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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I feel like the average IQ of this board is way lower than old /pol/ and old redpill subreddits before they got banned. Between rampant slide threads, arbitrary janny bans and the influx of really derpy third worlders, the intellectual level and stability of most threads has just fallen off a cliff. Are there any alternative forums where the quality of discussion is higher and there aren't so many schizo boomers and <90IQ brown people around?
It's reflective of the real world. No one cares, no one can be arsed. Get used to it
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This also due to a concerted effort of glowie agencies to flood the board with bots and retarded unproductive shitposting and ragebaiting.
They realized they weren't getting anywhere trying to subvert the narratives and ideas to their own ends, and they don't want to shut it down entirely for whatever reason (likely due to surveillance/honeypot/survey data), so instead they just flood the system with shit instead to prevent it from being a danger too them.
They still do CTW here, or that go bye bye? Been a minute...
U.S. election season puts a financial incentive on narrative control which is usually not related to effort posting as it relies on propagating central dogma talking points.

Debate tourism was the end of effort posting for this year. Check back in 2025.
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What manner of effort post do you desire?
i don’t understand. why is your method of fixing the problem complaining about it? be the effort poster you wish to see or kindly shut the fuck up and go write your memoir, fag
Fr3nschan was all effortposts, I miss it
90% of threads are bot/jdif/shady non profits. It's even more retarded because they do this because they think /pol/ is some 'right wing' forum, which is completely false
the 8 place got terminated, that was where the cream of the crop existed. now there's nowhere to go... jews of the internet

captcha 88 0K
When I effort post I get called a shill or anons will just write tl;dr.

It's fine if they can write up a counter theory or something that makes sense but they wont.
You would think that posters that are so quick to dismiss you would be able to write up their own beliefs for me to examine.

Insulting but not providing alternatives and never actually writing anything beyond a few one liners.
Its like when someone claims to be genius or that they can imagine some crazy highly detailed art in their head but have nothing to substantiate their claims.

If you are so capable and amazing why don’t you write something equivalent to what I wrote to explain the world we live, so that I can judge you? Oh right because that would open you up to criticism.

In any case it fuels itself because once you enter and see all the bullshit, you know its pointless to even try and give out some effort.
Real anons live in their car now and phonepost. Clownfare will sadface any effort. Your babble reeks of chatbot brigade 7seven.
I was thinking of going to new zealand when they b& 8. A lucky break! Forwarned. Was waiting for them to nix 4 as a trumpet call to the last battle, but they seem to be going with a grey goo ending.
>I ain't reading all that
>you won't do shit
>two more weeks
Or similar
At least the banter had variety too now its young people just repeating others'
memes with nothing of their own to contribute except demoralization
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Dude it's 4 in the morning.....where it matters
Come to KC. 4chans full of morons and centre-right Trump supporters. You want a real natsoc board try kohlchan int.
Nope. It’s young guys trying to get an easy dopamine fix via replies. They’re no different than girls on social media.its not some shady government agency that’s trying to purposefully ruin an inconsequential Mongolian basket weaving forum. It’s retards doing it for free.
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If you're going to share your worldview and leave out the unseen and spiritual realm when doing so, you are going to fall flat on your face.

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
are you being retarded on purpose because you're completely wrong. How new are you?
I make one occasionally, but I've stopped because this board has become immensely stupid since the faggot beaners and spics started CRUSTY KANG!!-ing all over it. They're genuinely in the mid-80 IQ range, but they post thousands of times per hour.
Not an argument.

There are only a handful of likely reasons for the number of slide threads. Given the two options, the one I put forth is much more believable. “It’s the government” is just a meme that you fell for, proving that you’re not immune to propaganda’s and can’t form your own conclusions.
Believe it or not, the magic jew books aren't real.
The “Reddit bad” meme is so strong that newfags don’t even understand how great it was. Everything went downhill after r/CoonTown was banned. R/incels was also one of my favorite subs.
AI really fucked everything up.
At least he gave a reason why he thinks what he do. You've just stated an opinion as facts
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it was inevitable, more jeets and low IQ retards flood the internet every day
mankind needs a purge before you'll get any meaningful content again

Christ is kang!

You are normies. Not my target audience at all.
>west coast
It’s not just a meme
MIGA boomers have IQ level on par with dodo birds. It's over for /pol/.
jews and browns destroy everything they touch
in other news, water is wet
so you've not even see the various studies by external groups on how to shut down the kind of discussion 4chan allows? Google it you stupid rats and don't reply to me again. Yes of course there's epic trolling and discord trannies but the vast majority is a concerted effort to make the board unusable. Have you never heard of JDIF or the various Jewish community groups?
too many browns isn't it obvious
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>Are there any alternative forums where the quality of discussion is higher
Anyone who's not a fucking retard knows that the time for discussion is largely over. They've shown you their cards, what more do you want?
>tl;dr you won't do shit
I have not. Most probable cause theyre from some really shit source.
>anyone from a certain group that criticises me is a normie
That's called pride and what's why your widsom will fail.
You have never read the Bible. You don't know what a Jew is. You share a lot more in common with the modern "Jew" than I do.
Wisdom? Like dismissing evolution? Christians believe in equality based on the idea of a soul and one god. There is no push for ethnic nationalism. Atheists believe in equality through some twisted version of evolution in which everyone is an individual.
No one is pushing for ethnic nationalism. How can we have representation if there is no side that recognises our ethnic collective?
I'm still writing them whenever there's something to be said.
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I forgot to post this here too
you could've easily googled it before replying and seen seen for yourself mate. Keep believing the daily threads made about inane things like 'hating women' are made by real 4chan users lmao
Our time to shine will come meanwhile acquire redpills. Soon an explosion of truth ideas will flow through the course of time. Our knowledge is power.
Evolution as a foundation for anything means your house of reason will collapse. Evolution is not the truth, creation is. To believe nothing came from nothing is an absurdity. To deny creation it's Creator is delusion.

As for race mixing, Christians as far as I know, marry with their own people more than any other religious/non-religious group in the West.

The fact is, Christianity does not encourage mixing outside of your people but it does encourage sharing the gospel to all.
And nationalism based on ethnicity alone will not work out. There is far more that goes into building the foundation of a civilisation.
That said, I am not denying the genocide of "white" people by "Jews". Problem is, "white" people don't realise "Jews" are Edomites and that these "whites" are probably remnants of Israel. It would explain the Edomites hatred and motivation.
Do any animals other than humanoids worship jesus? Are any of them christian?
If all humanoids disappeared would christianity or the supposed teaching of jesus remain?

Animals are not religious and they do not recognise nor understand the concept of a fictional figure like jesus.

Therefore religion and gods are concepts for humans. They come from humans and are represented by humans.

As such the idea of an allfather can only be applied within the group that you recognise as part of your people. Anything else is blasphemy against god. It is the invalidation of the idea of a god.
>there’s a source but I won’t tell you what it is
>google it yourself
I looked it up and couldn’t find anything.

>Have you never heard of JDIF or the various Jewish community groups?
>”you must be new”
Like I said, you’ve proven that you’re not immune to propaganda. You’ve seen the meme thousands of times so now you just believe it. The JDIF simply existing an isn’t proof of subversion on /pol/. You suggesting that it is is proof of your mental handicap.
Anytime a thread gets interesting they start some d&c bots pitting white nationalism against Christianity. The vitriol of discourse has soaked in so thoroughly the even real anons are unreadable.
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On the matter of individualism and collectivism.

What stops you from being harmed by others now?

The legal framework and its enforcement. Which boils down to the threat of physical violence from the state. Should you go against the state by for example not paying taxes, no matter the number of steps. The end result is in physical repercussions. The resistance to the state enforced physical repercussion is termination by the police or military. The state at this point in time will end your life if you do not pay taxes and resist the physical consequences brought on by the state. Therefore your participation in the collective is under the threat of death.

What is the difference between your rights and the rights of the cattle that we raise?
The recognition by the collective and your representation within the collective. When you are mistreated in such a way that your rights as decided by the collective are infringed, it is the collective that you are part of that will fight to protect you.

All biological life can be considered as in competition for resources. We exist as families, clans, tribes, ethnic groups, nations and empires as a function of that competition. The singular individual will be overcome by the collective. One family will be overcome by a tribe. A tribe will be overcome by a nation.

Therefore when you see every single human individual as equal it is no different to no longer recognising that you are part of a collective. Why should the members of an ethnic collective recognise your rights when you regard all humans as equal thereby refusing to be part of the collective?

You receive the treatment that you are willing to tolerate. With rights that you are willing to fight for. Under the representation of the collective that you belong to. Because the collective is willing to fight for these rights. If you are no longer being represented and are not part of a collective you become no different to cattle heading to slaughter.
Jokes on them. What happens when the pot is boiling and there is no relief valve? Glow niggers don't get this, they did have breakfast this morning.

The vaccine has lowered everyones’ IQ by about 20 points. I feel like an adult babysitting kids here.
christians worship a fucking jew.
This, they think they fit in by doing it. Like this is the accepted behaviour.
try substack
We should allow people to sleep in public.
>Murican' discovering the world is not flat. 2024, colorized.
Mankind aren't animals. Again, your foundation of evolution will be your downfall. Christianity has been around since the inception of the earth, at the revelation of Christ did the faith become fully realised through Him. The gospel was revealed to Abraham, even in Genesis.
Beasts of the field are just that, beasts. They aren't men. Jesus is certainly not a fictitious figure. Western time is centered around Jesus birth and His resurrection is well documented. To deny His resurrection is to commit the same folly as the Jews then, who sought to do the same.

Coming to know God is something that God ultimately wills. There are vessels of life and vessels of destruction. Some are destined to be destroyed for the glory of God and so that through His wrath, His justice may be made manifest to His chosen. It is His good pleasure. The vessels made unto honour are those that believe in Jesus as the Son of God and the Christ, and having loving faith in Him and what He accomplished at Cavalry.
You are insane. Your mind is broken and illogical. Jesus never existed.
there's too many jews with open hands out here
then there's total niggerfaggots like muskrat and kanye who steal content as their own
then there's all the buzzfeed types who use /pol/ to write their articles, and im not talking only leftists, but jews from breitbart and gateway pundit as well

a lot of thieves, i fucking hate thieves, so why not feed them absolute shit and watch them try to digest it? it's like poisoned rat bait, they always take it
Here I wrote this one some minutes ago.

The key to understanding the Jew is recognition of the fact that they are obsessed with responsibility.
Ideologically, this world is theirs, and they are mortified with what other people potentially could do with it.
In pursuit of their fears, they prohibit and restrict activities which they feel could ruin their own reputation with God, as they feel responsible for everyone else.
Another way of looking at it is that they reckon themselves to be shepherds, and goyim to be the flock of sheep. It's why they treat us like cattle, they genuinely believe that's what we are to God.

It's extremely important to recognise that the sense of responsibility and accountability for the actions of complete strangers has pervaded into /pol/ as well.
Almost every single thread that isn't a demoralisation op is about someone being worried for other people, afraid that they themselves will get fucked up by God for letting strangers do as strangers do.

Even the responsibility for children is temporary.
Responsibility is entirely imaginary and doesn't exist. It's a game we play, just like money, and it's entirely fear-based.
Please do note that I'm not talking about being accountable for something you yourself fucked up at the cost of other people.
The fear is you getting fucked at your own cost for other people doing stupid shit you can't control.

Jews beat themselves up over other people all the time, from childhood.
replace responsibility with control and you're closer to the mark
It's the same shithole, but filled with pedophiles. Less shills and retards, sure. Still a cancerous place.
Control is the tool they use to achieve their aim, not the end goal or motive itself.
/pol/ is a doomer board now.
All the good posters went to FC. FC shut down in April so now we're all back here. It was fun while it lasted. Thanks, Stu and Hizzy.
>They’re no different than girls on social media.
But the incentive is to be smart and have smart discussions. Not post titty pictures.
>post gold
>no one cares
I have diarrhea anyway
Yes He did and does. Do you understand your life after your bodily death? It is either eternity or the death of your soul.
You have no proof. You cling to a book written by a nation of liars and parasites.
Zoomers are stupid. Plus the shill farms are staffed by stupid zoomers and ran by derranged lgbbrbbntnq millenials or gen x
>via replies
No one replies to anyome anymore. Everyone just opens the thread, comments on the OP post and then fucks off. There's no discussion. Every thread is just 95% people commenting on the original prompt and then bailing.
>not an argument
Everything doesn't have to be an argument you nigger. Have a discussion instead.
Reddit was ok before 2016. Then Trump won and the kikes took over. r/Whitepeopletwitter used to be funny tweets. Now its just politics, but only the correct (left) politics.
Atheism is a religion.
>no it isn't
You hold a certain set of beliefs that cannot be proven either way to be true or false. You hold those beliefs based on faith that you are correct. Atheism is a religion.
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I post them all the time. You just haven’t noticed.
Tower 7 is quite possibly one of the most comical Jew crimes of the past millennia.
>Jew Silverstein bargaining with Satan so he can collect shekels and install usury in the Middle East
>Jew: I bet I can demo wtc7 without even hitting it with a hologram plane and the goyim will want to invade iraq so we can install a central bank
>Satan: never in a million fucking years will that ever happen, I told you we need to stick with pornography and alcohol and play the long game
>Jew: if it works we get to chop kids dicks off and profit, if it doesn’t we will return israel to Palestine
>Satan: the deal has been struck, can’t wait to watch this utter fucking madness
>tower 7 falls by itself and no body cares and central banking is installed in Iraq and Afghanistan
>Jew: teehee now I’ll bet you we can install a gay nigger as president with the same names as the leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan that we just killed
>Satan: bro pls stop, this is becoming too much of a hellscape for me to enjoy anything but despotism
>barrack Hussein obama gets installed and has child sex parties in the White House paid with taxpayers dollars
>Satan: you cannot keep doing this, there are no more souls for me to corrupt, my entire existence is ruined
>Jew: what’s a matter satan you gonna cry, is someone a little better at your job than you are?
>Satan: I’m begging you now, you’re about to fulfill every single prophecy and usher in a new era of awakening
>Jew: can’t stop won’t stop, Baal needs his foreskins, the tunnels connecting to the ritual bathhouses aren’t paying enough profit, we must activate the masons, jesuits, and xenu to create Jew caste system out in the open now
>Satan: I’m converting to Christianity, you people are fucking nuts, what have I done
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>he never existed
>ended up being the most documented and well known man during antiquity by multiple nations and continents.
>he's actually trying to convince an atheist hes wrong
Dont waste your time anon. The only way to deal with atheists is to tell them atheism is a religion, because it is.
>on /pol/
Have you literally been here longer than 3 months?
This board is for people who forgot their meds
tldr nigger youre just boring
>nigger captcha
>wait 60 seconds
>just to reply to some cia glow nigger or pajeet kike shill
We are raised in a den of vipers and lies. Everything is a lie and everyone is complicit in the lies. Santa Claus, tooth fairy, mcdonalds ads on tv, fat is beauty, porn is good, frozen pizza is food, doctors make us healthy, schools make us smart, all politicians are crooks, but not my guy!

You gotta get ahead in life, son, and you can't do that without money. Don't forget to trade in your old clunker for $500 down on a new $50,000 F-150. That's what life's all about. Woah, anon, you'll never believe it! My bank just upped my credit limit to $6,000! Talk about lucky! Oh yeah, hope you're saving for retirement, we both know you ain't getting any social security haha!

Go talk to her, anon! You have to be a little pushy when it comes to girls. Don't give up! No, not like that! No means no! She's obviously not interested, leave her alone, god! Don't be so creepy. Girls like a nice, sensitive guy who'll open up about his emotions. I divorced my husband recently. I just lost all attraction to him after he told me he was abused as a child. Am I the asshole?

You can't believe anything you read in those books, anon, what do a bunch of intellectuals know. People lie all the time, you actually believe the Civil War happened like they say? Praise be to God! The holiest if holys! Jesus rose and died 2000 years ago, it says so right here! What, you don't believe me? Son, I'm afraid you're gonna have to burn in hell for all eternity now. Them's the breaks, I don't make the rules. At least I'll get to rejoice in heaven! Aren't you happy for me, son?
at any given time there are (my guess) 4-5 instances of pol. We are each routed to the one that gives the least probability of interaction based on our interaction with each other. The board is being divided & conquered.
The Description of Publius Lentullus

The following was taken from a manuscript in the possession of Lord Kelly, and in his library, and was copied from an original letter of Publius Lentullus at Rome. It being the usual custom of Roman Governors to advertise the Senate and people of such material things as happened in their provinces in the days of Tiberius Caesar, Publius Lentullus, President of Judea, wrote the following epistle to the Senate concerning the Nazarene called Jesus.

"There appeared in these our days a man, of the Jewish Nation, of great virtue, named Yeshua [Jesus], who is yet living among us, and of the Gentiles is accepted for a Prophet of truth, but His own disciples call Him the Son of God- He raiseth the dead and cureth all manner of diseases. A man of stature somewhat tall, and comely, with very reverent countenance, such as the beholders may both love and fear, his hair of (the colour of) the chestnut, full ripe, plain to His ears, whence downwards it is more orient and curling and wavering about His shoulders. In the midst of His head is a seam or partition in His hair, after the manner of the Nazarenes. His forehead plain and very delicate; His face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a lovely red; His nose and mouth so formed as nothing can be reprehended; His beard thickish, in colour like His hair, not very long, but forked; His look innocent and mature; His eyes grey, clear, and quick- In reproving hypocrisy He is terrible; in admonishing, courteous and fair spoken; pleasant in conversation, mixed with gravity. It cannot be remembered that any have seen Him Laugh, but many have seen Him Weep. In proportion of body, most excellent; His hands and arms delicate to behold. In speaking, very temperate, modest, and wise. A man, for His singular beauty, surpassing the children of men"

"The Archko Volume"

Another description of Jesus is found in "The Archko Volume" which contains official court documents from the days of Jesus. This information substantiates that He came from racial lines which had blue eyes and golden hair. In a chapter entitled "Gamaliel's Interview" it states concerning Jesus (Yeshua) appearance:

"I asked him to describe this person to me, so that I might know him if I should meet him. He said: 'If you ever meet him [Yeshua] you will know him. While he is nothing but a man, there is something about him that distinguishes him from every other man. He is the picture of his mother, only he has not her smooth, round face. His hair is a little more golden than hers, though it is as much from sunburn as anything else. He is tall, and his shoulders are a little drooped; his visage is thin and of a swarthy complexion, though this is from exposure. His eyes are large and a soft blue, and rather dull and heavy....' This Jew [Nazarite] is convinced that he is the Messiah of the world. ...this was the same person that was born of the virgin in Bethlehem some twenty-six years before..."

- The Archko Volume, translated by Drs. McIntosh and Twyman of the Antiquarian Lodge, Genoa, Italy, from manuscripts in Constantinople and the records of the Senatorial Docket taken from the Vatican of Rome (1896) 92-93

Josephus, the "Antiquities Of The Jews"

This is a quote from Josephus, from his historical first-century writings entitled, "Antiquities Of The Jews," Book #18, Chapter 2, section 3.

"Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day."
Cornelius Tacitus, a Roman historian

Cornelius Tacitus was a Roman historian who lived circa 56-120 AD. He is believed to have been born in France or Gaul into a provincial aristocratic family. He became a senator, a consul, and eventually governor of Asia. Tacitus wrote at least four historic treatises. Around 115 AD, he published Annals in which he explicitly states that Nero prosecuted the Christians in order to draw attention away from himself for Rome's devastating fire of 64 AD. In that context, he mentions Christus who was put to death by Pontius Pilate.

Christus: Annals 15.44.2-8

"Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome..."
Society's changing. Getting lazier. Talking's wearing out. People want experiences, not blather so much.

That said, I have an awesome project I'm going to literally change the world with. Play-anything-and-earn crypto.

A framework that tokenizes activity minutes first for games, then other niches as it's figured out how to bridge the blockchain to the activity stats.

Works for source / goldsource games demonstrably right now.
>written by a nation
It was written by various Hebrews, Judeans/Jews and apostles of Jesus Christ
>and parasites
The contemporary "Jew" is not the same as the Judean found within the Bible, save perhaps within the New Testament. These are very "Jews" that Jesus rebuked time and time again.

Revelation 3:9 (KJV)
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
Sounds awful. Perhaps it will make you rich though. But are those riches worth it?

Matthew 16:26-27 (KJV)
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.”
The board has been in free fall since 2016, and gets worse with each US election. We've gotten so bad that Musk thinks this board no better than Twitter.
Why would it be awful? The tokenomics work out to about $10 an hour playing your favourite thing, during a crashed market. Thanks for the nig though.
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>Where'd the effortposts go?
Most of the non-themed threads (/SETF/, certain covid posts are a themed threads) primarily feature driveby shitposts. You are lucky to have engagement with one other poster in the thread, often none.

It is the opposite of the network effect. Call it the pissing into the wind effect.
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i miss 8pol bros its not fair
I feel like a lot of the effort posters moved on to normie social media platforms. In the last two years I’ve been seeing loads more of redpilling content and anti left wing narratives than ever before. Most anons realized that staying here for too long is fruitless.
Marxism is a religion, materialistic feminism (atheism) is a religion and the lgbt movement along with white guilt are sects within Judeo-materialistic feminism.
Religions are moral and societal guides for normies to follow.
Ethnic groups are massive multicellular organisms. We are of one body. Everyone has a role to play. Individualists are like cancer cells.
People who are not normies are divine sparks that make up the higher consciousness of our ethnic groups.
Real religion and real gods are based on your tribe and blood. It is the metaphysical higher consciousness of your people as a whole. To find god you have to accept that you are a part of the people. A single divine spark of the higher consciousness. Therefore each ethnic group has a religious pantheon composed of the metaphysical higher consciousness.
Including (((them))).
It would have the same characteristics as they do.
Killing, raping, lying, tricking normies, sacrificing children and babies, stealing wealth(life) and living as parasites. Pretty much satan/moloch/baal.

Morality is part of the social hierarchy. It is the biological inclination of individuals to follow rules and orders from leadership class. This is the origin of the normie. The social consensus filter.
Some play the part of the brain and some play the role of the muscle.

Normies are followers in the social hierarchy who view the world through a social consensus filter. Therefore they have a need for a religion and moral guide for them to be able to carry out their function as the muscles of the ethnic group. The best of each social class must also be rewarded with rights to reproduce to improve/refine the metaphysical body. Should the least capable: the lazy, deformed, cowardly, unwilling, degenerate or abnormal breed. The metaphysical body will degrade.
A morality system must account for this.

Jesus Never Existed - Kenneth Humphreys

Because you're reducing time to material wealth.
Hot dog down the hallway effect?
I miss temple of kek on 8 the most.
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>Considering the definition of the moral framework and the foundation myth.
The foundation myth is the foundation for the moral framework. It is the logic from which social consensus and the rules of society are derived from in regards to humanoid competition and organisation.
The social consensus builds off of the moral framework which is constructed around the foundation myth.
There are three general moral frameworks to consider. Christianity, Atheism and Marxism.
Christianity with its foundation myth focuses on the idea of every humanoid on the planet having a (((soul))) and the idea of a universal all powerful god. By claiming that every individual has a soul and can be under one god christianity attacks ethno-centric religions and ethnic nationalism at the same time. Christianity propagates by destroying ethno-centric religions and converting the population(except Judaism wink wink).

Atheism(materialistic feminism) considers all humans as equal based on an individualistic model of human evolution(lol lmao) that denies race and ethnicity. Thus atomising the individual away from the collective. It also disregards the idea of biological social classes and even racial differences in its push for equality. It spreads through invasions of ethno-centric nations by labelling them as fascists or human rights exploiters(with the exception of Israel wink wink). There is another foundation myth and framework hidden within called white guilt. It introduces the idea of a racial sin “white guilt”(just for Europeans) that has to be atoned for with a collective European suicide.

Marxism disregards all biological social roles, the existence of ethnic groups as metaphysical bodies and claims equality for all. Everyone is an individualist, what do you mean by working together and what collective?
It propagates through the invasion of ethno-centric nations with a social hierarchy(cough liberation, workers of the world unite).
>The brain is the oppressor of the body!
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Curiously all three are focused on the claim that all humanoids are equal, all three are focused on destroying ethno-centric religion, destroying the idea of ethnic groups having their own gods and all three reject the idea of biologically set social classes.
By claiming equality for all humanoids irregardless of their ethnic origin through different foundation myths.
All three spread like a parasite or mind virus through uninfected nations.
>Almost as if a social parasite that produces mostly leadership castes would be interested in manipulating its host in such a manner as to displace the natural leadership class.

Imagine the brain of a man being eaten by parasites that rearrange themselves in a manner to control the body. In a similar manner to the zombie fungus. The problem being that the parasite brood breeds at a different rate to the body. The resources provided by the normies are capped in output but within two or three generations the parasites brood can double if not triple in size.
When the parasite brood triples in size and the output of the normies is fixed someone will have to pay for the shortfall. Will it be the new born brood or will it be the host? Imagine the head of this man ballooning as the parasite brood expands beyond what would have been naturally possible in a free standing ethnic group. The body will naturally atrophy while the brood squeezes out every drop of nutrition within the body. The parasites will also lead this zombie host forward to infect more hosts and thereby spread out. I believe that this behaviour must be in some way instinctual.
former effortposter here

/pol/ has become flooded with retards
There's no point in effortposting when halfway through writing it the thread dies or you're post 200 and nobody reads it.
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Boards have become unusable because the jannies delete all remotely interesting threads. Not talking about your thread OP it's pretty shit I have to say, but yeah jannies are heavily censoring all boards since they are paid glowniggers. I know I'm not the only one noticing this.
Let them have it:
>Hello pol, i'm a glownigger
>Here to shut down discussion around the debates
>How do you leave and go back to being the kikes servant my fellow aryan brothers?
Ok, here:
I don’t think the FDIC will insure your account in the case of the inevitable bank collapse and bail out.
As many of you know the fractional reserve requirement was reduced to 0% during covid:
Which means they have no money on hand.
The FDIC has been telling some banks their plans for bankruptcy aren’t sufficient:
There has also been unexplained closures and wiping of bank accounts:
Due to “abuses”.
And guess what? FDIC doesn’t cover losses from cyber crime:
And you know what one of the “biggest threat” to our banking system apparently is? Cyber crime from foreign actors:

>sorry goy
>Russia performed a cyber attack and wiped our servers
>you have zero balance
>but luckily they didn’t wipe our debt server, you still owe us your mortgage
>but we no longer have record that you paid anything into your mortgage
>so we have to start from zero again
In addendum:
Pay off your debts as fast as you can and try to keep $10-20k cash on hand along with some PMs (silver, gold, platinum) if you can.
Start a garden if you can, even a small garden if properly maintained can produce a lot of food. Chickens and rabbits are easy and require little space, if you have more space some goats can produce 1 gallon of milk a day and hogs require very little room and can live under tree cover.
Having food production alleviates some monthly expenditure.
US election year, lots of money will be spent to keep this place 'tarded
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Zoomers and pajeets have sadly taken over. What's the point of making effortposts if they get slid into oblivion by endless ragebait and coombait within 5 minutes? Some of us oldfags who have been here for 10+ years have just given up, while others like me just keep browsing once in a while only because traditional news media is so incredibly slow and fake and gay. But even we are reaching our tolerance limit.
a real community and
some top notch digging went on there
of course they burned it to the ground
Pol is being shoah'd with Slide threads hard after the Biden debate.

The glowies figured out long ago how to shit up the board so that it becomes unusable. Tranny jannies take high quality threads and archive, delete, or move them.

The effort posters are going elsewhere or just shitposting now.
>jews show up
>average IQ goes down
we're just scattered
i've found some on tiktok of all places kek
the airforce moved those people to twitter
something i have also noticed. it's like they search through the posts, find any mention of jesus/god/christianity and proceed to disrupt it

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