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Putin’s puppet Marine Le Pen just won the first round of parliamentary elections in France.
The French are ignorant, illiterate morons who have learnt nothing from the disasters of far-right populism.
Look at the Brexit fiasco or an authoritarian shithole like Hungary turned into the second poorest country in the European Union.
>Putin’s puppet
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i don't care how racist she is, i'm not voing for a woman

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Cry more commie.
Nazis were far left socialists.
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>Putin’s puppet Marine Le Pen just won
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SEETHE dumb urine kike



Boomer detected.
they learned the dangers of far left retardism so they vote right in reaction. they wouldn't have voted right if you weren't giga retards. thanks by the way
>i don't care how racist she is, i'm not voing for a woman
There is a precedent in France: Jeanne d'Arc.
That being said, these last elections were for designating members of parliament. Marine LePen is only standing for one seat. There are 576 other seats. You vote for the member candidate in your area.
But she is pushing mister bardela to take the wheel
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The NAFO Fellas are having another melty today
The far-left is equally retarded.
>they learned the dangers of far left retardism so they vote right in reaction.
They voted right because many arabs are violent criminals and people want to send them back.
>National socialists aren't socialists
>nationalizing companies isn't socialist
Zoomer detected.
As a prime minister
She still wants to run for president... Fucking retard
>nationalizing companies isn't socialist
Fuck you and fuck the EU
Go away empty troll.
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Sisterino they are onto us...
But seriously what's with the sudden spam, did hohols get nuked or something?
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>Putin’s puppet
Always interesting how it’s chronically the left in any given nation that riot
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>anyone who dares to address imigration, errosion of national sovereignty, culture degeneracy or other issues ignored by the politicas establishment is a russian puppet.
Get bone cancer memeflag
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How is it contradictory with what he said?
>muh democracy!
>lose a democratic election
>riot and burn the country down
Shades of whats to come when trump landslides back into the whitehouse
It should have been 99%, the French are still fags.
34% and 33% are numbers the media has been throwing around alot lately. I know what 33 is, but what does 34 symbolize?
Whatever the fuck happened to that pension issue that was destroying Macron and everyone was rioting about?
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Why are trannies and jews always into satanism?
its not, its a retarded german who cant comprehend basic english. probably OPs bottom buddy
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Macron passed it without a vote (he does it quite a lot)
At the time the far right said they'd undo this reform if elected, but they already backtracked
because one of the driving forces behind the massive presence of north africans in France were French industrial leaders working together with both the left wing and right wing political parties.
Back in the day, the French communist party was against mass immigration as it was used to lower the salary of French workers. It was not far left retardation, it was a betrayal by the right wing and left wing parties, the entire mainstream boomer generation of politicians betrayed the country.
Illegal immigration literally soared after Brexit instead of “taking back control.”
The French far-right serves (((Putin and his oligarchs))).
>Putin’s puppet Marine Le Pen just won
>It should have been 99%, the French are still fags.
30% of France are already foreigners, how are they going to get 99%?
The RN wanted to revert it, but considering how bad our finances are, they're trying to backpedal on that point. They're going to backpedal on a lot of things, like Meloni did in Italy, because the true bosses are in the EU commission. The real problem is that no main political party want to address the fact that as long as we're part of the EU/NATO/whatever, we won't be free and we'll be under anglo/kike's rule. It's funny how our medias try to portray the Brexit as a very bad thing, while UK is basically doing better than us in every department and no UK political party wants to come back in the EU anymore.
sure thing commie, we come for you next
True, but it's a good example to show how dividing policies between left/right means jack shit. The proper difference difference nowadays should be nationalistic/globalist, all the rest is smoke and mirrors.
I love that leftist protest in cities ... the places where they live, and overwhelmingly are filled with leftist voters. It's like keying your own car or graffitiing your own neighbourhood - bro, it's YOUR shit you're fucking up.
So how does the second round work? Because this looks like shit.
Some cities have started voting far right.
Including Marseille, a city that should be renamed " New Algeria"
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i still like french fries
>Illegal immigration literally soared after Brexit instead of “taking back control.”
Yes of course it did, as did legal shitskin immigration. The ruling Tories told people to vote against Brexit. So the people in charge of enforcing Brexit were themselves opposed to it. Brexit was the British people's immigration referendum and they said no. The ruling class turned around and brought in even more foreigners.
The European far-right want to put the interests of their people above that of Globohomo. That is why they want peace between Ukraine and Russia and don't want to be enemies with what was Europe's largest gas supplier.
>It's funny how our medias try to portray the Brexit as a very bad thing,
What they need is BrexIndia and BrexPakistan.
Larping as satanist triggers some retard that take it seriously
yes, agreed. Before deciding on how big the public sector should be, we need to decide whether we even want proper countries anymore.
>we're acting like Nazis because we're mad at the heckin' Nazis
Leftism, not even once.
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no idea herr max, but i think all elections should be run like a game show
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>our media try to portray Brexit as a very bad thing, while the UK is basically doing better than [France] in every department
Brexit has been a complete disaster that the majority of British people now regret and this week the Conservative Party that caused Brexit will get utterly annihilated in the UK’s general election.
Again, you’re an ignorant, illiterate moron living in an alternate reality of Russian propaganda lies.
RN is barely fucking center right.
If we were in the 80s, back when Jospin and the socialists had their glory day, RN's program would have been branded "moderate" by Chirac's party.
Dilate tranny you are losing on all front and the next to fall is France
>Putin’s puppet
Kill yourself
Britain leaving the EU is working out fine. No more human rights faggotry when we want to get rid of hook-handed shitskins.
It was never about pint measures, or bananas being too curvy, it was about sending Abu Hamza to Gitmo without you faggots getting in the way.
Cry harder.
Nationalism makes it easier to divide nations, then invade and bomb the shit out of, European nations.

Putin wants to erase European culture and replace it with masochistic, auhoritarian Russian culture.

For Netanyahu it's even more golden, as there is now no one who will criticise him and in fact opposition to Israel's genocide of the Palestinians will likely be cracked down on by authoritarian right-wingers. Israel has the collar and leash firmly around the US and Europe.
International jews are the ones who want to eradicate white people and culture by mass migration
> Billions in trade lost.
> Rivers full of shit, while rich foreigners get huge dividends from Thames Water.
> Crumbling schools.
> Food banks.
> Trains are shit.
> NHS broken (but let's frame one nurse for all of it and use her as a scapegoat).
> House prices stupidly high.
> Lots of illegal drugs, weapons allowed into UK because the government just let's anything in.
Sounds like any liberal leftist shithole from France to San Francisco ever lmao
You aren't fooling anyone kike tranny
>Annual net migration to the United Kingdom hit a record of 745,000 last year and has stayed at elevated levels since.
>non-EU nationals make up the biggest proportion. The top three non-EU nationalities for immigration in the year to June were Indian, Nigerian and Chinese, it said.
look at this subhuman shill
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Why are globalist leaders so degenerate? Between Biden, Trudeau, Macron and the others, it's like a championship of who is the most psychopathic.

>Nationalism makes it easier to divide nations, then invade and bomb the shit out of, European nations.
Maybe, but people still need a place that they call home, and where they can feel that they're part of a community. The problem of globalists is that they believe that they can force multiculturalism on the people, against its own interest, not seeing that the immigrants they're importing are not assimilating and are becoming a threat to law and order. Yet they're still pushing for more immigrants. Globalism is a cult at this point.
Because if the right wing riot it's going to result in a regime change. And let's be real, if the left wing parties weren't just jew controlled opposition it would be a similar case. Although France has a tradition of protests so this shit is to be expected anyway
The point was ending the free movement of people, which has a detrimental affect on the native workers.
It worked. EU immigration is down 95%.
The fact that a conservative globalist government then proceeded to allow immigration to flourish from other nations is not the fault of brexit.
The worrisome result is 28% for the left. Le Pen isn't far-right, whatever that means.
Lmao Putin must be pretty powerful since all right wing candidates are controlled by him and he interfered with US elections. Crazy to think he's losing his war. How does he do it???
The people who backed Brexit are almost all Hayek-worshipping globalists, many of them foreign non-doms who use the UK for cheap labour and tax dodging.
She's Far Zionist.
>She still wants to run for president... Fucking retard
that's years out. Bardella as PM would become the defacto leader of the party and country if his team win an outright majority.

Le Pen risks becoming irrelevant and discussions after this election will likely immediately be had about replacing her and training up a better candidate in time for the next presidential. If this early election call was a presidential play by Jupiter, he's made a big mistake.
>we kicked out white Europeans and replaced them with millions of Pajeets and Chinese bugs. Brexit worked.
>The left are the real antisemites
- Madame Le Pen
This is just demonstrably not true.
>In 2014, the National Front took Russian loans worth €11m (£9.4m). One of the loans, for €9m, came from a small bank, First Czech Russian Bank, with links to the Kremlin.
>Le Pen repeated her support for Moscow's annexation of Crimea, and her opposition to the sanctions subsequently imposed by the EU. If elected to the Elysee Palace, she pledged: "I would envisage lifting the sanctions quite quickly."
total Rossiya victory
>like Hungary turned into the second poorest country in the European Union.
Not yet!
How many French soldiers have you seen wearing SS patches on their uniform?
Wtf I love le pen now and I'm not even remotely gay
Looks like France will be sending troops to Ukraine after all (and killing hohols)
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The level of kike histrionics by OP is impressive.
>Looks like France will be sending troops to Ukraine after all (and killing hohols)
Eventually we will, for sure. Nobody is against that (as long as those are professional soldiers volunteering). Should have been done 2years ago
>B-Brexit has been a disaster b-believe I'm an EU flag
Stronger GDP growth, lower unemployment, better wage growth, a growing PMI, a weaker inflation than in most eurozone countries and a growing industry.
I look at the data shill, who do you think you're lying to.
Frexit is the only way.
Peepee and poopoo.
Yo did and we killed thousands of them. Mostly poles though. Did get 1 head french general, he had an urge to go hiking and jump from cliiff 2 days after we hit a hotel full of french ahem peaceful volunteers.
all that is irrelevant, what matters is shitskin immigration, and that only increased. its debatable if Brexit had any influence in that, i don't think it did, but Brexit failed in what most people who supported it wanted.
*Bibi's puppet
Brexit didn't fail, it gave back to Brits their sovereignty. If Brits kept officials that want to submerge them with immigration that's not brexit fault. They have the power to stop it. Now they have to choose or "persuade" officials that are willing to do it.
Something that not your country or mine can even do because we've lost the control of our borders and laws to the monster that is EU. As such exiting it is the first step.
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>Illegal immigration literally soared after Brexit
Brexit was about national sovereignty which would lead to reduced migration.
It was however subverted by centrist cuckservatives who used it to make britain "more global". A betreyal which hopefully will get corrected this thursday.
>European culture
No such thing. A made up term to try to integrate all the different cultures (french, polish etc.) into a grey goo of a propositional nation like the USA is, where there are no boundaries and everyone can more around.
>For Netanyahu it's even more golden
That was the OG plan, to get them out of europe. Let them have their heaven in middle east.
Also unless you have not noticed, Bibi is not very much liked by the NGO/UN/EU complex, who all push for mass migration
>muh genocide
Why are you even concerned about people who are not white europeans?
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>Putin’s puppet Marine Le Pen
Stopped reading.
You're some 8 years old brain, retard!
>lose election in a landslide
>lets have one more in one month, I will surely win
What the fuck was Macron thinking?
>it gave back to Brits their sovereignty.
What sovereignity do they have if their government keeps replacing them racially despite their vote clearly indicating that they don't want it?
>They have the power to stop it.
They voted to stop it, didn't matter, their elites just ignored and doubled down. What else can they do? Kill them all? They don't need Brexit for it
Are elections even real? Le Penis is now given the nod by globohomos to tard wrangle the crowd, as long as certain lines are not crossed, and the vote is adjusted accordingly. She'll be another crushing disappointment, and the circus moves to it's next village.
>Look at the Brexit fiasco
the torries handled Brexit and they aren't far right they fucked it up
>or an authoritarian shithole like Hungary turned into the second poorest country in the European Union.
after which metric? When did they become the second poorest? After the EU stated they would bankrupt them if they didn't tow the line in the Ukraine crisis?
>while UK is basically doing better than us in every departmen
You too should try the "austerity" spending and isolationism. Worked so good for the UK it destroyed their economy and social security net (for anyone under pension age). Say goodbye to overseas colonies and any influence you had in the world too. Putin and Xi will gladly take your niggers in Africa and make t>>472730363
hem hate you and your culture.
Then change the government. Brexit wasn't a vote on immigration it was a vote on leaving the EU. When Brits got coup'd and Liz Truss got deposed in favor of a GOLDMAN SACHS BANKER it was obvious that the conservative party would never stop immigration. However they now have the opportunity to change this and support Farage.

You need brexit to apply a counter immigration strategy. If you're in the EU you can't expel immigrants unless they committed violent crimes even if they are here illegally. The ECHR and the ECJ will block you.
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Some men started to argue the brat did it to produce some un-rulable parliament, then use an article of the constitution, the 16th, to rule everything from Elysee Palace during THE WAR to come.
It's a bit farfetched when Moscow is 4500km away and France has no army in capacity, produce as ammo in one month what Ukraine launches in 10minutes, and Russia launches 1000 times what Ukraine launches during that same period.
Mostly that personally he has nothing to lose.
>If a miracle happen he will finally be able to get his law voted
>If a miracle doesn't happen and another party take over he can blame everything bad on them while claiming he is the good guy for respecting the population's opinion
The current situation were his party is in power but without the margin to get shit approved is sub-optimal for his ego, so he decided to throw them under the bus since it's a win/win for him.

Slightly less cynical explanation would be that it's 4D chess, he *want* opposition in power for a bunch of month before the presidential, this way he will easily be able to sabotage them at every corner and be able to point how incompetent they are and how everyone would come back "to the good ol' times" when his party was in power.
>The French are ignorant, illiterate morons who have learnt nothing from the disasters of far-right populism.
Some of the French are very literate and cultured.
Rural French who drive their farm vehicles into the cities and dump shit on them or protest against the EU by setting fire to sheep are the 'useful idiots' who got herded into far right populism.
It was similar with Brexit, country people voted for it and then claimed it was the voice of the working class whom they really despise as inner city townies.
Well said. It’s the only thing that matters in the end, it determines everything moving forward.
Better Moscow than the kaliphate of Brussels, you Globalist Communist Disgusting animal.
Death to every Europhile on this continent
> Liz Truss

Literally Britain's worst-ever PM, a puppet of Mark Littlewood and Crispin Odey.

Vernon Bogdanor said that modern British politicians disprove evolution because they are all intellectually deficient.

Russell, Peel, Gladstone, Asquith, Baldwin, Attlee, were intelligent, worldly men with actual brains, whereas all recent Prime Ministers gave been thick retards.

There is no Gladstone, Peel, Russell,,Asquith, or Attlee in today's politics, which means the country is fucked.
> Sovereignty

Your Water is owned by the Chinese.
Your Trains are owned by the Germans.
Your Energy is owned by the French.
Foreign Non-Doms control your media.
Your tax money is given to Shell and BP.
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Nazis always lose. Le Pen knows her place and sucks jewish cock.
Enjoy the servitude and Orwellian misery of imperialist Russia, anon.
Glad you understand what happened many Europeans don’t.
Austerity is a communist term to demonise cutting government spending. Our government like yours has a large deficit. The only way to reduce the deficit is by cutting spending as taxes are already as high as they can be. Previous governments haven’t tried very hard to cut spending so it hasn’t worked. We literally need to do “austerity” harder.
Neo-liberalism is a failed system that requires immigration to function.

If you want lower immigration, you need to move to Keynesianism.
wow those master russian hackers, they literally pose as millions of voters across the western world and vote for the popular thing, totally amazing how do they do it?
You’re part of a nudge unit. Our government (civil service especially) destroyed brexit.
The concept of leaving a larger bureaucracy is still sensible.
that and who the fuck do you think spawned them?
Look up Sabbatean Frankism. A literal devil-worshipping sect of Judaism into weird incest faggotry and anything else it could think of to offend God.
Almost everything about Panspiritism and its newage descendants sprang from this soiled chamberpot.
>bunch of memeflags seething about right wing victory and Brexit
Friendly reminder that your hero Friedrich Hayek stole money from the US taxpayer by claiming welfare even though he was Austrian so had no right to.
stupid goys

she doesnt have majority; she cannot form a government

macron and the 2nd party can bypass her completely. watch it happen

faggots dont understand how parliaments work and WHY macron called elections
If you only have options "right" or "wrong", why the fuck do you plot both rates ?
why reform are doing so well lol you retarded mong
If it makes the West stronger, happier or more stable than Russia, they brainwash against it.
The far right are ones who stay brainwashed.
Vatniks' old commie hero said 'if your bayonet found a soft belly keep on pushing'
It's really that simple. The old Soviet Union supported allies but Putin exploits whatever is proven to be most vulnerable and cancerous and that's right wing zombies' minds
> Billions in trade lost.
Government deliberately didn’t have a plan for brexit despite 5 years to do so; caused business to have no idea what to expect. KYS scum.
> Rivers full of shit, while rich foreigners get huge dividends from Thames Water.
90% immigration causing over demand, 10% burdensome government regulations causing undersupply. KYS commie.
> Crumbling schools.
> Food banks.
> Trains are shit.
Trains are all but in name state run. Government owns the rail infrastructure and rents it out to companies to use, thus nobody wants to invest in rental rails.
> NHS broken (but let's frame one nurse for all of it and use her as a scapegoat).
Lucy Letby? Yeah she was framed, will be forgotten though. NHS doesn’t work partly because it’s state run healcare, and partly because of immigrants again (population is 90 million, native British only 40).
> House prices stupidly high.
Immigrants and regulations. Just like water infrastructure: regulations prevent new stuff being built, immigrants cause massive demand.
> Lots of illegal drugs, weapons allowed into UK because the government just lets anything in.
Legalise both and the problem ends.

Summary: you’re a statist nudge unit.
Western Europe's "far right" are basically centrist parties.
KYS commie scum.
Suppose we’re on a ship and a cannon blasts a hole in the hull. Water pours in. We plug the leak. Now the enemy fires another cannon shot through the hole.
You declare “see plugging the leaks doesn’t stop water coming in!”.

Brexit does work, and we wouldn’t seen the effects if our enemy wasn’t trying to destroy us.
They are all neo-liberals, and neo-liberal economic system collapses without immigrant cheap labour.
>Friedrich Hayek
Never heard of him. Welfare queens don’t have anything to do with what I said. You’re a commie nigger.
>muh Russia
>muh far right
>muh brexit
Ooh boo ooh, cry me a river you worhtless son of a whore. You don't even have the courage to show your fucking flag on an anonymous image board, I can't even image what kind of a little bitch you are in real life.
I've voted for that party for my whole life, at every single election, suck my cock.
>"Putin's puppet"
>hides flag
Zoomer men are starting to be a political force lol, look at europe, boomers are dying, zommers are rising
>without immigrant cheap labour
Correct hence brexit was sabotaged.
>Putin’s puppet Marine Le Pen

You are against supporting the neonazi ukro, you are Putin's puppet. Behold the average mental capacity of a leftoid.
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The front populaire will stop le Pen at the second turn, Leftist and Macron voters will coalesce to stop the far right.
Brexit made Britain dependant on immigrant workers from further away than Europe.
If you want the British to be employable to fill our own jobs you have to fund schools and training.
Conservatives and populists won't do that.
Half the people you might think are immigrants are really international students buying a British education because local Brits can't afford it. They bring their families more than students used to
and if they want to stay on they're better trained for British jobs than locals.
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there is nothing more comforting than being a eurocuck knowing once the war is done you will go home to be celebrated by your wom-ACK
>Nationalism makes it easier to divide nations
As a Welshman, I actually like most English people I've met but British nationalists can fuck off.
It's always the few arseholes who aren't welcome who say 'we are your country'
>Putin's puppet
Iirc she said that she will continue to obey... I mean continue to back nato.
The best way would be to abolish pensions and send the old to workhouses, thus erasing the deficit instantly.

Also make parents responsible for the education of their children and get rid of schools.
>Putin wants to erase European culture and replace it with masochistic, auhoritarian Russian culture.
I think it's more like flinging shit and doing more of what sticks.
Non authoritarians might go temporarily authoritarian when they're scared but full time authoritarians don't understand non authoritarians, they just think we want a different daddy and they'll believe anything about what the different daddy is because it doesn't exist so their delusions go wherever they're humoured, lizards, NWO, Soros etc. it's all hypocrisy because authoritarians want a daddy themselves.
It's what sticks.
yawn all you want fat fuck but this is a known fact
>Putin’s puppet
Are you Hillary Clinton and Keith Olberman's love child, jfc you sound hysterical and retarded. Can you up your pilpol game above middle school behavioral class level?
And ?
Only Communist westoid retards care .
Besides, Putin is a bitch to the Chabad Organization while Brussels is a whore to the U.S. (B'nai brith whores).
You literally hate on Putin for what your side is also guilty of.
Now go and be a slave to ZioNAZI faggots somewhere else, you disgusting communist pedophile Piece of Merde
In regards to the French election:
Seriously, what is up with the statement
>we can't let them win
, where "them" refers to right wing political parties?

I mean, "they" are just a reflection of public opinion.
And if "they" are a serious contender to winning the election, isn't the aforementioned statement some version of(?)
>we can't let the majority win the election

Appears at least as a shift away from democracy at face value when the ones in charge publicly announce that others can't be left in charge.
(And to be fair: If politics flipped too much the other way, I'm sure we'd see the same. With the same level of quiet acceptance of this statement by the ministry and its followers)
Jupiter is already on his way out
he can't serve a third term
Idc. Unless someone is promising Nuremberg Trials and mass nigger deportations, it's all just punch and trudy. Also you can never trust women in politics.
> - in politics.
Don't vote to leave the EU unless you want to expose how incompetent your bureaucrats and politicians are when they are forced to manage 100% of your country.
French NPCs will vote for the far left in the second round and this piece of shit of a country will have even more shitskins and economic problems
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Except it's been proven that Le Pen received a shitload of money from Putin and also some other kind of 'help'.
Russians only promote chaos and misery.
Fuck them.
Agreed, populism is not the vehicle to save Europe but perhaps its a vehicle to get us to the vehicle that saves Europe, obviously total nazification is in order, 4th reich all that good stuff
doesn't mean shit as the 'French' 'nationalist' right now is Italian/Algerian, pro-Israel and an ovious Russian asset
>'peace' with a power hungry criminal in exchange for cheap gas
wow fuck you

Wasted Russian money....Marine Le Pen is so egoist than she is puppet to no one.
>she's egoist!
>it means she doesn't like money!
how are you even able to use a computer?
>Putin’s puppet Marine....

that's where i stopped reading, imbecile.
Le Pen and the French 'far-right' is pro-Israel you dumbfuck

Feels good knowing our big nationalist party aren't Russian whores who suck Putin cock. Germany, France and England should be ostracized for this shit.
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>doesn't mean shit as the 'French' 'nationalist' right now is Italian/Algerian, pro-Israel and an ovious Russian asset
It was funny to see Zemmour's face when he got betrayed by Marion live on TV. Jews aren't that smart. And yeah our country is full of traitors, we need to purge any foreign agent, but Russia is far from being the country with the most influence in France. No relevant political party is supporting the Russian invasion in Ukraine, they're all another on NATO policies nowadays.
The government had no right to those taxes to begin with, so he'd might as well.

Russians trying to buy loyalty but they won't get it from her....as woman she taking all the money and laughing on her way to nearest bank.
Israel *and* Russia bought Le Pen
that's quite the accomplishment
you call this directionbrain
Don't pretend it's a "dangerous" party it's a jewish party and you know it very well.

OMG. What is France going to do without millions of niggers? This is absolutely Putin's fault.

Ist ism phobic buzzwords ect.
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Don't call him "retard" That's highly insulting comparison to retards.
she isn't even racist
>the guy who has been for more than 20 years solely in charge of a nuclear power and the biggest fucking country on Earth with almost infinite natural ressources and a secret service known for its ruthlessness is powerful
You keep parroting this, but how exactly is the RN supporting Russia right now? Just because they're not as insane as Macron and said no to boots on the ground?
>FN wins
>AfD wins
>Reform UK wins
>Trump wins

Don't make me tap the sign.
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It's not rocket science

>implying NAFO isn't an FSB operation to discredit Ukraine supporters
I would point you to >>472732969
but tranny cartoons are more on your level it seems
it is indeed mind boggling to see it happen
>Except it's been proven that Le Pen received a shitload of money from Putin and also some other kind of 'help'.
Really? Or is this the same Russian collusion bullshit my media repeated for 3 years without any meaningful proof.
Congratulations on becoming Russian puppet states.
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>My "far right" is pro israel
Yeah thats because the closest you euros come to "right" is two inches away from the corner of Mao's left shoulder
Keep voting for women genius
> People vote brexit, primarily to stop immigration
>elite class says, no fuck you, and quadruple immigration by amount and shade of skin
>tehe see chud? your brexit failed

immigration had to go to zero, then the suffering IF, then if the trade off at point is too much bad, you could blame brexit, so far is the opposite. non-brexit failed is time to deploy brexit
Says the world leading exporter of cultural marxism
Yup, you're a certified gorilla nigger.
Everything is nazi according to these retards
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I know but it's funny to see leftards and centrists seethe. It won't solve anything and nothing will truly change by voting, but it's cheering me up.
it's not that hard to promote chaos anon
especially if you've been doing it for fucking decades as a world power
especially in France where free speech is sacred
>I've voted for that party for my whole life
was that party also pro-Israel your whole life?
as if she had a choice
it's even better if the traitor is an insider btw
fuck off zigger
Good, peaceful protests don't do shit.
Exactly. The Kremlin also control Reddit, CNN, the NYT, and Hollywood.
these are not the kind of people I want to be involved in my politics
Wow so much mutts shills it's incredible.

Lemme be clear nigger, while you post on the internet for 7.25 I'm laying at the beach pretending to do some corporate bullshit. No, my employer won't check on me because it's illegal. No he won't fire me, because of union which costs like 2 dollars a year. This isn't even my PTO (of which I have like 6 weeks a year). After that I'm going to get into my 2023 car (fully paid) and go back to my apartment (fully paid) to watch some football (real one). I'm going to order the pizza which I'm going to pay less than 10 dollars with fresh beer and I won't tip anyone.

You want to live like Europeans.
Who cares, it's not like Macron was any better. If this brings us closer to rapprochment with Russia that will already be a good development.
Remigration would be a plus, but I doubt they do it.
they won but do they have majority?
This is what a brain looks like on propaganda. Take notes everyone there will be a test.
>Marine Le Pen
The evil smoker pig? Whose niece who is also involved in her party is the daughter of a Mossad agent? How the fuck is a political party "far-right" when it's run by Mossad and smokers? Is it an Israeli party?
Putin puppet Len Penn....lol seriously get new material you fucking ANTIFA faggot


Fuck the communists in their eye sockets
>repeating proven facts is 'parroting'
In faggoty fag sure...

Mental retard OP try harder
oh look, a fat retard!
Russia is an authoritarian shithole and must be deleted
I'm even ready to make compromises with NATO warmongers like the US if it means Russia dies
Cool, what was the most popular boys name in the UK? Where is Vlad or Andrei on that list? It’s so over the top and obvious it’s not even fun any more. You never give up the punchline, you stay in character too long and it ruins the game for everyone
your leaders are geriatrics
good glory to RUSSIA
yay another seething nafoid thread
Yeah? Who gives a shit. So is USA and by extension NATO which includes France.
at least I still have a brain you fucking meathead
funny isn't it?
I love how "putin's puppet" is the codeword for anyone fighting again the globohomo
Btw, the french far right is supposedly pro-Russia. Macron already said hat foreign policy is made by the president and in the case the far right wins the government, they will only work on domestic affairs. Therefore France will continue to support Ukraine and be hostile to Russia. The far right isn't opposed to that.
Reform UK next up.
>le russian conspiracy
You are very dumb.
good goy
She won't
I love how "globohomo" is the codeword for anyone fighting against authoritarian shitholes
(Verification not required.)
It's been an absolute disaster
We are controlled by jews more than never before
While filling the country with ethnics by the thousands a day
yeah russians are totally good guys known all over the world for their kindness and charitable work
It works in a loop. Misery causes leftism, leftists cause misery. Mo' money for dem programz.
Also anyone who is Israel's bitch is working for Pootin. They did this with Trump. The guy spent 4 years doing whatever Netanyahu asked him for, but the media kept saying Pootin made him win with his hackers. Everyone nows that it's Cambridge Analytica that used Facebook data to send fake news. That company was funded by a pro israel billionaire, not by Russia.
You're the goy here crying about how 1 group of kike puppets is somehow worse than the other virtually identical group.
What's it like being under 20?
there is an easy explanation to that, demons are fenomenally consistent, and this people are steered by demons
Shut the fuck up pigger literally nobody cares about your made up "country" besides annoying virtue signaling faggots. Stop trying to shoehorn your bullshit in every single one of our elections
>Being far right makes you a hecking nazi
hitler was a national socialist.
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>How does the second round work?
Total Jewish sabotage.
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>muh russia
Every antiwhite parasite will pay tenfold in blood seethe more trannykike sage
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can a french explain why this is a major right-wing victory, if Ensemble and NFP work together they have above 50% or am i missing something?
Poutine vite
>putins puppet
>being a faggot
thats so op
>Mediapart keeps seething about how the far left is getting raped in those elections
Good. No need to try to prove me anything, I know that the RN got money from a Russian bank during previous elections, even MLP doesn't try to hide it. Neocons need to stop fucking with European affairs btw, they're only doing harm.
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>a country going right winged is Putins doing and has nothing to do with everyone being beyond fed up with the worthless hordes of shit skins invading and making life objectively worse on a day to day basis

I hate you faggots so much it's unreal.
Very peaceful democracy.
It doesn't matter who wins, all goyim will be sent to the trenches to die.
You have to be a Parisian. You reek of faggotry.
in round 2, all the centrist parties will gang up
they'll withdraw any candidate that came in third, so that the centrist/leftist vote will consolidate and be enough to defeat national rally

where can i find data on what percent of the vote national rally got, and what percent the far left french unbended party got? all the sources i have found group them in with their ally parties
>(((world leading exporter)))

Just say no you spineless faggot
Except that thanks to their "antisemitic" support of Palestine, the NFP can't really get rallied by Macron's party nowadays. The October attacks really changed the viewpoint of the Jews, now most of them are seeking protection from rabbid Muslims and need the far right for that. Of course there are still plenty of Jews in the left (glucksman and so on), but maybe they're becoming divided on their policies, idk. The current prime minister, Gabriel Attal, is a gay Jew and has called to vote against the RN for example.
>unironically posting a merdiapart link
Kek at your retardation and lack of self awarness, it help us a lot actually so thanks for that
>National socialists aren't socialists
They are clearly not.
I swear, Americans are some of the most retarded niggers on this site
OP, where can I find data split up by specific party, and not with their allied parties?
but I le thought being pro-israel is good, saaar.
How can those labelled "nazis" (you know, those guys that allegedly gassed jews and declared a war on their non-white, Neanderthal ass?) Are suddenly...pro-Israel... And this is a problem because ?
You do realize you make anything left/far left sound insanely antisemitic, right ?
You do remember antisemitismus is not kosher, you stupid goy, right ?
Man will be prime minister idiot
They’re socialists but not Marxists. It’s pretty simple
>They voted right because
just another Meloni, Milei, Trump, Zielinsky.. jews pupets all of them.
It’s not though, that’s infantile thinking. Traditionally industry has always been nationalised, even under old Tory system. It was Reaganite thinking that caused privatisation here under thatcher.
They genuinely need a better boogyman.
i dont think betrayal is the right term. they were led to believe it was the moral and rational choice by another force. many of us probably would have fallen for it too
The US propaganda machine just doesnt work anymore. No one gives a fuck if Putin invades half of europe at this point. The mayority just wants the US to dissapear.
I still remember when I was young all the US said was sacred. Saddam its a dictator? Oh no!! Please america destroy evil man!!
They used their tricks too many times and lost their credibility. In fact, none of their wars since Korea was legitimate.
So, does France have neo-nazi paramilitaries roaming the country? no?
did they start worshipping nazi-collaborators who's only achievement in life was the genocide of some peasants? no?
remind me again, how is France supposed to be nazi now? In Ukraine it's pretty obvious, not because of the majority of people believing in it, but because money, weapons and power went to those nazi larpers who are ready to torture and kill their own civilians
How does Putin pay these niggers without any money? Where is it coming from? China? Israel?
you seem to know a lot about faggotry and spreading your ass cheeks wide
not surprising from a russian boot licker
He didn't say "nazis" he said "far right". Which ironically are calling "nazis" far left as part of their pro israel agenda.
sorry couldn't find anything on RT and Telegram
(lot of things the west tries to bury)
>not jews, putin
>media jews keep crying she's "Far Right"
What a fucking joke ... she's "light right" at most. Le Pen LOVES jews btw
>You do realize you make anything left/far left sound insanely antisemitic, right ?
And why the fuck should I care?
what's the difference?
> Putin's puppet
> supports Putin's enemy (Netanyahu)
Why are the left so purposely retarded?
>N-no you !
Every fucking time. Unlike you, I bow to no one and I actually care about my country. Globalist cancer like yourself will get the rope, make no mistake.
Anything to the right of insanity is not a Nazi
Paris looked like a homeless shelter last time I went. Maybe right wing leaders will finally clean it up??
yeah, vote harder pal, that’ll show them
How come any right politician is supposedly in cahoots with Putin but we overlook anyone else who made deals with him and Russia for the last couple decades?
Truly get the noggin going, eh?
why the fuck should trump care if he was accused of antisemitism ?
Or anybody that you Leftards attacked with insane namecallings in the past 8 years.
Russian banks financed her since no French bank would
>gay Algerian Italian mutt
Much better
>your average frenchman in 2024
>that's years out.
There's a big chance that he resigns if he loses this election.
Ukraine will rejoin Russia and they will become the most fervent anti-globohomo state ever to exist after what they did to them. They still have tens of millions of people.
If that's what the people want, how is it undemocratic?
Shut ur ass, leftist scumbag.

You trash literally drive me towards the right because all leftists deserve brutal decapitation.
I mean, how bad can the far right be? It's not like the French have tried it before. They've tried literally everything else.
nazis were leftoid but not far leftoid
they arrested far left jews, for example
Looking for a clip from twitter, I saw it there, it was a french tv show and some jew form some federation of jews in france, supporting replacement nationale. Thanks
seethe, kike
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Far Right is just a political formula.

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