunny.
if it is intentional blasphemy then you dont need a warning, brock avatar faggot.
delete that right now
>Stairs gives the bastard trouble.
things are so questionable right now that someone leaked footage of biden getting off the stage by his wife AND an aide.
like, wtf?
that dudes about to fucking EXPIRE, nevermind just be a potato...
But you Trumptards are also lucky. Strong disapproval among non Whites is basically 0 and the decline of Whites is quite slow. GOP is now viable until 2036 because of Blumpf when they were supposed to be kill in 1992
>1930 really
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Chunk actually makes a solid point
thank you for admitting there is fraud. if the liberals didn't like Trump, why did he get 10x the media air coverage for the RNC candidates on ABC/NBC/CNN before the 2016 primary?
Almost like they loved him when they thought he would be easy to beat.
Rumors of Hillary's health didn't really gain steam until August, after the conventions were over. While a lot of Bernie supporters seethed about it, everyone realized that mid september was too late to switch her out and so they just sort of sucked it up.
Hillary was out and about enough in the aftermath of her collapse that she was able to convince normies that it was a one time thing. Biden has already been avoiding public appearances, and now he's dropped the ball hard enough that he MUST go to the next debate, if he tries to weasel out of it everyone will know why.
you are gay
More Republicans voted in the 2022 House of Representatives elections than Democrats.

The Popular Vote was Republican (54,506,136) versus Democrat (51,477,313)

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no THIS is gay
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Oh yeah, that was absolutely perfect. And don't forget that Trump demonstrated an excellent knowledge of geopolitics and strategy in contrast with these obvious failures, and even rejected questions that were attempting to get soundbites, either by deflecting-then-answering or just plain saying "Yeah, I agree." or something to the liberal loaded question.

Good. Let 2024 be the year the Left cracks apart from within.
sensible chuckle.
at this point i'm thinking daily proof of life from this pedophile is required, or else he's on ice.
Yea he was pied pipered the wiki leaks leaks made that clear
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>no THIS is gay
Exactly my point.
that's a trend that has been going on for decades. urbanite youth can't be bothered to go to mid-term elections, because the TV doesn't tell them they should enough.
>Hunter is now calling the shots
This is where shit is about to get really fucking weird boys.
didn't' see it, but ok.
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oh yeah i love pussy on pussy
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Less sensible chuckle.
also chegged.
Hunter at least has good taste in prostitutes.
Unfortunately for them "finish a complete sentence" also disqualifies Cameltoe.
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When will Biden officially quit?
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hmmm seems like they have a few ways to solve the joe biden thing.

they can dissolve and re-instate the convention rules.

they can simply ignore joe, and eat the financial loss

they can dissolve his delegation.

they can declare him vacated.

they can challenge his credentials.

they can convene any number of emergency measures

So this is procedurally a solvable problem.
but my best guess is they'll declare him unable to act in good faith and retire hime gracefully.

Frankly I think a let loose the dogs of war policy will be in effect for the party.
and with that the last old white man will be rolled off into the sunset. And the battle of the beasts will commence.

If I was harrison I'd double the convention booking and watch the party reforge itself.
It's still bunday.
Will Biden fire the campaign staffer who kept forcing Dark Brandon memes?
>'thousand trillionaires"
highlights and lowlights in /wsg/
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I have it somewhere, can't remember atm.
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Bout 230 years ago now, You Mandated to You, that You must be competent in killing. Sounds strange, but that's the truth of the introduction information text in the 2nd Amendment. There is nothing Legistlative or Codifying in
>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state...
It is entirely a lesson to the readers, and the readers are The People.
You, are to capable of keeping Jurisdiction, in all forms, if needed. And you have a Right protected in that Right, as the Constitution further instructs, to Your officers
>militia ...shall not be infringed
It cannot only apply to this point, but if it doesn't now also, we're fucked. Every era of the US requires the backbone of This Republic, The People, to be competent and capable of working to keep Peace and Order.
And lest you call me crazy , and say my neighbor would kill me, I've been sleeping 40 yards from them for decades, and they still haven't made it past the guard dogs ;D
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>72% of Americans don't think that Biden is mentally healthy enough to be President.
>45% intend to vote for Biden.
The fact is that the elections are rigged and he stands a good chance of winning as a result.

His face doesn't even look like it's withstood the last 5 years. It's sort of absurd how even his physiognomy is devolving as he ages more and more and continues to attempt to be the President of the United States. It's elder abuse, really. Genocide Joe, gibberish Joe, he was VP already. Now he's been POTUS. What more do his relatives want? It's not the prestige. It's the corruption money.

Unfortunately, the Democrat base is too retarded to finish a complete sentence, and as such a person capable of speaking in complete sentences will be unable to win their support.

And yes, George Orwell knew exactly what he was writing, but I'm not sure if it makes him a genius. After all, he was literally writing political fiction based on his time working as a Communist mercenary in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. Having fought on the Republican side, he knew all about the totalitarian regime in eastern Spain at that time, and 1984 was the product of that: It's a book about his lived experience as a man who lived under an Ingsoc regime himself. And Orwell isn't even the first guy to write about this topic. The first was the Russian novel We (Mы) which was the first book banned in the USSR. It was written as a fictional work about a possible dystopian society based on the Soviet Union as a means to evade censorship laws, but ultimately it was too on-the-nose for the Bolsheviks to not notice and they didn't even let it get published. As a result, it was first printed in its English translation and sold in the United States.

These far left wackjobs have ALWAYS required you to ignore your lying eyes. This was even the case in the French Revolution.
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A crow bar being welded as a weapon IS A DEADLY WEAPON.

Lethal force is authorized.

Don't steal homes.

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